Safety Statement - 15th March 2021 - MTU

Page created by Marjorie Harris
Safety Statement - 15th March 2021 - MTU
Safety Statement

15th March 2021
    MTU 1.0
         Safety Statement D5     
Table of Contents
1.      Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 5
2.      MTU Organisational Overview .............................................................................................. 6
     2.1 Overview of the University ..................................................................................................................... 6
3.      Health and Safety Policy Statement ...................................................................................... 7
4.      Transition Arrangements ..................................................................................................... 8
5.      MTU Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................................ 9
     5.1       Responsibilities of the MTU Governing Body ................................................................................... 9
     5.2       Responsibilities of the President ...................................................................................................... 9
     5.3       Responsibilities of the Cork Campus Vice President Finance & Administration ............................ 10
     5.4       Responsibilities of the Kerry Campus Vice President of Corporate Affairs .................................... 10
6.      Covid-19 Risk Management ................................................................................................ 12
7.      Cork Campus Roles and Responsibilities .............................................................................. 13
     7.1 Responsibilities of the Vice President Finance & Administration ........................................................ 13
     7.2 Responsibilities of Vice Presidents ....................................................................................................... 13
     7.3 Responsibilities of Heads of Faculty ..................................................................................................... 14
     7.4 Responsibilities of Heads of School ...................................................................................................... 14
     7.5 Responsibilities of Heads of Department/Heads of Function .............................................................. 15
     7.6 Responsibilities of the Head of Buildings and Estates (Buildings Officer) ............................................ 16
     7.7 Responsibilities of the Public Private Partnership (PPP) Operator ...................................................... 16
     7.8 Responsibilities of the Department of Education and Skills PPP Contract Manager ........................... 16
     7.9 Responsibilities of the Safety Officer ................................................................................................... 16
     7.10 Responsibilities of the Technical Officer, Health and Safety (Faculty of Engineering & Science) ...... 17
     7.11 Responsibilities of the Lecturer/Tutor/Researcher ............................................................................ 17
     7.12 Responsibilities of Supervisors (Senior Technical Officer, Cleaning Supervisor, Maintenance
     Supervisor, Head Caretaker etc.)................................................................................................................ 18
     7.13 Responsibilities of Technicians, Technical and Support Staff............................................................. 18
     7.14 Rights of Elected Safety Representatives ........................................................................................... 19
     7.15 Responsibilities of Contractors / Sub-Contractors / Consultants....................................................... 19
     7.16 Responsibilities of Employees ............................................................................................................ 20
8.      Cork Campus Safety Management System Arrangements .................................................... 22
     8.1 Health & Safety Consultation ............................................................................................................... 22
        8.1.1 Department/Function Health & Safety Co-ordinator .................................................................... 23
     8.2 Operational Ancillary Safety Manuals (Cork Campus).......................................................................... 24
     8.3 Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment ............................................................................................. 25
        8.3.1 Definitions ..................................................................................................................................... 25

Safety Statement                                                                                                                                       2
8.3.2 Risk Assessment System ................................................................................................................ 26
        8.3.3 Risk Assessment Flow Diagram ..................................................................................................... 26
     8.4 Resources & Welfare ............................................................................................................................ 28
     8.5 Training Standards ................................................................................................................................ 30
     8.6 Contractor / Visitor Control .................................................................................................................. 31
        8.6.1 Contractor...................................................................................................................................... 31
        8.6.2 Visitors ........................................................................................................................................... 31
        8.6.3 General Information ...................................................................................................................... 31
     8.7 Emergency Evacuation Procedures ...................................................................................................... 32
        8.7.1 Definition ....................................................................................................................................... 32
        8.7.2 Procedure ...................................................................................................................................... 32
        8.7.4 Discovering A Fire .......................................................................................................................... 32
     8.8 Site Safety Audit & Inspection .............................................................................................................. 34
        8.8.1 Safety Audit ................................................................................................................................... 34
        8.8.2 Safety Inspections.......................................................................................................................... 34
        8.8.3 Statutory Inspections..................................................................................................................... 35
     8.9 Accident Reporting & Investigation...................................................................................................... 36
        8.9.1 Reasons for Reporting & Investigating Accidents ......................................................................... 36
        8.9.2 Definition of Injury Class (Used in The Accident Report Form) ..................................................... 36
        8.9.3 Reporting and Investigation Procedure......................................................................................... 36
     8.10 Policies & Procedures Controls .......................................................................................................... 38
     8.11 Disciplinary Procedures ...................................................................................................................... 39
     8.12 Management Review of The Ancillary & Department Safety Manuals.............................................. 39
     8.13 Current MTU Organisation Chart Information from MTU Safety Statement..................................... 40
     8.14 Circulation of the Document .............................................................................................................. 43
9.      Kerry Campus Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................. 44
     9.1 Roles and Responsibilities of The Executive Team ............................................................................... 44
     9.2 Roles and Responsibilities of The General Management Team (I.E. All Heads of Faculty, Heads of
     School and Central Services Managers) ..................................................................................................... 44
     9.3 Safety Groups ....................................................................................................................................... 45
     9.4 Role of The Safety Officer ..................................................................................................................... 45
     9.5 Responsibilities of Employees .............................................................................................................. 45
        9.5.1 General Responsibilities of All Employees..................................................................................... 46
        9.5.2 Responsibilities of Specific Employees .......................................................................................... 47 Management Personnel (Heads of School, Heads of Department and Central Services
        Managers)............................................................................................................................................... 47 Estates Manager .......................................................................................................................... 48

Safety Statement                                                                                                                                          3 Human Resources Manager ....................................................................................................... 49 Lecturing Staff............................................................................................................................. 50 Technicians and Related Technical Staff .................................................................................... 50
10. Kerry Campus Safety Management System Arrangements .................................................... 52
   10.1 Resources ........................................................................................................................................... 52
   10.2 Welfare ............................................................................................................................................... 53
   10.3 MTU Kerry Campus Safety Committee............................................................................................... 53
      10.3.1 Safety Committee Membership .................................................................................................. 54
      10.3.2 MTU Kerry Campus Safety Committee Structure........................................................................ 54
   10.4 Training & Induction ........................................................................................................................... 55
   10.5 Accidents and Emergencies ................................................................................................................ 55
      10.5.1 Recording, Reporting & Investigation ......................................................................................... 55
      10.5.2 Accidents, Dangerous Occurrences or Near Miss Incidents Procedure ...................................... 56
      10.5.3 Procedure in Case of Serious Injury or Collapse .......................................................................... 56
   10.6 Contractors ......................................................................................................................................... 57
      10.6.1 Contractor Safety Management .................................................................................................. 57
      10.6.2 Method Statement (where necessary)........................................................................................ 57
      10.6.3 Preparation Prior to Commencing Work ..................................................................................... 58
      10.6.3 Project Works .............................................................................................................................. 58
   10.7 Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment ........................................................................................... 59
   10.8 Further Health & Safety Considerations............................................................................................. 60
      10.8.1 Hygiene Facilities ......................................................................................................................... 60
      10.8.2 Smoking ....................................................................................................................................... 60
      10.8.3 Spillages ....................................................................................................................................... 60
      10.8.4 Housekeeping .............................................................................................................................. 60
      10.8.5 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ......................................................................................... 60
      10.8.6 Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................ 61 The MTU Kerry Campus: ........................................................................................................... 61 Employees and Students: ......................................................................................................... 61
   10.9 Purchasing .......................................................................................................................................... 62
   10.10 MTU Kerry Campus Departments .................................................................................................... 64
Document Control.................................................................................................................... 66

Safety Statement                                                                                                                                       4
1.       Introduction

On 1st January 2021, Cork Institute of Technology joined with Institute of Technology Tralee to
establish the Munster Technological University (MTU).
MTU will be a multi-campus Technological University, contributing to the region through the
provision of academic programmes that support student development and opportunities,
education and research. Partnering with industry and community, MTU will invest in the future with
state‑of‑the‑art research, education, enterprise, cultural and sports facilities. MTU will have an
extensive regional footprint with six campuses across the South‑West region in Cork and Kerry.

Munster Technological University (MTU), heretofore referred to as the university, recognises its
legal responsibility to provide a planned, managed and controlled place of work for its employees
and students. The University intends to meet this statutory requirement through the provision of a
Safety Statement, University Ancillary Safety Manuals and Departmental Safety Manuals, which
include hazard identification and risk assessments.

Amendments to this document will be controlled by the University Safety Officer(s) and logged on
the version control sheet of this document.

The purpose of the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act, 2005 is to ensure the safety, health and
welfare of employees in the place of work. This Act applies to employers, representatives and
employees in all types of work situations and embraces the full range of activities undertaken at
the university.

The Act requires the employer to prepare a Safety Statement(s) outlining the employer’s
arrangements and the employee co-operation necessary to achieve this purpose.

In response to the above statutory requirement, the university has prepared this Safety Statement,
which acts as a guide for all related Ancillary and Department Safety Manuals. This document
identifies the health and safety procedures, controls and responsible persons within the university.

This document sets out management responsibilities, welfare facilities and resources provided. It
also deals with consultation on safety issues and training standards required. It will be used as the
overall management document for defining MTU’s safety policy.

Safety Statement                                                                              5
2.       MTU Organisational Overview

2.1 Overview of the University
The university presently operates from six separate campuses in Cork and Kerry. Corks main campus
is located in Bishopstown and covers an area of approximately 90+ acres. As well as the original
1974 building, the campus consists of the Library & IT Building, Gymnasium, Astroturf pitch, running
track and playing pitches. The Administration Building, the Student Centre and the Tourism and
Hospitality Building are located around the Nexus courtyard. To the North of the campus is the
Melbourn Building along with the Rubicon Centre which is an on-site business incubation centre.
The NIMBUS Centre is adjacent to and attached to the Rubicon Centre. The NIMBUS Centre
provides space for researchers, including facilities for undergraduate project students, visiting
postgraduate students and researchers from other institutions and dedicated industry visitor
workstations, already in use, where company researchers can work in close collaboration with
NIMBUS staff and use NIMBUS research facilities.

The Kerry Campus is located in Tralee across two sites in Clash and Dromtacker. The North Campus
in Dromtacker consists of the Business & IT Building, Solás Building, HCT Building and the Kerry
Sports Academy (KSA) Building in addition to playing pitches. The North Campus also includes the
Tom Crean Business Centre which is an on-site business incubation centre. The South campus in
Clash consists of the main building (A, B, C Blocks which includes the Science and Engineering
Laboratories), D block classrooms and F block Agricultural Engineering Building.

The Crawford College of Art and Design is located in three buildings at Sharman Crawford Street,
46 Grand Parade and Sober Lane, Cork.
The MTU Cork School of Music is located in a purpose-built state of the art facility on Union Quay,
The National Maritime College of Ireland opened in October 2004 and is located in Ringaskiddy, Co.
Cork. Blackrock Castle Observatory (BCO) which is affiliated with the School of Science and
Engineering is located in Blackrock, Cork.

Student Numbers:
The university currently has in the region of 18,000+ registered students with approximately 3,500
new entries year on year.
Staff Numbers:
At present, the university employs approximately 2,500 staff members consisting of academic staff
and Professional, Management & Support staff composed of technical support, library,
administrative and services staff.

Safety Statement                                                                             6
3.       Health and Safety Policy Statement
To staff members, students and authorised visitors:

In accordance with the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act 2005 (hereafter referred to as the
“2005 Act”) and the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007, it is
the policy of the Munster Technological University that all reasonable and practicable steps are
taken to provide a safe and healthy environment, with safe systems of work.

Munster Technological University considers the safeguarding of the health, safety and welfare of
its staff members, students, contractors, service providers, visitors and members of the public as a
high priority. This can only be accomplished by the persistent efforts of us all. Responsibility for
health, safety and welfare rests with each employee, at every level within the organisation. The
MTU Safety Statement will be used on an on-going basis by management in order to achieve our
overall objective, improve safety awareness and reduce accidents and ill health within the
organisation. Health, Safety and Welfare within the organisation must be dynamic and must not
become routine.

The University will constantly strive as a collective campus to address all hazards in the workplace,
by means of hazard identification and risk assessment, in accordance with Section 19 of the 2005
Act. Each functional area, heretofore referred to as “functional area” will be responsible for
achieving this task in its relevant area. The allocation of responsibilities for health, safety and
welfare by each functional area is laid out in the University’s Safety Statement. Each functional area
will ensure that this document is readily available.

The University will make available adequate resources to implement this policy. The University will
provide information, instruction, training and supervision as necessary to ensure that our health,
safety and welfare objectives and duties are met.

The University will ensure that measures are taken to protect, insofar as is reasonably practicable,
the health, safety and welfare of individuals with disabilities.

The Safety Statement will be reviewed at least annually and revised when necessary to reflect
changes in procedure or policy or otherwise to maintain this as an up-to-date policy and working

Is mise le meas,

______________________                                15 March 2021

Professor Maggie Cusack                               Date:

President, Munster Technological University

               This Safety Policy has the approval and support of the Governing Body.

Safety Statement                                                                               7
4.          Transition Arrangements
This Safety Statement is the first version for the newly formed Munster Technological University.

     •   Section 5 below includes new roles and responsibilities for the President and Governing
         Body of MTU.

     •   Sections 7 and 8 contain the existing Cork Corporate Safety Statement effective in the Cork
         campuses in 2020.

     •   Sections 9 and 10 contain the existing Kerry Safety Statement effective in the Tralee
         campuses in 2020.

It is the intent that health, safety and welfare procedures and systems will be aligned across both
campuses over time in line with best practice and international health, safety and welfare
standards. This Safety Statement will be updated to reflect this alignment and will be
communicated to all relevant parties at each revision.

Safety Statement                                                                             8
5.        MTU Roles and Responsibilities
It is Munster Technological University’s responsibility through its management and staff to create
an environment which supports employee commitment to health, safety and welfare
The management at all levels within the organisation shares the responsibility with the President,
Vice Presidents, Heads of Faculty, Heads of College, Heads of School and Heads of
Department/Function to provide administrative support and to establish organisation and systems
for attaining high operational safety standards within their respective areas of control. Senior
management is ultimately responsible for safety within the university. The President of the
University assumes overall executive responsibility for health, safety and welfare at the university.

5.1       Responsibilities of the MTU Governing Body
The Governing Body, under the terms of the Technological Universities Act (2018), shall manage
and control the affairs of the university to ensure they have integrated, coherent and effective
governance structures in place concerning academic, administrative and management matters.
In relation to the management of health, safety and welfare, the Governing Body will:

      •   Review and endorse the University Safety Statement as prepared by the Executive.
      •   Receive and review annual report from the Executive on progress in implementation of the
          Safety Statement.
      •   Ensure sufficient resources are available to achieve and implement the Safety Statement.

5.2       Responsibilities of the President
The President as the "Chief Officer" of the university assumes overall executive responsibility for
health, safety and welfare and shall:
   • Ensure the provision of adequate resources to implement the Safety Statement.
   • Take a direct interest in matters relating to health, safety and welfare and support staff to
        comply with their duties as outlined in the Safety Statement.
   • Ensure an annual review of the Safety Statement is undertaken and sign the Safety Policy
   • Include planning for the management of health, safety and welfare within the University’s
        Strategic Management Plan.

Safety Statement                                                                              9
5.3      Responsibilities of the Cork Campus Vice President Finance & Administration
      a) Ensure the preparation and regular update of this Safety Statement in conjunction with the
         Safety Officer(s).
      b) Prepare in conjunction with the Safety Officer(s) on an annual basis, a Cork Campus Safety
         Management System Action Plan and identify the resources required for its
      c) Ensure that progress in the implementation of the annual MTU Safety Statement Action
         Plan is regularly tracked.
      d) Ensure the necessary organisational structures exist to ensure that health, safety and
         welfare is properly managed.
      e) Identify, in conjunction with the University’s Safety Officer the safety management targets
         and objectives at the university on an annual basis.
      f) Provide reports to the President and the Governing Body indicating progress in
         implementing the MTU Safety Statement Action Plan and on achieving agreed goals and
      g) Review the minutes of the Safety Committee meetings and ensure adequate management
         support is provided to resolve any outstanding issues arising.
      h) Ensure that health, safety and welfare management is a priority for the University’s
         Executive Team.

5.4      Responsibilities of the Kerry Campus Vice President of Corporate Affairs
The Kerry Campus Vice President of Corporate Affairs fulfils the role of Safety Co-ordinator on the
Kerry Campus.
The responsibilities of the Safety Co-ordinator are to
   a) Ensure the preparation and regular update of this Safety Statement. This updating will be
       based on staff feedback, changes in systems of work and/or changes in machinery and
       equipment and, where necessary, following advices from external consultants. The
       responsibility to update the Safety Statement on a regular basis or as often as may be
       necessary, does not take from the Health & Safety responsibilities of management to ensure
       effective safety management on a daily basis.
   b) Prepare in conjunction with the Safety Officer(s) on an annual basis a Safety Management
       System Action Plan for the Kerry Campus and identify the resources required for its
   c) Ensure that progress in the implementation of the annual Safety Statement Action Plan is
       regularly tracked.
   d) Ensure the necessary organisational structures exist to ensure that health, safety and
       welfare is properly managed.
   e) Identify, in conjunction with the University’s Safety Officer(s), the safety management
       targets and objectives at the university on an annual basis.
   f) Provide reports to the President and the Governing Body indicating progress in
       implementing the Kerry Campus SMS Action Plan and on achieving agreed goals and

Safety Statement                                                                            10
g) Review the minutes of the Safety Committee meetings and ensure adequate management
       support is provided to resolve any outstanding issues arising.
    h) Ensure that health, safety and welfare management is a priority for the University’s
       Executive Team.
    i) Ensure that appropriate and adequate training in occupational health & safety is
       implemented and available to all staff.
    j) Ensure that all accidents and dangerous occurrences are reported and are fully investigated
       and where appropriate, remedial measures are put in place. (In conjunction with the Safety
    k) Ensure that adequate systems are in place for consulting with employees including the
       selection of safety representatives and a safety committee.
    l) Work with the Kerry Campus Safety Officer and Heads of School/Function to establish and
       maintain Safety Groups on the Kerry Campus.

Safety Statement                                                                          11
6.       Covid-19 Risk Management
MTU has developed COVID-19 Response Plans for the Cork and Kerry campuses which details the
policies and practices necessary to meet the Government’s ‘Return to Work Safely Protocol’ and to
prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace.

The plans give an overview of key measures that are in place to ensure compliance with the protocol
and to minimise the risk to Staff, Student, Contractors and others.

The plans are live working documents and are reviewed on an ongoing basis and amended to take
into account new guidance from Government, the HSE and the Health and Safety Authority.

The plans are implemented by the Cork Emergency Management Team and the Kerry Campus
Critical Incident Management Team (CIMT).

A Covid19 Operations Group has been established to coordinate activities and communications
with subgroups operating under the remit of the Operations Group. Initially established in Cork, the
Group has been extended to include representatives from Kerry from January 2021 with support
from the relevant Campus Safety Office.

Lead Employee Representatives (LWRs) have been appointed and trained across the university
campuses to assist in monitoring the implementation and effectiveness of COVID-19 measures.

For further details please contact the relevant Campus Safety Office.

Safety Statement                                                                            12
7.       Cork Campus Roles and Responsibilities
The Vice President for Finance & Administration will take executive responsibility for ensuring the
Safety Statement at the university is effectively managed and implemented on the Cork Campus.
The MTU Cork Campus Safety Officer will fulfil the role of Cork Campus Safety Co-ordinator with
the assistance of the various Cork Campus Departmental Safety Coordinators to review the Health
and Safety Management System on behalf of the executive management team.

The Safety Committee supports the Safety Statement and makes recommendations to
management on the System’s operation from time to time. The Safety Committee is supported and
guided by the Cork Campus Safety Officer.

In addition to the Safety Management System described in this safety statement, MTU operates a
Risk Management Policy which outlines how MTU manages its risk profile across all business areas
of the university. This policy provides a framework for managing all risk, including any significant
health, safety and welfare risks that cannot be managed at local/faculty management level. The
Risk Management Policy describes how the University Executive Team manages all such risks and it
is within this structure that significant health, safety and welfare issues, which cannot be resolved
locally, shall be escalated and managed by the University Executive Team.

7.1 Responsibilities of the Vice President Finance & Administration
     a) Ensure the preparation and regular update of the university’s Safety Statement.
     b) Prepare in conjunction with the MTU Cork Campus Safety Officer on an annual basis, a
        Safety Statement Action Plan for the MTU Cork Campus and identify the resources required
        for its implementation.
     c) Ensure that progress in the implementation of the annual Safety Statement Action Plan is
        regularly tracked.
     d) Ensure the necessary organisational structures exist to ensure that health, safety and
        welfare is properly managed.
     e) Identify, in conjunction with the MTU Cork Campus Safety Officer the safety management
        targets and objectives at the university on an annual basis.
     f) Provide reports to the President and the Governing Body indicating progress in
        implementing the Safety Statement Action Plan and on achieving agreed goals and
     g) Review the minutes of the Safety Committee meetings and ensure adequate management
        support is provided to resolve any outstanding issues arising.
     h) Ensure that health, safety and welfare management is a priority for the MTU Cork Campus
        Executive Team.

7.2 Responsibilities of Vice Presidents
     a) Take overall management responsibility for health, safety and welfare for activities within
        their area.
     b) Understand how the Safety Statement is structured and ensure that management levels
        reporting to them have been fully briefed on the implementation of the Safety Statement.
     c) Ensure that the President is advised on any serious safety issues arising in their area of
Safety Statement                                                                             13
d) Consult with and assist the MTU Cork Campus Safety Officer on health, safety and welfare
       matters within their area of responsibility.
    e) Schedule regular audits and inspections of the Safety Statement implementation in their
       areas of responsibility, review the findings of these audits and ensure closure of any
       significant non-conformances identified in a timely manner.
    f) Review accident reports and investigations appropriate to their area of responsibility.

7.3 Responsibilities of Heads of Faculty
    a) Understand how the Safety Statement is structured and ensure that management levels
       reporting to them have been fully briefed on the implementation of the Safety Statement.
    b) Take responsibility for health, safety and welfare for activities within their area.
    c) Take a direct interest in health, safety and welfare and support the Vice Presidents in their
    d) Ensure that the appropriate Vice President is advised on any serious safety issues arising.
    e) Ensure suitably qualified and competent personnel are available to fulfil the role(s) of
       competent persons as required by the statutory legislation.
    f) Ensure that the duties of the responsible persons in relation to health, safety and welfare
       as defined in the MTU Cork Campus Ancillary Safety Manuals are conveyed to them.
    g) Consult with and assist the MTU Cork Campus Safety Officer on health, safety and welfare
       matters within their area of responsibility.
    h) Regularly inspect the facility with Heads of School in a walk-through audit to ensure the
       safety standards are being complied with.
    i) Review accident reports and investigations appropriate to their area of responsibility and
       ensure appropriate remedial action.

7.4 Responsibilities of Heads of School
    a) The Head of School, through the School Executive, shall ensure compliance with statutory
       legislation and the requirements of the MTU, Ancillary and Department Safety Statements
       within their Schools.
    b) Ensure through co-ordination with the relevant staff that processes, and activities carried
       out in the facility are undertaken safely and without risk to health.
    c) Consult with and assist the MTU Cork Campus Safety Officer on health, safety and welfare
       matters within their area of responsibility.
    d) Identify the resources required for safety, health & welfare needs within the school.
    e) Understand how the Safety Statement is structured and ensure that management levels
       reporting to them have been fully briefed on the implementation of the Safety Statement.
    f) Ensure the development of safe operating procedures as necessary for all activities with
       significant risk to employees or students.
    g) Monitor on a semesterised basis, the effectiveness of and compliance with the Safety
       Statement using health, safety and welfare progress reports submitted by the Heads of
    h) Provide adequate resources and time for staff to undergo necessary instruction and training
       as is necessary by legislation and risk assessments.

Safety Statement                                                                            14
i) Confirm that emergency planning arrangements are communicated to all staff within the
    j) Confirm that accidents and incidents within the School are reported through the immediate
       management and, where necessary, fully investigated.
    k) Consult with the relevant Staff Safety Representative for the school as appropriate.

7.5 Responsibilities of Heads of Department/Heads of Function
         a) Understand how the Safety Statement is structured and ensure that management levels
            reporting to them have been fully briefed on the implementation of the Safety
         b) Ensure that the Department Safety Manuals are brought to the attention of staff within
            the Department at their induction training and repeated on a yearly basis.
         c) Ensure that due cognisance is given to safety in all operational decisions.
         d) Ensure adequate resources are made available for the implementation of Department
            Operational Ancillary Safety Manual requirements.
         e) Ensure comprehensive hazard identification and risk assessments have been carried out
            for all activities within the department.
         f) Ensure all actions identified in risk assessments are closed out giving priority to higher
            risk ratings.
         g) Ensure that all plant and equipment used in the department conform to current health,
            safety and welfare legislation.
         h) Notify the MTU Cork Campus Safety Officer when any member of staff is absent from
            work for more than 3 days through a work-related accident.
         i) Ensure that, where an accident removes a person from their place of work for 3
            consecutive days or more after the day of the accident, the Health and Safety Authority
            are informed by the relevant personnel.
         j) Regularly inspect the facility in a walk-through inspection with the relevant staff to
            ensure that safety standards are being complied with.
         k) Consult with the staff safety representative, as appropriate.
         l) Ensure staff receive adequate safety training, as identified in the risk assessments, to
            bring them to the required level of competency.
         m) Ensure staff sign the Employee Acceptance Form to confirm they have read and
            understood the contents of the Department Safety Manual.
         n) Ensure that the safety rules and procedures are communicated to staff, students, and
            contractors. Pre-arranged visitors should be directed to the relevant section of the MTU
            website for access to relevant health, safety and welfare information.
         o) Ensure that accidents and incidents within their area are immediately reported through
            the proper channels and, where necessary, fully investigated.
         p) Submit health, safety and welfare progress reports on a semesterised basis to the Head
            of School or other relevant senior management.
         q) Consult with and assist the MTU Cork Campus Safety Officer on health, safety and
            welfare matters within their area of responsibility.
         r) Notify any defects in safety critical systems to the Buildings and Estates Office (fire safety
            equipment, emergency lighting, gas systems etc.)
Safety Statement                                                                                 15
s) Ensure statutory inspections are carried out and recorded as necessary on any safety
            critical equipment used and controlled by the department (lifting equipment, pressure
            equipment etc).

7.6 Responsibilities of the Head of Buildings and Estates (Buildings Officer)
    a) Understand how the Safety Statement is structured and ensure that management levels
       reporting to them have been fully briefed on the implementation of the Safety Statement.
    b) Ensure that all on-going maintenance activities are carried out in a safe manner.
    c) Ensure hazard identification and risk assessments have been carried out for all maintenance
    d) Ensure that contractors procured through the department are fully compliant with the
       University’s Contractor Management Safety Policy.
    e) Ensure that the university complies in full as a ‘client’ with the requirements of the Safety,
       Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations.
    f) Inspect and monitor the activities of maintenance and contractor personnel on site to
       ensure safe working practices are used on an on-going basis.
    g) Ensure that all safety critical systems at the university such as firefighting equipment, gas
       detection equipment, emergency lighting, lifts, Mobile Elevated Working Platforms,
       forklifts, air receivers, boilers, etc. are subjected to an appropriate preventative
       maintenance regime and that records of inspection and maintenance are maintained
       including records of statutory inspections.

7.7 Responsibilities of the Public Private Partnership (PPP) Operator
Two of the constituent colleges of MTU (MTU Cork School of Music and the National Maritime
College of Ireland) are managed on the basis of a Public Private Partnership where the selected PPP
Operator operates and manages the facility and are responsible for the following health, safety and
welfare obligations.
    • Ensuring that the building structure and means of access to and from it is maintained so as
       to be safe.
    • Ensuring that all safety critical systems at the facilities such as firefighting equipment, gas
       detection equipment, emergency lighting, lifts, air receivers, boilers, etc. are subjected to
       an appropriate preventative maintenance regime and that records of inspection and
       maintenance are maintained including records of statutory inspections.
    • Liaising closely with staff of the university in relation to the management of any emergencies
       that occur at the facilities.

7.8 Responsibilities of the Department of Education and Skills PPP Contract Manager
The appointed Department of Education and Skills PPP Contract Manager is responsible for liaising
on an ongoing basis with the PPP Operators. This includes ongoing liaison about common areas and
overlap on relevant health, safety and welfare issues.

7.9 Responsibilities of the Safety Officer
    a) To assist and complement management to provide a safe place of work and learning.
    b) Advise management of current and new statutory legislation and amendments, and their
       impact on operations.

Safety Statement                                                                             16
c) Ensure that adequate advice is available to all staff and management on all work practices,
       work procedures and safety standards.
    d) Ensure the effective communication of the Safety Statement to all staff and management.
    e) Provide guidance, when requested, on issue and use of protective materials or equipment.
    f) Provide advice on, and assistance with, completion of accident forms.
    g) Notify the Health and Safety Authority of work-related accidents resulting in a staff member
       being absent for more than three consecutive days.
    h) Establish systems with management for carrying out regular safety inspections of the
       operational areas.
    i) Provide guidance and advice to management in relation to training requirements for
       themselves and their staff.
    j) Provide advice to management in relation to Health & Safety Authority Inspector site visits
       and inspections.
    k) Attend university Safety Committee meetings and advise members on health, safety and
       welfare issues.
    l) Provide feedback on Department/Function audits, risk assessments and safety statements.
    m) Assist with establishing Department/Function Safety Advisory Committees.

7.10 Responsibilities of the Technical Officer, Health and Safety (Faculty of Engineering &
    a) Assist in the development and maintenance of the health, safety and welfare processes for
       the Faculty.
    b) Work with the senior management team of the Faculty to ensure health, safety and welfare
       issues are addressed.
    c) Participate in health, safety and welfare project reviews and health, safety and welfare
       project team meetings.
    d) Assist in developing and achieving the Faculty health, safety and welfare goals.
    e) Ensure compliance tasks are completed.
    f) Perform/coordinate certain health, safety and welfare monitoring, data collection,
       analysing and reporting for the Faculty.
    g) Coordinate the schedules for audits in health, safety and welfare for the Faculty.
    h) Conduct and document investigations of incidents and ensure follow up actions to prevent
    i) Ensure that use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and genetically modified micro-
       organisms (GMMs) in MTU adheres fully to the relevant Environmental Protection Agency
       (EPA) compliance requirements, in particular with the provisions of the Genetically Modified
       Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations 2001 to 2010, and with other relevant regulations
       as may apply over time.

7.11 Responsibilities of the Lecturer/Tutor/Researcher
    a) Ensure that students operating and adjusting machines and equipment under their control
       receive correct instruction and wear the correct protective clothing.
    b) In workshops, ensure that all dangerous moving machinery parts are adequately guarded at
       all times before being used by staff or students.
    c) Ensure that all students under their supervision receive adequate instructions appropriate
       for the tasks assigned.
    d) Provide effective supervision for students undergoing training.

Safety Statement                                                                           17
e) Ensure that all materials and substances used in the area under their control are properly
       labelled and safely stored and/or are disposed of in accordance with the Material Safety
       Data Sheets.
    f) Ensuring that relevant safe operating procedures for the safe execution of the work are
    g) Ensure that all new chemicals, equipment, machinery, etc. are fully assessed in conjunction
       with the Head of Department with respect to the safety and ill health potential prior to
       purchase/use in the university.
    h) Ensure through their manager that updated Safety Data Sheets are available for all
       hazardous chemicals and preparations.

7.12 Responsibilities of Supervisors (Senior Technical Officer, Cleaning Supervisor,
     Maintenance Supervisor, Head Caretaker etc.)
    a) Understand how the Safety Statement is structured and ensure that all staff reporting to
       them are fully briefed on the implementation of the Safety Statement.
    b) Ensure that due cognisance is given to safety in all operational decisions.
    c) Ensure adequate resources are requested for the implementation of health, safety and
       welfare requirements.
    d) Ensure that actions from risk assessments that have been identified for staff reporting to
       the supervisor are being implemented by those staff.
    e) Supervise all reporting staff in the implementation of safe work practices.
    f) Ensure that all plant and equipment being used by staff conform to current health, safety
       and welfare legislation and is safe to use.
    g) Ensure all health, safety and welfare training certificates for reporting staff are current and
       in date.
    h) Ensure that reporting staff sign the Employee Acceptance Form to confirm they have read
       and understood the contents of the University Safety Statement.
    i) Ensure that the safety rules and procedures are adequately communicated to all reporting
    j) Ensure that accidents and incidents within their area are immediately reported through the
       proper channels and, where necessary, fully investigated.
    k) Consult with and assist the University Health and Safety Officer on health, safety and
       welfare matters within their area of responsibility.

7.13 Responsibilities of Technicians, Technical and Support Staff
    a) In workshops, ensure that all dangerous moving machinery parts are adequately guarded.
    b) Ensure that all materials and substances used in the area under their control are properly
       labelled and safely stored and dispensed before use and after.
    c) Ensuring that all documented safe operating procedures are adhered to during execution of
       work activities.
    d) Ensure that all new chemicals, equipment, machinery are fully assessed in conjunction with
       their manager with respect to the safety and ill health potential prior to purchase/use in the
    e) Ensure that updated Safety Data Sheets are available for all hazardous chemicals and
       preparations being used by them or under their supervision.
Safety Statement                                                                              18
7.14 Rights of Elected Safety Representatives
In line with sections 25 and 26 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 employers have
a duty to consult with their employees. Employees have a right to select a Safety Representative
(or Safety Representatives) to represent them in health, safety and welfare matters with their
employees. By agreement between employers and employees a Safety Committee may be
established to facilitate the consultation process. The Safety Committee members shall be selected
by agreement between employees and employers as outlined in Schedule 4 of the Safety, Health
and Welfare at Work Act 2005. The Safety Committee must include at least one Safety
Representative. The role and function of the Safety Committee at MTU Cork is described in Section
8.1 of this Safety Statement.
The selected Safety Representative will have the following rights:
     a) Make representations to management on any aspect of safety, health and welfare in the
     b) Receive advice and information from Health & Safety Inspectors on matters relating to
        Safety, Health and Welfare at work.
     c) Accompany an Inspector on any tour of inspection of the place of work or any accident
        investigation at the discretion of the Inspector.
     d) Carry out inspections of the premises or areas they represent, subject to prior notice and
        approval from the Head of Department/Function.
     e) Investigate potential hazards and complaints made by the employees they represent,
        subject to prior notice and approval.
     f) Make oral or written representations to Health and Safety Authority Inspectors on matters
        of Safety, Health and Welfare.
     g) Provide assistance in organising Department/Function health, safety and welfare meetings.

7.15 Responsibilities of Contractors / Sub-Contractors / Consultants
    a) Contractors who are required to have a Safe Pass card must present it for inspection to the
       Project Supervisor Construction Stage. Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) cards
       must also be presented, where applicable.
    b) All contractors must comply with the university’s Safety Statement. The university’s Safety
       Manuals will be discussed by the Safety Officer with each contractor and they must become
       familiar with its contents before commencing work. The contractor will acknowledge in
       writing the receipt of the university’s safety documentation.
    c) Contractors must present their Safety Statement for approval before entry to the
       university’s Approved Contractor Register, prior to commencement of the contract.
    d) Having regard to safety matters, the contractor will liaise with the relevant university
       representative and Safety Officer, and act immediately on any recommendations made by
    e) All contractor work must be carried out in accordance with relevant statutory provisions
       and take into account the safety of others on site as well as that of the general public.
    f) Contractors must make arrangements for the provision of suitable personal protective
       equipment, clothing, welfare facilities, first aid and fire equipment for themselves and their
       employees in accordance with statutory provisions.

Safety Statement                                                                             19
g) Any injury sustained, or damage caused, by contractors or their employees, must be
       reported immediately to the university’s Safety Officer.
    h) With regard to matters of safety, contractors must accept responsibility for their own acts
       or omissions and those of their employees. The principle of the employer being responsible
       for the employee’s safety as laid out in the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 will
       always apply.

7.16 Responsibilities of Employees
Safety must be seen as everyone’s responsibility. Employees have specific statutory responsibilities
for their own safety under Sections 13 & 14 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005.
They are expected to discharge their work in a safe manner, so as to avoid injury to themselves or
other employees and avoid damage to the university’s equipment and property.
Employees must co-operate fully with the provisions made by the university for the safety, health
and welfare of its employees and students. Each employee will immediately report accidents,
dangerous occurrences, unsafe conditions and unsafe acts to their manager.

Under Sections 13 & 14 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005, the Statutory
Responsibilities of every employee are as follows:

13. (1) An employee shall, while at work—
            a) comply with the relevant statutory provisions, as appropriate, and take reasonable
               care to protect their safety, health and welfare and the safety, health and welfare of
               any other person who may be affected by the employee’s acts or omissions at work,
            b) ensure that they are not under the influence of an intoxicant to the extent that they
               are in such a state as to endanger their own safety, health or welfare at work or that
               of any other person,
            c) if reasonably required by their employer, submit to any appropriate, reasonable and
               proportionate tests for intoxicants by, or under the supervision of, a registered
               medical practitioner who is a competent person, as may be prescribed,
            d) co-operate with their employer or any other person so far as is necessary to enable
               their employer or the other person to comply with the relevant statutory provisions,
               as appropriate,
            e) not engage in improper conduct or other behaviour that is likely to endanger their
               own safety, health and welfare at work or that of any other person,
            f) attend such training and, as appropriate, undergo such assessment as may
               reasonably be required by their employer or as may be prescribed relating to safety,
               health and welfare at work or relating to the work carried out by the employee,
            g) having regard to their training and the instructions given by their employer, make
               correct use of any article or substance provided for use by the employee at work or
               for the protection of their safety, health and welfare at work, including protective
               clothing or equipment,
            h) report to their employer or to any other appropriate person, as soon as practicable—
               (i)       any work being carried on, or likely to be carried on, in a manner which
                         may endanger the safety, health or welfare at work of the employee or that
                         of any other person,

Safety Statement                                                                             20
(ii)any defect in the place of work, the systems of work, any article or
                       substance which might endanger the safety, health or welfare at work of
                       the employee or that of any other person, or
               (iii)   any contravention of the relevant statutory provisions which may endanger
                       the safety, health and welfare at work of the employee or that of any other
                       person, of which they are aware.
13 (2) An employee shall not, on entering into a contract of employment, misrepresent himself or
herself to an employer with regard to the level of training as may be prescribed under subsection
(1) (f).

14. A person shall not intentionally, recklessly or without reasonable cause—
       (a) Interfere with, misuse or damage anything provided under the relevant statutory
       provisions or otherwise for securing the safety, health and welfare of persons at work, or
       (b) Place at risk the safety, health or welfare of persons in connection with work activities.

This information will be found in the various Ancillary Safety Manuals and Department Safety

Safety Statement                                                                             21
8.       Cork Campus Safety Management System Arrangements
8.1 Health & Safety Consultation
A general obligation is placed on every employer under Regulation 12 of the General Application
Regulations 2007 and Sections 25 & 26 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work, Act 2005 to
consult with their employees on matters of health, safety and welfare. It is the policy of Munster
Technological University to consult with its employees on all matters of health, safety and welfare
to encourage a teamwork strategy for safety and carry this out through the medium of on-going
discussions with staff.

MTU Cork Campus has set up a Safety Committee consisting of both management and staff

The Safety Committee meets on a regular basis during the academic year to review all Safety, Health
and Welfare matters.

Department/Function Safety Advisory Groups were established with volunteers supporting the
management of safety by the Head of Function, and safety regularly features on the agenda of
meetings at every level within the university.

Safety Representatives have been elected in a number of areas within the university (including
union and Faculty representation) in compliance with Part 4, Section 25 of the Safety, Health &
Welfare at Work Act, 2005; these Representatives hold their posts for three years. They are trained
in health, safety and welfare to allow them to fulfil their positions.

The Safety Representatives may also be members of the Safety Committee. The Safety
Representatives meet with the MTU Cork Campus Safety Officer where required to review safety
issues and to review the safety representative’s role and input. The minutes of safety committee
meetings are recorded, published on the intranet and made available to staff.

The Safety Committee meetings are attended by the MTU Cork Campus Safety Officer, and safety
issues are dealt with as they arise. Any matters that require the urgent attention of the University
President are brought to their attention before the next meeting of the Committee. When and if
an Inspector of the Health and Safety Authority visits any of the MTU Cork Campus facilities, the
MTU Cork Campus Safety Officer and relevant Head of School are informed immediately of the visit
and its consequences.

Additional persons (e.g. Disability Officer, HR Manager) can be invited to the Safety Committee
meetings as is deemed necessary by the Committee. The provision of information on health, safety
and welfare issues is one of the fundamental duties of the employer. The information available for
staff includes their responsibilities, the type and extent of hazards and risks in their workplace area,
and the preventative and control measures in place.

Safety Statement                                                                               22
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