Home & School News - Wellington Catholic District School Board
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Home & School News ST. JOSEPH’S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • 10 GUELPH STREET. • GUELPH • 519-836-2671 • FOLLOW FEARLESSLY Open House Student Achievement Our Open House, held on September 19th Teachers in junior kindergarten through grade eight spend time at the beginning of was a success! Families had the opportunity each year assessing student strengths and to meet the staff, tour the school and enjoy needs to assist them in focusing their pizza. Thank you to all the families who teaching and scaffolding learning for their participated in the evening and to the staff students. for their continued dedication! During their kindergarten year and at the Welcome! beginning of grades one to three, teachers It took some time to complete the school assess each student using tools such as the staffing but we are pleased to announce that Language Assessment Resource (LAR). The it is now completed. We would like to LAR is a comprehensive language assessment officially welcome Mr. Hartfiel to the consisting of seven assessment tools St. Joseph staff. Mrs. Del Duca was able to including Oral Language, Letter Recognition, Letter/Sound Recognition, Sight Words, secure a permanent contract with St. John Spelling, Phonemic Awareness and the Brebeuf School in Erin. Mr. Hartfiel will be Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA). taking over teaching duties for the grade 4/5 classroom. We would also like to welcome In the primary level, the DRA is Mr. Nearing to St. Joseph. Mr. Nearing will administered in a 1:1 session, with the be helping Mrs. Pilgrim in the school library. student first reading aloud to the teacher and then the teacher recording student responses to comprehension questions. Smile!!!!! In the junior and intermediate levels, students are assessed using a variety of assessments such as the DRA. During the DRA, students read a short passage orally to the teacher, and then complete the remainder of the assessment independently. The Junior Achievement Assessment (JAR) also provides information about each child’s spelling skills. All of these assessments are designed to Picture Day October 10th assist teachers in providing direct instruction to meet the needs of each student. ST. JOSEPH’S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • www.wellingtoncdsb.ca/school/stjosephguelph/Pages/default.aspx
HOME & SCHOOL NEWS • Safe Arrival Program Follow us on Twitter @stjosephguelph To ensure that your child arrives safely at our school in the morning and again at lunch time, we will continue with our Safe Arrival Walk To School October 4 Program. If your child is going to be late or absent, please phone the school prior Walk to School Day is an international event to 8:45 a.m. If your child attends school in that encourages students to be active on the morning but remains home in the their journey between home and school. The afternoon, please inform the school. For Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Active and Safe those absences that have not been Routes to School (ASRTS) committee confirmed, we will contact you at home or at encourages parents and guardians to walk, work to let you know your son or daughter bike or wheel to school with us on Walk to has not arrived. If your child is late, please School day October 4th. have them report to the office before Walking to school helps meet your daily attending class. The attendance hotline physical activity requirements to lead a number is (519) 822-4060. Magnets with the healthy lifestyle, while also reducing school and attendance line numbers are greenhouse gas emissions and traffic available at the main office. As well, the end congestion around our schools. of the day is very hectic. If you plan on picking your child(ren) up from school at the St. Joseph School Council end of the day please call the school prior to 3 pm so the appropriate arrangements can be Please join us for our next CSC Meeting on made. October 11th in the office meeting room at 6:30 p.m. . Newsletters A monthly newsletter and calendar will be What is School Council sent home on the first school day of every School Councils are advisors to our principal month. Each newsletter and calendar will and school board. This group can make contain information that is relevant to the recommendations on any matter related to upcoming month of our school. If you student achievement and the school would prefer to have your newsletter sent by environment. St. Joseph Catholic School email, please let us know by calling the Council is made up of six parent members school or writing a note in your child’s who hold a two year term. Other members agenda. Newsletters and calendars are also include one teacher representative, one non- available online. Please visit our website at teaching employee of the school and the www.wellingtoncdsb.ca to view news from school principal. The council meets about the Wellington District School Board and six times a school year in the evening for from St. Joseph Catholic School. approximately one hour. At times smaller groups meet to work on specific events. ST. JOSEPH’S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • 10 Guelph St. • GUELPH • 519-836-2671 • @stjosephguelph www.wellingtoncdsb.ca/school/stjosephguelph/Pages/default.aspx
HOME & SCHOOL NEWS • School Visitors Volunteers Urgently Needed Parents, guardians and special guests are for the Breakfast Program always welcome to participate in our many We are still in search of volunteers who school activities. With safety in mind, ALL would be able to come in and help run the VISITORS upon arriving at the school are St. Joseph Catholic School Breakfast asked to report to the office and to sign the Program. Please call the school if you are visitor guest book. If you wish to meet with able to help out with this wonderful a particular staff member, please call the program. Even if it is for one day. school and we will arrange a mutually The program provides every student the convenient time. Discussions with staff tend opportunity to partake in a nutritious to be more productive when they are pre- breakfast snack three mornings a week – arranged. If you are picking your child up Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays- at no after school, parents are asked to wait in the cost. If you have not already done so, and front foyer or outside the doors your child would like your child to participate in this will exit. Parents should not wait outside great opportunity please complete and their child’s classroom door at the end of the submit the School Breakfast Program form. day or walking the halls of the school. If you need to speak to a teacher, please see Nut Free School Mrs. Bilton and she will page the teacher. If you are running late in the morning, when Within our school community, there are dropping your child(ren) in the morning, several students who have a potentially life- and then your child(ren) can proceed on threatening allergy (anaphylaxis) their own to their respective classrooms or a predominantly to peanuts and tree nuts (i.e. staff member can walk your child to their almonds, cashews, hazelnuts and pistachios). classroom. Parents should not be The Wellington Catholic District School walking their child into classrooms. Board believes that the best way to reduce Schools today deal with numerous issues the risk of accidental exposure to these such as custody and access and court orders. students is to respectfully ask for the This policy is in place in order to keep ALL cooperation of families within our school students safe. community to avoid sending peanut butter and/or products with peanuts or tree nuts listed in the ingredients, as well as, products that may contain or may have come in contact with peanuts and tree nuts i.e. cookies, chocolate bars, donuts etc. As well, we ask that you not send “school friendly peanut butter”, as this is difficult for students to distinguish from regular peanut butter. Your cooperation and understanding of these matters are appreciated. Please call the school should you have any questions. ST. JOSEPH’S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • 10 Guelph St. • GUELPH • 519-836-2671 • @stjosephguelph www.wellingtoncdsb.ca/school/stjosephguelph/Pages/default.aspx
HOME & SCHOOL NEWS • EQAO Provincial Assessment The following tables provide a summary of Last spring, students in Grades 3 and 6 at our the EQAO student achievement results, for school, and at every publicly funded the Province of Ontario, the Wellington elementary school across Ontario, Catholic District School Board and for St. participated in provincial assessments in Joseph Catholic School. The assessments were reading, writing and mathematics. These graded on a four level system, with one being assessments were conducted by Ontario’s the lowest and four the highest. The results Education Quality and Accountability Office below express the percentage of students (EQAO). achieving at or above the provincial standard EQAO assessments are an important source (Levels 3 and 4), and represents all of the of information about student learning. Our students in the grade, including students who school uses the results, along with other were exempted and those who took part in important contextual information, to guide the assessment but did not produce enough improvement programs and teaching work to be scored. practices so that all students benefit. Our Grade 3 Achievement Results school board and the Ministry of Education READING WRITING MATHEMATICS also use the results to direct attention and % % % support where they’re needed. When looking at our school’s results, it’s Province N/A N/A N/A important to look at achievement trends Board 71 71 66 School 63 63 50 over time. It’s also important to consider the Total number of students in Grade 3 at information about our school community St. Joseph Catholic School - 30 included in our school’s full report, which can be found on EQAO’s Web site, Grade 6 Achievement Results www.eqao.com. More information about READING WRITING MATHEMATICS the assessments, including sample tests and % % % examples of student responses at different achievement levels, can be found in the Province N/A N/A N/A Board 82 79 52 “Parent Resources” section of EQAO’s Web School 70 70 20 site at www.eqao.com. Total number of students in Grade 6 at St. Joseph Catholic School - 30 Our staff will be analyzing our results and reviewing our School Improvement Plan to address student needs and to assist our students to develop to their full potential. ST. JOSEPH’S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • 10 Guelph St. • GUELPH • 519-836-2671 • @stjosephguelph www.wellingtoncdsb.ca/school/stjosephguelph/Pages/default.aspx
HOME & SCHOOL NEWS • Christmas on Ice Community Gathering Chocolate Bar We are very excited to have our Christmas Fundraising On Ice Community Gathering on December 12th at the West End Community Center from Campaign 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. New guidelines require that Each year we run two major fundraising EVERYONE (students, parents, staff) wear campaigns at St. Joseph Catholic School. a CSA approved helmet when skating. Any The Chocolate Bar campaign began on person without a helmet or skates is invited Monday, September 18th and continues until to come and participate in the evening Tuesday October 10th. festivities off the ice. We will be pleased to issue additional boxes of chocolate once payment for the first box has been received. On October 20th the eldest or only child in families who have participated or made a donation, will be provided with draw tickets for an opportunity to win one of the following prizes: $100.00 Stone Road Mall Gift Card Terry Fox Day $75.00 Stone Road Mall Gift Card $50.00 Stone Road Mall Gift Card It was thirty-four summers ago that a young The draw will take place on man named Terry Fox from British Columbia October 24th. had a dream to run across Canada and to raise money for a cure for cancer. The top seller will receive a Hover Board. On Thursday, September 29th our school The second top seller will receive a $150 participated in one of the largest fundraising Stone Road Mall Gift card. events in Canadian history. Our school joined thousands of other schools across Should you choose to make a financial Canada to raise money for cancer research. donation to the school instead of selling Students in grades three to eight walked to chocolates, a tax receipt for a donation of Margaret Greene Park to participate in the $20.00 or more will be issued. Please make event. Our junior and senior kindergarten cheques payable to St. Joseph Catholic students and our grade one and two students School. participated by walking/running around the We encourage all families to participate, St. Joseph Catholic School playground. The either through selling chocolates or through students walked for fifteen minutes along a financial donation, as funds raised benefit the perimeter of the field. Through your all students in our school. Thanks to all the generosity our school raised $600. Way to go students and their families for their support. Knights!!! ST. JOSEPH’S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • 10 Guelph St. • GUELPH • 519-836-2671 • @stjosephguelph www.wellingtoncdsb.ca/school/stjosephguelph/Pages/default.aspx
HOME & SCHOOL NEWS • Milk and Pizza Program Thanksgiving Food Drive St. Joseph Catholic School has chosen to help Milk and Pizza programs both start this support the food drive again this year. It week. Each month, Mr. Harper will be seems each year the need becomes greater, sending home order forms. If you would like and thankfully our students, staff, and pizza or milk, please complete the order families continue to serve those in need by form and return it to the school by the date bringing in non-perishable food items. listed on the form. They may include food items like pasta and sauce, peanut butter, canned goods, cereals Book Fair and cookies, etc. Our Book Fair was another incredible They may also include household items like success! Thank you to all who supported diapers, kleenex, shampoo and conditioner, this important fundraiser! Get ready for lots bathroom tissue, etc. more awesome reading as over 100 new If each person brought in just 1 item each, books will be 'hitting' the library shelves in our blue barrels would be full to overflowing. the next little while!! Our Food Drive will run for one Our dual Grand Prize winners of $25.00 week….Monday, October 2 to Friday, worth of books/product from the Book Fair October 6. The classroom that is able to were: Cyrus G. and Mrs. Peloso. bring in the most items will receive a prize. Congratulations to all! Homework Club Thank you to Mrs. Pilgrim for organizing the book fair for our families. St. Joseph Catholic School Homework Club for students in grades 4 to 8 has begun. Each year, our library and our classrooms Students are invited to stay for extra help suffer losses of our school resources. Books, provided by our Educational Assistants from as you know, can be very costly and the 3:15 to 4:00 pm Monday to Thursday. Please money required to replace these losses is money which would otherwise have been arrange transportation or have your child used to enhance resources and programming walk home following these sessions. in other areas. If, over the summer months, you have come across library books, Field Trips classroom text books or other school materials, you may drop them off at the This is a gentle reminder to parents (AND office at any time. STUDENTS!) that if a student forgets to return a field trip form, the student will not be able to participate in the field trip. Verbal permission will not suffice. Just a Reminder ... Permission cannot be given for students to ride on a bus that is not their usual route. There are many reasons that this rule must be enforced and we appreciate your support. ST. JOSEPH’S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • 10 Guelph St. • GUELPH • 519-836-2671 • @stjosephguelph www.wellingtoncdsb.ca/school/stjosephguelph/Pages/default.aspx
HOME & SCHOOL NEWS • Cross Country Dates for our Blessed It was a brief yet productive and fulfilling Sacraments cross country season this year. We had well Sacrament of Confirmation Parent Meeting over 50 casual members who came out to Tuesday, October 10th @ 7:00p.m. run at first nutrition break and a core team Sacrament of Confirmation… of 36 who showed great commitment and determination. Let’s not forget our grade 1 November 17th@ 7:00p.m. and 2 runners who ran on top field and built First Reconciliation/First Eucharist Parent up their running stamina as well as improved Meeting… their running technique and pacing! Tuesday, February 13th @ 7:00p.m. Sacrament of First Reconciliation… The second ANNUAL X-SCHOOL YARD April 21st, @ 11:00 a.m. COUNTRY 500 meter run to celebrate our Sacrament of First Communion… grade 1 and 2 members took place on September 26th. Congratulations to Kira who May 12th, @ 11:00 a.m. came in first, Brenna who came in second Dates to Remember… and Taniya who finished a solid third! Thanksgiving Monday, October 9, 2017 Our X-Country team was well represented at P.D. Day Friday, October 27, 2017 the St. Peter Invitational Run on September 22nd. Our competitors represented our P.D. Day Friday November 24, 2017 school and ran beautiful races. The Monday, December 25th, Championship meet took place on Christmas Break 2017 - Friday, January 5th September 27th with 26 competitors 2018 including: Jeremy, Owen, Nathan, Ayla, P.D. Day Friday, January 26, 2018 Tanner, David, Aydan, Mia, Jordan, Taylor, Aiden, Nathan, Rachel, Meghan, Angelina, Adrian, Jordan, Conner, Rowan, Karl, Colby, Family Day Monday, February 19, 2018 Julie, Melia, Kya, Silvia and Yosan. We had 7 Monday, March 12th, 2018- top ten finishes but more importantly each March Break Friday, March 16th, 2018 team member ran with determination and finished their race with a great sense of Good Friday Friday, March 30th, 2018 pride! Easter Monday Monday, April 2, 2018 Once again, our journey to improve our physical selves is well on its way to enhance P.D. Day Friday, April 27, 2018 many of our students' academic performances as well: a healthy body for a Victoria Day Monday, May 21 , 2018 healthy mind. P.D. Day Friday, June 8, 2018 Thank you to Mrs. Delany, Miss Bell, Mrs. Machold and Ms. Perz for giving their Grade 8 Graduation Thursday, June 19, 2018 nutrition and activity break times since the school year began. Their dedication has Last Day of Classes Thursday, June 28th, 2018 continued to improve the fitness levels of each of the students involved. ST. JOSEPH’S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • 10 Guelph St. • GUELPH • 519-836-2671 • @stjosephguelph www.wellingtoncdsb.ca/school/stjosephguelph/Pages/default.aspx
HOME & SCHOOL NEWS • P.D. Day Friday June 29, 2018 ON OCTOBER 4TH, WELLINGTON CATHOLIC DSB IS CELEBRATING WALK TO SCHOOL DAY AND WALK AT SCHOOL DAY! Walk to School Day is an international event that encourages students to be active on their journey between home and school. The Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Active and Safe Routes to School (ASRTS) committee encourages parents and guardians to walk, bike or wheel to school with us on Walk to School day October 4th. The ASRTS committee is encouraging schools with bused students to also participate by organizing a walk around the school yard at lunch or before bell time. Walking and riding to school are great ways to include physical activity into the day, and it is well known that students who use active travel to get to school arrive alert and ready to learn. As a parent you can help your child learn about walking or riding to school safely: Be a good role model. Demonstrate road safety rules with your child (e.g. looking both ways when crossing the street). Plan a walking or riding route. Assess potential hazards with your child. Encourage your child to stick to the route. Remind your child about personal safety. Point out the houses of people you know where they can go for help if needed. Adopt a buddy system. Walk with a “walking buddy” – a sibling or a friend. Ask that electronics like iPods and cellphones be put in their bag while walking to school. Pedestrian safety is compromised by texting, earphones and cellphone conversation. Talk about the rules of the road and pedestrian safety. Visit www.saferoutestoschool.ca for more information and resources on active school travel. ST. JOSEPH’S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • 10 Guelph St. • GUELPH • 519-836-2671 • @stjosephguelph www.wellingtoncdsb.ca/school/stjosephguelph/Pages/default.aspx
HOME & SCHOOL NEWS • International Languages Program St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Elementary School 287 Imperial Rd. South, Guelph, ON N1K 1Z4 Phone: 519-836-8785 Winter/Spring Session 2017-2018 Dates: September 9th, 2017 to June 16th, 2018 Saturdays: 9:30 am to 12:00 noon The International Languages Program is available to elementary students (Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8) Cost is free, but donations are welcome. The International Languages Programs provides academic instruction in language other than English and French including: Amharic, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Cantonese, Chinese Mandarin (Trad.& Simpl.), Dari, Dutch, Filipino, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Laos, Nepali, Persian (Farsi), Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Tamil, Tigrigna, Urdu, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Vietnamese and Yoruba Registration forms are available at: + St. Francis of Assisi Cath. Elem. School + WCDSB main office, 75 Woolwich St. + Facebook.com/ilpguelph + Email: ilp@wellingtoncdsb.ca Complete registration and fax it to 519-824-3088, or drop it off at the school or board office. ST. JOSEPH’S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • 10 Guelph St. • GUELPH • 519-836-2671 • @stjosephguelph www.wellingtoncdsb.ca/school/stjosephguelph/Pages/default.aspx
HOME & SCHOOL NEWS • Children are provided an opportunity to learn an appreciation of the cultural diversity within our community and Canada. Students are engaged in learning through a variety of themes and activities. ST. JOSEPH’S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • 10 Guelph St. • GUELPH • 519-836-2671 • @stjosephguelph www.wellingtoncdsb.ca/school/stjosephguelph/Pages/default.aspx
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