Page created by Raymond Campbell
        2020 – 2025
FORWARD                                                               NATIONAL & LOCAL STRATEGIC CONTEXT
The Homelessness Act 2002 requires every local authority to
carry out a review of homelessness every 5 years and publish
a strategy based on the results of the review. This strategy is            Homelessness Reduction Act 2007
based on the findings of consultations with partners,                      National Rough Sleeping Strategy and action plan
stakeholders and service users, a desk top review of statistics            Welfare Reform Act 2012
and actions from the previous strategy and forms the                       Making Every Contact Count – 10 Local Challenges
evidence base for this strategy and action plan.
                                                                           Lancashire Health & Wellbeing Strategy
Homelessness cannot be tackled by the Council working                      Pan Lancashire Domestic Abuse strategy
alone and strong partnership working is key to tackling                    Pennine Lancashire Housing Strategy 2009-2029
homelessness in Hyndburn, both within the Borough and
                                                                           Hyndburn Corporate Strategy 2018-2023
across Pennine Lancashire and county wide. To this end this
strategy defines the strategic approach that the Council and               Hyndburn Community Safety Partnership Plan 2018-19
its partners will take towards addressing and tackling
homelessness in the borough over the next 5 years – 2020 to

The 4 strategic aims for Hyndburn’s strategy are as follows:-

      Prevention and Relief of homelessness
      Provision of temporary accommodation
      Working with landlords and suppliers of
      Tackle and reduce the levels of rough sleeping


                      Refreshed Joint                                                         2 safe houses for
                                                               Cold Weather Night                 victims of
                     Protocol for youth
                                                                Shelter for rough              domestic abuse

Navigator Service                           Universal Credit                                               Dispersed housing
for rough sleepers                           joint working                                                project for homeless
                                                                            Onward Homes
                                              partnership                    established in               families with Calico
                                                                               Hyndburn                      Enterprise and
                                                                                                            Onward Homes
             Annual rough
           sleeper estimate
                                          Key Scheme for
                                          access to private
                                                                     Breathing Space
                                            rented sector
                                                                       Lancashire                  Homeless in Hyndburn
                                                                      ‘Helping Young                Forum meets 3 times
       Homelessness                                                  people find home’                    a year
        Reduction Act
      2017 implemented


Throughout 2019 a full consultation on the current                 The main reasons for homelessness and housing advice
homelessness situation was carried out in Hyndburn. The            queries in Hyndburn during the last 5 years (2014-2019)
following methods were used:-                                      were:-

                                                                         Ending of private rented tenancy
      Homeless in Hyndburn Forum – presentations,
       workshops and discussions                                         Family / friends       no   longer   willing   /   able   to
      Desktop analysis of statistics (Hyndburn Borough
       Council and partners)                                             Domestic abuse / non-violent relationship breakdown

       Desktop review of literature, research and policies        The top support needs of households assessed by the
                                                                   Council during 2018/19 are:-
       Housing Advice service user survey
                                                                         History of mental health problems
       One to one consultation with stakeholders
                                                                         Physical ill health and disability
      Hyndburn Health & Wellbeing Partnership discussion
                                                                         Learning disability
      Hyndburn Community Safety Partnership discussion
                                                                   Single people (all ages) make up the majority of all
                                                                   approaches for assistance.
      Private Landlord Workshop

There is a separate review document that gives an overview
of the current homelessness situation in Hyndburn by looking
at the main causes of homelessness and the current levels of
homelessness of all client groups. Details are given of the
accommodation, support and prevention services in place.

KEY FINDINGS OF THE CONSULTATION                                                     RESOURCES

Challenges                                                           The following table identifies the main ‘resources’ available to
                                                                     tackle homelessness in Hyndburn.
      Cuts to funding and resources
      Impact of welfare benefit changes
                                                                            Supporting People
      Lack of suitable temporary accommodation
                                                                          Accommodation Based           Voluntary and third sector
      Support services – lack of / long wait                            Services e.g. Crossroads,          partner services
      Increase in levels of rough sleeping                                  St James House
      Service users reluctance to engage
      Barriers to accessing social and private sector housing
                                                                         Homelessness Prevention          Rough Sleeping Funds
Improvements / Changes                                                     Fund (via MCLG) for         including Cold Weather Fund
                                                                           prevention activities           and Rapid Rehousing
                                                                                                          Pathway for Navigators
      More preventative work
      Better communication / partnership working
      More temporary accommodation                                      Hyndburn Housing Advice          Discretionary Housing
      Rough sleeper outreach                                                     Team                          Payments
                                                                               4.5 officers

                                                                       Social rented accommodation         Private rented sector
                                                                                via B with Us                accommodation

                                    (2020 – 2025)

                                                                  STRATEGIC AIMS

                                                       Prevention and Relief of homelessness
                                                       Provision of temporary accommodation
                                                Working with landlords and suppliers of accommodation
                                                   Tackle and reduce the levels of rough sleeping

                                           PREVENTION AND RELIEF OF HOMELESSNESS

                 ACTION(S)                                       RESOURCES                       TIMESCALES            OUTCOME
                What we will do                               (funding/staff etc)                                  (success measures)

Review ‘prevention’ work to ensure the Council                Housing Advice Team                       Ongoing    Successful homeless
complies with the new legislative requirement from          Hyndburn Borough Council                                   prevention
56 days
Review ‘relief’ work to ensure the Council is taking          Housing Advice Team                       Ongoing    Successfully relieved
all reasonable steps to help secure accommodation           Hyndburn Borough Council                                 homelessness
for any eligible person who is homeless
Duty to Refer – raise awareness with statutory                Housing Advice Team                  By July 2020     Fewer inappropriate
referral partners and ensure appropriate referrals          Hyndburn Borough Council                                  referrals made
are made                                                    DWP / Probation / Prisons
Identify funding for a Sanctuary Scheme for victims              Hyndburn BC                       By April 2020     Funding in place
of domestic abuse                                                    HARV

ACTION(S)                                        RESOURCES                     TIMESCALES              OUTCOME
                What we will do                                (funding/staff etc)                                  (success measures)

Meeting youth homelessness needs – determine                      Hyndburn BC                    By April 2020         Funding in place
ways to continue funding YNOT Aspire                               YNOT Aspire
Homelessness Strategy Sub-group to monitor             Members of the Homeless in Hyndburn   Commence Spring 2020   Activities in action plan
implementation of the action plan                                     Forum                                                 delivered
Review early intervention activities between the                 Onward Homes                    January 2020       Appropriate and timely
Council and Registered Providers for tenants at risk       Other Registered Providers                                        referrals
of homelessness / threat of eviction                         Housing Advice Team                                        Homelessness
                                                           Hyndburn Borough Council                                         prevented
Establishment of the CAB Housing Support Service         Hyndburn and Rossendale CAB         May 2019 – May 2021    Households sustaining
                                                                                                                     their accommodation
Continue to work with 3rd sector organisations to           Voluntary Sector Partners              Ongoing           Statutory obligations
assist Hyndburn Borough Council in meeting its              Hyndburn Borough Council                                           met
statutory obligations to homeless households                  Registered Providers
Universal Credit Working Group to continue to meet          Hyndburn Borough Council               Ongoing             To mitigate any
to establish good working practice                              Onward Homes                                           difficulties in the
                                                                      DWP                                            continuing role out of
                                                                   H&RV CAB                                            Universal credit
                                                                 Maundy Relief
Review and update the Council’s Housing Advice                Housing Advice Team                  Ongoing          Up to date and relevant
webpages as required                                        Hyndburn Borough Council                                    information for
                                                                                                                     homeless households
Review the success of the Bond Scheme and make                Housing Advice Team              By December 2020       The Bond Scheme
changes if needed.                                          Hyndburn Borough Council                                   remains effective
Review the ‘homelessness portal’ to ensure it is fit          Housing Advice Team                  Ongoing            Ease of access for
for purpose and accessible to homeless                      Hyndburn Borough Council                                     service users
Monitor the delivery the Joint 16/17 year old                    Hyndburn BC                   3 meeting per year   Appropriate responses
homelessness protocol.                                      LCC Children’s Social Care                              to homeless 16 and 17
                                                                                                                          year olds
Joint approach to awarding Discretionary Housing              Housing Advice team
Payments to households at risk of homelessness                  Housing benefits

ACTION(S)                                         RESOURCES                   TIMESCALES          OUTCOME
                What we will do                                 (funding/staff etc)                            (success measures)

Review the impact of Brexit on homelessness as                      Hyndburn BC                   Ongoing
this process is taken forward.
Agree, review or refresh joint working
arrangements and protocols with partners
Develop clear procedures and guidelines for                     Housing Advice Team            December 2020     Consistent service
frontline staff as required                                                                                           delivery
Ensure adequate support for offenders and ex-                Hyndburn Borough Council          January 2021     Appropriate housing
offenders                                                    Probation / Prisons / Shelter                        solutions for ex-
Commitment to early intervention and prevention
Funding for homeless prevention – identify              Via the Homeless Strategy monitoring      Ongoing       Additional funding for
opportunities for funding and joint commissioning of                  Group                                      homeless prevention
services                                                                                                              initiatives
Explore ways to encourage approaches from a                 Approach determined via the         March 2021     Increase in approaches
diverse range of ethnic groups                           Homelessness Strategy Sub-group
Mental health – establish joint ways of working to     Hyndburn Health & Wellbeing Community
assist homeless households with mental health                       Partnership
Be aware of and respond to Legislative changes           Housing Strategy & Policy Manager        Ongoing      Changes incorporated
that impact on the Council’s homelessness duties.           Hyndburn Borough Council                            into service delivery
Update details of the housing stock available in               Housing Advice Team             By June 2020     Updated information
Hyndburn for customer use.                                                                                            available
Provide a customer focused housing advice /                     Housing Advice Team               Ongoing          Tailored advice
options service in accordance with the Council’s                                                                   provided to all
Values                                                                                                               customers

                                           PROVISION OF TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION

ACTION(S)                                     RESOURCES                       TIMESCALES                 OUTCOME
                What we will do                             (funding/staff etc)                                       (success measures)

Explore the opportunities to maximise income from          Housing Advice Team                  By July 2020          Reduced spend on bed
housing benefit in relation to stays in bed and          Hyndburn Borough Council                                         and breakfast
breakfast establishments                                                                                                   placements
Publish a Temporary Accommodation Policy for          Housing Strategy & Policy Manager      By December 2020              Temporary
Hyndburn Borough Council                                        Hyndburn BC                                           Accommodation Policy
Ensure delivery and success of the Calico                    Calico Enterprise            January 2020 and ongoing     Reduced use of bed
Homeless Families Project                                Hyndburn Borough Council                                         and breakfast


                 ACTION(S)                                     RESOURCES                       TIMESCALES                 OUTCOME
                What we will do                             (funding/staff etc)                                       (success measures)

Develop supported residential accommodation for             Building for Humanity         Development complete by      Scheme developed
households on the Council’s housing register with                                                 2022                   and occupied
priority for homeless households and veterans.
Work with third sector organisations and Registered   Housing Strategy & Policy Manager           By 2023                 New supported
Providers to encourage and enable the provision of              Hyndburn BC                                               accommodation
new supported accommodation in Hyndburn                                                                                       provided
Work with B-with-us partners to ensure the                   B with Us partners           By March 2020 and ongoing   Homeless households
successful implementation of the revised B with Us                                                                      receive appropriate
allocations policy particularly in respect of                                                                          priority fro rehouisng
homeless households

ACTION(S)                                       RESOURCES                        TIMESCALES                   OUTCOME
                What we will do                               (funding/staff etc)                                          (success measures)

Access to decent and affordable accommodation              Hyndburn Borough Council              2020 and ongoing           Sustainable housing
for single people especially under 35’s                      Registered Providers                                                solutions
                                                               Private landlords
Develop a private rented sector offer

                                    TACKLE AND REDUCE THE LEVELS OF ROUGH SLEEPING

                 ACTION(S)                                       RESOURCES                        TIMESCALES                   OUTCOME
                What we will do                               (funding/staff etc)                                          (success measures)

Promotion of StreetLink to encourage the                     Housing Advice Team                By November 2020            Assist commissioned
Public to do something positive and practical when         Hyndburn Borough Council                                            services and the
they see someone sleeping rough.                                Maundy Relief                                               Council in responding
                                                                                                                              to rough sleeping
Rough sleeper outreach support. Identify support     Homeless in Hyndburn Forum and action         Summer 2020             Funding identified and
following the ending of the currently funded                 plan monitoring group                                           Navigator Service
Navigator Service                                                                                                                  continuing
Brief partners and the Homeless in Hyndburn            Housing Strategy & Policy Manager            Bi -annually                 Knowledge of
Forum on the local response to rough sleeping                    Hyndburn BC                                                     interventions
Set up a Rough Sleeping sub-group to oversee the       Housing Strategy & Policy Manager     First meeting - Winter 2020   Coordinated and joined
provision of initiatives to tackle rough sleeping                Hyndburn BC                                               up approach to tackling
                                                                                                                                rough sleeping

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