Withchi1dren - Fighting chiIdhood cancer. Saving young Iives - Annual Review 2013

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Withchi1dren - Fighting chiIdhood cancer. Saving young Iives - Annual Review 2013
Fighting chiIdhood cancer.
Saving young Iives.

Annual Review 2013

Withchi1dren - Fighting chiIdhood cancer. Saving young Iives - Annual Review 2013
Around 2,400 children and teenagers are diagnosed with cancer every
Foreword by our Chairman
                                                                                       ways to prevent children getting this
                                                                                                                                     year in the UK. That’s about six every day.
          2013 was a year of               We also invested £2.4 million in
                                           welfare grants to provide better            dreadful disease. We are enormously
          achievements both for                                                        grateful to you and all our dedicated         Thanks to investment in research,       But less progress has been made for     The chemotherapy drugs kill the
          the charity and, more            care and practical support for young
                                           cancer patients and their families.         supporters who raise the funds that           more than three quarters of young       children with other cancers. Every      cancerous cells but can also
          importantly, for the children                                                make this essential work possible.            cancer patients can be successfully     year in the UK, around 280 children     damage normal, healthy cells.
          and young people we help.                                                                                                  treated - there are more than 33,000    and around 110 teenagers (aged 15       Short-term side effects such as
                                           I know first-hand how devastating
                                           a diagnosis of cancer can be for            Together, we can give more children           survivors of childhood cancer in the    to 19) lose their lives to cancer.      hair loss, nausea and anaemia are
Children like Luke, who achieved his                                                   like Luke a brighter future. Thank you.       UK today.                                                                       common but temporary problems.
five years in remission in 2013 and        a family. My own son Paul was                                                                                                     Tragically, cancer is the most common
whose year you can follow throughout       diagnosed with the blood cancer                                                           But we want to give all children        cause of death in children aged one     Some children will experience
this annual review. I had the pleasure      leukaemia, when he was 14 years                                                          a better chance in their fight          to 14 years, accounting for around      more serious long-term effects which
of meeting Luke and his family at our       old and died just nine weeks later.                                                      against cancer.                         one in five deaths in this age group.   persist for months or years after
                                            Unbelievably, we lost his sister Jean,     Eddie O’Gorman OBE
 25th anniversary reception in January                                                 Founder and Chairman of Trustees                                                      Treatment for cancer can involve high   treatment, including:
 2013. His story reminds us all why we       also to cancer, just nine months after                                                  In the 1960s, only nine per cent of     doses of toxic chemotherapy drugs       • heart, lung or kidney problems
 are here.                                   Paul. Our charity was launched in their                                                 children with leukaemia survived.       and/or radiation. Some children also    • impairment of growth
                                             memory and today, we raise money to                                                     Thanks to the support of people like    need extensive surgery to remove        • learning difficulties
Thanks to the generous support of            help children with all types of cancer.                                                 you, Children with Cancer UK has        their tumours.                          • loss of sight and/or hearing
friends like you, in 2013 despite the                                                                                                funded research to help increase                                                • infertility
backdrop of financial uncertainty, our      Whilst we’ve done much in 2013,                                                          survival to around 90 per cent.                                                 • physical disabilities.
income increased to over £12 million.       we need to do so much more. Brain
                                            tumours kill more children than any                                                                                                                                      That’s why our work is important.
 This enabled us to grant £3.5 million      other form of childhood cancer but                                                                                  “Luke was just six months old when he was
 for essential research programmes          that area of research is seriously                                                                                  diagnosed with a liver cancer. He was such a         We want to make treatments safer
                                            underfunded. That’s why your support
                                                                                                                                 “My mumm
 as part of our continuing focus on                                                                                                                             brave boy and was always so smiley and happy         and reduce the risk of harmful effects,
 helping children and young people          is so important to us.                                                                                              during treatment. He is now a healthy six year       find new ways to treat children who

 with all types of cancer. We will also                                                                                                                         old and we are so thankful for everything that       have a poor prognosis and save more

                                                                                                                                  says I’m
  aim to commit a further £3.5 million      We want to stop childhood cancer.                                                                                   Children with Cancer UK does to help children        young lives.
  specifically for brain tumour research    Until we get there, we will continue                                                                                like Luke.”
                                            to fund the best research to improve
                                                                                                                                  in a miIIio
  from 2014.                                                                                                                                                                                Claire, Luke’s mum
                                            treatments and keep looking for                                                                                                                                                                               3
Withchi1dren - Fighting chiIdhood cancer. Saving young Iives - Annual Review 2013
y 2013
                                   t h e   House
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    of Lord s of cake
     We ate                                           This is me!
        c   a   u s e    it was            e r UK’s
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          i Id  r e n     with
      C h
                    b  i r t h day!

                                                                    Luke with special guests at our 25th anniversary event at the House of Lords.
                                                                    (Adults in back row from L-R) John Baron MP, Head of External Affairs Caroline Hampden-White,
4                                                                   Trustee Sandra Mileham, our Chairman Eddie O’Gorman and our host Lord Willis                    5
Withchi1dren - Fighting chiIdhood cancer. Saving young Iives - Annual Review 2013
By raising awareness of childhood cancer, we can protect more                                                                                     What we’re going to do
children and improve the lives of young cancer patients – today
and for future generations.                                                                                                                       We will raise awareness of            It follows up our 2006 report on
                                                                                                                                                  childhood cancer.                     EMFs and childhood leukaemia
We celebrated our 25th                   Hosted by Baroness Thornton of                                                                                                                 and will explore the science
anniversary in 2013. Thanks to           Manningham, parliamentarians                                                                             September is Childhood Cancer         behind the concern.
you, we’ve been fighting cancer,         including John Baron MP, Sharon           “Please pass our thanks on to the                              Awareness Month. We will join
giving hope and saving young             Hodgson MP, Jim Shannon MP,               scientists who work researching                                forces with other charities helping   We will understand more about
lives since 1988.                        Mark Tami MP and our famous friend        and understanding Wilms’ tumours.                              children and young people with        how the public see our charity.
                                         Baroness Floella Benjamin joined us       As a rare cancer, it means a lot                               cancer to raise awareness of the
In January, we held our first major      on the day to talk to families affected   to know that other children at                                 impact of childhood cancer and        We will measure awareness of our
parliamentary event as Children with     by childhood cancer.                      risk can be screened earlier and                               the need for more support for         charity and our work by surveying
Cancer UK. Hosted by Lord Willis, this                                             treated more effectively.                                      children, young people and            supporters and the general public.
was an opportunity for us to celebrate   Both events were essential in raising                                                                    their families.                       By measuring awareness, we can
the scientific advances of the past      awareness of our charity among            “Amos, Phoebe’s dad, used to be a                                                                    ensure that we understand how
25 years and raise awareness of          policy makers, enabling us to ensure      cancer research scientist and has                              We will raise awareness of            to communicate better and
childhood cancer.                        the best interests of children with,      lots of questions which we hope,                               the link between childhood            fundraise more effectively to
                                         or at risk of developing, cancer are      over time, can be answered by                                  leukaemia and power lines.            achieve our aims.
Celebrating Science                      considered in the development of          the research your charity funds.
                                         government policies.                                                                                     In 2014 we’ll launch a report         To find out more about our
In June, our second parliamentary                                                  “All your great work is much                                   addressing the public and             work to raise awareness,
event was attended by many of the        This was a wonderful occasion to          appreciated by families like us.”                              political concern around              please visit
scientists who have made                 celebrate our achievements but                                                                           childhood leukaemia and the           childrenwithcancer.org.uk/
life-saving advances in the prevention   also to look ahead for improved                    Laura, Phoebe’s mum                                   electric and magnetic fields          awareness
and treatment of childhood cancer,       treatments and a brighter future                                                                         (EMFs) produced by overhead
thanks to our much-valued supporters.    for all children with cancer.                                                                            power lines and substations.

6                                                                                                                             with her                                                                                     7
                                                                                                                                       dad Amo
Withchi1dren - Fighting chiIdhood cancer. Saving young Iives - Annual Review 2013
               2013                                               ‘Thanks to new research into medicines and treatment, Luke
                                                                  achieved five years in remission in 2013. We took him and his
        Mummy                                                     brothers on a very special holiday to Disney World, Florida to

        Daddy and
                                                                  celebrate. We all had an amazing time!’
                                                                                                               Claire, Luke’s mum
       and m ook me
      Sam an brothers
             d Ben
     Disney           to
    it was          –
                                                                    Look! It’s me again
                                                                    with Mickey Mouse!

                           Luke with his family at Disney World
8                          to celebrate five years in remission                                                               9
Withchi1dren - Fighting chiIdhood cancer. Saving young Iives - Annual Review 2013
Through our research programme, we aim to fund projects that help                                                                                  “Hollie was given the all clear in December 2012 so we had a huge celebration.
us to understand why children get cancer, improve treatments and                                                                                   She’s been so strong and brave and makes me so proud.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Hollie’s mum, Hayley
save more young lives.

Thanks to your generosity, we             metastatic disease at presentation do     “We will undertake pre-clinical                                                     chromosome 21 in a baby’s cells.          additional genetic changes cause
awarded £1.38 million to fund nine        not survive five years after diagnosis.   experiments to build the evidence                                                   As well as causing Down syndrome,         the transition from TAM to full-blown
research projects in March 2013.                                                    necessary to test this drug                                                         this extra chromosome affects             leukaemia. They are studying a gene
                                          When the cancer spreads to other          combination in a clinical trial for young                                           blood cell production in the              called GATA1 which is known to play
These new projects focus on a wide        parts of the body (metastasises), it is   patients with Ewing sarcoma.                                                        developing foetus. This is linked to      a role in this process.
range of childhood cancers including      difficult to treat and usually fatal.                                                                                         the development of a pre-leukaemic
leukaemia, neuroblastoma, brain                                                     “This method may be less toxic than         Understanding leukaemia in              condition called transient abnormal       Through this work the team hopes
tumours, bone tumours and soft            There is an urgent need to identify       chemotherapy and could reduce side          children with Down syndrome             myelopoiesis (TAM), which is present      to improve the diagnosis and
tissue sarcomas.                          the ‘drivers’ of metastasis and new       effects. It may also reduce tumour                                                  at birth in at least 10 per cent of       management of blood problems in
                                          therapies that will block this process.   resistance to treatments and allow for      We awarded £693,257 to Professor        children with Down syndrome.              babies with Down syndrome and
Treating children with metastatic                                                   lower doses of drugs, further reducing      Paresh Vyas and Professor Irene                                                   even to prevent the later development
Ewing sarcoma                             “We are building on previous work         risk of toxicity.”                          Roberts at the University of Oxford     In as many as one third of the children   of leukaemia.
                                          funded by Children with Cancer UK                                                     to support their research into the      born with TAM, additional genetic
We awarded £243,559 to help Dr            that has identified a promising new       This research could improve                 development of leukaemia in children    changes convert the pre-leukaemic         This work will also inform our
Ariadna Mendoza at the UCL Cancer         approach to treatment, combining two      the quality of life - and the life          with Down syndrome.                     stem cells into full blown leukaemic      understanding of leukaemia
Institute to develop better treatment     types of drugs” says Dr Mendoza.          expectancy - of children                                                            stem cells, leading to the development    development in children who don’t
for children with Ewing sarcoma.                                                    with metastatic Ewing sarcoma               Children with Down syndrome have        of leukaemia. In the remaining            have Down syndrome.
                                          “We have selected drugs that are          who have a very poor outlook.               an increased risk of developing acute   children, the TAM simply disappears.
Ewing sarcoma is the second most          currently undergoing or have already                                                  myeloid leukaemia (AML) - a cancer of                                             To find out more about these
common bone tumour in children and        undergone phase two clinical trial                                                    the myeloid blood cells.                The Oxford team is trying to              and other projects that you
adolescents. One third of patients with   in adult patients with advanced                                                                                               understand how the extra                  have helped to fund, please
                                          solid tumours.                                                                        Down syndrome is caused by              chromosome 21 disturbs foetal blood       visit childrenwithcancer.org.uk/
                                                                                                                                the presence of an extra copy of        cell production and precisely what        research
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    11
Withchi1dren - Fighting chiIdhood cancer. Saving young Iives - Annual Review 2013

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                                  Luke with his mum Claire and our
                                  host Baroness Thornton at our
                                  House of Lords event in June to
                                  Celebrate Science
12                                                                   13
Withchi1dren - Fighting chiIdhood cancer. Saving young Iives - Annual Review 2013
We are partnering with The Brain        Improving treatments for children         more detail, we hope to be able to           What we’re going to do
Tumour Charity and Great Ormond         with brain tumours                        increase the cure rate for children with
Street Hospital Children’s Charity                                                brain tumours.
to fund a £4 million research           In December 2013, we awarded                                                           We want to drive forward research        We will launch the first call for         In 2014 we will fund our first ever
programme into childhood brain          £980,946 to Professor Steven Clifford     “And for those children that survive         into childhood brain tumours,            applications in February 2014 and         research fellowships, at least one of
tumours over five years.                at the Northern Institute for Cancer      their brain tumours, we also want            reduce side effects and save more        expect to award the first grants before   which will focus on brain tumours.
                                        Research (NICR) at Newcastle              to make sure that their quality of life is   young lives.                             the end of the year.                      We will also announce a new round of
Brain tumours are the second most       University and the overall lead for the   as good as it can be following                                                                                                  project grants in May and several of
common childhood cancer, with           INSTINCT programme.                       their treatment.                             In 2014, we are launching our            As well as this dedicated investment,     these will also focus on brain tumours
around 400 children diagnosed                                                                                                  Brain Tumour Initiative, a three year    we are also funding important             (see page 19 for further information).
every year in the UK. More children     The five year programme brings            “Funding for INSTINCT’s work is              programme to increase momentum           brain tumour work through our
die from brain tumours than any         together three of the UK’s leading        critical. The money for this new             in childhood brain tumour research       existing channels.                        To find out more about these
other cancer and for those who          paediatric neuro-oncology centres         programme will underpin our efforts          and encourage collaboration between                                                and other projects that you
survive, aggressive treatments can      - the NICR, the UCL Institute of Child    for the next five years to allow us to       those working in the field.                                                        have helped to fund, please
cause serious long-term disabilities.   Health and the Institute of Cancer        make new biological discoveries and                                                                                             visit childrenwithcancer.org.uk/
                                        Research - to develop new therapies.      move those forward into the clinic.”                                                                                            research
We desperately need to fund
more research to improve our            Professor Clifford explains: “The         “We hope to increase the cure
understanding of childhood brain        benefits that we’re trying to bring to    rate for children with brain
tumours and improve the outlook for     children with brain tumours are           tumours and make sure that their
young patients.                         two-fold. Through understanding           quality of life is as good as it can                                           “Lucy has a brain tumour and fights her little heart
                                        the biology of brain tumours in much      be following treatment.”                                                       out every day, nearly always with a smile and a wave.
                                                                                                                                                                 Her resilience and spirit are inspirational. Lucy is still
                                                                                                                                                                 under close observation but thanks to research and
                                                                                                                                                                 treatment, we feel really positive about her future.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sarah, Lucy’s mum

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   15
Withchi1dren - Fighting chiIdhood cancer. Saving young Iives - Annual Review 2013
This is me with one of the
                                                                      scientists showing me some
                                               r 2013                 of their work
                                            I went
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(From L-R) Luke with Professor                    ts Iots
Tariq Enver, Acting Director of the     money              of
UCL Cancer Institute at the Paul                 every y
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O’Gorman Building, University
College London, Pippa Gough from
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our charity, Luke’s mum Claire and
grandparents Sally and Jim

16                                                                                                 17
Withchi1dren - Fighting chiIdhood cancer. Saving young Iives - Annual Review 2013
In December 2013, we awarded            Drugs known as anthracyclines                                              What we’re going to do
a total of £390,000 for nine            are one of the most effective
innovative start-up projects in         chemotherapy medicines and are
different areas of childhood            used in the treatment of many                                              We will fund research to improve            We launched our Brain Tumour                unborn child to increase their risk of
cancer research.                        childhood cancers. Unfortunately, one                                      our understanding of childhood              Initiative in February 2014, as set         developing cancer. World-leading
                                        of the side effects is a form of severe                                    cancers and take forward the                out on page 15, and will make the           experts will gather to consider and
The grants are capped at £50,000        heart damage called cardiomyopathy.                                        development of new treatments to            first major project grants out of this      discuss the latest evidence and aim to
for projects lasting up to 12 months                                                                               improve both the rate and quality           scheme at the end of the year.              identify gaps in knowledge.
and are targeted at early career        Because of this risk, the doses of                                         of survival.
researchers to help get important new   anthracyclines are often reduced,                                                                                      We will launch a further call for project   In late 2014, we will host a workshop
work off the ground.                    potentially compromising the child’s                                       Our 2013 project grant round will           grant applications (all childhood           focusing on the biology underlying
                                        chance of cure.                                                            conclude in spring 2014. Our Scientific     cancers) in the summer of 2014.             the association between childhood
The nine projects are concerned with                                                                               Advisory Panel must now make difficult      We hope to allocate around                  leukaemia risk and exposure to
a broad range of childhood cancers      The research team will screen the                                          decisions about which of the 20             £2 million to research projects that        electric and magnetic fields. This
including leukaemia, lymphoma,          genes of children who have developed                                       projects under consideration offer the      promise important new insights into         focused event will bring together
osteosarcoma and neuroblastoma.         severe cardiomyopathy to look for                                          very best opportunity for progress.         the development and treatment of            a small number of leading experts
                                        common genes that may determine                                            We hope to fund eight or nine of these      childhood cancers. This grant round         to consider the current state of
Tailoring treatments to reduce the      the risk of heart damage.                                                  projects, at a cost of around £2 million.   will conclude in spring 2015.               knowledge and map out a path for
risk of heart damage                                                                                                                                                                                       ongoing research.
                                        This would ultimately enable doctors                                       We will award our first Postdoctoral        We will encourage the sharing
We awarded £49,982 to Dr James          to screen children before treatment                                        Research Fellowships in the summer          and dissemination of information
Allan and Dr Sujith Samarasinghe at     and tailor treatment accordingly.                                          of 2014. These Fellowships aim              about research relevant to
Newcastle University to identify                                                                                   to support outstanding scientists           childhood cancer to promote
genes which may contribute to the                                                                                  seeking to develop a career in              best practice.
risk of heart damage in children                                                                                   childhood cancer research. At a cost
                                           “I was two years old when I was diagnosed with leukaemia. I’m
having chemotherapy.                                                                                               of £400,000 each, the Fellowships           In June 2014, we will host a two
                                           absolutely fine now but need to get my heart checked every 18
                                           months as I’ve got an enlarged ventricle they are keeping an eye on.”   will include funding for a defined five     day international workshop focusing
                                                                                                   Sam, aged 16    year programme of work. We hope to          on the mechanisms by which
                                                                                                                   make three awards.                          environmental agents may act on an
18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            19
Luke with our VIP guests at Zippos
Circus, performers and CBeebies
presenter Pui Fan Lee (centre)
                                       Can you see me?

                                         invited with Cancer
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20                                                                  21
When a child is diagnosed with       2   Bristol Children’s Hospital                                                                                                                        What we’re going to do
cancer, their treatment normally                                                                                                         “Thank you once again for another
starts immediately, is often given   £500,000 to help transform facilities                                                               great day out. The girls really
far from home and can last for       on the new Integrated Cancer Unit.                                                                  enjoyed themselves. Nothing you do                 We will support more young
years. Your generosity has helped                                                                                                        goes unnoticed and is always very                  cancer patients and their families.
to fund welfare projects across      Your donations will also enable                                                                     appreciated. We loved the cards on the
the UK to provide better care and    the hospital to invest in a                                                                         tables, such heartfelt wishes.”                    We will continue to work with our
practical support for young cancer   ground-breaking Paediatric                  3                                                                              Kathi, Vega’s mum           charitable partners and hospices to
patients and their families.         Intraoperative MRI Scanner. The                                                                                                                        help provide better care for children
                                     scanner - the first of its kind in the                                                                                                                 with cancer and their families.
1 Birmingham Children’s Hospital     south of England and only the third in
                                     Europe - will revolutionise treatment                                                                                                                  Our special day out at Zippos Circus
£1 million to help build a new       and boost survival rates for children                                                                                                                  is extremely popular with families and
                                                                                                                                                4    Zippos Circus, London
children’s cancer unit and upgrade
existing facilities.
                                     with brain tumours.
                                                                                                                           Here’s Vega           Thanks to your kind donations, 44
                                                                                                                                                                                            we hope to organise another event in
                                                                                                                                                                                            September 2014.
                                     3   CLIC Sargent, Belfast                                                                                   children with cancer and their families
The new building and accommodation                                                                                                               enjoyed a unique day out at the circus.    We will provide more information
will include more comfortable        £375,000 to help launch Paul’s           Each week two children and                                                                                    about childhood cancer.
treatment areas and consulting       House, a new ‘Home from Home’            young people in Northern Ireland                                   Our VIP guests were treated to a
rooms, age-appropriate play zones,   in Belfast.                              are told they have cancer. On                                      sensational circus extravaganza            We will develop our website to provide
better communal areas for families                                            average, a family will make a                                      featuring over 20 performers and a         more information about the different
and an improved outpatients area.    The first of its kind in Northern        round-trip of 95 miles, up to                                      special lunch in their own Mini Big Top!   childhood cancer types for parents
                                     Ireland, Paul’s House provides free      five times a week to access the                                                                               and families. We will work with more
                                     accommodation for families whose         cancer treatment their child needs       1                         Watch our video of the day and             families to share their stories and help
                                     children are having cancer               in Northern Ireland.                                               some special thank you messages            others who have been affected by
                                     treatment at the Royal Belfast                                                                              at childrenwithcancer.org.uk               childhood cancer.
                                     Hospital for Sick Children.                                                                                 /zippos

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  23
                                                                                                                   2            4
Fundraising highlights                                                     Luke and his family
                                                                          with Chef Dominic at
                                                                    One Aldwych hotel (centre),
                                                       Charlotte and Phoebe (cancer survivors),
                                                                 Phoebe’s mum and baby sister

                                  ber 201

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24                                                                                         25
Fundraising highlights                                                                                                   From the start of our partnership in August            Chris Tarrant once more hosted
                                                                                                                         2012, Toys “R” Us raised almost £77,000 from           our Quiz Party, helping to raise over
                                                                                                                                                                                £108,000 for Children with Cancer UK.
We can only continue our fight against childhood cancer with support                                                     the sale of their specially designed carrier bags.
                                                                                                                                                                                The KPMG team were the winners for
from people like you. In 2013, you helped to raise over £12 million. We don’t                                                                                                   a fourth year!
receive any funding from the government so every penny you donate makes
a huge difference. Thank you.                                                                                                                     Majestic Wine Warehouse raised £54,646
                                                                                                                                                  from store collections, product promotions
                                                                                                                                                                                                     We were delighted
                                                                                                                                                                                                     that Lombard
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Elizabeth, leukaemia survivor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              aged eight, designed a
                                                                                                                                                  and staff fundraising.                             extended their           postcard for our supporters to
                  To mark our 25th anniversary, over 1,300                                                                                                                                           partnership with         share a special message with
                  Children with Cancer UK runners jointly ran more                               220 cyclists raised                                                                                 us for a third year.     our guests at Zippos Circus.
                                                                                                                                           St. Baldrick’s fundraisers raised £41,000 through a
                  than 25,000 miles (the world’s circumference) in the                           over £200,000 in                                                                                    In addition to           Supported by children’s
                                                                                                                                           series of head-shave events in the UK. St Baldrick’s
                  Virgin London Marathon, raising over £2.5 million.                             the first Prudential                                                                                having raised over       presenters Chris Jarvis and Pui
                                                                                                                                           is a worldwide organisation. Through this partnership,
                                                                                                 RideLondon – Surrey                                                                                 £275,000 for the         Fan Lee from CBeebies, this
                                                                                                                                           proceeds from their head-shaving events were
                                                                                                 100, the biggest                                                                                    duration of the          appeal raised nearly £275,000.
                                                                                                                                           donated to Children with Cancer UK to support our
                                                                                                 cycling sportive ever                                                                               partnership, they
Generous guests were treated to a fantastic performance from                                                                               research work in the UK.
                                                                                                 held in the UK.                                                                                     have provided
Madness at our annual fundraising ball, raising over £460,000. Our
                                                                                                                                                                                                     invaluable help
celebrity guests including Stephanie Beecham, Charlie Brooks,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     and support in
Helen Flanagan and Lesley Joseph made the evening extra special.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     improving our
                                                                                                                                                                                                     operations, facilities
                                                                                                                                                                                                     and IT upgrade.
                  £10,000 was donated by our Ball guests for 20 Disney on Ice                                            Barker Ross raised £25,000
                  tickets for children with cancer and their families.                                                   to celebrate their and our
                  “It was a brilliant evening and I have never known my three daughters to sit                           25th anniversaries.
                                                                                                                                                                                Nearly 60,000 people supported our Summer Grand Draw, raising
                  so still and transfixed. Thank you so much to your supporters who put a                                They organised a family fun day, a charity
                                                                                                                                                                                over £1 million for the first time! Our Christmas Grand Draw raised
                  smile and magic into my daughters’ lives.” Sarah, mum to Esme.                                         dinner and took part in an abseil, skydive and
                                                                                                                                                                                a further £1.4 million. Our sincere thanks to Sir David Jason and
                  Esme was diagnosed with leukaemia when she was three years old.                                        trekked Snowdonia to raise funds.
                                                                                                                                                                                our trustee Linda Robson for launching our appeals.
What we’re going to do                  We will host our first bespoke trekking   How your donations help children with cancer
                                                                                  challenge in September. Join us for
                                                                                  a challenging 24 hour hike over Ben
A special thank you to Deloitte           We will develop our fundraising         Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon and       We are pleased to report an increase    For every £1 you donate,             Our total fundraising income
                                          appeals to raise more money and         help save young lives!                    in our incoming resources to over       we spend 84p on fighting
We had the greatest pleasure in           help more children with cancer.                                                   £12 million in 2013.                    childhood cancer                     •   Appeals: 33%
working in partnership with Deloitte                                              We will continue to be honest and                                                                                      •   Running: 27%
from January 2010 to May 2013.            We will launch a new spring raffle      open about our fundraising                This has allowed us to fund almost          1p                               •   Corporate, trusts: 7%
                                          and an online raffle to complement                                                £6 million in essential research and                                         •   Committed giving, legacies: 18%
Over £2 million was raised by             our successful summer and               We will improve our service and           welfare programmes to help more                        15p                   •   Special events, trading: 6%
staff and split between us, Cancer        Christmas activities.                   continue to give a high standard of       children with cancer – the highest we                                        •   Other: 9%
Research UK and Help for Heroes.                                                  care to all of our supporters.            have ever funded in one year.
We received £700,000 and over             We will launch a national fundraising                                                                                              13p           43p
£80,000 of pro bono support.              campaign in 2014 to encourage a         Our Supporter Care Charter
                                          further 10,000 people to support our
                                                                                                                                                                                                         33% 27%      7% 18%     6%     9%
Deloitte’s generous donation is           work with a regular donation by the     • We recognise the true value of                                                                  28p
helping to support the current national   end of 2015. This essential income        each and every supporter
clinical trial for children with acute    will help us plan our future research   • We respect our supporters               For every £1 we spend on
lymphoblastic leukaemia (UK ALL           and welfare projects.                   • We value supporter relationships        fundraising, we raise over
2011) and the establishment of a                                                  • We know who our supporters are          £5 more.
national childhood leukaemia              We will welcome more people             • We listen to your feedback                                                      •   43p on research projects
cell bank.                                onto our running, cycling and           • We go “The Extra Mile”.                                                         •   28p on welfare projects
                                          trekking teams.                                                                                                           •   13p on raising awareness
We were thrilled by the time, energy                                              To find out more about how                                                        •   1p on governance and support
and commitment everyone in the            We have over 300 places for             you can get involved, please                                                      •   We invest 15p in £1 to raise
firm has put in to supporting all three   Prudential RideLondon – Surrey 100      visit childrenwithcancer.org.uk/                                                      more money
charities for three and a half years. A   event in 2014, making this our key      fundraising-and-events
huge thank you to everyone involved.      cycling event for 2014.

28                                                                                                                          To view our full financial statements for 2013, please visit childrenwithcancer.org.uk/review2013           29
Thank you
• A warm thank you to all of the       • Our Scientific Advisory Panel, our                 And a speciaI
                                                                                            thank you from
  families featured in this Annual       Scientific Advisors and specialist
  Review and to all those who have       peer reviewers.
  kindly shared their experiences.     • And finally, a special thank you to
  Your involvement is essential in
  raising awareness of childhood
                                         our dedicated and passionate team
                                         of staff at Children with Cancer UK.               me too!
  cancer and raising money to fund                                                                            Whether your company is
                                                                                                                                          big or small,
  our work.                                                                                                   you can help us give childr
                                                                                                                                           en a better
• Runners and challenge participants                                                                          chance in their fight aga
                                                                                                                                        inst cancer.
  especially Gillian Clason, Kieran                                         s:
                                                         raising Friend
  McCarthy and Mike Levitz.             Celebrity Fund                                                        We have some exciting Ch
                                                            Black                                                                        arity of the Year
• All those who have organised their    Ant & Dec • Cilla                   aine                              partnerships for 2014 includ
                                                          • Sir Michael C                                                                  ing Coral,
  own fundraising events, including     Brenda Blethyn                                                       the sports betting shops, wh
                                                         • George Cole                                                                      ich we are
  the MAD Ball Committee who            Jasper Carrott                                                       delighted to have won thro
                                                             il Collins                                                                  ugh a staff vote.
  raised over £33,000 in February        Joan Collins • Ph                       ch                          If your company has a charity
                                                          • Dame Judi Den                                                                     of the year
  2013, St Baldrick’s and Mark           Ronnie Corbett                      oy                              scheme you may be able to
                                                           h • Sir Chris H                                                                nominate us!
  Newton-Jones.                          Sir Bruce Forsyt
                                                            r David Jason
• Our dedicated Ball and Quiz             Chris Jarvis • Si                                                  To find out more about corpor
                                                              nnox Lewis                                                                     ate
  chairs and committees especially        Pui Fan Lee • Le                                                   opportunities, please visit
                                                           Joanna Lumley
  Rob Templeman, Mick Keating,            Gary Lineker •                                                     childrenwithcancer.org.uk
                                                           es O’Connor                                                                      /corporate-
  Margrete Hargreaves-Allen and           Sandy Lyle • D                         McDonald                    fundraising or contact us
                                                            tney • Sir Trevor                                                            at
  Lady Julia Craig Harvey.                 Sir Paul McCar                     e                              corporate@childrenwithc
                                                               Pauline Quirk                                                              ancer.org.uk
• Zippos Circus and Martin Burton.         Robert Powell •                      bson
                                                             rave • Linda Ro
• Cos Onisforou at Fare for                Sir Steve Redg                     fie ld
                                                               • Phillip Scho
  providing free food and drink at         Jonathan Ross                       nt
                                                                 • Chris Tarra
                                            Stacey Solomon
  Zippos Circus.
                                                                D ennis Waterman
                                            David Tennant •
                                                                 Paul Young
30                                          Kevin Whately •

Children with Cancer UK is the leading national children’s charity
dedicated to the fight against childhood cancer.

Read our Annual Review online, watch videos, download our complete
Annual Report and Accounts 2013 and full list of our Grant Awards at

Children with Cancer UK. Registered Charity No. 298405.
A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England No. 4960054.
Registered office: 51 Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3JQ.
Telephone: 020 7404 0808. Email: info@childrenwithcancer.org.uk
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