Hitting theTrail - JUNE 2021 - GAM|MAG

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Hitting theTrail - JUNE 2021 - GAM|MAG
JUNE 2021             VOLUME 12, ISSUE 5

              Page 10
Hitting theTrail - JUNE 2021 - GAM|MAG
Hitting theTrail - JUNE 2021 - GAM|MAG
Nathaniel Grant

Associate Publisher
and Editor-in-Chief
Bruce Gemmill

Creative Director
Ronnie Price

Copy Editor
Virginia Grant

                                                 Dear Readers,

                                                 I am pleased to announce yet another talented writer has joined gam|mag as a
                                                 regular contributor. Dawn Gardner is an author and book reviewer. As described on
gam|mag is published ten times per year.         Amazon, her many novels tell stories about relationships, family dynamics, suspense,
The magazine is mailed free of charge to
select Washington, DC area businesses,           and quirky characters. Dawn’s regular gam|mag feature will be business book
nonprofits, associations, and government         reviews, another field in which she excels.
contractors. While reasonable care is taken
with all material submitted to gam|mag,
the publisher cannot accept responsibility       This month’s cover story is about seven golf courses referred to as Raspberry Golf
for loss or damage to any such material.         Trail. The pandemic caused hardships on most small businesses. Golf courses,
Opinions expressed in articles are strictly
those of the authors. While ensuring that        however, thrived as people picked up their clubs to enjoy the camaraderie and
all published information is accurate, the       outdoor freedom from playing the game.
publisher cannot be held responsible for
any mistakes or omissions. Reproduction
in whole or in part of any text, illustrations   Golf is also a game that allows businesspeople to strengthen relationships with
or photographs is strictly forbidden. ©2021      customers and prospects and discuss mutually advantageous opportunities.
GAM Graphics and Marketing.
                                                 Organizations also hold golf tournaments, most often to benefit charities.
This magazine is intended to provide a
general guide to the News and the services       Of course, we share other interesting articles that educate, inform, and entertain with
it provides. The material in our magazine
is given for general information only and        a mix of business tips, tax considerations, and history. Our magazine is increasingly
does not constitute professional advice.         popular, not only by reader testimonials but also by attracting excellent writers who
Where appropriate, readers should seek           regularly appear on these pages.
their own legal or other professional advice.
The gam|mag accepts no responsibility for
loss occasioned to any person acting or          Please visit our website, www.gam-mag.com, to send us your comments and story
refraining from acting as a result of material
contained in this magazine.

                                                 Enjoy this month’s issue, and the perfect golf days of June.

Phone: 571.375.7200
                                                 Nathaniel Grant
Follow us @gam-mag
Hitting theTrail - JUNE 2021 - GAM|MAG
Page 4 • gam|mag • June 2021
Hitting theTrail - JUNE 2021 - GAM|MAG
Contributing Writers in this Issue
Liz Farmer
Dawn Gardner


6      The Love FORE! Golf
7      Young Golfer Sets Her Sights on
       the LPGA
10     Hitting the Trail
      11 Raspberry Falls Golf &
           Hunt Club
      12   Bull Run Golf Club
      13   Old Hickory Golf Club
      14   Augustine Golf Club
                                           21   24
      15   Blue Ridge Shadows
           Golf Course
      16   The Links at Gettysburg
      17   Penn National Golf Club & Inn
      18   Virginia Golf Center
      19   Golf Instruction
21     TEEL Construction, Inc.
24     A Business Book Review
25     West Virginia Offers $12,000 to
       Remote Workers to Move There
26     Nascent News. Random Views.

    The palindrome of news magazines.
      Backward or forward, the same             25
             gam good read.™
Hitting theTrail - JUNE 2021 - GAM|MAG

Golfers On A Lovely Golf Course In St. Andrews, Scotland

The Love FORE! Golf
Bruce Gemmill

   The origins of golf have been debated, but most agree it was         down their drivers and irons for the more lethal weapons of pikes
created in Scotland sometime during the late Middle Ages. The           and Claymores – the large two-handed swords preferred by Scottish
Dutch played a "stick-and-leather ball" game a few centuries earlier,   warriors.
but the Scots in the 15th century played a game that required
putting a ball into one of 18 holes. The Scots called this game Golf.
                                                                        Economic Impact
                                                                           Today, the Scots enjoy the financial benefits of nearly 600 golf
   Interestingly, the reigning king of Scotland at the time, King       courses across the country. Unlike private clubs in the United
James II, prohibited playing the game because it was deemed a           States, anyone can play at any Scottish course, member or not. Even
distraction for men who should otherwise be training for war. It        the Old Course at St. Andrews, or the hallowed links of Carnoustie
was archery the king wanted men to master, not the frivolous            or Gleneagles, accept visiting players. Scratch golfers and hackers
activity of chasing a small white ball around the Highlands of          alike can enjoy the nostalgic feeling of playing on Scottish greens.
Scotland in order to sink it into a tiny hole.

                                                                           Just under 50% of all tourism to Scotland comes from overseas
   Scotland and England had been at war intermittently for over         golfers who yearn to play Scotland's rolling golf courses. According
200 years by the time King James II ascended the throne. In 1502,       to VisitScotland, the average golfer spends nearly $500 per day
golf won a reprieve with the signing of the Treaty of Perpetual         compared to the non-golfing tourist's average daily outlay of $109.
Peace, which ended hostilities between the two countries. With
war seemingly ended, the king lifted restrictions on playing games,
and golf made its comeback. But as the medieval author of The              Domestically, the game used to be dominated by Scotsmen.
Canterbury Tales, Geoffery Chaucer observed, “All good things           Times have changed, with about 16% of Scottish golf memberships
must come to an end.” Eleven years into the treaty, Scotland was        now women. Golf is a game in which amateurs can compete
faced with meeting its obligations to France under a mutual defense     regardless of gender, with women sometimes handily vanquishing
agreement. England had attacked the French, so the Scots put            their male counterparts. ➤

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Hitting theTrail - JUNE 2021 - GAM|MAG

Golf Comes to America                                                     to improve one's game. There is the satisfaction of scoring a birdie
                                                                          on a Par 5. On the other hand, there is the exasperation of spraying
   Golf 's popularity took a while to root in what is now the United
                                                                          more sand than ball from traps or sailing chunks of grass down the
States. The first known incident of little white balls flying through
                                                                          fairway while the ball barely moves. For the average golfer, the late,
the air dates to 1657 in what is now New York. Two men must
                                                                          great comedian Bob Hope said it best. "Golf is a hard game to figure.
have spent too much time at the 19th hole. They were arrested for
                                                                          One day you will go out and slice it and shank it, hit into all the traps,
intentionally hitting golf balls through their town’s glass-paned
                                                                          and miss every green. The next day you go out, and, for no reason at
                                                                          all, you really stink."

  What is it about golf that lures people to play a game that can
                                                                            So why wait? Arrange a tee time with friends and get out on the
be as frustrating as it is rewarding? Maybe it’s the camaraderie of
                                                                          course. Have fun, hit 'em straight, and then improve your lie at the
sharing laughs with fellow golfers or the focus of earnestly trying

Young Golfer Sets Her                                                       Maddie lives on a farm in Maryland with her parents, Brian and
                                                                          Robin, and her younger sister, Katie. The family raises horses and

Sights on the LPGA                                                        African Boer Goats, taking them on the road for national show
                                                                          events. One goat, in particular, captured Maddie’s heart when it was
                                                                          born. Maddie named it Ping, after the brand of clubs she uses. Katie
 Maddie & Ping                                                            oversees the care and nurturing of the goats. When Maddie is not
                                                                          golfing, she helps her sister and shows Ping.

                                                                             Brian, Robin, Katie, and the Raspberry Golf Academy team are
                                                                          confident that Maddie will be on the LPGA Tour one day. You can
                                                                          follow Maddie’s success on Instagram @themaddiemccully and

                                                                            All of us at gam|mag wish Maddie the best of luck as she presses
                                                                          toward her dream of joining the ranks of today’s professional female

  It is always a pleasure to meet polite, likable young people.
Maddie McCully is a charming 17-year-old young lady whose smile
and willingness to engage in conversation instantly sets her apart.

   Homeschooled and a devout Christian, Maddie graduated with
honors in May of this year. At the age of 13, Maddie picked up her
first club and fell in love with the sport. At 15, she played her first
competitive round of 18 holes. In 2019, Maddie was selected to the
All Hurricane Junior Golf Tour team and ranked second nationally.
Maddie now turns her complete focus on her goal - the LPGA Tour.

  Her home course is Raspberry Falls Golf & Hunt Club in
Leesburg, where she is under the direct supervision of Patrick
McGuire and his team of professionals at Raspberry Golf Academy.

                                                                                                                      gam|mag • June 2021 • Page 7
Hitting theTrail - JUNE 2021 - GAM|MAG
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Hitting theTrail - JUNE 2021 - GAM|MAG
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Hitting theTrail - JUNE 2021 - GAM|MAG


                                                                                               Willy Lutz, Golf Professional and Managing Partner
                                                                                                        Raspberry Falls Golf & Hunt Club

Raspberry Falls Hole #11

   The Nation's Capital is a well-heeled area where the people living       Raspberry Golf Trail includes Raspberry Falls Golf & Hunt Club,
in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC, have pretty discerning        Bull Run Golf Club, Old Hickory Golf Club, Augustine Golf Club,
tastes. This is no less true for golf courses, and the DC metro region   Blue Ridge Shadows Golf Club, Penn National Golf Club, and the
boasts many of the finest links in the Mid-Atlantic.                     Links at Gettysburg. These are public courses with a private club
                                                                         atmosphere, and golfers may play at any one. An attractive option
                                                                         for many golfers is to join Raspberry Golf Trail and begin earning
   To highlight our area's golf course excellence, gam|mag hit
                                                                         credits towards free golf. Raspberry Golf Trail membership is only
the road to visit seven courses of Raspberry Golf Trail. In 2008,
                                                                         $20 annually.
Raspberry Golf Management, a full-service golf course consulting
company with 75 years of experience, launched Raspberry Golf
Trail, an enticing collection of seven public courses. Each offers a
casually upscale experience, beginning with proper attire. Golfers are       To learn more about Raspberry Golf Trail and to become a
expected to dress according to accepted golf etiquette. (Inappropriate               member, visit www.raspberrygolftrail.com.
clothing includes denim of any sort, cut-off shorts, athletic pants/
shorts, spandex, tank tops, halter tops, and tee shirts.)

Page 10 • gam|mag • June 2021

                                Virginia Courses on Raspberry Golf Trail
                                                                        multi-phase bunker renovations. We wanted to emphasize playability
                                                                        and aesthetics. "Gary Player was one of the best sand players ever to
                                                                        have played the game. We wanted to return to the signature stacked
                                                                        sod bunkers that were part of his original design.

                                                                           "Raspberry Falls continues to be one of the most enjoyable public
                                                                        courses in the region. This year marks our 25th year in operation. We
                                                                        have committed to these renovations to ensure our guests have the
                                                                        best possible experience before, during, and after they hit the links.
                                                                        We are confident our efforts will continue to draw golfers of all levels
                                                                        for many years to come."

                                                                          The Club has ordered new electric carts, with an estimated delivery
                                                                        by June or July 2020.

Raspberry Falls Golf &                                                  Dining
                                                                           The clubhouse is home to the Hunter's Grille, a great spot with
Hunt Club                                                               views of the golf course where you can enjoy informal dining for
                                                                        lunch and dinner.
  This 18-hole course in Leesburg, Virginia, features 7,191 yards of
golf from the longest tees for a par of 72. Designed by Gary Player,      The new menu offers every golfer the choice of a quick bite at
the Raspberry Falls Golf & Hunt Club opened in 1996. Willy Lutz is      the turn or a fine meal after you finish your round. Light breakfast
the Golf Professional and Managing Partner.                             choices are also available before your morning round.

Greens, Fairways, Tee Boxes, and Hazards                                Raspberry Golf Academy (RGA)
   The greens and fairways are meticulously maintained, and               Raspberry Falls Golf & Hunt Club is one of three courses offering
hazards often come into play from the tee boxes. The rolling Virginia   RGA instruction.
countryside, meandering streams, and gorgeous scenery leave an
unforgettable impression. Skills are challenged by deep-stacked pot
                                                                        For more information and pricing, visit www.raspberryfalls.com.
bunkers, inspired by the great Scottish courses. These bunkers also
follow Scottish tradition and have names. At number 11, golfers
encounter "Lee's Bunker" and "Grant's Tomb." At number 14 looms                                 Raspberry Falls Golf & Hunt Club                                    To place your food order for the turn,                  10
"Satan's Foxhole."
                                                                                                Leesburg, Virginia • 703-779-2555                                         call the Raspberry Grill at
                                                                                                Golf Course Architect: Gary Player                                                                                          Par 4
                                                                                                                                                                          703-779-2555 ext. 120
                                                                                                  USGA Rules of Golf govern all play.

                                                                         Hole                      1    2    3     4    5     6    7    8  P9   OUT   10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18                  IN     TOT      HCP NET

What's New                                                               Black

                                                                                                  385 428 479 549 204 333 192 443 529 3542
                                                                                                  358 397 445 529 182 316 176 407 498 3308 Y
                                                                                                                                                      462 590 432 184 431 220 411 369 550 3649 7191

                                                                                                                                                      426 570 413 171 412 200 384 342 539 3457 6765

   Extensive renovations have recently been made. Willy Lutz             Blue          70.4/127   316 375 428 498 138 293 160 365 479 3052 R          384 542 396 158 390 184 354 301 535 3244 6296

explains, "We spent winter 2020 adding new flooring, paint, and                                                                                                                                                             13         Par 3
lighting inside the Raspberry Golf & Hunt Club's Pro Shop and                                                                                                                                                               Revenge

Clubhouse. We also upgraded the kitchen, including new appliances,
giving it a spotlessly clean and modern appearance.
                                                                         Par                       4    4    4     5    3     4    3    4   5   36    4    5    4     3    4   3    4   4    5    36         72

                                                                         Handicap                  9    5    3    11 13 15 17           1   7          2   6 12 16 4 14 10 18 8
  "Outside and adjacent to the clubhouse and restaurant, we added                                                                                                                                                           Par 4

new patios, one even with a firepit.                                               Men’s    67.7/121
                                                                         White    Ladies’   73.0/127 273 336 411 467 119 270 150 331 420 2777         332 445 352 133 334 158 319 275 451 2799 5576
                                                                         Raspberry 68.7/119 241 300 378 416 83 210 131 260 390 2409                   288 405 289 108 292 132 265 248 418 2445 4854                                            Be

  "In 2020, we also began course improvements, which included             Date:                         Scorer:                                       Attest:

                                                                                                                                                           gam|mag • June 2021 • Page 11

Bull Run Golf Club
   The Bull Run Golf Club 18-hole championship golf course is set         will have a wide variety of taps, a mouth-watering menu, and plenty
on a wide piece of open land at the foothills of Virginia's Bull Run      of outdoor seating to enjoy the beautiful Bull Run mountains.
Mountains. It is a quick drive from Washington, DC, a few miles
north of Haymarket and a few miles south of Middleburg. The typical
golf course covers approximately 125 acres, while Bull Run stretches
                                                                          Raspberry Golf Academy (RGA)
across more than 450 acres. There is plenty of room here for the flora,      Bull Run Golf Club is one of three courses offering RGA
fauna, and fish, as well as golfers.                                      instruction.

Greens, Fairways, Tee Boxes, and Hazards                                    For more information and pricing, visit www.golfbullrun.com.
   Renowned architect Rick Jacobson designed this course with the
player in mind. The Bull Run Golf Club course is difficult enough to
challenge the best hitters from the back tees, especially if the greens
are set with challenging pin locations. There are also wide fairways
with excellent views for making your next shot.

   General Manager Mike Tate says, "When you play Bull Run, you
are going to find more than one picture-perfect hole. We are a course
with more than one signature hole. There are lots of options with
beautiful mountain backdrops and manicured greens, enticing all
golfers to come back and play again."

What's New
  Bull Run Golf Club has an appealing new 3,500 square feet Tap
Room with an expanded patio under construction. The Tap Room

Page 12 • gam|mag • June 2021

   Hole #4

Old Hickory Golf Club
   Located in Woodbridge, this course is worth the drive to play.
Designed by Jacksonville-based architect Tim Freeland, who once
worked for Gary Player's design firm, the par-72 lawns have been
well-maintained. They offer the perfect complement to picturesque
landscapes and serene water hazards.                                         Dining
                                                                               The Old Hickory Bar & Grill is open seven days a week, from
  Golfers of all skill levels will enjoy this 7,200-yard golf course. Troy   11:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.
Reynolds, PGA, is General Manager and Head Golf Professional.

                                                                                A fully-stocked bar and restaurant with a mouth-watering menu
Greens, Fairways, Tee Boxes, and Hazards                                     greet players at the 19th hole. Beautiful scenery and the 18th green
   Wide fairways and mounded sides invite forgiving play. The                are enjoyed from the clubhouse patio.
mounds allow balls to bounce back toward the middle, and skilled
players use them to gain the advantage of a forward bounce. There                  For more information, visit www.golfoldhickory.com.
are four sets of tees, and the tee boxes are generally elevated. Visitors
will enjoy gently rolling terrain lined with trees and creeks.

   "From the first tee to the 18th, Old Hickory is a fantastic mix of
holes," said Reynolds. "By the time golfers reach the 18th green, they
have had an incredible experience with fun and exciting fairways.
Our renovated course will take each player on a journey that builds
into a crescendo at the finish.”

What's New
   Management has done an outstanding job with green reclamation
and bunker renovations. The result has been received warmly by
visitors to the course.

                                                                                                                     gam|mag • June 2021 • Page 13

Hole #6

  Augustine Golf Club
     The 18-hole course at the Augustine Golf Club facility in Stafford,
  Virginia, features 6,817 yards of golf from the longest tees for a par of
  71. The accolades for this truly remarkable golf course are numerous.
  The course was carved out of gently rolling hills by designer Rick
  Jacobson. The emerald green fairways give a dramatic contrast to the
  bright white bunkers.

  Greens, Fairways, Tee Boxes, and Hazards                                    Hole #9
      This fantastic course has been given the recognition it deserves
  by leading sports publications and organizations. Golf Digest
  provides the course with a 4.5-star rating, and Golf Magazine ranks
  it among the top 100 Golf Courses. Only a handful of other courses
  throughout the United States rank higher. Augustine is one of the
  most beautiful and natural golf courses in the DC area, and it is only
  30 miles from the Beltway.

     The Grille at Augustine Golf Club isn't an ordinary golf course
  restaurant. Along with the quick bites to eat before starting a round
  of golf, the Grille features delicious meals at an affordable price. From
  build-your-own sandwiches to burgers, the food at Augustine is
  restaurant-worthy, and the menu offers plenty of options.

          For more information, visit www.golfaugustine.com

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                                                           Hole #12                       Hole #18

Blue Ridge Shadows
Golf Course
   The 18-hole Blue Ridge Shadows Golf Club is in Front Royal,
Virginia, and features 7,315 yards of golf from the longest tees for
a par of 72. Designed by Thomas E. Clark, ASGCA, the Blue Ridge
Shadows Golf Club opened in 2007. Brian Jones is the General

Greens, Fairways, Tee Boxes, and Hazards
   The course is another example of Raspberry Golf Trail's
breathtaking courses, combining spectacular scenery and challenging
golf. The links at Blue Ridge Shadows meander through hardwood
forests, split fairways, double greens, elevation changes, and a
stunning 60-foot waterfall behind the 18th green. At the time of this
writing, the waterfall is temporarily closed for maintenance.                             Hole #10

   Virginia.org named Blue Ridge Shadows as one of Virginia's top
scenic golf courses. Over the past several years, the golf club has
earned numerous accolades and awards, including ranking #32 in
Golf Digest Woman as one of the top 50 courses for women.

   Pub fare is the menu of choice at the Shadows Grill. Guests
find various appetizers, gourmet burgers, delicious house-smoked
pulled pork barbeque, and a wide selection of favorite libations. A
covered patio offers the perfect spot to enjoy panoramic views of
the back nine and Crooked Run Creek while watching groups finish
on Hole #18.

      For more information, visit www.blueridgeshadows.com

                                                                        gam|mag • June 2021 • Page 15

                          Pennsylvania Courses on Raspberry Golf Trail

                                                            Hole #4                                                          Holes #12 & #18

The Links at Gettysburg                                                  guard the left side on the last six holes, while the right side will be
                                                                         guarded by varying areas of both red and white stakes."
   The Links at Gettysburg in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, features
7,031 yards of golf from the longest tees for a par of 72. Designed        Your round will culminate on a challenging yet reachable par
by Lindsay B. Ervin, ASGCA, the Gettysburg golf course                   5 with an approach shot into yet another red rock cliff, which is
opened in 1999. Gavin Green, PGA, is Director of Golf Course             overlooked by the Clubhouse. The Clubhouse is also a popular
Operations.                                                              and picturesque wedding venue.

Greens, Fairways, Tee Boxes, and Hazards                                 Dining
   The course covers beautiful rolling Pennsylvania hills, with            The Red Rock Grille serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner,
lakes and creeks on almost every hole. Dramatic red rock cliffs          specializing in grilled foods and a full bar. There is indoor and
form the backdrop on some of the holes, making this course most          outdoor seating offering spectacular course and mountain views.
                                                                              For more information, visit www.thelinksatgettysburg.com
   The third tee is elevated, and the 187-yard hole is fun and
challenging and a favorite photo opportunity for first-time visitors
to the course. This par 3's green is large, rolling, and fronts a red
rock cliff. Hit the ball too far, and a large trap awaits your ball in
front of the cliff. Leave it short, and a creek in front of the green
will claim your ball.

   Four tees later is a 600-yard par 5 and arguably one of the
most challenging par 5s you will ever play. Hole number 7 has
significant lake water hazards on the left and right, guarding a
narrow fairway. Both driving accuracy and distance control is a
must on this demanding tee shot. Too far left and long and your
tee shot with find the water guarding the left side of the fairway.
If you play it too far right without enough distance, a right-side
pond will swallow your ball.

  Gavin Green elaborates further. "The last six holes are where
the course really bares her teeth. Dubbed the "Links Fish Hook"
by members, driving accuracy is placed at a premium as water will

Page 16 • gam|mag • June 2021

                                                                          when agriculture gave way to golf course development. During
                                                                          the construction of the Iron Forge course, a small lime kiln was
                                                                          uncovered. This kiln dates back to the 1800s and is located behind
                                                                          the 9th green. It has been preserved, and guests are welcome to visit
                                                                          and learn more about early iron production and its role in the area's
                                                                          history. Iron Forge was designed by architect Bill Love and opened
                                                                          for play in 1997.

                                                                          Greens, Fairways, Tee Boxes, and Hazards

                                                                             Visually stunning, Iron Forge has 30-mile views of the surrounding
                                                                          farmland and mountains. It starts and plays toward the Michaux State
                                                                          Forest, in the foothills of South Mountain, and makes a single loop
                                                                          home, passing through varied terrain that offers exciting golf and
                                                                          breathtaking views.

                                                                             In contrast to the Founders Course, Iron Forge is nearly treeless,
                                                                          inviting golfers to grip it and rip it from the tee, though chipping and
                                                                          putting are challenged by the "mountain effect" from the 4th through
                                                      Iron Forge #9       11th holes. This mountain effect plays mysterious tricks with your
                                                                          eyes. Players report they see one thing on the greens, but then the

Penn National Golf
                                                                          mountain seems to distort speed and break.

Club & Inn                                                                Dining
                                                                            The Founders Grille & Black Oak Bar is a great place to recap a
   In Fayetteville, Pennsylvania, Penn National Golf Club & Inn           golf outing or enjoy breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a quiet evening on
facility offers guests two courses - the Founders Course and the Iron     the patio with fantastic mountain views.
Forge Course. The Founders Course features 6,972 yards of golf from
the longest tees for a par of 72. The Iron Forge Course runs 7,009           The menu offers a variety of choices to satisfy any appetite or
yards from the longest tees for a par of 72. Darin Peart is the Head      dietary requirements.
PGA Golf Professional.
                                                                                    For more information, visit www.penngolf.com
Founders Course
  The Founders Course, designed by Edmund B. Ault, ASGCA,
opened in 1968. The course was updated in 2006 with an extensive
bunker and fairway renovation.

Greens, Fairways, Tee Boxes, and Hazards
  Founders can be demanding off the tee with trees lining most of
the holes, but all the challenges are plain to see. A seven-acre lake
comes into play and makes things interesting on several holes on
the front and back sides. Ault turns up the heat at the end, saving
the best and the toughest for the final stretch, starting on par 5 hole
number 14.

Iron Forge Course
 Iron ore was mined from the land that is now Penn National.
When that ore ran out, the land was farmed until the 1960s,

                                                                                                                    gam|mag • June 2021 • Page 17

                                                             Off the Trail


Virginia Golf Center
   Those who would like to practice their short game or have limited
time, the nine-hole Virginia Golf Center facility in Clifton, Virginia,
should be on your list to improve your game. Virginia Golf Center
is not on the Raspberry Golf Trail but is operated by Raspberry
Golf Management. The course features 1,322 yards of golf from the
longest tees for a par of 27. Designed by Frank Burandt, the Virginia
Golf Center course opened in 1998. Adam Fridy is the Director of
Operations and Events.

Greens, Fairways, Tee Boxes, and Hazards
   John Wright, PGA Member, sizes the course up well. "As a golf
professional who has played the best courses in the Midwest and                                                                    Toptracer
Florida, I find this Par 3 Golf Course fun and challenging. As a
student of golf-course architecture and design, I see some of the same
elements in the golf course here as in, for instance, Crooked Stick or       Golfers pairing Toptracer with a round on the nine-hole course
Shore Acres. The small greens here make framing the holes behind          find they improve their short game considerably.
carved-out recesses, under tall trees, and shaped into the surrounding
mounds easy. Visually, this is an excellent and appealing short course.
There was an obvious intention to think this place out. That is to say,      • 130+ Bays
the golf course was a priority in creating the Virginia Golf Center.         • 30+ Heated and Covered Bays
Your game will improve on this little gem if you play for score each         • 38 Toptracer Powered Bays (All Covered)
time out."                                                                   • Brand new range balls
                                                                             • New LED Lights
Toptracer Bays                                                               • Lighted Short Game Area
   Virginia Golf Center is Northern Virginia's largest Toptracer             • New Wedge Range
                                                                                                                     (Continued on next page)

Page 18 • gam|mag • June 2021

   • High-quality mats                                                   Closest to the Pin with your friends. You can also dive into advanced
   • Professional Club Fitting and latest equipment                      analytics to fine-tune your swing and virtually tee it up at some of the
                                                                         world's most outstanding courses. Your range experience will never
   • Instructors on-site for private lessons
                                                                         be the same.
   • New targets set up for specific orientations and distances
   • Junior golf league and fun junior camps rain or shine
   • Open rain or shine
                                                                           Virginia Golf Center features a delicious menu from Surefire Pit
                                                                         Barbecue, a favorite among fans of outdoor cooking.
   Each hitting bay features an interactive game screen that provides
instant shot replays and statistical feedback. This latest technology
helps players make swing adjustments and immediately see the             Raspberry Golf Academy (RGA)
impact on their golf shot.                                                 Virginia Golf Center is not a participating course on the Raspberry
                                                                         Golf Trail, but is one of three courses under Raspberry Golf
                                                                         Management offering RGA instruction. To learn more about the
   Toptracer Range features games and modes suited for all ages and
                                                                         Raspberry Golf Academy, visit www.virginiagolfcenter.com
skill levels. Take on the world in a long-drive competition or play

                                                                                                                                       Hole #9

Golf Instruction
   Raspberry Golf Academy (RGA) combines cutting-edge                    fitness, launch monitors, and program development. The instructors
technologies and over 20 professionally certified golf instructors to    also sponsor, manage, and mentor professional players and coaches.
provide quality golf training. RGA considers three main challenges       The RGA steadfastly claims to help players who have never broken
in golf to substantially impact an individual's performance on the       100 finally reach their goal of doing so.
course - mental, physical, and the process. Those wanting to be a
better golfer will find a private lesson, and a customized lesson plan          To learn more about the Raspberry Golf Academy, visit
taught by an RGA instructor will do the trick. RGA instructors have                      www.raspberrygolfacademy.com.
certifications in club fitting, 3D motion analysis, biomechanics,

                                                                                                                  gam|mag • June 2021 • Page 19
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 government contractors,                                                  SAMUEL WEINSTEIN, M.D.
                                                                            RANJANA JAIN, M.D.
                                                                                                                SANDY HUYNH, M.D.
                                                                                                                DAVID R. RUBIO, M.D.
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                                                                                  (1 Block from Atlantic Blvd & Severn Way located behind Sam’s
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                                                          Dulles Golf Center is a total family recreational
                                                          facility with a fun activity for everyone!
                                                          • Premium Golf Range featuring Power Tee
                                                            (an automatic teeing system)
                                                          • 18-Hole Miniature Golf at Lighthouse Pointe
                                                          • Batting Cages – Baseball and Softball
                                                          • Gemstone Panning
                                                          • Beach Volleyball
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Book now for the best dates and times.
Call Andy at 571-436-0315 or email Andy@DullesGolf.com.

TEEL Construction, Inc.
Bruce Gemmill

   This month we spotlight TEEL Construction, Inc., a family-run
business established in 1987 by native Northern Virginian Parker
Teel. When asked how and why he started his own business, Parker
answered by going back to his time at Langley High School. “I was
smitten with a girl named Helene Beaulieu. “We dated off and on        Spencer and Parker Teel
until graduation in 1969. Helene and I stayed in touch after going
our separate ways to college,” explained Parker. Parker went to
Lynchburg College, and Helene attended East Carolina University.      Parker said with admiration. “Helene also supported the business
In 1973, Parker and Helene married.                                   through action, handling accounts receivable and on occasion, even
                                                                      helping to hang drywall.”
   Parker took a job with a local construction company, and six
months later, was unemployed. “The company I was working for             Now, more than three decades later, TEEL Construction boasts
decided to shut down its construction division. The president         a building project portfolio that runs the gamut, including airports,
assured me that my performance had nothing to do with being let       corporate interiors, country clubs, educational facilities, financial
go. Still, his kind words did nothing to ease my anxiety as a newly   institutions, grocery stores, healthcare, industrial, restaurants, and
married and unemployed man,” Parker reminisced.                       retail.

   As in many strong marriages, Parker had a tireless cheerleader        Parker and Helene are devoted to their close-knit family of two
and advocate in Helene. The two decided to start their own            married sons and two grandchildren. In 2005, their older son,
construction business. Initially, the Teels partnered as a sole       Spencer, joined the company. Over the next 12 years, Spencer
proprietorship. Their perseverance and dogged determination were      proved himself capable of running the business, and in 2017
not in vain. By 1987, TEEL Construction had grown large enough        his father relinquished the role of President and bestowed it on
to be incorporated. “The business experienced ups and downs           Spencer. Parker retains the title of Chairman & CEO and continues
that made for challenging moments. Had it not been for Helene’s       to go to the office a few days a week, which gives him a little more
continuous encouragement, we would not be where we are today,”
                                                                                                                    (Continued on page 22)

                                                                                                              gam|mag • June 2021 • Page 21

TEEL Construction        (Continued from page 21)

time to play golf. Although Parker and his sons excel at the sport,    in project management and business development. Married in
the time they spend running the business will likely prevent the       2019, Bryce and his wife, Nicole, expect their first child in October.
Teel name from appearing on the Leaderboard any time soon.             Bryce says Nicole is getting used to the long hours he puts in at
                                                                       the office. However, she knows there will come a day when Bryce
   Spencer remembers his parents telling him how challenging           can spend more time with her and the kids. For many family-run
the construction industry is and encouraging him to choose             businesses, mixing business and family occasions can be tricky. But
a different field. Spencer declared his major in economics             for the Teels, their strong family dynamics help avoid the pitfalls.
at Christopher Newport University with the idea of joining             Bryce smiles and adds, “When the entire family comes together, we
the federal ranks. He later changed his major to business              try not to talk shop. If we do, it’s generally celebrating a sizable new
management, wisely taking the advice of trusted fraternity             contract or a successful estimate.”
brothers. After graduation, his dad offered him an assistant
project manager position at TEEL. Spencer has never looked back          “It came as a surprise to me that my sons wanted to work in the
or regretted his decision to go to work for his father.                company,” said Parker. “It was not intentional to have them work at
                                                                       TEEL, but they have been a blessing for me in the business, and of
   On the contrary, he is pretty amazed at how quickly he moved        course, personally. Their involvement with the company has made
through the ranks to become president. “Honestly, my role as           the issue of succession moot.
president came faster than I had ever imagined.” The position
was never promised to Spencer. He had to work his way through             “The industry has become more complicated, legalistic, and
various aspects of the business to gain the necessary experience and   faster-moving over the years. Margins are tighter, and relationships
prove his mettle. “The timing was perfect,” added Spencer. “Dad        are more formal. In the past, I have done rather large deals with
has been able to stay involved as CEO. I am grateful not just for      just a handshake, but that doesn’t happen much these days,” said
his confidence in me running day-to-day operations but mostly for      Parker. He gave special credit to his subcontractors who worked
the time I can spend with him. His knowledge of the business and       with him during tough economic times to carry the company
counsel are invaluable.”                                               along. ➤

  Parker’s younger son, Bryce, also joined the company and works         When asked to recall a most memorable and interesting project,

Page 22 • gam|mag • June 2021

Spencer answered without hesitation, “In the fall of 2019, we
completed The Turn at Washington Golf & Country Club. The
Turn is a state-of-the-art practice facility featuring 20 heated driving
range bays, indoor and outdoor putting greens, simulators, and a
restaurant that includes an outdoor fire pit. This project definitely
is the most memorable to me because it was so unique.” The entire
121-acre golf course underwent a renovation by noted architect
Tim Doak of Michigan-based Renaissance Golf Design. Spencer
said what made this project such an interesting challenge was the
need to coordinate their project around the massive undertaking of
the golf course renovation.

  TEEL has always been and will continue to be relationship-
driven. Visitors to its offices receive a warm welcome that comes
naturally with this family-run business. Parker, Spencer, Bryce,
and all staff share the values embodied by the Teel family, ensuring
an excellent customer experience and work satisfaction among the
                                                                            Parker, Spencer and Bryce Teel
company’s team.

   Parker offers encouragement for those who yearn to have their           do whatever it takes to get the job done.” Charlie Turner of the
own business. “If you have the entrepreneurial itch, it is hard to         nationwide design firm H.Chambers Company expressed his
satisfy without giving it a try,” says Parker. However, he readily         “…sincere appreciation to TEEL for the dedicated leadership,
admits he had little to lose when he first started. “I was newly           professionalism, and attention to detail provided throughout the
married, had a low-cost lifestyle, no children, fired, and in the          process. The high level of coordination and execution throughout
middle of a recession. What more could I lose?” He strongly urges          the project led to an amazing final product that exceeded our
those with an independent spirit to make sure to marry someone             expectations.”
who buys into your dream of owning a business.
                                                                              As a company, TEEL is very proud of its community service
   Today, TEEL has a nationwide presence, with offices in                  initiatives. Each member of the TEEL team has three workdays
Oakland, Richmond, and New York City. Its diverse customer                 each year for time off to volunteer. During the pandemic, the
base experiences TEEL’s high standards of quality construction and         company decided to increase its charitable giving, creating a
customer service, standards Spencer refers to as The Platinum Rule.        program in which the first change order fee for each project is
“The Platinum Rule helps us stay focused on keeping customers              donated to charity. TEEL’s approach is not only generous, but
happy,” said Spencer. “The Platinum Rule is our take on the Golden         also engenders good will. Change orders, while common in
Rule, to do unto others as they would have you do unto them.               the construction business, are generally unpopular. At project
Really what this boils down to is understanding a client’s needs up        completion, the client may select a charity to receive the donation
front, what motivates them, and then working hard to exceed their          from a list of causes TEEL supports. The donation is made in the
expectations. We have tracked customer satisfaction since 2007, and        name of TEEL’s client. Customers appreciate the opportunity to
the metrics show 94% of our work is from repeat or referred clients.       make a positive contribution to the communities they help build.
We believe this is a true indication of client satisfaction.”
                                                                              Helene Teel, now retired from former business concerns, is still
   Bryce added, “To meet and exceed our client’s expectations,             quite a remarkable and energetic lady. She has never met a stranger
TEEL becomes fully immersed in each project. Our management                and is quick to engage anyone she meets with friendly conversation,
team has the knowledge and the ability to communicate effectively          a great sense of humor, and a spirit of hospitality. “The years have
with the client and each other. Working closely with the owner,            been kind to Parker and me, even with challenges, but we always
design team, and various trade partners is critical. We bring all key      count our blessings,” said Helene. “My sons, their wives, our two
players together as a team, fostering on-time delivery of projects         grandchildren, and one on the way all give me such joy. Most of
with results our customers find exceptional.”                              all, Parker is a gem. He has unquestionable integrity, and is an
                                                                           incredible businessman. I am so blessed to have Parker. He is a
   Unsolicited testimonials support the brothers’ assessment               loving husband, father, and grandfather.”
and vision of the company. David Biederman of Smashburger                      For more information or to contact TEEL Construction, visit their website at
says, “TEEL epitomizes what we look for in all of our vendors.             teelconstruction.com.
Commitment, passion, fairness, dedication, and willingness to

                                                                                                                             gam|mag • June 2021 • Page 23

A Business Book Review
Dawn Gardner

   I’m kind of scared of Zombies. Don’t judge me. Most likely—I’m
guessing—I’m the only person in the world who hasn’t watched the
Walking Dead series. Also, I can’t watch horror movies, but I digress.
I’m a writer and I’m a voracious reader of business books. I’m so
excited to have a chance to share with the GAM|MAG readers some of
my favorite business books and the reasons I love them.

   I sometimes purchase things solely based on their titles and their
labels (for example—books and wine). How I love a catchy book title!
Which brings me to this month’s business book review of Zombie
Loyalists: Using Great Service to Create Rabid Fans by Peter Shankman.

  “You get the customers you want by being beyond awesome to the
customers you have.” Peter Shankman, Zombie Loyalists

    The first reason to read this book: the gems of wisdom like the one
above. In addition to these nuggets peppered throughout the book,
there are many stories about how to put into place the advice and the
theories of the book. The best—in my opinion—is an acronym that
is crazy good. I’ll share that the end of this review; I can’t reveal all the
goods upfront.

   The second reason to read this book: you have a great sense of
humor. I love how Shankman takes a potentially dry topic and turns it              Chapter nine is titled “Zombie
into something magical. Insert a walking Zombie here. Let’s be clear,           Loyalist Hacks: More Tips and
he’s definitely not comparing your fans to mindless Zombies. He’s               Tricks to Maintaining Zombie
drawing the comparison about the passion Zombies have for recruiting            Loyalty.” It lives up to its name.
new Zombies and how that can help your business grow.

                                                                                    I’m coming to a close. Zombie
   If you're saying to yourself, “OK, this is not my company. We                Loyalists is an amazing tool to
provide superior customer service. Don’t need to read a book on that,”          have in your business toolbox.
I challenge you. Here is a statistic from the book: 80% of businesses           It is in my top ten business                   Dawn Gardner
THINK they deliver “superior” customer service—but only 8% of those             books, ever. For all you Walking
businesses’ customers agree. Yikes.                                             Dead and Zombie fans, you will
                                                                                already know the answer to this question. What do Zombies like to eat?
    One of my favorite stories in the book is about a Greek restaurant.         Bring Random Amazement In Normal Situations
The owner has instructed his staff to offer a “Bad Day Discount”
when they notice that a patron is having a bad day. What this means
                                                                                  That’s the acronym that I teased you with earlier. Isn’t it great? I hope
for the patron: a free drink and a tagline written on the check “Bad
                                                                                you will read this book and start to create your own tribe of Zombie
Day Discount.” You can only imagine how much these patrons are
                                                                                Loyalists for your business.
AMAZED by the empathy of the restaurant and then, how much they
TALK about that business to other people! Do you get the tie-in? This
person turns into a Zombie Loyalist for that Greek restaurant. The book            Dawn Gardner is a writer, a reader of books, a graphic designer and a photographer.
                                                                                When she’s writing fiction, Dawn loves writing stories about relationships, family
is filled with stories like this one. I find—and I think you will too—          dynamics, suspense and quirky characters. Her novels can be found on Amazon.
that the stories get your creative juices flowing for how you and your
company can do more to provide superior, amazing customer service.

Page 24 • gam|mag • June 2021

                                                                                                                           Overview of the city of Morgantown, WV

West Virginia Offers $12,000 to Remote Workers
to Move There
Liz Farmer

   Cities and states have increasingly been offering moving incentives        The state of Vermont also has a well-established, state-funded
to entice new residents in recent years and the pandemic has               program to lure new residents, complete with a cash incentive.
prompted more governments to get into the game.                            And let’s not forget about one of the oldest on the books: Alaska’s
                                                                           Permanent Fund, which gives a dividend check to every resident —
                                                                           kids too — each year. Most payments are between $1,000 and $2,000
   West Virginia became the latest place to do so this week and it’s
                                                                           per resident.
offering one of the largest incentives yet: $12,000 cash to relocate
to the “Wild and Wonderful” state for at least two years. Approved
remote workers also get a year-long pass to the state’s grandest natural      West Virginia’s program will give participants $10,000 the first
destinations, access to coworking space and continuing education           year over 12 monthly payments. The final $2,000 is awarded after the
programs at West Virginia University — all for free.                       second year. The Associated Press reported that the new program
                                                                           represents a more targeted effort than a bill proposed by Republican
                                                                           Gov. Jim Justice for a massive income tax cut, which fell apart in the
  The full relocation package is valued at more than $20,000.
                                                                           Legislature just before the regular session ended Saturday.

   The program got a big boost from West Virginia native and
                                                                              The cash award is taxable, but considering that many grant
former Intuit INTU -0.5% CEO Brad D. Smith and his spouse Alys
                                                                           applicants are likely to be transplants from more expensive areas, it’s
through a $25 million donation to start the effort in partnership with
                                                                           still a deal. According to the Tax Foundation’s cost of living chart, the
West Virginia University and the state government. The program
                                                                           real value of $100 in Morgantown and Shepherdstown is more like
is currently accepting applications for remote workers who want to
                                                                           $109. And it’s even higher in Lewisburg.
live in Morgantown. Future slots will be available for Lewisburg and
                                                                            That explains why Sperling’s Best Places Index says that
                                                                           Morgantown is about 41% cheaper than Washington, D.C.
  Having a wealthy benefactor certainly helps when it comes to
government moving incentives. Tulsa, Oklahoma’s remote workers
                                                                               Liz Farmer is a fiscal policy expert, public policy wonk, national journalist, and
program offers a $10,000 grant, a year membership at a local co-           a fellow at the Rockefeller Institute of Government. Besides gam|mag, her work
working space and support in finding housing. It’s sponsored by the        can be seen in the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Forbes.com, and other national
City of Tulsa and the George Kaiser Family Foundation.                     publications.

                                                                                                                               gam|mag • June 2021 • Page 25

   Nascent News. Random Views.
   Snippets from the news wire

   Are Golfers the Most Superstitious People in Sports?
     Of all the games, pro and amateur, in the history of the world, the          As for the other 27 million golfers in the U.S.? PGA.com reached
   gentleman's game of golf has to rank high in the most superstitious.         out to its followers on PGA Facebook Nation. Among the responses:
   From clothing to rituals to lucky charms, golfers have it all.
                                                                                  "Spearmint gum opens the lungs and helps clear the head. At least
      Tiger Woods wears red shirts on Sundays. Jack Nicklaus always has         3-4 strokes off right there."
   three coins in his pocket. Ernie Els gets rid of every ball he sinks for a
   birdie because there's only one birdie per ball.                                "Ball marker and divot repair tool in the left pocket, tees in the
                                                                                right, small towel in the back right pocket if available. Otherwise, in
      Oh yes, other sports have voodoo, too. Sports are full of                 the waistband."
   superstitions. According to the Psychological Science Journal,
   superstitions are valued by millions of people, despite being                  "Clubs in the same order in the bag every time." "Can't use ball
   dismissed by most as worthless and foolhardy. In fact, these notions         washers. Only wet towel."
   are particularly prevalent in the world of sports. Dr. Gregg Steinberg,
   a sports psychologist who works with PGA, LPGA, NFL, and                       "Always walk up the left side of the fairways and greens."
   NBA players, says he noticed (as a collegiate athlete himself) that
   the best players appeared to have an unusually firm grip on their              "Mark my ball with a JFK half dollar. JFK's always looking at the
   emotions. And for some of them, he discovered, their explanations            hole."
   were apparently irrational reasons such as good luck charms and
   repetitive routines. According to Steinberg, athletes never really know         "No talking about current score until the round is done. I know if
   how they'll perform. As a result, he says, when one of them does             I'm playing good or bad."
   something superstitious--like wearing a trinket or conducting a brief
   ritual-- experiments have since shown that the action creates a higher         "Pre-round hacky sack, sprinting, and Ninja moves. Controlling
   sense of control.                                                            the club is much easier when it's Ninja-fied."

   Page 26 • gam|mag • June 2021

What to Love Most About Dad
   Psychologists say fathers give children a sense of well-being, self-
control, inner strength, and all that good stuff. But forget all that. Let's
get real. Dads are fun. Maybe there is a Dad School somewhere that
teaches them basic dad stuff because they more or less tend to have
some things in common.

    When the kids are young, dads are perfect for story-telling and
story reading. Deep voices make the characters come to life (and the
listeners giggle). And those stories last forever.

Things that make a mom go, "Eww!"
  Dads make a great counterpoint to mom. There are things she                               Dad fun
hates: Pull my finger! We know what happens there. Toe lint: Use                                Dad is driving down the highway. Passes a go-kart track. Makes a
your imagination.                                                                           U-turn. Because who can pass up a go-cart track? Or Dad, taking you
                                                                                            someplace boring until Dad sees an ice cream place and just like that,
Dad magic tricks
                                                                                            it's a great Saturday afternoon. Or the day he teaches you to fish.
  The ever-popular thumb removal trick works best on 4-year-olds
but continues well past its shock value.                                                    Dad sayings
                                                                                               Contribute! (That was motivational Dad.) I'm going to go into the
The lift trick
                                                                                            living room and hold down my chair so it doesn't get away. (After-
  Lift me up! You can do it! You grab dad around the legs and lift.                         work Dad.) Remember this: I love you. Your mom loves you. And
Dad stands on tiptoes. You did it! Suddenly you are strong.                                 God loves you. (Eternal Dad).

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                                                                                                                                    gam|mag • June 2021 • Page 27
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