How Red Arc's Email Marketing Connector is improving donor relationships for Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation

How Red Arc's Email Marketing Connector is improving donor relationships for Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation

How Red Arc’s Email Marketing Connector is
improving donor relationships for Breakthrough
Mental Health Research Foundation

                                         “We want to ensure that every communication we
                                          send has purpose and the automated workflow
                                          emails allow us to target the right audience.”
                                          —Sharn Elder, Development Manager,
                                           Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation

Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation is Australia’s only dedicated mental health
research foundation that supports groundbreaking research that will help to transform the lives
of those affected by mental health issues. As a newer charity, they are continually testing what
works for them on a cost-effective model and are looking to increase their digital presence.
With around 10,000 donors that would be receiving emails, they needed as much automation
as possible.

Breakthrough wanted to be able to automatically update email activity
and unsubscribe, as well as be able to individualise donor journeys, based
on the data from Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT. They needed a way to have
this information integrated with Campaign Monitor.                                     Breakthrough Mental Health
                                                                                       Research Foundation is
They had three frustrations they wanted to fix, with three goals:                      powered by:

•   Increased time                                                                     Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge
    As their digital strategy continued to grow, manually updating data                NXT®
    from one system to another was time-consuming and unsustainable
                                                                                       Red Arc’s Email Marketing-
    for long term growth.
•   Data integrity
    With a goal of 100% compliant and accurate data, relying on an                     Campaign Monitor
    individual to ensure data was updated in a timely and accurate
    manner in two systems was no longer an option. Breakthrough pride

      1800 688 910   |   |                           March 2022      1
How Red Arc's Email Marketing Connector is improving donor relationships for Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation
themselves on their data integrity and rely on it to be accurate, so it
         was important to them to have this as close to 100% as possible.
 •       Donor experience
         Breakthrough are all about a positive donor experience. With no
         automated data between Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT and Campaign
         Monitor, there was the potential for a poor donor experience and
         inaccurate data, impacting not only their donors but the team as well.

 How Email Marketing Connector helped
 overcome these frustrations
 Breakthrough found that Red Arc’s Email Marketing Connector didn’t just
 update the information from one system to another, it also allowed them
 to import different donor data fields from Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT
 to Campaign Monitor, which gave them the ability to create customised
 emails based on the data, rather than having to import a separate list from
 one system to another.

 This allowed them to create automated workflow emails. “We want to
 ensure that every communication we send has purpose and the automated
 workflow emails allow us to target the right audience,” says Development
 Manager Sharn Elder.

MARKETING CONNECTOR                                   Making the job easier and faster
WORK?                                                 The time savings accrued by:

Red Arc’s Email Marketing                             •      No longer having to manually update emails sent and unsubscribes
Connector allows you
to seamlessly integrate                               •      Not needing to create a list based on certain donor criteria in
Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge                                      Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT, exporting then importing the same list
NXT with your dedicated                                      into Campaign Monitor to create it. All email lists can now be created
email marketing platform,                                    directly in Campaign Monitor.
making them operate as a
                                                      A favourite feature is the field imports from Blackbaud Raisers Edge NXT
single solution.
                                                      to Campaign Monitor. Having the ability to have all the data from their
                                                      database updated automatically in Campaign Monitor now means they can
                                                      create automated workflow emails and test what works for them, with little
     Activity Tile                                    expense and time.
                        Campaigns & Journeys
                                                      “It is a very exciting feature that enables us to grow our digital platform
                                                      even further,” says Sharn.

               New Supporters

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How Red Arc's Email Marketing Connector is improving donor relationships for Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation
“Having digital
                                                                                                  systems that
                                                                                                  connect and provide
                                                                                                  accurate data, has
                                                                                                  allowed us to begin
                                                                                                  testing campaigns and
                                                                                                  gain insight immediately.”
                                                                                                   —Sharn Elder, Breakthrough Mental
                                                                                                    Health Research Foundation

So overall?
COVID-19 has pushed a lot of organisations to review their digital strategy.
Breakthrough understand there is a place for both Direct Mail and Digital
Fundraising, however, like a lot of organisations, whilst they had a lot of
data and information to support their DM strategy, they lacked the data
history in the digital world. “Having digital systems that connect and
provide accurate data, has allowed us to begin testing campaigns and gain
insight immediately,” says Sharn.

Since implementing Email Marketing Connector, the overall gain has been:

•    More time for the team to get on with what they need to do, rather
     than regular repetitive tasks

•    Data accuracy

•    The ability to start testing different campaigns and success rates to
     improve the donor experience.

Interested in finding out more about connecting your Blackbaud
software with your organisation’s email marketing automation
tool? Get in touch today and unlock a world of possibilities for
your organisation.

    Learn more

About Blackbaud
Leading uniquely at the intersection point of technology and social good, Blackbaud connects and empowers organisations to increase their
impact through software, services, expertise, and data intelligence. We serve the entire social good community, which includes nonprofits,
foundations, corporations, education institutions, healthcare institutions, and the individual change agents who support them.

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How Red Arc's Email Marketing Connector is improving donor relationships for Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation
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