Page created by Scott Simmons
Building a new home
                  should be fun and
THE FUN.          exciting. You deser ve
                  a simple, smooth
                  journey – with no
SIMPLICITY.       unpleasant surprises
                  along the way.

              With Sherridon, you’ll enjoy an open and
              professional service from start to finish,
              knowing exactly what to expect at every stage.
              And it all starts right here, with this simple
              step‑by‑step guide to the buying and building
              process. It contains everything you need to
              move forward with clarity and confidence.

             What comes first? The land or the home design?

         Before getting your heart set   At Sherridon, we recommend that you           Location and proximity of easements           Rocks
         on a particular home design,    assess your block of land carefully to        An easement is a section of land on           Rocks on your property may increase
                                         uncover as many hidden costs as possible      your property which someone else has          building and excavation costs.
         you need to know it will
                                         before purchasing.                            a right to use for a specific purpose (e.g.
         complement the block of land                                                                                                Soil type
                                         There are several factors to consider,        drainage and sewerage lines). Easements
         you ultimately build on. With                                                 may restrict your building options,           The stability and type of soil on your
                                         some of which are detailed below.                                                           land may affect the cost of building your
         the right block, you’ll be                                                    affecting where you can position your
         better placed to manage the     Slope of the land                             home and whether or not you’re able to        home. Sandy and light soils may require
                                         If you build on a sloping block, it will      install a pool.                               extra reinforcement, while rocky soil or
         overall cost and timeframe of
                                         need additional ground works – such as                                                      thick clay may require excavation. Many
         building your home.                                                           Put simply, permanent structures cannot       developers already have this information
                                         retaining walls, surface drainage, cutting
                                                                                       be built on an easement. Your final slab      available when you purchase in a
                                         and filling. This will add time and cost to
                                                                                       design may also be affected by any            community development.
                                         your project.
                                                                                       easements on your property or your
                                         Orientation of the block                      neighbour’s property.
                                                                                                                                     If you’ve already purchased your land,
                                         The block’s orientation will determine        Trees                                         we can help you choose the most
                                         which design you choose. Ideally, you                                                       suitable design for your block – taking
                                                                                       Trees on or around your land might affect
                                         want the block and the design to work                                                       into account your goals, budget and
                                                                                       your home and your neighbours’ homes.
                                         together to maximise the natural light                                                      associated estate guidelines.
                                                                                       In most cases, concrete piers are used
                                         and energy efficiency of your new home.
                                                                                       underneath to reinforce and protect the
                                                                                       house slab from roots of nearby trees.

             STEP 1 New Home Estimate

           Once you’ve chosen your block      The aim of your new home estimate           Although we do not perform site tests at            YOUR CHECKLIST
           and home design, we prepare        is to give you an indicative cost of your   this stage, we make provisional allowances
                                              home. It is based on several factors        to ensure our estimate is as realistic as      Select your design, façade,
           your new home estimate. This is
                                              including your chosen design, façade,       possible. All site costs are then confirmed       specifications and inclusions
           a free service and comes with no   specifications and inclusions – as well     after the formal surveys and tests.               and tell us about any variations
           obligation to proceed.             as any special variations you would like                                                      you would like to your home
                                              for your home.
                                                                                                                                         Consider the estimate
                                                                                                                                            and accept it, or request
STEP 2 New Home Tender

      YOUR CHECKLIST               It’s time to finalise the   To prepare an accurate tender, we need
                                                                independent consultants (including soil
                                                                                                              your design variations. Our aim is to
                                                                                                              give you as much detail as possible so
                                    cost and design of your
 Provide details of your land,                                 engineers and surveyors) to gather            that you can make an informed and
                                    building project.
   including plan of subdivision                                detailed site information. In the case        confident decision.
                                                                of untitled blocks of land, we rely on
 Pay your initial $1,000 deposit                                                                             If you wish to make minor variations
                                                                the developer’s engineering plan. These
                                                                                                              after seeing the preliminary drawings,
                                                                allowances are clearly identified within
 Review your new home tender                                                                                 these can be incorporated into your
                                                                your New Home Tender and will be
   in detail (including all costs                                                                             HIA Building Contract. However, if your
                                                                confirmed following the surveys and
   and preliminary drawings) to                                                                               changes are complex, we may need to
                                                                tests that are performed later.
   ensure it meets your exact                                                                                 prepare another tender document. Your
   requirements                                                 We ask you to pay an initial                  consultant will advise if this is the case.
                                                                non‑refundable deposit of $1,000 at this
 Accept the tender by signing                                                                                Once you’re ready to accept your tender,
                                                                stage (which forms part of your total
   the agreement                                                                                              we ask you to sign the agreement and
                                                                contract value).
                                                                                                              pay a further deposit of $2,500 (which
 Pay a further deposit of $2,500
                                                                Once we are fully informed about your         also forms part of your contract value).
                                                                site, we present you with your tender         Any changes after this will incur charges,
                                                                – which includes comprehensive costs          so it’s important you are completely
                                                                and preliminary drawings reflecting           happy before moving forward.

  STEP 3 New Home Building Contract

      YOUR CHECKLIST               Now that you have           Your home building contract will include:     Once the contract is prepared, we invite
                                    accepted your new                                                         you to our office to sign and pay the
                                                                •   All the details in your approved tender
 Sign your home                                                                                              balance of 5% of the contract value.
                                    home tender, your           •   Final breakdown of costs
   building contract                consultant will                                                           Any variation requests after this step
                                                                •   Builder’s specifications
 Pay balance of 5% of              submit a request for                                                      (including no cost items) will incur a
                                                                •   Full set of contract drawings
   contract value                                                                                             $1,000 post-contract variation fee.
                                    your formal home            •   Your HIA Building Contract which          So once again, please ensure everything
 Provide us with proof of          building contract and           details each party’s rights and           is exactly as you want it.
   land ownership                   contract drawings.              responsibilities
                                                                At this stage, we’ll require proof of land
 Formalise your finance                                        ownership (e.g. rates notice) as well as
   approval (with our support
                                                                formal finance approval from your lender.
   and assistance)
                                                                (If you’re paying by cash, we’ll need a
                                                                statutory declaration and bank statement.)
STEP 4 Style and Selection

Your style and selection            The Gallerie Selection Centre is a
                                    home buyer’s paradise. It offers a
                                                                                However, if you do decide to make
                                                                                changes or upgrades, it makes sense to
                                                                                                                               YOUR CHECKLIST
appointment is exciting and
                                    complete range of quality and designer      do so now rather than later when it is    Visit the Gallerie Selection
enjoyable. It’s your opportunity
                                    products – featuring the latest trends in   more difficult and costly.                  Centre before your formal
to personalise the overall colour   home design.
                                                                                Please allow up to four hours for this      appointment to preview your
scheme and the key features of
                                    During the appointment, you’ll be guided    appointment.                                options (open Saturdays
your new home.                                                                                                              9am-4pm). This will make
                                    by an interior designer who will help you
                                    choose fittings, fixtures and finishes to                                               your actual appointment
                                    match your tastes and lifestyle.                                                        more efficient and productive.

                                    Rest assured that with Sherridon, your                                                Attend your scheduled Style
                                    new home already comes with a level of                                                  and Selection appointment to
                                    specification that every buyer expects,                                                 finalise your choices
                                    ensuring you’re already off to a great
                                    start. You’re not obliged to upgrade.
                                    In fact, you’ll spend most of your time
                                    simply confirming the finishes already
                                    included in your tender.
STEP 5 Approvals and Permits

Now that you’ve selected     Before construction can begin, we            Dispensation - Report and Consent
                             need approximately six to eight weeks        If your project does not follow a
your home’s colours and      to gather documentation, apply for           requirement of the Building Regulations
features and signed the      permits and secure council approvals         2006, we must apply for dispensation via
contract, it’s nearly time   on your behalf.                              council report and consent.
to start building.           Below are the various items we will          Consent to Connect (PIC) number
                             need to take care of for you.                ‘Consent to Connect’ is generally issued
                             Design Approval                              via water retailers. (Required when a
                             We will source approval from the             new connection and/or alteration to
                             developer so that the building permit        below ground sanitary drains will occur.)
                             can be issued.
                             Asset Protection Permit
                             This permit is designed to protect
                             council assets (e.g. footpaths) and ensure
                             you will not be held accountable for any
                             pre‑existing damage.

                    STEP 6 Base                             STEP 7 Frame                             STEP 8 Lock up                             STEP 9 Fixing

               The excitement officially begins.         All hands are now on deck. Wall frames     The roof cover, brickwork and windows   Your new home starts taking form and
                                                         and roof trusses are erected as your new   are constructed and installed.          depth, reflecting the design and colour
               It’s time to clear the site so that the
                                                         home starts to take shape.                                                         choices you made.
               plumbing can be laid beneath your
               new home. The slab is then formed                                                                                            Plasterboard to internal walls,
               and poured.                                                                                                                  ceilings, skirting boards, architraves,
                                                                                                                                            doors and stairs are all installed.
                                                                                                                                            Kitchen and bathroom works begin
                                                                                                                                            (including cabinetry) and all external
                                                                                                                                            cladding is completed.

                      First progress payment due             Second progress payment due                 Third progress payment due              Fourth progress payment due
PAYMENTS                      20%                                     20%                                       25%                                       20%
                           of contract value                        of contract value                         of contract value                         of contract value
STEP 10 Completion                                                                      STEP 11 Settlement

Painting, tiling, electrical and plumbing fit-offs are completed. Shower screens,      You now own a brand new home!
mirrors, stone bench tops, sinks and basins are installed. And all other external
                                                                                       Your building supervisor will conduct an onsite handover on settlement day.
works are finished.
                                                                                       Appliances will be installed at an agreed time – ideally on the same day as
You will be advised in writing as soon as your new home is ready for inspection in     settlement to avoid theft.
preparation for final handover.
                                                                                       After you pay the balance owing on your final statement, you will be presented
You will then be invited to attend a practical completion inspection with your         with your keys and settlement pack.
building supervisor who will demonstrate the features of your home and discuss any
issues you may have. The independent building surveyor will also undertake a quality
control inspection.
Settlement generally occurs 14 days after your practical completion check.

                                                                                                               Fifth and final progress payment due

                        COMPLETION                                                                                          10%
                                                                                                           of contract value plus any unpaid variations
After-care service                                        Your Sherridon Team

                The first three months                           Home Sales Consultant                            Client Relationship Specialist                    Site Supervisor
                after your home is built                         Your Home Sales Consultant will guide            You will meet your Customer                       Your Site Supervisor oversees the
                is called the Builder’s                          you through the first few steps of the           Relationship Specialist when it’s time to         day-to-day construction at the site
                                                                 buying process. They’ll work with you            sign the HIA Building Contract. They              to ensure every aspect is built to the
                Maintenance Period.
                                                                 closely to understand your needs and             will then remain your primary contact             Sherridon standard of quality. They
                                                                 to help you select the most suitable             throughout construction – from the                liaise regularly with your Customer
                                                                 home design, applying any variations             moment your slabs are formed through              Relationship Specialist to ensure you
                During this period, we ask that you              you may want.                                    to final inspection and handover.                 are updated throughout.
                keep a list of any issues or faulty items
                that you are aware of. Then at the end           Planning Manager                                 Approvals Manager                                 Your Site Supervisor will also be the
                of the three months, we’ll ask you to            Your Planning Manager will coordinate            Your Approvals Manager is your primary            one to walk you through your new
                send us your list and we’ll arrange for a        all documentation, ensuring it is accurate       contact from the time you sign your               completed home for the very first time.
                member of our maintenance team to                and complete. They will also set                 building contract through to the start
                visit your home.                                 timeframes for your new home tender              of construction. They will submit permit
                                                                 and HIA Building Contract – and ensure           applications, request site surveys and
                                                                 all conditions are satisfied.                    organise soil testing reports.
                                                                 Finally, your Planning Manager will send
                                                                 relevant documentation to the Gallerie
                                                                 Selection Centre in preparation for your
                                                                 style and selection appointment.

                * Timeframes are approximate only and may be affected by factors outside of our control. Such factors may include (but are not limited to) weather, unforseen site conditions, council
                approvals and finance. Timeframes are based on selection appointments being completed as scheduled and delays will occur if the customer does not complete their tasks in a timely manner.

                    Initial deposit to tender request                  Tender request to new home                      Tender issued to tender signed                          Contract request to
BUILDING                          (Sales)                               tender issue (Head Office)                                 (Sales)                                       contract issued
                         10 DAYS*                                         3 WEEKS*                                          10 DAYS*                                         2 WEEKS*
Contract signing to style and   Style and selection complete to   Building permit received to     Construction           Construction
  selection appointment         receiving approvals and permits      site commencement            single storey          double storey
2–3 WEEKS*                         5 WEEKS*                        5 WEEKS*                     22 WEEKS*              32 WEEKS*

Contact Sherridon
to get your new home
                       1300 188 668            Head Office
                                               56 Barclay Road
plans underway.        sherridonhomes.com.au   DERRIMUT VIC 3030
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