How can Sainsbury's build resilience by innovating for customers? -

Page created by Jeff Elliott
How can Sainsbury's build resilience by innovating for customers? -
How can Sainsbury’s build resilience
by [ innovating ] for customers?
How can Sainsbury's build resilience by innovating for customers? -
How can Sainsbury's build resilience by innovating for customers? -
[ Operate ]

[ Introduction ]
In any ordinary year, a 117% increase in digital sales, as Sainsbury’s saw, would be unheard of for
supermarkets, but 2020 has been no ordinary year. Sainsbury’s focus earlier in the year to save
to invest, connect with customers and put food first has put it into a strong position during the
pandemic. Grocery sales increased by 8.1% and general merchandise by 7.4%. While this leap is
impressive, the constant changes in regulation due to COVID-19, and the potential disruptions
due to Brexit, make customer behaviour more unpredictable - requiring a more aligned,
resilient and responsive operating model for Sainsbury’s.

To navigate the uncertainty with               The opportunities for Sainsbury’s don’t stop      Based on your opportunities and our
                                               there. With more people spending additional       expertise we would suggest to explore one
more clarity and confidence,                    time at home, home furniture sales have also      of these forward looking problem
Clarasys is offering you a free                 increased. Sainsbury’s Habitat stores offer        statements together:
                                               another channel to help customers get
workshop on a CX related                       through difficult times with style and the          “How might we improve the
topic of your choice to explore                overall integration could increase the            ease to shop and provide
                                               penetration of omnichannel customers which
how Sainsbury’s can build                                                                        better value, range and
                                               are the most loyal and profitable.
resilience by innovating for                                                                     quality for our customers
customers.                                     At a more food focused level: growing online,     consistently?”
                                               opening more neighbourhood stores, closing
                                               deli counters, leveraging Nectar more             “How might we align and
                                               effectively, optimising operating costs,
Sainsbury’s initiative of refocusing on what                                                     simplify business functions to
                                               reducing food waste and plastic use, provide
matters most to customers is a complex
                                               further interdependent initiatives that need to   provide a seamless experience
balance to find, but Sainsbury’s is already
committing to enhance it. For example, while
                                               be combined into a convenient, consistent         to customers more
                                               and valuable offering for customers.               effectively?”
Argos gained 2 million new customers, 420
standalone stores will be closed bringing
                                               With all these challenges, opportunities and
down the number of stores to 100 in the                                                          “How might we embrace agile
                                               initiatives, it is more important than ever to
country - opening up the opportunity to
                                               provide a seamless experience across your         and customer-centric ways of
combine Argos stores with Sainsbury’s shops
to create a more convenient and value
                                               channels for customers and align simplified        working to build a resilient
                                               business functions to build resilience in your    organisation and unleash
experience for customers.
                                               end-to-end service offering and operating
                                                                                                 untapped potential?”
                                               model.                                                                                                                        Page 1
How can Sainsbury's build resilience by innovating for customers? -
[ Operate ]

How can Sainsbury’s build resilience
by [ innovating ] for customers?
Understand your customers, colleagues and suppliers, before you spend time and effort
optimising your operating model. We will work with you to define the future vision and desired
customer experience. We then use this to recommend the best way to operate.

                                                                                                 As a supplier,        As a supplier,
                                       As a shopper,                         As a shopper,        I need to be      I want to informed
  As an employee,
                                     I want a range of                     I want relevant           able to        about changes and
 I want to feel that
                                     products across                        discounts and         seamlessly        demand trends in a
 our store is COVID-
                                   different price points                 recommendations           supply my         timely manner to
safe and people are
                                     when and where                                               products to        adapt operations
  social distancing
                                        I need them                                            Sainsbury’s with
                                                                                               little disruption

             As an employee,        As a shopper, I
             I want to be well                                 As a shopper,                    As a supplier,            As a supplier,
                                    want my items          I want a consistent                                              I want to
                equipped to                                                                 I want Sainsbury’s to
                                     to be in stock        experience across                                            collaborate with
             provide the best                                                               uphold my contracts
                                     and for them            all of Sainsbury's                                        Sainsbury’s on NPD
            customer service I                                                                  as a preferred
                                     to be clearly                 brands                                               to create better
                can in-store                                                                   supplier, and be
                                    marked on isles                                                                         products
                                                                                                treated fairly

                                                                As an online shopper,
                                                              I want to be able to shop
                                                              using different channels
                                                                    and devices

                          Provide ease of shop, value, range and quality consistently

    As an employee,                As an employee,                      As a shopper,
                                                                   I want to experience           As a supplier, I want
 I want to have a clear          I want to know the
                                                                  Sainsbury’s as a single      Sainsbury's to continue to
    role and not be              business priorities
                                                                         entity that                  buy from me
 expected to meet all            and how the work I
     requests, last               do achieves them                   understands and
         minute                                                       serves my needs

                                                                                               As a supplier, I        As a supplier, I want
                                          As an online shopper,                              want visibility over       to be paid for the
                                           I want a wide range                               the demand for my         volume of produce
As an employee,                              of delivery/click                                    products               committed too
                     As an employee,                                    As a shopper,
     I want                                and collect options
                    I don't want to be                                 I want to know
   consistent                                    available
                   stressed because of                                that food/stock
 alignment on
                       understaffing                                   isn't being wasted
ways of working

              Simplified business functions pull in the same direction for customers

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How can Sainsbury's build resilience by innovating for customers? -
[ Operate ]

                                                     We are the [ experience ]

                                            As a shopper,                     As an online
    As an employee,          As an       I want to be able to              shopper, I want a
   I want to be given                                                                                    As a supplier,
                          employee,       use my phone as a                 seamless online
   the freedom to go                                                                                   I want to be paid
                           I want to    ‘Scan and Go’ option            experience that makes
   the extra mile for                                                                                    on time and in
                           work in a       and to track how             it easy for me to make
       customers                                                                                        the full amount
                           way that        much I spend as               an order with reliable
                        reduces waste           I shop                       delivery times
                         and re-work

                As an employee,                            As a shopper,                                             As a supplier,
                                     As an online                                        As a supplier,
                 I want to feel                          I want to use my                                        I want certainty on
                                      shopper, I                                     I need clear demand
               supported through                         phone to collect                                       volumes of produce
                                        want a                                      requirements, through
                   periods of                          nectar points in store                                      I am required to
                                     wider range                                    master scheduling and
                uncertainty like                       and not worry about                                              supply
                                      of online                                      data from the supply
                 Brexit/COVID       delivery slots      carrying my nectar                   chain

            Agile and customer-centric ways of working unleash untapped potential                                                                                                                 Page 3
How can Sainsbury's build resilience by innovating for customers? -
[ Operate ]

Provide ease of shop, value, range and
quality [ consistently ]
Grocery shoppers continue to be primarily motivated by convenience and their perception of
value. While there are multiple compelling competitors in the UK market, Sainsbury’s can flex
into the ‘Basics’ and also ‘Taste the difference’ ranges to attract a wider and more varied
customer base. With the UK shopper being faced with multiple concerns regarding availability
due to COVID-19 and Brexit, a key consideration has become:

“How might we improve the ease to shop as well as providing better value, range and quality for
our customers consistently?”

There are multiple opportunities for Sainsbury’s to explore how to differentiate themselves while also building resilience in its offering.

1. Rapid Food innovation and New Product Development (NPD):

Getting a product from idea to shelf can take    l How you can explore this: Shorter             l How Clarasys could help Sainsbury’s to
months, if not years, and requires substantial     feedback loops with customers, trials and       get started or accelerate existing
OpEx and CapEx investments across a                a more responsive supply chain. By trialing     efforts: This short feedback loop which is
company’s supplier base, internal functions        products in concept stores and partnering       based on agile principles could be applied
and stores. With the pace of change                with suppliers, concept products can be         to a specific area or a new product to test
Sainsbury’s is currently experiencing,             refined and amended before they get              this approach. By doing a deep dive on the
products may be less relevant, have minimal        launched nationally - to maximise value to      end-to-end NPD process, we can reveal
incremental sales or even be delisted weeks        customers and Sainsbury’s - while               and shape opportunities for
after the launch. Customers want relevant,         reducing waste. However, this does not          improvements, using our customer-led
valuable and exciting products, while              have to be limited only to food.                business transformation approach. In an
Sainsbury’s wants to increase basket size,         Experimentation with biodegradable bags         initial [ free workshop ] we could explore a
loyalty and incremental sales.                     that can be repurposed as compost bins,         ‘slice’ or scenario of your NPD process to
                                                   isles could be reorganised around key           identify potential areas of improvement.
                                                   dishes to cook, or deploying more
                                                   environmentally friendly packaging all
                                                   benefit from an iterative ‘test, learn, and
                                                   scale’ approach.

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How can Sainsbury's build resilience by innovating for customers? -
[ Operate ]

Delivering CX-led improvements with you

    Mobilisation              Discovery              Definition             Recommendation                Delivery

          1                        2                       3                        4                        5

  Establish the             Value driven          Define target               Establish and              People,
  governance                 discovery            value streams             prioritise value          process and
                                                                         stream opportunities       system changes

 Agile value stream           CX and cost        Key opportunities to     Prioritised backlog of       Agile delivery
    improvement          transformation levers   deliver future state          opportunities           approach that
  governance is in         applied to gather        value stream            underpinned with       delivers early value to
     place with a        insight and generate         identified            business cases and           consumers,
structured approach           focus areas                                    implementation         employees and the
                                                                              considerations              business

 How?                     How?                   How?                      How?                     How?

 l Set up agile           l Create customer      l Balance                 l Evaluate and size      l Set up an agile
   operating rhythm         journeys mapped        improvements              implementation           scrum process
 l Engage cross             to process,            across people,            effort, cost and        l Collaborate with
   functional set of        systems and            process & tech            benefits                  implementation
   stakeholders             teams                l Validate                l Create a high-level      partners and
 l Gather existing VoC    l Run pain points        improvements              delivery roadmap         business delivery
   and get access to        discovery              with business and         which includes key       teams
   relevant VoE/VoB       l Conduct value and      align with wider          change                 l Create an
                            waste analysis         strategic                 management &             actionable
                          l Use robust data to     transformation            tech requirements        customer
                            run some process     l Agree weighted                                     feedback loop
                            mining and digital     prioritisation
                            twin analysis          criteria

 Sainsbury’s benefit       Sainsbury’s benefit     Sainsbury’s benefit        Sainsbury’s benefit       Sainsbury’s benefit

 l Building on            l A single view of     l Clearly prioritised     l Tailored path to       l Build sustainable
   existing                 how customers          enhancement               completion built         and scalable
   knowledge and            engage with you        opportunities that        around your needs        approaches that
   assessments to hit       and how you serve      fit into your              and priorities           enable you to
   the ground               them (e.g.             strategy (e.g.          l Objective                continually
   running                  customer getting       putting food first         assessments of           optimise your
 l Transparent ways         substitute             or investing into         initiatives that         service, improve
   of working with          products due to        general                   deliver value (e.g.      productivity and
   you in control           unavailability)        merchandise)              product picking          reduce your
                          l Data-led evidence                                optimisation)            operational costs
                            to complement
                            discovery                                                                                                        Page 5
How can Sainsbury's build resilience by innovating for customers? -
[ Operate ]

2. Leverage General Merchandise (GM):

Sainsbury’s is in the unique position to have a   l How you can explore this: The technical      l How Clarasys could help getting started
food, GM and furniture proposition that it can      integration and creation of a cross-           or accelerating existing efforts: together
combine to provide a cross-industry                 industry omnichannel experience that is        with you, we can define bring together a
omnichannel experience for customers. The           seamless for customers is no small             current view of your personas, customer
potential to purchase your daily food shop          undertaking. To create a common                journeys and customer feedback, create a
while topping up on GM in-store and online          understanding of the future end-to-end         new to-be customer journey that enables
can significantly increase penetration and           customer journey, you need to understand       Sainsbury’s to realise its strategic
basket value while creating more profitable          the current journey and create a future        objectives. In an initial [ free workshop ] we
customers. In addition, the insights gained         version based on customer needs and            could define the current high level
from the Nectar data can further inform how         your strategic objectives.                     customer journey of someone that shops
to create and optimise this experience for                                                         across Sainsbury’s, Argos and Habitat, and
customers.                                                                                         explore how this experience could be
                                                                                                   brought together in-store and online

3. On demand food:

While sales of supermarkets have gone up,         l How you can explore this: This trend and     l How Clarasys could help getting started
food deliveries have too, and UK shoppers           need is relatively recent, so it would         or accelerating existing efforts: we lead
are increasingly becoming used to food              benefit from more substantial research          our projects with the customer in mind. By
delivery. In fact, Deliveroo and UberEats have      and testing. You could find areas where         conducting in-depth user research we can
already explored partnerships with smaller          the demand and capability enable               help assess potential solutions and
supermarkets. In line with your strategy to         concept stores to test it, driven by           partnerships to serve that customer need
create more neighborhood shops, expand              customer needs. Once verified, it could fit      and expand Sainsbury’s offering. In an
physical points of distribution and grow            into an overall proposition and be             initial [ free workshop ] we could define the
online, a partnership with on-demand food           assessed for expected return on                high-level customer journey map for
delivery could further increase penetration         investment.                                    online shoppers or create a persona for
and market share while improving                                                                   the on-demand shopper that can form the
convenience for customers.                                                                         foundation of an expansion into serving
                                                                                                   food through an additional channel.

Last year’s pandemic has influenced how customers shop, and in order to continue to be at the forefront in the UK’s supermarket industry
Sainsbury’s has some unique opportunities to explore. Balancing emerging customer needs, with constant needs for ‘everyday low prices’ can be
challenging. By starting with customer needs and exploring services from their perspective, Sainsbury’s can effectively test, prioritise and
implement enhancements to build resilience in its operating model while serving the nation on multiple fronts.

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How can Sainsbury's build resilience by innovating for customers? -
[ Operate ]                 Page 7
How can Sainsbury's build resilience by innovating for customers? -
[ Operate ]

Simplified business functions pull in
the same [ direction ] for customers
Sainsbury’s provides more than food to the nation. It has a entire-home solution through Argos
and Habitat that provide a vast range of products not normally found in supermarkets and it
improves the comfort at home in challenging times. More than that, it is a lifeline for many
vulnerable people who rely on consistent availability and online deliveries. Therefore, it is even
more important to align the organisation behind core customer needs.

However, with Sainsbury’s size comes the increased potential of misalignment and complexity as the value of an organisation flows through its
interconnections. At an extreme, this complexity can lead to teams working at cross-purposes or even against each other unknowingly. For
example, a marketing team could promote a customer benefit, while another team is trying to remove it to reduce costs - ultimately creating
significant waste. A core questions therefore becomes:

“How might we align and simplify business functions to provide a seamless experience to
customers more effectively?”

At a team level, adopting system thinking, encouraging cross-pollination and creating vertical functions that sit across other business units can
create alignment, but it misses the opportunity to focus that alignment on customer needs. Two of the most significant enablers to achieve that
exact focus are Service Design and data-led enhancements.

1. Create a Service Design view of your organisation end-to-end:

Service Design connects your customer             l How you can explore this: By starting            l How Clarasys could help getting started
interactions with your employees, processes         with the customer touchpoints, mapping             or accelerating existing efforts: we can
and technology [ end-to-end ] - highlighting        an as-is customer journey and conducting           bring together a current view of your
how value flows through your operating               user research, Sainsbury’s can get a               service design and, together with you and
model. This view provides clear insight into        deeper understanding beyond Net                    customer feedback, create a new service
the needs, pain points and opportunities at all     Promoter Score and customer satisfaction           design that enables Sainsbury’s to create
stages, and highlights the most significant          scores. This insight can then be used to           a more compelling and resilient offering
areas of potential improvement across the           capture the current blueprint of how               across its channels. In an initial [ free
customer interactions, supply chain and value       Sainsbury’s serves a specific interaction           workshop ] we could explore a ‘slice’ or
stream. This becomes increasingly valuable          and highlight areas for improvement that           vertical of how you serve a customer
as Sainsbury’s is also operating Argos and          inform a future Service Design blueprint.          touchpoints and explore internal ways to
Habitat, potentially having multiple                As an extension, this view could also be           optimise how you serve the customer.
opportunities for cooperation, alignment and        applied to the supply and value chain to
simplification - resulting in reduced operating      explore how each function is tuned to
costs, optimised allocation of investments          serve the customer better.
and an enhanced customer experience.

Page 8                                                                                                                     
[ Operate ]

Connecting your business end to end, through and through
                 CX Touchpoints


                                                                                     Gather consumer insight
Service Design

                                                                                     Colleague interactions

                                                                                Internal processes and operations

                                                                               Underlying technology and systems

                                                                                 Pain points, needs, opportunities

                                                                  Drive supply chain and customer value stream improvements

                                                                                        V O E / V O B

                                                    Business             Inbound             Operations         Outbound           Delivery
                 Value stream

                                                    planning             logistics            and mtg.           logistics

                                    Marketing and                                                                                                Service and
                                        Sales                                                                                                     aftercare

                                                         Uphold retail Principles: Safety, Quality, Value and On-time Delivery (OTD)

2. Scale and leverage Nectar to create a single view of the customer:

Sainsbury’s already has higher customer                        to provide an even richer view of the                   a future virtual representation of the
satisfaction scores than Asda, Tesco and                       customer. This more complete view of the                customer to explore what data points can
Morrisons online and in-store, but it could go                 customer would, in turn, enable more                    be measured when to inform potential
even further to leverage customer insights to                  targeted recommendations and personalised               enhancements in customer experience
improve propositions and customer                              discounts - increasing basket value, loyalty            and service.
experience. Some of key considerations are                     and profitability. Amazon have used this to
then how you can increase the use of Nectar                    generate their powerful recommendation                l How Clarasys could help getting started
while getting better data. First, to increase                  engine, which is accountable for 35% of                 or accelerating existing efforts: We are
the use of Nectar, Sainsbury’s could explore                   revenue and highlights the tangible benefits             data and customer-led in everything we
enabling discounts or benefits only when                        of having this competitive edge                         do. We take pride in being able to
customers use Nectar instead of coupons.                                                                               immerse ourselves into any business. We
This would increase customer loyalty while                     l How you can explore this: First, collate              will work with you to review your
connecting in-store visits with online                           all existing data points, map the customer            measures assessing CX and develop a
purchasing - creating an improved single                         journey and explore what additional                   prioritised backlog of actionable
view of the customer. Secondly, Nectar                           insights you would need to create a more              improvements to delight customers, and
insights could be aligned with data in the                       tailored service. Then assess the current             reduce the cost to serve and
Customer Relationship Management system                          view you have of the customer and design              infrastructure costs.                                                                                                                                              Page 9
[ Operate ]

Agile and customer-centric ways of
working unleash untapped [ potential ]
Even when the offering is right and the business functions are pulling in the same direction for
customers, it is your colleagues who drive the evolution of the business. As such, empowering
them to adopt more agile principles and putting customers first will be an investment into the
future and unleash some untapped potential across Sainsbury’s. The important questions then

“How might we embrace agile and customer-centric ways of working to build a resilient
organisation and unleash untapped potential?“

People are naturally curious and are motivated through autonomy, purpose and mastery. By moving decision making to the person who is closest
to the detail and breaking complex problems into manageable chunks, people feel empowered and are more likely to go the extra mile for
customers. To enable this, explore how agile principles could be applied more and embed the culture that reinforces the desired behaviours.

1. Adopting agile beyond digital:

While the original principles are grounded in      l How you can explore this: The path of           l How Clarasys could help getting started
digital delivery, the mindset applies beyond it.     least resistance is to start with a team that     or accelerating existing efforts: We are
Being flexible, welcoming change, sharing             already works in agile ways and look at           experts in agile at any scale. Our Clarasys
intentions early, supporting people, simplicity,     their dependencies in the organisation            Agile Methodology and principles take
quality, iterative development are all               and the customer needs. Through a                 what is at the heart of agile and combine it
principles that can be valuable even in              gradual expansion of agile principles up          with enterprise transformation, change
logistics. The challenge is how to align             and down the value stream, elements of            management and process improvement.
multiple teams working in this way in parallel,      the end-to-end service can become more            Our principles allow us to anticipate what
and controlling the governance and spectrum          agile as the principles are adopted them          is around the corner, progress work in
of agility for their specific role.                   over time.                                        parallel where possible, deliver value
                                                                                                       early, minimise rework, and iteratively
                                                                                                       improve environment in meaningful ways
                                                                                                       that stick.

2. Customer-led culture by default:

To make something stick, behaviours need to        l How you can explore this: Changing              l How Clarasys could help getting started
be embedded in a culture that guides and             culture is complex but through the right          or accelerating existing efforts: We have
channels them in a common direction. It is,          nudges, choice architecture and                   embedded change, culture and new
therefore, no surprise that ‘Culture Eats            reinforcing mechanisms, the culture can           behaviours in complex environments for
Strategy for Breakfast’, as culture significantly     be shifted in the desired direction.              our clients, and can work with the
determines the success of a company long-            Sainsbury’s already has the heritage and          leadership team and colleagues to define
term. The key is to have a culture that people       positive brand recognition externally. This       the desired culture, build a roadmap for
believe in and can embrace, and the first step        can be used to build a wider leadership           implementation, and shape interventions
to create it is to agree what it should be.          message that encompasses values,                  to reinforce and embed them over time as
                                                     behaviours and principles that guide daily        outlined in our approach below.
                                                     decision making - the more this is focused
                                                     around the customer, the more
                                                     meaningful it will become.

Page 10                                                                                                                    
[ Operate ]

Delivering a cultural change to embed the new CX Vision

            1                          2                             3                           4                             5

 Establish desired             Assess cultural               Design how to              Communicate and                Embed the new
    CX culture                gaps and identify             implement the               deliver the change               CX culture
                              change enablers               cultural change

      Work with the           Conduct gap analysis        Develop a change roll-       Partner with leadership              Support the
   leadership team to             to understand             out strategy with a        and change champions          organisation to embed
    align CX vision to       difference between the        targeted set of change         to communicate the           CX culture into BAU.
 company vision, and         current culture and the       interventions to get           changes, start role-        The organisation feels
underpin it with a clearly       target culture.           user buy-in and help           modeling the new              accountable and
articulated set of goals,                                 drive the cultural shift     values and behaviours         comfortable in owning
values and behaviours.                                                                      and support the            their CX culture and
                                                                                        business to adopt new        pushing for continuous
                                                                                               culture.                   improvement.

 Outcomes                     Outcomes                     Outcomes                      Outcomes                     Outcomes

 l Target CX culture          l Cultural gap               l Tailored change             l CX ambassador              l CX Culture owned
   defined                       analysis                     approach to                   network                      by business
 l Stakeholder                l List of change               different groups             l Engaged and                l BAU support and
   alignment and                enablers                     across the                    empowered                    training
   buy-in                                                    organisation                  employees                  l CX Culture targets
 l Success criteria                                        l Training approach           l Organisation                 updated
   defined, Metrics                                           and materials                 aligned behind CX
   and targets in                                          l Comms plan and                strategy
   place                                                     CX campaigns

By combining agile ways of working beyond technology and embracing a customer-centric culture, internal ways of working can be optimised
while creating a more motivated and resilient workforce that is empowered to do the right thing for customers.                                                                                                                         Page 11
[ Operate ]

Moving [ forward ]
Sainsbury’s is facing some of its biggest challenges, but it also has all the capabilities to turn it
into an even greater opportunity. By exploring agile NPD, integration with general
merchandise and testing on demand delivery, Sainsbury’s can improve the ease of shop while
increasing range, quality and value to customers. Similarly, with its connected business units
and cross-application of Nectar, customer insights can inform internal optimisation initiatives
more effectively. Finally, all of this is enabled and underpinned by the relevant behaviours and
beliefs which Sainsbury’s continues to embrace by focusing on food and what matters most.

We know how important return on invest is for you, therefore we would be excited to run a free workshop on a CX-related topic of your choice
to explore how we could help Sainsbury’s become even more resilient by innovating for its customers. If you would like to find out more on how
we work or how we could help you, feel free to review our approach to CX improvements below, go to our website, or contact us directly.

In designing a new customer-centric operating model, we believe it is necessary to consider the
5 dimensions below:

          Understand the [ people needs ] of the                                                                                   Clear ownership for [ target
          new operating model.                                                                 Visi                                operating model, vision and
                                                                                                    on                             values ]
          Understand the [ skills, competencies                                                  sta valu
          and motivations ] of the existing                             le                           nd                            Established and [ upskilled teams ]
                                                                      op                                ar e
                                                                    Pe                                    d                        in implementing continuous


          Understand the [ gap in capability ] and                                           Standards
                                                                          Roles and       across business
          plan to grow or recruit people to fill it                     responsibilities                                            Define [ data standards ] and
                                                                                           functions and                           business rules on how data are
                                                                           culture            markets
          Understand how [ people will be                                                                                          stored and accessed
          impacted ] by the change and therefore
          the necessary communications and
          training that will be required

                                                                                     New             Governance

                                                                                   operating          in relation
                                                                     KPI and                         to business

                                                                     metrics        model
                                                                                                               an me r jou

                                                                                                                     r oce

                                                                   performance                         customer
          Create [ reporting dashboard ] of                        measurement                                                     [ Customer centric ] design of
          specific KPIs and metrics to [ measure                                                       outcomes                     customer and employee journeys


          success ]

                                                                                   Master data,                                    Implementation of [ business

          Embed [ reporting processes ] to                                       personas, CX tool                                 processes ], designed to support the

          enable compliance and risk monitoring                                    best practice                                   most [ valuable CX initiatives ]

          Agree rapid [ risk/dependency                                                                                            Processes are [ aligned across the
          mitigation ] procedure                                                                                                   organisation ] to facilitate customer
                                                                                 Technology                                        experience from all areas so that
          Continuously [ track and monitor ]                                                                                       customer experience is a [ key
          business performance, customer and                                                                                       consideration for future projects ]
          employee engagement through [
          scorecards ]                                                                                                             Define [ data standards ] and
                                                                                                                                   business rules on how data are stored
                                                                                                                                   and accessed
                                                     Understand and document the future capabilities required and
                                                          identify [ appropriate new or existing solutions ]

For more information, to discuss your workshop, or any other issues, please feel free to contact one of
our expert or send us a note on our information line:

Ed Kemp-Sloan                               Tom Carpenter                                 Information line
Retail Lead                                 Customer Experience Lead                     

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[ Operate ]

                                                                   yo   u!
                                                    to talk ing to
               Thanks for reading - we look                                                     Page 13

Who we are
An [ independent ] experience consultancy firm                               “I’m starting to get daily requests
based in central London and Boston, MA.                                     to present our findings to different
                                                                            teams and include some of our
We believe in a better way of doing business                                data in their presentations – this is
working closely with our clients to understand                              a massive deal and a clear sign
their customers and business.                                               that the work and the way we’ve
                                                                            gone about it has changed the
We’re proud of the [ rapid ] and [ sustainable ]                            business’ perception of the value of
change we deliver, always working in a                                      “customer” for good.”
[ transparent ] and [ collaborative ] way to bring
                                                                            Customer Experience Director
you on the journey with us.                                                 Landsec

We bring [ expertise ] in customer experience
ensuring improvements across the customer
lifecycle will increase propensity to buy, refer and
repurchase through both digital and brick and
mortar stores.

We believe in...

Delivering [ high quality ]        Delivering [ tangible benefits ]       Providing you with the [ skills and
experiences that make a lasting    quickly and continually through our   confidence ] to deliver continuous
difference to the way people live   agile approach and preference for     business improvements yourself
and work and enterprises succeed   practicality over powerpoint, e.g.
and grow                           £2m in revenue rescued at one of
                                   our previous Insurance clients
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