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In this article, Marjorie Villien, PhD, and Jerôme Mouly, both Technology & Market
Analysts at Yole Développement, provide a forecast of the place of connectivity in the
healthcare market and the significant changes it is likely to bring to both devices and
the market itself.

Healthcare is facing one of
its most significant turning
                                      “Development of connected solutions
points in decades. After
penetrating the consumer                   will not only help patients to better
market, the digital revolution             estimate the dose of medication to
and the IoT (Internet of
                                      deliver, but will also alert them should
Things) concept are rapidly
changing health models.                      they forget medication and record
    A confluence of factors          their data, leading to better adherence
is driving these changes.
                                           and avoiding errors that may led to
First of all, the prevalence of
chronic diseases in modern                   emergencies and hospitalisations.”
societies; as an example
more than 400 million
people are suffering from diabetes (types           units, including over 45 million with the
1 and 2). In addition to genetic factors,           capacity for Internet of Medical Things
some diabetics’ risk factors derive from            (IoMT) connectivity (Figure 1). Diabetes
behavioural causes, such as obesity,                and respiratory diseases are two major
lack of exercise and bad eating habits.             chronic medical conditions, patients
The incidence of respiratory diseases,              of which require regular and accurate
asthma for example, is strongly increasing          medication. Development of connected
due to environmental issues in highly               solutions will not only help patients to
industrialised cities. The estimated cost           better estimate the appropriate dose of
of chronic diseases could soon reach                medication, but will also alert them should
US$1.5 trillion (£1.1 trillion) per year            they forget medication and record their
for global health organisations, therefore          data, leading to better adherence and
reducing the impact cost of these conditions        avoiding errors that may led to emergencies
                                                                                                             Dr Marjorie Villien
is a matter of urgency.                             and hospitalisations.
                                                                                                             Technology & Market Analyst
    The second factor is a shift in the attitudes       Connected inhalers for asthma are                    E:
and expectations of patients, who are willing       changing patients’ lifestyles. Built as a
to manage their health in a manner similar          fully integrated solution or as an add-
to how they now monitor steps and calories          on to standard inhalers, patients record
via worn fitness bands connected to their           all their inhalations via a Bluetooth
smartphones. More than two billion people           connection to their smartphone or tablet.
are using internet-connected smartphones            As an example, 3M is developing its
around the world today, fostering the rapid         Intelligent Control Inhaler, expected in
adoption of connected medical devices.              2018. The inhaler will help patients with
Such devices have already generated                 respiratory diseases to control flow rate
$9 billion to date, estimated to grow to            and record data. Using an app, patients and              Jerôme Mouly
$23 billion by 2022.1                               physicians can remotely visualise records                Technology & Market Analyst
                                                    and patients are able to access feedback. 3M             E:
THE CONNECTED DRUG DELIVERY                         is currently looking for a pharmaceutical
DEVICE MARKET IS GROWING                            partner to gain access to the market. A                  Yole Développement
                                                    strong increase is anticipated in the inhaler            Le Quartz
The global connected drug delivery device           market, with a 75% annual growth rate                    75 cours Emile Zola
                                                                                                             69100 Lyon-Villeurbanne
market, including implanted drug delivery           forecast for inhalers from 2016 to 2022.
pumps, inhalers, insulin pens and insulin               In the area of diabetes, connected
pumps, has already reached two million              insulin pens are also changing the lives       

4                                                                   Copyright © 2017 Frederick Furness Publishing Ltd
Expert View

Figure 1: The number of devices capable of connecting Internet of Medical Things is increasing at a rapid, accelerating rate.1

of patients with diabetes types 1 and 2.     replace an entire organ or function.           at all times but need manual-assist dosing
Precise dosage measurements avoid under-     Sometimes the use of an artificial organ       at mealtimes and during exercise. The next
and overdosing of insulin and patients could is a temporary measure, a step in treating     generation will be fully automated insulin
receive information from their smartphone    the disease process, acting as a bridge to     closed loop systems, (manual mealtime and
to anticipate their needs more accurately,   a solution, while other times the artificial   exercise boluses will be eliminated) and the
thanks to machine learning. Interest shown   organ is a permanent solution. Moreover,       third generation will be fully automated
by pharmaceutical companies will likely      some artificial organs are mechanical,         multi-hormone closed loop systems.
boost adoption by patients. Novo Nordisk,    such as an artificial heart or lung; based         It is worth considering that the
the inventor of the insulin pen, has teamed  on biology, such as a bioartificial pancreas   performance of a closed loop system is
up with Glooko, a developer of remote        or liver; or delivering drugs, such as the     limited by the speed of insulin absorption
monitoring software, and is expected to      artificial pancreas.                           and glucose-sensing inaccuracies, and that
launch the new generation of Echo-Pen            Presently, the only artificial organ       the software has to take these limitations
imminently. Moreover, the development        operating as a drug delivery device is the     into account. In the near future, the next
of the artificial pancreas, a (hybrid) closedartificial pancreas. The diabetes epidemic     generation of artificial pancreas will
loop system that communicates to             is truly global, affecting more than 8% of     have both myriad embedded sensors to
automatically deliver the right dose of      the world’s population. Better management      monitor the status of the patient and
insulin, promises a less constrained life forof diabetic patients is crucial, and this is   greater intelligence to take changes in
type 1 diabetes patients.                    where the artificial pancreas is playing a     physiology into account (e.g. meals, exercise,
                                             major role. The name “artificial pancreas”     sleep etc).
ARTIFICIAL PANCREAS                          is something of a misnomer, however, as            The software piloting an artificial
                                             rather than mimicking an organic pancreas      pancreas using such technology must
An artificial organ is a device that is      an artificial pancreas is simply a smart       parallel     engineering      developments.
implanted or integrated into a human         insulin delivery device. A more appropriate    A plethora of different algorithms exist,
– interfacing with living tissue and/        term is “closed loop system”. Indeed,          each with their own intrinsic advantages
or fluid – to replace the functions of a     a closed loop system combines real-time        and disadvantages, but all with an internal
faulty or missing vital organ. Hence, by     continuous glucose measurement (CGM)           control law. These span from very simple
this definition, the artificial organ has to with an insulin pump by using a control        binary answers to fast, complex algorithms
be either wearable or implantable and        algorithm to direct insulin delivery. The      which take into account complicated
                                                                  aim of this system is     combinations of multiple data from
                                                                  to improve diabetes       various sensors, physical laws and precise
                 “After decades of development, self-care by improving                      output calculations. Next generation
     artificial organ products are now ready glucose control to                             algorithms are currently in development
                                                                  mitigate    the    risk   and major improvements are anticipated.
        to enter the medical device market. of hypoglycaemia.                               New, fashionable methods like machine
      For that reason, the artificial pancreas The systems coming                           learning (and deep learning when the data
              segment will experience massive to the market today                           is available) are entering research through
                                                                  are hybrid closed loop    fuzzy logic algorithms. These methods seem
         growth, with a CAGR2017-2022 of 49%.” systems, since they                          promising and will permit fully automated
                                                                  employ a closed loop      control of the artificial organ.

Copyright © 2017 Frederick Furness Publishing Ltd                                                      5
Expert View

   Yole Développement expects the              sensors integrated to connected medical            set up, involving these new players in the
uptake of the artificial pancreas to be        devices are already available from other           medical area. Medical device companies
both high and rapid throughout the type        markets, such as consumer or automotive,           like Medtronic and Johnson & Johnson
1 diabetic population, since the solution      and are already miniaturised, low cost,            have a great interest in this field. Naturally,
has been desired for years. As of 2017,        offering low power consumption, etc,               pharmaceutical companies have an inherent
only Medtronic has an artificial pancreas      but are not specific to the medical market.        interest in giving more value to medical
system approved by the US FDA and none            After stabilisation and large scale             devices associated with the medications that
have been granted a European CE mark.          adoption of connected medical devices, a           they are selling to patients.
However, many companies’ products are          second wave of innovation is expected.                 Numerous companies are developing
ready for approval and commercialisation.      This wave will see the development of sensor       smart     inhalers    and      insulin   pens
There are two collaborations of particular     solutions specifically dedicated to medical        and are licensing their products to
note: one between Diabeloop, Dexcom            grade requirements in terms of reliability         pharma companies (Figure 3). An example
and Cellnovo and one involving TypeZero,       and accuracy, as well as new criteria, such        being the recent announcement of a
Dexcom and Tandem. After decades of            as low invasive sensors, taking advantage          development agreement between Dexcom,
development, artificial organ products are     of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)           a manufacturer of continuous glucose
now ready to enter the medical device          technologies (Figure 2).                           monitoring devices, and Eli Lilly; the
market. For that reason, the artificial           Connected inhalers benefit from                 aim of this partnership being to combine
pancreas segment will experience massive       the miniaturisation of flow sensors to             knowledge and tools to simultaneously
growth, with a CAGR2017-2022 of 49%.2          evaluate the volume of medication inhaled.         reduce complexity and improve disease
   Historical artificial organs were made      Sensirion, a Switzerland-based company,            management for patients with diabetes.
of mechanical parts, today they are based      has developed a 5x8x5 mm differential                  The IoMT also represents a huge
on electronics and tomorrow they will be       pressure sensor, called SDP3x, that could be       opportunity for new players such as
smart. Sensors and software are playing        integrated in smart inhalers. Miniaturisation      IBM’s Watson augmented intelligence
major roles in the growth of the artificial    also enables the progression of systems from       system to enter the healthcare market and
organ market. If bioartificial pancreases      portable to wearable, making them ever             to bring computing power to predictive
and artificial livers are based on biology,    more user-friendly.                                medicine, as well as relevant infrastructure
most other devices are full of electronics,                                                       to interoperate connected devices from
sensors, emitters and software. The part       NEW PLAYERS ENTER THE                              home, hospitals or anywhere data needs
such technologies play can only increase as    HEALTHCARE MARKET                                  to be shared. Companies like Qualcomm
the healthcare industry moves towards more                                                        Life, with its solutions 2net and Capsule,
intelligent devices.                           The IoMT is at the crossroads of                   are dedicated to IoMT applications.
                                               medical devices, telecommunications and                It is worth noting that security and
THE TECHNOLOGY IS READY                        information technology (IT). As such, an           data privacy are at the forefront of
                                               entirely new infrastructure needs to be            healthcare administration, to avoid
The dual challenges for medical device
producers are to integrate sensors,
electronics     and   connectivity  into
approximately the same footprint as
                                                “After stabilisation and large scale adoption of connected
equivalent, non-smart devices and to           medical devices, a second wave of innovation is expected.”
facilitate patient adoption. Most of the

Figure 2: The adoption of connectivity in the healthcare market will spur further, more creative innovation.1

6                                                              Copyright © 2017 Frederick Furness Publishing Ltd
Expert View

Figure 3: Example of a business model for a connected inhaler.1

unregulated use of information generated            cost of connected medical devices (including
and also to guarantee the safety of patients
(e.g. preventing hacking of implanted
                                                    architecture). Health insurance incentives
                                                    or rebates are proposed for patients,
                                                                                                    ABOUT THE
connected medical devices).                         should they participate in a programme          AUTHORS
                                                    increasing their adherence to medication
WHO PAYS AND WHO BENEFITS?                          by using a connected device that sends data     Marjorie Villien, PhD, is a Technology
                                                    to the patient, their physician and the         & Market Analyst and member
Current changes in healthcare require               insurance company.                              of the Microfluidic & Medical
innovative business models to be realised.              This new shift in the healthcare            Technologies (MedTech) business unit
It is a fundamental change of paradigm for          landscape will require an evaluation of         at Yole Développement. She is a daily
health administration, and the co-existence         the performance of this new approach:           contributor to the development of
of two reimbursement models. From                   will P4 medicine cost less than                 MedTech activities with a dedicated
evidence-based medicine, connected medical          the evidence-based medicine concept?            collection of market & technology
devices enable the “P4” medicine concept:           Ultimately, it is only long term analysis       reports as well as custom consulting
Preventive, Predictive, Personalised and            that will show the true impact. It is           projects. After spending two years
Participatory. Innovative business models           not only insurance companies which will         at Harvard, Dr Villien served as a
may well be being set up, but who will pay          benefit from connected drug delivery            research scientist at INSERM in the
for prevention?                                     systems. Data generated could have great        field of medical imaging. She has
    Health insurance companies are working          value, and pharmaceutical companies             spoken at numerous international
with employers and telemedicine service             are looking to this precious information        conferences and has authored or
companies to promote services to share the          to analyse the impact of medication on          co-authored 11 papers and one patent.
                                                    patients more rigorously and accurately,        Marjorie Villien graduated from
                                                    enhance a personalised medicine approach,       Grenoble INP (France) and holds a
                                                    and accelerate clinical tests.                  PhD in Physics & Medical Imaging.
      “From evidence-based                              Monetisation of data is the next step
        medicine, connected                         after data storage in the cloud. Machine        Jerôme Mouly serves as a Technology
                                                    learning and artificial intelligence should     & Market Analyst, specialised in
     medical devices enable                         help to process and analyse a large             microtechnologies for biomedical &
 the “P4” medicine concept:                         amount of data. What about Google,              medical imaging applications, at Yole
       Preventive, Predictive,                      Apple and the other giants of the big data      Développement. Since 2000, Jérôme
                                                    and analytics world? For several years          has participated in more than 100
            Personalised and                        the medical device market was far from their    marketing and technological analyses
    Participatory. Innovative                       field of interest, with low volumes, strict     for industrial groups, start-ups and
  business models may well                          regulations and long development times.         institutes related to the semiconductor
                                                    The limits of healthcare devices as data        & medical technologies industries.
   be being set up, but who                         generators are also a consideration;            Jérôme holds a Master of Physics from
    will pay for prevention?”                       consumer well-being devices have fewer          the University of Lyon, France.
                                                    regulations on data privacy and data

Copyright © 2017 Frederick Furness Publishing Ltd                                                             7
    Expert View                                                                                        fo 20 ow
                                                                                                         r m 18 n
                                                                                                            or Me oad
                                                                                                                in dia the
                                                                                                                  fo P
transfer architectures, which provides more                                                                         rm ac
comfortable territory and generates much                                                                               at k
more data. The monetisation of data is key                                                                               io
for these giants and regulations surrounding
medical data are more constraining compared
with those that apply to the regular consumer

data they are more used to.


The market share of connected drug
delivery devices is expected to increase at a
                                                     EDITORIAL CALENDAR
rapid pace, with a more than 75% CAGR
over the next five years for systems used in
the context of chronic diseases. A feedback            Publication   Issue Topic                                      Materials
of accurate information will help patients             Month                                                          Deadline
to better monitor their health with fewer
constraints, reducing hospitalisations or
unnecessary visits to the doctor’s office.                                                                            DEADLINE
                                                       Jan 2018      Ophthalmic Drug Delivery
The impact on society should be                                                                                       PASSED
significant, with lower costs for healthcare
organisations as well as better therapeutic                          Prefilled Syringes &                             Dec 22nd
outcomes for patients, thanks to a                     Feb 2018
                                                                     Injection Devices                                2017
participative approach to sharing health
data. The challenges of data privacy
and patient safety will be key, involving                            Skin Drug Delivery:                              Jan 20th
                                                       Mar 2018
new players in the healthcare ecosystem.                             Dermal, Transdermal Microneedles                 2018
Consolidation of the market and the supply
chain will occur later, with a series of
                                                                                                                      Feb 19th
mergers and acquisitions aiming to gather              Apr 2018      Pulmonary & Nasal Drug Delivery
the most innovative products and regroup
solutions with high synergies.
                                                                     Injectable Drug Delivery:                        Mar 19th
                                                       May 2018
ABOUT THE COMPANY                                                    Devices Focus                                    2018

Founded in 1998, Yole Développement
                                                                                                                      Apr 23rd
is a market research & strategy                        June 2018     Connecting Drug Delivery
consulting company that has grown to
become a group of companies providing
marketing, technology and strategy                                                                                    May 21st
                                                       July 2018     Novel Oral Delivery Systems
consulting and media in addition to                                                                                   2018
corporate finance services.
   Yole has a global vision and customer
                                                                                                                      Jun 25th
base. Yole, and its partners, System                   Aug 2018      Industrialising Drug Delivery Systems
Plus Consulting, Blumorpho, Piseo and
KnowMade, support industrial companies,
investors    and    R&D     organisations                                                                             Jul 23rd
                                                       Sept 2018     Wearable Injectors
worldwide to help them understand                                                                                     2018
markets and follow technology trends to
develop their businesses.
                                                                     Prefilled Syringes &                             Aug 27th
                                                       Oct 2018
                                                                     Injection Devices                                2018

1.	“Connected Medical Devices and                                                                                    Sep 24th
                                                       Nov 2018      Pulmonary & Nasal Drug Delivery
    Business Models report”. Yole                                                                                     2018
    Développement, September 2017.
2.	“Artificial Organ Technology &
                                                                                                                      Oct 29th
    Market Analysis report”. Yole                      Dec 2018      Connecting Drug Delivery
    Développement, September 2017.

8                                                  Copyright © 2017 Frederick Furness Publishing Ltd
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