Houston Physicians' Hospital Visitation Guidelines: August 2021

Page created by Wesley Tyler
Updated 8.13.2021

                                              Houston Physicians’ Hospital
                                           Visitation Guidelines: August 2021

Effective August 16, 2021, Houston Physicians’ Hospital will adopt an updated visitation guideline that continues to
provide ongoing protection for our patients, employees, and physicians while recognizing the key role caregivers play in
the quality of care and outcomes of patients. This policy aligns with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), Centers
for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines, and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).
Outpatient Testing, Diagnostics, Therapy, ER and Outpatient Surgical Procedures

    •   Visitation is limited to one essential visitor only for the purpose of providing care (i.e. minor child, person with
        disability, wheelchair bound, hearing/seeing difficulties, etc.)
    •   We encourage the use of video electronic communication, such as the use of a smart phone and video chat as
        much as possible

Inpatient Surgical Procedures and Inpatients

    •   Patients admitted to the inpatient unit may have one adult person over the age of 18 allowed to visit daily
        during the hours of 8 AM - 8PM for non-COVID-19 patients. Exceptions require approval from nursing
    •   Minors admitted to the hospital may have one guardian stay overnight.
    •   Children ≤ 12 yrs. old may have 2 parents accompany them to designated areas.
    •   A log of visitors will be maintained by the screening station staff.
    •   In order to ensure social distancing, we ask that the designated visitor wait in their car or at home until notified
        by inpatient nursing staff that they may visit the patient in their room.
    •   The visitor will check in at the screening station where they will be screened for symptoms of COVID 19 and
        logged as the patient’s visitor for the day. The visitor sticker should be worn at all times during their stay.
    •   The patient will be given written instructions for visitation upon arrival to their room. Nursing staff will reinforce
        the written instructions with each visitor.
    •   Visitors must frequently wash or sanitize their hands, especially before and after coming into contact with the
        patient. They must also limit interactions with others, practice social distancing, restrict themselves to only the
        locations designated by the facility, and limit time outside of the patient’s room.

Joint Coaches may accompany the patient into the therapy room coupled with the patient. The couples must remain 6
feet apart from each other. Hand hygiene at the beginning and end of therapy must be performed. Masks and face
coverings must be worn during group therapy. If either the visitor or coach cannot tolerate the mask during this time
then the therapy must be performed in the patient’s room.
Until the COVID pandemic has subsided:

    •   Visitors, and patients with fever, cough, sore throat, or other COVID-19 like symptoms are not permitted in any
        area of the hospital, unless seeking care.
    •   All patients and approved visitors are required to provide and wear a mask or cloth face covering while in the

Originated 5.29.2020, updated 3.10.2021, last update 8.13.2020
Updated 8.13.2021

    •   Inpatients may remove their masks while alone in their room. Masks and face coverings are required while in
        the presence of others and while in the corridors and therapy rooms.
    •   Staff will escort patients to and from appointments if needed. Friends/family will drop patients off and pick
        them up from the front lobby or side pickup area.

Guidelines for Visitors and Single Designated Caregivers who meet the exceptions list:

    •   Must be 18 years old or older
    •   Must pass the screening at the designated entrances which includes:
             o   No COVID-19 symptoms per CDC guidelines
             o   Has not been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days
    •   Must frequently wash or sanitize their hands, limit interactions with others, practice social distancing, are
        restricted to only the locations designated by the facility, and must limit time outside of the patient’s room
    •   Will be required to wear a cloth face covering or mask during their hospital visit per CDC and CMS guidelines

We understand these precautions may be difficult for families, however it is imperative we take additional precautions
to keep our patients and community safe during this global pandemic.



Originated 5.29.2020, updated 3.10.2021, last update 8.13.2020
Updated 8.13.2021

                         Instruction for Outpatients When Visiting Houston Physicians’ Hospital

Effective August 16, 2021, Houston Physicians’ Hospital will adopt an updated visitation guideline that continues to
provide ongoing protection for our patients, employees, and physicians while recognizing the key role caregivers play in
the quality of care and outcomes of patients. This policy aligns with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), Centers
for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines, and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).
Outpatient Testing, Diagnostics, Therapy, ER and Outpatient Surgical Procedures:

    •   Visitation is limited to one essential visitor only for the purpose of providing care (i.e. minor child, person with
        disability, wheelchair bound, hearing/seeing difficulties, etc.)
    •   Children ≤ 12 yrs. old may have 2 parents accompany them to designated areas.
    •   We encourage the use of video electronic communication, such as the use of a smart phone and video chat as
        much as possible

Steps to prepare for your visit: (regardless of individual vaccination status)

        1.   Put on a mask or cloth face covering before you enter the building.
        2.   Disinfect hands with hand sanitizer upon entry.
        3.   Prepare to be screened for risks and signs and symptoms of COVID-19.
        4.   Inform the screener of your destination.
        5.   Observe social distancing at all times.
        6.   Universal Masking in the hospital setting is imperative to keep our patients, visitors and staff safe.
        7.   Hand Hygiene (use of soap and water or hand sanitizer) should be performed frequently by staff and

When your procedure should be cancelled:

             •   Identified risks for COVID-19; exposure to a person actively infected with COVID-19 within the last 14
             •   Symptoms of COVID-19; Fever of >100.0, Cough, Shortness of Breath, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, sore
                 throat, loss of taste or smell.
             •   Noncompliance with the screening process universal masking, social distancing and hand hygiene.

For more information on COVID -19 please refer to WWW.CDC.GOV

Originated 5.29.2020, updated 3.10.2021, last update 8.13.2020
Updated 8.13.2021

                                            Instructions for Inpatient Visitors

Houston Physicians’ Hospital guidelines continue to provide ongoing protection for our patients, employees, and
physicians while recognizing the key role caregivers play in the quality of care and outcomes of patients. This policy
aligns with the State of Texas, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines
and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). Our patients who are admitted to the inpatient unit will be allowed
to have one designated visitor per day during visiting hours from 8AM to 8PM. Exceptions to the visitation guideline will
be made on a case by case basis and approved by Nursing Leadership.

Steps to prepare for your visit: (regardless of individual vaccination status)

    1. Put on a mask or cloth face covering before you enter the front entrance of the building (Monday-Friday) or the
       Emergency Room Entrance (Saturday-Sunday).
    2. Disinfect hands with hand sanitizer upon entry.
    3. Prepare to be screened for risks and signs and symptoms of COVID-19.
    4. Inform the screener which patient and room # that you will be visiting.
    5. Observe social distancing at all times. Inpatient visitors will not be allowed to sit in the lobby areas or Wall Mall
       in efforts to maintain social distancing. You will be asked to stay in the patient’s room unless attending group
       physical therapy sessions.
    6. Universal Masking in the hospital setting is imperative to keep our patients, visitors and staff safe. Inpatients
       may remove their masks while alone in their room. Masks and face coverings are required while in the
       presence of others and while in the corridors and therapy rooms.
    7. Hand Hygiene (use of soap and water or hand sanitizer) should be performed upon entry to the patient’s room
       and before and after contact with the patient.
    8. Patient Coaches who participate in total joint group therapy will be instructed by the therapist on social
       distancing and hand hygiene upon entry and exit to the gym.
    9. Guest trays are available for lunch and dinner upon request.

    Exclusions for visitation:
            •    Identified risks for COVID-19; exposure to a person actively infected with COVID-19 within the last 14
            •    Symptoms of COVID-19; Fever of >100.0, Cough, Shortness of Breath, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, sore
                 throat, loss of taste or smell.
            •    Noncompliance with the screening process universal masking, social distancing and hand hygiene.

        For more information on COVID -19 please refer to WWW.CDC.GOV and GOV.ReopeningTexas.Gov
                                                                           Date: ____________________

Originated 5.29.2020, updated 3.10.2021, last update 8.13.2020
Updated 8.13.2021

                                         Houston Physicians’ Hospital
                                                 Visitor Log
                                               Hours 8AM-8PM

 Room #      Time In                     Visitors Name                  Comments

Inpatient nursing unit 281-557-5633

Originated 5.29.2020, updated 3.10.2021, last update 8.13.2020
Updated 8.13.2021

                                          Instrucciones para visitantes de pacientes hospitalizados

         Las pautas del Houston Physicians 'Hospital continúan brindando protección continua a nuestros pacientes, empleados y
médicos al tiempo que reconocen el papel clave que desempeñan los cuidadores en la calidad de la atención y los resultados de los
pacientes. Esta política se alinea con el estado de Texas, los Centros de Medicare y Medicaid (CMS), las Directrices de los Centros
para el Control de Enfermedades (CDC) y la Ley de Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional (OSHA). A nuestros pacientes que ingresan en la
unidad de internación se les permitirá tener un visitante designado por día durante el horario de visita de 8 a. M. A 8 p. M. Las
excepciones a la guía de visitas se harán caso por caso y serán aprobadas por Nursing Leadership.

                     Pasos para prepararse para su visita: (independientemente del estado de vacunación individual)

        1.   Póngase una mascarilla o una cubierta de tela antes de entrar por la entrada principal del edificio (de lunes a
             viernes) o por la entrada de la sala de emergencias (de sábado a domingo).
        2.   Desinfecte las manos con desinfectante para manos al entrar.
        3.   Prepárese para ser examinado en busca de riesgos y signos y síntomas de COVID-19.
        4.   Informe al evaluador qué paciente y número de habitación visitará.
        5.   Observe el distanciamiento social en todo momento. Los visitantes de pacientes hospitalizados no podrán sentarse en
             las áreas del vestíbulo o Wall Mall en un esfuerzo por mantener el distanciamiento social. Se le pedirá que permanezca
             en la habitación del paciente a menos que asista a sesiones grupales de fisioterapia.
        6.   El enmascaramiento universal en el entorno hospitalario es imperativo para mantener seguros a nuestros pacientes,
             visitantes y personal. Los pacientes hospitalizados pueden quitarse las máscaras mientras están solos en su habitación.
             Se requieren máscaras y cubrimientos faciales en presencia de otras personas y en los pasillos y salas de terapia
        7.   La higiene de las manos (uso de agua y jabón o desinfectante de manos) debe realizarse al ingresar a la habitación del
             paciente y antes y después del contacto con el paciente.
        8.   El terapeuta instruirá a los entrenadores de pacientes que participan en la terapia de grupo total conjunta sobre el
             distanciamiento social y la higiene de las manos al entrar y salir del gimnasio.
        9.   Las bandejas para invitados están disponibles para el almuerzo y la cena a pedido.

        Exclusiones para visitas:

        • Riesgos identificados para COVID-19; exposición a una persona infectada activamente con COVID-19 en los últimos 14

        • Síntomas de COVID-19; Fiebre> 100.0, tos, dificultad para respirar, diarrea, náuseas, vómitos, dolor de garganta, pérdida
        del gusto o del olfato.

        • Incumplimiento del proceso de cribado enmascaramiento universal, distanciamiento social e higiene de manos

               Para obtener más información sobre COVID -19, consulte WWW.CDC.GOV y GOV.ReopeningTexas.Gov

                                                         Inpatient visitation

Originated 5.29.2020, updated 3.10.2021, last update 8.13.2020
Updated 8.13.2021

A partir del 16 de agosto de 2021, Houston Physicians 'Hospital adoptará una guía de visitas actualizada que continúa
brindando protección continua a nuestros pacientes, empleados y médicos, al tiempo que reconoce el papel clave que
desempeñan los cuidadores en la calidad de la atención y los resultados de los pacientes. Esta política se alinea con los
Centros de Medicare y Medicaid (CMS), las Pautas de los Centros para el Control de Enfermedades (CDC) y la Ley de
Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional (OSHA).

Pruebas, diagnósticos, terapia, ER y procedimientos quirúrgicos para pacientes ambulatorios:

    •    Las visitas se limitan a un visitante esencial solo con el propósito de brindar atención (es decir, un niño
         menor de edad, una persona con discapacidad, en silla de ruedas, dificultades auditivas / visuales, etc.)
    •    Niños ≤ 12 años. Los mayores pueden tener 2 padres que los acompañen a las áreas designadas.
    •    Fomentamos el uso de la comunicación electrónica por video, como el uso de un teléfono inteligente y el
         chat de video tanto como sea posible.

Pasos para prepararse para su visita: (independientemente del estado de vacunación individual)

    1. Póngase una máscara o una cubierta de tela antes de entrar al edificio.
    2. Desinfecte las manos con desinfectante de manos al entrar.
    3. Prepárese para ser examinado en busca de riesgos y signos y síntomas de COVID-19.
    4. Informe al inspector de su destino.
    5. Observe el distanciamiento social en todo momento.
    6. El enmascaramiento universal en el entorno hospitalario es imperativo para mantener seguros a nuestros
       pacientes, visitantes y personal.
    7. La higiene de las manos (uso de agua y jabón o desinfectante de manos) debe ser realizada con
       frecuencia por el personal y los pacientes.
Cuándo debe cancelarse su procedimiento:

    •    Riesgos identificados para COVID-19; exposición a una persona infectada activamente con COVID-19
         en los últimos 14 días.
    •    Síntomas de COVID-19; Fiebre> 100,0, tos, dificultad para respirar, diarrea, náuseas, vómitos, dolor de
         garganta, pérdida del gusto o del olfato.
    •    Incumplimiento del proceso de cribado enmascaramiento universal, distanciamiento social e higiene de

Para obtener más información sobre COVID -19, consulte WWW.CDC.GOV

Outpatient visitation

Originated 5.29.2020, updated 3.10.2021, last update 8.13.2020
Updated 8.13.2021

Originated 5.29.2020, updated 3.10.2021, last update 8.13.2020
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