How harvey changed habitat - where we have been and where we are going - WINTER 2021

Page created by Byron Davidson
How harvey changed habitat - where we have been and where we are going - WINTER 2021
how harvey
                            changed habitat
                            where we have been and where we are going

How harvey changed habitat - where we have been and where we are going - WINTER 2021
FROM OUR PRESIDENT                                                                                           “to everything
                                                                                                              turn, turn, turn
                                                                                                            there is a season
                                                                                                              turn, turn, turn

                         hy am I                                                                                 and a time to
                         humming                                                                               every purpose
                         The Byrds?
            Well, for 26 years, Golden
                                                                                                                under heaven”
            Crescent Habitat has
                                                                                                               Turn! Turn! Turn!
            been building homes,                                                               (To Everything There Is a Season)
            communities and hope in
            the Golden Crescent. The                                                                                   The Byrds
            affordable-housing needs
            in our community remain
            dire and our mission
            remains relevant. Bringing donors and volunteers together to build homes has been the heart of our mission
            since we completed our very first house.

            Along the way, the Board of Directors and staff kept open hearts and minds on how best to meet those needs.
            They remained true to our mission, but open to new ways to serve our community. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says there
            is a season for everything and a time to every purpose under heaven.

            With that spirit in mind, Habitat’s Board of Directors is doing the work of looking forward and generating a
            strategic plan to guide our mission for the next three years. To do this important planning exercise, feedback
            from you on how to best advance this mission is critical. We simply cannot address our community’s affordable
            housing needs without enormous support from donors, volunteers, and community leaders.

            You are all valuable stakeholders in our mission and as we look forward to the next three years,
            we invite your participation and feedback. Please take a moment to complete a survey
            about the future of Golden Crescent Habitat. Simply scan this QR code with your
            phone’s camera. We have done our best to keep it short and sweet.

            In all seasons, I thank God for this life-changing mission and for all of you who make it possible.

            With deep affection,

                                                                                                     Habitat Annual

            Cynthia J. Staley

Building Blocks                                          Golden Crescent             2020 – 2021 Board of Directors
                                                         Habitat for Humanity
Editor                                                                               Chair          Secretary         Board Members:
Cynthia J. Staley    Building Blocks is produced by      4103 N. Navarro St.
                                                                                     Ben Streiff    Nora Kucera       Christi Cornel   Barbara
                     the Golden Crescent Habitat for     Victoria, TX 77901
Senior Writers       Humanity Advancement office                                                                       DeWitt County   Samples
                     and underwritten by the ReStore     P. O. Box 1357              Vice-Chair     Past Chair
Holly Pickering                                                                                                       Mike Ettienne    Jeff Svetlik
                     and local benefactors. This         Victoria, TX 77902          Amy Mundy      Sam Hooker
Katy Walterscheidt   newsletter is printed two times a                                                                Chad Hall
                     year for the donors, volunteers,    361-573-2511                                                                  Sheila Vesley
Layout & Design                                                                      Treasurer                        Rhett Johnson
                     and other stakeholders of Golden                                                                                  Celina Yoast
carilaza designs     Crescent Habitat for Humanity.   Chad Kern                        Elaine Noland
                                                                                                                       Goliad County
How harvey changed habitat - where we have been and where we are going - WINTER 2021

                                             Please note that               Before and After
                                             some photos                    Cover Story Golden Crescent Habitat repaired homes
                                             printed in this                and lives of hundreds of families after a life-changing
                                             newsletter were                disaster. Now we ponder where we were before
                                             taken before the               Hurricane Harvey and what we dream for our future
                                             COVID-19 mask
                                                                            as disaster repairs come to an end. Read about these
                                                                            plans and how you can provide your input.
                                                                            PAGE 4

                                                                            Homeowner Spotlight
                                                                            A Habitat home is more than just four walls that
                                                                            keep you warm in winter and cool in summer.

                     8                               10
                                                                            It also is a spring board for low-income families to
                                                                            build self-reliance and improve their lives. Learn
                                                                            about one Habitat family’s journey as they grow
                                                                            their small business.
                                                                            PAGE 10

                                                                            Some items are too good to be “threw.” That’s where
                                                                            the Habitat ReStore comes into play and turns one

                                                                            person’s trash into another person’s treasure. Read
                                                                            about how the Habitat ReStore keeps items out of the
                                                                            landfill and how you can help.
                                                                            PAGE 12

                                                                            ALSO IN THIS ISSUE

                                                                            2020 Annual Report                 Volunteer & Donor List
                                                                            PAGE 16                            PAGE 18


   Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity
   brings people together to build Homes, Communities and Hope.

President/           Advancement Director          Construction Manager*         Accounting Clerk      Project Managers
Executive Director   Holly Marshall                April Sobotik                 Gloria Rodriguez      Hurricane Harvey Rebuild*
Cynthia J. Staley                                                                                      Creed Galbraith
                     Advancement Assistant*        Volunteer Coordinator*        ReStore Manager
Director of                                                                                            Rob Knight
                     Cassie Pustejovsky            Lisa Kainer                   James Fikac
Operations                                                                                             Administrative Assistant*
                     Part-Time Advancement         Family Services               Refugio Repair
Ashley Jett                                                                                            Mary Ramos
                     Assistant                     Coordinator                   Manager*
                     Holly Pickering               Cheryl Johnston               Elizabeth Jones                                   *grant-funded positions
How harvey changed habitat - where we have been and where we are going - WINTER 2021

 a turning point:                                                 what the next
                                                                  three years will build

              olden Crescent Habitat is at an interesting
              point in our history. What started as an
              all-volunteer run organization 26 years
    ago serving one county, now serves six counties. We
    have added a robust ReStore, an owner-occupied
    rehabilitation program, and most recently leveraged
    our volunteer management and construction
    experience to be a lead participant in South Texas’
    Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts.

    Habitat remains both the only new builder of
    affordable homes for low-income families and the           Our History
    only affordable repair program for low-income
    homeowners in the Golden Crescent region. For              • Launched in 1994
                                                                 and originally
    many in our community, Habitat offers the only path
                                                                 known as Habitat
    forward to stable, affordable owner-occupied shelter         for Humanity,
    and its life-changing benefits.                              Victoria, we
                                                                 completed our first
    Given the dire necessity of our mission and the              home in 1996.
    continued generous support of our donors and
    volunteers, Habitat seeks to ensure that we are doing      • In 2012 we became Golden Crescent Habitat
    our absolute best in service to the community. As            for Humanity when we expanded to include
                                                                 Goliad, Jackson, and Lavaca counties.
    such, we look to the past to celebrate and learn, to the
    present to meet today’s needs, and to the future to        • In 2014, we added the Brush Up program,
    prepare for what comes next.                                 which provides minor stabilizing repairs that
                                                                 allow low-income homeowners to remain in
                                                                 their homes, avoiding unsafe conditions or
Habitat seeks to ensure that we                                  costly moves. 37 Brush Up projects have been
                                                                 completed to date.
are doing our absolute best in                                 • In 2015, DeWitt County Habitat for Humanity
  service to the community.                                      merged with Golden Crescent Habitat.

How harvey changed habitat - where we have been and where we are going - WINTER 2021

                                                          Our ability to embrace change also continues to grow.
                                                          After making the changes required by Hurricane
                                                          Harvey, in 2020 we pivoted to a more flexible work
                                                          schedule, allowing staff to work from home during
                                                          high COVID rates. Supporting our community in
                                                          unusual ways during the onset of COVID quarantines,
                                                          we found a way to stay connected to donors and
                                                          volunteers while serving our frontline workers with the
                                                          Building Hope for Heroes Program.

                                                          The ReStore is solidly recognized as an important
                                                          contributor to both our community and the affiliate.
                                                          Management has researched what product the
                                                          community wants and needs and actively works to bring
                                                          in purchased products that complement the significant
                                                          amount of donated goods from our communities.
 • In 2016, we celebrated building our 100th home.        The ReStore stayed open safely all year, providing an
   It was part of our new neighborhood, Koinonia.
                                                          economical resource for customers looking for ways to
 • In 2017, we established a disaster recovery            complete DIY home repairs and upgrades.
   program that repaired and rebuilt owner-
   occupied homes damaged or destroyed by                 Through our tithe, 68 families around the world,
   Hurricane Harvey. To date, we have executed 162        including Mexico and Bangladesh, now live in simple
   major repairs and completely rebuilt 50 homes.         decent shelter. Amidst challenging times, our donors
                                                          and volunteers remained committed and generous,
Where We Are Now                                          resulting in outstanding results, detailed in our Annual
                                                          Report on page 16.
With our depth and diversity of staff leadership and
skills, communities now recognize Golden Crescent         Despite these incredible accomplishments, the
Habitat as a leader in disaster recovery efforts in the   need persists. In our community, 33 percent of the
area. In 2020, Habitat for Humanity International         population rents and with median housing costs of
ranked our affiliate third in the state and 15th in the   $877 a month, 38 percent of those renters are cost-
country for the number of families served. Just four      burdened, meaning they spend more than 30 percent
years ago, this would have been unimaginable. We          of their income on rent, leaving little else for survival.*
discovered within ourselves a strength and resolve that
greatly enlarged our scope of work, resulting in a 600
percent growth in production since 2017.
                                                               *Joint Center for Housing Studies Harvard University
How harvey changed habitat - where we have been and where we are going - WINTER 2021

                                    How Harvey Changed Habitat

                                    Since 1994, Habitat has focused on building
                                    new and affordable homes for local families who
                                    would otherwise not have access to the dream of
                                    homeownership. However, on August 25, 2017
                                    our focus changed because the mighty winds of
                                    Hurricane Harvey altered our city overnight. When
                                    we awoke on August 26, we realized that we had to do
                                    something to help our neighbors in need.

                                    That realization was the impetus behind our Habitat
                                    ReBuilds program.

                                    In just three years, we have completed 162 repairs on
                                    homes in our six-county service area. As we worked
                                    to identify damage caused by Hurricane Harvey, we
                                    realized there was an even bigger need, one that had
                                    long been overlooked. There were many homeowners
                                    who—for one reason or another—could no longer
                                    maintain their homes. This deferred maintenance
                                    translated into significantly more hurricane damage
                                    for those homes which had to wait months, and
                                    sometimes years, for assistance.

How harvey changed habitat - where we have been and where we are going - WINTER 2021

                                                                                         • Our prayer is
                                                                                           that we will
                                                                                           finish Hurricane
                                                                                           Harvey repair
                                                                                           work this year.
Now, three years later, we are
ready to tackle the challenge of deferred maintenance    This spring our Board of Directors will meet and
for homeowners who simply cannot afford to take care     conduct the hard, but important work of writing a
of their homes.                                          three-year strategic plan. We seek to be ambitious,
                                                         but practical. Most importantly, we seek to be good
Some of these houses, which are often generational
                                                         stewards of this important mission.
homes, have changed ownership through the years
passing from family member to family member without      Please help us better serve the community by
the benefit of legal documentation. Other homeowners     completing a short survey, accessed by scanning the
are veterans or senior citizens living on severely       QR code found on the back cover. Beyond the survey,
restricted fixed incomes. With the launch of our         please let us know if you have suggestions or thoughts.
Critical Repair Program, lower income homeowners         Finally, please continue to hold the mission—building
can access 0%-interest loans in small increments,        homes, communities and hope—in your prayers.
enough to do such things as repair or replace a roof,
replace central air conditioning or upgrade a bathroom
to ADA accessibility. Repayment will be based on 0
percent loans using 3–, 5– or 7–year notes.

Hurricane Harvey changed our focus and broadened
our mission perspective. We still build homes,
communities and hope in partnership with God and
people everywhere. By broadening our program base
with the addition of the Critical Repair Program, we
have the tools to impact not just individual families,
but entire neighborhoods and whole communities.

Where We Dream of Going

Our future is wide open, and bright with opportunity.

 • We are looking for 8 – 10 acres to build another

 • We are dreaming of a multi-income
   neighborhood that may even feature some
   shared wall construction dwellings for seniors.

 • The Critical Repair Program will help us reach a
   whole new population in the counties we serve.
 • Our staff structure is morphing to include new
   technical skills and leadership.
                                                                                                 WINTER 2021       7
How harvey changed habitat - where we have been and where we are going - WINTER 2021
                       OF THE YEAR AWARD

                Susan Hyak was awarded the Bill Spellacy
                        Volunteer of the Year. She has faithfully
                dedicated her time to Golden Crescent Habitat
                       since 2005 by volunteering as part of the
                 Monday Crew. Besides her willingness to help
              with any task on the jobsite, Hyak also dedicates
                  her time to other nonprofits in the community.

                                               upcoming events
    Saturday                             backyard boil                                                     Fossati Park
    April 17                             Enjoy crawfish while listening to live music from Cody Canada,
                                                                                                                5 p.m.
                                         Sundance Head and Honeybrowne.

    Fri-Sat                              brag‘n rights fishing tournament                                 Port O’Connor
    June 4-5                             Contact Holly Marshall for more details.

    TBA                                  speaker luncheon                                                          TBA
    July                                 Stay tuned for an announcement about a surprise
                                         motivational speaker.

    Saturday                             restore flip                                                          ReStore
    Oct 16                               Support local builders and artists as they construct unique
                                         dog homes for your fur babies. This is an event you don’t
                                         want to miss!

    Tuesday                              givingtuesday                                                          Habitat
    Nov 30                               High school students from various surrounding schools come
                                         together to frame a new family’s home.

How harvey changed habitat - where we have been and where we are going - WINTER 2021

                                      PARTNER AWARD

award                                 The M.G. and Lillie A. Johnson Foundation
                                      has been a longtime supporter of Golden Crescent

                                      Habitat’s growth in the community. When Habitat had
                                                 two recent Capital Campaigns—building
                                                 infrastructure for our Koinonia neighborhood
                                                 and purchasing the Habitat Complex on
                                                 Navarro St.—the foundation’s support allowed
                                                 us to leverage their gift to receive the rest
                                                 of the funding necessary to complete those
                                                 projects. Golden Crescent Habitat wouldn’t be
                                                 where it is without their support.

                                      Meet Maressa
    Maressa is a hardworking, single mom who
       works as a cashier. She has three boys,
      Blake (6), Luke (4) and Julian (1), who all
           love to play outdoors. They currently
              live in an overcrowded house in a
    neighborhood that isn’t safe for them to be
   outside. Maressa looks forward to building a
    safe home where her boys can grow and a
                       fresh start for their family.

If you are interested in sponsoring
or volunteering with one of these
events, contact Holly Marshall at
or 361-573-2511.
How harvey changed habitat - where we have been and where we are going - WINTER 2021
10 years
their habitat
this family celebrates
buying a commercial
building for their growing
small business

       n 2010, Angela walked through the door at Golden         Angela
       Crescent Habitat to apply for a safe, affordable home.   and Victor
       As a struggling, single mother to four children,         are a great
     Angela wanted stability for her family. It would end up    example
     being the catalyst for her family’s future successes.      of this, as
                                                                they now
     “Habitat is a good program to help people like me,”
                                                                own their own home, their own business (VAS
     she said. “Going to Habitat was one of the best
                                                                Contracting), several income properties, and a newly-
     things I ever did in my life. It was super hard, but I
                                                                purchased commercial building. All this was built
     never gave up.”
                                                                on the back of low-income homeownership and the
     Evidence-based research has shown that when                resiliency of Angela and Victor.
     families have stable, decent, and accessible homes
                                                                Soon after applying at Habitat, Angela started dating
     that they can afford, they are better able to find
                                                                Victor. The two first met in high school but had never
     employment, achieve economic mobility, perform
                                                                dated before. On their first date, Angela took Victor
     better in school, and maintain improved health.
                                                                to see the plot of land where her future home would
     Homeownership has been the principal source of
                                                                be built.
     wealth creation for American low-and moderate-
     income families for the past 60 years. This house-as-      “We stood there in front of my lot as I told him about
     asset can propel a family into the middle class.           what I was about to do and he kissed me for the first
                                                                time,” she said. “He was there with me through the
                                                                whole building process.”

            They were married six months after Angela      Angela said being a small business owner is a dream
            closed on her own home. Their wedding          come true.
            date was exactly a year from the day they
                                                           “I’ve always wanted to be my own boss,” she said. “I
            had their first kiss at the plot of land.
                                                           have been able to help my son with his online school
            Victor had previous construction               this year. My grandbabies are at the office with me
            experience before the Habitat build, but       sometimes. Having my family with me is the best part
            Angela didn’t. She said being involved with    of us owning our own business.”
            the construction of her own home was very
                                                           Angela and Victor are passing their wisdom on to
            helpful when she and Victor decided to
                                                           their children, including two who currently serve in
            start VAS Contracting. Angela had several
                                                           the U.S. Army.
            small, side businesses over the years but
            said it was working with Victor that gave      “I tell my kids that you can do anything if you just
            her the confidence to quit her full time job   make it happen,” she said. “I live by that and now so do
            and focus on their business.                   my children.”
            “It takes both of us to run our business,”     Speaking of being able to do anything you put your
            she said. “Victor jokes that he’s the bull     mind to, Angela and Victor are both in school right
            and I pull the horns. I feel really good       now. Angela is close to completing her Associates
            about what we’ve accomplished. By myself       Degree in Business Management at Victoria College,
            I was struggling. He was the same. But         while Victor is in school to earn his HVAC certification.
            together, we work well together.”
                                                                                       “I want to thank Habitat
             A big part of                                                            for everything they’ve done
             running a business                                                       for us,” she said.
is money management. Angela
was already working on
improving her credit before
applying for Habitat, but
said taking the Dave Ramsey
Financial Peace University
classes (a Golden Crescent
Habitat requirement) was very
useful. In fact, she insisted
Victor take the classes too.

“I was pretty much already doing what Dave Ramsey suggested
and was almost debt-free when I started building my house,”
Angela said. “When we got married, I took Victor to a Dave
Ramsey class and it changed his mentality on spending too.
Both of us learned how to financially save and spend wisely,
which helped us get to where we are at now.”

After getting married, Victor had several unforeseen work-
related accidents that he had to overcome. Once he recovered,
he realized he didn’t want to work for someone again and would
rather pursue his passion of fixing up houses. After helping
Victor run the business in the evening, Angela eventually quit
her full-time job to join Victor at VAS Contracting.

           Ask Me Anything
      What do you mean                                         featuring
      when you say you keep                                    ReStore Manager,       James Fikac
      things out of the landfill?

             The simple answer is that we keep unwanted items out of the landfill
             by utilizing talented volunteers, generous donors, and wonderful
             customers to give these items new life. Read on to learn more.

     When items are donated to our Habitat ReStore from citizens, contractors, and local businesses,
     they are sold at a discounted price to you so that the items can be enjoyed again. Many times, these
     unneeded items would have ended up in the trash, on their way to the landfill, if it weren’t for the
     Habitat ReStore program.

     These items are still usable and too valuable to be thrown away. Sometimes items come in that are
     salvageable but have an issue, such as a broken piece or parts missing, and we are able to repair them.
     The repaired items are able to be
     sold for a decent price, yet
     still below retail value, which
     ultimately helps Habitat build
     and repair more homes for
     low-income families.

     Have you ever noticed
     the double doors near the
     lighting section in our store?
     That is where our magical
     elves (skilled volunteers and
     employees) get to work fixing
     some of the donated items.
     Some of the more common
     items we’ve been able to


repair and sell are recliners,
tables, light fixtures, washing
                                                                                                        the Habitat
machines, bar-b-q grills,
dining chairs, and more.

Every donation counts. In fact, we recently had four                                              ReStore is one of
dining room chairs that had damaged cane design on
                                                                                                    the only places
them. One of our volunteers was able to use donated
materials and fabric to give the chairs new life. It shows                                               where you
that even small donations can find new life in our store.
                                                                                                      can find NEW
We are proud that in 2020, you helped the Habitat
ReStore divert more than 426 tons* from the landfill.                                             scratch-and-dent
And in the 21 years of the Habitat ReStore, we have
diverted more than 3,100 tons.
                                                                                                      appliances in
Together we are helping the environment AND helping
our neighbors in need of safe, affordable housing.

       Our hope is that you’ll think to shop at the Habitat
       ReStore first when you need items to restore your
       home—whether it’s construction or décor related.
       If you have any questions email me at or call the store
       at 361-570-4700.

                                                                                      is looking for volunteers
                                                                                      with experience in:
      wood working • electronics • televisions • computers

* A simple formula is used to estimate the weight of items diverted from landfills.                       WINTER 2021   13

     Hope Built in Bloomington
     One of the most devastated areas of Victoria County after Hurricane Harvey was
     Bloomington, where many found themselves without a safe place to live. Thanks to a
     community-wide partnership with nonprofits, foundations, and the local government, a
     new neighborhood called Hope Meadows was born.

     Now, 40 low-income families live in safe homes that will withstand the elements. Golden
     Crescent Habitat was honored to construct 10 of the houses in Hope Meadows.

     Thank you to the Victoria County Long-Term Recovery Group, Rebuild Texas Fund, Center
     for Disaster Philanthropy, the Mennonite Disaster Service, local officials, and countless
     others who came together to build homes, community and hope for these families.


    for each county
    Habitat serves

1 new home, 5 repair projects

1 new home, 2 repair projects

Looking for partner families

5 minor repair projects

14 major repair projects

3 new homes, 32 major repair

Looking for Families
Habitat is building new
homes and repairing homes
damaged by Hurricane Harvey. If
you know someone in need who
lives in Victoria, DeWitt, Jackson,
Goliad, Refugio or Lavaca counties,
please have them call the office at
361-573-2511 for more information.

              WINTER 2021       15

                                                                               15 women
                                                                                 attended a handy woman
                                                                                 orientation where they were able
                                                                                 to learn and get comfortable with
                                                                                 power tools in a safe environment.

55 high school
juniors & seniors
worked together on a cold morning to completely
frame a Habitat house in four hours. The event was part of Habitat’s sixth
#GivingTuesday celebration on December 1. The students were from
Hallettsville HS, Goliad HS, Trinity Episcopal, and Future’s Academy.

40 pop-up projects were handed out for free
to the community to put together at home
during quarantine included squirrel picnic
tables, step stools, and bird houses

350 meals from 22 local restaurants were served to front-line workers
through Building Hope for Heroes during the height of quarantine

8 ReStore ReVamp projects were
sold in our first virtual auction                        1 couple                    turned their grief into a new
                                                                                     home for Cherry, a single mom,
                                                          and her five boys. When their son, Tom, died in a tragic
                                                          boating accident, Kim and Jerry Followwill wanted to find
 16                       a meaningful way to honor him.
Statement of Financial Position

                                                                         TOTAL ASSETS                        $       6,454,954.00

Led by Habitat’s                83 youth helped                          LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS
Construction Manager                                                     Total Liabilities     $   1,449,324.00
April Sobotik, each
                                3 families during                        Total Net Assets      $   5,005,630.00
woman was able to build         the Shiner Brush                         TOTAL LIABILITIES     $   6,454,954.00
a toolbox to take home by       Up project                               AND NET ASSETS
the end of the orientation.

            96 families served

89 hurricane harvey
   projects                     were completed. This included 30 new
                                homes rebuilt and 25 homes repaired
   in Refugio County, as well as 10 new homes built in Bloomington,
   and 24 homes repaired in Victoria. These projects were funded
   by local, state and national organizations, a testament to the
   collaborative nature of long-term disaster recovery.
                                                                         Statement of Functional Expenses
                                                                         Program                   $    5,714,997.00
                                                                         Management & General $           248,771.00
            426.39 tons diverted from the                                Fundraising               $      124,979.00
            landfill                                                                                  $ 6,088,747.00

                                                                       Based on Audited Financial Statements for Year ended June 30, 2020

50 pounds of candy
   were handed out at the inaugural Trunk-or-Treat drive thru at
                                                                                         Habitat Annual Partners:

   the Habitat Complex. The event was held to build a sense of
   community during the pandemic. Each Habitat department
   set up a trunk of treats to hand out to community members as
   they drove up in their cars.

                                                                                    Refugio County Hurricane Harvey
                                                                                         Major Grant Partners:

                                   They gathered friends at the
                                   annual Prosperity Bank Braggin’
                                   Rights Fishing Tournament where
                                   they raised enough money,
                                   thanks to a matching donation
                                   by Myra and Clayton Johnson, to
                                   sponsor Cherry’s Habitat house.

                                                                                                       WINTER 2021            17
Names listed reflect those who
volunteered between January 1
and December 31, 2020.

Deja Adu
Bradon Allen
Caitlin Alstrom
Preston Amsden
Lupe Arenal
Caleb Bagnall                    Clayton
Natalie Bales                     Easley
Torin Bales                      Bo Ellett
Margie Barrientes                Jennifer Ernst
Dresdyn                          Mike Etienne
  Bartholomew                    Emma Etzler          Galilea Gamez       Ethan Gwosdz        David Klimitchek
Clay Belew                       Doug Evans           Maressa Gamez       Clayton Hadley      Lauren Koehne
Laura Bennett                    Brittany Faas        Drew Ganem          Chad Hall           Kim Koenig
Arielle Bernesten                Norna Farag          Karishma Gandhi     Ava Hamilton        Michelle Koenig
Brynna Billo                     Lupita Fernandez     Cassie Garcia       Chris Hanson        Daniel B. Knox
Raymond Bodley                   Wyatt Fetters        Angelina Garza      Cynthia Hanson      Kenna Kubenka
Sandra R. Breeling               Eddie Filat          Zamarin Gayle       Matthew Hanson      Nora Kucera
Don Bridges                      Caleb Finster        Zhayven Gayle       Kashena Hardeway    Roger Kurtz
Janet Bridges                    Sydney Finster       Arthur H. Gifford   Rylan Heller        Jerra Lee
Michael C. Buchhorn              Caitlin Fitzgerald   John Gilley         Kristen Herbert     Tom Legler
Lori Buesing                     Jerry Followwill     Becky Green         Bethany Hernandez   Lane Leopold
Cody Busa                        Kim D. Followwill    Keaon Griffin       Luciana Hernandez   Henry Lern
William Carrasco                 Sam Followwill       Kieran Grones       David Heyer         Kailee Letsinger
Stephen Carson                   Shiloh Fort          Carrie Guerra       Andrew Hicks        Lee Lewis
Anna Celum                       Allison Fries        Joseph J. Guerra    Vanessa Hicks-      Thomas Limon
Joe Chitty                       Lisa Gabrysch        Mary Guiterrez       Callaway           Emily Llanes
August G. Christian                                                       Bowen Higgens       Cathy Loya
Tom Clarke                                                                Lonnie Hillin       Ty Lynch
Christi Cornel                                                            Marshal Hobbs       Jacob I. Maldonado
Robyn Cox                                                                 Monroe Hobbs        Randi Maldonado
Madelyn Crowley                                                           Sam Hooker          Sandra Maldonado
Peyton Cuellar                                                            Debbie Horton       Victoria Maldonado
Amy Davis                                                                 Koda Howell         Hope Mancillas
Melissa Dean                                                              Ronnie Hyak         Laura Martin
Henry DeLaGarza                                                           Susan Hyak          Nathan Martin
Sally DeLaGarza                                                           Dwight Jander
Sandra DeLaGarza                                                          Russell Janecka
Dalton Dornburg                                                           Andrew Jett
Tuffy Dornburg                                                            Issac Jobes
Donette Drane                                                             Shalee John
J. Russell Drane                                                          Daniel Johnson
Janet Drane                                                               Quincy Johnson
Joe B. Drane                                                              Rhett Johnson
M. Kay Drane                                                              Chad Kern
Hailey Drozd                                                              Darryl Kern
Hannah Drozd                                                              Audrey Kilgore
Javier Duran                                                              Liz King


 Antonio A. Martinez   Nandini Patel
 Ava Liz Martinez      Om Patel
 Mariann Martinez      Trace Patek           Stacie Salinas       Heidi Sparkman            John Turner
 Peter Martinez        D’Ary Patton          Sylvia Salinas       Ingra Sparkman            Lucas Turner
 Holly May             Paul Person           Anna Samples         Bill Spellacy             Channing Valigura
 Shane May             Gene Polasek          Barbara Samples      Brooke Spitzenberger      Megan Vanderford
 Emma Meador           Morgan Ponton         McKinely Schroeder   Keith Spitzenberger       Felicia “Fe” Vela
 Gabriel Medina        Hunter Reaves         Zackary Schumacher   Victoria Stansberry       Pastor Tony Velasquez
 Mennonite Disaster    Andrew Reyna          Jan Scott            Susie Starnes             Sheila Vesely
  Services             Veronica Reyna        Amy Segler           James Stastny             Amber Watkins
 Andrew Merryman       Cameron Rice          Zachary Shaver       Ben Streiff               Patricia Whiddon
 Derek Merta           Andrea Richardson     Mike Shimek          Emily Streiff             Sammie Jo White
 Cadence Mitchell      Sarita Richmond       Nathalie Shurber     Sydney Summerville        Keith Williams
 Clayton Moore         Ector Rodriguez       Michael Sierra       Jeff Svetlik              Joseph Woodson
 Vicki Moore           Mary Jane Rodriguez   Ashley Skylar        Jason Talley              Evan Woodruff
 Jasmine Molina        J.R. Rusch            Avery Skylar         Trever Talley             Courtney Woytek
 Amy Mundy             Bruce Ryan            Jasmine Slider       Heather Thorton           William Wright
 Gary Mueller          Susan Ryan            Misti Slider         Caitlin Thurkill          Geneva Yanez
 Stephanie Nalls       Gary Rybak            Greg Smith           Daniel Thurkill           Celina Yoast
 Elaine Noland         Mark Rylander         Ron Smith            Linda Tijerina-Acosta     Cutler Zamzow
 Megan O’Sullivan      Sindi Salazar         Donna Sobotik        Myranda Trevino           John Zacek
 Justin Pachta         Cherry Salinas        Steven Solis         Kaidence Turk             Joshua Zeller

   to the        Mennonite
      for their volunteering &
  dedication to building back
stronger in Refugio County
Names listed reflect gifts
generously granted between
January 1 and December 31, 2020.

Donors are listed in each
category where they gave.

klean corp international
Prosperity Bank

2020 Annual Campaign
 Annual Giving Campaign,
 End of Year, #GivingTuesday,      Heart of The Home Society          Sather Financial Group, Inc.     Ms. Cris Graham
 Newsletter, Unsolicited           AEP Texas                          Mrs. Victoria Schley-Cliffe      Ms. Charlene Grones
                                   Anonymous                          Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Scott         Ms. Celeste Hendrickson
Building Hope Society
                                   Anonymous                          Ms. Elizabeth Trotter            Mr. and Mrs. John Hennessey
                                   Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Calhoun                                           Ms. Linda Herweck
klean corp international                                              Framework Society
                                   Ms. Christi Cornel                                                  Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hoerig
                                                                      2-10 Home Buyers Warranty
Life is for Living Society         Mr. and Mrs. James Dodson                                           Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hoey
                                                                      Ms. Juana Alvarado
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Pickering       Electric Transmission TX LLC                                        Mr. and Mrs. Gary Holmes
                                                                      Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alvarez Jr
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church        First English Lutheran Church                                       Dr. and Mrs. Michael Hummel
Viatrac Fertilizer                 Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Followwill                                       Mr. and Mrs. Tom Innes
                                                                      Mr. Mac Averill
                                   Mr. and Mrs. Chad Hall                                              Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jackson
Roofer Society                                                        Ms. JoAnn Baez
                                   Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jett                                            Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Janecek
Anonymous                                                             Mr. Michael Bednorz
                                   Kiwanis Club                                                        Mrs. Barbara Jett
Ms. Cheryl Baughman                                                   Mr. Bruce Beier
                                   Magnolia Oil & Gas                                                  Mrs. Susan Jett
CivilCorp                                                             Mr. Mike Berger
                                   Mr. John Martin                                                     Mr. and Mrs. Rhett Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Shahid H. Hashmi                                         Ms. Kristin Billo
                                   Martin Luther Lutheran Church                                       Mr. and Mrs. Michael Johnston
Ms. Kathy Hunt                                                        Mr. Ed Brannum
                                   Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. New                                             Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kaspar
Mr. John Martin                                                       Ms. Fjola Briscoe
                                   Mr. and Mrs. Mike Packard                                           Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kelly
Capt. Bob Ozment                                                      Burger Nation
                                   Rain King Inc                                                       Ms. Carol Kemper
Mr. and Mrs. Driscoll Staley                                          Ms. Paige Burns
                                   Mr. and Mrs. Tim Rampey
Ms. Joyce Teinert                                                     Mrs. Dorothy
                                   Ms. Sandra Ritchie
TLC Staffing                                                           Chastain
                                   Ms. Susan Rivas
                                                                      Mrs. Becky
                                   Dr. and Mrs. Steve M. Samples       Crecelius
                                   Ms. Linda A. Sonntag               Ms. Hannah Crone
                                   St. John’s Lutheran Church         Ms. Carolyn Dornak
                                   Dr. and Mrs. John H. Starkey       Mr. David Duncan
                                   Trinity Episcopal School           Mr. Tom Escobedo
                                   Mr. John Vincent                   Mrs. Stacy Gasch
                                   Mr. and Mrs. Victor                Ms. Marsha Gibson
                                                                      Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
                                   Ms. Melita Zafereo                  H. Gifford
                                   Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Zeller         Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
                                   Grass is Greener Society
                                   C3 Victory Church
                                   Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Di Leo
                                   Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eastham
                                   Ms. Sally Ehlers
                                   Ms. Carol Fox
                                   Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Fry, M.D.
                                   Mr. Russell A. Hodon
                                   Mr. and Mrs. Billy F. Janssen
                                   Dr. and Mrs. Robert Oakley, Jr.
                                   Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marshall

Mr. and Mrs. Chad Kern      Mr. and Mrs. Dan Marshall       Mr. Dalton Thigpen              In Honor Of
Mr. Ronnie Koliba           Mr. and Mrs. Russell Marshall   United Way of Midland County    Mr. and Mrs. Chris Pickering
Ms. Stephanie Koughan       Mr. and Mrs. James McHaney      Mr. and Mrs. Larry Vesely        In honor of Pastor Bill & Renee
Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Kramer    Mr. Chris Michalski             Mr. and Mrs. Chris               Hassel
Ms. Malorey Kresta          Mr. and Mrs. Tim Michalski       Walterscheidt                  Sather Financial Group Inc In
Mrs. Sheryl Krogsgaard      Mr. and Mrs. David Mikulenka    Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Watts       honor of Bernie Mueller and
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Kucera    Ms. Marilyn Mill                Mr. and Mrs. David Williams      Melita Zafereo
Mr. Charles Lambert         Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore       Pastor Kelli Williamson
Mrs. Cari Laza Orsak        Mr. and Mrs. Pete Moya          Ms. Stephanie Witkowski         Corporate Matches
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lenz   Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Mundy        Mr. and Mrs. John E. Zacek      Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund:
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Leske    Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Nunley                                         Thomas Laundrie
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lucas     Mr. and Mrs. Bob A. Partain     Hope Builders                   Raymond James Financial:
                                                            Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jett         John Martin
                            Ms. June Pettus                                                  Joshua Zeller
                            Mr. and Mrs. Chris Pickering    Mr. John Martin
                                                                                            Wells Fargo:
                            Dr. and Mrs. Donald L.          Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marshall
                                                                                             Shad Fleming
                             Plowman                        Capt. Bob Ozment
                            Mr. and Mrs. Craig Prukop       Ms. Susan Rivas                  Anonymous
                            Mr. and Mrs. Rodney             Dr. and Mrs. Steve M. Samples    Vanessa Eason
                             Pustejovsky                    Mrs. Victoria Schley-Cliffe      Shad Fleming
                            Mr. and Mrs. Elgan Ridley III   Mr. and Mrs. Driscoll Staley     Michael Johnston
                            Mr. Monroe Rieger               Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Svetlik        Laurie Wendel
                            Ms. Gloria Rodriguez                                             Michael Johnston
                                                            Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Whaley
                                                                                             Weyerhaeuser Company
                            Dr. and Mrs. Peter P. Rojas
                            Mr. and Mrs. Rick Schaefer      Legacy Donor
                            Ms. Frances Silvers             Ms. Kathy Hunt
                            Mr. and Mrs. Mark Slider
                            Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Smith       Memorials
                            Southerland, Inc.               Mr. and Mrs. Billy Leske
                            Mr. and Mrs. William Spradlin    In Memory of Mary Velez
                            Ms. Mindy Sullivan              Ms. Melita Zafereo
                            Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Svetlik        In Memory of Mozelle
                            Mr. and Mrs. Dale Tally          Hutson                                  WINTER 2021             21

House Sponsors
Habitat Hammers Back Disaster
 Recovery Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Johnson
Prosperity Bank

AEP Texas
Center for Disaster Philanthropy
Crossroads Foundation
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity Texas
Kathryn O’Connor Foundation
                                   Mr. and Mrs.
O’Connor & Hewitt Foundation        Milton
Qatar Harvey Fund                   Bluhm
Samaritan’s Purse                  Gary
United Way of Victoria County       McElhaney
                                   BMC Truss
Church Partners                     Designs
C3 Victory Church                  Bugmobile
First English Lutheran Church       Pest &
Martin Luther Lutheran Church       Termite
St. John’s Lutheran Church
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church
Gift-in-Kind                        Masters-
carilaza designs                    Carpet One                      Schneider Electric           Community Aid Relief Effort
Incarnate Word Convent             CenterPoint Energy               Southern Fasteners            (C.A.R.E)
                                   City of Victoria                 South Texas Fence and Deck   Crest Exteriors LLC
Construction Gift-in-Kind          Creager Brothers Concrete        South Texas Ventilation      Davidson Air Conditioning LLC
Mr. Mark Barns                     Cree                             TopBuild                     Deborah Flores Saldana
Carpet Masters - Carpet One        Jocelyn Densman                  Emiliano Torres              DLG’s Painting and
Easley Construction                                                 Valspar                       Construction
Faith Construction Cleaning Co                                      Victoria Builder Supply      Du-West Construction Inc
                                   Faith Construction Cleaning Co
Food Bank of the Golden                                             Whirlpool                    Eby Survey
                                   Food Bank of the Golden
 Crescent                           Crescent                        Yale                         Ferguson Enterprises LLC
Habitat for Humanity               Glass Doctor                     Zarsky Lumber                Geri’s Discount Warehouse LLC
                                   HCH – Hector Prado
Islander Roofing & Restoration                                      Refugio Construction Gift-
                                   Home Outlet
John Hall Appraisals                                                 in-Kind
                                   Integrity Designs
Midway Grass Farms Inc                                              Eby Survey Inc
                                   Jasper Homes
Perez Electric                                                      Mr. Laramie Gildon
                                   Omar Lopez
Red Bird Company                                                    Williams Scotsman Inc
                                   Lowe’s of Victoria
Schneider Electric
                                   McCoy’s Building Supply
South Texas Ventilation
                                   Midway Grass Farms Inc           Refugio Construction
                                   Lee Morris
Construction Partners                                               A+ Plumbing
                                   MW Rentals
AEP Texas                                                           AEP Texas
                                   Outcast Framing
ATS Engineers, Inspectors &                                         Builders FirstSource
 Surveyors                         Perez Electric
                                                                    Caraway Plumbing
                                   Ruiz Fencing
                                                                    CenterPoint Energy
                                                                    City of Austwell

Laramie Gildon                     The Home Depot of Victoria
Good360                            Town of Bayside
Guilianelle Trucking LLC           Town of Refugio
Home Outet                         Town of Woodsboro            ReStore ReVamp                     Mr. and Mrs. Rodney
Islander Roofing and Restoration                                Ashley HomeStore                    Pustejovsky
Jasper Homes LLC                   Backyard Boil                Budget Blinds                      Ms. Pamela Railsback
K and J Spray Foam                 Ashley HomeStore             New First National Bank            Ms. Frances Silvers
L & W Supply Corporation           Brannan Paving Company       Prosperity Bank                    Mr. and Mrs. William Spradlin
Lowe’s of Aransas Pass             Budget Blinds                Rapid Printing and Design          Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Svetlik
Lowe’s of Victoria                 Burdge O’Donnell Pools       TISD                               Ms. Leonor Turner
McCoy’s Building Supply            C3 Victory Church            The UPS Store of Victoria          VCS Companies
Mennonite Disaster Service         Dornburg Law                                                    Ms. Samantha Wallace
Mobile Mini                        HEB                          Building Hope for Heroes           Ms. Stephanie Witkowski
Lee Morris                         Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lack     Ms. Suzanne Alvarez                Ms. Maxine Wood
Mundine Materials & Trucking       Long Branch Ag Service       Anonymous
MW Rentals                         Rapid Printing and Design    Mr. Eloy R. Austin
Parker’s Building Supply Refugio   Rexco                        Beneficial HR
Perez Electric                     Shoppa’s Farm Supply         Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fotiades Jr
Pest Solutions                     Texas Health Center          Ms. Carol Fox
PODS                               TISD                         Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Hyak
Red Bird Co.                       TrustTexas Bank              Mr. John Marek
Refugio County Volunteer           The UPS Store of Victoria    Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marshall
 Reception Center                                               Ms. Linda Nicholson
Roberto Ramirez                                                 Mr. Bob Perdue
Rockport Hands of Hope
StrucSure Home Warranty
Superior Plumbing
Texas Gold Skiddos
The Home Depot of Corpus

                                                                                                           WINTER 2021        23
Golden Crescent Habitat for Humanity
4103 N. Navarro St, Victoria, TX 77901

                                                                               361-570-4700                          be
         we pick up.
                                                                              Tue − Fri: 9 am − 6 pm,
                                                                                    Sat: 9 am − 3 pm
                                                                                                                     what do
                                                                                                                     you think

     50% off
                                                                                                                     Please take three
                                                                                                                     minutes to complete
                                                                                                                     this survey about
                                                                                                                     the future of Golden
                                                                                                                     Crescent Habitat.

        one gently used item*

       *50% off one item of $100 or less or $50 off one item over $100.
                           Expires June 30, 2021.
    One coupon per transaction, per household. Must present coupon at the register to receive discount.
      Not valid on scratch and dent appliances and new items. cannot be combined with other offers.

         All proceeds help build Habitat homes.
                                                                                                                     Scan the QR code
                                                                                                                     using your phone’s                                                                                       camera.

                                                                                                 4103 N. Navarro St. | Victoria, Texas 77901
                                                                                             361-573-2511 |
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