2019-2020 CATALOG THE GRADUATE SCHOOL - The University Made for You - UMUC.edu

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2019-2020 CATALOG THE GRADUATE SCHOOL - The University Made for You - UMUC.edu
2019–2020 CATALOG

WWW.ASIA.UMUC.EDU     The University Made for You
2019-2020 CATALOG THE GRADUATE SCHOOL - The University Made for You - UMUC.edu
At University of Maryland University College (UMUC), a high-quality education is always within reach.
UMUC is dedicated to offering on-site and online courses and resources to adult students in Maryland
and around the world. Under contract to the U.S. Department of Defense, UMUC is one of the largest
providers of education to the U.S. military worldwide and serves more than 50,000 active-duty military
servicemembers, reservists, veterans, and their families. With more than 140 worldwide classroom and
service locations in more than 20 countries and territories and more than 90 undergraduate and graduate
degree, certificate, and specialization curricula offered entirely online, UMUC makes it possible to earn a
widely respected degree from just about anywhere.

UMUC’s commitment to students around the globe extends far beyond providing access to excellent
degree programs. An online academic and administrative services portal, MyUMUC, makes it simple for
you to register for courses, pay tuition, apply for graduation, and update your personal information when
it’s convenient for you. You can also access academic and career advising, financial aid counseling,
library services, and much more online via the university’s website or by phone or e-mail. All over the
world, UMUC gives you what you need to succeed.
Welcome to UMUC Asia
Welcome to University of Maryland University College and the Asia campus. Our mission—to offer quality academic programs
to students whose responsibilities may include work, family, and military service — is always at the heart of our decisions.
UMUC is proud to serve our students, and your success is our priority.

Since our founding in 1947, UMUC has been dedicated to the education of military servicemembers, veterans, and their fami-
lies. As the first American university to educate U.S. military overseas, serving the military is embedded in the university’s DNA,
and we proudly carry on this heritage as one of the top military–trusted and veteran–friendly schools in the country. We are
honored to serve the members of military communities throughout the United States, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

Having served in the military, we have seen the challenges servicemembers and their families face and the sacrifices they make.
We have also recognized their ambition to improve themselves and their lives. At UMUC, we answer this need by offering career–
relevant academics to help you become more valuable in your current role and in the job market. Our programs and courses are
designed to give you the best possible academic training, preparation, and credentials for a successful career in your field. You
can achieve your dreams and your true potential — one class, one semester, one accomplished moment at a time.

On behalf of the faculty and staff of this great institution, we extend to you our very best wishes as you build your professional
value and achieve your educational goals.

Maj. Gen. Lloyd “Milo” Miles,              James B. Cronin
U.S. Army, Ret.                            U.S. Army, Ret.
Senior Vice President,		                   Vice President and Director,
Global Military Operations                 UMUC Asia

Meet Your Director                              ACCREDITATION

                                                University of Maryland University College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on
                                                Higher Education, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (+1–267–284–5000), an institu-
                                                tional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for
                                                Higher Education Accreditation UMUC is a constituent institution of the University System of
                                                Maryland and is governed by the USM Board of Regents.

                                                UMUC is certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia. UMUC at
                                                Quantico, Corporate Center, 525 Corporate Drive #101, Stafford, VA 22554

                                                See the policy statement and additional policies in the index.
 Christian Mahoney, PhD
 Director of Graduate and
 Special Programs, Asia

                                                                                                                 w w w. a s i a .u m u c . e d u /m b a   1
From the Dean
                              I am pleased to welcome you to The
                              Graduate School for the 2019–2020
                              academic year, as University of
                              Maryland University College transi-
                              tions into becoming University of
                              Maryland Global Campus!

                               In case you haven’t already heard
                               the news, on July 1, 2019, our name
                               was officially changed to University
                               of Maryland Global Campus by an
                               act of the Maryland State General
Assembly. You’ll be seeing and hearing our new name more and
more—on our website, in course materials, publications, and
correspondence; in the media; and at our locations around the
world—and eventually, it will no longer seem different to you.

The name change better reflects our position as a state univer-
sity with a global footprint. The new name reveals our values,
goals, and commitment to serving students across the world,            POLICY STATEMENT
as we have done since 1947. It reflects both our rich history as a
                                                                       This publication and its provisions do not
University System of Maryland institution and our enduring mis-
                                                                       constitute, and should not be regarded as,
sion to serve students in Maryland, the United States, and in the
                                                                       a contract between UMUC and any party or
global community.
                                                                       parties. At the time of publication, reason-
Use this catalog as a roadmap to plan your route from where you        able effort was made to ensure the factual
are today to the career you want tomorrow. Inside you will find        accuracy of the information. However, this
thedegree requirements, program details, and administrative in-        publication is not a complete statement of
formation that will help guide you toward the successful comple-       all policies, procedures, rules, regulations,
tion of your educational and professional objectives.                  academic requirements, and tuition and fees
                                                                       applicable to UMUC, its students, or its pro-
Your graduation is our highest achievement. To that end, our goal      grams. In addition, changes or additions may
is to give you access to the best education possible, available to
                                                                       be made to the policies, procedures, rules,
everybody, everywhere, and this is where you start. Explore our
                                                                       regulations, and academic requirements set
programs, and then get started as soon as possible
                                                                       out in this publication. UMUC reserves the
As always, feel free to reach out to your faculty, program chair, or   right to make these changes and additions
my offi ce if you have questions or concerns. We are here to help      to the information in this publication without
you succeed.!                                                          prior notice.

Sincerely,                                                             This catalog provides the degree require-
                                                                       ments and recommended curriculum for
                                                                       students who begin continuous study on or
                                                                       after August 1, 2018. (Details are listed on
                                                                       p. 26.) When a curriculum or graduation
Kathryn Klose, PhD                                                     requirement is changed, it is not made retro-
Acting Vice Provost and Dean                                           active unless the change is to the student’s
The Graduate School                                                    advantage and can be accommodated
E–mail: graddean@umuc.edu                                              within the span of years normally required
                                                                       for graduation. See additional policies on
                                                                       pp. 45–42 Sources for any claims made
                                                                       throughout this catalog may be found on the
                                                                       UMUC website (umuc.edu).

  2     G R A D U AT E C ATA LO G | 2019 –20 20
Table of Contents

                                                     4                                                                                29
INTRODUCTION                                             ADMISSION AND ENROLLMENT
4     Welcome to UMUC                                    29      General Information
5     About The Graduate School                          29      Admission
6     Preparing for Graduate Study                       31      Registration
                                                         32      Financial Information
MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS                                  8   SERVICES AND RESOURCES
8     Master of Business Administration                  35      General Information
10    Transformational Leadership Master's Program       35      Admission Assistance
                                                         35      Advising
                                               12        36
                                                                 Accessibility Services
                                                                 Graduation Clearance and Services
                                               14        37
                                                                 Financial Aid
                                                                 Transcript Services

ADMINISTRATION                                           41      Verification Services
                                                         41      Student Advisory Council
                                                         42      Other Resources
                                               18        UNIVERSITY POLICIES
REQUIREMENTS                                   22
22    Grading Methods
22    Grades and Marks

23    Computing Grade Point Average
23    Changes in Grade
23    Scholastice Recognition
24    Academic Standards
26    Degree Requirments and Continuous Enrollment
26    Responsibilities of the Student

                                                                       w w w. a s i a .u m u c . e d u /g r a d u a t e p r o g r a m s   3
Welcome to UMUC
                                             Recognizing that financial concerns often    FACILITIES AND PROGRAMS
MADE FOR YOU                                 present the biggest obstacle to higher
                                             education, UMUC also strives to keep         UMUC offers degree programs from
From its founding in 1947, University of
                                             tuition costs low and provides numerous      the associate level to the doctorate.
Maryland University College (UMUC) was
                                             financial aid opportunities, including       Most undergraduate and graduate
designed to meet the educational needs
                                             scholarships for military and community      programs are available online. These
of adult students like you—students who
                                             college students.                            academic programs are administered
must balance study with the demands of
                                                                                          by The Undergraduate School and The
work and family life.
                                             Excellence                                   Graduate School.
Today UMUC has grown to be the largest       A regionally accredited university,
                                             UMUC is dedicated to providing the           The university’s administrative
public university in the nation, serving
                                             highest–quality programs and services        headquarters, located in Adelphi,
students throughout the state, the
                                             and ensuring excellence in its online        Maryland, also serve as home to
nation, and the world. Yet its focus on
                                             and hybrid courses.                          a prestigious art collection and a
providing open access to high–quality
                                                                                          conference facility, the College Park
educational programs and services—
                                             In providing these programs, UMUC            Marriott Hotel and Conference Center at
eliminating the barriers that can keep
                                             relies on a renowned faculty of scholar–     UMUC. Both The Undergraduate School
you from achieving your educational
                                             practitioners—teachers who bring real–       and The Graduate School, as well as
goals—remains unchanged.
                                             world experience as well as advanced         all related academic support units, are
                                             academic credentials to your courses—        housed athe the Academic Center at Largo.
CARRYING OUT THE MISSION                     and the use of the latest technologies.
                                             UMUC also is able to provide you with
Students First                               a wealth of resources because of its         FOR ASSISTANCE
At UMUC, your success as a student is of     place within the University System of
                                                                                          Contact us by e–mail at
paramount importance. The university         Maryland.
seeks not only to help you fulfill your
current education goals but also to          The success of UMUC’s efforts is evident.
                                                                                          Military Address
create an educational partnership that       Over the years, UMUC has garnered
                                                                                          UMUC Asia
will last throughout your life.              awards from such notable organizations
                                                                                          Unit 5060, Box 0100
                                             as the World Affairs Council, E–C Council,
                                                                                          APO AP 96328–0100
To that end, the university looks            University Professional and Continuing
first for ways to ensure that you can        Education Association, Online Learning
                                                                                          Civilian Address
easily access programs and services.         Consortium (formerly the Sloan
                                                                                          UMUC Asia
Admission policies are designed to           Consortium), and Maryland Distance
                                                                                          Building 445, Yokota Air Base Fussa,
simplify the process (standardized tests     Learning Association.
are not generally required), making it
                                             Innovation                                   Tokyo (197–0001) Japan
possible for you to apply and register for
most programs at the same time.              UMUC has always looked for new and
                                             better ways to serve students. Long          Telephone
As a global university, UMUC makes it        before the online revolution, UMUC           DSN: 315–225–3680
possible for you to take classes any time,   was delivering courses to students at        Civilian: +81–(0)42–552–2510, ext. 5–3680
any place, by offering one of the largest    distant locations, using any and all
selections of online programs in addition    available technologies—from interactive
to classes at sites throughout Maryland      television to voice mail. Today, you
and the Washington, D.C., metropolitan       can access both courses and services
area and at military sites all over the      online, using the university’s learning
world. You can also access student           management system and MyUMUC,
services online and by phone, well as        its online gateway to services and
on–site at many locations.                   information. Through its Center for
                                             Innovation in Learning and Student
Convenience and flexibility are not
                                             Success, UMUC leads the search for next–
the only concerns, however. UMUC
                                             generation learning models and best
seeks to create a learning environment
                                             practices for online learning.
that you will find respectful of diverse
backgrounds that are inclusive,
responsive, and relevant.

  4    G R A D U AT E C ATA LO G | 2019 –20 20
About The Graduate School
                                                                                              Military Relationships
MISSION STATEMENT                             online study. For more information,
                                                                                              UMUC has established special
                                              e–mail grad.advisor@umuc.edu or call
UMUC’s Graduate School prepares you           800–888–UMUC (8682).                            relationships with a number of
for effective leadership and citizenship                                                      professional military education
in a global environment characterized                                                         institutions: Air War College, Air
by workforce diversity, increasing            CONTINUOUS INNOVATION                           University, Defense Acquisition
competition, and technological                                                                University, Defense Information School,
                                              As a leader in distance education, UMUC
innovation. Programs are designed                                                             Naval War College, National Defense
                                              continually strives to ensure that its
to extend educational access through                                                          University Information Resources
                                              academic programs, course delivery
multiple formats.                                                                             Management College (iCollege), and
                                              formats, and student services meet
The Graduate School strives for                                                               Marine Corps College of Distance
                                              the highest standards for excellence.
excellence in the quality of programs         Ongoing efforts focus on improving              Education and Training. In most of
offered and innovative delivery formats.      the student experience online and               these educational relationships, you
The curriculum provides discipline–           ensuring that programs meet the needs           may complete coursework at the military
specific knowledge with emphasis on           of today’s workforce. These changes             institution as part of the Master of
leadership, communication, technology,        may involve the introduction of new or          Science in Management or the Master
globalization, diversity, systems             revised programs later in the academic          of Science in Information Technology.
thinking, critical thinking, information      year. Visit umuc.edu/grad for the latest        More information on these academic
literacy, research competency, and            program information, especially if you          relationships is available online at umuc.
ethical practices. The Graduate               intend to enroll in 2019–2020. Also             edu/military–and–veterans or by e–mail
School challenges you to continuously         check umuc.edu for possible addenda to          at MilitarySupportServices@umuc.edu.
demonstrate effective leadership as
                                              this catalog.
you apply what you study to your
professions and your daily lives.
                                              EDUCATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS
ACADEMIC PROGRAMS                             The Graduate School established
                                              educational relationships for some of
UMUC’s graduate degrees are designed
                                              its existing programs with a number of
to provide a career–focused curriculum.
                                              academic and government institutions,
Over the years, many of these programs
                                              some of which are listed below.
have won awards for excellence. Recently,
UMUC’s graduate program in data analytics     The Undergraduate School
received the University and Professional      Articulation agreements and vertical
Continuing Education Association (UPCEA)      pathways between The Graduate
Mid–Atlantic Region Outstanding Program       School and UMUC’s Undergraduate
and Partnership Award in 2016. UMUC           School allow students who completed
teams won both first and third place in the   their undergraduate degree at UMUC
2018 Watson Analytics Global Competition,     with majors in majors in accounting,
and the university’s cybersecurity            computer networks and cybersecurity,
competition team placed first and second      computer science, criminal justice,
at MAGIC’s Capture the Flag cybersecurity     English, history, and social science,
competition.                                  as well as those who have completed
                                              coursework in emergency management
A list of UMUC’s graduate programs,
                                              and homeland security to reduce their
organized by career field, is provided on
                                              total coursework for certain related
the following pages.
                                              graduate degrees. Details on each of
Virtually all programs are available          these agreements are provided under
online. Coursework for some programs          the individual program descriptions.
is available on–site at Maryland/national
capital area locations in a hybrid format
that combines on–site attendance with

                                                                                     w w w. a s i a .u m u c . e d u /g r a d u a t e p r o g r a m s   5
Preparing for Graduate Study
 More is expected at the graduate level
                                             NONPROGRAM COURSES                          course, a grade of S (Satisfactory) or U
 than what is normally required at
                                                                                         (Unsatisfactory) is posted; the mark of I
 the undergraduate level. In addition,       Because UMUC graduate students often        (Incomplete) is not an option. You must
 you usually must complete special           enter graduate study with academic          be admitted or have an application on file
 requirements at the end of your             backgrounds in very different fields        before registering for noncredit courses.
 graduate program. UMUC’s master’s           and return to study after a gap of many
 degree programs require you to              years, UMUC offers a number of courses      Current information about fees for
 complete an integrative end–of–             outside the usual required program          noncredit courses is available at
 program capstone course in which you        courses that are designed to help you       umuc.edu/tuition.
 must demonstrate mastery of content         succeed in your graduate studies.
 covered throughout the program. At the      Complete course descriptions are
 doctoral level, UMUC requires you to                                                    COURSE FORMATS
                                             provided on pp. 12–13.
 complete a dissertation.                                                                UMUC offers courses online and in a
                                             Required Introductory Course
 As long as you are continuously                                                         hybrid format that combines on–site
                                             UCSP 615 Orientation to Graduate
 enrolled, you should refer to the catalog                                               and online instruction.
                                             Studies at UMUC is designed to help
 of the year in which you began graduate     you develop the skills and techniques       Hybrid classes typically meet on–site at
 study for the specific requirements         you need to understand and manage           a UMUC location for four to six sessions
 related to your program of study.           the challenges involved in successfully     per term; the remainder of the teaching
 Continuous enrollment is defined on p.      completing a graduate program at            and learning in the course occurs in
 27                                          UMUC and to familiarize you with            the online classroom. The schedule
 In all programs, you must maintain          research strategies and online library      of on–site sessions is provided at the
 a term and cumulative grade point           resources—material that is critical for     beginning of the term. Hybrid classes
 average (GPA) of 3.0 to remain in good      21st–century professionals.                 are identified in the most current
 academic standing; in some, you must                                                    graduate schedule of classes.
                                             This noncredit course is required for all
 also earn a grade of B or better in each    new master’s degree students, except        Online courses maintain the same
 class to progress to the next class.        those in programs that require CBR,         academic standards as on–site courses.
 Academic progress is assessed at the        DCL, or PRO 600. At the successful          Course content, learning materials,
 end of each term. Other requirements—       conclusion of the course, a grade of        requirements, assignments, and class
 such as time limits for degree              S (Satisfactory) or U (Unsatisfactory)      participation are comparable for online
 completion and minimum GPA—also             is posted; the mark of I (Incomplete)       and hybrid courses; for example, you
 apply; details are provided on pp. 26–27.   is not an option. UCSP 615 must be          need to adhere to a course schedule for
 While UMUC’s course formats offer you       completed within the first 6 credits of     assignment deadlines.
 considerable flexibility, graduate study    graduate study. It is recommended that
                                                                                         Computer and Internet Access
 requires a significant time commitment.     you take this as your first course before
                                                                                         UMUC is committed to ensuring that
 Most courses involve group projects.        beginning program coursework.
                                                                                         you acquire the level of technological
 Each week, you should expect to devote      Optional Noncredit Courses                  fluency needed for active participation in
 at least three hours of outside study for   Noncredit courses (currently designated     contemporary society and have access
 every credit in which you are enrolled.     UCSP or ASC) are available in computer      to up–to–date resources.
 For example, for a 3–credit course,         programming, financial accounting,
 youwould need to devote at least nine                                                   As a UMUC student, you must be
                                             information technology, writing, and
 hours per week to outside study.                                                        prepared to participate in asynchronous,
                                             research methods and generally last five
                                                                                         computer–based class discussions;
                                             to eight weeks. Although these courses
                                                                                         study groups; online database searches;
                                             carry no UMUC credit, they appear
                                                                                         course evaluations; and other online
                                             on your official academic transcript.
                                                                                         activities—whether you are taking a
                                             At the successful conclusion of the
                                                                                         course online or in a hybrid format.

   6    G R A D U AT E C ATA LO G | 2019 –20 20
You must, therefore, ensure that you           install computer programs. To determine
have some type of Internet access.             whether such requirements apply to your
                                                                                                       The following pages provide descrip-
Barring individual course requirements,        program, you should consult the program
                                                                                                       tions of the degree and certificate
this access may be through use of a            chair (listed under Contact Information).
                                                                                                       programs available through the UMUC
UMUC computer lab; university or
                                               Course Evaluations                                      Graduate School, including all course
public library; or other readily available,                                                            requirements and any academic or
                                               UMUC uses feedback from you and your
reliable source if you do not have home                                                                professional preparation required or
                                               fellow students to make decisions about
access. However, such access should be                                                                 recommended beyond general gradu-
                                               future courses. Individual responses are
regularly available, and you must have a                                                               ate admission requirements.
                                               kept confidential. For online and hybrid
current e–mail address.
                                               classes, the notice appears in the online               These descriptions also provide pos-
Some academic programs may have                classroom when three–quarters of the                    sible career fields toward which gradu-
specific technical requirements.*              class has been completed.                               ates of these programs may aim.

Taking Online Classes                                                                                  Most degree and certificate programs
                                                                                                       follow a very specific curriculum with
Before registering for an online
                                                                                                       little or no choice. However, in some
course, you may want to consider
                                                                                                       cases you may substitute a single
the following:
                                                                                                       6–credit course that covers the same
1.	You need to be prepared to write                                                                   content as two required 3–credit
    extensively, because nearly all                                                                    courses or vice versa. These options
    communication is written. You need                                                                 are listed in the course requirements.
    strong reading and writing skills in
2.	You need to be competent in the use
    of computers and commonly used
    software programs.
3.	Because the online classroom is
    asynchronous and you are expected
    to be an active participant, you are
    encouraged to log in frequently to
    check what has transpired in your
    online classroom (instead of class–
    room meetings).
4.	You need disciplined work habits,
    effective time management skills,
    and the ability to work both alone
    and collaboratively.

Technical Requirements
You must meet certain minimum
technical requirements to take graduate
online courses; these requirements
are subject to change. Review the
current information about technical
requirements at umuc.edu/techreq. You
are responsible for your own internet
access costs.

Some academic programs may have
additional technical requirements,
such as requiring you to download and

* Certain project management courses require the use of a computer with a Microsoft Windows operating system.

                                                                                        w w w. a s i a .u m u c . e d u /g r a d u a t e p r o g r a m s   7

Advance your career in an award–winning MBA program                       Career Preparation
that can help you gain the skills and abilities desired by
                                                                          This program is designed to help you prepare for management
today’s employers.
                                                                          careers in business, government, or nonprofit organizations
The MBA program can help you learn how to strategically                   in areas such as team leadership, project supervision, and
manage an organization for growth and success. Develop                    creation and implementation of business solutions.
and advance your competencies in finance, marketing,
human resources, strategy, and leadership. Apply your
learning from multiple disciplines and specializations to
                                                                          Your Coursework
real–life business problems.                                              Courses in the MBA curriculum use high–quality online
                                                                          learning resources and emphasize teamwork, information
                                                                          literacy, technology fluency, systems thinking, ethics, com–
What You’ll Learn                                                         munication, problem solving, and critical thinking. Additionally,
Through your coursework, you’ll learn how to                              the MBA offers you the opportunity to learn from highly quali-
                                                                          fied faculty with significant managerial and leadership experi-
■■   Create and implement a personal leadership develop–
                                                                          ence in emerging areas relevant to your career growth.
     ment plan
■■   Foster mutual respect, trust, and high standards of ethics,          Coursework Examples
     performance, and teamwork                                            In past projects, students have had the opportunity to
■■   Assess and manage critical knowledge and skill gaps
     related to core organizational functions and managerial
                                                                          ■■   Analyze costs of operations for an organization using
     responsibilities                                                          managerial finance techniques

■■   Complete a comprehensive analysis of the costs of
                                                                          ■■   Determine optimal prices for goods and services by
     operations, pricing options, financing, product mix,                      analyzing costs, revenues, and profitability
     distribution channels, and supply chain relationships                ■■   Evaluate the opportunities and risks involved in an
■■   Evaluate your cultural intelligence, ethical values, and                  organization’s decision to expand its operations to a global
     skills in decision making, and implement specific actions                 market by assessing issues of culture, business ethics,
     to leverage your strengths and further develop areas of                   employment law, contracts, and criminal law in the context
     relative weakness                                                         of a global business

■■   Evaluate your organization’s policies for managing legal
                                                                          ■■   Design and present a marketing plan for a new product
     and ethical risks, with a focus on contracts, agency, and                 or service, including a comprehensive situation analysis,
     tort law                                                                  a strong value proposition, an effective marketing mix
                                                                               strategy, and a holistic marketing communications plan
■■   Design and develop a marketing plan for a new product or
     service in both domestic and international markets
     Prepare a detailed project management plan for an

     initiative in a new international location that presents
     business, language, cultural, legal, and other challenges for
                                                                                 Required Core Courses                              36
     your organization
■■   Develop a comprehensive strategy for expanding your                         Total Credits                                      36
     organization’s products or services in a selected country

More information about certificates, including gainful employment disclosures, is available at umuc.edu/gradcertificates.

     8   G R A D U AT E C ATA LO G | 2019 –20 20
Preparation Recommended for Success
If you need to improve your computing skills, you should take
the noncredit course ASC 605. Taking ASC 601 is recommended
to improve writing and analytical skills.

Degree Requirements
PRO 600      Communicating, Problem Solving, and Leading
             in Professional Fields (6)
MBA 610      Leading Organizations and People (6)
MBA 620      Financial Decision Making (6)
MBA 630      Leading in the Multicultural Global Environment (6)
MBA 640      Innovation Through Marketing and Technology (6)
MBA 670      Strategic Decision Making (6)

Courses must be taken in the order listed.

Criteria for Program Progression
You must complete each course with a grade of B or better to
advance to the next course. The grade of C is not available for
these courses. Your course syllabus will explain options for and
consequences of requesting an Incomplete.

2019–20 Master of Business Administration Schedule
       FALL 2019                               SESSION DATES                                   REGISTRATION DEADLINE
                                                                                              On–site/Online: 1 October 2019
       Onsite/Online (11 weeks)                2 October–17 December 2019

       WINTER 2020
                                                                                              On–site/Online: 1 January 2020
       Onsite/Online (11 weeks)                2 January–17 March 2020

       SPRING 2020
                                                                                              On–site/Online: 31 March 2020
       Onsite/Online (11 weeks)                1 April–16 June 2020

       SUMMER 2020
       Onsite/Online (11 weeks)                1 July–15 September 2020                       On–site/Online: 30 June 2020

Course descriptions are found on pp. 12–13. Before enrolling, check umuc.edu/catalogs for possible updates to program offerings.

                                                                                         w w w. a s i a .u m u c . e d u /g r a d u a t e p r o g r a m s   9

Reposition your military leadership skills and gain new com-           ing outward at the environment it navigates. Ultimately, you’ll
petencies to transition to civilian organizations.                     work on a project with a civilian organization.

The Master of Science (MS) in Transformational Leadership
program is designed for students with military experience who          Coursework Examples
want to build on and maximize their leadership training and            ■■   Assess and evaluate one’s own leadership skills using a
skills to transition to corporate, nonprofit, or government orga-           leadership instrument created by experts in the field
nizations. Each course offers you practical experience by using        ■■   Create an individual development plan to leverage
workplace scenarios to apply your strategic–thinking and deci-              strengths and address skills that could benefit from
sion–making skills in both group and individual activities with             development
civilian organizations. You “learn by doing” and graduate better
                                                                       ■■   Develop performance and productivity metrics for indi–
prepared for workplace opportunities. The program provides
                                                                            vidual employees and project teams
hands–on experience with transformational leadership strate-
gies and techniques that will enable you to effect change at
                                                                       ■■   Assess employee engagement and satisfaction and
the individual, group, and organizational levels and prepare                strategies for setting goals for individuals, departments,
you for positions in civilian organizations. You’ll utilize theories        and the organization as a whole
and concepts in leadership in a civilian context, focusing on the      ■■   Evaluate workforce readiness to meet the immediate and
dynamics of leadership and building skills in communication,                long–term goals of an organization.
strategic planning and management, team building, conflict             ■■   Create employee development plans that outline strategies
resolution and mediation, fiscal and performance–based deci-                tailored to individual employees based on their employee
sion making, change management, project management, and                     profile and in support of the organization’s succession
organizational learning.                                                    strategies and workforce plan
                                                                       ■■   Analyze trends and specific data points to support decision
What You’ll Learn                                                           making within an organization
Through your coursework, you will learn how to                         ■■   Develop a performance predictive indicators report
                                                                            that provides guideposts for the organization’s strategic
■■    Analyze your strengths and weaknesses as a leader and                 planning
      leverage them to accomplish strategic goals
■■    Manage civilian employees and help them perform at
      higher levels
■■    Analyze the performance of an organization through                      MS IN TRANSFORMATIONAL
      metrics and formulate strategies to improve that                        LEADERSHIP
■■    Manage change in the organization’s environment                         Required Core Courses                                36

Career Preparation                                                            Total Credits                                        36

The program is designed to prepare you for senior leadership
positions in public, private, and nonprofit organizations in
various fields.

Your Coursework
The curriculum is designed to enhance the knowledge you
have already gained through your military experience, by
examining the organization first from the inside, then look-

     10   G R A D U AT E C ATA LO G | 2019 –20 20
Admission Criteria                                                      Degree Requirements
To be admitted to the program, you must meet the standard
                                                                        MS in Transformational Leadership
criteria for graduate admission and belong to one of the fol-
lowing military populations:                                            DCL 600    Decisive Thinking, Communicating,
                                                                                   and Leading (6)
■■   Full–time active–duty members of the U.S. Armed Forces             TLP 610    Repositioning Your Leadership Skills (6)
■■   Members of the National Guard                                      TLP 620    Leading in the Organization (6)
■■   Reservists                                                         TLP 630    Leading with Strategy and Performance
■■   Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces                                             Measures (6)
■■   Commissioned Corps members of the U.S. Public Health               TLP 640    Leading Through Change and Uncertainty (6)
     Service                                                            TLP 670    Leadership Capstone (6)
■■   Commissioned Corps members of the National Oceanic                 COURSE SEQUENCING
     and Atmospheric Administration                                     Courses must be taken in the order listed.
Note: You are responsible for providing the documentation
necessary to verify your military status.                               Criteria for Program Progression
If you are a civilian without military experience and are inter-        You must complete each course with a grade of B or better to
ested in developing your leadership and strategic skills, you           advance to the next course. (The grade of C is not available for
may benefit by pursuing the MBA or MS in Management.                    these courses.) Your course syllabus will explain options for
                                                                        and consequences of requesting an Incomplete.

Preparation Recommended for Success
You are expected to have some leadership experience as an
officer (noncommissioned or commissioned).

Taking ASC 601 is recommended to improve writing skills.

2019–20 Masters in Transformational Leadership Schedule

        FALL 2019                            SESSION DATES                                    REGISTRATION DEADLINE
                                                                                             On–site/Online: 1 October 2019
        Onsite/Online (11 weeks)             2 October–17 December 2019

        WINTER 2020
                                                                                             On–site/Online: 1 January 2020
        Onsite/Online (11 weeks)             2 January–17 March 2020

        SPRING 2020
                                                                                             On–site/Online: 31 March 2020
        Onsite/Online (11 weeks)             1 April–16 June 2020

        SUMMER 2020
        Onsite/Online (11 weeks)             1 July–15 September 2020                        On–site/Online: 30 June 2020

                                                                                        w w w. a s i a .u m u c . e d u /g r a d u a t e p r o g r a m s   11
PRO (Professional Communication                                    MBA 630 Leading in the Multicultural Global Environment (6)
                                                                   Prerequisite: MBA 620. Enhance your cultural competence
and Leadership)                                                    and evaluate opportunities and risks for operations in a global
                                                                   market. Expand your ability to apply ethical decision–making
PRO 600 Communicating, Problem Solving, and Leading in             models. Assess issues of culture, business ethics, employment
Professional Fields (6)
                                                                   law, contracts, and criminal law in the context of a global busi-
Make yourself more valuable to an employer by gaining and          ness. Analyze political, legal, economic, and cultural forces that
improving skills in communication and problem solving.             impact multinational businesses. Recommend the legal form
Explore your field by developing connections to your career        and organizational structure of a business.
path, creating a professional social network presence, and
using critical thinking to inform decisions. Improve and refine
                                                                   MBA 640 Innovation Through Marketing and Technology (6)
your skills in quantitative reasoning and team leadership as
                                                                   Prerequisite: MBA 630. Apply principles of market research
you hone your proficiency with analytical software programs,
                                                                   and branding. Use web analytics to make decisions in digital
collaboration tools, and other professional software.
                                                                   marketing. Organize tasks in a marketing plan, assess market
                                                                   risk and opportunity, and collect data required to implement
                                                                   the marketing plan. Develop financial projections and suitable
MBA (Business Administration)                                      metrics for tracking the marketing plan.

MBA 610 Leading Organizations and People (6)                       MBA 670 Strategic Decision Making (6)
Prerequisite: PRO 600. Assess and develop your leadership          Prerequisite: MBA 640. Assume the role of a strategy officer
skills by creating a personal leadership and professional devel-   who reports to the CEO. Develop an understanding of strategic
opment plan that you will refine during the program. Develop       leadership. Identify activities in the value chain of an organiza-
a strategic understanding of your organization by analyzing its    tion, and propose a plan to relocate one or more activities to
mission, vision, goals, and values. Evaluate your organization’s   another geographical region. Prepare a project management
culture, climate, and approach to decision making and assess       plan for the opening of a facility in a new country. Develop a
leadership effectiveness, governance structure, and processes.     business plan that includes an entry strategy, marketing plan,
Explore how high–performing work teams can be a source of          competitive strategy, and financial statements.
competitive advantage.

MBA 620 Financial Decision Making (6)
Prerequisite: MBA 610. Apply concepts behind financial
statements, pricing, cost analysis, and capital budgeting in
decisions. Propose solutions in real–world scenarios by using
published financial reports and data from well–known national
and international brands. Apply concepts from managerial
economics to make pricing decisions for a business. Review
business performance by analyzing the cash flow statement,
income statement, and balance sheet. Make cost allocation,
financing, and investment decisions by applying knowledge of
corporate evaluation. Determine the cost of capital and make
capital budgeting decisions.

 12    G R A D U AT E C ATA LO G | 2019 –20 20
DCL (Decisive Communication                                         TLP 630 Leading with Strategy and Performance Measures (6)
                                                                    Prerequisite: TLP 620. Gain the tools needed to assess the
and Leadership)                                                     organization’s bottom line and action steps for growth and
                                                                    sustainability. Apply strategic management theories and
                                                                    practice to measure and motivate organizational performance,
DCL 600 Decisive Thinking, Communicating, and Leading (6)
                                                                    identify trends, and recognize the different stages of the orga-
(Required for new graduate students.) Prepare for academic
                                                                    nization’s life cycle. Become proficient using tools to review
and professional success by developing skills that employers
                                                                    and interpret analytics, market research, and financial data
want in their employees. Explore your area of study to learn
                                                                    that can drive short– and long–range strategic decisions and
how it connects with your career aspirations, create a profes-
                                                                    identify potential deficiencies that run counter to the organiza-
sional social network presence, and use critical thinking to
                                                                    tion’s mission and goals.
inform decisions. Improve and refine your skills in communica-
tion, critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, and team leader-
ship. Hone your professional writing and oral communication         TLP 640 Leading Through Change and Uncertainty (6)
skills to produce produce effective presentations. Become           Prerequisite: TLP 630. Apply change management techniques
proficient with spreadsheets, collaboration tools, and other        for leading and maintaining stability during unplanned,
professional software.                                              turbulent events within the organization. Analyze and imple-
                                                                    ment strategic planning and decision–making approaches
                                                                    to diagnose the symptoms and predictors of organizational
TLP (Transformational Leadership)                                   challenges and obstacles to change. Use change management
                                                                    models to assess organizational performance and process
                                                                    reengineering, and forecast outcomes and resistance to
TLP 610 Repositioning Your Leadership Skills (6)
                                                                    change at the individual, group, and organization levels.
Prerequisite: DCL 600. Discover how leadership takes place
within organizations and the most effective leadership styles
                                                                    TLP 670 Leadership Capstone (6)
for directing individuals, projects, and groups to success. Dem-
                                                                    Prerequisite: TLP 640. Lead a real–world consulting project.
onstrate the differences between managing and leading with a
                                                                    Apply the techniques of project management as you collabo-
focus on motivating and inspiring individuals in preparation for
                                                                    rate with a partnering organization to develop a strategic and
future challenges and opportunities. Explore the various roles
                                                                    financial plan to address an organizational issue. Use client–
that leaders take on in domestic and global markets, and the
                                                                    relationship management, organizational diagnosis models,
ways leaders influence events that can drive success
                                                                    and coaching and presentation skills to complete your consult-
through individual and collaborative efforts. Create your own
                                                                    ing project, and showcase your solutions and plans to your
personal brand as you begin a journey to becoming a transfor-
                                                                    partner organization.
mational leader.

TLP 620 Leading in the Organization (6)
Prerequisite: TLP 610. Analyze the dynamics involved in leading
a workforce of multigenerational and diverse talent. Develop
strategies for facilitating an inclusive work culture and maxi-
mizing the varied skill sets and experiences of employees.
Weigh the impact of workforce change on organizations and
consider the potential challenges that run counter to respect-
ful, civil, and ethical work environments. Create retention and
succession and techniques for coaching and mentoring emerg-
ing leaders.

                                                                                    w w w. a s i a .u m u c . e d u /g r a d u a t e p r o g r a m s   13
DOCTORAL PROGRAM                                                           EDUCATION AND TEACHING PROGRAMS
Doctor of Business Administration                                         Master of Arts in Teaching 
Doctor of Management in                                                    Master of Distance Education
  Community College Policy                                                   and E–Learning
  and Administration
                                                                           Master of Education in Instructional
                                                                           Master of Science in Learning Design
Master of Science in Accounting                                              and Technology
  and Financial Management

Master of Science in Accounting
  and Information Systems
                                                                           HEALTHCARE AND SCIENCE PROGRAMS
                                                                           Master of Science in Biotechnology
Master of Science in Management
                                                                           ■■ Bioinformatics
■■ Accounting
                                                                           ■■   Biosecurity and Biodefense
■■    Financial Management
                                                                           ■■   Biotechnology Management
                                                                           ■■   Biotechnology Regulatory Affairs
                                                                           Master of Science in Environmental
Master of Business Administration                                            Management
Master of Science in Management                                            Master of Science in Healthcare
■■ Acquisition and Supply Chain                                              Administration
                                                                           Master of Science in Health
■■    Human Resource Management                                              Informatics Administration
■■    Interdisciplinary Studies in
■■    Nonprofit and Association
■■    Project Management
Master of Science in Transformational Leadership

Master of Science in Cybersecurity
  Management and Policy

Master of Science in Cybersecurity Technology

Master of Science in Digital
  Forensics and Cyber Investigation

Master of Science in Information Technology
■■ Information Assurance

         Offered online with mandatory residencies or course meetings at UMUC headquarters in Adelphi, Maryland.
	Not available to Maryland residents.Offered online with mandatory residencies or course meetings at UMUC headquarters
   in Adelphi, Maryland.
 On–site teaching field experiences and practicum required.

     14     G R A D U AT E C ATA LO G | 2019 –20 20
Master of Science in Cloud Computing Architecture                         Acquisition and Supply Chain
Master of Science in Data Analytics
Master of Science in Information Technology
                                                                          Cybersecurity Management and Policy
■■ Database Systems Technology
                                                                          Cybersecurity Technology
■■   Informatics
                                                                          Foundations in Business Analytics
■■   Project Management
■■   Software Engineering                                                 Foundations of Human Resources
■■   Systems Engineering
                                                                          Global Health Management
■■   Telecommunications Management
                                                                          Homeland Security Management
Master of Science in Management
                                                                          Information Assurance
■■ Information Systems and Services
                                                                          Instructional Technology Integration
                                                                          Leadership and Management
                                                                          Learning Design and Technology
Master of Science in Management                                           Project Management
■■ Marketing

■■   Public Relations

Master of Science in Information Technology
■■ Homeland Security Management

Master of Science in Management
■■Criminal Justice Management
■■   Emergency Management
■■   Homeland Security Management
■■   Intelligence Management

B     More information about certificates, including gainful employment disclosures, is available at umuc.edu/gradcertificates.
     Offered jointly with University of Maryland, Baltimore.

                                                                                            w w w. a s i a .u m u c . e d u /g r a d u a t e p r o g r a m s   15
University System                               Patrick N. Hogan                           Blair H. Hayes
                                                Vice Chancellor for Government Relations   Ombudsman, Vice President,
of Maryland                                                                                and Chief Diversity Officer
                                                Jeff Neal
Board of Regents (2018–19)                      Vice Chancellor for Communications         Lisa Henkel
                                                and Marketing                              Vice President, Operations and Planning
Linda R. Gooden
Chair                                           David Mosca                                Jamie Jaynes
                                                Director of Internal Audit                 Vice President, Enrollment Management
Barry P. Gossett
Vice Chair                                      Leonard R. Raley                           Lisa Kemp
                                                President/Chief Executive Officer,         Senior Vice President, Administration and
Gary L. Attman
                                                USM Foundation                             Finance, and Chief Financial Officer

Michelle A. Gourdine, MD                        J. Thomas Sadowski                         Kathryn Klose
Secretary                                       Vice Chancellor for Economic Development   Vice Provost and Dean,
                                                                                           The Graduate School
Robert D. Rauch
Assistant Secretary                             UMUC                                       Eugene D. Lockett Jr.
                                                                                           Vice President, Financial Operations
Joseph Bartenfelder                                                                        and Facilities Management
Ex Officio                                      President’s Cabinet
                                                Javier Miyares                             Kristophyre McCall
Katrina J. Dennis, Esq.                                                                    Vice President, Academic Operations,
Ellen Fish                                                                                 and Acting Registrar
                                                Ed Bach
James Holzapfel                                 Vice President, Strategic Partnerships     Lloyd "Milo" Miles
                                                                                           Senior Vice President,
D’Ana Johnson                                   Joseph Cantoni                             Global Military Operations
                                                Vice President, Strategy and Innovation
Robert R. Neall                                                                            Erika Orris
                                                Tony Cho                                   Senior Vice President, Strategic Enrollment
Robert L. Pevenstein
                                                Vice President and Director, UMUC Europe   Management, and Chief Enrollment
Louis Pope                                                                                 and Marketing Officer
                                                James "Jim" Cronin
Robert L. Wallace                               Vice President and Director, UMUC Asia     Blakely Pomietto
                                                                                           Deputy Chief Academic Officer
William T. "Bill" Wood                          Heather Date
                                                Vice President, Communications and         Frank J. Principe Jr.
Langston O. Frazier                                                                        Chief of Staff
Student Regent
                                                Maureen Walsh David                        Cathy Sweet
                                                Vice President and General Counsel         Vice President, Institutional Advancement
                                                Alan Drimmer                               Kara Van Dam
Robert L. Caret
                                                Senior Vice President 				                 Vice Provost and Dean,
                                                and Chief Academic Officer                 The Undergraduate School
Joann Boughman
                                                Ivonna Edkins                              Robin Whitfield
Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic             Vice President, Student Success            Vice President, Enterprise Solutions
and Student Affairs
                                                Michael Freedman                           Kelly Wilmeth
Peter Goodwin                                   Senior Vice President, Communications      Vice President,
Vice Chancellor for
                                                                                           Stateside Military Operations
Enviornmental Sustainability                    Julie Ann Garcia
                                                Vice President, Human Resources            Tracey Woods
Ellen Herbst
                                                                                           President, AccelerEd,
Vice Chancellor for 			                         Deborah Grayson
                                                                                           and Chief Technology Officerr
Administration and Finance                      Vice Provost, Learning Design
                                                and Experience                             Nicholas H. Allen
                                                                                           Provost Emeritus
                                                Martina Hansen
                                                Vice President, Student Retention

 16     G R A D U AT E C ATA LO G | 2019
                                       8 – 2 0 12 90
Academic Affairs                                  Virginia H. Pilato                                   Stateside Classroom
                                                  Vice Dean, Education
Alan Drimmer                                                                                           Locations with Zip Codes
Senior Vice President and                         Anna Seferian
                                                                                                       Aberdeen Proving Ground ............ 21005
Chief Academic Officer                            Vice Dean, Business and Management
                                                                                                       Academic Center at Largo ............. 20774
                                                                                                       Anne Arundel Community College at
Blakely Pomietto                                  Faculty
Deputy Chief Academic Officer                                                                          Arundel Mills.................................... 21076
                                                  Allan J. Berg
                                                                                                       Cecil College .................................... 21901
                                                  Collegiate Professor, Asia
Kathryn Klose                                                                                          Dorsey Station ................................. 21075
                                                  Business and Management, Psychology
Vice Provost and Dean,                            BA, Augsburg College                                 Eglin Air Force Base ........................ 32542
The Graduate School                               JD, Southern Illinois University                     Fort Belvoir ...................................... 22060
                                                  PhD, University of Georgia                           Fort Benning .................................... 31905
Kara Van Dam                                                                                           Fort Bliss .......................................... 79916
Vice Provost and Dean,                            Philip Danielson                                     Fort Drum ........................................ 13602
The Undergraduate School                          Collegiate Associate Professor, Asia                 Fort Gordon ..................................... 30905
                                                  Business and Management
                                                                                                       Fort Hood ......................................... 76544
Deborah Grayson                                   BA, JD, Brigham Young University
                                                                                                       Fort Myer ......................................... 22211
Vice Provost, Learning Design
and Experience                                    Robert W. Gould                                      Jacksonville Naval Air Station ........ 32212
                                                  Collegiate Professor, Asia                           Joint Base Anacostia–Bolling ......... 20032
                                                  Accounting, Business and Management                  Joint Base Andrews ......................... 20762
The Graduate School                               BA, Oberlin College                                  Joint Base Langley–Eustis .............. 23665
                                                  MBA, University of California, Berkeley              Joint Base Lewis–McChord ............ 98433
Graduate Leadership Council                       DM, University of Maryland University
                                                                                                       Joint Expeditionary Base
The Graduate Leadership Council serves                 College
                                                                                                       Little Creek–Fort Story .................... 23459
in an advisory capacity to the dean of
                                                  Miscione, John, P. L.                                Killeen ............................................... 76549
The Graduate School. The council is
                                                  Collegiate Associate Professor, Asia                 Laurel College Center ..................... 20707
responsible for advisement on academic
                                                  Business Management                                  National Security Agency ............... 20755
affairs, including curriculum develop-
                                                  BA, John Hopkins University                          Naval Station Mayport ................... 32228
ment, program initiatives, policies, and
                                                  MBA, New York University, Stern School               Naval Station Norfolk ..................... 23511
standards. The council meets monthly or
                                                       of Business
more frequently, at the dean’s request,                                                                Odenton ........................................... 21113
                                                  JD, Rutgers University
and comprises the following members:                                                                   Pearl City .......................................... 96782
                                                  Mike Shin                                            Prince George’s Community College .......
Kathryn Klose
                                                  Collegiate Professor                                 ........................................................... 20774
Vice Provost and Dean
                                                  Business and Management                              Quantico Corporate Center ........... 22554
Douglas Harrison                                  BA, Seoul National University                        San Diego ......................................... 92108
Associate Dean                                    PhD, Georgia State University                        Shady Grove .................................... 20850
Alexis Hill White                                                                                      Southern Maryland Higher Education
Assistant Vice Provost, Administration                                                                 Center ............................................... 20619
                                                                                                       Thomas Nelson Community College ......
Bryan Booth
                                                                                                       ........................................................... 23666
Vice Dean, Doctoral Program
                                                                                                       University of Maryland, College Park ......
Emma Garrison–Alexander                                                                                ........................................................... 20742
Vice Dean, Cybersecurity and Information                                                               U.S. Coast Guard Base Honolulu 96819
Assurance                                                                                              USM at Hagerstown ....................... 21740
                                                                                                       Waldorf Center for Higher Education .....
Kathleen Hogan                                                                                         ........................................................... 20602
Vice Dean, Graduate Learning Initiatives                                                               Walter Reed National Military
                                                                                                       Medical Center (Bethesda) ............ 20889

 A full list of graduate faculty, including adjunct faculty, is available online at www.asia.umuc.edu/about/graduate–faculty–listing.

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Yokota Headquarters                                        Military Address
                                                           UMUC Asia
James B. Cronin                                            Unit 5060, Box 0100
Vice President and Director                                APO AP 96328–0100
Amanda C. Maguire                                          Civilian Address
Associate Vice President and Deputy Director
                                                           UMUC Asia
Jeffrey D. Newbern                                         Building 445, Yokota Air Base
Assistant Vice Provost                                     Fussa, Fussa–shi
                                                           Tokyo (197–0001) Japan
Joshua A. Fickes
Assistant Vice President, Operations                       Telephone
Kiondra Broadway                                           DSN: 315–225–3680
Overseas Diversity and Equity Manager                      Civilian: +81–(0)42–552–2510, ext. 5–3680

Alytrice R. Brown                                          E–mail
Director, Student Services                                 registrar–asia@umuc.edu
Michael Harrison, Associate Director
Marketing and Communications
Elizabeth Howard                                           www.asia.umuc.edu
Director, Contract Compliance and Institutional Research

Emi Ikeda                                                  Facebook
Director, Human Resources and Logistics
Keiko Jack                                                 www.facebook.com/umucasiakorea
Comptroller                                                www.facebook.com/umucasiaokinawa
Christian M. Mahoney
Director, Graduate and Special Programs

David Schultz
Associate Director, Technical Support

 18     G R A D U AT E C ATA LO G | 2019 –20 20
UMUC Asia Locations
There may be one or more education centers sponsoring UMUC Asia classes at these locations.

Australia                     Mainland Japan            Okinawa                   South Korea
Alice Springs                 Atsugi                    Camp Courtney             Camp Carroll
                              Camp Fuji                 Camp Foster               Camp Casey
British Indian
                              Camp Zama                 Camp Hansen               Camp Henry
Ocean Territory
                              Iwakuni                   Camp Kinser               Camp Humphreys
Diego Garcia
                              Misawa AB                 Camp Schwab               K–16
Guam                          Sasebo                    Futenma                   Kunsan AB
Joint Region Marianas         Yokosuka                  Kadena AB                 Osan AB
Andersen AFB                  Yokota                    Torii Station             Suwon
Naval Base Guam

                                                                              w w w. a s i a .u m u c . e d u /g r a d u a t e p r o g r a m s   19
Kaiserslautern Headquarters                                 Military Address
                                                            UMUC Europe
Tony K. Cho
Vice President and Director, UMUC Europe                    Unit 29216
                                                            APO AE 09004
Patricia A. Coopersmith
Associate Vice President and Deputy Director, UMUC Europe   Civilian Address
                                                            UMUC Europe
Andrew D. Boone
                                                            Hertelsbrunnenring 10
Associate Vice Provost, Academic Affairs
                                                            67657 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Pamela A. Benbiga                                           Telephone
Associate Director, Student Services and Financial Aid      Civilian: +49–(0)631–534–800
Iris S. Close                                               Fax
Associate Director, Marketing and Communications
                                                            Civilian: +49–(0)631–534–80207
Monika E. Denburg
Director, Institutional Research and Support
Kelen Derecho                                               studentservices–europe@umuc.edu
Associate Director, Human Resources Operations
Susanna L. Driver                                           www.europe.umuc.edu
Assistant Vice President, Operations
Gregory P. Emerson                                          www.facebook.com/umuceurope
Director, Administrative Operations

Sabri Erturk

Timothy J. Holliefield
Associate Director, Technical Support

Patricia A. Jameson
Director, Overseas Diversity and Equity Programs
and EOO / Title IX Investigator

Janice A. Keller
Director, Student Initiatives and Support

Luis E. Morales
Associate Director, Human Resources Systems

Renée I. G. Noon
Regional Director, Headquarters / Operations

Timothy Quezada
Director, Graduate and Partnership Programs

Elisabeth L. Rice
Associate Director, Academic Affairs

 20     G R A D U AT E C ATA LO G | 2019 –20 20
UMUC Europe Locations

There may be one or more education centers sponsoring UMUC Europe classes at these locations.

Bahrain                   Germany                    Italy                       Portugal
Manama                                               Aviano                      Lajes
                                                     Gaeta                       Lisbon
Belgium                   Baumholder
Brussels                  Buechel                                                Qatar
Kleine Brogel             Garmisch                                               Al Udeid
SHAPE                     Geilenkirchen                                          Doha – Camp As
                          Grafenwoehr                                                   Sayliyah
Djibouti                                             Vicenza
Camp Lemonnier                                                                   Spain
                          Illesheim                  Kuwait                      Moron
Egypt                     Kaiserslautern             Ali Al Salem Air Base
Sinai North Camp          Landstuhl                  Camp Arifjan
Sinai South Camp          Ramstein                   Camp Buehring               Turkey
                          Sembach                                                Adana (Incirlik)
                                                     Netherlands                 Izmir
                                                     Schinnen (AFNORTH)
                                                     Volkel                      United Arab
                          Wiesbaden                  Other CENTCOM               Al Dhafra
                                                     332 AEW
                          Greece                                                 United Kingdom
                          Souda Bay

                                                                             w w w. a s i a .u m u c . e d u /g r a d u a t e p r o g r a m s   21
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