Hybridization, polyploidy and invasion: lessons from Spartina (Poaceae)
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Biol Invasions (2009) 11:1159–1173 DOI 10.1007/s10530-008-9383-2 ORIGINAL PAPER Hybridization, polyploidy and invasion: lessons from Spartina (Poaceae) M. L. Ainouche Æ P. M. Fortune Æ A. Salmon Æ C. Parisod Æ M.-A. Grandbastien Æ K. Fukunaga Æ M. Ricou Æ M.-T. Misset Received: 25 October 2007 / Accepted: 16 January 2008 / Published online: 28 October 2008 Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2008 Abstract In this paper, we examine how the Spartina patterns when considering transposable element inser- system has helped our understanding of the genomic tions or AFLP and methylation alteration. No aspects of allopolyploid speciation in the context of important changes are observed in the invasive allo- biological invasion. More specifically the respective polyploid Spartina anglica that inherited the identical roles of hybridization and genome duplication in the genome to S. 9 townsendii. The repeated rRNA genes success of newly formed allopolyploid species are are not homogenized in the allopolyploid, and both explored. Hybridization appears to have triggered parental repeats are expressed in the populations genetic and epigenetic changes in the two recently examined. Transcriptomic changes suggest possible formed European homoploid hybrids S. 9 towsendii gene silencing in both hybrids and allopolyploid. In the and S. 9 neyrautii. Deviation from parental structural long-term of evolutionary time, older hexaploid Spar- additivity is observed in both hybrids, with different tina species (Spartina alterniflora, Spartina maritima and Spartina foliosa) appear to have selectively retained differential homeologous copies of nuclear M. L. Ainouche (&) P. M. Fortune A. Salmon K. Fukunaga M. Ricou M.-T.Misset genes. Waxy gene genealogies suggest a hybrid Genome Evolution and Speciation Lab., CNRS UMR (allopolyploid) origin of this hexaploid lineage of 6553, University of Rennes 1, Campus Scientifique de Spartina. Finally, nuclear and chloroplast DNA data Beaulieu, Bât. 14A, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France indicate a reticulate origin (alloheptaploid) of the e-mail: malika.ainouche@univ-rennes1.fr invasive Spartina densiflora. All together these studies Present Address: stress hybridization as a primary stimulus in the P. M. Fortune invasive success of polyploid Spartina species. Laboratoire Génome et Développement des Plantes, UMR 5096 CNRS-IRD, Université de Perpignan, 52 Avenue Paul Alduy, 66860 Perpignan, France Keywords Spartina Allopolyploidy Hybridization Invasion Genome evolution C. Parisod M.-A.Grandbastien Phylogeny Laboratoire de Biologie Cellulaire, Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin, INRA, Centre de Versailles, 78026 Versailles, France Present Address: Introduction K. Fukunaga Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Prefectural University of Hiroshima, 562 Nanatsuka-Cho, Shobara, Invasive species are of primary interest in evolution- Hiroshima 727-0023, Japan ary ecology not only because they have important 123
1160 M. L. Ainouche et al. impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity in our last decade, various studies have revealed that these modern human-dominated environments, but because events have critical impact at the molecular, cellular they illustrate a fundamental biological process, that and (organismal) phenotypic levels (reviewed in is, the establishment and expansion of new popula- Comai 2000; Wendel 2000; Osborn et al. 2003; tions in a short period of evolutionary time (Levine Riddle and Birchler 2003; Adams and Wendel 2005; 2003; Sax et al. 2007). Invasive species of recent Albertin et al. 2006; Chen 2007). origin are ideal model systems to investigate the early In this paper, we examine how the Spartina system evolutionary mechanisms associated with their eco- has helped our understanding of the genomic aspects logical success by comparisons with closely related of allopolyploid speciation in the context of biolog- species. ical invasion, with particular focus on S. anglica as a In plants, newly formed polyploids and particularly particularly appropriate model (Ainouche et al. those of hybrid origin (allopolyploids), are frequently 2004a). More specifically the respective roles of invasive species (Brown and Marshall 1981; Barrett hybridization and genome duplication in the success and Richardson 1986; Pandit et al. 2006). Neopolyp- of newly formed allopolyploid species will be loids provide the unique opportunity to compare a new explored. species to its parents as the parent species are easier to identify than for older polyploids where the progen- Spartina: a history of recurrent hybridization itors may have become extinct. Notable examples of and polyploidization new allopolyploid species that spread rapidly and exhibit larger ecological amplitude than the parents Genus Spartina is comprised of about 13–15 species were formed during the last century, such as the that are all perennial, and colonize coastal or inland allopolyploids Tragopogon mirus and T. miscellus salt marshes. Most species are native to the New- (goatsbeard) in North America (Novak et al. 1991; World, and until the nineteenth century, Spartina Soltis et al. 2004), Senecio cambrensis (Welsh rag- maritima was the only native species known in the wort) and S. eboracencis in UK (Abbott and Lowe Old-World, on the Euro-African Atlantic coast. 2004), and Cardamine schulzii (bittercress) in central After some debate in the literature (e.g. Huskins Europe (Urbanska et al. 1997). But one of the most 1930; Marchant 1963) concerning chromosome num- striking examples is represented by the salt marsh grass bers of Spartina, Marchant (1968) was the first to Spartina anglica a model of recent allopolyploid establish that the basic chromosome number in speciation (Ainouche et al. 2004a), which has resulted Spartina is x = 10, as in most other Chloridoideae. in the spectacular expansion of a new polyploid species The extant Spartina species either are tetraploid that has invaded several continents (Thompson 1991). (2n = 40), hexaploid (2n = 60–62), or dodecaploid It has been suggested that hybridization combined with (2n = 122, 124), with possible aneuploidy (Marchant polyploidy confers an immediate ecological aptitude 1968). Polyploidy has played an important role in the to invade new habitats (Barrett and Richardson 1986), genus as all species analysed to date are polyploids and recent insights from evolutionary genetics have with no known diploid species. The numerous small greatly helped our understanding of the evolutionary chromosomes make accurate counts particularly dif- processes affecting invasive plant species (Schieren- ficult in Spartina, and most taxa need additional beck and Ainouche 2006). cytological investigations at the population level. The Allopolyploidy results from the combination of earliest comprehensive taxonomic study of the genus two important evolutionary events: interspecific was performed by Mobberley (1956) who detected hybridization, which is the merger of two divergent several cases of putative hybrid origin of species on the (homeologous) nuclear genomes, and polyploidiza- basis of morphology (e.g. Spartina 9 caespitosa, tion where whole genomes are duplicated. The recent intermediate between the North-East American spe- awareness that genome duplication is a much more cies Spartina patens and Spartina pectinata, or the widespread phenomenon than previously thought in South-East American Spartina longispica suspected to Eukaryotes (e.g. Wolfe 2001; McLysaght et al. 2002; be hybrid between the East-American Spartina alter- Cui et al. 2006), has generated a growing interest in niflora and the South-American Spartina densiflora. the genomic consequences of polyploidy. During the But the most spectacular cases of hybridization 123
Hybridization, polyploidy and invasion 1161 resulted from recent events following introduction of (Foucaud 1897), and named Spartina 9 neyrautii Spartina species outside their native range. (Jovet 1941). According to their different morphol- The hexaploid S. alterniflora (2n = 62) was intro- ogy, some authors suggested that S. 9 neyrautii and duced in the mid-1970s in the San Francisco Bay of S. 9 townsendii might result from reciprocal crosses; California where it now co-occurs with native S. however, molecular data revealed that both hybrids foliosa (2n = 60). Spartina alterniflora plants spread share the same chloroplast genome of S. alterniflora rapidly with greater tolerance of tidal submersion that was then the maternal parent to both hybrids (Daehler and Strong 1997). Hybridization between (Baumel et al. 2003). the native and the introduced species has been shown After 1890 in England, fertile plants were recorded to occur in both directions (Antilla et al. 2000), with that appeared to have resulted from chromosome S. alterniflora exhibiting greater male fitness (Antilla doubling in S. 9 townsendii (Marchant 1963), thus et al. 1998). Recurrent back-crosses and pollen leading to the formation of a new allopolyploid swamping have resulted in hybrid swarms that species named S. anglica (Hubbard 1968). The display most frequently the chloroplast genome of vigorous plants have rapidly colonized the British S. foliosa and up to 90% nuclear markers specific to (Raybould et al. 1991a; Thompson 1991) and French S. alterniflora (Ayres et al. 1999; Antilla et al. 2000). (Guénégou and Levasseur 1993) salt marshes and The fitness superiority (Ayres et al. 2007) and spread estuaries, via natural dispersal of seeds and rhizomes of the hybrids in California marshes (Ayres et al. by tidal flow, currents and sea birds. Spartina anglica 2004) is considered as a threat to the native S. foliosa has a large ecological amplitude along the succes- populations (Ayres et al. 2003), and recent surveys sional marsh gradient, tolerating several hours of have confirmed the great ecological impact of these immersion at high tides, and thus is able to occupy a hybrids is in the tidal marshes of the San Francisco vacant niche as a pioneer species in the low tide zone. Bay in California (Ayres et al. 2004). Other inter- The robust shoots, rhizomes and root system enable specific hybridization events have been further this species able to accumulate large volumes of tidal recorded: the austral cordgrass S. densiflora, native sediments. This causes a rise of the sediments and to South America, was also introduced to California, makes the habitat more terrestrial, allowing coloni- probably from Chile, during the late eighteenth zation by other salt marsh plant species. By century via solid ballast (Spicher and Josselyn modifying the physical structure of intertidal coastal 1985; Bortolus 2006). It is now well-established in zones, and altering salt-marsh dynamics, S. anglica is Humboldt Bay where it is the dominant salt marsh considered an ‘‘ecosystem-engineer’’ (sensu, Jones plant (Kittelson and Boyd 1997). Spartina densiflora, et al. 1994; Boumat et al. 2005). After a variable first thought to be a variant of the native S. foliosa, period of rapid expansion, S. anglica populations was transplanted during the late 1970s to the San experience ‘‘dieback’’ in older colonized sites, which Francisco Bay for marsh restoration (Faber 2000) is probably caused by age-related decline of vigour or where it is now spreading (Ayres et al. 2004). by competition with other species after niche eleva- Recently, hybrids between introduced S. densiflora tion (Gray 2004; An et al. 2004). and native S. foliosa individuals have been recorded Spartina anglica was deliberately introduced in in San Francisco Bay and this again may have several parts of the world (North Europe, Australia, important evolutionary impact in the Californian salt New Zealand, China, North America) for land recla- marshes (Ayres and Lee 2004; Ayres et al. 2008). mation and marsh restoration purposes. Over 175,000 In Europe, S. alterniflora was accidentally intro- plant fragments were brought by ship from Poole duced during the nineteenth century in southern harbour around the world between 1924 and 1936 England and western France, where it hybridized (Hubbard 1965). Spartina anglica has rapidly with the native S. maritima (2n = 60). In England, expanded in its introduced range, and has now a hybridization recorded in 1870 gave rise to worldwide distribution. The rapid spread of the S. 9 townsendii, a perennial sterile hybrid (Groves introduced populations has lead to various attempts and Groves 1880). Another sterile hybrid between to control or eradicate the species via either physical S. alterniflora and S. maritima was discovered in removal or chemical treatments (Cornette et al. 2001; 1892 in southwest-France in the Bidassoa estuary Hacker et al. 2001; Hammond and Cooper 2002; 123
1162 M. L. Ainouche et al. Hedge et al. 2004; Cottet et al. 2007), and Sparti- The various biological (morpho-anatomical, phys- na anglica is now listed among the 100 ‘‘World’s iological) traits that make S. anglica so successful worst’’ invaders (IUCN 2000). Its expansion has have, with no doubt, evolved with the allopolyploidy increasingly fascinated the ecological research com- event, which has focused our attention on the munity, as illustrated at the three international invasive genomic determinants of invasiveness in a context Spartina conferences held in 1990 (Seattle, WA, of hybridization and genome duplication. It should be USA), 1997 (Olympia, WA, USA) and 2004 (San- stressed that the consequences of these important Francisco CA, USA). In the abundant literature on the mechanisms may vary in nature and intensity at dramatic ecological changes brought about by S. ang- different evolutionary timescales during the history of lica, however, there is no clear consensus about the a species (Wendel 2000). By its recurrent history of respective beneficial or negative impacts of this new hybridization and polyploidization (Ainouche et al. species (Doody 1990). Spartina anglica is considered 2004b), the genus Spartina offers particular opportu- a threat to salt marsh conservation by displacing native nities to explore the fate of allopolyploid genomes species and by changing water circulation patterns over short and long-term of the evolutionary time. after sediment accretion (Gray et al. 1997). It may have negative economic impact by modifying oyster fishery A window into the birth of an invasive hybrid sites and tourist activity zones. In contrast, positive species: the ‘‘Genome shock’’ hypothesis effects include coastal protection and stabilization, in nascent allopolyploid Spartina formation of nesting area for various seabird species, increased diversity of epibenthic species (Doody The hybrids and new allopolyploid that have formed 1990), sediment oxygenation and detoxification, and in western Europe provide a unique opportunity to in phytoremediation (Lee 2003). analyze the immediate consequences of hybridization Explanations for the invasive success of S. anglica and polyploidy in natural populations and to compare have been long debated (e.g. Thompson 1991), and the new species to its extant progenitors. The this question is of particular interest in the context of available records concerning the timing of these global climatic change, especially in the northern events and the progression of the invasive popula- boundary of its geographical range (Loebl et al. tions along the coast of various continents provide an 2006). Phenotypic plasticity in this species is con- invaluable historical context for evolutionary genetic sidered as a feature that may have significantly studies. The first molecular evidence for the hybrid influenced spread and persistence of the populations origin of S. anglica came from the analysis of in the varying environment of salt-marsh succession isozyme loci that exhibited additive allelic composi- (Thompson et al. 1991a, b). Physiological traits of tion of the patterns observed for S. maritima and S. anglica include a C4-type metabolism with S. alterniflora and fixed heterozygosity (Guénégou unusual rates of photosynthesis at relatively low et al. 1988; Gray et al. 1990). Narrow allozyme temperatures compared to other C4 species, allowing diversity at the sampled British sites in both the both tolerance to salinity and colonization of cool parental species and the allopolyploid was also temperate climatic regions (Long et al. 1975). encountered (Raybould et al. 1991a, b). Various Survival of S. anglica in anoxic sediments is facil- DNA marker analyses revealed that the allopolyploid itated by its particular ability to develop aerenchyma displays the same multilocus genotype as the British systems that supply the submerged plants with F1 hybrid S. 9 townsendii, and lacks interindividual athmospheric oxygen and efficiently transport oxygen genetic diversity. The same ‘‘major genotype’’ to the roots (Maricle and Lee 2002). Spartina anglica (Baumel 2001; Baumel et al. 2001, 2002a; Ainouche displays enhanced mechanisms to transport O2 and et al. 2004c) was predominantly encountered in exhibits five time higher H2S removal than its British, French and Australian populations, although progenitor species S. alterniflora (Lee 2003). The some variants were recorded by Ayres and Strong young allopolyploid has tolerance to highly reducing (2001), that resulted from ‘‘maritima-type’’ RAPD or and sulfidic sediments conditions, which may explain ISSR fragment loss. All the individuals examined in its ability to colonize successfully low-marsh zones the populations of S. anglica from England (Ferris (Maricle et al. 2006). et al. 1997) and France (Baumel et al. 2001, 2003) 123
Hybridization, polyploidy and invasion 1163 exhibited the same chloroplast sequences as the F1 rDNA units with novel derivatives (Kovarik et al. hybrids S. 9 townsendii and S. 9 neyrautii and as 2004). Rapid epigenetic and expression alterations S. alterniflora, which was therefore deduced to be the are expected in allopolyploids (Riddle and Birchler maternal genome donor in both hybridization events 2003; Osborn et al. 2003; Liu and Wendel 2003; (England and France). The presence of only one Chen 2007). Preferential restructuring was observed chlorotype (from S. alterniflora) together with the in the paternal genome of synthetic Nicotiana allop- lack of interindividual variation in S. anglica reinforce olyploids, which was in accordance with changes the ‘‘unique origin’’ hypothesis of the allopolyploid; observed during natural evolution of tobacco (Ska- as the parental species S. maritima and S. alterniflora lická et al. 2005). In contrast, structural ‘‘stasis’’ was lack variation in the region where they hybridized found in synthetic allopolyploid Gossypium (Liu (Raybould et al. 1991b; Baumel et al. 2003; Yannic et al. 2001) and natural young Tragopogon allopo- et al. 2004), any recurrent hybridization event would lyploids (Pires et al. 2004), indicating that different have involved very similar parental genotype. In any systems may respond variously to allopolyploidy. case, S. anglica seems to have experienced a strong genetic bottleneck at the time of its formation in southern England (Ainouche et al. 2004a), which DNA fragment additivity and elimination contrasts with the multiple origins reported in several recent allopolyploids (e.g. Tragopogon) where recur- The genomes of the recent hybrids and allopolyploid rent and bidirectional hybridisation events involving of Spartina were found mostly additive (93.5%) with different parental genotypes resulted in increased respect to parents when investigated using multilocus genetic variation of the new species (Soltis and Soltis RAPD, ISSR, IRAP and REMAP markers (Baumel 1999). Consequently, genetic diversity in S. anglica et al. 2001, 2002a; Ainouche et al. 2004a). In relies primarily on the subsequent dynamics of its multigene families that may undergo rapid concerted hybrid genome. evolution such as rDNA genes, both parental repeat Although the parental species S. maritima and types were found in most populations of S. anglica S. alterniflora derive from a common hexaploid investigated to date in England and in France ancestor, their nuclear sequences display consistent (Fig. 1a). Diagnostic restriction sites discriminate nucleotide changes (Baumel et al. 2002b). Thus, two the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of divergent genomes are reunited in the same nucleus S. maritima and S. alterniflora sequences and allow of the sterile hybrids S. 9 neyrautii, S. 9 townsendii rapid population screening and check for additive and the fertile allopolyploid S. anglica. The merger of patterns in the allopolyploid. However, one individ- differentiated genomes after interspecific hybridiza- ual sampled in Brittany displayed only a ‘‘maritima- tion was early described as a ‘‘genomic shock’’ type’’ repeat (Fig. 1b), suggesting that variable levels (McClintock 1984) entailing profound instabilities of concerted evolution may occur in some popula- and restructuring of the genomes; these have recently tions. This hypothesis should be explored further, attracted much attention in the context of allopoly- together with the potential variation of the respective ploidy (Comai et al. 2003; Riddle and Birchler 2003; parental repeats as encountered in the young popu- Adams and Wendel 2005; Chen and Ni 2006). lations of the allopolyploids T. mirus and T. miscellus Experimentally resynthesized polyploids have (Kovarik et al. 2005). revealed that hybridization and genome duplication Genome-wide AFLP analyses were performed may be followed by immediate and extensive struc- (Salmon et al. 2005) in order to explore the imme- tural changes, evidenced in Brassica (Song et al. diate genetic consequences of hybridization and 1995), Triticum (Liu et al. 1998) and Nicotiana (Lim polyploidisation in S. alterniflora and S. maritima et al. 2007). Various mechanisms appeared to be derivative species (S. 9 neyrautii, S. 9 townsendii involved, such as DNA fragment elimination associ- and S. anglica). The parental species displayed ated with transposable element activation (Levy and consistent interspecific polymorphism that allowed Feldman 2004; Chantret et al. 2005), homeologous examination of departures from additivity at multiple recombination (Nicolas et al. 2007), intergenomic loci in the hybrids and the allopolyploid. About 10% translocations (Lim et al. 2004) or replacement of of parental AFLP fragments were absent in the F1 123
1164 M. L. Ainouche et al. Fig. 1 Restriction patterns of the ITS region of nrDNA of S. anglica sampled in Brittany (Anse de Poulguin, Finistère). (digested with MspI). a Additivity of the parental patterns in c Restriction patterns on cDNA from leaves of S. anglica S. anglica. b Loss of alterniflora-type repeats in one individual hybrids, most originating from the maternal parent, S. alterniflora, and most of the SSAP was observed S. alterniflora. Although the two hybrids exhibited between the two parental species. Interestingly, a some differences, most of the missing DNA frag- higher amount of species-specific Cassandra insertions ments (60%) were common, which suggests that the is detected in S. maritima, suggesting that this species same genetic changes occurred in the two indepen- could be more permissive than S. alterniflora to dently formed hybrids from England and from Cassandra amplification. However, no burst of trans- France. Principal component analysis (PCA) of the position was detectable after hybridization or genome AFLP data (Fig. 2a) illustrates the genomic diver- doubling as suggested by the few new SSAP bands gence of the parental species, and departure from the encountered in the hybrids and the allopolyploid parental additivity of the hybrids that display very (Table 1). Most of the changes are band losses that similar changes. In contrast, genome doubling in have originated during the successful merging of S. anglica did not alter further the genome structure differentiated genomes by hybridization. Several inherited from S. 9 townsendii (Fig. 2a). SSAP bands of S. alterniflora (maternal) origin were eliminated in both independently formed hybrids, albeit the loss was more pronounced in S. 9 townsen- Transposable element activation dii. In contrast, loss of SSAP bands of S. maritima (paternal) origin was much more pronounced in As mentioned above, transposable elements have been S. 9 neyrautii, and as a result, SSAP patterns of shown to be involved in hybrid genome restructuring. S. 9 neyrautii and S. 9 townsendii were rather dif- The screening of insertional polymorphisms in the ferent, as illustrated by the PCA analysis of the SSAP populations of S. anglica using IRAP and REMAP fragments (Fig. 2b). S. anglica is very close to its markers initially developed on barley (Kalendar et al. progenitor S. 9 townsendii, indicating that genome 1999) did not detect significant bursts of transposition doubling did not trigger major alteration of Cassan- (Baumel et al. 2002a). Sequence specific amplified dra’s insertions. polymorphism (SSAP) profiles of transposable ele- ments have been generated in Spartina, according to a retrotransposon-anchored PCR strategy. This AFLP- SSAP and AFLP comparison derived method was successfully employed to detect multiple insertional events in allopolyploids (Petit SSAP and AFLP patterns were compared by a et al. 2007). By using a primer designed in the Co-inertia analysis (Dolédec and Chessel 1994) here, retroelement Cassandra previously characterised in significantly maximising the joint structure between S. alterniflora (AY603377), insertional polymorphism PCA upon AFLPs and SSAP, respectively (Fig. 2c). was explored in Spartina. Consistent alterations were Since the Co-inertia analysis between AFLP and encountered between the parental species, the hybrids SSAP data resulted in significant association, the and the allopolyploid (Table 1). Spartina maritima dynamics of the transposable element Cassandra and presented a higher number of SSAP fragments than the whole genome appear non-independent. Although 123
Hybridization, polyploidy and invasion 1165 Fig. 2 Ordinations of the genome-wide markers characterised in the parental taxa of S. anglica. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) profiles of the taxa are presented as open circles and sequence specific amplified polymorphism (SSA) profiles of the transposable element Cassandra are presented as grey circles. a Principal component analysis (PCA) on covariance matrix among the AFLP profiles. The first and the second axes of the ordination summarise 59.3 and 30.2% (respectively) of the variance contained in the dataset. b PCA on covariance matrix among the SSAP profiles of Cassandra. The first and the second axes of the ordination summarise 65.6 and 20.6% (respectively) of the variance contained in the dataset. c Co-inertia analysis maximising the joint structure of the two PCA presented in (a) and (b) in a single reduced space. Significance of the association has been tested by 9,999 Monte–Carlo permutations AFLP showed that S. 9 neyrautii, S. 9 townsendii losses from both parental genomes. This pattern and S. anglica present globally similar genomes, indicates that Cassandra had different dynamics in SSAP data based on the Cassandra elements suggest these two hybrids that were derived independently that the repetitive sequences of S. 9 townsendii and from the same maternal and paternal species. Inter- the allopolyploid altered the genome in a way that estingly, this pattern agrees with the pronounced mainly resembles the paternal parent (S. maritima). In morphological differences between the hybrids. contrast, repetitive sequences of S. 9 neyrautii were Given that most of the molecular changes affected apparently not altered in this way, with significant the maternal genome, especially in S. 9 townsendii, 123
1166 M. L. Ainouche et al. Table 1 Origin and dynamics of the SSAP bands (Cassandra) in the recent Spartina F1 hybrids and allopolyploid Origin of the SSAP band SSAP bands observed in Parents Hybrids Allopolyploid Both hybrids S. 9 neyrautii S. 9 townsendii S. anglica S. alterniflora 34 8 13 2 9 S. maritima 78 59 3 16 75 Both parents 97 93 1 3 96 New band – 3 1 1 0 Hybrid – – – – 3 massive loss of AFLP and SSAP loci is unlikely to be of the changes in the two natural hybridization explained by nucleo–cytoplasmic interactions (Tiffin events. Interestingly, most of the methylation changes et al. 2001). that are observed in the allopolyploid S. anglica were It is tempting to fit these observations into a model also already present in the F1 hybrid townsendii of differential genome dosage (Dilkes and Comai (30%). About 10% novel methylation alterations that 2004; Josefsson et al. 2006). No clear transposition of were initiated in the hybrid were also observed in the Cassandra was detected in Spartina hybrids, however, allopolyploid. Thus, epigenetic changes were trig- it can be speculated that merging two parental gered by hybridization rather than by genome genomes with rather different transpositional permis- duplication during the allopolyploidization process. sivities through hybridization would have created an Epigenetic phenomena play important roles in the unbalanced situation, in which potential amplifi- regulation of gene expression and have been shown to cations would have led to deleterious genomic be involved in dramatic rapid phenotypic changes in situations and survival of the hybrid genome would synthetic allopolyploids (reviewed in Osborn et al. have been insured via restructurings reducing the 2003). The important methylation alterations, con- potential activity of Cassandra elements, especially of trasting with the relative structural additivity S. alterniflora origin. This hypothesis could perhaps encountered in S. anglica could account for the be further reinforced by the observation that important morphological plasticity reported for this the hybrid S. 9 townsendii (that exhibits more species. Epigenetic changes that are potentially similar SSAP patterns to the paternal parent than reversible provide a flexible way to respond to various S. 9 neyrautii) maintains a large number of vigorous environmental or genomic stresses (Chen 2007). individuals in England and produced a fertile allo- Silencing of homoeologous rRNA genes, for example, polyploid derivative, while S. 9 neyrautii, which was led to the well-known ‘‘nucleolar dominance’’ phe- unable to eliminate most of the S. alterniflora nomenon where epigenetic processes may interact maternal elements, is declining in the Basque region with intergenomic homogenization in allopolyploids of France after facing anthropogenic habitat modifi- (Dadejová et al. 2007). In S. anglica, most of the cation (Hubbard et al. 1978; Baumel et al. 2003). individuals examined to date that exhibit both parental repeat-types of rRNA genes display also both parental transcripts from S. maritima and S. alterniflora Epigenetic and expression alterations (Fig. 1c). Joly et al. (2004) found preferential expres- sion of rRNA homeologues in natural Glycine Epigenetic changes were investigated using methyl- allopolyploids, but this bias was absent in synthetic ation-sensitive AFLP (MSAP) in Spartina (Salmon polyploids and F1 hybrids. Global expression patterns et al. 2005). Only 52% parental additivity was are currently being examined in Spartina, and encountered in the hybrids, with more than 34% of preliminary screening using cDNA AFLP indicate methylation changes shared by S. 9 neyrautii and that both hybridization (in S. 9 townsendii) and S. 9 townsendii, which suggested the reproducibility genome duplication (in S. anglica) entail 123
Hybridization, polyploidy and invasion 1167 transcriptional changes resulting from parental cDNA (Waxy, ITS) and chloroplast (trnT–trnL) genes. By band loss (Ainouche et al. 2004c). Although these comparing the topologies obtained with the different fragment losses could be partly related to genomic data sets this study revealed that genus Spartina was changes as found by Tate et al. (2006) in recent split in two major lineages. The first one included all Tragopogon allopolyploids, they also may reveal the tetraploid species from the new world except occurrence of gene silencing in the Spartina hybrid S. argentinensis which was placed in the second and allopolyploid. Gene silencing, unequal homeolo- lineage as sister to a sub-clade containing the three gous gene expression, and subfunctionalization, hexaploid species S. maritima, S. foliosa and where a gene acquires different expression patterns, S. alterniflora. The molecular divergence between were demonstrated in both synthetic and natural these species was consistent with their hybridization allopolyploid cotton, which indicates that such imme- patterns (Ainouche et al. 2004b), i.e. fertile hybrids diate functional plasticity may operate over long and back-crossing followed hybridization between periods of evolutionary time (Adams et al. 2003). weakly divergent sister species (S. foliosa and S. alterniflora), and sterile F1 hybrids resulted from Genome evolution in ‘‘older’’ polyploid Spartina: hybridization between more divergent species gene histories in a reticulate context (S. maritima and S. foliosa). These studies indicate that the hexaploid Spartina Polyploidization entails the immediate duplication of share a common hexaploid ancestor and provide a all genes, thus resulting in global functional redun- historical framework for further investigations. For dancy that increases the structural and metabolic instance, how many gene copies have the tetraploid plasticity of the newly formed genome. As the extant and hexaploid Spartina species retained over their species of Spartina present different ploidy levels, evolutionary history? For repetitive rDNA genes, no they offer the opportunity to explore the fate of sequence heterogeneity was encountered in hexaploid duplicated genes (homeologues) in the long-term and tetraploid Spartina species by Baumel et al. perspective. Homeologues may undergo various (2002a), suggesting that these species are old enough evolutionary fates (e.g. see Adams and Wendel to have completed homogenization through concerted 2004 for a review). At the structural level, the evolution, thus contrasting with the presence of both duplicated loci may be either retained or lost (Ohno parental repeats in the recent allopolyploid S. anglica. 1970; Lynch and Force 2000; Lynch and Conery The evolutionary dynamics of the low-copy num- 2000). Highly repeated regions may undergo con- ber gene Waxy was investigated in genus Spartina certed evolution following interlocus homogenization (Fortuné et al. 2007). Extensive molecular cloning towards one of the parental repeats (e.g. rDNA genes, and analyses of gene tree topologies revealed a more Wendel et al. 1995). As this phenomenon is progres- complicated situation than previously thought: the sive, this homogenization can be partial in a given Waxy gene underwent additional gene duplication polyploid species (Alvarez and Wendel 2003; prior to formation of genus Spartina, leading to the Rauscher et al. 2004). This dynamic is an important existence of two paralogs. It is not clear yet whether parameter to consider when reconstructing polyploid these paralogs are a consequence of a paleoduplica- species history using phylogenetic approaches. More- tion in the Poaceae (Paterson et al. 2004) or instead over, distinguishing orthologous copies (diverging resulted from independent individual gene duplica- after dichotomic speciation), homeologous copies tion in the Chloridoideae subfamily. With respect to (i.e. orthologues from different species reunited in these paralogs, six duplicated Waxy copies are the same nucleus after allopolyploidization) and expected in a hexaploid species and four duplicated paralogous copies (diverging after individual gene copies in a tetraploid species. However, from one to duplication) is of critical importance in nuclear genes three copies and one to two copies were encountered (Small et al. 2004). In phylogeny, tree topologies may in the hexaploids and tetraploids, respectively. The be used to infer gene history versus organismal Waxy gene displayed differential pattern or gene (species) history in a given historical framework. retention and loss among the lineages (i.e. different The first phylogenetic study in Spartina performed copies were retained in the different species). Copy- by Baumel et al. (2002b) was based on nuclear number was not correlated with the ploidy level as 123
1168 M. L. Ainouche et al. some tetraploid species such as S. patens displayed patterns among different nuclear and chloroplast data two copies of Waxy whereas only one copy was found sets (Baumel et al. 2002b). This conflict was inter- in the hexaploid S. maritima. All the retained copies preted as resulting from either paralogous sampling in were selectively constrained as suggested by the a polyploid species or from a possible consequence of relative rates of synonymous and non-synonymous reticulate events where the analysed sample of S. substitutions in the coding portions of the gene densiflora was collected (California). The possibility (Fortuné et al. 2007). These patterns well illustrate of hybridization between S. densiflora and hexaploid the dynamics of nuclear gene duplication and loss, as species was confirmed recently by the occurrence of observed for ADH genes in polyploid cotton (Small hybrids recorded between native S. foliosa and and Wendel 2002). introduced S. densiflora in California (Ayres and The Waxy gene trees also provided new insights on Lee 2004) as mentioned above. However, extensive older, reticulate events that have contributed to the molecular analyses (Fortuné et al. 2008) from various formation of polyploid Spartina species (Fortuné S. densiflora samples collected in both introduced et al. 2007, 2008). The gene tree topologies allowed populations from California and South-America the identification of three divergent homoeologous (Chile and Argentina where the species is native) copies that have contributed to the hexaploid lineage indicated that all the populations investigated exhib- of Spartina, suggesting that the hexaploid species S. ited almost identical chloroplast and ITS sequences foliosa, S. alterniflora and S. maritima have a hybrid which were very similar to those of the tetraploid S. (allopolyploid) origin (Fig. 3). Another species, arundinacea (native to subantarctic islands). Three S. densiflora, displayed conflicting phylogenetic different copies were encountered for the nuclear Fig. 3 Divergent (straight lines) and reticulate (curved lines) phylogenetic relationships in genus Spartina. Filled boxes indicate notorious invasive species 123
Hybridization, polyploidy and invasion 1169 Waxy gene: one copy is sister to a copy found in S. through hybridization, combined with polyploidy arundinacea and the two others are sister to copies of had critical impact on the evolutionary success of the hexaploid species (S. alterniflora, S. maritima), invasive Spartina species. confirming the hybrid origin between the two lineages. Chromosomes counts and genome size Acknowledgments This work is supported by the French National Research Agency (A.N.R.) biodiversity programme measurements using flow cytometry analyses (Ayres ‘‘effects of polyploidy on plant genome evolution and et al. 2008; Fortuné et al. 2008) revealed that this biodiversity’’, and by CNRS funds (UMR CNRS 6553 species has 2n = 70 chromosomes in both native and Ecobio, Centre Armoricain de Recherches en Environnement introduced populations. Consequently, S. densiflora CAREN). P. M. Fortuné benefited from a PhD grant (Ecole Normale Supérieure). C. Parisod and K. Fukunaga were funded appears to be alloheptaploid resulting from hybrid- by postdoctoral grants from the A.N.R. and the French ization between a tetraploid species related to S. Ministry of Research, respectively. K. Schierenbeck and D. arundinacea and a hexaploid species probably related Ayres are thanked for stimulating scientific exchanges on to S. alterniflora that is native to the eastern coast and hybridization and invasion. occurs in South-America (Fig. 3). S. densiflora is of particular interest as it is also known to be very invasive in the regions where it has been introduced References (e.g. California and Spain), with a large ecological range (Mobberley 1956; Nieva 1996; Kittelson and Abbott RW, Lowe AJ (2004) Origins, establishment and evo- lution of new polyploid species: Senecio cambrensis and S. Boyd 1997; Clifford 2002; Nieva et al. 2002; Vicari eboranensis in the British isles. Biol J Linn Soc 82:467–474 et al. 2002; Bortolus 2006). Hybridization in this case Adams KL, Wendel JF (2004) Exploring the genomic mys- appears to have involved even distant lineages in teries of polyploidy in cotton. Biol J Linn Soc 82:573–581 Spartina (Fig. 3). Adams KL, Wendel JF (2005) Allele-specific, bidirectional silencing of an alcohol dehydrogenase gene in different organs of interspecific diploid cotton hybrids. Genetics 171:2139–2142 Summary and conclusions Adams KL, Cronn R, Percifield R, Wendel JF (2003) Genes duplicated by polyploidy show unequal contributions to the transcriptome and organ-specific reciprocal silencing. In conclusion, what we have learned from the Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100:4649–4654 Spartina system is that this genus has a deeper Ainouche ML, Baumel A, Salmon A (2004a) Spartina anglica reticulate history than expected. Hybridization repre- schreb. a natural model system for analysing early evo- sents the primary stimulus in the evolutionary lutionary changes that affect allopolyploid genomes. 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