2019 2020 HOOVER ELEMENTARY - ELEMENTARY Guide to Grade Reporting - Azle ISD

Page created by Ross Castro


Guide to Grade Reporting
      2019 - 2020

Given the premise that all children can continue to learn and increase their achievement, we believe
that grading and reporting should focus on student growth and learning in a climate of high
expectations. Instructional emphasis will be placed on the accomplishment of defined district goals and
not on the time it takes to accomplish those goals. Grading and reporting is both formative and
summative in nature and should utilize both formal and informal processes. Schools are accountable
for structuring learning experiences, teaching processes, planning and evaluation, and utilization of
materials and resources (including time) to result in optimum student learning.

                                 Purposes of Grading
Grading serves the following purposes or functions:

   1. Information: To inform parents and students regularly of the student’s success in learning and
      mastery of local objectives and the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
   2. Guidance: To promote and maintain desirable patterns of behavior and achievement and to
      identify areas of special ability as a basis for realistic student self-appraisal and for future
      educational and occupational planning.
   3. Motivation: To encourage the student toward maximum growth and academic excellence
   4. Administration: To provide and analyze data for use in educational planning and decision-

                         Communicating with Parents
Report cards are only one of the many means of communicating with parents. Conferring with parents
is another way. Conferences are useful to improve understanding and communication among teacher,
student, and parent. A conference can be initiated by a parent, teacher, student, or administrator.

Parents shall be provided any relevant information concerning their child that will enhance their
understanding of the child’s ability, effort, success, or progress in the school program (EIA LOCAL
policy). The district requires parents/guardians be provided written notification of student performance
in foundation curriculum subjects English, Language Arts, Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies
every three weeks.

The three week written notice must provide for a signature of the student’s parent and must be returned
to the district (EIA LEGAL). “Parent” includes a guardian, conservator, or educational guardian.

In attempting to schedule a conference between parent and teacher, consideration of the parent’s and
teacher’s schedules will be given to determine a mutual time for the conference. The teacher must
notify the parent or guardian of a student by letter, phone call, or personal conference at the end of the
first three weeks of a grading period when there is a marked drop in the academic or conduct grades of
the student.

If at any time during the reporting period a grade drops below failing (

                                 The Grading System
As per Texas Education Code 28.0216 and AISD ISD LOCAL policy (EIA), teachers will no longer
assign a student a prescribed minimum grade. The following bullets outline the stipulations of this
local policy:

      Guidelines for grading shall ensure that grading reflects a student’s relative mastery to
       academic ability of an assignment and that a sufficient number of grades are taken to support
       the grade average assigned.

       Guidelines for grading shall be clearly communicated to student and parents.

       In accordance with grading guidelines, a student shall be permitted a reasonable opportunity
       [Minimum of one (1) time] to redo and/or correct an assignment/test for which the student
       received a failing grade. Allowing students to redo and/or correct an assignment/test will help
       ensure that the grades reflect the relative mastery of content, rather than awarding an automatic
       grade to a student who has received a failing grade. The redo must allow the student a chance
       to show relative mastery of content (i.e. clear expectations and communication about the redo).
       Grades for the initial assignment/test will be averaged with the correction/redo of the
       assignment/test for a maximum grade of 70.

       Corrections/Redo assignments/tests should be defined by the teacher to ensure documentation
       of mastery. Specific alternative assignment directions and/or format for corrections/redo should
       be defined with clear expectations.

      In determining grades for a content area, emphasis will be placed on the accomplishment of
       defined instructional objectives which are aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and skills
       (TEKS) as required by EG (LOCAL) policy. Within this framework of information both types
       of assessments (formal and informal) are to be utilized to determine individual student’s
       mastery of TEKS.
            Summative assessment may include unit tests, quizzes, chapter or skills test, writing
               samples, and individual/group projects, oral presentations etc.
            Formative assessment may include teacher-documented observations,
               classwork/samples of student work, homework assignments, and skills demonstrations.

      Yearly grades shall be computed by averaging the six 6-weeks numerical grades posted on the
       student’s report card.

     Late work will be accepted for assignments/tests which are taken for a grade (including daily
      work, projects, standing assignments, etc. – all graded items).
              The late assignment becomes a Missing (M) assignment with a grade of zero (0)
                 until the assignment is turned in. Documented parent contact is required for any
                 grades assigned as Missing (M). Contact should be conducted through an email,
                 personal phone call, or parent conference (NOT Parent Link or Left Messages).
              If the missing assignment is due to lack of work ethic and responsibility of turning
                 assignments in on time, the teacher may address the behavior through the classroom
                 conduct grade.
              Students may be requested to miss recess, have a working lunch, attend a study hall,
                 stay after school, etc. to complete missing work. If after the late/missing work
                 attempts have been completed, a grade will be assigned for the amount of work
                 completed to that point. If the assignment results in a failing grade, students may
                 follow the correction/redo procedure for a maximum grade of 70.
              If there is a concern that the student could obtain the answers from an assignment
                 that has been returned to other students, the assignment or correction/redo may be
                 completed in class, in the GCS lab, or at recess.

      Explanation of numerical grades for Academic Performance or Achievement
      Numerical grades are given English, Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies, Music, and Band.
      See the Numerical and Symbolic Chart below.

     Explanation of letter grades Letter grades using the symbols of “E,” “S,” “N,” and “U” will
      be used to evaluate student progress in Physical Education and conduct.
           In Physical Education, the letter grade should reflect understanding concepts,
              development of skills, and participation in activities.
           In conduct, the letter grade should reflect the number and/or type of disciplinary
              actions taken.

                        Numerical and Symbolic Equivalents Chart

       Symbol                 Explanation                           Numeral Equivalents
       E=Excellent           Clearly outstanding:                       90-100%
                             Exceeds expectations and
                             Performs above and beyond the
                             Mastery of essential knowledge
                             And skills

       S=Satisfactory        Meets expectations; is mastering
                             essential knowledge and skills.             80-89%

       N= Needs              Fails to meet expectation’s; clearly
       Improvement           needs help to raise performance             70-79%
                             To mastery of essential knowledge
                             And skills

       U=Unsatisfactory      Far below expectation’s; clearly            0-69%
                             Not mastering essential knowledge
                             And skills and is failing

       M= Missing*                                                       0%

       I=Incomplete                                                      No Average

       Blank=not complete                                                Grade Not Counted

*Documented parent contact is required for any grades assigned as Missing (M). Contact should be
conducted through an email, personal phone call, or parent conference (NOT Parent Link or Left

     Transfer Student’s Grades

      If a student enters in Azle School from another school district which uses letter grades, the
      letter grades will be converted using the table below:

                     Letter Grade                          Numerical Grade
                        A                                       95
                        B                                       85
                        C                                       75
                        D                                       70
                        F                                       65

      Documentations of Mastery

  There should be a minimum of eight grades documented each six weeks in each of the
  foundation curriculum areas: English Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies. The Curriculum
  Based Assessments (CBAs) can be used for grading purposes as long as it does not drop the
  grade average significantly. Err on the side of the student.

  Caution: Taking daily grades becomes cumbersome on the teacher, student, and parents.
  Consider only taking 2-3 (maximum) core content grades per week to total the eight

  A minimum of four grades each three weeks for foundation (English, Reading, Mathematics,
  Science, and Social Studies) subjects for each student shall be recorded in the electronic grade card
  in TxEIS by the teacher in order to regularly monitor the progress of the students. The electronic
  grade book in TxEIS will provide for the display of the entered grades in the parent portal.

  Student grades should document the student’s mastery of instructional objectives and are to be
  maintained for purposes of grade reporting and conferencing with parents. Evidence of student
  work should align to the student’s grades. Teachers are required to post grades in electronic grade
  book in TxEIS weekly.

  Teachers are allowed one (1) completion/participation grade per six weeks (i.e. participation,
  homework, AR Tests, etc.). If a teacher is taking a grade on the Accelerated Reader (AR) tests, it
  must be limited to only one (1) grade, and it will be considered the completion/participation grade.
  AR Test grades should be well defined as to how the calculation will be figured for the
  completion/participation grade.

  Evaluations of academic achievement are not to be lowered because of poor conduct. Poor conduct
  should be reflected in conduct grades only.

  Grade books and lesson plans will be monitored by the campus administrators on a regular basis.

  Report cards must be signed by parents and returned to the homeroom teacher.
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         Reteaching is a Vital Part of Instruction

 The Azle Independent School District supports the policy of reteaching in order to ensure student
 success in the classroom. Reteaching should be done and should ensure fairness and promote student
 success. The teacher will document re-teaching and reassessment.

Plan to provide snapshots, duplicates, and videos of missed content for students to reference in Showbie
or some other online means. This aides when students are absent and/or going to TMZ for assistance.
Showbie accounts should be shared with the special education staff and TMZ staff to further support
grade level content.

                Evaluation of Students with Special Needs
 The Individual Education Program (IEP) developed by the ARD committee for each student who
 meets eligibility criteria for Special Education services states that responsibility for grade reporting for
 each special education student is a follows:

         1. If the content is taught solely in general education, the grade will be assigned by the general
            education teacher.
         2. If the IEP stipulates that the content area be taught solely by the special education teacher,
            the grade will be assigned by the special education teacher
         3. If the content is taught through collaboration between the Special Education teacher and the
            General Education teachers, the grade should be assigned by the teacher who is responsible
            for the instruction of the content unless other is specified in the IEP

 The grading period and numerical grading system in general education will apply unless otherwise
 specified in IEP.

 Any student failing a class (General or Special Education) will receive a failure notice at the mid-point
 of the reporting period.

 In addition to, as required by law, every special education student will receive his/her IEP Progress
 Report which will accompany the Report Card at every six weeks designated reporting period.

                     English Language Learners (ELLS)
 High academic standards should be maintained for English Language Learners; however, no grading
 policy should adversely affect a student based solely on language proficiency. The teacher must take
 into consideration the student’s level of English proficiency when planning assessments for and
 assigning grades to ELL students. Linguistically modified and/or alternative assessments and special
 instructional methods should be used as appropriate and should be as appropriate and should be
 dependent on the level of English language proficiency of the student.

 Teachers of ELL students are required by Texas Education Code to submit progress reports to the
 campus LPAC Coordinator as well as parents.

                             Response to Intervention
When students are having consistent academic difficulties in the classroom a referral to the grade level
Student Support Team (SST) is recommend early in the school year. The committee including the
teacher will plan interventions to broaden instructional options to maximize achievement for the
student. Documentation of the intervention plan and activities should include the following:

       Dates of referral(s) to the SST
       Parent contact log
       Intervention/strategy recommendations
       Time/duration and length of the intervention(s)
       Progress monitoring data that will show academic gains for each student

After the first six weeks, an RTI form should be documented for students who are not successful.

Promotion and course credit shall be based on mastery of the curriculum. Expectations and standards
for promotion shall be established for each grade level, content area, and course and shall be
coordinated with compensatory, intensive, and/or accelerated services.

In addition to the factors in law that must be considered for promotion, mastery shall be determined as

       Course assignments and unit evaluation shall be used to determine student grades in a
       subject. An average of 70 or higher shall be considered a passing grade.
       Mastery of the skills necessary for success at the next level shall be validated by assessments
       that may either be incorporated into unit or final exams or may be administered
       separately. Mastery of at least 70 percent of the objectives shall be required.

In grades 1–6, promotion to the next grade level shall be based on an overall average of 70 on a scale
of 100 based on course-level, grade-level standards (essential knowledge and skills) for all subject
areas and a grade of 70 or above in reading and mathematics. EIE (LOCAL)
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                            Reducing Student Retention
 The school establishes procedures designed to reduce retention students at a grade level with ultimate
 goal being elimination of the practice of retaining student.

 A conference must be held with the parent or guardian of any student recommended for
 retention at least 12 weeks prior to the close of school. The elementary teacher will recommend
 retention to the principle in writing and will include student progress data that support the

 The determination of promotion or retention will be made by a grade placement committee consisting
 of parent(s), administrator, and teacher. A student who continues to work below grade level may be
 placed at the next grade with designation of “placed” on the report card. The teacher or principal shall
 fully inform the parent or guardian that the student was not promoted but placed in the next grade.

 Make-up Work

 Make-up assignments or tests shall be made available to students after any absence excused or
 unexcused. All make-up work shall be completed and turned in during a period of time not to exceed
 the number of days of consecutive absence. For example, if a student is absent two days, he or she has
 two days to complete the make-up work. Exceptions to this provision may be granted due to
 extenuating circumstances as determined by the teacher and/or principal.

 The student shall be responsible for obtaining and completing the make-up assignments in a
 satisfactory manner within the allotted amount of time.

 Credits shall be granted as follows:

         1. Work for an absence that is turned in within the required time limit shall be graded in a
            regular fashion
         2. Work for an absence that is turned in beyond the allotted time limit may be acquired
            through alternative assignments, recess work periods, and may be addressed through the
            late work and/or missing work process.

Plan to provide snapshots, duplicates, and videos of missed content for students to reference in Showbie
or some other online means. This aides when students are absent and/or going to HMZ for assistance.
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                                   Homework Guidelines
Purpose of Homework

    Homework is extended independent practice for the reinforcement of basic skills and/or special
    projects designed to extend the student’s class work. Homework in the form of special projects
    may be graded. Meaningful homework assignments serve several purposes:

        1. To reinforce concepts and skills which have been developed during classroom activities,
        2. To nurture the development of self-discipline and organizational skills, and
        3. To foster the use of independent research skills.

Types of Homework

              Independent practice assignments are an important extension of classwork. These
               assignments are appropriate when students have demonstrated sufficient understanding of
               the material. The length of the assignment should be no longer than necessary to develop
               the skill or concept or to accomplish the learning outcome.
              Preparation assignments help students benefit from subsequent lesson: for example
               reading new material or reviewing and studying material previously covered in class.
               Preparation assignments are frequently followed by a daily activity that enables the teacher
               to evaluate student achievement. Failure to be prepared may result in the student’s inability
               to participate fully in the classroom learning experience
              Extension assignments or special projects should require students to use newly learned
               skills or concepts in a new situation: for example, synthesizing information and producing a
               unique product, research project, or written assignment.

Guidelines for Assigning Homework

    Homework is assigned at the discretion of the teacher and engages the student in valuable activities
    and develops effective study habits by incorporating practice, enrichment, reinforcement,
    extension, or application of knowledge and skills learned related to topics covered in class.
    Teachers encourage a reasonable amount of academic work to be done at home to complement
    learning during the school day. Homework also gives the child and parents an opportunity to share
    in the educational process. Any questions or concerns regarding homework should be directed to
    the teacher.

    When homework is assigned, the teacher’s responsibility is to create and assign effective, well-
    planned homework assignments designed to aid the student in the mastery of the course’s essential
    elements. Students should anticipate homework time may vary by grade, subject, and rigor of the

    Teams should coordinate homework assignments to ensure effective time on task. Some teachers
    have designated specific days for each core subject (i.e. math homework on Wednesday, etc.)
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    Homework should be a reflection of current instructional skills or a spiraling skills that have been
    formally introduced and practiced in the classroom. No more than 10 minutes per grade level
    (Grade 5-50 minutes/Grade 6-60 minutes) and should be considered carefully to ensure multiple
    content areas assigning homework on the same night. Collaborate as a team to ensure that
    homework overload is not occurring.

    NOTE: Homework usually falls into one of three categories: practice, preparation, or extension.
    The purpose usually varies by grade. Individualized assignments that tap into students' existing
    skills or interests can be motivating. At the elementary school level, homework can help students
    develop study skills and habits and can keep families informed about their child's learning. At the
    secondary school level, student homework is associated with greater academic achievement.
    (Review of Educational Research, 2006)
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