BREXIT WHITE PAPER: POST-BREXIT 2021 - Talent Mobility Considerations

Page created by Kevin Rodriguez
BREXIT WHITE PAPER: POST-BREXIT 2021 - Talent Mobility Considerations
Talent Mobility Considerations

BREXIT WHITE PAPER: POST-BREXIT 2021 - Talent Mobility Considerations
CONTENTS                                                                                           BREXIT AND THE U.K. TALENT MOBILITY LANDSCAPE

       Brexit and the U.K. Talent Mobility Landscape ................................3                    From its first quarter, 2020 has brought                                                   The year of 2020 finally brought the promise of
                                                                                                          transformational shifts for businesses and employees                                       clarity as Prime Minister Boris Johnson led the
          U.K. Business Readiness .............................................................3          in practices and behavior. Such new approaches may                                         technical exit of the U.K. from the EU member body.
                                                                                                          have otherwise taken years or decades to develop at                                        The U.K. entered the transition period set to expire
          COVID-19 Impact .......................................................................4        the normal pace of change. While businesses rapidly                                        on January 1, 2021, when the impacts of the
                                                                                                          pivoted to cope with impacts, the act of doing so has                                      referendum decision will be conclusively realized.
       Talent Mobility Delivery Changes .................................................5                brought fresh perspectives and opportunities to                                            That left 2020 for negotiations to determine the final
                                                                                                          rewrite the rulebook on established practices. With the                                    terms of which legislation and rights could be
          Immigration (Newland Chase) ....................................................5               presence of the COVID-19 global pandemic lingering,                                        mutually agreed to continue, to be agreed by
                                                                                                          we are all settling in to a “new normal,” and businesses                                   November 2020.
             EU Citizens Entering the U.K. ..................................................7            now need to turn to future focused activities. In the
                                                                                                          United Kingdom (U.K.), this means re-engaging in                                           As we will explore in the COVID-19 Impact section,
             U.K. Citizens Entering the EU .................................................10            preparations for the imminent impacts of Brexit in                                         the pandemic disrupted this schedule and superseded
                                                                                                          January 2021.                                                                              Brexit’s impact with its own immediate effects.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Brexit’s anticipated impacts on economic security,
             Schengen Status ...................................................................10
                                                                                                          While Talent Mobility functions globally have                                              personal freedoms and movement, and perspectives
                                                                                                          experienced unprecedented disruption in delivery,                                          on data have all shifted in context of pandemic
         Extended Business Travelers (EBTs) and Posted
                                                                                                          those enabling programs into or out of the U.K. now                                        adjustments.
         Workers Impact .........................................................................12       need to ensure they are preparing for the end of the
                                                                                                          Brexit transition period and the impacts still to be                                       Immediate business reactions to Brexit following the
             Extended Business Travelers (EBTs) ........................................12                realized. Brexit will drive a new immigration                                              referendum revealed great concern from key U.K.
                                                                                                          framework, compliance barriers and obstacles, cultural                                     industries, with telecommunications, utilities,
             Posted Worker Status .............................................................12         shifts, and evolving talent practices that will bring                                      financial, and consumer services industries all having
                                                                                                          delivery challenges and changes.                                                           revenue exposure levels of more than 50% to the
             Social Security Changes ..........................................................12                                                                                                    EU1. In particular, the finance sector reacted strongly,
                                                                                                          In this white paper we explore the role corporate                                          as under all scenarios except the Single Market, it is
         Intercultural Impact ...................................................................13       organizations can take in engaging with these changes                                      expected to lose financial “passporting” rights,
                                                                                                          and how they can support their people, specifically                                        enabling it to operate in other EU member states,
             What an Expat Coming into the U.K. Should Know....................13                         through the value Talent Mobility can add.                                                 prompting members of this sector to engage in
                                                                                                                                                                                                     contingency planning steps.
             What Someone from the U.K. Moving to Mainland ...................14                          U.K. Business Readiness
             Europe Could Find                                                                                                                                                                       These impacts have influenced Talent Mobility
                                                                                                          Brexit has been a dirty word for many in the U.K.                                          functions’ preparations for large-scale population
                                                                                                          since the outcome of the referendum in 2016, when                                          movement from the U.K. to EU in contingency
         Diversity Impact ........................................................................14
                                                                                                          voting to leave the European Union (EU) was                                                planning — addressed in our Group Moves section.
                                                                                                          concluded on an exceptionally close (51%) majority.                                        Industry reactions varied, and BGRS has seen smaller
         Virtual Working .........................................................................14
                                                                                                          Since then, adjustments have been slow and initial                                         volumes implemented in group moves than initially
                                                                                                          reactions have been superseded by a series of                                              planned within our client base. More recently, reverse
         Group Move Profiles ..................................................................15
                                                                                                          escalating business impacts. Public frustration                                            directional moves (from the EU to the U.K.) have
                                                                                                          followed due to delays in the negotiation of terms for                                     been announced as planned or in consideration from
         Data Treatment .........................................................................15
                                                                                                          the U.K.’s departure from the EU, adamant political                                        Netherlands-headquartered firms Unilever2 and Shell3.
                                                                                                          positioning, three successive Prime Ministers and                                          Whether or not directly influenced by Brexit
       Conclusion ...................................................................................16
                                                                                                          parliamentary cabinet reshuffles, and looming                                              preparations, these intentions have been welcomed
                                                                                                          restrictive impacts to come across all areas of                                            as positive by the U.K. marketplace in light of
       Preparedness ...............................................................................16     industry and legislation.                                                                  concerns of businesses departing the U.K.



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BREXIT WHITE PAPER: POST-BREXIT 2021 - Talent Mobility Considerations
COVID-19 Impact                                            A fifth are operating with internal business travel bans   While respondents’ ability to forecast move volume                  Key points to bear in mind are:
                                                           allowing only business-critical moves, with just over      indicates a confident perspective and preparedness,
                                                           half expecting these to relax by January 2021. While       U.K. research institute, the Confederation of British                n Free movement rights will officially end at 11:00
Talent Mobility delivery has significantly altered
                                                           there is no planned easing date for some, a quarter of     Industry (CBI), has reported 20% of U.K. businesses                    p.m. GMT on December 31, 2020.
through the COVID-19 pandemic and changed
                                                           corporate travel bans in place are allowing for Talent     consider they are less prepared for Brexit now than in               n EU nationals living in the U.K. before December
predictions of both Brexit-related volume and impact.
                                                           Mobility exceptions, often with security or board-level    January 2020 due the compounding effects of the                        31, 2020, who intend to remain in the U.K., must
This reaction produced a different landscape than
                                                           approval.                                                  pandemic4. Regardless of preparedness, inbound and                     apply for pre-settled or settled status under the
expected on the exit date in January 2020. To measure
                                                                                                                      outbound U.K. moves are expected to be more                            EU Settlement Scheme.
the pandemic’s future impact, BGRS recently assessed
                                                                                                                      challenging due to reasons we will explore in this
our client base’s current delivery predictions and         Surprisingly, nearly half (43%) predicted move volume                                                                           n The deadline to apply under the scheme is June
                                                                                                                      white paper.
sentiment for the remainder of 2020. Almost a third        for the remainder of 2020 to be comparable with                                                                                   30, 2021.
(31%) emphasized that Talent Mobility remains critical     previous years, either because initiations have                                                                                 n EU nationals traveling to the U.K. after December
for business strategy and enablement of talent. Cost       continued or because surges in deferred volume were        TALENT MOBILITY                                                        31, 2020, will need to obtain a visa in advance for
scrutiny or reductions are starting to impact delivery,    still expected through Q4 or into the new year. Some                                                                              all activities except short-term visitor visits (for
with 14% citing focus in this area and a further 16%       reported focusing more on repatriations until the end      DELIVERY CHANGES                                                       business or tourism).
expecting to utilize alternative international move        of 2020. However, a third (32%) expected volume to
                                                                                                                      Immigration                                                          n EU nationals will need to present a valid passport
types rather than the traditional long-term assignment     decrease in comparison to the previous year, due
                                                                                                                                                                                             with at least six months’ validity when entering
(LTA) as a cost-avoidance measure. Permanent               largely to the impact of backlogged moves. Volume
                                                                                                                                                                                             the U.K. and will not be able to rely on their
international transfers (PIT) were the preferred option,   decreases are due to business decline from pandemic        This section was prepared in partnership with Newland                  national ID cards.
but voluntary move types, increased self-service,          impact or in line with overarching strategic changes to    Chase Global Immigration Services.
extended business travelers (EBTs), short-term             focus on hiring and developing local talent. A small
assignments (STAs), lump sum moves, and core/flex          minority (5%) expected increases in volume based on
programs were all noted as assignment types being          positive business impact from COVID-19 or due to
utilized to decrease costs associated with Talent          pushing ahead with strategic goals despite pandemic-
                                                                                                                      From an immigration perspective, Brexit represents
Mobility in response to the pandemic.                      related setbacks. Around one in five were unsure or did
                                                                                                                      the ending of free movement for the U.K.
                                                           not specify predictions.

Talent Mobility delivery has also been significantly                                                                  EU membership allows nationals of any member state
impacted by the physical shift to working from home                                                                   of the EU to be employed in another member state on
and virtual work capabilities, explored in our Virtual                                                                the same conditions as the nationals of that particular
Working section; however, while there has been high                                                                   member state. Leaving the EU removes the U.K. from
interest in the evolving potential of virtual                                                                         this arrangement.
assignments, only a very small portion (3%) reports                     20%
implementing these so far. Domestic programs have                                                 43%                 What happens to U.K. citizens already resident in the
been largely unaffected or are due to increase in                                                                     EU, or EU nationals already resident in the U.K.?
volume as a reaction to pandemic business impact. A
small portion (3%) mentioned business plans focused                                                                   While free movement technically ended on January 31,
on structural changes to succession planning and                                                                      2020, under the EU-U.K. Withdrawal Agreement, the
talent pipelines in a domestic or regional approach                                                                   rights of EU citizens resident in the U.K. and those of
rather than relying on Talent Mobility to solve talent-                                                               British citizens resident within the EU have been
sourcing challenges.                                                                                                  extended and protected through December 31, 2020.
                                                                                                                      This means that — provided EU and U.K. nationals can
                                                                                                                      demonstrate they have become resident in the U.K. or
Corporate travel bans have not been unilaterally
                                                                                                                      an EU member state — there will be a route to apply
applied in internal policies, and many respondents                 Predicted move volume in 2020 to be                for a long-term status leading to permanent residency
expect moves to naturally resume as countries are                  comparable with prior years
                                                                                                                      (extending also to close family members).
reopening. In fact, some reported initiating U.S.
                                                                   Predicted volume to decrease vs prior years
domestic or intra-EU moves, focusing on where travel
                                                                                                                      For existing EU citizens already in the U.K., what next?
can happen rather than dictating where it cannot.                  Did not provide a prediction

                                                                   Predicted an increase in volume for 2020           EU nationals can live, work, visit, and study in the U.K.
                                                                                                                      until December 31, 2020. They will continue to enjoy
                                                                                                                      free movement rights during the current transition
                                                                                                                      period and will not require immigration permissions
                                                                                                                      until January 1, 2021.


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BREXIT WHITE PAPER: POST-BREXIT 2021 - Talent Mobility Considerations
For U.K. citizens already in EU member states, up until                                            EU Citizens Entering the U.K.                                 The new framework provides changes to some existing
           December 31, 2020, the EU Freedom of Movement                                                                                                                    route requirements and a new range of options,
           (work and resident rights in EU countries) continues to                                                                                                          including a new Skilled Worker visa and changes to
                                                                                                              For EU citizens due to enter the U.K. from January
           apply to U.K. nationals, whether they are currently                                                                                                              some existing route requirements:
                                                                                                              2021 and beyond, a new immigration process will
           residing, cross-border commuting, seconded, or
                                                                                                              apply. As a result of the end of free movement, the            n Skilled Worker
           moving to the EU.
                                                                                                              U.K. has had to architect a new post-Brexit                    n Intra-Company Transfer (ICT)
                                                                                                              immigration framework which treats EU nationals as
                                                                                                                                                                             n Graduate
           The Withdrawal Agreement approved by the EU and                                                    third-country nationals who will become subject to the
           the U.K. aims to protect the residence and working                                                                                                                n Youth Mobility
                                                                                                              same immigration rules and restrictions as other
           rights of U.K. nationals and their family members                                                  foreign nationals — a huge shift from the rights EU
           residing or cross-border commuting in the EU before                                                nationals have enjoyed over the past 40 odd years.            Skilled Worker
           the end of the transition period (December 31, 2020)
                                                                                                                                                                            Highlights of the new Skilled Worker route:
           and also extends these rights after the transition
                                                                                                              The New U.K. Immigration Framework                            Skill level: The minimum skills threshold for qualifying
           period through registration schemes that vary between
           EU member states. As detailed above, the Withdrawal                                                                                                              roles has been lowered from RQF 6 (degree level) to
           Agreement registration scheme for EU nationals (EU                                                 From January 1, 2021, the U.K. will be implementing a         RQF 3 (A level or U.K. school leaving qualification).
           pre-settle and settlement scheme) was opened in the                                                new Points Based System (PBS), styled on the                  This means that more roles will qualify for
           U.K. last year; however, at the time of writing similar                                            Australian PBS, which makes provision for points to be        consideration, including business support and
           parallel schemes for U.K. nationals have only been                                                 assigned for specific skills, qualifications, salaries, and   administrative roles. It should also be noted that it is
           launched in a few EU countries. Unfortunately, the                                                 shortage occupations. If not already registered,              the role itself and not the applicant that needs to meet
           COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to a delay in the                                                employers must register as sponsors with the U.K.             this skill level; therefore, an applicant may be qualified
           implementation of such schemes for U.K. residents in                                               Home Office online to be granted the ability to apply         through formal qualifications or equivalent prior work
           most EU countries.                                                                                 for immigration visas. These will then be awarded to          experience.
                                                                                                              those who gain enough points. On the surface, the new
                                                                                                              system looks favorable in contrast to the current Tier 2      Minimum salary level: The minimum salary for the role
           On July 9, 2020, the European Commission published                                                 sponsorship scheme, which is the main route for
           an overview of the implementation of these schemes5                                                                                                              has been reduced from £30,000 to £25,600, although
                                                                                                              companies to employ foreign nationals. However,               there are role-specific salary thresholds (known as the
           for U.K. nationals and their family members under the                                              hiring of EU nationals from the U.K. will now be
           Citizens’ Rights part of the Withdrawal Agreement.                                                                                                               “going rate”) that must be met, and these may be
                                                                                                              subject to the new framework, and as such, requires           higher than the minimum set out in the rules. For
           This additional information clarifies whether the                                                  some changes of employers.
           scheme is constitutive or declaratory, deadlines for                                                                                                             example, the “going rate” for a Solicitor is £34,300
           applications under the constitutive schemes, and links                                                                                                           whereas a Logistics Manager needs only to be paid
           to national websites per EU member state. The                                                      Key adjustments to make in support of EU nationals            £25,600.
           minimum timeline to apply for the new residence                                                    based in the U.K.:
           document protecting existing rights of U.K. nationals                                                                                                            Resident Labour Market Test (RLMT): Previously,
           will be June 30, 2021, and the maximum deadline                                                     n Employers must be registered for a Sponsorship             sponsors had a time- and resource-consuming
           varies across each EU member state. The national                                                      License with the U.K. Home Office to apply for             requirement to advertise most roles in order to
           websites of member states with a constitutive scheme                                                  the relevant visa.                                         demonstrate there is not a suitable settled worker
           provide information on the opening of their respective                                                                                                           before they could hire a foreign worker. Under the new
                                                                                                               n Additional cost for both visa fees and professional
           applications.                                                                                                                                                    scheme, the RLMT is going to be abolished, removing
                                                                                                                 services support must be factored into future
                                                                                                                 employment costs.                                          advertising requirements of 28 days and the burden of
           However, this is where free movement ends, and                                                                                                                   a much more protracted recruitment process. This will
                                                                                                               n Timelines for hiring of EU nationals will need to
           immigration changes quite drastically.                                                                                                                           be welcome news to recruiters.
                                                                                                                 be adjusted to incorporate immigration
                                                                                                               n Evidence of English language fluency should be             Annual immigration cap suspended: Currently, the
                                                                                                                 assessed for moving candidates in support of the           U.K. provides an annual limit of 20,700 Certificates of
                                                                                                                 application requirements.                                  Sponsorship (CoS) available for companies to issue. At
                                                                                                                                                                            least initially, there will be no restrictions on the
                                                                                                               n Changes to hiring or application processes need
                                                                                                                                                                            number that can be issued. This is positive news for
                                                                                                                 to be made to accommodate the PBS.
                                                                                                                                                                            employers; however, the cap is only suspended,
                                                                                                               n Education should be provided to business                   suggesting the government may re-impose a limit as
                                                                                                                 stakeholders to raise awareness of the new                 they deem appropriate should the political landscape
                                                                                                                 requirements and ensure the compliance risk is             change. The cap was initially implemented to reduce
                                                                                                                 understood.                                                net migration figures in line with the government’s
                                                                                                                                                                            overall desire to reduce net migration to the tens of

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BREXIT WHITE PAPER: POST-BREXIT 2021 - Talent Mobility Considerations
Costs: The new scheme looks appealing at first glance,      Graduates
but immigration into the U.K. comes at a cost. The new      This re-introduces the previous Post Study Worker
policy confirms that both the Immigration Skills Charge     route which was closed some years back. It is expected
(ISC) and the Immigration Health Surcharge (ISC) will       to launch in the summer of 2021, this route will allow
remain in place. Costs to hire a non-EU national for five   international students to extend their stay in the U.K.
years on a Tier 2 visa would be approximately £9,000.       for a 24-month period (or 36 months if a PhD)
Add a spouse and children, and costs grow even higher.      following the completion of their studies. Employment
For some organizations, this may be prohibitive and         can be sought at any skill level, and graduates can
have a negative impact on hiring talent from abroad.        switch into a sponsored work route. Highlights of this
                                                            particular “new” visa are:
English language requirement: Applicants will now
need to meet a basic level of English language              n   Unsponsored
proficiency. As EU countries are not deemed majority
                                                            n   Can work at any skill level
English speaking, their applicants must provide
evidence of either an academic qualification (a degree      n   No maintenance requirement
taught in English) or an approved English language          n   No additional English language requirement
test. This could slow applications from EU states as        n   Can switch into work routes if eligible
applicants either need to have relevant qualifications
                                                            n   Undergraduate and master’s degree students:
confirmed as suitable or sit and pass an English
                                                                maximum visa duration of two years
language exam.
                                                            n   PhD students: maximum visa duration of three

Intra-Company Transfer Route
                                                            Youth Mobility Scheme
The Intra-Company Transfer (ICT) route will remain the
                                                            The Youth Mobility Scheme (YMS) is a temporary route
same as the current Tier 2 category. In order to be
                                                            which provides young people from participating
eligible, the applicant must have been employed for at
                                                            countries with an opportunity to experience life in the
least 12 months (or three months if a graduate intra-
                                                            U.K., enabling them to work and travel for up to two
company trainee) at the overseas sending company
                                                            years. The YMS is a reciprocal scheme, with its terms
before being transferred to the U.K. business on a
                                                            negotiated and agreed between the two participating
temporary basis.
                                                            countries, which enables young British citizens to
                                                            benefit from similar opportunities overseas. While
The U.K. role must be at a certain skill level (RQF 6)      there have been some suggestions that this route will
and meet the minimum salary threshold of £41,500            include EU countries in the future, as noted, it is based
per annum (or £23,000 per annum for a graduate              on a reciprocal agreement; therefore, it remains to be
intra-company trainee). There is no requirement for         seen whether the scope of the YMS will include some
the applicant to evidence their English language            or all EU countries under the post-Brexit framework.
ability. The question is whether this route will continue
to hold any appeal to U.K. businesses, as the eligibility
                                                            As business travelers, EU nationals will be given little
requirements are at a higher threshold than those of
                                                            preferential treatment over non-EU nationals. They
the Skilled Worker route. Also, and quite
                                                            will, however, be considered as non-visa nationals for
fundamentally, the route will not lead to settlement.
                                                            business purposes, and on account of this, are able to
The key differences under this new route are that:
                                                            travel freely to the U.K. on short-term business trips
                                                            without requiring prior entry clearance. On arrival, they
n    ICT migrants will be allowed to switch into the        will be allowed to stay in the U.K. for up to six months
     Skilled Worker route from the U.K. (if eligible),      and will be comfortably supported in typical business
     which was previously prohibited. This includes         trips of a few weeks. While this is good news, it is a
     those already holding an ICT under the rules in        change to the current free movement of EU nationals
     place before January 1, 2021.                          who will have to satisfy U.K. Border Force Officers that
n    ICT migrants can only hold an ICT visa for a           they are a genuine business visitor. Travelers will be
     maximum period of five years in any six-year           asked standard questions concerning their intentions,
     period (unless a high earner, which permits nine       activity while in the U.K., duration of stay, and
     years).                                                frequency of travel. This may be a new concept to EU
                                                            nationals who have traveled freely to and from the
                                                            U.K. for many years without coming under such

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BREXIT WHITE PAPER: POST-BREXIT 2021 - Talent Mobility Considerations
U.K. Citizens Entering the EU                                n   Despite already residing in an EU country, freedom            The EU is also launching a new travel authorization
                                                                 to travel across the EU/Schengen Area may also                requirement due mid-2022 called ETIAS6 (similar to
                                                                 be affected. Therefore, we recommend that the                 the U.S. ESTA requirement) to track travelers (separate
U.K. nationals moving to EU member states in the
                                                                 new residence document certifying protections is              to immigration requirements). Falling under the
future will be subject to the terms of each member
                                                                 always obtained. This document will not only                  visa-free regime means that U.K. nationals will likely
state’s immigration requirements and treated as
                                                                 protect U.K. nationals’ current rights in the EU              also need to apply for ETIAS travel authorization
third-country nationals. U.K. nationals wishing to enter
                                                                 country of the document issuance, but it will also            before a trip to the EU once this new EU travel
an EU member state for work post-transition period
                                                                 assist them to travel in and out the Schengen                 authorization is implemented.
will need to apply for work authorization like other
third-country nationals. They may qualify for short-
term work permit exemptions where available. Various                                                                           Key adjustments to make in support of U.K. nationals
EU-wide policies and directives available to third-          Any further enhancements to current U.K. residents’               based in the EU:
country nationals, in some cases not previously              rights post-transition period may form part of the new
applicable to U.K. nationals, will now apply, including:     EU/U.K. partnership but are unknown at this time.
                                                                                                                               n      Consider work permit costs and timing if they are
                                                                                                                                      required to work in or relocate to the EU after
n    Blue Cards, national (for local hires), or national                                                                              January 2021.
     high-skilled immigration routes
                                                             Schengen Status
                                                                                                                               n      Ensure U.K. citizens are properly registered in the
n    Intra-corporate transfer permits (likely the best                                                                                EU country where they are currently residing to
     option for U.K. nationals on U.K. employment            Beginning January 2021, U.K. citizens will be able to                    benefit from the new residence document
     contracts working in more than one EU country           stay in the whole of the Schengen Area on tourism or                     certifying their rights protection post-January
     over the same period of time)                           business status for up to 90 days out of each 180-day                    2021. Note: They can only work in their current EU
                                                             cycle. While no visa is required for this, there are                     country of residence. If working in several EU
n    Van der Elst case law (for U.K. nationals residing in
                                                             specific entry requirements for U.K. citizens to the                     countries, a work permit may be needed for each
     an EU country requiring to work in other EU
                                                             Schengen Area after the transition period:                               additional EU country where they do not currently
     member states as part of a provision of service
     contract)                                                                                                                        reside.
                                                             n   Passports must have a validity of at least six                n      U.K. nationals frequently commuting to the same
                                                                 months.                                                              EU country must be tracked and assessed to
Every country has its own immigration system, so
                                                             n   Passports will be stamped at time of entry to and                    ensure their work is protected by the Withdrawal
Talent Mobility functions will need to ensure a process
                                                                 departure from the Schengen Area and other EU                        Agreement after the transition period.
of checking inbound U.K. nationals into each particular
EU member state going forward.                                   countries to keep track of the allowed 90 days out
                                                                 of the 180-day period.		                                      There are positive aspects to the new rules as they
                                                                                                                               simplify some elements of the prior U.K. immigration
Going forward, despite the EU schemes for U.K.               Travelers must:
                                                                                                                               framework, but there are also downsides for both
nationals currently residing or regularly commuting to           Justify the purpose of travel
                                                             n                                                                 employers and migrants. There is little that is positive
or within the EU, there are likely to be two important
                                                             n   Show financial means for their stay                           for EU nationals given the loss of free movement rights
changes affecting their rights post-transition period:
                                                             n   Have an itinerary for their stay                              and additional burdens of visa processing delays and
                                                                                                                               fees. And for U.K. nationals moving into or remaining
                                                             n   Have comprehensive sickness insurance
n    The right to work and/or residence protection as                                                                          in the EU to work, there will certainly be additional
     per the Withdrawal Agreement is, in principle,          n   Be able to prove the stay will not exceed 90 days             administration, monitoring, time, and cost impacts.
     only granted in the EU country where the new                in any 180-day cycle in the Schengen Area                     Most importantly, there is the need for a mindset shift;
     document certifying protection is obtained. U.K.                                                                          the ending of free movement brings requirements that
     nationals will only be authorized to work in their                                                                        both employees (EU and U.K. nationals) and their
     current EU country of residence and a work permit                                                                         employers have not had to consider previously.
     may be required in other EU countries where they             Schengen Area                                                Travelers and organizations will need to take time and
     do not currently reside. Therefore, if an employee           Schengen Area members have officially abolished all          cost into account when looking at movement to and
     has the right to work in Belgium but needs to                passport and all other types of border control at their      from the U.K. after December 31, 2020.
                                                                  mutual borders. Members consist of the following
     conduct work in another EU member state, they
                                                                  countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark,
     may need to apply for the right to work there                Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,          For more immigration information on Brexit, please
     separately.                                                  Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania,
                                                                  Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
                                                                                                                               visit the Newland microsite,
                                                                  Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and   
                                                                  EU countries not belonging to the Schengen Area are
                                                                  Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, and Ireland. In these
                                                                  EU countries, stay per country would be 90 days in any
                                                                  180-day period per country.


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BREXIT WHITE PAPER: POST-BREXIT 2021 - Talent Mobility Considerations
Extended Business Travelers (EBTs) and Posted                                          Those organizations that have a proactive approach           Intercultural Impact                                         Differences in regional culture and perception are a
Workers Impact                                                                         will avoid increases in cost and time as well as risks of                                                                 function
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      THEof these economic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          BRITISH             differences.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ISLES, UNITED    KINGDOM, GREAT
                                                                                       increased penalties, compliance rulings against both                                                                          BRITAIN, AND ENGLAND
                                                                                                                                                    Brexit has already impacted U.K. culture, and it is likely
Following the end of the transition period (December                                   their organization and the individual employees in
                                                                                                                                                    to shift further as the profile of inbound travelers and         The British Isles: Consists of the islands of Great Britain,
31, 2020), U.K. nationals will become third-country                                    breach, and resulting serious damage to the market
                                                                                                                                                    immigrants changes over the coming years. U.K.                   Ireland, and over six thousand smaller isles. In total, 67
(non-EU) nationals. High-travel profile employees who                                  and employer reputation. Talent Mobility sits at the
                                                                                                                                                    employment hubs, such as London or Manchester, are               million people.
have enjoyed freedom of movement will lose the                                         crux of tax, payroll, travel, and expenses. It is uniquely
                                                                                                                                                    some of the most diverse in the world, but traveling
ability. Employers will have to track and measure                                      positioned to both recognize this risk and act on it                                                                          Great Britain: The larger of the two main islands in the
                                                                                                                                                    further afield in the U.K. can be a different experience.
frequency, volume, and length of stay between the                                      given the function’s process and data management                                                                              British Isles accounting for 90% of the population (60.8
                                                                                                                                                    For minorities in the U.K., Brexit has brought questions         million). Divided into three countries — all of whom are
U.K. and EU, which will require capabilities not                                       position.
                                                                                                                                                    of identity to the fore, potentially creating a more             part of the United Kingdom:
currently available in many organizations.
                                                                                                                                                    uncomfortable climate.

                                                                                       Posted Worker Status                                         While it is important to avoid stereotypes, core trends
Extended Business Travelers (EBTs)                                                                                                                  in cultural values help us better understand the way
                                                                                                                                                    that people may react to and interact with one
                                                                                       Posted workers are those who are sent to carry out           another, and such understanding contributes
Preparations for U.K. nationals currently residing in the                              work on behalf of their employer in another country          significantly to relationship building and business                             28% of the
U.K. but frequently working in different EU countries                                  but continue to maintain employment terms and                success on assignment. Individuals may behave                                   population               Scotland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (1.8 million)
are particularly challenging since they are neither                                    entitlements as they would in the origin country. They       differently, but certain cultural norms can be used to                          of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         9% of the
residents nor cross-border commuters to the EU and                                     are covered under the Posted Workers Directive               help understand behavior and strengthen working
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    island of                            (5.3 million)
are not covered by the EU-U.K. Withdrawal                                              (1996)7, which was revised in 2016 with updated              relationships. BGRS’s Intercultural training programs
Agreement. EBTs make up the bulk of most companies’                                    reporting obligations. U.K. nationals will still be          aid in establishing and deepening high-performing
travel profiles and risk arises when an employee’s                                     subject to posted worker rules when posted to the EU.        working relationships for the assignee and their team.                                   N.Ireland
travel pattern breaches tax, social security, or                                       The only difference being that a posted worker               Programs deliver tailored support at the individual
immigration regulations. Determining who fits into a                                   notification may not always be required in advance of        assignee level and the program level, mapping existing
risk category can be challenging, and will require a                                   the posting due to the fact that some EU countries           cultural awareness levels to future needs profiles for                                                                      86% of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Republic of                                 population
systemic approach to capture all travel profiles with                                  only request such notification for assignments from          the assignee and their family. Training content can be                            Ireland                                   (53 million)
the ability to identify risk factors and plot traveler                                 within the EU. This translates as an advantage to            delivered virtually and integrates coaching principles
profiles over time. Capturing individual data needs to                                 U.K.-based employers posting workers in the future, as       for sophisticated development of cross-cultural
extend to systemized reporting to provide intelligence                                 it removes administration requirements of notifying                                                                                                               Wales    England
                                                                                                                                                    leadership capabilities. Such support will ensure your          72% of the
to and oversight of risk populations.                                                  local EU member states (but not the obligation to            business travelers feel confident and equipped to               population
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (4.6 million)        5% of the
                                                                                       comply with the other requirements of the legislation).      integrate into the U.K. culture, even as it may shift           of the               population
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    island of            (3 million)
Governments are increasing their data-management                                                                                                    over time.                                                      Ireland
capabilities as quickly as organizations. The anticipated
pandemic-driven economic downturn will be directing                                    Social Security Changes
focus to cost reduction opportunities like corporate                                                                                                What an Expatriate Coming into the U.K.
                                                                                                                                                    Should Know                                                      United Kingdom: A fully independent sovereign state
compliance with tax and immigration regulations to                                     Social security coordination post-Brexit is being                                                                             made up of the three countries in Great Britain plus
eliminate penalties and additional processing fees.                                    discussed as part of the new EU-U.K. partnership. If a                                                                        Northern Ireland, reflected in its full name: United
BGRS’s proprietary TripWise solution provides tracking                                 trade agreement is reached, there may be minimal             An incoming assignee needs an awareness of the                   Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
of all business travelers and identifies immigration and                               impact to current processes. If no trade agreement is        variety and drivers of prevailing identities in the U.K.
tax compliance risk at the point of determining travel.                                reached, or the new EU-U.K. trade agreement does not         They need to have an appreciation of the constituent             Everyone from England, Scotland, and Wales is also
This technology integrates with human resource                                         include social security clauses, prior bilateral social      nations of the EU, some knowledge of the impact of               British, but not people from Northern Ireland who are
information systems (HRIS), travel, immigration, and                                   security agreements signed by the U.K. and some of           the history of how it has evolved, and ensuing                   Irish (despite also being U.K. citizens). People from the
tax partners’ systems through API connections,                                         the EU countries would need to be reconsidered, or           tensions. There are differences in the devolution of             Republic of Ireland are simply Irish. None of these
allowing real-time analysis, tracking, monitoring, and                                 new bilateral social security agreements would need to       powers, resentments that accompany these, and                    groups, except for people from England, should be
reporting of the traveling workforce.                                                  be reached by the U.K. and each EU specific country          consequences for a sense of national U.K. culture and            referred to as English.
                                                                                       where no social security bilateral agreement exists.         identity (for example the repeated question of Scottish
There is a bottom-line impact for businesses that do                                   This area needs to be monitored carefully to assess risk     independence).                                                   Since becoming a republic in the 1940s, the Republic of
not proactively maintain a culture of compliance,                                      impact, and we advise Talent Mobility functions to                                                                            Ireland (which shares a border with Northern Ireland) has
                                                                                                                                                    The U.K. has strong regional differences based on
which requires active measuring and adjusting of                                       engage with their tax and social security provider                                                                            operated as a sovereign state of its own. Though it is
                                                                                                                                                    history, and these are reflected in the economy. Service
                                                                                       should no agreement be reached.                                                                                               physically close to the U.K., the Republic of Ireland has
practice to adapt to changing tax and immigration                                                                                                   industries dominate the richer cities and southeast of           its own relationships and memberships with the United
regulation.                                                                                                                                         the U.K. IT hubs have developed in London,                       Nations, the European Union, and other international
                                                                                                                                                    Cambridge, and Bristol, but the North can still                  organizations.
                                                                                                                                                    sometimes be viewed as characterized by large-scale
                                                                                                                                                    manufacturing, low skills, and unemployment.


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      BGRS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              BGRS
Understanding the cultural values that underlie                                         The framework has been announced without an initial        Group Move Profiles                                         However, should these decisions not be concluded
  communities across the U.K. and those that connect                                      cap of maximum application volumes; this will be                                                                       before the end of the transition period, alternative
  more diverse populations can be very useful in paving                                   watched very closely politically as immigration                                                                        transfer mechanisms would need to be in place to
                                                                                                                                                     One of the first reactions to Brexit in Talent Mobility
  the way to successful interactions in business. Even                                    volumes and control was an emotive driver for many                                                                     ensure that data, including personal data from EU/EEA
                                                                                                                                                     program design involved building requirements to
  amid the turbulence caused by Brexit, these values                                      voting to leave the EU. Recent research shows the                                                                      businesses, can continue to legally flow from the EU/
                                                                                                                                                     support mass moves of strategic groupings of
  continue to include the concepts of fair play,                                          impacts of immigration on the U.K. talent market and                                                                   EEA to the U.K. For many organizations, the most
                                                                                                                                                     employees into potential relocation areas across the
  understatement, humor, and anti-elitism (among many                                     economy have been largely positive8, evidencing                                                                        relevant of these mechanisms will be Standard
                                                                                                                                                     EU. These reactions came from concerns of industry
  others). Due to English being the global lingua-franca                                  immigrants earning proportionately significantly higher                                                                Contractual Clauses (SCCs) in order to legally receive
                                                                                                                                                     and regulatory restrictions or predicted shifts in
  and Britain’s historical visibility, expats can sometimes                               than non-immigrants; however, public perception has                                                                    personal data from the EU.
                                                                                                                                                     market volume and access due to Brexit departure
  make assumptions and overlook deep cultural                                             yet to align with this reality.
                                                                                                                                                     terms. As we enter the final quarter of 2020 and the
  differences that impact attitudes to work time, self-
                                                                                                                                                     finalized terms of Brexit remain elusive, many              Additionally, concerns have recently been raised that
  promotion, relationships with colleagues, and those
                                                                                          Within diverse representative groups, the U.K.             industries have moved forward with contingency              the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield fails to protect EU citizens
  higher or lower in the hierarchy. These differences may
                                                                                          promotes some of the world’s leading practices in legal    planning of alternative talent sourcing, or less dramatic   from U.S. government surveillance in the Schrems II
  be exacerbated now that domestic politics and
                                                                                          protections and support across areas such as mental        phased-move approaches based on most effective              case raised at the European Court of Justice (CJEU or
  attitudes have shifted under the pressures of a new
                                                                                          health and disability but open recognition of              scenario planning.                                          ECJ). The July 2020 ruling of this case invalidated the
  British identity. Investing the time and effort in
                                                                                          challenges providing an environment of equitable           Group moves may involve support from Talent Mobility        standing adequacy decision with immediate effect -
  intercultural training and research will be valuable for
                                                                                          representation for women, sexual orientation, race,        soliciting interest of potential move populations,          meaning this framework can no longer be relied upon
  any expat coming into the U.K.
                                                                                          and ethnicity. As global representation widens due to      selecting the appropriate candidates, scoping of            for personal data transfers to U.S. businesses and
                                                                                          the anticipated broadening of trade, ties are              requirements and services, and providing educational        organizations. As the EU is still reviewing the U.K.’s
                                                                                          anticipated to strengthen with legacy Commonwealth                                                                     data practices and confirming how EU standards of
 What could someone moving from the U.K.                                                                                                             awareness to employees considering their options to
                                                                                          relationships, likely increasing racial and ethnic         move. Under Brexit, the Talent Mobility industry            data protection must travel with the data when it goes
 to the EU find?                                                                          diversity. As employees come into contact with a                                                                       overseas, this judgment has wider implications than
                                                                                                                                                     initially saw high concerns around the capacity of
                                                                                          broader range of people and cultures, BGRS’s programs      service lines to support increased volumes, with an         just the invalidation of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield. It is
  A British business expatriate may encounter                                             can provide both individual perception and adjustment      initial rush on service provisions such as housing          a judgment that confirms the importance of safeguards
  puzzlement by the Germans, disdain from the French,                                     tactics, diversity-focused training, and awareness         availability. The extended timeframe and ambiguous          for personal data transferred out of the U.K.
  and indifference by the Italians. The roots and drivers                                 support across teams and local structures.                 nature of the expected Brexit changes has significantly
  of these responses reflect the cultures of the different                                                                                           reduced this pressure, and a more phased movement           BGRS has taken steps within our supply chain to ensure
  nations of Europe, which are not homogeneous. A                                         Virtual Working                                            occurred as businesses took stock of their unique           data compliance and effective continuity of delivering
  German client of our intercultural trainers commented                                                                                              needs.                                                      our Talent Mobility support services. Any similar
  that he could not believe that the British were                                         Our workplaces have transformed over the past ten                                                                      suppliers should be conducting the same contingency
  prepared to joke about Brexit, as in Germany the                                        months, and the move to normalizing virtual working                                                                    plans to ensure compliance through the transition
  response would have been extreme angst. Many                                            practices has created new possibilities but also           Data Treatment                                              period. The culture of attention to data management
  Europeans have expressed shock, and some have                                           demands new capabilities as organizations have been                                                                    and protection is clearly increasing globally and
  expressed a belief that the U.K. was irrational to vote                                 forced to adjust their models and behavioral practices.                                                                requires ongoing engagement to ensure the upcoming
  to leave the EU. Britain is likely to become less                                                                                                  EU data protection laws, including the General Data
                                                                                          The hiring of “Head of Remote Working” roles is on the                                                                 rulings related to Brexit are addressed in Talent
  significant to Europe as a result. However, the U.K.                                                                                               Protection Regulation (GDPR), have continued to apply
                                                                                          rise, a title most had not encountered before                                                                          Mobility service delivery changes.
  market also cannot be ignored due to the size of its                                                                                               throughout the transition period alongside the U.K.’s
                                                                                          experiencing lockdown. Should distancing continue
  economy.                                                                                                                                           Data Protection Act 2018. After the transition period,
                                                                                          through early 2021, new arrivals into the U.K. or across
                                                                                                                                                     GDPR will be retained in U.K. law with technical            BGRS continues to monitor the current EU review
                                                                                          Europe may find themselves joining remote
                                                                                                                                                     amendments to ensure it can function in legislation,        closely and will provide further updates to Talent
                                                                                          workplaces, and decisions may be needed on whether
 Diversity Impact                                                                                                                                    and the U.K. government has stated it is committed to       Mobility stakeholders as decisions are forthcoming on
                                                                                          physical relocation is beneficial. Talent Mobility
                                                                                                                                                     high data protection standards.                             any actions necessary to protect compliant transfer of
                                                                                          functions are rapidly moving to adapt value in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 data in relation to Brexit impacts.
  Talent Mobility leaders tailoring their programs to                                     assignments in response to the new balance of remote
  support a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion                                   working or virtually designed assignments. They are        The EU’s data adequacy assessment of the U.K. is
  (DEI) should take note of these shifts affecting U.K.                                   translating developmental value, along with                underway, and the U.K. government is confident that
  move profiles. From the indications above, there may                                    knowledge and relationship-sharing benefits, into new      adequacy decisions can be concluded by the end of the
  be stronger — and possibly more negative — reactions                                    assignment structures. The increasing need for data        transition period. This would allow for the free flow of
  in the U.K. to immigrants. While the new immigration                                    capture and monitoring of movement due to Brexit           personal data from the EU/European Economic Area
  framework applies increased structure and procedural                                    changes will be even more important to capture in          (EEA) to the U.K. to continue without any further
  control of EU travelers, it will also expand access to                                  virtual work arrangements, which may be more fluid         action by organizations.
  work in the U.K. more easily to a wider global migrant                                  and could see repeated return activity, creating
  population.                                                                             increased risks in immigration and social security


       14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             15
      BGRS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           BGRS
CONCLUSION                                                 n   Adjust processes to capture new steps of
                                                                      increased time required for processing,
                                                                                                                                 n   Business travel processes
                                                                                                                                 n   Virtual or remote working processes
                                                                      touchpoints, vendor relationships, and internal
       January 2021 will likely bring some short-term impacts
                                                                      communication steps to address the change in
       in supply chain delivery. BGRS continues to monitor                                                                       REPORTING AND DATA:
                                                                      process for EU and U.K. nationals.
       those impacts and will provide specific advice through
       late 2020 as we approach the transition date. Overall,     n   Prepare communications for your process                n   Consider what types of data you already have
       Talent Mobility functions have demonstrated                    stakeholders and business to alert them to the             available that will help you reach out to the
       remarkable resilience through an unpredictably                 coming changes in process and how their roles will         appropriate stakeholders to demonstrate the case
       disruptive year, and great steps have been made in             evolve.                                                    for changes needed. Such data may include:
       moving delivery forward through confusing and              n   Reassure any EU nationals already in the U.K. of           n   Volumes of employees
       difficult periods.                                             their rights via the settlement scheme and direct
                                                                                                                                 n   Cost of increases
                                                                      them to the U.K. government websites for
                                                                      comprehensive guidance.                                    n   Time cost of processing increases
       The impact of Brexit will largely be determined by
                                                                  n   Reassure U.K. nationals already resident in EU             n   Risk profiles of penalties
       market reaction and internal preparedness levels. You
       can have confidence that the Talent Mobility industry          countries of their reciprocal rights and the               n   Demographics most impacted
       is well geared to support businesses through                   requirement to register in their local country.        n   Understand which data is currently captured and
       additional waves of change and that it will capitalize                                                                    any gaps that need to be addressed due to the
       on the opportunities the changes present. Below we             BUSINESS TRAVEL:                                           new requirements around Brexit:
       outline key steps to guide your Talent Mobility strategy
                                                                  n   Assess current business travel tracking capabilities       n   Ensuring nationalities and immigration
       in preparation for Brexit in January 2021.
                                                                      and consider increased risk potential based on                 status is captured
                                                                      your organization’s travel patterns.                       n   Multiple nationalities
       As always, BGRS welcomes the opportunity to partner
                                                                  n   Beginning January 1, 2021, British nationals going         n   Working locations
       with you in developing your delivery objectives. Please
                                                                      to the EU or inbound EU nationals to the U.K.
       engage with your BGRS representative or reach out to
                                                                      need to meet business visitor criteria or obtain
       us for tailored advice if needed.                                                                                         COMMUNICATIONS:
                                                                      work authorization. Employers need to be
                                                                      prepared to demonstrate a duty of care and             n   Many organizations have operated a cross-
                                                                      ensure employees feel safe and able to comply              functional response to Brexit preparations due to
       PREPAREDNESS                                                   with any health screening or quarantine measures.          the wide-ranging impacts. If your function has not
                                                                  n   Reach out to BGRS for more information on our              been engaged cross-functionally, reach out to
                                                                      TripWise solution to support your entire business          leadership across your Communications, HR,
       n   Check that you have a U.K. sponsor license to              traveler population manage increased compliance            People, Talent, DEI, Tax, and Finance functions to
           apply for visas under the new immigration                  requirements.                                              work collaboratively.
           framework. Delays are expected given the volume                                                                   n   Ensure increased risk areas are addressed. In some
           of new applicants; however, current Home Office                                                                       cases (e.g., business traveler practices), behavior
           processing has accelerated due to pandemic                 TALENT PLANNING:
                                                                                                                                 of either business stakeholders and/or employees
           border restrictions, so now is a good time to take     n   Engage Talent Mobility in your organizational              will need to change. Communications should be
           action.                                                    workforce planning by reaching out to talent               developed to help raise awareness of the changes
       n   Assess the new U.K. visa types available to                stakeholders and alerting them to the impact of            to risk profiles and the responsibilities within the
           understand how your talent needs can best be               changes regarding availability of talent sources           business to adapt.
           accommodated and what changes are needed in                and additional costs. Skills shortages should be       n   Consider where processes are changing, including
           preparation for the new requirements.                      assessed to capture any gaps in adapting to                specific touchpoints with stakeholders. Consider
       n   Assess EU member state requirements and                    post-pandemic working structures and capabilities          how changes will be communicated (e.g., policy
           timelines for U.K. citizen moving to or taking up          that Talent Mobility can support.                          amendments, trainings, process guides/manuals).
           residence in the EU.                                   n   Engage with diversity, equity, and inclusion               Consider multiple channels for communications to
       n   Ensure budgets are adjusted to account for                 stakeholders internally to consider the cultural           ensure the message reaches stakeholders
           increased costs in your visa volume due to the new         changes expected to impact Talent Mobility                 effectively.
           U.K. framework.                                            delivery and how move profiles of inbound talent
                                                                      may change and impact internal programs.
                                                                                                                                 KEY AREAS TO WATCH IN A NO-DEAL
                                                                      GOVERNANCE:                                                OUTCOME:

                                                                  n   Consider changes needed in approval processes or       n   Social security status for U.K. outbound travelers
                                                                      stakeholder engagement given the evolving risk         n   Data protection
                                                                      landscape, including the value of applying cross-
                                                                      functional approvals to:

16                                                                                                                                                                              17
BGRS                                                                                                                                                                           BGRS
BGRS develops and implements comprehensive
talent mobility solutions for corporate and
government clients worldwide. Our Talent
Mobility Consulting practice empowers clients
to leverage their investments that bridge Global
Mobility and Human Resources. By combining
deep industry experience and unparalleled
insights on the future of talent mobility, we
enable our clients to design mobility programs
that empower them to attract, retain, and
develop top performers. With more than 1,400
people across six continents, we blend global
perspective with local market strength. To find
out more, visit

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BGRS does not provide legal or tax advice. This
material has been prepared for informational
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