How local policies can shape biomass production and bio-based industries in future cities - Novel Farm

Page created by Hugh Rogers
How local policies can shape biomass production and bio-based industries in future cities - Novel Farm
how local policies can
 shape biomass production
 and bio-based industries
 in future cities

Pordenone, 13-14 Feb. 2019

Ir. Tsurukawa Nicolas        Fig.1 potential agricultural land in Brussels city – 2016 (source: IBGE 2013, SPF Finance 2015, Terre en Vue 2016)
PhD. candidate
How local policies can shape biomass production and bio-based industries in future cities - Novel Farm
Brussels (Region)

 Created in 1970
 1.2 million inhabitants
 161.4 km²
 17 types of land use
 19 districts (communes)
 Manufacturing jobs decline (3%)

                         Tsurukawa Feb. 2019
How local policies can shape biomass production and bio-based industries in future cities - Novel Farm
Grain de paysan (2017)
Nos Pilifs (2017)
ASBL Tournesol (2017)

       Tsurukawa Feb. 2019
How local policies can shape biomass production and bio-based industries in future cities - Novel Farm
Permafunghi 2018
BIGH 2018
Urban Crop Solutions 2018

       Tsurukawa Feb. 2019
How local policies can shape biomass production and bio-based industries in future cities - Novel Farm
Source: BacUp 2016

                     Tsurukawa Feb. 2019
How local policies can shape biomass production and bio-based industries in future cities - Novel Farm
2013 Turnover in the food sector (M. EUR)
Primary production                          5
                                                                          The potential of bio-based industries (I)
Processing                                948
wholesale                               6598
                                                                           Urban farming (direct jobs)
Retail                                  2973
                                                                             • Rooftop
Catering                                2078
                                                                             • Marginal land
independent shops                         628
markets                                    40
                                                                              + indoor farming
farm-to-fork baskets                        5
      Source: Henrion 2015
                                                                              + walls

                     usable                                                Urban farming (indirect jobs)
                     surface                 FTE/ha      potential jobs
market                                                   694 - 2776           •   Food processing
gardening            694 ha                  1 - 4 /ha   FTE                  •   catering
Rooftop                                                                       •   Educational
gardening            194 ha                  1 - 4 /ha   194 -776 FTE         •   Waste management
aquaponics           26 ha                   20/ha       520 FTE
      Source: Bruxelles Environnement 2012

                                                                                                            Tsurukawa Feb. 2019
How local policies can shape biomass production and bio-based industries in future cities - Novel Farm
The potential of bio-based industries (II)

                                                                         Non-food
                                                                           • Cosmetic
                                                                           • Pharmaceuticals
                                                                           • Construction
                                                                           • Textile
                                                                           • wickerwork
                                                                           • Fuel
                                                                           • Etc.

Source: Pittsburg declaration on bamboo as construction material 2016

Aloe vera for cosmetic use (source: quality aquaponics, 2019)             Lipase-inhibited algae fuel (Cambridge U. 2019)   Tsurukawa Feb. 2019
How local policies can shape biomass production and bio-based industries in future cities - Novel Farm
Brussels Region : Regulatory layers

                 Règlements Communaux d’Urbanisme (RCU)
           1979: Plan de Secteur
           1995: Plan Régional d’Affectation du Sol (PRAS)
           1995: Plan régional de développement (PRD)
           2001: Révision du Plan Régional d’Affectation du Sol (PRASd)
           2004: Code d’Aménagement du Territoire (CoBat)
           2004: Plan Particulier d’Aménagement du Sol (PPAS)
           2013: zone d’entreprises en milieu urbain (ZEMU)
           2013: Code Bruxellois de l’Air, Climat et Energie (CoBrACE)
           2017 Révision du CoBat ; création Plan d’Aménagement Directeur (PAD)
           2018 Plan Régional de Développement Durable (PRDD)
           2018 Règlement Régional d’Urbanisme (RRU)

+ national level: Food safety; animal welfare; Social security and employment ; fire safety ; real estate law

                                                                                                           Tsurukawa Feb. 2019
How local policies can shape biomass production and bio-based industries in future cities - Novel Farm
Challenges for the development of urban
                                                                  farming and bio-based industries

FarmFlex container farm (source: Urban Crop Solutions 2017))   Fruits and vegetable vending machine in Borre, France (source: la voix du Nord)

                                                                                                                                     Tsurukawa Feb. 2019
How local policies can shape biomass production and bio-based industries in future cities - Novel Farm
Challenges for the development of urban
                                                              farming and bio-based industries

Rooftop beehive (source: Berks and Shuyllkill beehive, USA)    Collapsed green rooftop at Hong Kong City University
                                                               (source: South China Morning Post 2016)

                                                                                                                      Tsurukawa Feb. 2019
Challenges for the development of urban
                                                    farming and bio-based industries

Urban farm in Brussels (source: Vert d’Iris 2016)    Periurban orchard, Belgium (source: Transformers ASBL 2018)

                                                                                                                   Tsurukawa Feb. 2019
Challenges for the development of urban
                                                         farming and bio-based industries

Organic plant pigment extraction (picture: Lutea 2018)    Organic pesticide (source: Agriculture and Technology 2019)

                                                                                                                        Tsurukawa Feb. 2019
Challenges for the development of urban
                                                                                farming and bio-based industries

Zika vector mosquito prevention campaign, Hong Kong (picture: Tsurukawa 2017)    Rodent proliferation in Paris (source: youtube 2016)

                                                                                                                                        Tsurukawa Feb. 2019
Regional minister      Regional          Public tender   Solutions
        cabinet           minister
                                            Expert panel    1°) INTERPRET
       Industry                             Legal Expert
      federation                               panel
                          Other involved                    2°) ADAPT
     Civil society        administrations
                                                            3°) ADOPT

                       Submission to
        Or                                    Special
Coalition change           debate


                                                                            Tsurukawa Feb. 2019
Tsurukawa Feb. 2019
Example of proposals to change local regulations in Brussels Region

Productive activities [are defined as] artisanal, high tech or industrial activities, including the production of material and
immaterial goods, and urban farming activities.*

the plots and gardens within a building block may be farmed, and equipments and accessory buildings strictly necessary
for such activity may be installed *

The surface of the [rooftop greenhouses] mustn’t exceed 9m² and their height may not exceed 3m (…) The addition of
such greenhouses will only be tolerated if they fit harmoniously with the surroundings.

10% of the surface of the green area may be cultivated for market gardening, except for green area with high biodiversity
value and cemetaries (…)

Right of first refusal on agricultural land for the Brussels region to purchase or lease agricultural land and dedicate it to a
local food production project.

*The full study and accurate text (in French) can be downloaded here:
                                                                                                                                  Tsurukawa Feb. 2019


280 – 420 US$ / ton
(source: FAO – World Fertilizer Outlook 2015)

34 tons / day in Brussels
(source: own estimate, 2019)

                                                Tsurukawa Feb. 2019

      • INVOLVE

Sources: « Quartier de la Baraque », Louvain la Neuve (2017) ; Regen Village NV (2019)

                                                             Tsurukawa Feb. 2019

                                               • ANTICIPATE
                                               • INVOLVE

Galleria melonella (source: Current Biology)

Ideonella sakaiensis (source: Science 2016)                   Tsurukawa Feb. 2019
The space is th
             Make it availab

Grazie per l’attenzione
                   Tsurukawa Feb. 2019
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