HOW TO ACCELERATE AND DE-RISK DRUG DEVELOPMENT IN ONCOLOGY - Right Biology, Right Target, Right Biomarkers - Biognosys

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HOW TO ACCELERATE AND DE-RISK DRUG DEVELOPMENT IN ONCOLOGY - Right Biology, Right Target, Right Biomarkers - Biognosys
Proteomics for Precision Medicine

Right Biology, Right Target, Right Biomarkers

     White Paper, May 2022
HOW TO ACCELERATE AND DE-RISK DRUG DEVELOPMENT IN ONCOLOGY - Right Biology, Right Target, Right Biomarkers - Biognosys
WHY DOES ONCOLOGY                                                                                                                           LEVERAGING PROTEOMICS ACROSS
DRUG DEVELOPMENT FAIL?                                                                                                                      THE ONCOLOGY PIPELINE
            Fewer than one in 20 new cancer drugs ever make it to market.1 By enriching the                                                   Biognosys offers a unique suite of proteomics research platforms for every
            understanding of target biology, proteomics can de-risk the drug development                                                      application, from discovery to clinic.
            process and increase the likelihood of success.

Despite more than a century of dedicated research,                     By uncovering the right biology, right target, and right
cancer remains one of the leading causes of death.2                    biomarkers, Biognosys’ TrueDiscovery™, TrueTarget™,
Recent years have seen significant advances in treat-                  and TrueSignature™ proteomics platforms can gener-                                                                                   Novel Drug Target Identification
ment, however, there is still much to be done to ensure                ate the insights needed to support the next generation                                                                               and Validation
that scientific developments result in clinically mean-                of cancer diagnostics, therapeutics, and clinical bio-

ingful improvements. On average, only 3% of oncology                   markers.                                                                                                                                Applications
drugs ever make it to market1, and many of those that                                                                                                                                                          DRUG TARGET DECONVOLUTION
do make a limited difference to quantity or quality of life            Biognosys can lead you from the earliest stages of                                                                                      DRUG TARGET VALIDATION
for patients.3,4                                                       compound characterization through to identifying and
                                                                       validating biomarkers and developing the next genera-
The reasons for these failures can broadly be separated                tion of game-changing immunotherapies. We make it
into three categories:                                                 easy to interpret your data to help you get the insights
                                                                       you need. And our facilities are Good Laboratory Prac-
  • Incomplete understanding of underlying biology                     tice (GLP) certified and Good Clinical Practice (GCP)
    (‘wrong biology’): Genomic and transcriptomic                      compliant, making us the first global large-scale pro-
    data does not always reveal the true underlying                    teomics service provider able to support you from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Unbiased Biological Insights
    complexity of cancer, leading to incomplete insights               beginning to the end of your drug development journey.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            from Tissue and Biofluids
    into the biological processes in tumors.
  • Incorrect target (‘wrong target’): Several cancer

    drugs do not act on their intended target. Analysis                                                                                                                                                        BIOFLUID BIOMARKER DISCOVERY
    of oncology drugs in clinical trials found several                                                                                                                                                         TISSUE BIOMARKER DISCOVERY
    cases of efficacy being achieved through off-target                 (a) Probability of Success of Clinical Trial Phases in Oncology
                                                                                                                                                                                                               MECHANISM OF ACTION STUDIES
    effects5 which can result in toxicity and side effects.                80                                                                                                                                  PHOSPHOPROTEOME PROFILING
  • Lack of effective biomarkers (‘wrong biomark-                                                                                                                                                              IMMUNOPEPTIDOME PROFILING
    ers’): A lack of effective biomarkers prevents effec-
    tive patient identification and stratification, while                                                                  P1 to P2
    hampering efforts to monitor treatment response in                     20                                              P2 to P3
                                                                                                                           P3 to Approval
    the clinic.                                                             0                                              Overall

Although there are initiatives to de-risk the drug devel-                                                                                                                                                   Custom Panels for Absolute
opment process, continually applying the same tools                     b) Probability of Success of Clinical trials in Different                                                                           Protein Quantification
                                                                           Therapeutic Areas, Including Oncology and Without
and approaches is unlikely to lead to innovative, first- or                Oncology

best-in-class targets and transformative progress.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               PHARMACODYNAMIC BIOMARKERS
                                                                           60                                                                                                                                  CLINICAL BIOMARKER PANELS

Fig 1. a) & b). Source: Chi Heem Wong, Kien Wei Siah, Andrew W Lo.
“Estimation of clinical trial success rates and related parameters.”        0
Biostatics 20(2): April 2019, Pages 273-286. Published online: 31                          Overall             Overall Excluding Oncology
January 2018. DOI: 10.1093/biostatics/kxx069

2 / Proteomics for Precision Medicine, White Paper, May 2022                                                                                                                                            Proteomics for Precision Medicine, White Paper, May 2022 / 3
HOW TO ACCELERATE AND DE-RISK DRUG DEVELOPMENT IN ONCOLOGY - Right Biology, Right Target, Right Biomarkers - Biognosys
TRUEDISCOVERY™:                                                                                                              TRUETARGET™:
INSIGHTS INTO THE RIGHT BIOLOGY                                                                                              HIT THE RIGHT TARGET
            Biognosys’ TrueDiscovery™ platform can identify and quantify proteins in tissue and                                          Powered by our patented LiP-MS technology, TrueTarget™ identifies on- and
            biofluids, offering unprecedented specificity at scale. Our integrated solutions function                                    off-target drug binding. This can help identify the mechanism of action and
            across the entire drug development pipeline and can be performed in a GLP-certified and                                      reveal unexpected side effects early on, accelerating and de-risking the drug
            GCP-compliant environment.                                                                                                   development process.

The journey to developing a new cancer therapy begins           Phenotyping colorectal cancer                                Target validation is a crucial part of the drug discovery    TrueTarget can help you:
with understanding the underlying biology. To do this, it       Colorectal cancer is highly heterogeneous,6 with molec-      journey. Our proprietary TrueTarget platform offers a          • Understand if and where your drug is binding to the
is helpful to look at the proteome – the ultimate output       ular signatures frequently varying between patients.          unique way of probing drug-target interactions, provid-          expected target
of the genome – to really understand what is going on          In collaboration with precision oncology experts              ing an in-depth characterization of lead candidates to         • Identify off-target binding and allosteric effects
inside cells, tissues, and tumors.                             ­Indivumed, we performed large-scale proteome profil-         increase confidence in your drug target.                       • Establish the mechanism of action
                                                                ing of colorectal cancer patient biopsies and healthy                                                                       • Identify potential issues with specificity and toxicity
Genomics-based approaches, while useful, cannot be              control tissue to obtain deeper functional insights into     TrueTarget is based upon Limited Proteolysis cou-              • De-risk the drug development process
relied upon to give a complete picture of cancer biology.       the biology of the cancer.7 We analyzed more than 900        pled with Mass Spectrometry (LiP-MS), a technique              • Increase the chances of success in clinical trials
This is because genomics and transcriptomics alone             tissue samples in total, using just 5-10 mg of tissue in      invented by Professor Paola Picotti at ETH Zurich and            and accelerate the journey to market
cannot determine the presence or expression level of           each case, and profiled more than 7,000 proteins and          co-­developed by Biognosys. Unlike other approaches,
proteins, or provide information about protein function        20,000 phospho-peptides.                                      LiP-MS does not require compound modification or             Target identification of a CDK9 inhibitor
and structure. By contrast, proteomics can quantify and                                                                      labeling, affinity-based purification, or prior knowledge    Working together with AstraZeneca, we applied
identify all proteins present in a sample, as well as pro-     By integrating this data with Indivumed’s multi-omics         of the compound’s mode of action.                            TrueTarget to profile a novel inhibitor of CDK9, a
viding functional data in the form of post-translational       database, we generated new insights into key mole-                                                                         cyclin-dependent kinase with essential roles in cancer
modifications, structural changes and degradation.             cules and clinically relevant signaling pathways in col-      TrueTarget generates unique peptide signatures that          development.
                                                               orectal cancer. These insights could help to identify new     reveal drug binding sites at peptide-level resolution
Biognosys’ TrueDiscovery platform, powered by our              therapeutic targets and advance progress in precision         across the entire proteome, whether in the intended tar-     De-regulation of CDK9, one of the best characterized
patented Hyper Reaction Monitoring (HRM) mass                  medicine for colorectal cancer.                               get or elsewhere. This approach can also be combined         transcriptional CDKs, leads to a loss of cell cycle control
spectrometry technology, offers unbiased identification                                                                      with our deep learning algorithms to optimize your drug      and tumor growth, making it an important therapeutic
and quantification of thousands of proteins from any           Beyond pure quantification, our proprietary HRM tech-         discovery journey further, identifying and ranking drug      target. We found that 80% of the top 10 peptide targets
sample type – cells, tissue and biofluids. We are contin-      nology also provides valuable information on mecha-           target binding sites across species and a wide range of      of the CDK9 inhibitor were members of the CDK fam-
ually achieving new breakthroughs in depth. Our Tissue         nism of action across a range of species and sample           compound classes for rapid target deconvolution and          ily, with CDK9 confirmed as the strongest target of the
Biomarker Discovery service can now quantify 13,000            types. We can offer detailed insights into biological         validation.8                                                 inhibitor. Thanks to the peptide-level resolution provided
proteins per tissue or tumor sample, while our Biofluid        mechanisms inside cells and tissues during tumor                                                                           by TrueTarget, we were also able to investigate the
Biomarker Discovery service can detect 3,000 proteins          development and in response to drugs or other experi-                                                                      exact binding site of the drug. This revealed that the
per sample of plasma and 5,000 proteins in cerebrospi-         mental interventions.                                                CDK9                          CDK1                    inhibitor binds within the ATP pocket of CDK9, as well
nal fluid (CSF) and urine. TrueDiscovery analyzes thou-                                                                                                                                   as CDK4 and CDK6, consistent with modeling predic-
sands of samples simultaneously, making it suitable            We can also provide important functional insights                                                                          tions.
for a breadth of studies from target-focused precision         through the analysis of post-translational modifications,
studies right through to large-scale drug screening.           which play a critical role in regulating protein and cellu-                                                                Together with other mass spectrometry techniques,
                                                               lar function but cannot be inferred from genomic data                                                                      these insights helped define the selectivity and mode
TrueDiscovery can help you:                                    alone. For example, our phosphoproteome profiling                                                                          of action of the inhibitor, including mapping the bind-
  • Profile the entire proteome, to unprecedented              service offers in-depth, quantitative insights into the                                                                    ing sites and identifying off-target effects.9
                                                                                                                                    CDK4                          CDK6
    depth and in an unbiased manner                            kinases, phosphatases, and signaling cascades at work
  • Analyze post-translational modifications and other         in cancer cells, revealing new targets for drug discovery.
  • Perform discovery proteomics on a large scale              TrueDiscovery provides an unrivaled opportunity to
                                                                                                                                                                                          Fig 2. Representation of LiP data showing the CDK9 inhibitor
  • Generate reproducible data that are easily transfer-       understand cancer biology in new depths, discover                                                                          binding to its target proteins. CoM = center of mass. Taken from:
    able to clinical assays                                    novel biomarkers, and establish the mechanism of                                                                           Hendricks, J.A. et al (2021). Mechanistic Insights into a CDK9 Inhibitor
  • Deliver proteomics in a GLP-certified and                  action.                                                                                                                    Via Orthogonal Proteomics Methods. ACS Chemical Biology, 17(1),
    GCP-compliant environment                                                                                                 ATP Binding Site    LiP-Quant Peptides     Peptide CoM

4 / Proteomics for Precision Medicine, White Paper, May 2022                                                                                                                                           Proteomics for Precision Medicine, White Paper, May 2022 / 5
TRUESIGNATURE™:                                                                                                              PROTEOMICS FOR BIOMARKER
DEVELOP THE RIGHT BIOMARKERS                                                                                                 DISCOVERY AND VALIDATION
            TrueSignature™ provides highly precise and customizable                                                                                                   Our high throughput proteomics workflows can be applied to fresh-frozen or
            proteomics panels for pharmacodynamic readouts and clinical                                                                                               formalin-fixed tissue and tumor samples, blood plasma, and other biofluids,
            biomarker monitoring.                                                                                                                                     including urine and CSF. Here are just a few examples of our technology in action.

Clinical trials that use biomarkers for patient selection      You can customize panels down to amino acid reso-             Searching for biomarkers in blood plasma                                                                                              Biomarkers for companion diagnostics
are more likely to succeed than trials that don’t.1 You        lution, and panels are also transferable across sam-          Blood plasma analysis (‘liquid biopsy’) offers an easily                                                                              Companion diagnostics provides information essential
can rely on Biognosys’ TrueSignature platform to estab-        ple types and species, providing flexibility across the       accessible way of monitoring cancer within the body.                                                                                  for the safe and effective use of a drug, for example,
lish effective biomarkers for your clinical research.          drug development pipeline from preclinical to clinical        Plasma can be sampled at regular intervals, provid-                                                                                   identifying which patients are most likely to benefit
                                                               research.                                                     ing an ongoing overview of health and therapeutic                                                                                     from a particular drug.11
Powered by Parallel Reaction Monitoring mass spec-                                                                           response over time. Biognosys has pioneered an indus-
trometry, TrueSignature provides customizable pro-             Clinical biomarker panels                                     try-leading approach to profiling the proteome, using                                                                                 We are combining our discovery proteomics tools with
teomics panels for pharmacodynamic readouts and                TrueSignature is used by our global biopharma partners        automated depletion of the most abundant proteins to                                                                                  Siemens Healthineers’ diagnostic assay development
clinical biomarker monitoring. Your custom TrueSig-            to de-risk their clinical research. Our clinical biomarker    achieve unprecedented depth, and in a fully unbiased                                                                                  and commercial expertise to help you develop compan-
nature panels can be guided by insights from earlier           panels can help you reliably validate and monitor bio-        manner.                                                                                                                               ion diagnostics for your novel therapy.
TrueDiscovery studies.                                         markers to ensure the success of your therapeutic
                                                               agent. Panels are flexible in size, can be multiplexed,       Identifying tumor agnostic biomarkers                                                                                                 We can streamline the progress of your companion
Unlike affinity-based proteomics methods, our mass             and are customizable across species and indications.          We recently demonstrated the power of our novel                                                                                       diagnostic from the initial stages of biomarker discov-
spectrometry technology doesn’t rely on the availabil-         Our technology offers unbiased proteomic profiling at         plasma proteomics workflow for oncology by analyz-                                                                                    ery right through to assay development and commer-
ity of specific reagents such as antibodies. Panels can        unprecedented depth and scale, without the limitations        ing plasma samples from 180 people with lung, breast,                                                                                 cialization. Whether applied to early-stage research
also be developed quickly, ready for you to use within a       of affinity-based approaches and reagent availability,        colorectal, pancreatic and prostate cancer. We detected                                                                               or patient profiling for clinical trials, our unbiased pro-
matter of weeks.                                               alongside robust and reliable quantification.                 over 2,700 proteins and categorized people by cancer                                                                                  teomics solutions are transferable across species and
                                                                                                                             type and stage using their plasma protein profiles. We                                                                                suitable for all stages of the drug development pipe-
TrueSignature can help you:                                    We provide you with reproducible and comparable data          also identified several predictive biomarker candidates,                                                                              line. Furthermore, our facility is GLP certified and GCP
  • Take insights from preclinical research all the way        across thousands of samples and multiple time points,         including known biomarkers such as STAT3 in colorec-                                                                                  compliant, ensuring that any preclinical or clinical data
    through to clinical studies                                making TrueSignature ideal for large-scale clinical trials.   tal cancer, as well as biomarkers with novel biological                                                                               you collect has the quality and traceability required by
  • Build highly precise, customizable protein bio-                                                                          significance.10                                                                                                                       regulators for market authorization.
    marker panels
  • Simultaneously quantify up to 100 proteins,
    ­including post-translational modifications and other      Pharmacodynamic biomarkers for protein degradation
     proteoforms                                               therapeutics
  • Identify and quantify pharmacodynamic biomark-             Clinical-stage biopharma company Kymera Therapeu-
                                                                                                                             Fig 3. Stage Classification Across Cancer Types. In our cross-tumor biomarker study, GTR1 was differentially abundant across all cancers and
    ers for new therapeutics                                   tics is developing cutting-edge therapeutics that har-
                                                                                                                             could be used to predict stage. a) Boxplot visualization of log-transformed GTR1 quantities across stage and cancer type. Taken from: Tognetti, M.
  • Gather GCP-compliant data for clinical trials              ness targeted protein degradation pathways to tackle          et al (2021) Biomarker Candidates for Tumors Identified from Deep-Profiled Plasma Stem Predominantly from the Low Abundant Area. bioRxiv.
                                                               autoimmune conditions, inflammatory diseases, cancer          DOI:
Pharmacodynamic biomarkers                                     and more.
TrueSignature can be applied to qualitative and quan-
                                                                                                                                                                      Breast                  Colorectal                  Lung                    Pancreatic                 Prostate
titative identification of pharmacodynamic biomark-            Building on our long-standing preclinical partnership,                                                     Breast
                                                                                                                                                                                        Breast Colorectal
                                                                                                                                                                                            Cancer Colorectal
                                                                                                                                                                                               Cancer Colorectal
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Colorectal   Lung
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Cancer Cancer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Lung   Pancreatic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cancer  Pancreatic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Cancer Pancreatic
                                                                                                                                  c c c c c
ers, which are essential for validating the efficacy and       we developed custom TrueSignature proteomics pan-
                                                                                                                                                         16 16 16 16 16
safety of new therapeutics. TrueSignature can speed up         els to provide a pharmacodynamic readout of protein
                                                                                                                                                             log2 GTR1 intensity
                                                                                                                                                             log2 GTR1 intensity
                                                                                                                                                                                   log2 GTR1 intensity
                                                                                                                                                                                                         log2 GTR1 intensity
                                                                                                                                                             15 15 15 15 15
the decision-making process in the early stages of drug        degradation in discovery research and clinical studies.

                                                                                                                                                         14 14 14 14 14

development and ensure the success of your drug in             These panels allow Kymera to monitor and quantify

                                                                                                                                                             13 13 13 13 13
future clinical trials.                                        protein degradation across all stages of their drug

                                                                                                                                                         12 12 12 12 12                                                                                                                                                                      Healthy
                                                               development pipeline.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Early
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Late  Healthy
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Late   Early
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Late Healthy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Late  Early
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Late Healthy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Late  Early
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Late Healthy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Late  Early
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             LateLate Late

6 / Proteomics for Precision Medicine, White Paper, May 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Proteomics for Precision Medicine, White Paper, May 2022 / 7
DEEP INSIGHTS IN IMMUNO-ONCOLOGY                                                                                                                     CASE STUDIES
            Immunotherapy has revolutionized the way we treat cancer: a more targeted form of                                                                 Here is a selection of case studies that highlight the potential of Biognosys
            treatment that has generated survival benefits for a range of patients. Proteomics is                                                             proteomics workflows in oncology research. Proteomics is a powerful tool for
            advancing immunotherapy even further by identifying new therapeutic targets and                                                                   understanding the underlying biology and discovering actionable biomarkers to
            matching the right immunotherapy to the right patient.                                                                                            speed up and de-risk the oncology pipeline.

So far, we have outlined some of the major pitfalls                     Immunopeptide profiling for next-generation                                  Predicting treatment response in pancreatic cancer
of drug development in oncology: understanding the                      immunotherapy                                                                Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is the most        We found that patients treated with nivolumab had
underlying biology of cancer, identifying the correct                   Immunopeptidomics is the profiling of the small                              common form of pancreatic cancer, a disease with           higher levels of proteins associated with type II inter-
therapeutic target, and finding informative biomarkers                  fragments of proteins presented on the surface of                            a five-year survival rate of around 11%.18 There is an     feron response, immune cell migration and T cell activa-
for patient stratification and monitoring.                              cells by Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) or                           urgent need for new therapeutics and precision med-        tion, and reduced levels of immunomodulatory proteins.
                                                                        Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) receptors, which act                           icine biomarkers in PDAC, to better understand which       By contrast, patients treated with sotigalimab had
All of these challenges – right biology, right target, and              as signals to orchestrate the activity of the immune                         patients would be most likely to benefit from which        higher levels of proteins associated with mature anti-
right biomarkers – come together in the fast-develop-                   system.                                                                      treatments.                                                gen-presenting cells (APCs) and the activation of CD4+
ing field of immuno-oncology.                                                                                                                                                                                   T cells, B cells, and monocytes.
                                                                        Mass spectrometry is the only technology that can reli-                      As part of the Phase II PRINCE trial led by the Parker
Immunotherapy has been revolutionary for cancer treat-                  ably quantify and identify immunopeptides in biological                      Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy (PICI),19 Biognosys’    We therefore showed that these two immunothera-
ment, generating survival benefits across several can-                  samples at scale. Biognosys’ immunopeptidome pro-                            unbiased mass spectrometry proteomics workflow was         pies generate unique immune responses. With further
cer types.12,13,14 However, significant challenges remain.              filing service is a semi-automated mass spectrometry                         used to investigate the effects of two immunotherapies     development, these biomarker signatures could help
Many patients do not respond to existing immunother-                    workflow that can robustly identify immunopeptides                           for PDAC: nivolumab and sotigalimab, in combination        to identify PDAC patients who may benefit most from
apies, highlighting the need to find better biomarkers                  from small amounts of cultured cells and tissue sam-                         with chemotherapy.                                         particular drug combinations.
to stratify patients. And while these treatments can be                 ples.
curative for those who do respond, there are others for                                                                                              Understanding the side effects of immunotherapy
whom the transformative effects of immunotherapy                        Immunopeptidomics has the potential to accelerate the                        In research presented at the 2021 American Associ-         to better overall response and higher survival benefit
do not last. There can also be significant side effects,                development of the next generation of immunothera-                           ation for Cancer Research congress, we discovered          from immunotherapy, including two with prognostic
which can limit the utility of immunotherapy.                           pies in oncology through the detection of neoantigens,                       proteomic signatures associated with immune-related        value.
                                                                        immunopeptides that reflect tumor-specific muta-                             adverse events (irAEs) in people receiving PD-1 check-
A deeper understanding of the underlying biology of                     tions. Immunopeptidome analysis can also be used for                         point inhibitors for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).   We also performed functional analysis, revealing a net-
cancer and how this interacts with the immune system                    patient profiling, revealing more about the role of the                                                                                 work of five proteins involved in immune, inflammatory,
and tissue microenvironment is essential to identify                    immune system in tumorigenesis and potential thera-                          We performed deep proteome profiling on plasma sam-        vesicle transport, and acute phase related responses.
new ways to improve the effectiveness and durability of                 peutic targets. Our immunopeptidome profiling pipeline                       ples from NSCLC patients before therapy and 8-weeks        These insights could lead to new biomarkers to help
immunotherapy.                                                          can reliably identify and quantify 10,000 MHC Class I                        after treatment initiation. We found 82 proteins asso-     clinicians better predict and manage toxicity during
                                                                        and 10,000 Class II immunopeptides in just 15 mg of                          ciated with irAEs. We also identified 13 proteins that     immunotherapy.20
                                                                        tissue, making it suitable for high-throughput, large-                       were associated with low-grade toxicity, which is linked
                                                                        scale preclinical and clinical applications as well as
                                                                        smaller research studies.
                                                                                                                                                     Immunopeptidome profiling in lung cancer
                                                                                                                                                     We recently demonstrated the power of our immuno-            • MMP11, an important remodeller of the cancer
Fig 4. High Throughput Immunopeptidomics From Needle-size Biopsies. We measured a cohort of 12 cancerous and matched healthy lung                    peptidomics workflow in lung cancer, generating MHC            microenvironment and potential therapeutic target
biopsies, identifying 11,000 MHC Class I and 9,000 MHC Class II immunopeptides from as little as 15 mg tissue.                                       immunopeptide profiles from needle biopsies of 12 lung         in lung cancer
                                                                                                                                                     cancer and matched healthy tissue samples.21                 • CHEK, a cell cycle checkpoint kinase
             n = 12                                                                                                                                                                                               • TNC, an extracellular membrane protein that is
                                                                                                                                                     On average, we were able to identify more than 11,000          upregulated during neovascularization
                                                                                                    Modified Peptides

                                                                                                                                                     Class I and more than 9,000 Class II immunopeptides          • SET, a proto-oncogene that is highly overexpressed
                                                                                                                                                     from each sample. Around 3,000 of the identified Class         in lung tumors
                                                                                                                                                     I immunopeptides were upregulated in the lung cancer
                                                                                                                            2.5   5   10 15 45 135   samples, with significant enrichment of proteins related
     Healthy      Cancerous                                               11,000 MHC   9,000 MHC
   Lung Tissue    Lung Tissue             25 x 106 cells   10 – 15 mg        Class I     Class II                           Tissue Input (mg)        to lung cancer development including:

8 / Proteomics for Precision Medicine, White Paper, May 2022                                                                                                                                                              Proteomics for Precision Medicine, White Paper, May 2022 / 9
NOVEL INSIGHTS TO ACCELERATE                                                                                                References

                                                                                                                            1.    Wong, C.H., Siah, K.W. and Lo, A.W. (2018) Corrigendum: Estimation of clinical trial success rates and related parameters. Biostatistics,

YOUR ONCOLOGY RESEARCH                                                                                                      2.
                                                                                                                                  20(2), pp.366–366.

                                                                                                                                  World Health Organization (2022) Cancer. Available online at: [Accessed
                                                                                                                                  9 March 2022]

                                                                                                                            3.    Davis, C., Naci, H., Gurpinar, E., Poplavska, E., Pinto, A. and Aggarwal, A. (2017) Availability of evidence of benefits on overall survival and
                                                                                                                                  quality of life of cancer drugs approved by European Medicines Agency: retrospective cohort study of drug approvals 2009-13. BMJ, [online]
Mass spectrometry proteomics is an essential part               Our unbiased, proteome-wide approach offers unique
                                                                                                                            4.    Kim, C. and Prasad, V. (2015) Cancer Drugs Approved on the Basis of a Surrogate End Point and Subsequent Overall Survival. JAMA Internal
of the oncology drug development toolkit, from                  opportunities to discover and validate true first-in-             Medicine, 175(12), p.1992.
early quantification and mechanism of action studies            class targets, widening and accelerating your oncology
                                                                                                                            5.    Lin, A., Giuliano, C.J., Palladino, A., John, K.M., Abramowicz, C., Yuan, M.L., Sausville, E.L., Lukow, D.A., Liu, L., Chait, A.R., Galluzzo, Z.C.,
(­TrueDiscoveryTM) through to studies of on- and off-­          pipeline. As the field advances further, the applications         Tucker, C. and Sheltzer, J.M. (2019) Off-target toxicity is a common mechanism of action of cancer drugs undergoing clinical trials. Science
target binding (TrueTargetTM) and developing biomarker          and benefits of proteomics for oncology research will             translational medicine, 11(509).
panels for pharmacodynamic readouts and endpoint                only continue to expand.                                    6.    Buikhuisen, J.Y., Torang, A. and Medema, J.P. (2020) Exploring and modelling colon cancer inter-tumour heterogeneity: opportunities and
evaluation in clinical trials (TrueSignatureTM).                                                                                  challenges. Oncogenesis, 9(7).

                                                                At Biognosys, we make integrating proteomics into           7.    Vowinckel, J., Corwin, T., Woodsmith, J., Treiber, T., Bruderer, R., Reiter, L., von Leitner, E.-C., Novy, K., Juhl, H. and Rinner, O. (2021)
As the first global proteomics service provider to              your research and development pipeline easy and                   Proteome and phospho-proteome profiling for deeper phenotype characterization of colorectal cancer heterogeneity. Journal of Clinical
                                                                                                                                  Oncology, 39(15_suppl), pp.e15536–e15536.
be GLP certified for preclinical studies and GCP                convenient. Our team of expert scientists offers advice
compliant for clinical trials, we are the proteomics            every step of the way, providing easy-to-understand         8.    Piazza, I., Beaton, N., Bruderer, R., Knobloch, T., Barbisan, C., Chandat, L., Sudau, A., Siepe, I., Rinner, O., de Souza, N., Picotti, P. and
                                                                                                                                  Reiter, L. (2020) A machine learning-based chemoproteomic approach to identify drug targets and binding sites in complex proteomes.
provider of choice for pharmaceutical companies and             data reports that highlight key biological insights,              Nature Communications, 11(1), p.4200.
biotechnology companies across the world.                       de-risking and accelerating your journey from hit to lead
                                                                                                                            9.    Hendricks, J.A., Beaton, N., Chernobrovkin, A., Miele, E., Hamza, G.M., Ricchiuto, P., Tomlinson, R.C., Friman, T., Borenstain, C., Barlaam,
                                                                to clinical trial.                                                B., Hande, S., Lamb, M.L., De Savi, C., Davies, R., Main, M., Hellner, J., Beeler, K., Feng, Y., Bruderer, R. and Reiter, L. (2021) Mechanistic
We work with more than 800 customers worldwide,                                                                                   Insights into a CDK9 Inhibitor Via Orthogonal Proteomics Methods. ACS Chemical Biology, 17(1), pp.54–67.

including 19 of the top 20 pharma companies, helping            To find out what proteomics can do for you, get in          10.   Tognetti, M., Sklodowski, K., Müller, S., Kamber, D., Muntel, J., Brudeer, R. and Reiter, L. (2021) Biomarker Candidates for Tumors
them to apply cutting-edge proteomics across their              touch today to speak with one of the experts at ­                 Identified from Deep-Profiled Plasma Stem Predominantly from the Low Abundant Area. bioRxiv 10.05.463153; doi: https://doi.
drug development pipeline and deliver life-changing   
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10 / Proteomics for Precision Medicine, White Paper, May 2022                                                                                                                                                                Proteomics for Precision Medicine, White Paper, May 2022 / 11
                                     • Oncology drug development fails due to poor understanding of the under-
                                       lying biology of cancer (wrong biology), insufficient target validation (wrong
                                       target), and a lack of effective biomarkers for patient stratification (wrong

                                     • There is an urgent need for new approaches to de-risk the oncology drug
                                       development pipeline and increase the likelihood of clinical trial success.

                                     • Next-generation proteomics can fill this gap by providing fresh insights into
                                       cancer biology at unprecedented scale and depth.

                                     • Biognosys provides unbiased proteome-wide profiling of cells, tissue, blood
                                       plasma, and other biofluids. Our proteomics technologies accelerate and val-
                                       idate each stage of the drug discovery and development pipeline:

                                           TrueDiscovery™ - Understand the right biology
                                           TrueTarget™ - Hit the right target
                                           TrueSignature™ - Develop the right biomarkers

                                     • Biognosys also provides large-scale immunopeptide profiling to support the
                                       development of next generation personalized immunotherapies.

                                     • Rapid advances, including integration with other omics technologies and
                                       clinical data, are rapidly making proteomics an indispensable tool in the drug
                                       development pipeline.

At Biognosys, we believe that deep proteome insights hold the key to breakthrough
discoveries that can dramatically improve human health. We enable life science
researchers and drug hunters to look at the proteome from every angle with our
versatile portfolio of proprietary next-generation proteomics services, software, and
kits, including the TrueDiscovery™, TrueTarget™, and TrueSignature™ platforms and
flagship software Spectronaut™. These solutions provide a multi-dimensional view of
protein expression, function, and structure in all biological species and sample types.
Biognosys’ unique, patented technologies utilize high-resolution mass spectrometry
to quantify thousands of proteins across thousands of samples with industry-lead-
ing precision, depth, and throughput. Through advanced data analytics, Biognosys
translates data into actionable insights for R&D and clinical research.

Contact us at to discuss your specific study needs with
one of our scientific consultants.
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