Is It Possible to Discontinue Tumor Necrosis Factor Antagonists after Psoriasis Remission?

Page created by Ricardo Pierce
Discontinuation of TNF Antagonists in Psoriasis
                                                                                             pISSN 1013-9087ㆍeISSN 2005-3894
    Ann Dermatol Vol. 31, No. 5, 2019                                          


Is It Possible to Discontinue Tumor Necrosis Factor
Antagonists after Psoriasis Remission?
Byungsoo Kim1,2, Emanual Maverakis3, Siba P. Raychaudhuri4,5
 Department of Dermatology, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Yangsan, 2Biomedical Research Institute, Pusan National
University Hospital, Busan, Korea, 3Department of Dermatology, School of Medicine, University of California Davis, 4Division of
Rheumatology and Immunology, Veterans Affairs Medical Center Sacramento, 5Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Clinical
Immunology, Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, University of California Davis, Sacramento, CA, USA

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antagonists are highly effective                 -Keywords-
treatments for psoriasis. These agents provide the oppor-                    Discontinuation, Psoriasis, Remission, Tumor necrosis fac-
tunity to improve disease activity and achieve clinical                      tor antagonist, Withdrawal
remission. Despite its efficacy, long-term use of biologics is
associated with high financial costs and possibly life-threat-
ening adverse events. Recently, there has been an increasing                 INTRODUCTION
interest in discontinuing TNF antagonists in patients with
psoriasis who have achieved a positive clinical response.                    The primary goal of psoriasis treatment is to achieve clin-
However, there is a paucity of data and clinical guidelines                  ical remission. The recent discovery of biologic agents, in-
concerning the cessation TNF antagonists in psoriasis                        cluding tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antagonists (adalimu-
treatment. Several factors, including cost, subsequent treat-                mab, infliximab, certolizumab pegol, and etanercept), has
ment efficacy, relative risks, and tolerability, should be con-              increased the likelihood of attaining clinical remission, as
sidered before the decision is made to discontinue TNF                       these agents have the ability to produce rapid and sus-
antagonists. Well-designed clinical trials are necessary to                  tained suppression of psoriasis symptoms with good safety
identify factors that may trigger disease exacerbation after                 profiles.
medication discontinuation in order to recognize the poten-                  Conventional systemic agents used to treat psoriasis have
tial disadvantages of discontinuing treatment in patients who                been utilized intermittently because of complications such
are previously successfully managed on TNF antagonists.                      as toxicity, inconvenience, cost, or other comorbidities1.
(Ann Dermatol 31(5) 495∼501, 2019)                                           In contrast, TNF antagonists have been allowed for con-
                                                                             tinuous use while maintaining their efficacy and safety .
                                                                             Premature treatment discontinuation may result in disease
                                                                             exacerbation. Nevertheless, there is an ongoing debate on
Received January 23, 2019, Accepted for publication March 18, 2019
                                                                             whether patients should continue TNF antagonists after
Corresponding author: Siba P. Raychaudhuri, Division of Rheumatology
and Immunology, Veterans Affairs Medical Center Sacramento and               achieving clinical remission, and if so, for how long.
Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Department        Criteria guiding termination or interruption of treatment
of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, University of California Davis,    have not been established, but may be valuable in the
1911 Geneva Place, Davis, Sacramento, CA, USA. Tel: 1-916-366-5366,
E-mail:                                            clinical setting2.
ORCID:                                 Recently, arguments supporting the discontinuation of
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative   TNF antagonists in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients in
Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.          clinical remission have gained support3. In contrast to RA,
org/licenses/by-nc/4.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work     patients with psoriasis do not show a progressive course;
is properly cited.                                                           thus there may be fewer reasons not to consider tempo-
Copyright © The Korean Dermatological Association and The Korean             rary interruption of TNF antagonists after clinical remis-
Society for Investigative Dermatology
                                                                             sion of psoriasis.

                                                                                                               Vol. 31, No. 5, 2019   495
B Kim, et al

Despite this, discontinuation of TNF antagonists can have         ing the recovery of initial response upon restarting
several advantages, including reducing financial commit-          therapy. Thus, the option of treatment discontinuation in
ment, possible long-term adverse events, and improved             cases of clinical remission can be fully considered. In this
patient satisfaction3.                                            review, we focus on the most commonly and successfully
The aim of this review is to discuss the possibility of dis-      used TNF antagonists in psoriasis treatment, etanercept,
continuing TNF antagonists once clinical remission is ach-        adalimumab, and infliximab.
ieved in psoriasis patients. We examine the efficacy and,
safety of common TNF antagonist therapy (etanercept,
adalimumab, and infliximab) in psoriasis patients and fur-        The first study to examine etanercept retreatment in pa-
ther evaluate this topic in other chronic inflammatory            tients who discontinued therapy after initial positive re-
diseases. Lastly we discuss the possibility for criteria of       sponse (>50% improvement in the Psoriasis Area Severity
medication discontinuation.                                       Index [PASI]), was published in December 2006. The re-
                                                                  sults suggested that medication discontinuation could be
DISCONTINUATION OF TUMOR NECROSIS                                 considered without unwanted effects in patients who ini-
FACTOR ANTAGONISTS AFTER REMISSION                                tially responded well to etanercept. Furthermore, most pa-
IN PSORIASIS                                                      tients regained good disease control upon retreatment
                                                                  (83% attained at least PASI50 at week 12 of retreatment).
Despite the long history of intermittent or rotational thera-     The formation of anti-drug antibodies was not an issue in
pies for psoriasis, the preponderance of data favors the          etanercept retreatment11.
continuous use of TNF antagonists. Reasons for this in-           Another clinical trial examining moderate to severe pla-
clude risk of ant-drug antibody formation, continued safety       que psoriasis demonstrated greater improvements with
with prolong use and efficacious maintenance of symptom           continuous etanercept therapy in comparison to inter-
control1,4-6.                                                     mittent therapy: at week 24, response was seen in 71.0%
Continuous therapy of TNF antagonists is often advised in         and 59.5% of patients respectively12. However, in patients
order to prevent risk of anti-drug antibody formation. Two        receiving intermittent therapy who experienced relapse in
studies have described increases in anti-drug antibody de-        symptoms, most were able to achieve responder status af-
velopment in patients who achieved initial remission but          ter restarting etanercept12.
developed secondary symptoms and required re-initiation           In a patient-reported outcomes study, continuous therapy
of TNF inhibitor therapy7,8. Moreover, it is well known           was favored. However, similar levels of improvement pri-
that decreased efficacy of TNF antagonists correlates with        or to medication discontinuation were seen in retreated
the prevalence of serum anti-drug antibodies (more appa-          patients who were previously on intermittent therapy.
rent with infliximab and adalimumab than with etaner-             With this data, the authors concluded that etanercept in-
cept)9,10.                                                        terruption was a possible option because the drug pro-
Additionally, several reports have compared the efficacy          duced predictable and manageable effects13.
of intermittent and continuous psoriasis therapy with TNF         In the CRYSTEL study , a clinical trial evaluating eta-
antagonists. In a systematic review by Brezinski and Arm-         nercept in psoriasis patients, the continuous therapy group
strong7, the efficacy of off-label dosing regimens revealed       demonstrated a considerably lower mean Physician’s
that discontinuing biologics after remission subsequently         Global Assessment (PGA) score than the paused therapy
increased psoriasis activity. Additionally, the efficacy of re-   group at an average of 54 weeks (1.98 vs. 2.51). However,
treatment yielded poorer response when compared to ini-           both groups revealed an overall improved PGA and PASI
tial treatment response7.                                         scores and patient satisfaction rates. Additionally, 83% of
Similarly, Ramirez-Fort et al.1 speculated continuous treat-      relapsed patients (PGA >2) in the paused therapy group
ment was required to suppress inflammatory activity and           were able to regain their treatment response after resum-
minimize cutaneous involvement. This data supported the           ing etanercept within a median of 15 weeks14. Similar re-
superiority of continuous biologic treatment over inter-          sults were seen in the intermittent therapy group in a sub-
mittent therapy, in terms of improved efficacy and safety1.       set of patients who achieved PGA ≤1 before discontinua-
However, recent studies have shown differing results and          tion of etanercept15.
support the notion that retreatment with TNF antagonists
has excellent efficacy for psoriasis. Though absolute effi-
cacy of intermittent therapy may be lower when com-               Unlike etanercept, reports discussing intermittent adalimu-
pared to continuous therapy, there are many reports show-         mab efficacy in psoriasis are limited.

496 Ann Dermatol
Discontinuation of TNF Antagonists in Psoriasis

A 2011 multicenter open-label study examined a sub-             tients (41.5%) in the 5 mg/kg continuous and as-needed
group of 285 patients with stable psoriasis, defined as         groups, respectively, and in 69 patients (51.5%) and 60
maintaining a PGA score of 0 (clear) or 1 (minimal) on          patients (46.2%) in the 3 mg/kg continuous and as-needed
adalimumab for greater than 12 weeks before the with-           groups, respectively5.
drawal of therapy. The efficacy and safety of adalimumab        In another study, Reich et al. evaluated the efficacy and
was evaluated in cases of interrupted treatment with sub-       safety of continuous versus intermittent infliximab main-
sequent resumed therapy. A PGA score was assigned be-           tenance therapy for psoriasis. However, more serious in-
fore medication withdrawal and patients were monitored          fusion-related reactions occurred with intermittent therapy
for relapse of a PGA score of 3 (moderate) or worse16. In       (8 of 219 patients, 4%) than with continuous therapy (1 of
178 patients who relapsed (median time to relapse, 141          222 patients, <1%), prompting the sponsor to terminate
days), the rate of achieving clearance (PGA ≤1) after ada-      the study. Greater rates of PASI75 responses were ob-
limumab retreatment was 69%. This study found no differ-        served with continuous therapy (81 of 101 patients, 80%)
ence in safety profile between the interrupted and con-         than with intermittent therapy (39 of 83 patients, 47%)6.
tinuous therapy groups. Minimal (2%) risk of formation of       Risk of antibody formation with intermittent infliximab
anti-adalimumab antibodies were seen with intermittent          therapy is a particular concern7,8. A study focused on in-
therapy. Therefore, the authors concluded that the clinical     flammatory bowel disease revealed episodic infliximab
efficacy of adalimumab often is regained with retreatment       schedules may have led to the formation of anti-drug anti-
after relapse following treatment discontinuation16.            bodies and in turn, may be the culprit to increased in-
In 2013, the REVEAL open-label extension study17, adali-        fusion reactions8.
mumab retreatment and continuous treatment group dem-
                                                                When to discontinue tumor necrosis factor antagonists
onstrated similar efficacy rates in terms of the PASI75
                                                                and how to restart treatment
(75% reduction in PASI severity) response at week 108.
Compared with the continuous treatment group, the re-           Although the current paradigm in psoriasis management
treatment cohort had equivalent or lower adverse event          favors continuous use of TNF antagonists, certain sit-
rates. However, serum anti-adalimumab antibodies were           uations, such as increasing cost burden, poor adherence,
not measured in this study.                                     elective surgery, and pregnancy, may warrant treatment
Another analysis by Gordon et al.18 examined a similar          interruption1. Additionally, we believe that clinical re-
subpopulation of patients, who participated in the 2011         mission should also be considered a factor that may merit
adalimumab open-label extension trial16,17. Results were        consideration of TNF inhibitor discontinuation.
similar to the REVEAL study17, in regards to efficacy and       Potential populations for biologic discontinuation have
safety. Additionally, the authors concluded that in addi-       been previously examined. A consensus report2 by a pan-
tion to improved clinical symptoms, adalimumab retreat-         el of psoriasis experts, comprised of 147 dermatologists
ment improved patients’ health-related quality of life.         from 33 countries, suggested the following patient sub-
                                                                groups to be considered candidates for biologic therapy
                                                                discontinuation: patients 1) who prefer to stop treatment,
In 2007, Menter et al.5 conducted the first study to directly   2) with a history of disease-free intervals or previously sta-
compare maintenance regimens and intermittent therapy           ble plaque-type psoriasis, 3) with no relevant comorbid-
of biologics. They conclude that continuous (every 8-           ities, 4) without psoriatic arthritis, 5) whose quality of life
week) use of infliximab at a dose of 5 mg/kg had greater        is not considerably affected by the disease, and 6) who did
efficacy, defined as maintenance of PASI75 and PASI90           experience worsening disease after previous dose reduc-
responses in comparison to intermittent as-needed regi-         tions and treatment withdrawals.
mens in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis during       Although there are no curative therapies for psoriasis,
one year of treatment (54.5% vs. 38.1% for PASI75 and           many patients still perceive clinical remission as a realistic
34.3% vs. 10.4% of PASI90 at week 50)5. If the improve-         primary goal of psoriasis treatment. A formal definition of
ment from baseline was less than PASI75, the as-needed          “clinical remission” in psoriasis has not been clearly pro-
maintenance group received the original infliximab dose5.       posed, and thus, there remains no consensus about its
During the maintenance phase, the safety profile was sim-       definition. Several standards of clinical remission have
ilar across the treatment regimens, with the exception of       been documented. A majority of studies quantify disease
increased infusion reactions observed in the 3 mg/kg            remission as achieving PASI75 or a PGA of “clear” or
as-needed treatment group. Neutralizing antibodies to in-       “almost clear”7, while there have been studies that use
fliximab were detected in 49 patients (35.8%) and 59 pa-        PASI50 as the standard for treatment interruption11. De-

                                                                                                    Vol. 31, No. 5, 2019   497
B Kim, et al

spite these previous standards, with the increasing efficacy   Activity Index (CDAI) score of ≤103.
of new biologic treatments, PASI90 may become the new          However, the European League against Rheumatism
measure of optimal response.                                   (EULAR) 2016 recommendations do not appear to support
Similar to the previous discussion on the need to define       idea of stopping biologic therapy even after remission of
“clinical remission”, the criteria for defining the duration   RA is achieved. Rather, EULAR suggests reducing dose or
of a sustained response have yet to be been elucidated.        extension of interval, citing that discontinuation may lead
Some studies have considered treatment discontinuation         to a recurrence of disease in most patients20. Nevertheless,
when the treatment efficacy sustained for 16 or 20 week12.     greater than 80% of patients were able retain their initial
Other, more cautious researchers agree that stopping bio-      response with retreatment20. Another review article in
logic therapy should be considered only after a minimum        2017 also favored tapering over withdrawal of biologic
of one year of maintained remission2.                          therapy in established RA21. This review suggested that the
Further studies to establish re-dosing treatment plans after   complete withdrawal of biologic therapy in patients with
TNF antagonist withdrawal are also warranted. In cases         established RA does not result in sustained remission.
where therapy has been withdrawn and restarted, an in-         Consistent with EULAR, the authors recommended the
duction doses should be used considered for the re-            strategy of reducing the dose or frequency for established
introduction of the biologic agent, with the possible ex-      cases21.
ception of infliximab (due to the associated increased risk    Historically, there have been disagreements about the def-
of infusion reactions)2.                                       inition of remission, the efficacy of tapering or withdrawal
                                                               of drugs, and the strategy for monitoring relapse in RA21.
DISCONTINUATION OF TUMOR NECROSIS                              To help achieve some clarity, American College of Rheu-
FACTOR ANTAGONISTS IN OTHER INFLAM-                            matology (ACR)-EULAR proposed two new remission cri-
MATORY DISEASES                                                teria in 2011 on the basis of RA trial data: 1) Boo-
                                                               lean-based definition, in which at any time point, the pa-
Rheumatoid arthritis
                                                               tient must satisfy all of the following22: tender joint count
Induction of TNF antagonists has led to remission of RA,       ≤1, swollen joint count ≤1, C-reactive protein ≤1
and greater remission rates were achieved when TNF an-         mg/dl, PGA score ≤1 (on a 0~10 scale); and 2) index-
tagonists were used in combination with methotrexate.          based definition, in which at any time point, the patient
Despite these promising results, concerns about potential      must have a Simplified Disease Activity Index (SDAI)
adverse effects have risen with the long-term use of TNF       score of ≤3.3.
antagonists.                                                   From the recent guideline, tapering of disease-modifying
Only a few clinical trials have addressed the question of      anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) or biologics should be
whether TNF antagonists can be withdrawn in patients           considered if patients fulfill the standardized clinical cri-
with RA3.                                                      teria for remission (i.e., Disease Activity Score [DAS] 28
A 2016 review found discordant results among RA studies        <2.6, DAS44 <1.6, SDAI <3.3, CDAI <2.8, ACR-EULAR
concerning the discontinuation of TNF antagonists, with        remission), remain in remission for at least 6 months as as-
the reported success rates ranging from 13% to 48% at 1        sessed with appropriate disease activity instruments at 3
year after discontinuation19. The study found that approx-     sequential visits, have used a stable type and dose of
imately half of the patients with early RA could dis-          DMARD during the previous 6 months, and do not re-
continue TNF-targeted biologic therapy without clinical        quire glucocorticoids to maintain the remission23,24.
flare and functional impairment after attaining low disease    Certain predictors (early RA, depth of improvement, and
activity with a TNF antagonist and methotrexate. For es-       duration of remission) have been identified to predict a
tablished RA, however, fewer patients sustained low dis-       successful outcome after tapering or discontinuation of RA
ease activity after the discontinuation of TNF antago-         treatment20,25. Seropositivity, functional status, and disease
nists19.                                                       activity at the time of TNF antagonist discontinuation were
In a 2015 registry study examining RA patients, dis-           also considered key factors in maintaining the treatment
continuation of the first course of TNF antagonist was as-     benefits3,19. A history of stable dosing of biologics, ab-
sociated with persistent clinical benefit. Half of the pa-     sence of a requirement for corticosteroids for a defined pe-
tients examined were able to maintain response through         riod, DAS28 score, absence of synovitis, absence of radio-
20 months3. Discontinuation of medication was decided          graphic progression, and low or zero swollen or tender
in patients who attained low disease activity or even lower    joint count were additionally identified as factors for the
levels of disease activity, defined as a Clinical Disease      dose-down strategy in RA21.

498 Ann Dermatol
Discontinuation of TNF Antagonists in Psoriasis

                                                                 ed after interrupting methotrexate monotherapy or TNF
Psoriatic arthritis
                                                                 antagonist therapy in an open-label study in 201532.
Similarly to RA, many physicians believe that discontinua-       However, all recurred cases again attained remission after
tion of biologics can be fully considered after the re-          the re-initiation of treatment.
mission of psoriatic arthritis. However, compared with           Recently, a pilot study was designed to test the feasibility
RA, there has been less evidence to support treatment de-        of drug withdrawal in patients with psoriatic arthritis in the
cisions in psoriatic arthritis. Furthermore, there lacks vali-   minimal disease activity state33. In this study, the with-
dated remission criteria for psoriatic arthritis on which to     drawal group underwent a stepwise phased withdrawal of
standardize results from clinical studies and registry data.     medication, in which the last treatment added was the first
This has led to the use of different sets of criteria for re-    withdrawn. However, most patients regained low disease
mission assessment and different methods for selecting pa-       activity after restarting the previous medication. Unfor-
tients26.                                                        tunately, difficulty in patient recruitment and the relatively
In a previous study, remission of psoriatic arthritis was de-    high relapse rate for both methotrexate and biologics hin-
fined based on the ACR RA remission criteria, in which at        dered the performance of a subsequent large randomized
least a four-month period of maintenance is required to          controlled study33.
conclude disease remission27. Recently, the Group for            In 2012, Cantini et al.34 reported that reducing the adali-
Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic               mumab dose resulted in maintained clinical remission in
Arthritis developed and validated the criteria for minimal       76 patients with psoriatic arthritis and in 55 patients with
disease activity in psoriatic arthritis28. They included as-     RA. Higher remission rates were achieved in patients with
sessments of enthesis and skin, which are specific clinical      psoriatic arthritis than in those with RA, with both the
domains for psoriatic arthritis. Newer measures for psori-       standard dose and the reduced dose.
atic arthritis, including the Psoriatic Arthritis Disease        An abstract from ACR registry reported that the CDAI and
Activity Score, Composite Psoriatic Arthritis Disease            PGA assessment may be helpful before deciding to taper
Activity Index, and Arithmetic Mean of Desirability Func-        TNF antagonist in patients with psoriatic arthritis35.
tions for disease activity assessment have been in-
Furthermore, unlike for RA, there have been limited data         This study has some limitations. First, this review did not
about the interruption or dose reduction of TNF antago-          include all randomized controlled trials available within
nists for psoriatic arthritis21.                                 the literature. Second, there was heterogeneity in the de-
In 2003, Kane et al.30 reported a cohort study of 129 pa-        signs of the reviewed studies. The definitions for disease
tients with early psoriatic arthritis (mean disease duration,    remission and relapse amongst the studies were not
9 months) who were taking traditional DMARDs. These              standardized. Duration of disease, initial and concomitant
patients showed a remission rate of 26% at one year and          treatments, and strategies for tapering the medication
21% at two years. In that study, 12% and 11% of patients         doses and intervals also varied. Lastly, as in RA and psori-
maintained the state of drug-free remission at one and two       atic arthritis, reduction in drug dose and/or the dosing in-
years, respectively.                                             terval can be a more efficient strategy in comparison to
In 2008, Cantini et al.27 reported a 24.1% remission rate        discontinuing therapy in a psoriasis patient successfully
in 236 patients with psoriatic arthritis. Remission was con-     managed with TNF antagonists. However, the current re-
siderably more frequent in patients treated with TNF an-         view did not focus on this topic because there was little
tagonists than in those treated with methotrexate alone          relevant data. In addition, anti-interleukin (IL) 12/23, an-
(79.5% vs. 20.4%)27. No difference was noted between             ti-IL-17, and anti-IL-23 drugs were not included in this re-
two groups in terms of the remission duration. Upon dis-         view, because of the paucity of information on recent
continuation of treatment, remission lasted for an average       developments. Nevertheless, we believe that continuous
of 12 months.                                                    treatment should be considered the most effective option
In 2010, Saber et al.31 reported that 58% of 152 patients        of therapy until further definitive results are published sup-
treated with TNF antagonists achieved remission at 12            porting intermittent therapy with these medications.
months. They found that a higher functional status at base-
line was the best predictor for remission in patients with       CONCLUSIONS
psoriatic arthritis.
In contrast, high rates of recurrence (76.9%) and shorter        Herein, we address the question of whether it is possible
intervals before recurrence (74.50±51.72 days) were not-         to discontinue TNF antagonists after clinical remission of

                                                                                                    Vol. 31, No. 5, 2019   499
B Kim, et al

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