Your guide to your new lifestyle in spain - Z Yachting

Page created by Edward Hardy
Your guide to your new lifestyle in spain - Z Yachting
your guide to your new lifestyle in spain
Your guide to your new lifestyle in spain - Z Yachting
¡ Hola ! ................................................................................           5
Your team of experts...................................................                             6
How to buy safely in Spain ?...................................                                     8
The lifestyle .....................................................................                 11
      Is there any other practical issue you need to
      consider? ..............................................................................      12
      Emotional issues ...............................................................              13

The money ...................................................................... 15
      Sales prices ......................................................................... 15
      Inspections .......................................................................... 15
      Registry titles ..................................................................... 15
      The sellers’ name .............................................................. 15
      Property debt .................................................................... 16
      Mortgages ............................................................................ 16
      Buying costs ....................................................................... 17

Location ............................................................................ 18
      Landscape.............................................................................        18
      Culture....................................................................................   18
      Gastronomy..........................................................................          19
      Good infrastructure..........................................................                 19
      Something for everyone................................................                        19
      Costa blanca North vs. South......................................                            19
      Buying a property on the Costa Blanca.................                                        19

Discover the Costa Blanca North !........................ 23
      On land, at sea and in the air.......................................                         23
      Mild winters, sultry summers.......................................                           23
      Property.................................................................................     23
      Cities and municipalities................................................                     25

Discover the Costa Blanca South !...................... 39
      On land, at sea and in the air.......................................                         39
      Mild winters, sultry summers.......................................                           39
      Property.................................................................................     39
      Cities and municipalities................................................                     41

Running a successful business in Spain? .......... 68
Tapas & casas ................................................................. 70
What our clients say about us................................ 73
Your guide to your new lifestyle in spain - Z Yachting
¡ HOLA !
Searching for properties anywhere in the world
can be overwhelming and exhausting.
Spain has a way of surpassing the impact of
those impressions. It’s not an easy thing to
search for a property in Spain.
In the very epicentre of this gorgeous Mediterra-
nean investment paradise, every new apartment
looks more beautiful than the previous one. Each
property has more charm than the last.
Some properties are excellent investments, yet
others can be dreadfully over-priced. Compari-
sons can be difficult because of the multitude of
factors to consider.
You’ve heard the stories about watching out for
problems. Sellers sometimes have questionable
ownership. Debts can be linked to the property.
Land registry data can be insufficient. These are
problems that you are generally not confronted
with in your home country.
Spain holds a beautiful and alluring dream for
new property owners, but it is best not to try to
navigate these Mediterranean real estate waters
alone. There are many potential obstacles when
you are acquiring your dream property.
Sunny greetings,

Caroline Trahé & Dirk Jacobs

Your guide to your new lifestyle in spain - Z Yachting
The Spanish property market is undoubtedly
one of the most promising and dynamic in the          Discover your new
world. However, you will need professional help
if you want to avoid trouble.                         lifestyle in spain.
Here at Golf Estates & Z-Yachting we harmonise        We know you’ll
old-fashioned business values and ethics with
the latest state-of-the-art, up-to-date techno-       love it here !
logy tools, profound comprehension of modern
markets, consumer behaviour, and internet-ba-
sed marketing techniques. You can expect a pro-
fessional service that is both effective and effi-
cient, and most importantly customised.

That’s why we are here
All of our team members are trained to provide
top-class services on a daily basis. Additionally,
they are up-to-date when it comes to the latest
developments, available luxury listings and all
the financial and legal aspects of the real estate
sector in Spain. One of the most distinguished
lawyers has been our partner for years and pro-
vides the best possible guarantee that all of your
legal and financial affairs will be dealt with pro-
fessionally and successfully. You can expect a
comprehensive step-by-step and all-in-one ser-
vice. You are going to benefit from our impres-
sive client and partner portfolio, which includes
highly respected names in the EU, Russia, China.
Here at Golf Estates & Z-Yachting, we will make
sure that you get the best value for your money.
In addition, our skilful and dedicated property
agents will give it their best efforts to make the
purchasing process run smoothly and easily. Our
reputation is built on a long series of positive
reviews and we aim to merit yours as well. We
are here to help you discover your new lifestyle
in Spain.

Your guide to your new lifestyle in spain - Z Yachting
We make buying in Spain a safe, predictable and
even an enjoyable adventure!
Many Northern Europeans are nervous about
spending so much money so far from home, in
a different language, and under a different legal
system. There are stories about people who have
run into trouble with getting a home properly
built, signing contracts they didn’t understand,
and now there’s Brexit.
It can be difficult to know where to start. We at
Golf Estates & Z-Yachting are here to help you
with clear explanations and details of the buying
process, the costs and time frames.
This Real Estate Purchasing Guide will help you
see your dreams of home ownership in Spain
become a reality. With more sunshine, golf,
swimming, great healthcare, lower cost of living,
friendly people and the food and wine, it is not
hard to see why Spain is the most popular place
in Europe for relaxing, retiring, and vacationing.

Your guide to your new lifestyle in spain - Z Yachting

We see people coming from both extremes
when it comes to having decided what they
want in terms of lifestyle. Some come with a list
in hand, incredibly intricate details and pages of
research. Others come saying essentially that
they want to fall in love with a property, so they
don’t want to limit their options.

We believe in both
It may be that a property checks all the boxes,
yet just doesn’t move you. It is also possible to
fall in love with a property that is just not going
to work practically. Our job is to make sure you
have the best of both worlds. We will work with
you to find your dream home in Spain that ticks
the practical boxes, and that makes your heart
skip a beat.
Spain has a lot to offer. There are dozens and
dozens of properties to see at any given time.
By taking a few minutes to think through your
preferences we can make sure that your viewing
time is spent productively.

Your guide to your new lifestyle in spain - Z Yachting
Is there any other practical issue you               □□ Will you be renting out the property when        are reasons for that. The health benefits of the
need to consider?                                       you are not there? If so, how will you deal      sunshine, microclimate, fresh air, incredible fresh
                                                        with that?                                       food and a culture (and weather) that allows for
                                                                                                         more walking cannot be understated.
Answering these questions will help to choose        □□ Does the investment potential matter in the
from an enormous offer of real estate.                  short-term? In the longer-term? Or do you        Many Northern Europeans find they have had
                                                        plan to hold it as an asset for your estate?     chronic muscle pains for decades before coming to
□□ What space, indoors and outdoors, do you                                                              Spain, only to be pain free in a matter of a few days.
   require? How will you use it?                     □□ Are you bringing furniture and other belong-
                                                        ings, do you want to purchase them in Spain,     In April 2006 Torrevieja was recognized by the
□□ Are you looking for a small apartment, a large       or would you prefer they were included in the    World Health Organization as one of the healthi-
   penthouse, a small finca, or a hacienda?             sale?                                            est areas of the world to live in. The microclimate
□□ How well equipped do you want the kitchen                                                             ensures pleasant temperatures. People suffering
                                                     Is there anything else you need to consider
   to be? Indoors? Outdoors?                                                                             from heart problems, asthma, arthritis and skin
                                                                                                         conditions such as eczema and psoriasis will
□□ What sort of outdoor space do you want?                                                               acknowledge the positive effects of the climate
   For example, do you want to have (and main-       Emotional Issues                                    on their health condition.
   tain) a pool?
                                                     □□ Answering these few questions can help nar-      Apart from the sunny climate, it’s not surprising
□□ How close do you want to be to amenities?            row down the emotional aspect.                   that the World Health Organisation has chosen
   Shopping? Beach? Water Park?                                                                          this region. Torrevieja is surrounded by two of
                                                     □□ What sort of decorating style do you prefer?
□□ Will you have your own vehicle, use public                                                            Europe’s largest salt lakes and there is no indus-
                                                        Modern? Spanish Colonial? Indoors/ out-
   transport (which is fantastic!) or hire a ride?                                                       trial pollution.
□□ Are you interested in being close to nightlife                                                        There are many reasons to be looking to make a
                                                     □□ What colours do you like? Are you willing to
   or restaurants? If so, what type?                                                                     real estate investment in Spain. Your health, your
                                                        look past the current colours and have some
                                                                                                         leisure time or a successful financial investment,
□□ Are you okay with making major/minor mod-            painting or other decorating done?
                                                                                                         are all good reasons.
   ifications or renovations to the building?        □□ When you have looked at pictures of houses
   What are your limits with this? (For example,        in Spain, what has made you say: “I love it!”
   would you change the counter tops in the             before?
   kitchen but not be willing to rewire the whole
   house?)                                           □□ How do you and your partner differ in tastes?
                                                        How critical is this?
□□ How close do you need to be to an interna-
   tional/national airport? Consider how long        This is the time to find a balance between prac-
   your stays will be. If you are coming for week-   tical and emotional issues. We can help you do
   ends it can be better to be closer to the air-    that with a wide variety of properties. We will
   port. This is less important if you are staying   start with properties that fit the answers to the
   for 3 months or 6 months at a time.               practical questions and then find one of those
                                                     that touches your heart.
□□ Do you have friends or family who live in
   Spain already? If so, where are they and how      The Spanish people have the second longest life
   far away from them are you willing to be?         expectancy in the world (after Japan), and there

Your guide to your new lifestyle in spain - Z Yachting

Your money will buy you more in Spain than you        Registry titles
probably expect. It is important to plan for the
specific expenses so you can foresee as much          As a buyer, in Spain, you are responsible for the
as possible.                                          registration of the transfer of ownership. The
                                                      notary that handled the closing for you may reg-
Chances are the property purchasing systems           ister the property for you for a fee at the local
are different enough from what you know and           registry office.
some studying is going to be helpful.
                                                      If you do pay a notary to register your property,
At the beginning, regardless of how diligent you      be sure you know exactly what they will do. They
are about calculating the costs in advance, count     may only notify the local registry office that a
an additional 10% budget for potential extra          land transfer has been completed, but they may
costs.                                                not complete the full registration process.

Sales prices                                          The sellers’ name
The asking price for a property is what is adver-     The property must be registered under the sell-
tised. As your agent, Golf Estates & Z-Yachting       ers’ name. This sounds obvious, but sometimes
will negotiate with the sellers, or their agent, to   the person who lists a property with the estate
knock something off the price, if possible.           agency is not the registered owner. This can be
We will consider similar sales and compare prop-      legitimately explained for several reasons, like
erties to reduce the price you pay. It has become     the registered owner passed away recently but
very unusual to see sellers lower their price sig-    the inheritance tax liability is not sorted out. That
nificantly, but small reductions are common.          means the property cannot be sold.
                                                      Until the inheritance is settled, the beneficiaries
                                                      cannot do anything with the property, including
                                                      registration, mortgage or sale. Only the owners
It is advisable to inspect every property thor-       or their proxy, using a Power of Attorney, are
oughly. This is valuable both as a negotiation        able to sell the property.
tool and to give you an idea of any repairs or
                                                      If you have heard stories about property sales
maintenance the property may require.
                                                      going wrong, this is probably how it happened.
An inspection will show any existing defects or       Someone who was not the registered owner took
outline improvements that could be made to the        the funds, and left the “not new owners” unable
house, other structures and some landscape fea-       to register the property in their own names. We
tures.                                                will make sure this does not happen to you.

Your guide to your new lifestyle in spain - Z Yachting
Property debt                                            have branches in Spain. This can be helpful      Stamp duty on new-builds is plus 1% of the pur-
                                                         when you spend most of your time in your         chase price, but this varies in different regions.
In Spanish law, a debt can be registered to a            home country.                                    This is not applicable to resales.
property, much like a lien in other countries. The
difference is, that by buying a resale you become     □□ Taking a mortgage in Spain can simplify          As a non-resident in Spain you need a tax identi-
liable for all the debts of the previous owner. The      repayment if you are not concerned about         fication number (NIE) in order to buy your prop-
debts stay with the property, not with the pre-          exchange rates or international transaction      erty. This will be issued by the General Directo-
vious owner. You would become liable for any             fees.                                            rate of the Police. The number must appear on
debts incurred in the current year and the previ-                                                         all tax returns and on any communication with
ous years. You will also be liable for any unpaid                                                         the tax authorities. Your NIE needs to be pro-
                                                      Buying costs                                        cessed before your property sale will be com-
utility bills or property taxes.
                                                      The Buying Costs vary depending on whether          pleted, because you cannot buy any property
This may have been another story you have                                                                 within Spain without a NIE.
                                                      the property is a resale or a new-build, the pur-
heard about real estate purchases in Spain going
                                                      chase price, and if you are paying cash or mort-
wrong. Since this is not the law in every coun-                                                           As your real estate agent, Golf Estates &
                                                      gaging the property.
try, and because the land registry is not the only                                                        Z-Yachting will discuss the budget consider-
place where debts are registered, some expats         Generally, allowing about 13% for resale proper-    ations with you candidly. We will guide you
may miss this detail, and be saddled with these       ties and about 14,5% for newbuild properties on     through each step and be certain that every
additional debts.                                     the purchase price will cover all taxes and fees.   detail of the transaction is managed smoothly.
                                                      This has to be calculated exactly for each prop-
We know how to be sure that, either the debts                                                             Knowing what the expenses will be is crucial.
are paid before you take possession of the prop-                                                          Knowing someone who can oversee the pro-
erty, or the value of the debts is subtracted from                                                        cess of each payment, every step and the entire
the purchase price.                                   The taxes and fees will include:                    transaction is priceless.
                                                      □□ Resale properties – transfer tax (ITP). Along
Mortgages                                                most of the Costa Blanca this is 10%.
We often see property purchases made with             □□ VAT of 10%, instead of ITP if newly built.
cash. Many people also finance property pur-
                                                      □□ Notary Fees – The buyer pays for the deed.
chases. The 3 financing options we see most fre-
                                                         Rates, set by law, are 0,5 to 1% of the prop-
quently are:
                                                         erty purchase price.
□□ Taking out a home equity loan on your own
                                                      □□ Land Registry Fees – 1% of the property pur-
   house in your home country, getting a mort-
                                                         chase price.
   gage with your home bank, or arranging a
   mortgage in Spain.                                 □□ Independent Legal Fees vary. Allow 1% of
                                                         purchase price. For complex transactions the
□□ The quickest, cheapest and usually easiest
                                                         fees are higher.
   solution is taking out a mortgage, or a home
   equity line of credit with your home bank, on      □□ To mortgage the property, add valuation fees
   your first home. You then buy the property            of around ¤ 350, a stamp duty (1,5% of the
   in Spain with cash, and all of your banking           mortgage deed) and the lender commission
   remains in your home country. Some banks              (usually 1% of the capital loan balance).

Your guide to your new lifestyle in spain - Z Yachting

The Costa Blanca, literally translated as the ‘white   Gastronomy                                              in Costa Blanca North and Costa Blanca South.
coast’, refers to a 200 kilometer Mediterranean                                                                The great city of Alicante, situated at the heart
                                                       As well the coast as the inland of the Costa            of this coastal line, forms the border of both
coastline in south-eastern Spain. The excellent
                                                       Blanca offer a wide choice of restaurants, sym-         areas. Although de distance (about 200 km)
climate, the splendour of its natural beauty, its      bols of the Spanish gastronomy. Furthermore,
beaches, its Spanish charm and its good acces-                                                                 from North to South is limited, there is a rather
                                                       there are many wine houses that produce pop-            big difference in climate and vegetation. From
sibility make it an extremely popular region for       ular wines and that certainly merit to be visited.      Denia to Alicante the landscape is picturesque
tourism.                                               The Costa Blanca is the very emanation of the           with green mountains and valleys, orchards and
                                                       Mediterranean diet (fish, vegetables, fruit, cere-      a rough coastal line. Because of the popularity
The last years the Costa Blanca has attracted
                                                       als and olive oil).                                     of the region and a limited availability of build-
many Belgians, Scandinavians, British, Germans,
French, etc. who bought a second home here.                                                                    ing plots, the slopes are densely developed and
This is quite logical, as this Spanish coast con-      Good infrastructure                                     prices are higher compared to the Costa Blanca
quered the hearts of millions of tourists. Hanging     Small picturesque villages are in contrast here
out lazily on the beach, playing golf with friends     with renowned touristic areas with a bustling           Between Alicante and Cartagena several bus-
or taking in some cultural experience? It is a         nightlife. Therefore this is one of the most            tling cities with a multicultural influence can be
region where you will never get bored!                 attractive touristic and residential destinations       found. It is a zone that invests in a reliable and
                                                       of Europe, where you can enjoy sun, sea, beach          growing infrastructure that meets the needs of
                                                       and nature. All this is supported by an extensive       its population.
                                                       infrastructure: 2 airports, an elaborate network        The coastal area is rich with beautiful sandy
The Costa Blanca reaches from Denia (north) to         of roads and railways and numerous ports, all           beaches that are awarded with a blue flag. The
Pilar de la Horadada (south) and from Orihuela         guaranteeing good connections.                          hilly landscape bathes in the sun. Nevertheless
to the valleys of Marina Alta. It is a landscape                                                               the Costa Blanca lets you enjoy its green char-
formed by mountains and cliffs, a turquoise            Something for everyone                                  acter by means of the many golf courses, often
Mediterranean Sea, extraordinary sandy beaches                                                                 combined with a panoramic sea view. Urbaniza-
and bays. Valleys where agriculture thrives give       The Costa Blanca offers countless leisure options,      tions on these locations are less densely devel-
                                                       like the theme parks of Terra Mitica, Aqualandia,       oped and its apartments and villas offer a more
the region it’s character, nature and forests com-
                                                       Mundomar, Terra Natura. “Shop ‘till you drop” in        spacious feeling. The inland on the other hand,
plete this idyllic landscape.
                                                       one of the many shopping centres and boule-             has the authentic character of ancient Spain.
                                                       vards. Feel the Mediterranean sea breeze during a
Culture                                                sailing trip or imagine yourself a champion on one
                                                                                                               Buying a property on the Costa Blanca
                                                       of the dozens of golf courses. Sports, diving, hik-
Many archaeological sites, breath-taking artistic      ing, cycling … you can do it all at the Costa Blanca!   Are you dreaming of your own house, apart-
monuments and more than hundred castles and                                                                    ment, bungalow or villa on the Costa Blanca?
fortresses from medieval times can be visited. All
this combined with Moorish influences delivers         Costa Blanca North vs. South                            Z-Yachting & Golf-Estates will make your dreams
                                                                                                               come true and has an ample offer of properties
proof of a rich history, nourished by different cul-   The Costa Blanca is one of the largest coastal
                                                                                                               for sale, as well resale as newbuild.
tures.                                                 regions of Spain. Consequently it is often divided

Torreveja   Guardamar

Orihuela Costa   Villajoyosa

From Denia to Alicante, it is possible to enjoy a      With regard to temperature, there are also few
picturesque landscape of mountains and valleys         extremes to report. There is rarely any frost, nor
that offer views of a breath-taking coastline.         does extreme heat with temperatures of 40 or
Beautiful pine forests, orange groves: these are a     more degrees occur very often.
matter of course. This is the real Spain!              The mild dry winters and the pleasant summers
                                                       are caused by a Mediterranean climate, with the
On land, at sea and in the air                         Mediterranean Sea having a warming effect on
                                                       the area. This effect is protected by the presence
The north of the Costa Blanca is easy to reach         of mountains and hills that hold onto the heat
via the Valencia and Alicante airports. The latter     of the sea and keep back the cold air from the
airport especially has a wide range of interna-        interior.
tional flights.
                                                       The many hours of sunshine and the mild tem-
Valencia is then the ideal connection for a short      peratures make it an ideal destination. Staying
trip to Ibiza or Majorca. It is only a short flight!   for the winter or even for the entire year, it’s a
The A7 highway has a good infrastructure and           decision you will not regret!
connects the most important coastal cities from
the French border to Malaga in the south of            Property
                                                       The many mountain chains make excessive
The normal or high-speed train is also a good          construction development impossible, which
option as well as a pleasant way to travel.            restricts the density. The limited supply of land
And huge passenger ships moor in Valencia              means the prices are considerably higher than in
and Alicante daily. But let us not forget the hun-     the Costa Blanca South.
dreds of sailboats and motorboats. These visit         But there are many advantages to this! Many
all of the local marinas during their trip along the   villas and apartments have fantastic panoramic
Mediterranean Sea.                                     seascapes.
                                                       Are you considering purchasing an apartment
Mild winters, sultry summers                           or villa on the Costa Blanca North? Be sure to
The Costa Blanca North enjoys a Mediterranean          check out our range of houses, villas and apart-
climate that generally contrasts with the over-        ments for sale, both modern new-build and more
all weather in Spain. There is little precipitation    traditional resale.
throughout the year and the sun makes itself
seen and felt every month.

Cities and municipalities

                          Denia                                                  Altea
                          Denia has a rich history. This is very visible while   Altea is a small, delightful town with a character-
                          wandering through the narrow, Moorish streets          istic centre on a hill. This centre has many narrow
                          that twist through and around the centre.              streets, little picturesque white houses and art
                                                                                 galleries. Altea is a town with character!
                          Javea (Xàbia), originally a fishing village that
                          grew into a tourist pearl, lies between Denia and      If one utters the name ‘Benidorm’, an imme-
                          Calpe. An extraordinary coastline, a turquoise         diate link is made with a general (and errone-
                          sea and a fabulous temperature – that is Javea!        ous) stigma. Of course, we can speak of mass
                                                                                 tourism, but this town has much more to offer.
                                                                                 Sun-drenched sandy beaches, a charming old
                                                                                 shopping plaza, attractive terraces, a lively
                          Escape the bustle in this authentic, picturesque       promenade and much more ... that is Benidorm!
                          town between Calpe and Moraira. The pictur-
                          esque historical centre, cobbled streets and 17th
                          – 18th century houses give it a unique charm and
                          make it worth the visit.                               This place, that began as a small village, has
                                                                                 gained immense popularity in recent years.
               Denia                                                             When you visit this beach resort, you will soon
     Benissa      Javea                                                          see why. Villajoyosa is a pearl along the Costa
      Calpe     Moraira   Moraira was a traditional fishing village on the       Blanca with colourful facades, narrow streets,
Benidorm Altea            Costa Blanca that, throughout the years, grew          a clear blue sea, sandy golden beaches and a
          Villajoyasa     into a popular holiday spot. Moraira is unique         marina!
                          compared to many other beach resorts. There is
                          no excess of high apartment buildings or hotels.
                          This is a pleasant beach resort with a wonderful

                          This is the ideal destination if you want to experi-
                          ence that holiday feeling. In Calpe, you will find a
                          combination of beautiful sandy beaches, nature,
                          culture and an old town centre.


Luxurious villa full of light, with large interior
spaces, unique architecture and natural sur-
roundings, panoramic views of the Mediterra-
nean Sea and the skyline of Benidorm; located in
the quiet area of Altea Sierra.
This closed residential complex, consists of
detached homes designed with state of the art
architecture, where each residence has its own
exclusive design, making it unique.
The houses are outstanding for their natural light
and large interior spaces, with layouts offering 3
and 4 bedrooms, 3 and 4 bathrooms, an open
kitchen, living rooms and dining rooms of differ-
ent shapes, terrace, swimming pool, barbecue, a
closed garage and an elevator.

□□ 3 bedrooms
□□ 4 bathrooms
□□ 176 m2
□□ ¤ 395.000

more info at - SP-NB-606


This exclusive villa is situated in a command-
ing location less than 5 minutes driving from
the beach and from Altea and a 15 minutes
drive away from Calpe. The villa with stunning
sea view consists of 4 double bedrooms, all
with en-suite bathroom, fully equipped kitchen
with white goods, utility/cinema room, two car
garage and storage room, elevator, hot and cold
air conditioning, under floor heating, intelligent
alarm system.
The private landscaped garden consists of a
huge infinity pool with poolside chill-out zone
and huge covered and open terraces. The villa
has been designed by the Ramón Gandia Brull
Architectural Studio and is one of the best
examples of contemporary Mediterranean archi-
tecture, creating an abundance of geometry,
light and space.
In every room, the entrance of light has been
optimized to maximize the comfort. The huge
windows in the lounge have open views to the
pool and landscaped garden. Night illumination,
also designed by Ramón Gandia Brull Arqui-
tectos, includes exterior and interior lights, per-
fectly integrated in the project’s aesthetics. The
acoustic isolation of the windows, interior and
exterior walls has been specifically studied to
avoid sound transmission from the outside and
from one room to another.

□□ 4 bedrooms
□□ 4 bathrooms
□□ 476,68 m2
□□ ¤ 1.495.000
more info at - SP-NB-725

We are very proud to present to you this gorgeous
development located at a few steps from the
beach at Villajoyosa in a natural, exclusive setting
to live in harmony with the sun and the sea and
in an all year round peaceful and relaxing atmos-
phere. Shaped by a bay with the turquoise blue
sea and fine sand beach.
Buying a property in this development stands for
buying a home at 100 metres from the sea with all
services you need close at hand. Peace, tranquillity
and calmness with only the sound of waves and
the squawking of the seagulls high above. No com-
promises here, any type of service that you might
need or any activity that you would like to do, is
located nearby. Hospitals, schools, shops, restau-
rants, libraries, cinemas ... just a stone’s throw away
from your home.
A well designed and thought through project
offering 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom properties. A lot of
attention is given to obtain the best views from
all orientations. Different types of meticulously
designed homes: townhouses, duplex houses,
apartments and penthouses with private jacuzzis,
built in one complex with large terraces looking
onto the Mediterranean Sea.
Top building standards and first class materials
such as thermal insulation, Porcelanosa, Saloni ...
are being used. Fully equipped kitchens, ducted
climate control (cold / hot air) ... Elegant and con-
temporary buildings with spacious green areas
between them. Thanks to a surveillance system,
maximum security is guaranteed.

□□ 2 bedrooms
□□ 2 bathrooms
□□ 97,61 m2
□□ ¤ 491.500
more info at - SP-NB-744


11 luxurious villas will be built on this new devel-
opment in Finestrat. Each beautiful villa has
4 bedrooms, but there is a possibility to change
to 3 bedrooms.
This will make the living room / kitchen bigger,
without extra cost! Each villa is fully south facing
with an individual plot that offers complete pri-
vacy and a magnificent view of the sea and the
mountains: a unique project for all who love tran-
quillity and nature, and also for active families
with children. The project idea is mainly focused
on boosting the location of the properties, since
they present unbeatable orientation and views.
Thanks to their orientation, we can take advan-
tage of all the passive elements that their archi-
tecture offers in order to achieve an efficient
property, with no need to consume energy in a
continuous way.

□□ 4 bedrooms
□□ 4 bathrooms
□□ 264 m2
□□ ¤ 695.000

more info at - SP-NB-728

SIERRA CORTINA                                     SIERRA CORTINA
FINESTRAT                                          FINESTRAT

□□ 4 bedrooms                                      □□ 4 bedrooms
□□ 3 bathrooms                                     □□ 5 bathrooms
□□ 302 m2                                          □□ 330 m2
□□ ¤ 790.000                                       □□ ¤ 1.250.000

SP-NB-449                                          SP-NB-649

                 More info at WWW.Z-YACHTING.COM

SIERRA CORTINA                                     JAVEA
FINESTRAT                                          MONTE OLIMPO

□□ 2 bedrooms                                      □□ 3 bedrooms

□□ 2 bathrooms                                     □□ 2 bathrooms

□□ 65 m2                                           □□ 152 m2

□□ ¤ 195.000                                       □□ ¤ 565.000

SP-NB-465                                          SP-NB-611

VILLAJOYOSA                                        ALTEA HLLS

□□ 2 bedrooms
                                                   □□ 3 bedrooms
□□ 2 bathrooms
                                                   □□ 3 bathrooms
□□ 80 m2
                                                   □□ 222 m2
□□ ¤ 285.000
                                                   □□ ¤ 800.000

SP-NB-536                                          CN-2AP-120

                 More info at WWW.Z-YACHTING.COM

BENISSA                                            POLOP
                                                   LA NUCIA

□□ 4 bedrooms                                      □□ 3 bedrooms
□□ 5 bathrooms                                     □□ 3 bathrooms
□□ 333 m   2                                       □□ 316 m2
□□ ¤ 2.850.000                                     □□ ¤ 529.000

SP-NB-621                                          SP-NB-638

From Alicante to Cartagena, enjoy a beautiful        The mild dry winters and the pleasant summers
coastline with many multicultural cities, good       are caused by a Mediterranean climate in which
infrastructure, a mild climate and healthy open      the Mediterranean Sea has a heating effect on
air … In short, one can live like a king on the      the region in the winter. This effect is protected
Costa Blanca South!                                  by the presence of mountains and hills that
                                                     retain the heat of the sea and stop the chilly air
                                                     of the interior entering the region.
On land, at sea and in the air
                                                     Because of the many hours of sunshine and the
The south of the Costa Blanca is very easy to
                                                     mild temperatures, it is an ideal destination to
reach via the airports of Corvera, Murcia, and
                                                     live in. Whether you want to just spend the win-
Alicante. Especially this last airport has a wide
                                                     ter or enjoy living here all year round, it is a deci-
range of international flights.
                                                     sion that you won’t regret!
In addition, the A7 motorway has an excellent
                                                     The Costa Blanca South is significantly drier
infrastructure and connects the most important
                                                     than the higher situated Costa Blanca North.
coastal cities all the way from the French bor-
                                                     This is reflected in the drier landscape, which
der to Malaga in the south of Spain. The train or
                                                     contrasts with the many green mountain slopes
high-speed train is also a great option as well as
                                                     in the north.
providing a pleasant way of traveling.
Finally, large passenger boats dock daily in the
port of Alicante. But we cannot forget the hun-
dreds of smaller yachts and motorboats. These        The southern section of the Costa Blanca is rel-
put into all local marinas during their trip along   atively flat. As a result, there are more possibil-
the Mediterranean Sea.                               ities in terms of available building plots. Every
                                                     city, village or municipality has a centre that has
                                                     a dense structure, but the surrounding area is
Mild winters, sultry summers                         more sparsely populated.
The Costa Blanca South enjoys a Mediterra-
                                                     Due to the larger supply of land, there is a larger
nean climate, which contrasts with the general
                                                     supply of housing and this results in a lower
weather throughout Spain. There is very little
                                                     price level in comparison with the north.
precipitation throughout the year and the sun
can be enjoyed every month.                          Keep in mind that despite the fact that the aver-
                                                     age sales price is lower, there is still a difference
In the area of ​temperature, there are also very
                                                     between the various locations. Are you consid-
few extremes to mention.
                                                     ering buying a property on the Costa Blanca
Frost hardly ever occurs and extreme heat with       South? Then be sure to check out our selection
temperatures of 40 degrees or higher is also         of houses, villas, apartments for sale. Both mod-
very rare.                                           ern new construction and more traditional resale.

Cities and municipalities

                                             Alicante                                               Quesada
                                             Alicante is a beautiful, vibrant city located in the   Quesada has a very compact centre with sev-
                                             heart of the Costa Blanca. Nestled between the         eral restaurants, shops and bars. The village has
                                             mountains and the sea, this city has an inviting       various residential zones with a wide diversity of
                                             atmosphere. The rich culture, the city centre, the     nationalities. The story of the origin of Quesada
                                             many shops and restaurants in harmony with a           is particularly unique!
                                             good infrastructure make it a top destination!
                                                                                                    Rojales – Benijofar
                                                                                                    Narrow streets, village squares and a cosy
                                             Elche town is located 11 km from the Mediter-          atmosphere? Yes, Rojales and Benijofar have it
                                             ranean Sea and is known for its shoe industry.         all! In these villages you can still experience the
                                             With 3 cultural heritage sites, tourism is also a      real Spain. Nevertheless, there is good invest-
                                             booming business!                                      ment in infrastructure and these villages offer a
                                                                                                    wide range of shops and restaurants.
                                             Guardamar Del Segura
                                                                                                    Orihuela Costa
                                             Long sandy beaches and lush nature (dunes/
                                             parks) characterise Guardamar. But this sea-           Orihuela Costa is part of the city of Orihuela. It
                             Alicante        side resort is best known for its forest area, the     is an umbrella designation for various coastal
                         Elche               “Pinada”. These assets combined with a lively          municipalities and urbanisations. Each region is
      Rojales - Benijafor                    city centre and golden sandy beaches make it           unique, and offers numerous restaurants, shops,
               Quesada Guardama del Segura   the ideal destination!                                 bars, and activities. There are also several mari-
San Miguel de Salinas Torrevieja                                                                    nas and it features beautiful sandy beaches.
                       Orihuela Costa        Torrevieja
                                                                                                    San Miguel de Salinas
                                             Originally a fishing village, which developed into
                                             a lively city with a dynamic atmosphere, Torre-        San Miguel de Salinas is a cosy municipality with
                                             vieja includes many different residential areas,       a charming village centre. It is located between
                                             each with local cafes, restaurants and shops.          Torrevieja and Pilar de la Horarada. In addition,
                                             There is something for everyone in Torrevieja!         it is located at the highest point of the region,
                                                                                                    which means different zones here offer beautiful


New detached villas situated in one of the best
areas of Pilar de la Horadada. An ideal location
for those looking for a spacious house on a large
plot, close to all necessary facilities.
You can choose from various models, villas built
on one or two floors, with different sized plots
and built surfaces.
All villas have 3 bedrooms and a spacious, bright
living/dining room because of their large win-
The villas are delivered with a fully equipped
kitchen (electrical appliances included), pre
installation of air conditioning, low maintenance
landscaped garden, a private swimming pool
and private parking on the plot.

□□ 3 bedrooms
□□ 2 bathrooms
□□ 120 m2
□□ ¤ 399.900

more info at - SP-NB-697


Leisure, golf, beaches, this new urbanization of
78 apartments with high quality finishing, 2 or
3 bedrooms, ample green areas and relaxation
zone, communal areas and swimming pools,
holds it all for you.
All apartments have floor heating in the bath-
rooms and air conditioning hot/cold with venti-
lation ducts.
The penthouses also have a Jacuzzi or swim-
ming pool on their terrace or solarium, an out-
doors shower, an outside kitchen with barbecue
and a parking spot and storage space are also
included in their price.

□□ 2 bedrooms
□□ 2 bathrooms
□□ 63,51 m2
□□ ¤ 209.000

more info at - SP-NB-455


The complex consist of modern style 2 bedroom
and 2 bathroom apartments with spacious ter-
races and magnificent solariums.
This new build is a space conceived for enjoying
the beach, the sun and lots of peace and quiet,
surrounded by all necessary amenities.
Designed for enjoying the Mediterranean climate
to the full. Here you will relax all year round in
the communal spa area with heated pool, sauna
and gym. All homes face extensive open spaces
that will be enjoyed from the massive balconies
or from the floating wooden sunbathing deck at
the pool area.
The project will have a lane line swimming pool
for the most sporty residents. Kids will have a
great time at the playground area and at the
beach entrance swimming pool.
Underground parking spaces are included with
every property purchase. Located strategically
in privileged surroundings just 2 km from la
Zenia beach, in a consolidated urban area with
all kinds of services and amenities nearby, with
good links, and close to a junction of the AP-7

□□ 2 bedrooms
□□ 2 bathrooms
□□ 65,90 m2
□□ ¤ 158.000

more info at - SP-NB-679


Fantastic new modern villas with 4 bedrooms,
3 bathrooms and a private pool. Built on 2 lev-
els, with spacious terraces and a free, open view.
Built by a very reputable builder with high quality
finish and equipped with all modern comfort and
luxury. All houses are built on a plot of 378 m2
and have a built surface of 157 m2.
Within walking distance of the cosy city centre
and all the facilities you need. Los Montesinos
is a busy village with a large and cosy church
square with several bars and restaurants.
There is a small street market on Friday eve-
nings, an outdoor municipal swimming pool and
a music auditorium.
For the walkers there is a marked walking route
called “ruta salada”, and a cycle route that leads
you to the beautiful sandy beaches of Torrevieja.
The area has a beautiful view of the salt lakes
of Torrevieja and La Mata! There is also an easy
access to the motorway.
Quickly request your visit and discover all that
beauty yourself!

□□ 4 bedrooms
□□ 3 bathrooms
□□ 157 m2
□□ ¤ 375.000

more info at - SP-NB-783


This new project consists of 36 exclusive villas at
only 900 m from the beach! The houses all have
3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms with private swim-
ming pool, built on plots of 177 m2.
The homes come very well equipped includ-
ing: air conditioning, white goods, electric blinds
in the living room, outdoor kitchen with BBQ,
internal & external LED lights, and kitchen with
island and table.
An absolute unique extra advantage to these
houses is the closed garage! Apart from the ter-
race and large balcony, there is also possibility to
built a solarium of 47 m2, for ¤ 15.000.

□□ 3 bedrooms
□□ 3 bathrooms
□□ 128 m2
□□ ¤ 284.950

more info at - SP-NB-782


This new project consists of 7 exclusive villas at
only 900 m from the beach! The houses all have
3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms with private swim-
ming pool, built on plots between 300 & 400 m2.
The homes come very well equipped includ-
ing: air conditioning, white goods, electric blinds
in the living room, outdoor kitchen with BBQ,
internal & external LED lights, and kitchen with
island and table.
Are you impressed by these photos and you
would like to view this home? Contact us now!

□□ 3 bedrooms
□□ 3 bathrooms
□□ 115 m2
□□ ¤ 389.950

more info at - SP-NB-790


Discover Las Colinas, a destination surrounded
by nature with views of the sea, often described
as “a world on it’s own”.
A single access makes its way through the can-
yon-shaped entrance, flanked by palm trees and
provided with 24/7 security.
As well as being an exclusive holiday destina-
tion, with low construction density, Las Colinas
also has a top golf course, ranked amongst the
top 100 golf courses of Europe. This 18 hole, par
71 course bares the signature of Cabell Bunkers
and has ample, dynamic greens and wide fair-
The Unik Café and Enso Sushi-bar have an exqui-
site menu and a view on the lake at hole 18. At
only a few minutes from the Golf & Country Club,
residents can enjoy the facilities of the Las Coli-
nas private Beach Club, a phenomenal location,
surrounded by palm trees and at the beach with
a view on the Mediterranean Sea.

□□ 3 bedrooms
□□ 3 bathrooms
□□ 150 m2
□□ ¤ 695.000

more info at - SP-NB-770


This unique Mediterranean style complex con-
sists of bungalows, top floor or ground floor,
with 2 / 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, and of
3 bedrooms / 3 bathrooms ‘quad’ type prop-
erties. The quad properties have a large and
bright living room of 26 m2 with open kitchen, 1
bedroom / 1 bathroom on the ground floor and
another 2 bedrooms / 2 bathrooms on the first
floor, both with access to the solarium. The bun-
galows come with 2 bedrooms / 2 bathrooms,
large terraces for the ground floor bungalows
and a solarium of 53 m2 for the top floors.
Ground floor bungalows are also available with
3 bedrooms for an extra cost of ¤ 3.000. This
new residential urbanization will be a gated
complex with communal swimming pool with
jacuzzi and garden, where you can enjoy your
holidays in the excellent
Mediterranean climate, in one of the best area in
Torrevieja close to all amenities such as super-
markets, bars, shopping centres, restaurants,
public transport and only a 2-minute drive to the
beautiful La Mata beach.
Aguas Nuevas is a well-known peaceful area for
both residents and holiday makers from all over

□□ 2 bedrooms
□□ 2 bathrooms
□□ 67 m2
□□ ¤ 157.000

more info at - SP-NB-597


These newbuild villas have a large plot of 500 m2
that integrates the driveway with private parking
and a beautiful garden that has a modern private
Each of the villas has a large bright living room
with high windows from floor to ceiling that over-
looks the garden, open plan kitchen with storage
room, 3 bedrooms with integrated wardrobes,
3 bathrooms, and 2 large terraces.
These modern homes also have a hot and cold
air conditioning system, video intercom, security
door and pre-installation for alarm.

□□ 3 bedrooms
□□ 3 bathrooms
□□ 150 m2
□□ ¤ 420.000

more info at - SP-NB-686

AGUAS NUEVAS                                       PUNTA PRIMA
TORREVIEJA                                         TORREVIEJA

□□ 2 bedrooms                                      □□ 2 bedrooms
□□ 1 bathrooms                                     □□ 2 bathrooms
□□ 60 m2                                           □□ 76,40 m2
□□ ¤ 89.000                                        □□ ¤ 280.000

SP-2SW-876                                         SP-NB-478

                 More info at WWW.Z-YACHTING.COM

PUNTA PRIMA                                        LA MATA
TORREVIEJA                                         TORREVIEJA

□□ 2 bedrooms                                      □□ 2 bedrooms
□□ 2 bathrooms                                     □□ 2 bathrooms
□□ 52,45 m 2                                       □□ 90 m2
□□ ¤ 179.000                                       □□ ¤ 249.000

SP-NB-549                                          SP-NB-529

PLAYA DEL CURA                                     LAS COLINAS GOLF
TORREVIEJA                                         ORIHUELA COSTA

□□ 3 bedrooms                                      □□ 4 bedrooms
□□ 2 bathrooms                                     □□ 3,5 bathrooms
□□ 119 m2                                          □□ 190,33 m2
□□ ¤ 239.000                                       □□ ¤ 625.000

ZY-047                                             CA-VL-026

                 More info at WWW.Z-YACHTING.COM

PUNTA PRIMA                                        VILLAMARTIN
TORREVIEJA                                         ORIHUELA COSTA

□□ 3 bedrooms                                      □□ 3 bedrooms
□□ 1 bathrooms                                     □□ 3,5 bathrooms
□□ 85 m  2
                                                   □□ 160 m2
□□ ¤ 138.000                                       □□ ¤ 435.000

ZY-050                                             CA-VL-033

VILLAMARTIN                                          CAMPOAMOR GOLF
ORIHUELA COSTA                                       ORIHUELA COSTA

□□ 3 bedrooms                                        □□ 2 bedrooms
□□ 3 bathrooms                                       □□ 1,5 bathrooms
□□ 110,35 m 2
                                                     □□ 82,65 m2
□□ ¤ 345.000                                         □□ ¤ 115.000

SP-NB-672                                            CA-SW-110

                   More info at WWW.Z-YACHTING.COM

CAMPOAMOR GOLF                                       VILLAMARTIN
ORIHUELA COSTA                                       ORIHUELA COSTA

□□ 2 bedrooms                                        □□ 3 bedrooms
□□ 1,5 bathrooms                                     □□ 3 bathrooms
□□ 69 m 2
                                                     □□ 120 m2
□□ ¤ 110.000                                         □□ ¤ 133.000

CA-AP-293                                            CA-SW-115

CAMPOAMOR GOLF                                       CAMPOAMOR GOLF
ORIHUELA COSTA                                       ORIHUELA COSTA

□□ 2 bedrooms                                        □□ 2 bedrooms
□□ 2 bathrooms                                       □□ 1 bathrooms
□□ 96 m2
                                                     □□ 84 m2
□□ ¤ 225.000                                         □□ ¤ 133.000

CA-AP-231                                            CA-AP-234

                   More info at WWW.Z-YACHTING.COM

LAS COLINAS GOLF                                     SAN MIGUEL
ORIHUELA COSTA                                       DE SALINAS

□□ 4 bedrooms                                        □□ 2 bedrooms
□□ 3,5 bathrooms                                     □□ 1 bathrooms
□□ 400 m   2                                         □□ 63,84 m2
□□ ¤ 2.075.000                                       □□ ¤ 84.500

SP-NB-693                                            CA-AP-287

Running a successful business in Spain?
It’s possible!

Take, for instance, Caroline Trahé, a real
estate agent at the Costa Blanca.

With her agency Z-Yachting, this Belgian entre-
preneur has won the prestigious real estate
award ‘Highly Commended Real Estate Agency
of Spain’ for the second time in a row.
The winner of this award is annually chosen
in London amongst many European real estate
professionals. ‘Everyday we keep on investing in
the future’, says Mrs. Trahé.
‘Flexibility is a must’, 15 years ago Z-Yachting
was born, the main purpose being to sell sail-
and motorboats, but there was such a large
demand for real estate that we decided to focus
on this activity. As a result, several offices cover   Z-Yachting & Golf-Estates
almost the entire Costa Blanca now.                       has won the award
We even thought about golfing customers. Sis-          Highly Commended Real
ter company ‘Golf Estates’ is specialized in sell-     Estate Agency of Spain
ing ‘golf properties’ and has a strategic location
in the middle of 6 big golf courts.                        for the third time.
In 2015-2016 Golf-Estates won this real estate
award for Spain too!


We guide you in your search for a place in the sun
Discover Spain, enjoy the sun and the delicious tapas
while we guide you in your search for a suitable property.
An ideal mix for a 3-day visit; come and find out everything
you need to know about buying a property in Spain.
For serious prospective purchasers, we offer inspection trips
to the Costa Blanca & the Costa Calida. Together with you, we
first of all select the projects that interest you and provide you
with full and clear information. During your stay, the focus is
on the search for your ideal home, in your own language.
We select a suitable date together and organise a tailor-made
trip (overnight hotel accommodation with breakfast, visits to
projects, transfers to and from the airport). Then just book
your outward and return flights and send us your flight details.
If you are already in Spain, we live and work on the Costa
Blanca in Spain and can always be reached by telephone and
in our offices.

Departure to Spain. Together we visit the projects that we
have selected in advance, fully tailored to your wishes and
priorities. At the same time, you can enjoy the Spanish gas-
tronomy and the beautiful region, where we can show you
some of the sights.

Visit the projects that you ultimately prefer. Administrative
and legal aspects are highlighted, possibly in the presence
of the appointed lawyer, to enable you to decide with a good
feeling and without any worries.

Departure from your hotel towards your home country. Thanks
to your sunny stay and our good care, you will come home
relaxed, maybe as the lucky owner of your dream home!
The cost is ¤ 150 per person, plus your flights (Alicante
                                                                     DO YOU WANT TO COME WITH US TO SPAIN?
or Murcia). You will be staying at a 4 star hotel, breakfast         Contact us at or call us on +34 966 925 328


                                                         Mr. and Mrs. Lewis                                   Maria Peters
      Roger Tongue
                                                         UK                                                   UK
                                                   My wife and I are extremely grateful to you and      We would like to thank Z-Yachting for the great
We got an excellent explanation about the buy-
                                                   all at Z-Yachting for all your hard work in trying   service they offered us during the purchase pro-
ing process! If we were to sell our property or
                                                   to sell our property in a difficult market. We had   cess of our property. Without their help, it would
have friends who wish to do so, I would thor-
                                                   every confidence in you that you would eventu-       be more difficult for us to arrange a NIE-number
oughly recommend Z-Yachting!
                                                   ally succeed.                                        and to open a credit account.
By far the most professional agent we found
                                                   It has been a pleasure dealing with you!             We appreciated the before-sales and after-sales
whilst looking for our home in Spain, courteous
                                                                                                        service. We are still satisfied with our purchased
at all times.
                                                                                                        property and we would definitely recommend
                                                                                                        them to new potential customers.
      Jarle & Mona
      Norway                                       Perfect service from the beginning to the end!
                                                                                                              Erki Perta
                                                   I am very grateful to Carlos who helped me a
Thank you to Silje who did an excellent job and    lot to go through the buying process. Moreover
who gives a top service. Recommended to any-       he helped me with all the authorities transitions.
                                                                                                        Many thanks for the wonderful friendly service I
one who wants to buy housing in Spain.             Z-Yachting is a very good and competent Part-
                                                                                                        received when I was looking for a new home in
                                                   ner to buy a property in Spain!
                                                                                                        Spain. Through you I found it. I have to say that
                                                   Keep it up!”
                                                                                                        my new home has exceeded all my expectations.
                                                                                                        After my purchase I have requested your assis-
      Sue Atherton
                                                                                                        tance to a case that does not actually belong
                                                                                                        to you, and I have always received help when I
                                                         Mr. and Mrs. Loutesalmi
                                                                                                        needed it.
Buying our second home was a friendly and help-          Finland
                                                                                                        You are a top team!
ful experience with Golf-Estates. They explained
the buying process very well! Thank you.           Pia Tötterman made our many years dream to
                                                   come true, she show us a couple apartments,
                                                   which we was looking for before and one of
                                                                                                              Rhodora & Peter Schweyda
                                                   them was exactly our new home.
                                                   Pia also help us how to renovate apartment and
                                                   all paperworks, bank account etc. things went        Very efficient in communicating, friendly and
                                                   perfectly. We like to recommend Pia to all, who      punctual. Service is excellent and I will definitely
                                                   appreciate the best sales work.                      recommend them.

+34   966   925   328
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