A genome scan of diversifying selection in Ophiocordyceps zombie ant fungi suggests a role for enterotoxins in co evolution and host specificity

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A genome scan of diversifying selection in Ophiocordyceps zombie ant fungi suggests a role for enterotoxins in co evolution and host specificity
Received: 8 September 2017      |   Accepted: 13 July 2018

DOI: 10.1111/mec.14813


A genome scan of diversifying selection in Ophiocordyceps
zombie‐ant fungi suggests a role for enterotoxins in
co‐evolution and host specificity

Noppol Kobmoo1,2                        | Duangdao Wichadakul3,4 | Nuntanat Arnamnart2 |
Ricardo C. Rodríguez De La Vega1 | Janet J. Luangsa-ard2 | Tatiana Giraud1

  Ecologie Systématique Evolution,
Université Paris-Sud, CNRS, AgroParisTech,           Abstract
Université Paris-Saclay, Orsay, France               Identification of the genes underlying adaptation sheds light on the biological func-
 National Center for Genetic Engineering
                                                     tions targeted by natural selection. Searches for footprints of positive selection, in the
and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), National
Science and Development Agency (NSTDA),              form of rapid amino acid substitutions, and the identification of species‐specific genes
Klhong Luang, Thailand
                                                     have proved to be powerful approaches to identifying the genes involved in host spe-
 Chulalongkorn University Big Data
Analytics and IoT Center (CUBIC),                    cialization in plant‐pathogenic fungi. We used an evolutionary comparative genomic
Department of Computer Engineering,                  approach to identify genes underlying host adaptation in the ant‐infecting genus
Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn
University, Bangkok, Thailand                        Ophiocordyceps, which manipulates ant behaviour. A comparison of the predicted
 Center of Excellence in Systems Biology,            genes in the genomes of species from three species complexes—O. unilateralis,
Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn
                                                     O. australis and O. subramanianii—revealed an enrichment in pathogenesis‐associated
University, Bangkok, Thailand
                                                     functions, including heat‐labile enterotoxins, among species‐specific genes. Further-
                                                     more, these genes were overrepresented among those displaying significant footprints
Noppol Kobmoo, BIOTEC, NSTDA, Thailand
Science Park, Khlong Neung, Khlong Luang,            of positive selection. Other categories of genes suspected to be important for viru-
12120 Pathum Thani, Thailand.
                                                     lence and pathogenicity in entomopathogenic fungi (e.g., chitinases, lipases, proteases,
Email: noppol.kob@biotec.or.th
                                                     core secondary metabolism genes) were much less represented, although a few candi-
Funding information
                                                     date genes were found to evolve under positive selection. An analysis including
H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions,
Grant/Award Number: 655278; Thailand                 orthologs from other entomopathogenic fungi in a broader context showed that posi-
Research Fund, Grant/Award Number:
                                                     tive selection on enterotoxins was specific to the ant‐infecting genus Ophiocordyceps.
                                                     Together with previous studies reporting the overexpression of an enterotoxin during
                                                     behavioural manipulation in diseased ants, our findings suggest that heat‐labile
                                                     enterotoxins are important effectors in host adaptation and co‐evolution in the Ophio-
                                                     cordyceps entomopathogenic fungi.

                                                     adaptation, enterotoxins, host specificity, Ophiocordyceps, positive selection

1 | INTRODUCTION                                                                  of the copies (Ohno, 1970; Zhang, Zhang, & Rosenberg, 2002). Gene
                                                                                  losses can also be adaptive (Juárez‐Vázquez et al., 2017), particularly
The identification of genes underlying adaptation is a major goal in              in pathogens, as the absence of a molecule recognized by the host
evolutionary biology, as it can shed light on the biological functions            may enable the pathogen to colonize its host without triggering a
targeted by natural selection and the genetic mechanisms generating               response from the host immune system (Albalat & Cañestro, 2016;
new, adaptive variants. Innovation may be generated during evolution              Ghanbarnia et al., 2015; Rouxel & Balesdent, 2017). Gene duplications
by gene duplication followed by rapid amino acid substitutions in one             and losses result in the presence of species‐specific genes, which are

Molecular Ecology. 2018;1–17.                                  wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/mec                      © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd   |   1
2   |                                                                                                                                  KOBMOO    ET AL.

often overrepresented among the genes involved in adaptation               models in which to study the genomics of host specialization and
(Gladieux et al., 2014; Lespinet, Wolf, Koonin, & Aravind, 2002; Zhou      co‐evolution. Specialist Metarhizium strains and species generally
et al., 2015). Adaptation may also occur through positive selection,       have fewer genes, with notably fewer genes encoding host‐killing
with rapid amino acid substitutions, typically detected as higher rates    toxins (Wang, Leclerque, Pava‐Ripoll, Fang, & St. Leger, 2009), but
of nonsynonymous substitutions (dN) than of synonymous substitu-           more genes evolving under positive selection than generalists (Hu
tions (dS) among orthologous genes of closely related species (Ina,        et al., 2014). However, it remains unclear how adaptation has
1996; Kimura, 1983). Comparisons of dN/dS ratios to neutral expecta-       shaped the genomes of closely related fungal entomopathogens
tions therefore also constitute a powerful approach to identifying         specializing on different hosts.
genes under recurrent positive selection (Yang & Nielsen, 1998; Yang,         We therefore tried to identify genes involved in host speci-
Nielsen, Goldman, & Krabbe Pedersen, 2000; Yang, Wong, & Nielsen,          ficity in three complexes of closely related species from the genus
2005).                                                                     Ophiocordyceps (Hypocreales, Ascomycota): O. unilateralis sensu lato,
    Pathogens are particularly interesting models for investigations       O. subramanianii s.l. and O. australis s. l. One of the key features
of the genomic mechanisms of adaptation, as they are locked in an          of these pathogens is their ability to manipulate their hosts to
arms race with their hosts, leading to continuous, rapid evolution         promote their own dispersal. Infected ants, often described as
(Anderson et al., 2010; Kurtz, Schulenburg, & Reusch, 2016). Identifi-     “zombie ants,” leave their nests and develop erratic behaviour,
cation of the genes underlying host‐specific adaptations in patho-         wandering alone into vegetation and then biting into a leaf
gens improves our fundamental understanding of natural selection           located at a precise height and orientation optimal for subsequent
and evolution, but it also has more applied implications, shedding         fungal dispersal just before they die. Fungal spores produced from
light on major epidemics and disease emergence in plants and ani-          the diseased ant are thus dispersed farther, from a height (de
mals (Möller & Stukenbrock, 2017).                                         Bekker, Ohm, Evans, Brachmann, & Hughes, 2017; Hughes et al.,
    Fungi are the principal pathogens of plants (Anderson et al.,          2011, 2016; Pontoppidan, Himaman, Hywel‐Jones, Boomsma, &
2004), and they also represent threats to the health of many animals       Hughes, 2009). Ophiocordyceps unilateralis s.l. is a highly diverse
(Fisher et al., 2012; Sexton & Howlett, 2006). Many studies have           complex of pathogenic cryptic species specific to formicine ants. It
searched for genes under positive selection as a means of identifying      is distributed worldwide, and many species occur together in sym-
genes and functions involved in the species‐specific adaptation of         patry while displaying strong host specificity (Araújo, Evans,
fungal pathogens of plants (Aguileta, Refrégier, Yockteng, Fournier,       Kepler, & Hughes, 2018; Evans, Elliot, & Hughes, 2011; Kobmoo,
& Giraud, 2009; Möller & Stukenbrock, 2017). For example, in the           Mongkolsamrit,    Tasanathai,      Thanakitpipattana,   &    Luangsa‐Ard,
Microbotryum and Botrytis fungal plant pathogens, many such genes          2012; Kobmoo et al., 2015). Ants develop erratic behaviour only
have been identified through comparative transcriptomics studies as        when infected with their specific pathogen species (de Bekker et
being under recurrent positive selection and they were involved in         al., 2014; Sakolrak, Blatrix, Sangwanit, Arnamnart, & Kobmoo,
biological processes important for the recognition and cell signalling     2018). The taxonomy and phylogeny of the other ant‐manipulating
between the host and the pathogen (Aguileta et al., 2010, 2012).           Ophiocordyceps species complexes have been studied in less detail,
More recent, next‐generation sequencing made it possible to per-           but host specificity is also considered to be the rule for these
form genomewide scans in plant‐pathogenic fungi, resulting in the          other taxa (Araújo et al., 2018).
identification of an array of effectors under positive selection              We conducted a comparative genomic study of ant‐infecting
(Badouin et al., 2017; Poppe, Dorsheimer, Happel, & Stukenbrock,           Ophiocordyceps species, with the aim of identifying genes underlying
2015; Schirrmann et al., 2018; Stukenbrock et al., 2011; Wicker et         host specificity by searching for species‐specific genes and genes
al., 2013) and species‐ or lineages‐specific genes underlying adapta-      evolving under positive selection. We sequenced the genomes of
tions (Baroncelli et al., 2016; Hartmann, Rodríguez de la Vega, Bran-      two closely related species of the O. unilateralis complex from Thai-
denburg, Carpentier, & Giraud, 2018).                                      land: O. camponoti-leonardi and O. camponoti-saundersi, specific to
    By contrast, far fewer such studies have been performed on             the ants Colobopsis leonardi and C. saundersi, respectively. We also
entomopathogenic fungi (Wang & Wang, 2017), despite the impor-             improved the available genome assembly of another species of this
tance of identifying genes underlying host‐specific adaptation for the     complex,   O. polyrhachis-furcata,    specific   to   Polyrhachis   furcata
use of these fungi as biological control agents against insect pests in    (Wichadakul et al., 2015), and used the published genomes of other
agriculture (Wang & Feng, 2014). Furthermore, an understanding of          ant‐infecting Ophiocordyceps species (de Bekker et al., 2017): one
host specificity and evolution in these insect pathogens is of funda-      genome of each of two species of O. unilateralis s.l., O. kimflemingiae
mental interest in its own right, particularly for fungi able to manipu-   from the United States infecting Camponotus castaneus (Araújo et al.,
late the behaviour of the insect host for their own benefit, as in the     2017; de Bekker et al., 2015) and O. camponoti-rufipedis from Brazil
“zombie‐ant”    phenomenon.     Most    genomic    studies   on   ento-    specific to C. rufipes (Araújo et al., 2018; Evans et al., 2011); one
mopathogenic fungi have focused on species with agricultural appli-        genome of O. subramanianii s.l. from a ponerine ant in Ghana; one
cations such as Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae (Gao         genome of each of two strains of O. australis s.l. found on different
et al., 2011; Hu et al., 2014; Pattemore et al., 2014). However, these     ponerine ant species, from Ghana and Brazil, probably belonging to
species have broad host ranges and may not, therefore, be the best         different cryptic species (de Bekker et al., 2017).
KOBMOO       ET AL.                                                                                                                                 |   3

      The entomopathogenic fungi of the order Hypocreales are                  (Wichadakul et al., 2015); we aimed to improve the existing refer-
known to infect their host by penetrating the cuticle (Boomsma, Jen-           ence genome, but the original strain BCC54312 could not be grown
sen, Meyling, & Eilenberg, 2014). This process requires an array of            from the culture collection. We therefore collected three additional
proteinases, lipases and chitinases. The acquisition of nutrients from         samples of this species (strains NK275ss‐12, NK142ss and NK294ss‐
the host requires proteases and glycoside hydrolases, including tre-           20), in 2013 and 2014, from the same site as the reference strain, in
halases in particular, as trehalose is a major carbon source present in        Khao Yai National Park, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The collected
the insect haemolymph (Thompson, 2003). Secondary metabolites,                 samples were isolated and grown as described by Wongsa, Tasana-
including toxins, help to combat the host immune system and even-              tai, Watts, and Hywel‐Jones (2005). We complied with the Nagoya
tually kill the insect (Ortiz‐Urquiza, Riveiro‐Miranda, Santiago‐Álvarez,      protocols on access and benefit‐sharing, by obtaining authorization
& Quesada‐Moraga, 2010; Schrank & Vainstein, 2010). Ophiocordy-                from the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conserva-
ceps polyrhachis-furcata has a more extensive family of genes encod-           tion (DNP) at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of
ing      putative     heat‐labile   enterotoxins   than   other   specialist   Thailand for all strain collections. After two to three months of
entomopathogenic fungi (Wichadakul et al., 2015), and some of                  growth on Grace Insect Cell Medium (Sigma‐Aldrich), the mycelia
these genes are expressed during host‐specific behavioural manipula-           and spores were harvested and DNA was extracted with the
tion. Heat‐labile enterotoxins may, therefore, act as neuromodulators          NucleoSpin® Soil kit (Macherey‐Nagel). The long incubation period is
(de Bekker et al., 2015). We hypothesized that enterotoxin‐coding              due to the fact that O. unilateralis species in Thailand are very fastid-
genes would be under recurrent positive selection in ant‐manipulat-            ious to grow, requiring few steps of enlarging the culture scale to a
ing Ophiocordyceps fungi, as they have probably been involved in co‐           sufficient level for DNA extraction. Genomic libraries were con-
evolution with the host and in host‐specific adaptation. Small pro-            structed (150‐bp paired‐end reads) for sequencing with an Illumina
teins secreted by fungal pathogens are often involved in interactions          HiSeq3000 machine at the GenoToul platform (Toulouse, France).
with the host (Barrett & Heil, 2012; Rafiqi, Ellis, Ludowici, Hardham,
& Dodds, 2012). We therefore conducted genome scans for positive
                                                                               2.2 | Read pretreatment, de novo assembly and
selection and focused on the heat‐labile enterotoxin gene family and
                                                                               improvement of the reference genome
small secreted proteins. We conducted formal tests for positive
selection (statistical comparisons of models of evolution with and             The raw reads were trimmed to remove adapters and low‐quality
without diversifying selection). As such tests detect only highly              bases from their ends (q < 20). Duplicate reads were removed using
recurrent and rapid positive selection, we also investigated the 5%            Picard Tools MarkDuplicate. The reference genomes for O. cam-
of genes with the highest dN/dS values. High dN/dS values, even if             ponoti-leonardi and O. camponoti-saundersi were assembled de novo
below 1, may be indicative of positive selection at a few sites in the         with SPAdes (Bankevich et al., 2012), which progressively integrates
protein, although they may also result from relaxed selection. In sev-         k‐mers of increasing size. The k‐mer sizes used were 21, 33, 55, 77,
eral classes of genes thought to be important for virulence and                99, 119 and 127 for NK405ss‐6, and 21, 33, 55, 77, 99 and 115 for
pathogenicity in entomopathogenic fungi (e.g., chitinases, lipases,            NK511ss‐8. The appropriate maximum k‐mer sizes were estimated
proteases, small secreted proteins), only a few genes showed signs             with Kmergenie (Chikhi & Medvedev, 2014).
of selection or species specificity. By contrast, we found that heat‐             The reads obtained for the new O. polyrhachis-furcata samples
labile enterotoxins were overrepresented among both the species‐               were used to fill gaps in the existing reference genome of this spe-
specific genes and the genes with significant footprints of positive           cies with GapFiller (Boetzer et al., 2012), which mapped the reads
selection. An analysis including enterotoxin‐encoding genes from               onto the reference sequence over the regions flanking the gaps and
other entomopathogenic fungi (Hypocreales), that do not manipulate             identified a consensus between reads overlapping the gaps. In total,
host behaviour, showed that positive selection was specific to the             175 of 3,915 gaps were closed (identifying around 1.6 Mb from a
ant‐infecting genus Ophiocordyceps. These findings suggest that                total gap length of 2.4 Mb in the reference genome).
heat‐labile enterotoxins are important effectors involved in host
adaptation and co‐evolution in entomopathogenic Ophiocordyceps
                                                                               2.3 | Gene prediction and functional annotation
                                                                               Gene prediction was based exclusively on scaffolds of more than
                                                                               1 kb in length and involved a two‐round approach based on MAKER
                                                                               (Cantarel et al., 2008). Gene sets were initially predicted with
                                                                               CEGMA (Parra, Bradnam, & Korf, 2007) and GeneMark‐ES (Lom-
2.1 | Sampling and sequencing
                                                                               sadze, Ter‐Hovhannisyan, Chernoff, & Borodovsky, 2005) and were
In 2015, we collected a sample of O. camponoti-leonardi (strain                then used as inputs into MAKER for the first round of prediction.
NK511ss‐8) from Kalayaniwattana district, in Chiang Mai province in            The predicted proteins and transcripts identified in previous studies
Thailand, and a sample of O. camponoti-saundersi (strain NK405ss‐6)            on O. polyrhachis-furcata (Wichadakul et al., 2015) were also used as
from the Phu Kiew National Park, in Chaiyaphum province. We used               a training set for MAKER. The predicted gene set from this first
the reference genome of O. polyrhachis-furcata (strain BCC54312)               round was then fed into SNAP (Korf, 2004) and Augustus (Keller,
4   |                                                                                                                                 KOBMOO   ET AL.

Kollmar, Stanke, & Waack, 2011). The output of these two tools was         2016). Fisher's exact tests were used to compare gene counts
then fed back into MAKER for a second round of prediction.                 between paralogous species‐specific or complex‐specific groups and
    The predicted proteins were annotated with InterProScan 5              the whole gene set for the species or complex, respectively.
(Jones et al., 2014), which also associated the protein domains               Sequences within all orthologous groups were aligned with       MACSE

detected with sequences in the Pfam (Finn et al., 2016) and KEGG           (Ranwez, Harispe, Delsuc, & Douzery, 2011) for further analyses. A
(Kanehisa, Sato, Kawashima, Furumichi, & Tanabe, 2016; Ogata et            phylogenetic tree with bootstrap support was constructed according
al., 1999) databases and with Gene Ontology (GO) terms. Small              to the GTRCAT model under         RAXML-HPC   v8.1.5 (Stamatakis, 2014),
secreted proteins (SSPs) were identified as proteins of 10) ratios, were discarded. The functions overrepresented among
and on gene positions on scaffolds. SMGCs were predicted with the          the 5% of genes with the highest dN/dS ratios were inferred by an
fungal version of antiSMASH (Weber et al., 2015). SMGC homology            analysis of enrichment in GO terms. A mean dN/dS>1 for a given
across species was inferred with BiG‐SCAPE (Navarros‐Munõz J.,             gene indicates positive selection, whereas high dN/dS values below
https://git.wageningenur.nl/medema-group/BiG-SCAPE/wikis/home),            1 can be due to positive selection on a small number of sites within
which classified SMGCs into families based on Jaccard similarity           the protein or to relaxed selection.
indices between clusters. RepeatMasker was used to predict repeti-            We also formally tested for positive selection by performing site‐
tive elements for the three species from Thailand.                         model likelihood ratio tests (LRTs) with the     CODEML   program imple-
                                                                           mented in   PAML   v.4.8a (Yang, 2007), excluding gaps and ambiguous
                                                                           sites and using trees inferred under GTRCAT model from respective
2.4 | Orthology and phylogenomics
                                                                           orthologous groups.   CODEML   estimates the parameter omega (ω = dN/
In addition to the predicted proteins from the de novo assembled           dS) by maximum‐likelihood methods, allowing variation between
and improved genomes of O. unilateralis species from Thailand, we          sites. While the pairwise measures above only approximate synony-
also included in our analyses the predicted proteins of other ant‐         mous and nonsynonymous rates, likelihood ratio tests (LRTs) statisti-
infecting Ophiocordyceps fungi specific to different ant species and       cally compare two models of evolution, one in which ω < 1 (null
originating from different geographic areas (de Bekker et al., 2017).      model) at all sites and another in which ω > 1 at some sites (alterna-
We used the available genomes from two additional O. unilateralis          tive hypothesis of positive selection); LRTs thus indicate whether a
s.l. species (O. kimflemingiae from the United States and O. cam-          model with positive selection is more likely than a model without
ponoti-rufipedis from Brazil), from two cryptic species of O. australis    positive selection. We compared the M7 (beta distribution of ω) and
s.l., from Ghana and Brazil (de Bekker et al., 2017), and from O. sub-     M8 (beta distribution of ω with a proportion of sites with ω > 1;
ramanianii s.l., also from Ghana. The predicted proteins correspond-       Nielsen & Yang, 1998; Yang et al., 2000) models, and the M8a (simi-
ing to all these genomes were subjected to Blast comparisons with          lar to M8 but with a category of sites evolving with ω = 1) and M8
each other, with a significance threshold e‐value of 1e . The Blast        (Swanson, Nielsen, & Yang, 2003) models in LRTs. Only genes with a
results were used as input for orthAgogue (Ekseth, Kuiper, & Miro-         p‐value below 0.05 after false‐discovery rate (FDR) correction were
nov, 2014), a tool for the rapid inference of orthologous groups with      considered significant. The M7 vs. M8 test is known to lack robust-
the Markov clustering algorithm (MCL, Dongen, 2000). This algo-            ness when the probability mass is located around ω = 1, in which
rithm recovers species‐specific paralogous groups, with genes from a       case this test gives a high proportion of false positives; under these
given species considered to be more closely related to each other          conditions, the M8a vs. M8 test is preferred (Swanson et al., 2003).
than to any other gene in any other species. The functional annota-        We ensured the robustness of our results by considering only genes
tions obtained for O. polyrhachis-furcata were transferred to the          in which significant evolution under positive selection was detected
other species for gene copies in the same orthologous group. Spe-          in both tests. We checked for enrichment in particular GO terms
cies‐specific paralogous genes were annotated as described above.          among the genes evolving under positive selection.
We analysed GO term enrichment among species‐ or complex‐speci-               We also investigated whether genes encoding heat‐labile entero-
fic paralogs, with the   TOPGO   package in   R   (Alexa & Rahnenfuhrer,   toxins evolved under positive selection specifically in ant‐infecting
KOBMOO      ET AL.                                                                                                                                        |   5

Ophiocordyceps and not in other Hypocrealean fungi. We therefore                     mate‐pair libraries (Wichadakul et al., 2015) (Table 1). These gen-
downloaded predicted gene sequences from other Hypocrealean                          omes are markedly larger than those reported for O. kimflemingiae
fungi that were annotated as putative heat‐labile enterotoxins from                  (OKi: 23.91 Mb), O. camponoti-rufipedis (OCR: 21.91 Mb), O. australis
the Ensembl Genome database (Herrero et al., 2016). Putative heat‐                   s.l. from Brazil (OAB: 23.32 Mb) and from Ghana (OAG: 22.19 Mb),
labile enterotoxin genes were retrieved for 14 entomopathogenic                      and O. subramanianii s.l. (OSS: 32.31 Mb), but all these previously
fungi (one strain per species) (Supporting Information Table S1):                    published genomes were more fragmented than our assemblies
Metarhizium anisopliae ARSEF23 (24 genes), M. acridum CQMa 102                       (Table 1).
(three genes) (Pattemore et al., 2014); M. album ARSEF1941 (12                           Despite the differences in genome size, the numbers of predicted
genes),   M. brunneum         ARSEF3297        (32    genes),    M. guizhouense      genes were of a same order of magnitude across species (Table 1),
ARSEF977 (32 genes), M. majus ARSEF297 (32 genes) (Hu et al.,                        although the number of predicted genes was nevertheless largest for
2014);    M. rileyi    RCEF4871       (three    genes),   Isaria    fumosorosea      OSS. For the three species from Thailand, OPF had the largest num-
ARSEF2679 (five genes), Aschersonia aleyrodis RCEF2490 (14 genes),                   ber of predicted genes, probably because the protein and transcript
Cordyceps       confragosa     RCEF1005        (six   genes),      C. brongniartii   training set used for prediction came from this species. The number
RCEF3172 (30 genes) (Shang et al., 2016), Cordyceps militaris CM01                   of SSPs was similar between the three Thai species. The number of
(one gene, Zheng et al., 2011), Beauveria bassiana ARSEF2860 (six                    genes with assigned Pfam domains or InterPro classification and the
genes, Xiao et al., 2012); and Ophiocordyceps sinensis Co18 (13                      complete predicted gene sets obtained by core eukaryotic genes
genes, Xia et al., 2017). We also included putative heat‐labile entero-              mapping (CEGMA) were also very similar in the three species (~95%:
toxin sequences from two nematode‐killing fungi: Purpureocillium                     Table 1), but smaller than those for species from the New World
lilacinum PLBJ‐1 (two genes, Wang et al., 2016) and Pochonia                         (~99%).
chlamydosporia        170    (four   genes).   Orthologs        between     these
sequences and the putative enterotoxins of O. unilatealis species
                                                                                     3.2 | Orthology and phylogenomics
studied here were identified. The occurrence of clade‐specific posi-
tive selection in O. unilateralis was assessed with branch‐model LRTs                The genomes used in this study were sequenced from individuals
in PAML (Yang, 1998; Yang & Nielsen, 1998) and with the BUSTED                       belonging to one of the three species complexes: O. unilateralis s.l.,
test, an alignment‐wide test of episodic positive selection (Murrell et              O. australis s.l. and O. subramanianii s.l. Most of the genes were com-
al., 2015). Both these tests are log‐likelihood ratio tests comparing a              mon to all three complexes (Figure 1a): 8,554 orthologous groups
model in which positive selection is allowed in the foreground                       were retrieved, 5,718 of which were common to all complexes. For
branches (i.e., the clade of interest) to the null model in which posi-              orthologous groups present in only one of the three complexes (Sup-
tive selection is not allowed. The branch model (Yang & Nielsen,                     porting Information Table S2), pathogenesis (GO:0009405) was the
1998), as implemented in PALM, detects positive selection by allow-                  function displaying the most significant enrichment in all complexes
ing a candidate clade to have a dN/dS ratio higher than those of the                 (Bonferroni‐corrected p‐values: 2e−10 for O. unilateralis s.l., 0.016 for
other branches (background branches) without taking into account                     O. australis s.l., 3.4e−5 for O. subramanianii s.l.), mostly due to the
variation between sites or allowing variation between branches of                    presence of genes encoding putative heat‐labile enterotoxins in
the same category. By contrast, BUSTED is a stochastic test using                    these complex‐specific genes. Complex‐specific genes were also
information from all sites and branches; it is therefore considered to               found to be enriched in interspecies interactions and multi‐organism
have greater statistical power (Murrell et al., 2015).                               process functions.
                                                                                         Within each species complex, most of the genes were common
                                                                                     to several species (Figure 1b,c). The function pathogenesis was
                                                                                     found to be overrepresented among species‐specific genes (Support-
                                                                                     ing Information Tables S3 and S4), due to the presence of genes
3.1 | General genome features
                                                                                     encoding heat‐labile enterotoxins, and SSPs (Tables 2 and 3). In par-
The three reference genomes of closely related species sequenced                     ticular, we detected an overrepresentation of SSPs among the genes
here differed considerably in size, O. camponoti-saundersi (OCS)                     unique to O. kimflemingiae (p‐value = 0.003) relative to O. unilateralis
being the largest (49.26 Mb), followed by O. polyrhachis-furcata                     s.l. complex, and among the genes unique to O. australis from Brazil
(OPF) (43.25 Mb) and O. camponoti-leonardi (OCL) (37.91 Mb). These                   relative to O. australis s.l. complex (p‐value = 0.001). None of these
differences probably partly reflect methodological differences as the                species‐specific SSPs had a predicted function, suggesting an expan-
OPF genome is an improved version of a genome sequenced with a                       sion of rapidly evolving families of effectors (Kim et al., 2016).
different technology (454 pyrosequencing combined with Illumina                          There were 4,651 orthologous groups common to all eight gen-
mate‐pair sequencing, Wichadakul et al., 2015). OCL and OCS were                     omes. We used a subset of 4,014 single‐copy orthologous groups
sequenced and assembled with the same methodology, so the                            common to all species to construct a phylogenetic tree (Figure 2). This
observed differences probably reflect genuine differences in genome                  tree recovered the expected relationships between the sibling species
size. OCS also had more scaffolds (1700) than OCL (531). OPF had                     from Thailand, with O. polyrhachis-furcata being the most closely
fewer scaffolds and larger contigs, due to the use of variable‐size                  related to O. camponoti-leonardi (Kobmoo et al., 2012, 2015); the
6   |                                                                                                                                  KOBMOO    ET AL.

T A B L E 1 Genome summary statistics for the ant‐infecting Ophiocordyceps species used in this study
                                          OPF             OCL            OCS             OKi         OCR          OAB          OAG         OSS
 Species (sample name)                    (BCC54312)a     (NK511ss‐8)    (NK405ss‐6)     (SC16a)b    (Map‐16)b    (Map‐64)b    (1348a)b    (1346)b
 Genome size in Mb (scaffolds >1 kb)      43.25           37.91          49.26           23.91       21.90        23.32        22.19       32.30
 Number of scaffolds (>1 kb)              68              531            1,700           1,64        2,204        595          2,296       3,395
 Largest scaffold (kb)                    5,272.94        574.15         755.06          167.40      146.68       427.81       117.86      138.81
 N50 (kb)                                 2,974.013       139.47         102.43          26.91       23.06        111.99       17.42       17.59
 GC content (%)                           45.03           45.88          40.13           55.92       56.1         53.13        53.48       60.35
 Number of Ns per 100 kb                  5,426.84        11.32          15.22           739.17      13.02        403.43       554.75      376.08
 Number of protein‐coding genes           8,988           7,059          6,970           8,629       7,621        8,174        7,995       11,275
 Number of exons per gene                 3.57            3.00           2.98            3.00        2.00         2.00         2.00        2.00
 Exon length (median)                     146             303            303             220         273          268          290         266
 Core eukaryotic gene mapping             95.56           95.16          95.97           99.13       98.69        99.13        98.25       98.47
  (CEGMA) completeness (%)
 Repetitive content (% of the genome)     5.23            5.41           5.65            6.83        6.59         2.87         2.45        4.06
 Number of genes with SignalP             716             811            761             914         840          802          681         1,064
 Number of small secreted proteins        270             252            239             373         802          776          648         1,027

Notes. OAB: Ophiocordyceps australis from Brazil; OAG: Ophiocordyceps australis from Ghana; OCL: Ophiocordyceps camponoti-leonardi; OCR: Ophiocordy-
ceps camponoti‐rufipedis; OCS: Ophiocordyceps camponoti-saundersi; OKi: Ophiocordyceps kimflemingiae; OPF: Ophiocordyceps polyrhachis-furcata; OSS:
Ophiocordyceps subramanianii. aImproved from Wichadakul et al. (2015). bTaken from de Bekker et al. (2017).

                                                                                                       F I G U R E 1 Inference of orthologous
                                                                                                       groups: Venn diagram showing the number
                                                                                                       of orthologous groups common to and
                                                                                                       specific to species complexes and species
                                                                                                       a. between the three ant‐infecting
                                                                                                       Ophiocordyceps species complexes used in
                                                                                                       this study; (b) between the species in the
                                                                                                       O. unilateralis complex
                                                                                                       (OPF = O. polyrhachis-furcata,
                                                                                                       OCL = O. camponoti-leonardi,
                                                                                                       OCS = O. camponoti-saundersi,
                                                                                                       OKi = O. kimflemingiae,
                                                                                                       OCR = O. camponoti-rufipedis), (c) between
                                                                                                       the species in the O. australis complex
                                                                                                       (OAG = O. australis from Ghana,
                                                                                                       OAB = O. australis from Brazil)

species from the Americas, O. kimflemingiae and O. camponoti-rufipe-
                                                                            3.3 | Variation of dN/dS across genomes and
dis, clustered together but were separate from those from Thailand,
                                                                            putative functions
corresponding to the separation between the Old and New Worlds
observed in a previous study (Evans, Araújo, Halfeld, & Hughes, 2018).      The median pairwise dN/dS ratio was 0.081, indicating that most sin-
The two O. australis s.l. species were grouped together and formed,         gle‐copy orthologs evolved under strong purifying selection (Fig-
with O. subramanianii, an outgroup to the O. unilateralis complex.          ure 3a). No orthologous group had dN/dS > 1 (Supporting
KOBMOO     ET AL.                                                                                                                                   |   7

T A B L E 2 Characteristics of orthologous groups specific to different species among the Ophiocordyceps unilateralis sensu lato complex
                                                   Number of
                                                   predicted genes
                                Number of          (number of genes                                                    Species‐specific SSPs/genes,
                                specific           with Pfam                                                           whole‐genome SSPs/genes
                                orthologous        domains/InterPro                                                    (p‐value for enrichment analysis
 Species                        groups             classification)       Enriched functions (GO term; FDR p‐value)     of SSPs)
 O. polyrhachis-furcata          61                519 (25)              Pathogenesis (GO:0009405;0.0054)              18/519, 270/7678 (0.60)
                                                                         Interspecies interaction between organisms
                                                                          (GO:0044419; 0.0021)
                                                                         Multiorganism process (GO:0051704; 0.0021)
 O. camponoti-leonardi            9                   9 (8)              ‐                                             ‐
 O. camponoti-saundersi           7                   9 (6)              ‐                                             ‐
 O. kimflemingiae               169                185 (83)              ‐                                             17/185,373/7457(0.003)
 O. camponoti-rufipedis         103                122 (49)              Pathogenesis (GO:0009405;0.023)               17/122,802/6868(0.396)
                                                                         Interspecies interaction between organisms
                                                                          (GO:0044419; 0.023)
                                                                         Multiorganism process (GO:0051704; 0.023)

Note. SSPs: small secreted proteins.

T A B L E 3 Characteristics of orthologous groups specific to different species among the Ophiocordyceps australis sensu lato complex
                                              Number of
                          Number of           predicted genes                                                          Species‐specific SSPs/genes,
                          specific            (number of genes                                                         whole‐genome SSPs/genes
                          orthologous         with Pfam domains/                                                       (p‐value for enrichment analysis
 Species                  groups              InterPro classification)   Enriched functions (GO term; FDR p‐value)     of SSPs)
 O. australis Ghana       150                 173 (88)                   ‐                                             14/173,648/7414 (0.892)
 O. australis Brazil      339                 356 (201)                  Pathogenesis (GO:0009405; 1.07e−5)            66/356,776/7558 (0.001)
                                                                          Interspecies interaction between organisms
                                                                          (GO:0044419; 1.07e−5)
                                                                         Multiorganism process (GO:0051704; 1.07e−5)

Note. SSPs: small secreted proteins.

F I G U R E 2 The best maximum‐
likelihood tree based on 4,014 single‐copy
orthologous groups with bootstrap
supports. The horizontal scale bar
represents the branch length based on
substitution rates                                                                        0.09
8    |                                                                                                                             KOBMOO    ET AL.

    (a)                                             (b)

F I G U R E 3 Distribution of pairwise nonsynonymous‐to‐synonymous substitution ratios (dN/dS) for the genes in all single‐copy orthologous
groups with at least four species of ant‐infecting Ophiocordyceps represented. (a) Whole‐genome dN/dS distributions, (b) Boxplots of pairwise
dN/dS values for the whole genome (small secreted protein‐coding genes or SSPs, in blue, vs. non‐SSPs, in red) and between different
categories of genes suspected a priori to be involved in pathogenesis and virulence, that is, with the putative functions of enterotoxins, core
proteins of secondary metabolism (SM), lipases, proteases (including subtilisin‐like, trypsin and aspartyl proteases) and trehalases. The dotted
line represents the mean dN/dS value for the whole genome (0.145)

Information Table S5). We investigated the putative functions of the       higher than that of other genes (t test: Bonferroni‐corrected
5% of genes with the highest dN/dS values (297 genes) (Supporting          p‐value = 0.885) (Figure 3b). The genes encoding putative SSPs had
Information Table S5), even if these ratios were below 1, as this          a significantly higher dN/dS ratio than non‐SSP genes (t test:
could be indicative of positive selection at a small number of sites in    p‐value = 2.2e‐16) (Figure 3b). This suggests that a higher proportion
the protein, although relaxed selection cannot be excluded for dN/dS       of genes may evolve under positive selection among SSP‐encoding
KOBMOO    ET AL.                                                                                                                                |   9

T A B L E 4 Results of the gene ontology (GO) term enrichment analyses for the genes with significant likelihood ratio test (LRT) results for
positive selection in both the M7 vs. M8 (Nielsen & Yang, 1998) and M8a vs. M8 (Swanson et al., 2003) comparisons
 GO Category                         GO.ID                     Term                                                                     p‐value
 Biological process                  GO:0009405                Pathogenesis                                                             0.033
                                     GO:0044419                Interspecies interaction between organisms                               0.033
                                     GO:0051704                Multiorganism process                                                    0.033
 Molecular function                  GO:0090729                Toxin activity                                                           5.7e‐4
                                     GO:0005524                ATP Binding                                                              0.013
                                     GO:0032559                Adenyl ribonucleotide binding                                            0.013
                                     GO:0030554                Adenyl nucleotide binding                                                0.013
                                     GO:0016301                Kinase activity                                                          0.013
                                     GO:0000166                Nucleotide binding                                                       0.013
                                     GO:1901265                Nucleoside phosphate binding                                             0.013
                                     GO:0016772                Transferase activity, transferring phosphorus‐containing group           0.013
                                     GO:0036094                Small molecule binding                                                   0.013
                                     GO:0016773                Phosphotransferase activity, alcohol group as an acceptor                0.013
 Cellular compartment                GO:0005615                Extracellular space                                                      3.7e‐4
                                     GO:0044421                Extracellular region part                                                5.3e‐4
                                     GO:0005576                Extracellular region                                                     5.3e‐4

F I G U R E 4 Percentages of genes in
various functional categories for which
likelihood ratio tests (LRTs) for positive
selection (M7 vs. M8 and M8a vs. M8)
yielded significant results (false‐discovery
rate‐corrected p‐value < 0.05).
Proteases = subtilisin, trypsin and aspartyl
proteases, SM = core genes of secondary
metabolites. The total number of genes in
each category is indicated above the bars

high‐energy molecule (ATP) to a substrate and are involved in vari-        essential for pathogen growth and survival and, thus, for pathogene-
ous cellular processes. The proportion of kinases evolving under pos-      sis and virulence (Lee et al., 2016).
itive selection was lower than that of heat‐labile enterotoxins                  The functions relating to hydrolytic enzymes important for
(Figure 4), but the numbers of kinases and heat‐labile enterotoxins        pathogenesis (glycoside hydrolases, lipases, proteases) were not
evolving under positive selection were similar, and these two func-        overrepresented among the genes evolving under positive selection.
tions were overrepresented among the genes evolving under positive         Indeed, the proportions of genes in these families found to be under
selection. Most of these kinases were annotated as protein kinases,        positive selection were markedly smaller than those for heat‐labile
histidine kinases and phosphatidylinositol 3 and 4‐kinases. These          enterotoxins (Figure 4). Nevertheless, several of the genes from
families of kinases are well known to be involved in cell signalling,      these gene families were found to evolve under positive selection in
10   |                                                                                                                             KOBMOO     ET AL.

model tests (Supporting Information Table S7) and can be considered        cytochrome b5‐like haem/steroid‐binding domain. The first of these
good candidates for involvement in co‐evolution and host specificity.      genes was shown to be associated with iron uptake in yeast (Roman,
One to three of the 11 chitinases (GH18) presented significant foot-       Dancis, Anderson, & Klausner, 1993), whereas the product of the
prints of positive selection depending on the evolution model con-         second mediates iron‐free electron transfer. The third of these genes
sidered, and significant p‐values were obtained in all tests for one of    may encode a nitrate reductase or sulphite oxidase, both of which
these enzymes. Chitinases are involved in the degradation of the           are involved in nitrogen assimilation. These putative neuromodula-
insect cuticle, a major component of the insect exoskeleton, and in        tors thus seem to be involved in host resource utilization. The neu-
the degradation and remodelling of fungal cell walls (Adams, 2004;         rological   disorder   displayed   by   zombie   ants   infected   with
Langner & Göhre, 2016). Other GH families converging to various            Ophiocordyceps may result from the pathogen outcompeting the host
functions, such as cellulase, glucanase, glucosidase and galactosidase     for iron and nitrogen.
(e.g., GH5, GH16, GH47, GH76), also included a few genes display-
ing significant tests of positive selection (Supporting Information
                                                                           3.5 | Positive selection of heat‐labile enterotoxin
Table S7). Neither of the two trehalases (GH37), which are thought
                                                                           genes specific to the ant‐manipulating O. unilateralis
to play important roles in nutrient acquisition within the host body,
                                                                           species complex
displayed significant signs of positive selection.
     Zero to four of the nine subtilisin‐like (MEROPS family S08 and       The above results and those of previous studies (de Bekker et al.,
S53) and trypsinlike proteases (MEROPS family S01), which are con-         2015; Wichadakul et al., 2015) suggest that heat‐labile enterotoxin
sidered to act as cuticle‐degrading proteases, presented significant       genes are candidate genes for host‐specific adaptation. We there-
footprints of positive selection, depending on the evolution model         fore investigated whether the positive selection detected above
considered. Zero to one of 16 putative aspartyl proteases (MEROPS          was specific to the ant‐infecting Ophiocordyceps species or general
family A01) was found to evolve under positive selection following         to Hypocrealean entomopathogenic and nematode‐killing fungi.
different models. However, none of these proteases yielded signifi-        Thirty‐six orthologous groups of heat‐labile enterotoxin genes were
cant results in both tests (Figure 4). Two to six of the 39 putative       inferred for a group of 16 Hypocrealean entomopathogenic and
lipases yielded significant p‐values in positive selection tests, and      nematode‐killing fungi in addition to our eight focal species (Sup-
only one yielded significant p‐values in both tests (Figure 4; Support-    porting Information Table S1); 22 of these orthologous groups
ing Information Table S7).                                                 included at least one sequence from the ant‐infecting Ophiocordy-
     One to four of the seven core genes of secondary metabolites          ceps, and 10 (42%) of these groups included only sequences from
displayed significant signatures of positive selection, depending on       the ant‐infecting Ophiocordyceps species. We further analysed the
the evolution model considered (Supporting Information Table S7).          only group (ORTHAgEnt13) common to at least four of the ant‐
The only gene to yield significant p‐values in both tests (orthologous     infecting Ophiocordyceps species considered and sequences recov-
group ORTHAg2248, Supporting Information Table S7) encoded a               ered from other species from Hypocreales, for which both site‐
polyketide synthase (PKS)‐like protein with a beta‐ketoacyl synthase       model LRTs for positive selection were significant. This group
domain. Beta‐ketoacyl synthase is involved in fatty acid biosynthesis      included five sequences each from an O. unilateralis species. In a
and has been shown to be involved in the production of polyketide          maximum‐likelihood tree, all the O. unilateralis sequences were
antibiotics in fungi (Beck, Ripka, Siegner, Schiltz, & Schweizer, 1990).   located on the same branch (Figure 6). The PAML branch‐model
The gene encoding this enzyme is part of a secondary metabolic             LRTs indicated that this gene was evolving under positive selec-
gene cluster that is highly syntenic across the species of the O. uni-     tion specifically in the O. unilateralis clade (p‐values < 0.001). The
lateralis complex, but located in different clusters in O. australis and   branch at the base and the internal branches of the O. unilateralis
in O. subramanianii (Figure 5).                                            clade therefore had significantly higher dN/dS ratios than the
     We also investigated whether the genes previously identified as       other branches (Figure 6). The BUSTED test, which is similar to
encoding possible “neuromodulators” (de Bekker et al., 2017), based        PAML branch tests but considered more powerful, also gave a sig-
on their overexpression during the manipulation of ant behaviour,          nificant result (p‐value = 6.16e‐14).
showed signs of positive selection. In total, 12 to 41 of these genes
yielded significant results in tests for positive selection (Supporting
                                                                           4 | DISCUSSION
Information Table S8). Five genes yielded significant results in both
tests. These genes encoded a short‐chain dehydrogenase, a DNA
                                                                           4.1 | Enterotoxin genes as major candidate genes
mismatch repair protein (MutC), a DNA replication factor, an ATPase
                                                                           underlying host adaptation
and a protein with no functional annotation. Seven other genes
yielded results only in the M8a vs. M8 test, which is more robust          Comparative genomic studies of closely related species of fungal
than the M7 vs. M8 test. These seven genes included oxidoreduc-            pathogens have shown that, in general, genes involved in adaptation,
tases clearly involved in metabolic reactions: a protein with a ferric‐    particularly those involved in virulence and pathogenicity, are spe-
reductase transmembrane‐like domain, a flavodoxin oxidoreductase           cies‐specific, highly divergent and/or under diversifying selection, as
and an oxidoreductase binding to a molybdopterin cofactor with a           a result of the arms race between host and pathogen or
KOBMOO    ET AL.                                                                                                                             |   11

F I G U R E 5 Homology of putative secondary metabolic gene clusters (SMGCs) with the core gene under positive selection according to log‐
likelihood ratio tests (M7 vs. M8 models and M8a vs. M8 models). The dashed lines indicate orthology between the putative polyketide
synthase (PKS)‐like core gene. The phylogenetic tree was inferred from Jaccard similarity indices between alignments of common gene
domains within families. OCS = Ophiocordyceps camponoti-saundersi, OCL = O. camponoti-leonardi, OPF = O. polyrhachis-furcata,
OKi = O. kimflemingiae, OCR = O. camponoti-rufipedis, OAG = O. australis from Ghana, OAB = O. australis from Brazil, OSS = O. subramanianii

specialization on new hosts (Ghanbarnia et al., 2015; Huang, Si,               differences between species, suggesting the occurrence of diversi-
Deng, Li, & Yang, 2014; Plissonneau et al., 2017; Stukenbrock et al.,          fying selection, which was confirmed by formal tests comparing
2011). We therefore used an evolutionary comparative genomic                   models with and without positive selection. Furthermore, in the
approach for identifying genes underlying host adaptation in ant‐              cases in which orthologs of enterotoxin genes were found in
infecting Ophiocordyceps from three species complexes (O. unilater-            other entomopathogenic fungi, we inferred that positive selection
alis s.l., O. australis s.l. and O. subramanianii s.l.). Genome comparisons    was specific to the ant‐infecting Ophiocordyceps clade. These find-
showed that species complex‐specific genes were enriched in genes              ings support the view that heat‐labile enterotoxins are effectors
associated with the function pathogenesis which included genes                 involved in host adaptation, as previously suggested based on
encoding heat‐labile enterotoxins. The species‐specific genes were             observations of enterotoxin overexpression during manipulation of
also enriched in this function. However, most species‐specific genes           the behaviour of the diseased ants (de Bekker et al., 2015) and of
lacked functional annotation, perhaps due to their rapid evolution as          the species‐specific nature of behavioural manipulation (de Bekker
part of the arms race between pathogen and host, resulting in                  et al., 2014; Sakolrak et al., 2018). The proximal mechanisms via
homology no longer being detectable. Most of the small secreted                which enterotoxins act during infection and the manipulation of
proteins (SSPs), in particular, lacked predicted functions, but these          host behaviour remain unclear, but it has been suggested that
proteins were particularly abundant among the species‐specific                 these molecules interfere with the chemical communication of
genes. SSPs may act as effectors in pathogenicity, but the validation          social insects; bacterial enterotoxins have been shown to affect
of their function requires further studies.                                    pheromone production in boll weevils (Wiygul & Sikorowski, 1986,
   Heat‐labile enterotoxin genes were also overrepresented in the              1991). Alterations to chemical communication may contribute to
orthologous        groups   with   the   highest   rates   of   amino   acid   the modification of behaviour in infected ant hosts.
12   |                                                                                                                               KOBMOO    ET AL.

F I G U R E 6 The best RAxML tree based on the GTRCAT model for the orthologous group ORTHAgEnt13 of putative heat‐labile
enterotoxins in entomopathogenic and nematode‐killing fungi of the order Hypocreales. The numbers above the nodes are bootstrap supports.
The numbers below the branches are the ratios of nonsynonymous‐to‐synonymous substitution rates (dN/dS)

                                                                           (Boomsma et al., 2014; Ortiz‐Urquiza & Keyhani, 2013; Wang, Fang,
4.2 | Minor role of the cuticle in exerting selective
                                                                           Wang, & St. Leger, 2011; Wang & St. Leger, 2005). Nevertheless, as
pressure leading to diversifying selection
                                                                           the fungi in the three ant‐infecting complexes considered here are
Hypocrealean entomopathogenic fungi are known to infect their              all pathogens of formicine and ponerine ants, our findings do not
insect hosts by penetrating the cuticle from the outside (Boomsma          rule out diversifying selection occurring across larger phylogenetic
et al., 2014). An array of hydrolytic enzymes, including chitinases,       scales. These enzymes may be highly conserved among pathogens of
lipases and proteases, is required to break through the insect cuticle     formicine and ponerine ants, providing a common arsenal for attack-
(Ortiz‐Urquiza & Keyhani, 2013). Chitins are major constituents not        ing taxonomically related ants. There may also be constraints in the
only of insect cuticles, but also of fungal cell walls (Langner & Göhre,   host or the fungus preventing rapid co‐evolution through changes to
2016) while lipids are a major component of the epicuticle waxy            these molecules.
layer (Jarrold, Moore, Potter, & Charnley, 2007; Pedrini, Ortiz‐
Urquiza, Huarte‐Bonnet, Zhang, & Keyhani, 2013). Proteases are
                                                                           4.3 | Utilization of host resources
important for the penetration of the cuticle by fungi and have been
shown to be virulence factors for the infection of insect hosts (Shah,     Once inside the host, the pathogen requires other hydrolases for
Wang, & Butt, 2005). Subtilisin proteases have been shown to play a        carbon assimilation. Efficient nutrient uptake from the host allows
particularly important role in regulating insect host specificity          optimal proliferation of the fungus within its host and ultimately
through the differential expressions of specific isoforms (Bye &           leads to insect death (Luo, Qin, Pei, & Keyhani, 2014). It has, there-
Charnley, 2008; Mondal, Baksi, Koris, & Vatai, 2016). We therefore         fore, been suggested that host resource utilization is crucial for host
hypothesized that the genes encoding chitinases, proteases and             specificity (Gillespie, Bailey, Cobb, & Vilcinskas, 2000). Trehalases, in
lipases might have evolved under diversifying selection. However,          particular, probably play an important role in this respect. Indeed,
we found footprints of positive selection for only a few putative          the fly pathogen Entomophthora muscae (Entomophthorales) carries
genes encoding these enzymes in the ant‐infecting Ophiocordyceps           more trehalase‐encoding genes in its genome than its close relative,
species. This challenges the widely accepted view that the insect          the generalist Conidiobolus coronatus, which is a nonobligate patho-
cuticle, as a major barrier to infections, exerts a strong selective       gen (De Fine Licht, Jensen, & Eilenberg, 2017). We identified two
pressure on entomopathogenic fungi, leading to different host ranges       trehalases with no positive selection signature as conserved across
KOBMOO    ET AL.                                                                                                                               |   13

all species. Other glycoside hydrolases and lipases may be involved        Ferrara, & Perrone, 2013). We detected significant footprints of pos-
in breaking down primary carbon sources (Ortiz‐Urquiza & Keyhani,          itive selection in some of the core genes of secondary metabolites.
2013; Schrank & Vainstein, 2010). However, the evidence for posi-          The most notable case concerned a PKS‐like function involved in
tive selection is less robust for these enzymes. Thus, diversifying        lipid biosynthesis. Lipids have been shown to be involved in patho-
selection in ant‐pathogenic Ophiocordyceps fungi probably acts less        physiological processes in pathogenic fungi, but the role of the lipid
strongly on the function of carbon assimilation than on enterotoxins.      signalling network in host‐specific pathogenicity remains to be deter-
Again, there may be constraints preventing the rapid evolution of          mined (Singh & Poeta, 2011). Kinases are also known to participate
host cuticle or fungal hydrolase and lipase functions.                     in lipid signalling pathways, and the kinases with significant foot-
   Nitrogen also plays a key role in the proliferation of ento-            prints of positive selection identified included phosphatidylinositol 3
mopathogenic fungi (Luo et al., 2014). However, our results suggest        and 4‐kinases. The phosphorylated form of phosphatidylinositol plays
that initial nutrient acquisition via proteinases is not under strong      an important role in lipid and cell signalling (Funaki, Katagiri, Inukai,
diversifying selection. Genes evolving under positive selection were       Kikuchi, & Asano, 2000). Lipid metabolism thus seemed to be subject
not enriched in functions related to the assimilation of nitrogen or       to diversifying selection, although to a much lesser extent than heat‐
amino acid synthesis.                                                      labile enterotoxins.
   In addition to carbon and nitrogen, iron uptake is also crucial for
pathogen success (Bairwa, Hee Jung, & Kronstad, 2017; Haas, 2012;
Sutak, Lesuisse, Tacherzy, & Richardson, 2008). The candidate neu-         5 | CONCLUSIONS
romodulator genes found to be under positive selection included
iron‐related oxidoreductases. In particular, one of the proteins identi-   We focused on three ant‐infecting species complexes from the
fied had a ferric‐reductase transmembrane domain, and another was          genus Ophiocordyceps, including closely related species. Complex‐
a flavodoxin oxidoreductase. Proteins with ferric‐reductase trans-         and species‐specific genes were found to be enriched in genes for
membrane domains have been shown to be crucial for ferric iron             heat‐labile enterotoxins, and this gene family was found to be evolv-
uptake in yeast (Roman et al., 1993), whereas flavodoxin is an iron‐       ing under positive selection to a greater extent than other candidate
free electron‐transfer protein facilitating a range of metabolic reac-     gene families. Our results thus suggest that the specific adaptation
tions in the absence of iron. Specialist entomopathogens kill their        and co‐evolution of specialist species in the ant‐infecting Ophiocordy-
hosts more slowly than generalists (Boomsma et al., 2014). In such a       ceps fungi to their hosts is dependent on selection occurring within
context, ant‐specific Ophiocordyceps might be expected to have             the body of the host rather than during cuticle penetration. By con-
developed strategies for hijacking resources from the host. The effi-      trast, we detected little positive selection on lipases, proteases or
cient acquisition of iron and an ability to divert its use may be the      chitinases, although we did identify a few interesting candidate
key to outcompeting the host during infection.                             genes from these groups. Comparative genomic studies of ento-
                                                                           mopathogenic fungi remain scarce, and the few studies that have
                                                                           been performed have focused exclusively on species of agricultural
4.4 | The role of kinases and signal transduction
                                                                           or medical interest. The findings of this study improve our under-
Kinase enzymes are widely recognized as participating in various cel-      standing of the mechanisms of fungal adaptation to insect hosts, and
lular processes, crucial to growth and survival (Lee et al., 2016). The    future studies on fungal pathogens associated with other groups of
genes under positive selection in the ant‐infecting Ophiocordyceps         insects should provide more general insight into the adaptation of
were enriched in kinase‐related functions. Most were clearly related       entomopathogenic fungi and a more documented comparison with
to signal transduction, which plays a crucial role in interactions         the mechanisms of adaptation in fungal pathogens of plants. The
between hosts and pathogens (Bahia, Satoskar, & Dussurget, 2018).          insect innate immune response seems to be much more specific than
Pathogens sense and respond to environmental stimuli, including the        that in plants, suggesting a certain level of acquired immune
expression of virulence factor regulatory systems, in the hostile con-     response (Cooper & Eleftherianos, 2017). Fungal pathogens of
ditions of the host immune system. As extremely specialized patho-         insects would be expected to display extensive expansions and con-
gens, ant‐infecting Ophiocordyceps fungi must fine‐tune their              tractions of gene families, as observed in plant pathogens, but the
responses in the host body.                                                target functions may be different. Additional insight gleaned from
                                                                           entomopathogenic fungi would help to improve our general under-
                                                                           standing of the mechanisms of adaptive evolution in eukaryotes.
4.5 | Importance of lipid metabolism
Many entomopathogenic fungi are also thought to deploy a plethora
of metabolites and toxins within the bodies of their hosts (Schrank &
Vainstein, 2010; Singh, Son, & Lee, 2016). The nature of these mole-       This work was supported by the Marie Sklodowska Curie Action No
cules probably differs between groups of insect‐pathogenic fungi           655278 and Thailand Research Fund (TRF) Young Scientist Grant
and remains to be precisely determined, but the principal molecules        (TRG5780162) to NK. We would like to thank Alodie Snirc for
include polyketides (PKs) and nonribosomal peptides (NRPs) (Gallo,         advice concerning DNA extraction, Antoine Branca for suggestions
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