Page created by Joe Martin

Centre of Excellence for Professional
Education and Lifelong Learning
60% OF

ATTACK                         BACK-UP

IN 2018

 HOW SECURE                   DISASTER

Our specialist team focuses
on your security, so you
can focus on your business.   TRAINING

 Welcome to your Law Society Professional Training and Finuas Skillnet programme for 2020.
 The emphasis of this year’s programme is to deliver new, innovative, learner-centred training that
 can assist you in your day-to-day practice from a legal up-skilling, practice management and
 professional wellbeing perspective. It equally aims to address your learning and development needs
 in line with current trends, threats and opportunities within the legal sector.
 Over the last number of months we have held meetings with                         on the educational content for a Brexit Legal Summit. We
 solicitors to identify the type of training you require and                       will be expanding our suite of specialised legal programmes
 the days and times that suit you. In this regard I wish to pay                    to include a Smart Tech Skills Course, Mental Health and
 tribute and sincere thanks to the Bar Associations throughout                     Professional Wellbeing Programmes, a Construction Law
 Ireland and members of Council and Law Society Committees                         Masterclass and our suite of online programmes continues to
 who have given so generously of their time in consultation                        expand. Please keep checking the Professional Training web-
 with their colleagues and with us, to ensure that the training                    page - to keep up-to-date. If you have
 we design is relevant to you.                                                     any ideas or suggestions in relation to training you would like
                                                                                   delivered, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the
 I wish to thank all of you who lecture on our programmes for                      Law Society Professional Training team.
 the expertise, time and commitment, which you tirelessly
 share with your colleagues to ensure that the training we                         Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to
 deliver is of the highest possible standard.                                      welcoming you to our training over the coming months.

 Over the coming months additional new training events will                        Attracta O’Regan, Solicitor. Head, Law Society
 be included in our programme. We are currently working                            Professional Training and Law Society Finuas Skillnet


   Attracta O’Regan                 Anne Tuite             Pat McCormack              Katherine Kane          Dr Rachael Hession
Solicitor, Head, Law Society     Grant Compliance &         Finance Manager                Solicitor,               Solicitor,
Professional Training & Law      Programme Manager                                    Programme Manager        Programme Manager
  Society Finuas Skillnet

    Gwen McDevitt                 Gayle McNally             Emma Snedker             Yanina Somosierra
 Programme Administrator       Programme Administrator   Programme Administrator    Programme Administrator

                                                                                                                        Irish Institute of Training
                                                                                                                              & Development

                                                                                                                         Multiple Award Winners
                                                                                                                        Awarded for Excellence &
  Dr Gabriel Brennan             Padraic Courtney        Antoinette Moriarty            Colette Reid                    Innovation in Training &
        Solicitor,                    Solicitor,             Psychotherapist,              Solicitor,                         Development
   Programme Manager             Programme Manager         Programme Manager          Programme Manager


                                                      6              LAW SOCIETY FINUAS SKILLNET CLUSTER
                                                                     PROGRAMME FOR 2020
                                                                      May to December 2020

                                                      9              SUITE OF ANNUAL CONFERENCES 2020
                                                                     February – December 2020

                                                      10             SUITE OF SPECIALISED LEGAL PROGRAMMES
                                                                     March – December 2020
                                                                     •	Property Transactions Masterclass
                                                                     •	Growth Strategy Workshop – A Blueprint to Sustain and
                                                                        Grow your Practice
                                                                     •	Employment Law Masterclass: Practical Solutions to
                                                                        Common Problems
                                                                     •	General and Commercial Litigation Masterclass
                                                                     •	Planning & Environmental Law Masterclass for
                                                                     •	The Fundamentals of Clinical Negligence Course
                                                                     •	Wills, Probate, Estates and Tax Masterclass
                                                                     •	Personal Injuries Litigation Masterclass
                                                                     •	Practical Legal Research for the Practitioner – Skills
                                                                     •	The Fundamentals of Commercial Contracts
                                                                     •	Trauma Awareness Skills Training for Lawyers working with
                                                                        Children and Young People
                                                                     •	Wills Drafting Masterclass
                                                                     •	Enduring Powers of Attorney Masterclass
                                                                     •	Probate Masterclass: New Forms and Procedures
                                                                     •	Legal Brexit Symposium

                                                      20             EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP

                                                      21             CERTIFICATE IN PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION
                                                                     February 2020

                                                      22             COACHING SKILLS FOR SOLICITORS AND
                                                                     PRACTICE MANAGERS February 2020

                                                      23             THE BUSINESS OF WELLBEING SUMMIT
                                                                     April and September 2020

                                                      24             LLM IN INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LAW
                                                                      September 2020

                                                      26             SUITE OF ELEARNING PROGRAMMES
                                                                      available from date of purchase until 31 December 2020

                                                      29             LAW SOCIETY FINUAS SKILLNET MEMBERSHIP

                                                      32             BOOKING/PROFILE FORM

Please note the dates, lecturers and programme content may be subject to change - for the latest programme details
email and for a complete programme listing visit


Law Society Finuas Skillnet delivers CPD throughout Ireland in
partnership with local Bar Associations and with the support of grant
funding from Skillnet Ireland and the Department of Education and
Skills. In 2020, we will host 10 Finuas Skillnet Cluster events spanning
every region of Ireland.

What is a cluster event?
                                                                                   Finuas Skillnet Cluster
A cluster is formed when a number of Bar
Associations come together to identify the training
they require for their members and the content
and speakers whom they feel are most suitable to
meet their training needs. In educational terms it is
regarded as training needs analysis, identification,
design and delivery. The Bar Associations identify
their location of choice, the most suitable date and
the format for the day which includes a networking
lunch and evening drinks reception. The clusters
are about education, networking, and collegiality.
The networking lunch and evening reception are
just as important as the educational sessions
as they provide a forum for problem sharing and
solving and relaxation away from the office.

                                                        The success of the Law Society Finuas Skillnet
    Carrick-on-Shannon                                  Clusters is dependent upon many factors, including:
    Finuas Skillnet Cluster                             • the support and participation of solicitors;
                                                        •	the dedication, hard work and invaluable
                                                           expertise by the Presidents, Secretaries
                                                           and CPD organisers in the Bar Associations
                                                           throughout Ireland;
                                                        •	the expertise and generosity of solicitors who
                                                           lecture at these events;
                                                        •	the work of Law Society Committees and their
                                                           staff; and
                                                        •	the work of Law Society Finuas Skillnet Steering
                                                           Committee members.

                                                        Fee includes: educational training event, resource
                                                        materials and hot networking lunch.

                                                               For details of Law Society Finuas Skillnet
                                                               Clusters in your region
                                                               email OR

                                                 CLUSTER PROGRAMME FOR 2020

 DATE               EVENT                                                      CPD HOURS*                         FEE

 7 & 8 May          Essential Solicitor Update Part I & II                     7 May - 4 CPD Hours & 8            7 May - €100
                    Landmark Hotel, Carrick on Shannon, Co Leitrim             May - 6 CPD Hours                  8 May - €135
                                                                                                                  7 & 8 May - €190

 28 May             Midlands General Practice Update                           6 CPD Hours                        €135
                    Midlands Park Hotel, Portlaoise, Co Laois

 17 & 18 June       North West General Practice Update Part I & II             17 June - 4 CPD Hours              17 June - €100
                    Solis Lough Eske Castle Hotel, Donegal                     18 June - 6 CPD Hours              18 June - €135
                                                                                                                  17 & 18 June - €190

 26 June            Essential Solicitor Update                                 6 CPD Hours                        €135
                    The Strand Hotel, Limerick, Co Limerick

 10 September       Essential General Practice Update                          6 CPD Hours                        €135
                    Ballygarry House, Tralee, Co Kerry

 9 October          North East CPD Day                                         7 CPD Hours                        €135
                    Glencarn Hotel, Castleblayney, Co Monaghan

 5 & 6 November     Connaught Solicitors’ Symposium Part I & II                5 Nov - 4 CPD Hours                5 Nov - €100
                    Breaffy House Hotel, Castlebar, Co Mayo                    & 6 Nov - 6 CPD Hours              6 Nov - €135
                                                                                                                  5 & 6 Nov - €190

 13 November        General Practice Update - Hotel Kilkenny, Kilkenny         6 CPD Hours                        €135

 20 November        Practitioner Update - Kingsley Hotel, Cork                 6 CPD Hours                        €135

 2 December         Law Society Finuas Skillnet - Practice and Regulation      6 CPD Hours                        €135
                    Symposium – Mansion House, Dublin

Thank you to the Bar Associations throughout Ireland who have worked with us in bringing education and training to our members.

*CPD Scheme categorisation (General, Management & Professional Development Skills, Regulatory Matters (Accounting & Anti-Money
Laundering Compliance) will be clarified when the event is posted to the web.

                                                                         Carrick-on-Shannon Cluster
                                                                         My colleagues in the Bar Association have commented to
                                                                         me on the advantage of having these events in a local area
                                                                         without having to travel to Dublin and found the time sav-
                                                                         ings a significant benefit. In addition I found that the Clus-
   Monaghan Cluster                                                      ter Events were extremely cost effective and significantly
   The conference was an opportunity for local solicitors to             cheaper that many of the other CPD events organised by
   learn about new practice changes, network with col-                   various alternative providers.
   leagues, and raise concerns about different areas of prac-
   tice. The north-east CPD Day is the perfect opportunity for           Given that the range of subjects chosen were dictated by
   solicitors from the region to come together, collaborate and          the wishes of the local Bar Associations, I found the topics
   discuss relevant changes to the law.                                  were dealt with by extremely competent speakers who gave
                                                                         well researched insights and practical updates on issues
   Kevin Hickey, Hickey Henderson Solicitors, Clones, Co                 that would arise on a regular basis and I have no hesitation
   Monaghan, President, Monaghan Bar Association                         in thoroughly recommending them to my colleagues.

                                                                         Kieran Ryan,
                                                                         Partner, Kelly & Ryan, Solicitors, Manorhamilton, Co.
                                                                         Leitrim, President, Leitrim Bar Association

SUITE OF                                         LAW SOCIETY
                                                 PROFESSIONAL TRAINING
ANNUAL CONFERENCES                               Centre of Excellence for
                                                 Professional Education and Lifelong Learning

These events are designed and delivered in partnership with
Law Society Professional Training and Law Society Committees.
Below are some snapshots from 2019 CPD events.

SUITE OF ANNUAL                                                                  LAW SOCIETY
                                                                                 PROFESSIONAL TRAINING
CONFERENCES FOR 2020                                                             Centre of Excellence for
                                                                                 Professional Education and Lifelong Learning

These events are designed and delivered in partnership with
Law Society Professional Training and Law Society Committees

To view the full programme visit

 DATE                   EVENT                                                 CPD HOURS**                     DISCOUNTED*              FULL FEE

 18 February            IMRO Law Society of Ireland Copyright Lecture –       1 General (by Group                       Complimentary
                        ‘European Copyright Law, from the printing press      Study)
                        to the digital age, a journey of constant change’

 25 March               Healthcare Regulation in Ireland 2020 – Where are     3 M & PD Skills (by             €160                     €186
                        we now?                                               Group Study)

 3 April                The Litigator and the Mediation Act, 2017             2 General (by Group                               €135

 29 April               Acting for the Older Client – in collaboration with   3 General (by Group             €160                     €186
                        Solicitors for the Elderly                            Study)

 28 May                 The In-House Panel Discussion – in collaboration      3 M & PD Skills (by                               €65
                        with the In-House and Public Sector Committee         Group Study)

 24 September           Annual Employment Law Update - in collaboration       3 General (by group             €160                     €186
                        with the Employment & Equality Law Committee          study)

 2 October              Annual Litigation Conference – in collaboration       3.5 General (by Group           €160                     €186
                        with the Litigation Committee                         Study)

 8 October              Younger Members Conference – in collaboration         3 M & PD Skills (by                               €135
                        with the Younger Members Committee                    Group Study)

 22 October             Annual Property Law Conference – in collaboration     3.5 General (by Group           €160                     €186
                        with the Conveyancing Committee                       Study)

 29 October             Probate & Tax Conference – in collaboration with      3 General (by Group             €160                     €186
                        the PAT and Taxation Committee                        Study)

 5 November             Annual In-House and Public Sector Conference          3 M & PD Skills plus            €160                     €186
                        – in collaboration with the In-House and Public       2 General
                        Sector Committee                                      Total 5 Hours (By Group

 12 November            Annual Business Law Conference – in                   4 General (by Group            €160                      €186
                        collaboration with the Business Law Committee         Study)

 26 November            Annual Criminal Law Conference – in collaboration     3 General (by Group            €160                      €186
                        with the Criminal Law Committee                       Study)

 27 November            Annual Family & Child Law Conference - in             3 General                      €160                      €186
                        collaboration with the Family & Child Law             1 Regulatory Matters
                        Committee                                             1 M & PD Skills
                                                                              Total 5 Hours (by Group

*Fee Applicable to Law Society Finuas Skillnet Members
**CPD Hours and classification are subject to change


The Suite of Specialised Legal Programmes is presented in
collaboration with Law Society Finuas Skillnet.
For the latest on these programmes visit our webpage

PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS                                              Topics to be covered include
MASTERCLASS                                                        This module will address commercial property transactions.
                                                                   It will deal with commercial lending and the corporate
                                                                   borrower. Property issues in insolvency, examinership
 DATES:                   Module 3: 14 & 15 February               and liquidation will be explored along with NAMA and
 TIME:                    Module 3: 2.30pm to 6.00pm &             related topics such as powers, execution, disclaimer
                          10.00am to 5.00pm                        and repudiation. Another tax session forms part of this
                          Friday afternoon and all day             programme with a particular focus on the obligations
                          Saturday (Light lunch included on        relating to VAT, CGT and CAT.
                          Saturday sessions)
                          Access to an iPad is required for this   Lastly commercial leases will be addressed with an
                          programme and iPad training occurs       examination of key issues such as rent review, alienation and
                          from 2.30pm to 4.00pm on Fridays         repair. There will be guidance offered as to how to negotiate
 VENUE:                   Law Society of Ireland, Blackhall
                                                                   and handle disputes and the programme will touch upon the
                          Place, Dublin 7
                                                                   landlord and tenant reform proposals.

 FEE:                     €595 (iPad included in fee)              Lecturers
                          €295 (iPad not included in fee)          Our lecturers are distinguished legal experts and provide
 DISCOUNTED* FEE:         €570 (iPad included in fee)              legal services and advice to all sectors of industry both
                          €270 (iPad not included in fee)          nationally and internationally. Their significant experience
                                                                   will be shared through the interactive manner in which all
 CPD HOURS:               8 General plus 2 Management &
                                                                   lectures and workshops will be delivered.
                          Professional Development Skills (By
                          Group Study)

               Note:                                                  Even as a non-conveyancing solicitor, I found this course
               The Property Transactions Masterclass is               to be hugely interesting and beneficial to my practice. The
               divided into three discrete modules.                   lecturers were respected and experienced practitioners
               Module 1 – the Fundamentals of Property                who ensured the lectures were informative, engaging and
               Transactions took place in November 2019               practical. The course materials and method of delivery,
               Module 2 – Complex Property Transactions               in particular the use of iPads, provided an invaluable and
               took place in January 2020                             easily accessible resource. I would have no hesitation in
               Module 3 – Commercial Property Transactions            recommending the Property Transactions Masterclass to
               will run on 14/15 February 2020.                       colleagues.

     The next full programme will commence in November                Susan Webster
     2020, details available shortly.                                 Principal, Susan Webster & Company Solicitors

Aim and Objectives
This Masterclass is aimed at all practitioners acting in
property transactions and this module is specifically tailored
for those who wish to enhance their skills and knowledge in
respect of commercial property transactions. Each lecture
is followed by a test your own knowledge quiz and an
interactive workshop.

GROWTH STRATEGY WORKSHOP – A BLUEPRINT                        Growth Objective Setting
TO SUSTAIN AND GROW YOUR PRACTICE                             •	Description of your practice
                                                              •	Vision Statement
                                                              •	Market Context
 DATES:                 11 March                              •	Future Growth Options
 TIME:                  9.30am to 4.30pm                      Action Plan
 VENUE:                 Law Society of Ireland
                                                              •	Overall Growth Objectives
                                                              •	Action Planning
 FEE:                   €255                                  •	Action Plan by Growth Objective
 DISCOUNTED* FEE:       €210                                  Overview of Marketing
                                                              •	Marketing Objectives
 CPD HOURS:             6 Management & Professional
                                                              •	Marketing tactics
                        Development Skills (by Group
                                                              •	Target Markets
                                                              Marketing Communications
                                                              •	Digital Footprint – Website, Social Media, Email, Blogs
                                                              •	Networking
Smaller practices are unique within the profession and they
                                                              •	Referrals
face challenges similar to other small businesses. Given
                                                              •	Client UX
the dynamic environments in which smaller practices
operate and the evolving needs of clients, development of
                                                              Speakers include
a growth strategy will ensure that actions are planned and
                                                              Mary Cloonan, Founder, Marketing Clever, Dublin
implemented now so that they will positively influence the
                                                              Working exclusively with professional services firms
future sustainability of small practices.
                                                              and business to business organisations, Mary Cloonan,
                                                              founder of Marketing Clever, is a virtual head of marketing
Learning Outcomes
                                                              for her clients. With over 20 years’ experience working in
Law Society Finuas Skillnet in collaboration with the Small
                                                              professional services and business to business organisations,
Practice Support programme has designed a workshop
                                                              Mary has worked with seven of the top twenty accountancy
to assist you in completing the Growth Strategy and the
                                                              firms in Ireland to date. Whether you have a desire to create
Marketing Workbooks. The workshop is designed to give you
                                                              profile with a specific target audience or a feeling that you
the marketing and communication knowledge and skills
                                                              are not doing enough to market your practice or firm and you
needed to sustain and grow your practice.
                                                              are not sure where to focus, Mary can help. In 2019, Mary was
                                                              invited to join accounting and advisory HLB International’s
Topics to be covered include
                                                              global marketing steering advisory board.
Growth Strategy Overview
•	What is a Growth Strategy
                                                              Dorcas Réamonn, Lecturer, the Smurfit School, UCD,
•	Benefits of a Growth Strategy
•	Participants and Contributors to a Growth Strategy
                                                              Dorcas is a lecturer of ‘Digital Technology and Design’ and
•	Dependencies and success criteria
                                                              ‘Technology and Design for Digital Marketing’ and ‘Digital
•	Growth Strategy Project management process
                                                              Marketing’ for M.Sc. students in The Michael Smurfit
Practice Performance
                                                              Graduate Business School of UCD. She also works with the
•	Understanding the performance of your practice
                                                              Innovation Academy on Innovation & Design Thinking
•	Setting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
                                                              Modules. She is an author of ‘WordPress Masterbook 2019:
•	Outline current practice areas
                                                              Make a Website from Scratch - For Total Beginners’, which
What does your ideal Client look like
                                                              is currently the top-selling book on Amazon UK in the
•	Know the value of generating a client profile
                                                              WordPress and also CMS categories. She has been training,
•	How to create a client profile
                                                              mentoring and consulting businesses since 2011. Teaching
•	Client Segments
                                                              subjects she covers include; website making (especially
•	Client Sectors
                                                              WordPress), video creation, image editing, strategy, search
SWOT Analysis
                                                              engine optimisation (SEO), UX and auditing. She founded
•	What is a SWOT Analysis?
                                                              Zonua in 2010.
•	Identify your Practice’s Strengths
•	Identify your Practice’s Weaknesses
                                                              Tadhg Guiry, Founder, Evolve Marketing, Dublin
•	Identify Opportunities for Growth
                                                              Tadhg works at the intersection of the legal industry and the
•	Identify possible threats to your practice growth
                                                              digital world. His agency specifically works with law firms
Market Analysis
                                                              in Ireland and the US with a focus on new client acquisition.
•	PESTEL – What is it?
                                                              While working in a PI claims department at a large insurance
•	The value of generating a PESTEL
                                                              company, he recognised that the vast majority of law firms
•	Information sources for a PESTEL
                                                              were marketing away from the truth and wasting a lot of
•	How to general a PESTEL
                                                              their ad budget. So after a few years abroad growing a tech
Growth Objective Setting
                                                              startup in Austin, Texas, he came back to Dublin to start
•	Description of your practice
                                                              Evolve Marketing. His core skills include marketing strategy,
•	Vision Statement
                                                              paid traffic acquisition campaigns (Google Ads/ Facebook
•	Market Contex
                                                              Ads), building funnels, email marketing and direct response
•	Future Growth Options
Competitor Analysis
•	Generating Competitor Profiles
•	How do your competitors behave?

EMPLOYMENT LAW MASTERCLASS:                                       GENERAL AND COMMERCIAL
                                                                   DATES:                   24 & 25 April
                                                                   TIME:                    2:00pm – 6:00pm (Friday)
 DATES:                   20 March                                                          9:00am – 4:30pm (Saturday)
 TIME:                    9.30am to 5.30pm                         VENUE:                   Law Society of Ireland
 VENUE:                   Law Society of Ireland                   FEE:                     €425
 FEE:                     €255 (fee includes materials,            DISCOUNTED* FEE:         €350
                          refreshments and light lunch)
                                                                   CPD HOURS:               10 including 1 Regulatory Matters
 DISCOUNTED* FEE:         €210 (fee includes materials,                                     (by Group Study)
                          refreshments and light lunch)
 CPD HOURS:               6.5 General (by Group study)
                                                                  Aim and Objectives
Aim and Objectives                                                The course comprises lectures and small group modules
This one-day Employment Law Masterclass will give                 delivered by experienced practitioners. It will address recent
practitioners a highly practical and up to date insight into      developments; practice procedure; legislation; and case-
how to deal in a practical way with employment law issues         law in a wide range of key areas of general and commercial
and problems. The speakers are all leading experts in this        litigation.
field and will share their knowledge and expertise with
delegates.                                                        Topics to be covered include
                                                                  Topics addressed will include Discovery & Legal Privilege;
Speakers in the past have included                                Defamation Actions; Professional Negligence claims; Probate
• Marguerite Bolger SC                                            litigation (including testamentary actions, S117 claims,
•	Richard Grogan, Principal, Richard Grogan & Associates         cohabitant claims); Third Party Procedure; Mediation;
   Solicitors, Dublin                                             Land litigation; Appeals (Practice & Procedure), Costs
•	Duncan Inverarity, Partner, A & L Goodbody Solicitors,         developments.
•	Caroline Jenkinson, Deputy Chairman, Labour Court              Lecturers in the past have included
•	Catherine O’Flynn, Partner, William Fry Solicitors,            •	Colette Reid, Solicitor and Programme Director, Law
   Dublin                                                            Society of Ireland, Dublin
•	Alastair Purdy, Principal, Alastair Purdy & Co., Solicitors,   •	Joe O’Malley, Partner, Hayes Solicitors, Dublin
   Galway                                                         •	Anne Marie Maher BL, Junior Counsel, Bar Council of
•	Des Ryan BL                                                       Ireland, Dublin
                                                                  •	Helen Kilroy, Partner, McCann FitzGerald, Dublin
                                                                  •	Louise O’Reilly, Solicitor, & Legal Director, DAC
                                                                     Beachcroft, Dublin
                                                                  •	Michael Kealey, Solicitor, DMG Media, Dublin
                                                                  •	Paul Meagher, Principal, Meagher Solicitors, Dublin
                                                                  •	Garret Flynn BL, Bar Council of Ireland, Dublin
                                                                  •	Niamh Mc Hugh BL, Junior Counsel, Bar Council of
                                                                     Ireland, Dublin
                                                                  •	Geraldine Manners BL, Registrar of the Court of Appeal,


 DATES:                   24 & 25 April                            DATES:                  22 & 23 May
 TIME:                    2.00pm to 6.00pm (Friday)                VENUE:                  Radisson Blu Royal Hotel,
                          10.00am to 5.00pm (Saturday)                                     Golden Lane, Dublin 8
 VENUE:                   Law Society of Ireland                   FEE:                    €425
 FEE:                     €425                                     DISCOUNTED* FEE:        €350
 DISCOUNTED* FEE:         €350                                     CPD HOURS:              10 including 1 Regulatory
                                                                                           Matters (by Group Study)
 CPD HOURS:               8 General Plus 2 Management
                          & Professional Development
                          Skills (by Group study)                 Aim and Objectives
                                                                  The Fundamentals of Clinical Negligence Course comprises
Aim and Objectives                                                lectures and small group modules delivered by experienced
This Planning & Environmental Law masterclass is aimed at         practitioners. It examines the fundamentals of clinical
all practitioners acting in both residential and commercial       negligence claims from the relevant legal principles to the
transactions. Our masterclass format includes a workshop          practice and procedure of a clinical negligence action.
element in each module to gain a practical and applied
understanding of this area of the conveyancing process. The       Topics to be covered include
topics covered reflect the planning and environmental issues      •	Application of the Dunne Principles;
arising for conveyancers, in addition to an overview of the       •	Recent developments in personal injury litigation as it
planning application and appeal process. The presenters and          impacts clinical negligence claims and actions
workshop facilitators are experts in this field.                  •	Consent and Confidentiality
                                                                  •	Open disclosure
Topics to be covered include                                      •	Pre-action protocols
•	The planning application (legal and procedural rules),         •	Periodic payment orders
   appeals and representation                                     •	Recent case-law
•	Planning warranty – General Condition 36                       •	Defective product liability
•	Pre-contract enquiries, Requisitions and searches              •	Gathering relevant information, such as medical records,
•	Planning compliance issues                                        hospital protocols
•	Opinions of compliance                                         •	Choosing and instructing the appropriate medical
•	Planning bonds & Financial contributions/taking in                experts
   charge issues                                                  •	Mediation
•	Section160 injunctions                                         •	Nervous shock claims
•	Section 5 referrals and issues relating to exempted            •	The Coroner’s Court
   developments                                                   •	Costs
•	Section 47 agreements
•	Contamination Land Issues                                      Speakers
•	CPOs                                                           Our speakers are distinguished legal experts with extensive
•	Due diligence and environmental warranties                     experience, their knowledge will be shared through the
•	Building energy performance                                    interactive manner in which all lectures and workshops will
•	Obligations pursuant to Strategic Infrastructure legislation   be delivered.
• Habitats Directive
•	Arrangements with Irish Water re connections and
   planning compliance

•	Danielle Conaghan, Partner, Environment & Planning
   Group, Arthur Cox, Dublin
•	Finola McCarthy, Partner, Ronan Daly Jermyn, Cork
•	Alan Roberts, Partner, A & L Goodbody, Dublin
•	Prof. Yvonne Scannell, Consultant, Arthur Cox, Dublin
•	Brendan Slattery, Partner, McCann FitzGerald, Dublin
•	Patrick Sweetman, Partner, Matheson, Dublin

   Excellent Masterclass, having attended it in 2019, I highly
   recommend it!

   Sonia McEntee,
   Principal, Apartment Law at Sonia McEntee Solicitors,
   Dublin and Cavan

MASTERCLASS                                                    MASTERCLASS

 DATES:                  Module 1: 5 & 6 June		                 DATES:                   3 & 4 July
                         Module 2: 19 & 20 June                 TIME:                    2.00pm – 6.15pm (Friday)
 TIME:                   2.00pm to 5.30pm on two Fridays                                 9.00am – 5.00pm (Saturday)
                         10.00am to 5.30pm on two               VENUE:                   Law Society of Ireland
                                                                FEE:                     €425
 VENUE:                  Law Society of Ireland
                                                                DISCOUNTED* FEE:         €350
 FEE:                    €850
                                                                CPD HOURS:               10 including 1 Regulatory Matters
 DISCOUNTED* FEE:        €700                                                            (by Group Study)
 CPD HOURS:              20 General (by Group Study)

Aim and Objectives                                             Aim and Objectives
A practical series of lectures and workshops presented         The course comprises lectures and small group modules with
by leading experts, to update and develop practitioners’       experienced practitioners dealing with the key elements of
knowledge in the field of Wills, Probate, Estates and Tax      and recent developments in general personal injuries claims.
arising on same.                                               There have been a number of recent legislative changes in
                                                               this area which will be addressed.
Topics to be covered include
                                                               Topics to be covered include
Module 1                                                       The topics will include; the Statute of Limitations; the
•	Update on CAT and Estate Planning and Administration        Personal Injuries Assessment Board; PI practice and
   of Estates                                                  procedure under the Civil Liability and Courts Act 2004 (as
•	Taxation of estates dealing with CAT and other taxes        amended) and the Rules of Court; Damages (recent trends
   arising including Discretionary Trust Tax and taxation      and issues); Section 26 applications; recent case law; Claims
   issues (CAT and CGT) on the break up / dissolution of       involving an injured child; Claims involving the Motor
   Trusts                                                      Insurer’s Bureau of Ireland, Fatal Injury actions; Bullying and
•	Wrap up lecture and workshop incorporating all issues       Harassment Claims; Periodic Payment Orders; Good practice
   arising in Modules 1 and 2                                  and ethical issues; and Costs.

Module 2                                                       Speakers in the past have included
•	Update and review of will drafting, probate and             •	Suzanne Hill – Solicitor and Assessor with the Injuries
   administration                                                 Board
•	Dealing with advising the LPR on capacity and other         •	Noel Guiden - Legal Costs Accountant and Managing
   issues                                                         Partner, Behan & Assoc.
•	Non-contentious and contentious applications to the         •	Niamh Mc Hugh BL
   Probate Officer and the Courts                              •	Sinéad Nunan - Managing Partner, Michael Houlihan &
•	Administering trusts on death either by will or otherwise      Partners, Solicitors
•	Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act 2015                •	Stephen Hanaphy BL,
                                                               •	Shane M. Kelly BL
Participants can chose to attend module 1, module 2 or both.   •	John Byrne - B.Comm, M.B.S., F.I.A., F.S.A.I. - Consulting
Lecturers and tutors in the past have included
• Padraic Courtney, Law Society of Ireland
• Anne Stephenson, Principal, Stephenson Solicitors
• Annette O’Connell, Probate Officer                               Colette Reid
• Finola O’Hanlon, Principal,​O’Hanlon Tax
• Teresa Pilkington, Senior Counsel
• Brian E Spierin, Senior Counsel
•	Michelle McLoughlin, Principal, M. McLoughlin & Co.
• Brian Bohan – Founding Partner, Bohan Solicitors

PRACTITIONER - SKILLS WORKSHOPS                                  CONTRACTS

 DATES:                   Day 1: 13 February                      DATES:                  Module 1: 6 & 7 November
                          Day 2: 27 February                                              Module 2: 27 & 28 November
 TIME:                    Day 1: 5.00pm to 9.00pm                 TIME:                   2.00pm to 6.00pm (Fridays)
                          (5.00pm to 6.00pm - iPad                                        9.00am to 4.30pm (Saturdays – light
                          Introduction & Set Up)                                          lunch included)
                          Day 2: 6.00pm to 9.00pm                 VENUE:                  Law Society of Ireland
 VENUE:                   Law Society of Ireland                  FEE:                    €1,240 (Course fee includes an iPad
 FEE:                     €636 for both workshops (iPad                                   and interactive eBook)
                          included in fee)                        DISCOUNTED* FEE:        €1,140
                          €250 for both workshops (iPad not
                          included in fee)                        CPD HOURS:              20 (including 3 Management &
                                                                                          Professional Development Skills)
 DISCOUNTED* FEE:         €572 for both workshops (iPad                                   (by Group Study)
                          included in fee)
                          €188 for both workshops (iPad not
                          included in fee)                       Why is this Course for You?
 CPD HOURS:               2 General plus 4 Management &          Solicitors, Barristers, Contract Managers and
                          Professional Development Skills (by    Directors, In-house Counsel, Purchasing Personnel
                          Group study)                           This intensive introductory course is designed to provide
                                                                 participants with an understanding of what is required
                                                                 to successfully negotiate and draft commercial contracts.
Aim and Objectives                                               Lawyers are required to advise on and draft contracts for a
The Legal Research Skills Workshops are aimed at                 wide variety of business arrangements. This course provides
practitioners and focus on solving clients’ problems. An         participants with an opportunity to develop the skill of
overview of both paper-based and electronic resources will       effective contract drafting. Participants will also gain an
be followed by practical workshops whereby delegates carry       insight into the key terms and considerations involved in
out systematic and comprehensive research. Delegates will        typical commercial agreements. This course is therefore
leave with skills to enable them analyse clients’ instructions   relevant to solicitors, barristers, contract managers and
to identity the issues and ultimately present the results of     purchasing personnel, both in the private and public sector.
their research in a clear and practical format. The Course is
iPad-based with research carried out on both iPads and PCs.      Method of Delivery
                                                                 iPad and Interactive eBook accessed via iTunesU
Topics to be covered include                                     Course & Interactive Onsite Lectures and Workshops
• Introduction to legal research                                 This course will be delivered over a period of two half-
• Overview of internet resources – Acts, SIs and Case Law        days and two full-days. As well as independent learning,
• Introduction to researching European Law                       the course will incorporate the use of iPads in interactive
• Practical IT/iPad-based Workshop                               lectures and workshops.
• Strategies for solving practical legal problems
• Research Record Workshop                                       Outcomes
                                                                 Improved Competitiveness & Reduced Risk Exposure
Please note:                                                     The course is designed to equip participants with the
Access to an iPad is essential for participation in this         necessary skills, knowledge and competencies to draft
programme. Delegates are required to attend both modules         commercial agreements and to advise on the impact of
                                                                 various commercial arrangements on day-to-day business.
                                                                 Course Content
•	John Furlong, Knowledge Management consultant, Law            • Contract Law Refresher/Update
   Society Technology Committee member, Dublin                   • Negotiating contracts
• Dr Rachael Hession, Solicitor, Law Society of Ireland          • Understanding the anatomy of a contract
•	Mary Upton, MA, BCL (Hons), PG Dip, PG Cert, Solicitor,       • Drafting a contract
   Dublin                                                        • Ecommerce
•	Alma Clissmann, Manager, Law Reform Commission,               • Agency and Distributions Agreements
   Dublin                                                        • Franchising Agreements
                                                                 • Outsourcing Agreements

                                                                 Our lecturers are distinguished legal experts and provide
                                                                 legal services and advice to all sectors of industry both
                                                                 nationally and internationally. Their significant experience
                                                                 will be shared through the interactive manner in which all
                                                                 lectures and workshops will be delivered.

TRAUMA AWARENESS SKILLS TRAINING                                   Module 2: Taking Instructions 2: Instructions
FOR LAWYERS WORKING WITH CHILDREN                                  This module will build upon the skills in taking instructions
                                                                   module one and provide lawyers with practical best practice
AND YOUNG PEOPLE                                                   skills and tools for taking instructions from children and
                                                                   young people. It will be delivered through demonstrations
 DATE & TIME              To be confirmed                          and scenario based role-plays.
 VENUE:                   Law Society of Ireland
                                                                   Learning Outcomes
 FEE:                     €850                                     •	Reflective discussion of experience in taking instructions
 DISCOUNTED* FEE:         €700                                        from children and young people in practice
                                                                   •	Interactive demonstration of best practice tools and skills
 CPD HOURS:               22 Management and Professional
                                                                      for taking instructions
                          Development Skills (By Group
                                                                   •	Reflection and group discussion on the learning from the

Aim and Objectives                                                 Instructor: Andy Sirel, Senior Associate, JustRight,
This training is aimed at solicitors and barristers who work       Scotland
with children, young people and their families. This course
is tailored for lawyers who wish to gain the practical skills to   Module 3: Working with Trauma: Skills for Lawyers
communicate effectively and take instructions from children        This module will equip lawyers with an understanding
and young people.                                                  of effects of trauma and secondary traumatisation and
                                                                   the knowledge and skills to trauma inform their practice.
Research on children’s experiences of the justice system           This session will be delivered through a mix of interactive
conducted by the EU Fundamental Rights Agency found that           lectures, demonstrations and scenario based role-plays.
children who engage with the justice system respond better
to professionals who have received targeted training on            Learning Outcomes
working with children.                                             •	Understanding of the theory of trauma and secondary
                                                                      traumatisation and how it can impact on children and
Our innovative course provides hands on practical skills              young people lawyers are in contact with
training in how to take instructions from children equipping       •	Understanding the signs of trauma and how lawyers can
participants with effective active listening and interview-           respond appropriately
ing. Coupled with skills training, participants will gain an       •	Insights into children’s experiences of the justice system
understanding of child development, how to avoid secondary            as victims, witnesses or parties to a case
traumatisation of children and methods of self-care.               •	Interactive demonstration of best practice tips and tools
The training will be delivered in small group sessions through        to avoid secondary traumatisation of children and young
interactive lectures, examining real life scenarios, role plays       people
and best practice demonstrations. Participants will be re-         •	Practical role play for participants to practice using tools
quired to engage in reflective practices and peer learning.           and skills
                                                                   •	Information session on supports and services for
Programme Leader: Julie Ahern, Access to Justice Manager,             children and young people
Children’s Rights Alliance                                         •	Reflection and group discussion on the learning from the
Modules Outline
                                                                   Instructor: Dr Sharon Lambert, Lecturer, University College
Module 1: Taking Instructions 1: Foundation Skills                 Cork
This module will provide lawyers with the foundation skills
for taking instructions from children and young people. It         Module 4: Understanding Child Development and Child
will be delivered through demonstrations and scenario based        Protection for Lawyers
role-plays.                                                        This module will provide lawyers with an understanding
                                                                   of child development, attachment theory and how they
Learning Outcomes                                                  affect legal practice. The module will also give lawyers an
•	Introduction and overview of the session aims and               understanding on child protection law and the different
   intended learning outcomes                                      indicators of harm. This session will be delivered through
•	Understanding active listening methodology as it relates        interactive lectures, questions, and answers.
   to taking instructions and working with children
•	Interactive demonstration of best practice tools and skills     Learning Outcomes
   that can be used when in a consultation with children           •	Stages of child development
   and when taking instructions from children                      •	Attachment theory an how it impacts on legal practice
•	Practical role play for participants to practice using tools    •	Understanding the different stages of child development
   and skills                                                      •	Understanding Child protection indicators of harm and
•	Reflection and group discussion on the learning from the            how lawyers should respond
                                                                   Instructor: Emma Byrne- McNamee, Course Facilitator
Instructor: Caroline O’Sullivan, Director of Services,             and Consultant, Carlow and Kilkenny County Childcare
ISPCC                                                              Committees

                                      Dr Geoffrey Shannon

                                                                   DATES:                   To be confirmed
                                                                   TIME:                    2.00pm to 5.30pm
                                                                   VENUE:                   Law Society of Ireland
                                                                   FEE:                     €255
                                                                   DISCOUNTED* FEE:         €210
                                                                   CPD HOURS:               6 General (by Group Study)

                                                                  Aim and Objectives
                                                                  To outline, by reference to recent judgments and the
                                                                  speakers hard won experience, pitfalls for practitioners and
                                                                  best practice when taking instructions and drafting wills to
                                                                  ensure that the will executed carries out the client’s informed
                                                                  instructions in a clear unambiguous manner as tax efficiently
                                                                  as reasonably possible.

                                                                  Topics to be covered include
                                                                  •	Recent case law concerning wills and will drafting and
                                                                     the relevance of same for solicitors.
                                                                  •	Attending on the client, taking instructions drafting in
                                                                     accordance with those instructions and execution of the
                                                                  •	Will Trusts, are they appropriate? Drafting of Will Trusts
                                                                  •	Taxation issues that arise in the drafting of wills and will

                                                                  Speakers in the past have included
                                                                  •	Padraic Courtney, Solicitor, Course Manager, Secretary to
Module 5: Self-Care for lawyers                                       Probate and Trusts Committee, Law Society of Ireland
This module will provide lawyers with tips, tools and             •	Anne Marie Maher, Bar of Ireland, Dublin
insights into how incorporate self-care into their practice.      •	Anne Stephenson, Principal, Stephenson Solicitors,
Learning Outcomes                                                 •	Michelle McLoughlin, Principal, McLoughlin & Co.
•	Learning how to set appropriate boundaries                         Solicitors, Sligo
•	Overview of the supports and services available
•	Tools and tips for self-care

Instructor: Antoinette Moriarty, Psychotherapist & Law
School Psychological Services Manager, Law Society of

Module 6: Jurisprudence
This module will provide participants with an overview of
the child friendly justice principles and provide insights into
how lawyers can incorporate these into their practice

Learning Outcomes
•	Overview of the UN Convention on the Rights of the
   Child and Council of Europe Child Friendly Justice
   Principles and their practical use in representing
•	Insights into the jurisprudence on innovative practices in
   the legal process
•	Tips on how to engage the courts to improve the legal
   system for children and young people

Instructor: Dr Geoffrey Shannon, Solicitor, Chair
Adoption Authority of Ireland, Child Law Expert

MASTERCLASS                                                        AND PROCEDURES

 DATES:                       To be confirmed                       DATES:                  To be confirmed
 TIME:                        2.00pm to 5.30pm                      TIME:                   9.00am to 5.30pm
 VENUE:                       Law Society of Ireland                VENUE:                  Law Society of Ireland
 FEE:                         €255                                  FEE:                    €255
 DISCOUNTED* FEE:             €210                                  DISCOUNTED* FEE:        €210
 CPD HOURS:                   3.5 General (by Group Study)          CPD HOURS:              6 General (by Group Study)

Aim and Objectives                                                 Aim and Objectives
Practitioners will learn about taking instructions in relation     To introduce to probate practitioners the new probate forms
to and the procedural requirements involved in order to            and changes to practice to be brought into effect shortly and
satisfactorily execute an EPA. They would have a fuller            to bring practitioners through the amended process through
understanding of the effect of executing and registering an        lectures and workshops.
EPA and how to avoid the common pitfalls. They will also
learn about family disputes and objections to registration         Topics to be covered include
and the applications to court that may ensue. The role of the      •	Changes to Probate Papers, Practice & Procedure
Office of Wards of Court in the registration of EPAs will be       •	The Inland Revenue Affidavit from a Probate Office
outlined.                                                             perspective
                                                                   •	What type of Grant is needed and who is entitled to take
Topics to be covered include                                          it out
•	Introduction to EPAs and the execution and registration         •	Oath, Bond, Affidavits, Certificates, etc… the new papers
   of same                                                            and procedures
• Common difficulties arising in the registration of EPAs          •	Other types of application to the Probate Officer / Court
•	Family disputes in EPAs including objections to
   Registration and applications to Court                          Speakers in the past have included
                                                                   •	Rita Considine, County Registrar
Speakers in the past have included                                 •	Kevin Fidgeon, Assistant Probate Officer
• James Finn, Registrar of Wards of Courts                         •	John Glennon, Probate Officer
• Margaret Walsh, Partner, Sheil Solicitors, Dublin                •	Anne Heenan, Seat Office
                                                                   •	Caroline McColl, Seat Office
                                                                   •	Anne Stephenson, Principal, Stephenson Solicitors,
     The Enduring Powers of Attorney masterclass was very
     informative, and also dealt with many practical issues that
     may arise in respect of EPA’s from initial instructions to
     registration. I have benefited from my attendance.

     Rita Tynan,
     Solicitor. Niall J. Moran, Patrick Street,
     Tullamore, Co. Offaly


 DATES:                    Wednesday 25 March
 TIME:                     10.00am to 5:00pm
 VENUE:                    Law Society of Ireland
 FEE:                      €186
 DISCOUNTED* FEE:          €160
 CPD HOURS:                5 Hours (By Group Study)

Training Approach
Brexit will have profound implications for practitioners in
this jurisdiction. At this symposium a number of leading
experts will discuss the high level legal implications from a
general perspective followed by panel discussions dealing
with the specific legal impact on the following core areas of
practice: Criminal Law, Business Law, IP & Data Protection,
Customs, Excise and Tax, Civil Litigation, In-House
(IFS, Pharma, Medical Devices, Agri/food, Construction,
Manufacturing), Family & Child Law, EU & International
Affairs, and Employment Law.

The afternoon panel sessions have been designed in
collaboration with the relevant Law Society Committees and
will be 45 minutes in duration (each panel session will be
repeated three times to enable participants pick and choose
three session’s to attend.)

Light lunch is included.

For more details email or
phone the Law Society Finuas Skillnet team at 01 8815727

PROGRAMME 2020/2021

This Programme will commence in October 2020 – full details will be available shortly –
please email a member of our team on for details

                                                           Antoinette Moriarty,
      The most life-transforming                           course leader

      course I have ever been on.

      Kevin O’Leary,
      Cork County Council

      I cannot recommend this course
      highly enough.

      Hilkka Becker,
      Chairperson International
      Protection Appeals Tribunal

Aim and Objectives                                                   and executive coaching. Our facilitators are passionate about
Leaders and decision makers are no longer limited to top             leadership and bring a wealth of leadership development,
management in organisations. Our Programme equips and                as well as national and international experience to the
enables participants to exert leadership and influence at all        Programme.
levels of authority in all kinds of professional legal settings:
private practice, corporate, in-house, general counsel, local        Why do this programme?
authority and other governmental bodies.                             Designed to help lawyers become more effective leaders, this
                                                                     6 month programme delves into the fundamentals of your
Take control of your career path while learning to                   unique leadership potential, unpacks your personal style,
maximize team productivity, drive innovation, and secure a           builds effective team leadership skills and allows you to
competitive edge for your company.                                   integrate leadership practices tin order to accomplish your
                                                                     company’s goals.
The programme is delivered in 4 modules over 6 months as
follows:                                                             Individual Executive Coaching
•	Leadership in Perspective                                         A unique feature of this programme is the inclusion of three
•	Leading Self; Uncovering your Inner Leader                        (1.5 hr) executive coaching sessions with members of the
•	Leading People; Leading People for Business                       programme delivery team who are all experienced Executive
    Breakthrough                                                     Coaches.
•	Leading Practice; Making your Leadership Real
                                                                     On-line resources & on-line Community of Leadership
Course leader                                                        Each module will be supplemented with excellent on-line
Antoinette Moriarty, Psychotherapist leads the Law School            materials and useful resources and activities, enabling
Counselling Service and designs the psychological element            participants to actively embed leadership skills and
of solicitors’ training.                                             capacities throughout the Programme.

Partners - Resonate Leadership, PM/Philip Matthews and
SEVEN; Psychology at work
We partner with leading dynamic consultancies from the
worlds of business, psychology, organisational development

                                                                                           If you want people to listen to
PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION                                                                     you as distinct from simply hear
                                                                                           what you’re saying, you need to
                                                                                           do this course. The course would
                                                                                           be invaluable for sole/small
                                                                                           practitioners in particular, teaching
 DATES:                  19 February – 16 May (19 February, 4 March, 14
                         March, 8 April, 18 April, 6 May, 16 May)                          you how to communicate effectively
                                                                                           with both professionals and clients,
 TIME:                   10.00am to 5:00pm
                                                                                           as well as learning how to use new
 VENUE:                  Law Society of Ireland                                            media to do that. On a scale of 1 to
 FEE:                    €1,550 (iPad included in fee)                                     10 the score is 10.
 DISCOUNTED* FEE:        €1,450 (iPad included in fee)
                                                                                           Bill Holohan, Senior Partner -
 CPD HOURS:              Full Management & General CPD (by Group Study)
                                                                                           Holohan Lane, Solicitors, Dublin
                         for 2020 (subject to attending all sessions as
                         outlined in the timetable)                                        and Cork

Aim and Objectives                                                  Programme Team includes
This Certificate in Professional Education is aimed                 Dr. Gabriel Brennan, PHD, M.LITT, B.A. (HONS.), LL.B.,
at professional educators who design and/or deliver                 PG DIP., PG CERT.
programmes to professionals. The course is suited to                Gabriel has been involved in the provision of professional
educators from a range of professional fields including             legal education for over twenty years. Gabriel practiced
law, medicine, accountancy, taxation, pharmacy and                  as a solicitor with Abercorn Solicitors before joining the
international education. The demands on a professional              Education Department of the Law Society as a Course
educator are distinct and the skillset and knowledge base           Manager with responsibility for the design and delivery of
required are different from those required for general              numerous property and skills related courses. She has been
education and training. Our innovative course recognises            involved in the design of a teaching and learning website and
this difference and is tailored specifically to meet the needs      is experienced in providing training and support to lecturers
of professional educators. We bring the traditional ‘train the      and tutors.
trainer’ concept to a contemporary and new, more advanced,
level by taking a nuanced and comprehensive approach to             Antoinette Moriarty, MIAHIP, M.A., M.Sc.
the theory and knowledge, attitudinal judgement and skills          Antoinette combines her understanding of optimum
and practice required to excel as a professional educator.          human performance, gained through her training as a
                                                                    Psychotherapist in London and Dublin with over 20 years’
There is integrated use of technology throughout the                experience designing and leading professional and executive
programme. Participants will require access to an iPad for          development for lawyers and other executive leaders.
delivery of course materials, for completion of quizzes and         In addition to her private Psychotherapy and Executive
course activities and also for live engagement in on-line           Coaching practice (, Antoinette
discussion groups.                                                  manages the Law Society of Ireland’s Psychological Services
                                                                    and teaches a new element of professional legal education
Contact Hours                                                       entitled ‘Shrink Me - Psychology of a Lawyer’.
In addition to the course contact hours participants are
required to spend at least 5-hours online completing                Additional guest speakers have included:
activities and engaging with our on-line community of               • Dr Rachael Hession, Solicitor, Law Society of Ireland
practice. A CPD certificate of completion will issue once           • Rob Lowney, Learning Technologist, DCU
participants have successfully completed a reflective practice      • Sinéad Lucey, International Education Manager, IUA
learning assignment.                                                • John Lunney, Solicitor, Law Society of Ireland
                                                                    • Mary Upton, solicitor
 Theory and knowledge             Educational technology         Skills and practice                       Professional Self
 • Introduction                   •	Transforming professional   • International markets                   •	Creating psychological
 • Overview                          education through           • Strategic positioning                      safety in learning
 • iPad training                     technology                  •	Attaining stakeholder buy in              environments
   Fundamental concepts           •	Use of online tools         •	Return on investment                   •	Unconscious bias,
   Learning theories and their    •	Enhancing student           •	Small group and large group               diversity, inclusion and
   application to practice           engagement through             teaching                                  international awareness
   Curriculum design                 technology                  •	Reflective practice                    •	Self-evaluation
   Aims & intended learning       •	Virtual learning            •	Teaching and learning philosophy       •	Professionalism
   outcomes                          environments (VLEs)         •	Teaching practice                      •	Professional wellbeing
 • Resources                      •	Using multimedia            •	Presentation and facilitation skills
 • Assessment                     •	Pedagogical innovation      •	Evaluation
   Teaching and learning plans                                   •	Consolidation
                                                                 •	Publication


 DATES:                  Workshop 1: Friday 28 & 29 February
                         Workshop 2: Friday 20 March
                         Workshop 3: Friday 3 April
 TIME:                   9:30am to 5.00pm (each day)
 VENUE:                  Law Society of Ireland
 FEE:                    €1400
 DISCOUNTED* FEE:        €1,200
 CPD HOURS:              Full General and Full Management & Professional Development Skills
                         required for 2020 (by Group Study) provided all sessions are attended.
 EVENT CODE:             S2002

Training Approach                                                   Support will be available throughout the programme and a
Our approach is a combination of theory and experiential            recommended reading list will be provided.
learning, providing participants with the tools and
frameworks required to understand when coaching is                  Please note numbers are strictly limited on this programme –
appropriate; to hold effective coaching conversations; and          early booking is advised.
to use a coaching approach for talent development and
management.                                                         Programme Team

As well as providing an overview of the latest coaching             Antoinette Moriarty – Programme Director
theory and practice models, participants will identify a            Antoinette trained as a psychotherapist in Dublin and
development agenda and will experience being coached in             at Metanoia Institute, London. She has over 20 years’
relation to personal career goals. Feedback will be offered on      experience designing and leading professional and
progress throughout the Programme alongside learning how            executive development for lawyers and other executive
to develop teams.                                                   leaders. Antoinette is interested in exploring the inter-play
                                                                    between our professional roles and our personal identity.
Practice and reflection are key elements in the adult learning      In addition to her private Psychotherapy practice (www.
process. Our approach is to engage our delegates actively in, Antoinette leads the Law School
coach practice - both on the Programme and over the three           Psychological Services and designs the psychological
month period of the training.                                       elements of solicitors’ training.

What you will learn on this programme                               Isolde Norris – Lead Trainer
•	Definition and the role of coaching in business and              Isolde is an executive coach, coach tutor and coach
   organisational contexts                                          supervisor. She holds a Master’s in Business and Executive
•	Differences between coaching and mentoring                       Coaching and a Master’s in Business Administration. She
•	Principles of coaching, coaching tools and methods               is an accredited professional coach with the Association
•	Coaching for employee engagement, performance and                for Coaching. With over 25 years’ experience working in
   motivation                                                       both large and small organisations, Isolde’s career has
•	The psychology of change and how this applies to you             always involved a strong focus on building effective and
   and your employees in business                                   high-performing teams in high pace and high change
•	Manager as coach and flexing leadership styles                   environments. Isolde now coaches’ leaders and teams from
•	Using coaching skills to develop your team                       a diverse range of industry sectors. Her website is www.
                                                           and her LinkedIn page is https://www.
Workshops: Coaching for performance for Solicitors &      
Practice Managers
Workshop 1: Friday 28 & Saturday 29 February 2020 - 9:30am          Pamela Fay – Lead Trainer
to 5.00pm                                                           Pamela is an executive coach, coach tutor and coach
Workshop 2: Friday 20 March 2020 - 9:30am to 5.00pm                 supervisor. She holds a Masters in Executive Coaching and
Workshop 3: Friday 3 April 2020 - 9:30am to 5.00pm                  a Masters in International Marketing. Accredited by both
                                                                    Ashridge Business School in the UK and the EMCC, Pamela
Performance Coaching & Assessment                                   has been coaching for over ten years. Prior to that Pamela
Delegates will complete 6 hours performance coaching and            worked for Bord Bia and Diageo and had a performance
a 1000-word essay reflecting on their coach practice and use        management consulting business. Her practice website is
of coaching skills, tools and methods. This is to be submitted and her LinkedIn page is https://www.
within four weeks of programme completion.                

You can also read