Home truths Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 Sports Business Group - Deloitte

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Home truths Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 Sports Business Group - Deloitte
Home truths
Annual Review of Football
Finance 2020
Sports Business Group
June 2020
Home truths Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 Sports Business Group - Deloitte
Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 |
                                        Section title goes here

The 2018/19 season saw English and
European football reach record levels
of revenue generation. This snapshot
of the peak before the impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic also includes
some warning signs for the challenges
to come.

Home truths Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 Sports Business Group - Deloitte
Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 |


Foreword                                    02   Edited by
                                                 Dan Jones
Delivering results worldwide                05
The leading team in the business of sport   06   Michael Barnard

Europe’s premier leagues                    08   Authors
                                                 Theo Ajadi, Tom Ambler, Zal Udwadia and Chris Wood
Fans for the memories                       14
                                                 Sports Business Group
Premier League clubs                        16   Telephone: +44 (0)161 455 8787
                                                 PO Box 500, 2 Hardman Street, Manchester, M60 2AT, UK
The women’s game                            22   E-mail: sportsteamuk@deloitte.co.uk
Football League clubs                       24
                                                 June 2020
Player transfers                            28
Climate for change?                         29
Common Goal – past, present and future      30
                                                 Please visit our website at
Stadia                                      31   www.deloitte.co.uk/arff to download a copy of the full report
                                                 and to purchase the Databook.
5G in football – a winning strategy         34
                                                 Our 40 page Databook includes over 8,000 data items on
                                                 the various topics covered in this report, prepared on the
                                                 basis of our specialist and long-established methodologies.
                                                 It is available to purchase for £1,000 from www.deloitte.co.uk/arff

Home truths Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 Sports Business Group - Deloitte
Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 |

Home truths

Welcome to the Annual Review of Football Finance 2020, the                                              The commercial powerhouses of FC Barcelona            I want it all
                                                                                                        and Real Madrid, which delivered a Spanish one-       Record revenues were accompanied by
publication that remains the most comprehensive analysis of                                             two in the latest edition of the Deloitte Football    increased disparity between the biggest and the
the financial trends in, and prospects for, the football industry.                                      Money League, drove Spain’s La Liga revenues          rest within the Premier League, with the average
                                                                                                        ahead of those of its German counterpart, the         revenue of the ‘big six’ clubs now at £500m, over
                                                                                                        Bundesliga.                                           three times that of the remaining clubs.
The 29th edition of this report is written at a      Don’t stop me now
time like no other, set against the backdrop         2018/19 saw further revenue increases to           The anticipated uplift of c.20% in value of La        Wage cost growth outpaced revenue growth
of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic which is            record levels across each of the ‘big five’        Liga’s domestic and international broadcast           for the second season in a row, increasing 11%
impacting all industries at every level. The world   leagues, further growing the overall size of the   rights agreements from 2019/20 had looked             to over £3 billion for the first time, resulting in a
of elite football is no exception.                   European football market. Due to COVID-19, the     set to ensure they remain the Premier League’s        wages to revenue ratio of 61%.
                                                     next edition of this report will show a decrease   nearest challenger, in revenue generation terms,
Whilst this report focuses on the finances           in the scale of the market.                        as the English top-tier also entered a new rights     In previous editions we have reported increased
of European football in the 2018/19 season,                                                             cycle.                                                wage spending in the final year of a broadcast
completed ahead of the COVID-19 outbreak,            Across Europe revenue growth was driven                                                                  cycle, ahead of commencement of the Premier
we have sought to consider the impact on the         by clubs in the ‘big five’ leagues receiving the   Instead, by virtue of its earlier return to play      League’s next bumper deal. This time, clubs
2019/20 season and those which follow.               majority of a c.€700m increase in distributions    and, uniquely amongst the ‘big five’, planned         were aware that no large increases would follow
                                                     from UEFA club competitions, delivered through     completion of matches by the end of June, the         as they have in each of the two previous cycles,
It is a reflection of the importance of elite        a raft of new broadcast arrangements for the       Bundesliga will likely report higher revenues         despite the increased value of international
European club football in many people’s lives        cycle 2018/19 to 2020/21.                          than La Liga in 2019/20. La Liga is expected          rights being set to deliver an incremental uplift
that for them the postponement of matches was                                                           to return to being Europe’s second highest            to Premier League revenues.
one of the first clear signals of the seriousness    Liverpool lifted the UEFA Champions League for     revenue-generating league in 2020/21.
and ubiquitous impact of the pandemic on             the sixth time, as a new distribution mechanism                                                          Clubs’ spending on playing talent, through
society. That importance to people, coupled          favoured the biggest clubs, rewarding historical   Despite recording double-digit revenue growth,        wages and transfer fees, was already set to
with ongoing progress towards the return of          performance and adding to polarisation across      Italian and French top-tier clubs recorded            reduce profitability in 2019/20, as it had in
football, gives us confidence that the industry      and within the European game.                      operating losses. Italy’s revenue growth from         2018/19. The COVID-19 pandemic will have had
will thrive again in the future, despite the                                                            a new broadcast cycle was outpaced as wage            a destructive impact on profitability in 2019/20,
seismic short-term shock in the spring of 2020.      2018/19 saw Premier League clubs’ revenue          spending increased at the fastest rate of any         as revenues fell dramatically and costs did not in
                                                     total over £5 billion for the first time, as the   of the ‘big five’. Ligue 1’s record operating loss,   the final quarter of the season.
                                                     revenue gap to La Liga and the Bundesliga was      ahead of a now expunged season in 2019/20,
                                                     extended again, following a slight narrowing in    gave particular cause for concern.                    The negative swing of almost £600m in 2018/19
                                                     the previous season.                                                                                     compared to 2017/18 saw previous hopes for
                                                                                                                                                              sustained pre-tax profitability shattered, with
Home truths Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 Sports Business Group - Deloitte
Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 |

clubs recording an aggregate loss of £165m,           Broadcast and commercial revenue streams             The trend, identified                                                             Hammer to fall
as player transfer profits fell and amortisation      delivered 86% of ‘big five’ league revenues,         in numerous                                                                      At the start of the
charges grew as Premier League clubs invested         and with the remaining 14% from matchday             previous editions                                                                2019/20 season, Bury
to strengthen squads.                                 not available for the foreseeable future, clubs      of this report,                                                                 FC became the first
                                                      and leagues must do everything they can to           continued as the                                                              Football League club
This result was not the responsibility of a small     find ways to strengthen these relationships,         spending behaviour of                                                       to go out of business
minority. Almost half of the Premier League’s         and deliver value to their partners through          EFL Championship clubs                                                   since Maidstone United’s
clubs recorded losses, delivering only the            alternative content and activation.                  remained unsustainable                                               liquidation in 1992. A number
second aggregate pre-tax loss in the past six                                                              without owner funding, with the                                of other clubs struggled through,
seasons. The previous example, in 2015/16             The strength of these relationships will be tested   pursuit of promotion to the World’s richest         supported from month to month by owner
(£115m), came ahead of a known near 50%               under the current strain. There are substantial      league continuing. For the fourth time in seven     contributions. More rigorous and robustly
increase in domestic broadcast rights values for      implications for the European football               seasons, a record-breaking wages to revenue         enforced regulation than the EFL’s existing
the following year. Not so on this occasion.          landscape over the coming seasons, including         ratio (107%) demonstrated the collective lack       rules is required to force clubs to act more
                                                      potentially significant and lasting impacts on the   of control. In no other industry would such a       responsibly and save them from themselves to
It is clear that even before the onset of the         financial strength of clubs and leagues.             metric be viable, and whilst football benefits      ensure this does not become commonplace.
COVID-19 pandemic there was some evidence                                                                  from the desire of many to fund those losses,
of weakening cost control and profitability                                                                the impact of the pandemic on club owners’          Whilst COVID-19 has presented so many
among Premier League clubs. The sudden hit to         I want to break free                                 broader finances and business interests brings      challenges to the global population and the
revenues will have compounded this and tipped         A step below Europe’s elite, the finances of         the question of long-term sustainability into       football industry alike over the past three
many clubs into, or deeper into, a loss making        the English Football League (‘EFL’) have been        sharper focus than ever.                            months, it will inevitably provide opportunities
position overnight.                                   thrust into the spotlight in recent weeks as the                                                         for change. And change is needed desperately,
                                                      COVID-19 outbreak has accentuated the losses,        Across the rest of the EFL, League 1 and League     both collectively, and in many cases individually,
Returning to action is clearly critical to limiting   and cash flow difficulties, of Football League       2 clubs together reported record revenues           for the good of the now 71 football league clubs.
the financial impact of the pandemic and              clubs which have manifested themselves over a        of £282m, driven by a change in club mix, as
leagues have now responded in different               number of years.                                     Sunderland played in the third tier for the first   The commencement of a new broadcast rights
ways at different paces. The Bundesliga has                                                                time in over 30 years. Sunderland’s higher          arrangement for 2019/20 has delivered a
returned to crowdless action and the Premier          2018/19 saw record revenues of £785m in the          revenues aided a decreased wages to revenue         c.35% increase in value on the previous deal,
League, La Liga and Serie A are all on the path       Championship, as three established Premier           ratio in League 1 (80%), whilst League 2 wage       but nothing has suggested that this additional
to a resumption in mid-June, whilst the Ligue 1       League clubs relegated in 2017/18 returned to        spending stabilised at 78% of revenues.             revenue isn’t already wholly spent, and then
season was quickly expunged.                          the second-tier. These clubs also brought large,                                                         some, on playing talent. As such, this increase
                                                      though reduced from Premier League level, cost                                                           will have, unfortunately, done little to support
                                                      bases with them.                                                                                         EFL clubs which have lost their matchday
                                                                                                                                                               income over the past three months.
Home truths Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 Sports Business Group - Deloitte
Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 |

Deferrals and temporary wage cuts may be            responsibility for clubs. We may well see shifts    been harmed by the ravages of the pandemic.
applied to ease the short-term cash implications,   in fan behaviour that impact the future of the      Polarisation will be even more evident – for the
but in the long run more meaningful changes         game in unpredictable ways.                         biggest clubs and competitions others will step
are likely, and required. A squad salary cap at                                                         forward and fill the breach, for many though
Championship level, if collectively driven and      More so than ever, this period of crisis shows      times will be tough.
enforced, could significantly reduce losses         the huge positive impact that professional
rapidly with a financial benefit far in excess of   football can have on wider society with the         For fans, while for some the path back to the
any damage to the on-pitch competitiveness or       activity of organisations like Common Goal,         stadium may be slow and uncertain initially,
quality in the division.                            the use of club stadia to enhance healthcare        the thirst to reconnect with friends, family and
                                                    capacity, anti-racism activities and Premier        the rituals of the crowd on match day will pull
                                                    League players’ contribution to NHS Charities       them back in their tens of thousands again as a
A kind of magic                                     being clear examples. Stakeholders who work in      welcome measure of normality.
The recent lockdown has highlighted the             the football industry know more than ever the                                                           custodians of institutions that are older than
importance of live sport to so many, particularly   incredible power and influence the sport holds      The clubs will as ever be the magnets for this      any of us, and that hopefully will outlive all of us.
that unbeatable experience of matchday. Whilst      in society.                                         activity, setting the stage upon which the          Their response will determine whether this crisis
the revenue derived from match-going fans                                                               players will again have the chance to show          is viewed in the future as the end of a golden
had become an ever smaller proportion of the                                                            their skills, and those talents will rightly reap   age, or the beginning of a new, better, era.
total revenue of top-flight clubs, the period of    The show must go on                                 the biggest share of the financial rewards the
behind closed doors football that lies ahead        In many ways everything has changed in the          public’s interest generates.                        I would like to thank my colleagues, Henry Wong
looks set to reinforce the importance of fans,      world of football finance since we started                                                              and all those from across the football community
without their presence in the stadium to create     planning this year’s Annual Review of Football                                                          who have helped us compile this year’s report.
the atmosphere for both players and broadcast       Finance, but fundamentally much has also            Play the game                                       By the time of our next edition we will hopefully
audiences to enjoy.                                 stayed the same.                                    The game of football will recover and thrive        be looking forward to the delayed Euro 2020
                                                                                                        and remain a great universal passion for the        tournament and reflecting on the financial
This period also provides a new challenge for       The absence of football from our screens, and       world. Critical to how the finances of football     impact of a football season like no other. Until
clubs in their relationships with fans – who        its tentative return, has reinforced the public’s   emerge from this extraordinary short-term           then, stay safe and well and enjoy this edition.
cannot currently build their connection through     love for it and hence broadcasters’ appetite        shock will be the actions of the game’s business
the age-old matchday channels.                      for, and in some cases, dependence upon, it.        leaders. Football has the potential to return       Dan Jones, Partner
                                                    This in turn will continue to attract sponsor       not only intact, but stronger and more resilient    www.deloitte.co.uk/sportsbusinessgroup
The importance of being able to meaningfully        and corporate interest, although the ability        if the right lessons are learned and measures
connect with fans digitally has never been          of many companies to fund the game to the           are taken, perhaps collectively. The current
greater and presents an opportunity and             degree they previously did – or at all – may have   cohort of administrators and investors are the

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Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 |
                                                                                                                                                                  Sports Business Group

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Deloitte has a unique focus on the sports sector, led from                                       Strategy development                                Business planning
                                                                                                 Assistance with the                                 Business plan preparation
the UK and operating across the world. Our experience,                                           development of brand,                               regarding the Rugby League
long-standing relationships and understanding of the                                             business and go-to-market                           World Cup tournament’s
                                                                                                 strategies for the league.                          broadcast and commercial
industry mean we bring valuable expertise to any project                                                                                             rights.
from day one.
                                                                                                 Consulting services                                 Market analysis and
                                                                                                 Assistance to FIA and                               benchmarking
For more than a quarter of a century, across       For further details on how Deloitte can add   Formula 1 to support the                            Independent study on the
over 40 countries, we have worked with more        value to your project and your business,      development of the FIA                              economics of cricket, providing
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Our specialist Sports Business Group at Deloitte   sportsbusinessgroup and contact us on:        and supporting regulatory                           analysis of the sport’s finances
provides services including:                                                                     framework.                                          in a global context.
                                                   Telephone: +44 (0)161 455 8787
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•• Revenue enhancement and cost control
•• Market analysis and benchmarking
•• Strategic review
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•• Venue feasibility and development
•• Sports regulation advice
•• Due diligence
•• Corporate finance advisory
•• Business improvement and restructuring
•• Forensic and dispute services
•• Digital strategy and transformation

Deloitte are also audit and tax advisers to
many sports businesses.

Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 |
                                        Sports Business Group

The leading team in the business of sport

                                                                                                      Improve your strategy and governance
                                                                                                      Working together with our clients,     We help deliver effective
                                                                                                      Deloitte’s unique experience,          governance, strategies,
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         Business        Economic impact          Strategy        Governance and     Restructuring    helpsplanning
                                                                                                             build a strong case  and
                                                                                                                              studies        organisations
                                                                                                                                             review and      to build their
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         planning            studies             review and        organisational   of competitions   consensus for change amongst           integrity, credibility,design
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Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 |
                                                                                                                                                                                      Sports Business Group

                                                                                                   Unlocking digital revenue
 Commercial        Market analysis      Ticketing and      Benchmarking        Media rights
                                                                                                   Deloitte help our clients move            Deloitte focus on putting smaller,
 development       and development       hospitality      and best practice     analysis
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                                                                                                   initiatives to createMarket
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            Make informed investment decisions
              Deloitte has an extensive track-          We utilise our experience, industry
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                                      financiers studiestrusted  advice
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                                                        for the future.

                                                                                                   Ensure financial integrity
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    Risk              Audit and        Club licensing Investigatory and         Sports tax         practice, and the wider economic,         disputes, and implement effective
 management          compliance       and cost control dispute services          advisory          accounting and legal environment          sport regulations.
                                                                                                   in which a sport operates.
                                                                                                          Risk            Audit and        Club licensing Investigatory and             Sports tax
                                                                                                     management         compliance        and cost control dispute services              advisory

Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 |
                                        Europe’s premier leagues

Europe’s premier leagues

In 2018/19, the commencement of the new three-year                                                             Chart 1: European football market size – 2017/18 and 2018/19 (€ billion)

broadcast cycle for UEFA club competitions drove growth in                                                                                                                                      ‘Big five’ European leagues
European club football, although the challenge of revenue                                                               4.2
                                                                                                                                                                                                Non ‘big five’ top leagues
                                                                                                                                                       2.9                                      ‘Big five’ countries’ other leagues
polarisation remains.                                                                                           2.6

                                                                                                                                                                                                FIFA, UEFA and National
                                                                                                                            €28.4bn                          €28.9bn                            Associations
                                                                                                                              2017/18   15.6                       2018/19
European football market                                 Revenue increases, whilst benefitting all                                       55%          5.6                        17.0           Non ‘big five’ other leagues
                                                                                                                                                      20%                         59%
European football market revenue for the                 in absolute terms, have not resolved the                     5.3
2018/19 season totalled €28.9 billion.                   longstanding challenge of polarisation as
                                                                                                                                                                                             Source: Leagues; UEFA; FIFA;
This equates to 2% growth since 2017/18.                 relative gaps widen. Clubs from the ‘big five’                                                                                      Deloitte analysis.
                                                         leagues benefited from 70% of the additional
Excluding the biennial impact of UEFA                    UEFA prize money distributions, amounting
and FIFA’s international tournaments, the                to €483m, driving their share of the European         excel, but the overall strength of the relationship        reported. UEFA’s ability to ensure its member
European football market has grown every year            football market to 59%.                               between revenue and on-pitch success in the                associations’ clubs remain aligned will be critical
throughout the 21st century to date. European                                                                  same direction is hard to resist.                          to the future direction and health of European
football remains incredibly popular, with the            In an effort to help redress the balance, UEFA                                                                   football.
value of broadcast rights soaring in recent years        has responded with a new club competition             Recent developments have further intensified
and fans’ interest higher than ever. Clearly,            starting in 2021/22, the UEFA Europa                  the challenges facing football’s governing                 Alongside this, the continuing evolution, and
challenging times now lie ahead for European             Conference League.                                    bodies. Currently, the European competition                associated perception, of UEFA’s financial
football and in future editions we may well be                                                                 format beyond 2023/24 is yet to be agreed                  regulations will play a key part. Whilst it is likely
reporting a revenue decline. Nonetheless, in             The self-fulfilling nature of polarisation has been   and the possibility of a European Super                    UEFA will face increased scrutiny, the principles
the long-term the fundamentals of the public,            well recorded, as the most successful teams on        League to disrupt the status quo is regularly              of ensuring sporting integrity should remain,
and hence corporate, appetite for elite football         the pitch reap financial rewards in increased                                                                    with all stakeholders having a responsibility to
remain strong and will help the industry                 revenue and invest in playing talent to further                                                                  act accordingly.
overcome these challenges.                               strengthen on-pitch performance. This has been        Clubs from the ‘big five’
                                                         seen again in the 2019/20 season as, for the first
                                                                                                               leagues benefited from                                     In the immediate term, UEFA has commenced
2018/19 growth was driven by the                         time since the introduction of the round of 16 in                                                                its sales process for the 2021/22-2023/24 rights
commencement of the new three-year                       2003/04, all 16 of the clubs reaching the knock-      70% of the additional UEFA                                 cycle. Early indications suggest impressive
broadcast cycle for UEFA club competitions.              out stages of the UEFA Champions League play
                                                                                                               prize money distributions,                                 value uplifts in some key markets, although it
Substantial uplifts to media rights values meant         their domestic football in a ‘big five’ league. The                                                              is acknowledged that sustaining this across all
almost €700m of additional prize money was               correlation and causation is imperfect, as ‘big’      amounting to €483m.                                        territories is likely to be challenging.
distributed to clubs through UEFA competitions.          clubs can underperform and ‘smaller’ clubs can
Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 |
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Europe’s premier leagues

                                               Spain’s La Liga saw strong growth during             8,000 2: ‘Big five’ European league clubs’ revenue – 2018/19 (€m)
Weathering the storm                           2018/19 and pushed ahead of the German                         5,851
                                               Bundesliga to regain its position as the             6,000                                                                                      Matchday
European football has been a huge success      world’s second-highest revenue generating                       28%                                                                             Broadcasting
story in its ability to generate revenue       football league.                                               3,459         3,375
                                                                                                    4,000                                   3,345
growth, led by broadcast but supported by                                                                      59%                                   496                                       Other commercial
                                                                                                                            1,023                    15%     2,495
                                                                                                                             30%      846                                    1,902 385
commercial and matchday revenues.                                                                                                     25%             751              415            20%
                                                                                                                            1,831                     30%              22%
The impact of COVID-19 with all major          ‘Big five’ European leagues’ revenues                2,000
                                                                                                                                                     520     1,460
                                                                                                                                                                      284                   Note: Commercial revenue is not
                                                                                                                                                                              901 201
leagues severely disrupted, or ended           La Liga clubs reported revenue growth of over                          13%            16%             16%              11%
                                                                                                                                                                                            disaggregated into ‘sponsorship’
prematurely, and the postponement of           €300m (10%) in the 2018/19 season, the second            0   England         Spain          Germany            Italy          France         and ‘other commercial’ for clubs in
Euro 2020, will mean 2019/20 will see a        highest absolute growth amongst the ‘big five’                                                                                               England, Spain and Italy.
                                                                                                             Average revenue per club (€m)
marked reduction in revenues.                  leagues. Broadcast revenues continued to be
                                                                                                                                                                                            Source: Leagues; Deloitte analysis.
                                               the primary driver as the league benefited from                 293           169             186              125             95
While all will be impacted, those clubs        uplifts to media rights and the clubs competing
from smaller countries, typically with a       in European competitions profited from                        Average match attendance

greater dependence on matchday                 increased UEFA distributions.
                                                                                                             38,484         26,585          42,738           24,106          22,833                         Broadcasting
revenues, risk being hit the hardest.
The expected quiet summer player               Top flight Spanish clubs grew commercial                      Stadium utilisation (%)                                                                        Sponsorship/Commercial
transfer window may also limit vital           revenues by 7%. Within this, the extent of
additional funds as bigger traditional         polarisation within top-level football leagues is               97            75              88                61             74
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Other commercial
buying clubs have their own financial          evident as FC Barcelona alone accounted for
challenges. A likely mixed picture on the      88% of the increase. The club benefitted from
timing and nature of the return of fans to     changes to its licensing and merchandising that     In Serie A and Ligue 1, strong revenue                               Juventus accounting for around half of Serie
stadia, economic weakness faced by             saw a reduced reliance on third parties as more     growth was noted, with 11% and 12% uplifts                           A’s commercial growth. In Ligue 1, Paris Saint-
broadcasters and commercial partners           of its revenue generating functions operated        respectively. As we see across the football                          Germain continues to dominate French football,
and even ongoing restrictions on               in-house.                                           industry, broadcast rights income continues                          generating almost half of the league’s non-
European travel suggest it could be a                                                              to be a critical factor in driving overall revenue                   broadcast revenue. This is one of the clearest
bumpy recovery.                                Having regained the status of the second-richest    growth. In Italy, the start of a new three-year                      examples of polarisation across Europe’s
                                               football league in 2017/18, the Bundesliga’s        international media rights deal resulted                             ‘big five’ leagues.
In addition to appropriate government          change in club mix for 2018/19, from promotion      in broadcast revenues increasing by 11%.
support, necessary and justified to protect    and relegation reduced matchday and                 French clubs generated an additional €110m                           The Premier League continues to generate
a sport which means so much to so many,        commercial revenues, allowing La Liga to retake     from broadcast income as club performance                            the highest revenues across the ‘big five’ (€5.9
it will be important that all stakeholders     second place in revenue terms through its           improved in UEFA competitions.                                       billion). The 20 clubs’ combined revenue grew
play their part in this recovery. Solidarity   superior growth.                                                                                                         by 7%, driven by commercial revenue growth of
across all stakeholders as well as strong                                                          In Italy and France, growth was actually                             9% and clubs competing in UEFA competitions
leadership and action individually will be     Bundesliga clubs still achieved impressive          achieved across all revenue streams. Similar to                      benefiting from increased distributions.
needed to ensure none of the rich              revenue growth of €177m (6%) for the                the situation in Spain, the primary drivers for
diversity European football has built over     2018/19 season, due to the uplift in broadcast      matchday and commercial revenue growth were                          English clubs achieved the highest absolute
decades of history is lost.                    revenues (19%) as the league benefitted from        individual clubs’ financial performance, most                        growth (€411m) amongst the ‘big five’ leagues,
                                               a contractual annual domestic rights revenue        notably in Italy with Internazionale accounting                      despite the 2018/19 season having been the
                                               increase.                                           for c.70% of matchday revenue growth and                             final year of their current broadcast cycle.
Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 |
                                        Europe’s premier leagues

The 2019/20 and 2020/21 financial years                  Spain                                               Italy                                                Chart 3: ‘Big five’ European league clubs’
will be directly impacted by COVID-19,                   Commencing in 2019/20, new domestic                 Under the leadership of a new President, Serie       revenue – 2016/17 to 2020/21 (€ billion)
with lost, and deferred, revenue from                    broadcast rights agreements are set to deliver      A has highlighted key priorities of increasing the
the 2019/20 season creating a ‘V-shaped’                 an uplift of c.15% in centralised revenue for La    international appeal of the Italian league and
recovery for many ‘big five’ leagues as fans’            Liga clubs. Alongside a five-year international     potentially transforming it into an organisation                                    5.9
continuing desire to consume top level                   rights agreement, this may see the league’s         with broadcasting capabilities, as it seeks to        6.0
football helps to drive recovery and future              clubs achieve combined broadcast revenues in        regain lost ground from competitors.                                                       4.9
long term revenue growth.                                excess of c.€2 billion in the coming years.
                                                                                                             Domestic and international broadcast rights
                                                         Following the move to a centralised rights          agreements expire at the end of the 2020/21
England                                                  sales model in 2015/16, a clear objective of the    season. Serie A is currently assessing its            4.0                                            3.7
                                                                                                                                                                                                 3.4    3.3
2019/20 marks the first year of a new three-year         league was to reduce the financial disparity        options, which may include accessing private                         3.2                             3.2
                                                                                                                                                                          2.9                    3.3
broadcast cycle in England that was estimated            between clubs. For 2018/19, La Liga has publicly    equity investment and / or the creation of            3.0            3.0                   3.1       2.7
                                                                                                                                                                          2.8                    2.5
to deliver a c.8% increase to broadcast                  heralded its ability to reduce the ratio of         its own platform in partnership with a third                 2.1
                                                                                                                                                                                  2.2                   2.1       2.3
revenues. The growth is entirely driven by an            central broadcast revenues between the top          party, likely a non-traditional broadcaster that
                                                                                                                                                                   2.0                           1.9
increase in international rights values. A relative      and bottom earning clubs from almost 8:1 in         may also commit to underwriting revenue                      1.6     1.7                   1.7
lack of competitive intensity in the domestic            2014/15 to 3.5:1. This reduced disparity should     commitments to clubs. The decisions taken by
broadcast market compared to previous cycles             further help the attractiveness and value of the    Serie A clubs and the successful execution of         1.0
causing these values to fall slightly. This should       Spanish league.                                     the chosen strategy will be key to the league’s                                             Projected
be viewed in the context of having achieved                                                                  ability to narrow the gap to Germany and Spain         0    16/17   17/18      18/19      19/20    20/21
over 150% growth across the previous two                 Germany                                             in revenue terms.
cycles, however, maintaining close to those              A key factor in the structure of the current                                                                England             Spain                 France
levels should be viewed favourably.                      domestic media rights agreement in Germany          France                                                  Germany             Italy
                                                         is the step changes between seasons that            Before the cancellation of the 2019/20 season,
Of particular interest was the entrance of               provides Bundesliga clubs with incremental          reducing polarisation within the league and                           Source: Leagues; Deloitte analysis.
Amazon into the market and its acquisition of            increases to broadcast income between               achieving future (likely international) revenue
two full game-weeks through each season from             2017/18 and 2020/21.                                growth continued to be key priorities for Ligue      As normality returns, the French Football
2019/20. Whilst its broadcast product differed                                                               1. Domestically, the broadcast rights for the        League’s (LFP) focus will switch to international
minimally from traditional broadcasters, the             The Bundesliga faces a challenging broadcast        2020/21-2023/24 seasons are sold, with French        exposure. The LFP is considering renegotiating
introduction of concurrent broadcasting and              rights market for its tender for the next cycle     top-tier clubs collectively agreeing that the        with the current international rights holder
staggered kick-off times generated a high level          starting in 2021/22, and will be hoping to create   additional revenues are to be distributed under      following pressure from clubs which believe
of interest. Amazon has reported significant             competition between potential media partners        a new equal-share model. This distribution           these rights are undervalued. The most
growth in its Prime subscription packages over           that have suffered financially in recent months.    model is forecast to generate an additional          successful nine clubs are bullish on the long-
the period when Premier League matches                   In order to promote competitive tension and         c.€20m for each club, which will at least help       term growth of international rights, and a
were broadcast and we await with interest                to entice new entrants to the market, the           to mitigate the impact of the cessation of the       pre-condition of agreeing to the equal split of
whether this will signal a more substantial move         Bundesliga has implemented a “no exclusive          2019/20 season and consequent shortfall in           additional domestic rights value was that future
to acquire rights by Amazon, or other similar            owner rule”, requiring rights to be shared with     broadcast revenue for that year.                     additional international broadcast revenues
organisations in the future.                             internet and media providers if the first four                                                           be shared between just those nine clubs. Only
                                                         packages of rights are acquired by one partner.                                                          the results of future rights sale processes will
                                                                                                                                                                  demonstrate which faction got the better deal.

Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 |
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Europe’s premier leagues

Wage costs across the ‘big five’ leagues              Germany                                               Chart 4: ‘Big five’ European league clubs’ revenue and wage costs – 2017/18 and 2018/19 (€m)
increased by almost €1 billion as their               Bundesliga clubs increased their wage
combined wages to revenue ratio                       expenditure by 7%. Despite top-tier German
increased to 63%.                                     clubs benefitting from revenue growth during                               5,851
                                                      the second year of a four-year domestic                6,000       5,440

                                                      broadcast cycle, the wages to revenue ratio
England                                               actually rose slightly to 54%. Whilst this is the                                            3,375               3,345
                                                                                                             4,000                         3,073               3,168
Top-tier English clubs increased their wage spend     highest level since the 2009/10 season it is                               3,579
                                                                                                                         3,217                                                    2,239
by 11% to €3.6 billion in 2018/19 season. As is       worth noting that no other ‘big five’ league has                                                                                                 1,692    1,902
                                                                                                             2,000                         2,031   2,093
typical in the final year of the Premier League’s     recorded as low a level as this in the past                                                              1,674   1,798                1,757
                                                                                                                                                                                  1,487                 1,262   1,389
broadcast rights cycle, wage growth outpaced          20 years.
revenue growth, resulting in an increase in the                                                                  0       17/18   18/19     17/18   18/19       17/18   18/19      17/18     18/19      17/18    18/19
wages to revenue ratio from 59% to 61%.               An interesting trend across German football                          England              Spain            Germany                 Italy             France
                                                      recently has been the approach of acquiring the                    Wages/revenue ratio (%)
In previous cycles, Premier League clubs were         best young playing talent from other leagues
spending in the comforting knowledge of               around the world. This has included both                            59      61         66     62           53      54         66           70      75      73

contracted increased central distributions to         players that have made a rapid impression in
                                                                                                                         Average club wages (€m)
come for the next three seasons. The fact this        non ‘big five’ leagues and those denied first
was not the case in 2018/19 raises concerns           team playing opportunities in other ‘big five’                      161    179        102     105          93     100         74           88      63      69
about the impact on overall levels of profitability   leagues. Whilst in the short-term these players
for 2019/20 and beyond, even without any other        may not demand the same level of wages as a              Revenue             Wage costs                                              Source: Leagues; Deloitte analysis.
disruption.                                           more established ‘star name’, it is likely that if
                                                      Bundesliga clubs wish to retain them through
Spain                                                 the peak of their careers, we will see inflationary   Italy                                                      France
After three consecutive seasons of double-digit       pressure on the wages to revenue ratio over           Serie A clubs increased their wage expenditure             After a period of intense transfer activity helped
wage growth, the increase in La Liga clubs’           time. The Bundesliga will look to counter that        at the fastest rate of the ‘big five’ leagues in           drive Ligue 1 clubs’ wage costs up by 10%,
wage expenditure was a much more modest               by the development and longer-term retention          2018/19, and returned to a wages to revenue                Paris Saint-Germain, Monaco, Olympique
3% for the 2018/19 season. This was driven by         of the playing talent, assisting in achieving         ratio of 70%, the UEFA guideline for a club’s              Lyonnais and Olympique de Marseille were
a reduction in wage spend at Real Madrid (a           the strategic objective of developing the             financial health.                                          again the top four biggest wage spenders,
decrease of €36.5m), due in part to the transfer      competition’s international image and hence                                                                      accounting for over half of the league’s total
of Cristiano Ronaldo to Juventus. Removing            revenues.                                             With Italian clubs seeking to improve their playing        wage costs between them.
Real Madrid’s wage cost decrease reveals an                                                                 talent through the transfer market, significant
underlying increase across the other 19 La Liga                                                             additions were made to playing squads and 11 of            As Ligue 1 clubs benefitted from strong revenue
clubs of 6%.                                                                                                the 20 Serie A clubs reported a wages to revenue           growth, the wages to revenue ratio reduced to
                                                                                                            ratio in excess of 70%, compared to seven in               73%. However, this remains the highest wages
The wages to revenue ratio decreased to 62%                                                                 the previous season. As the league’s clubs                 to revenue ratio across the ‘big five’ leagues.
in 2018/19, from a 15 year high in the previous                                                             continued to acquire playing talent to compete             The broadcast rights uplifts secured from
season (66%). 2019/20 marks the start of a new                                                              at both domestic and European levels we                    the 2020/21 season may enable the wages to
broadcast cycle, bringing Spanish clubs further                                                             expect to see a further increase in the league’s           revenue ratio to be reduced further in future
revenue growth and scope to further reduce                                                                  wage spending and wages to revenue ratio in                seasons.
the ratio in the coming years.                                                                              the next edition of this report.
Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 |
                                        Europe’s premier leagues

The ‘big five’ leagues generated aggregated              Spain                                                  Chart 5: ‘Big five’ European league clubs’ profitability – 2009/10 to 2018/19 (€m)
operating profits of €1.4 billion for the                Spanish top-flight clubs achieved aggregated
                                                                                                                1,250     UEFA FFP    Start of FFP        Start of break-          Enhanced        1,208
2018/19 season, an increase of 7% on the                 operating profit of €445m for the 2018/19                     regulations    break-even        even compliance        version of FFP
prior year.                                              season and, for the first time in the league’s             first approved   requirement             monitoring          regulations

                                                         history, no La Liga club reported an operating         1,000                                                                                           979
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        934 England
                                                         loss. This is a remarkable position for Spain’s top
                                                                                                                                                                       739       721
England                                                  flight clubs, especially given the financial picture
After a number of years in which we have                 of just a few years ago. Whilst the centralised                                                                                    681
reported a trend of Premier League clubs                 sale of broadcast rights has undoubtedly                                                                                                      455              445 Spain
moving towards consistent operating profits,             been a key factor, credit should also be given           500                                                                       397
                                                                                                                                                                       347                                      373
                                                                                                                                                                                 316                   343
2018/19 saw a decline in overall operating profit        to the league’s regulatory environment,                                                            264                             284                         394 Germany
to €934m as wages and other operating costs              which monitors clubs’ spending and imposes               250      138       171                     96                  260                            226
                                                                                                                                      81         104
grew faster than revenue.                                restrictions if appropriate.                                                                                                                      30    59
                                                                                                                           103                               (3)                 (35)       (40)
                                                                                                                    0     (102)      (97)       (67)
With centralised revenue unlikely to deliver             Revenue uplifts are secured for the next                                                                      (140)                                            (36) Italy
                                                                                                                                                            (53)                            (98)       (43)
                                                                                                                          (110)                                                 (133)
growth in operating profits over the rights cycle        domestic media rights cycle, and the league has                             (149)      (160)                  (143)

that commenced in 2019/20, the emphasis                  publicly stated a desire to reduce the central          -250
                                                                                                                                                                                                                (298)   (306) France
more than ever is on individual clubs to                 distributions ratio between the top and bottom
consider ways in which they can develop their            earning clubs. Twinned with a tight regulatory          -500     09/10      10/11     11/12       12/13      13/14     14/15     15/16       16/17     17/18   18/19
own revenue and efficiently deliver operating            environment, it is likely that sustained
profits. With Premier League clubs appearing in          profitability can be achieved across La Liga in
recent years to have become more sustainable             the long-term.                                         Note: The operating result is the net of revenues less          France
businesses, there is a risk that 2018/19 marks                                                                  wage costs and other operating costs. The operating             Ligue 1 clubs reported a record aggregate
                                                                                                                result excludes player trading and certain exceptional
a turning point back towards clubs making                Germany                                                                                                                operating loss of €306m for the 2018/19
                                                                                                                items. Aggregate operating results for Spanish clubs
operating losses even without external market            Likewise in Germany, the implementation of the         were not available prior to 2013/14.                            season, their 12th successive year of generating
shocks such as those faced in 2020.                      DFL’s licensing standards has created a strong                                                                         combined losses.
                                                         regulatory environment and facilitated financial       Source: Leagues; Deloitte analysis.

                                                         responsibility amongst Bundesliga clubs. In                                                                            More positively, the new domestic broadcast
Spanish top-flight clubs                                 2018/19, clubs benefited from broadcast revenue                                                                        cycle in 2020/21 is expected to generate
achieved aggregated                                      growth and controlled overall expenditure.             Increased investor interest in Italian football                 revenue uplifts of c.€400m. This, if combined
                                                         Consequently, clubs achieved a league record           coupled with a more robust regulatory and                       with improved cost control rather than further
operating profit of €445m for                            high operating profit of almost €400m.                 governance approach could provide the                           wage increases, could provide an opportunity
the 2018/19 season and, for                                                                                     opportunity for a return to profitability, but it               for Ligue 1 clubs to operate profitably and
                                                         Italy                                                  is undoubtedly a challenging time for Italian                   increase the investor appeal of top-tier French
the first time in the league’s                           After two successive seasons of operating              football. Those responsible for the Italian game                clubs.
history, no La Liga club                                 profits, Serie A clubs generated a combined            will need to consider carefully how best to
                                                         operating loss of €36m for the 2018/19 season.         proceed for a successful future.
reported an operating loss.                              Despite revenue growth, the increase in wage
                                                         spending has led to a collective loss-making

Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 |
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Europe’s premier leagues

Whilst 2018/19 saw growth across many                Netherlands                                        Chart 6: Selected other European league clubs’ revenue – 2018/19 (€m)
of Europe’s non ‘big-five’ leagues, the              The 2018/19 season saw revenues increase by                   752           748
impacts of COVID-19, particularly on those           20% across the Dutch Eredivisie clubs. This was               138                 45                                   Matchday            Sponsorship/Commercial
leagues with a higher reliance on matchday           driven primarily by Ajax’s progression to the                               230                                        Broadcasting        Other commercial
revenue, will present a major challenge.             Champions League semi-finals which earned            600      436                      226
                                                     the club €79m from UEFA distributions.                                                       440
                                                                                                                                 384                    38
                                                                                                          400                                     106        344
Russia                                               Portugal                                                                               191              115      256      240
                                                                                                                                                  232                                   198
The Russian Premier League (RPL) maintained          The Primera Liga saw further revenue                                                                              49       73
                                                                                                                                                             140      101                68    146    145
its position as the sixth-richest football league,   polarisation amongst its clubs, as the league        200                               73                                  51                            124
                                                                                                                   126                                                                      35     19 51
                                                                                                                                                                               116       63     49        39 65 39
despite a revenue decline, in Euro terms, of         achieved overall revenue growth of 2% to                              52    89         104
                                                                                                                                                    64       89 37 69                16 51 19 43 36        20
€61m (8%).                                           €440m. The top three clubs, S.L. Benfica,              0     Russia        Turkey NetherlandsPortugal Belgium Austria Scotland Denmark Norway Sweden          Poland
                                                     FC Porto and Sporting CP, drove growth through               Average revenue per club (€m)
In order to deliver growth for future seasons,       increased matchday revenues and distributions                 47            42         33    24          22      21       20          14      9       9         8
the RPL entered into an agreement with               from UEFA club competitions.
                                                                                                                  Wages/revenue ratio (%)
YouTube to distribute international rights
during 2019/20 via a paid-for membership.            Belgium                                                       70            79         57    75          49      63       65          64     58      71        74

Furthermore, the league is seeking to increase       Jupiler Pro League clubs achieved revenue                    Number of clubs
the intensity of competition and entertainment       growth of 16% to €344m. A key driver of growth
                                                                                                                   16            18         18    18          16      12       12          14     16      16        16
value by voting in favour of an expansion of the     was broadcast revenue (up 32%) as Belgian
league to 18 teams.                                  clubs benefited from an improved collective
                                                     performance in UEFA club competitions              Note: This chart includes a sample of countries                 top-tier leagues analysed in this report. Central
Turkey                                               compared to 2017/18. From 2020/21 broadcast        ranking below fifth in terms of average top division            distributions from the SPFL will be boosted by
                                                                                                        club revenues for the most recent available financial
The Turkish Süper Lig reported limited revenue       revenue growth is expected, as a new five-                                                                         a new, long-term, domestic broadcast rights
                                                                                                        information. Figures in respect of Norway, Poland,
growth of 2% in Euro terms over the period.          year domestic and international rights deal is     Portugal, Russia and Turkey relate to FY2018. Figures in        agreement commencing in 2020/21, which is
Difficult economic conditions and turbulence in      anticipated to deliver an increase of over 25%     respect of Denmark and Sweden relate to the year to             anticipated to deliver a c.20% increase on the
the Turkish Lira exchange rate both presented        on the existing agreement.                         December 2019. The wages to revenue ratio in respect            existing arrangement.
                                                                                                        of Belgium is based on player payroll only.
growth challenges.
                                                     Austria                                            Source: Leagues; Club accounts; UEFA; Deloitte analysis.        Denmark, Poland, Norway and Sweden
Nonetheless, the twin impacts of a new               The 2018/19 season marked significant growth                                                                       In 2018/19 no club from Denmark, Poland,
broadcast cycle and matchday revenue                 for the Austrian Bundesliga, as the league                                                                         Norway or Sweden qualified for the Champions
improvements helped maintain Turkey’s strong         expanded the number of competing teams to                                                                          League group stage, and the advent of the UEFA
financial ranking amongst European leagues.          12 and revenues grew by 45% to €256m.              Scotland                                                        Europa Conference League therefore offers
Turkish clubs’ stadium redevelopment projects        The commencement of the new broadcast              The Scottish Premiership clubs’ revenues                        these clubs an additional opportunity to benefit
and the Turkish Football Federation’s use of         cycle, starting in 2018/19 further drove growth.   increased by 3% to £212m (€240m) in 2018/19.                    financially from a share of UEFA distributions.
initiatives, such as UEFA Grow, to increase          Longer term growth has seemingly been              The presence of both Old Firm clubs in the                      These leagues also continue to look to other
the country’s participation in football and          secured as the existing broadcast rights holder    UEFA Europa League helped to deliver overall                    sources of revenue to achieve growth. For
encourage families to attend Süper Lig matches       has negotiated an option to extend its current     matchday and commercial growth. Matchday                        example, the Danish Superliga has agreed a
have also helped strengthen performance.             agreement for a reported c.20% increase in         revenues, boosted by a fourth successive season                 new three-season broadcast rights deal from
                                                     annual revenues, from the 2022/23 season.          of attendances growth, comprised 48% of total                   2021/22 to 2023/24 and the Polish Ekstraklasa
                                                                                                        revenue – the highest amongst the European                      launched its own OTT platform in 2019/20.
Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 |
                                        Sports Business Group

Fans for the memories

Fans – as the ultimate consumer of its product – will always
                                                                                                                                                          watch live football
                                                                                                                                                          via streaming (i.e.
be a primary consideration for decision-makers in the                                                                                                     web based solutions),

football industry. The three revenue types by which the                                                                                                   with the same
                                                                                                                                                          proportion watching via
industry’s income is categorised are all ultimately driven by                                                                                             attendance at matches.
fan consumption. It is fans who subscribe to television or
                                                                                                          of fans surveyed still watch
streaming providers to watch the sport and provide broadcast                                              live football via traditional                             Key finding:
revenue, fans that organisations partnering with football clubs                                                     linear broadcasts                            Traditional linear
                                                                                                               (via satellite or cable                         broadcast therefore
and leagues wish to increase their profile with thus providing                                                        broadcasters).                        remains hugely important
commercial revenue, and fans directly providing matchday                                                                                                     for live sport, backed by
                                                                                                                                                              considerable demand
revenue through their attendance.                                                                                                                                  amongst fans.

The consumption demands of the fan in a post-           To get a glimpse into the current viewpoint of
COVID-19 world will therefore be of paramount           the football fan we conducted a global survey
importance and interest to the industry as it           in early May 2020 of fans in over 30 countries.
consolidates, recovers and ultimately grows             The responses provided notable insights both
in the face of the pandemic. An adaptation              on how fans prefer to consume football and        When fans were asked to rank their
of existing business models is likely in the            several topical issues in the game which will     methods of consumption by order of
short-term at least as the industry adjusts to          undoubtedly continue to be discussed in the       preference the results were particularly
competing in a behind-closed-doors scenario,            coming year.                                      telling. Attendance at matches received           Key finding:
where the consumption preferences of fans                                                                 the highest number of first preference      There is still an insatiable
watching from home become even more critical.                                                             selections with 40%. The most selected       appetite for live sport,
                                                                                                          second and third preferences were live       and despite significant
                                                                                                          television and live streaming broadcasts,    advances in broadcast
                                                                                                          with highlights via television and          and technology, from the
                                                                                                          streaming the most common fourth and         perspective of the fan,
                                                                                                          fifth preferences respectively.                  nothing beats
                                                                                                                                                            being there.

Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 |
                                                                                                                                                                               Sports Business Group

                                                                                   The preferred channels used to access
                                                                                   information about clubs, leagues and
                                                                                   players vary. Despite the proliferation
                                                                                            of social media over the past
                                             Key finding:                                       decade respondents still
                                      Greater use of streaming                                   used websites for clubs and              Key finding:                of respondees view the
                                       for highlights than for                                    leagues more than any                 Fans appear to be             current competition
                                         live football shows                                      other channel. The most             broadly supportive of           formats at continental
The consumption methods for            that different content                                     common source for players            the continental and            and domestic level as
highlights are again still led by      is viewed via different                                    was their Instagram feed.           domestic competition            fit for purpose. 30%
traditional linear broadcasts            media by the same                                                                             formats currently in           were neutral on the
with 72% of respondents                      consumers.                                                                                     operation.                issue with only 14%
using this method, although a                                                                                                                                         expressing negative
significantly higher proportion                                                                                                                                       sentiment.
(60%) consume via streaming                                             High profile official domestic
compared to live football.                                         matches taking place in other
                                                                       territories have become                                                     When asked about ‘Super League’ style
                                                                     more prevalent, recent                                                  competitions the fans surveyed were mainly
                                                                         examples being the                                                    disapproving of such formats which would
                         Of those fans that                        Italian Supercoppa and                                             potentially match the largest, but not necessarily
                         streamed (either live or                     Spanish Supercopa in                                                  the current best on-pitch, clubs against each
                         highlights) the device                     Saudi Arabia. The fans                                                    other on a regular season basis. 57% of fans
                         most commonly used                              surveyed expressed                                                   posted negative sentiment with less than a
                         was the phone, with                               negative sentiment                                              quarter (24%) supportive.
                         42% of fans that stream                               for this, with 57%                                      63% also disapproved of
                         using that method                            disapproving and only                Key finding:                the notion that these            Key finding:
                         compared to around                                 17% expressing         Whilst such offers from host       competitions should          The current domestic
                         25% for laptop and                                      approval.         cities and countries may be             be ‘closed shop’     and continental calendars,
                         television.                                                                 attractive to leagues and        (i.e. no promotion/         coupled with the drama,
                                                                                                 federations, especially in a post-          relegation) to      fluidity and jeopardy that
                                                         Key finding:                           COVID-19 scenario where cashflow      guarantee that the        promotion and relegation
                                                    As mobile technology                          challenges are commonplace,          largest teams play          provides appear to be
                                                      and video quality                          careful consideration should be                  each other            much valued.
                                                   continues to evolve with                       given to the core consumers –                  each season.
                                                   the advancement of 5G                          the fans – when making these
                                                  the trend of phone as the                                  decisions.
                                                  primary streaming device
                                                    looks set to continue.

Annual Review of Football Finance 2020 |
                                        Premier League clubs

Premier League clubs                                                                                                Into the valley
                                                                                                                    The huge disruption to the 2019/20 season       The completion of the 2019/20 season in the
                                                                                                                    caused by COVID-19, with a quarter of the       summer of 2020 could, surprisingly, prompt
                                                                                                                    season delayed until at least June and July     a rebound to a new revenue record for the
                                                                                                                    and played behind closed doors, will trigger    2020/21 financial year, as it will effectively
                                                                                                                    the first ever drop in Premier League           cover one and a quarter seasons. There are
As predicted in last year’s                             Chart 7: Premier League clubs’ revenues                     revenues. The fall is made up of two            a number of inherent uncertainties in trying
                                                        2016/17-2020/21 (£m)                                        elements – 1) revenue delayed until the         to estimate the revenue levels for 2020/21
edition, Premier League                                                                                             following financial year when the final         – the speed and scale of return of fans to
clubs’ total revenue exceeded                           6,000
                                                                                                 5,400              games are played (football accounting years     stadiums, the easing of travel restrictions to
                                                                                                                    typically end in May or June) and much more     facilitate UEFA competitions, the strength of
£5 billion for the first time in                        5,000    4,556
                                                                         4,819   1,425
                                                                                                                    seriously, 2) revenue permanently lost due      broadcast and commercial partnerships
2018/19, an increase of 7%                                       1,168
                                                                                         4,300                      to the impact of the pandemic.                  and most fundamentally the prevalence of
                                                                                         1,550                                                                      COVID-19 will all shape the outcome.
compared to the previous                                4,000
                                                                                          36%       3,700
                                                                                                    69%             While much uncertainty remains, assuming
season.                                                          2,768
                                                                                                                    a completed 2019/20 season, we estimate         It is highly likely that the first truly “new
                                                        3,000                                                       revenue may fall to c.£4.3 billion (17%         normal” set of financial results will not be
Revenue increased across all three streams with                                           51%                       reduction from 2018/19), with over £500m        seen until the 2021/22 season, reflected in
the majority of growth in broadcast revenue.            2,000                                                       now recognised in 2020/21 but almost            the 2023 edition of the Annual Review of
Increased distributions from participation                                                                          £500m lost to the sport.                        Football Finance.
in UEFA club competitions were received by
clubs as a new cycle of broadcast agreements                      620    670      683     550               350
commenced and changes to the distribution                         13%     14%     13%
                                                                                          13%               6%    performance in UEFA competitions; and strong      between them. Both clubs continue to seek
model adopted by UEFA for its Champions                     0    16/17   17/18   18/19   19/20     20/21          performances by Premier League clubs in           ways to utilise their stadiums on non-match
League and Europa League competitions became                     Average revenue per club (£m)                    UEFA competitions. Approximately 80% of the       days, with 2019/20 seeing concerts at Anfield
effective. Commercial revenue grew faster than                    228    241      258     215       270           increase in broadcast revenue was generated by    for the first time since 2008 and Tottenham
broadcast revenue (9% compared to 7%), due to                                                                     the four Premier League clubs that participated   Hotspur Stadium hosting its first NFL fixtures.
the commencement of multiple new commercial                 Matchday      Broadcasting           Commercial       in the 2018/19 Champions League, with
deals, particularly at the largest clubs.                                                                         the winners Liverpool generating £264m in         As expected, matchday revenue continues to be
                                                                                   Source: Deloitte analysis.     broadcast revenue across all competitions, a      the smallest component of total revenue and its
                                                                                                                  19% increase on the previous season.              share of total revenue decreased marginally to
Premier League clubs’ revenue                           generated revenue growth of more than 10%.                                                                  13%. Nonetheless, most of the Premier League
Clubs’ total revenue increased by £338m                 The increase in broadcast revenue (£205m)                 Commercial revenue increases (£120m, 9%)          clubs which also participated in the 2017/18
(7%) in 2018/19 taking average revenue per              accounted for 61% of the total revenue increase.          accounted for most of the remaining total         season reported increases in matchday revenue
Premier League club to £258m, an increase               The rise was predominantly driven by the                  revenue increase, with all bar four of the        as the total edged up to a new record level
of £17m compared to 2017/18. Total revenue              combination of the increased value of UEFA                consistent Premier League clubs reporting         for the League. Stadium utilisation was 97%,
increases to new club record levels were seen           broadcast rights; a new UEFA distribution                 increases. The two Champions League finalists,    further highlighting the limited scope for growth
at the majority of Premier League clubs. Aside          mechanism, which introduced a coefficient                 Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur, generated        in matchday revenue without ticket price or
from newly promoted clubs, four other clubs             ranking element based on a club’s historical              over half of the total commercial growth          capacity increases.
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