Health in Europe Ready for the Future? - Nivel

Page created by Ruben Sandoval
Health in Europe Ready for the Future? - Nivel
                                              13th European Health Forum Gastein
                                                         6th to 9th October 2010

Health in Europe
Ready for the Future?
Healthy Ageing
EU Action & Local Partnerships
Health Workforce
New Global Health Dynamics
Health Literacy
Respiratory Diseases
Personalised Medicine

International Forum Gastein
Tauernplatz 1, 5630 Bad Hofgastein, Austria

Tel:     +43 (6432) 3393 270
Fax:     +43 (6432) 3393 271
Programme overview
             9:00              10:00        11:00             12:00          13:00           14:00          15:00            16:00           17:00          18:00           19:00           20:00         21:00
             W1 Chronic care in Europe
             W2 Health information                                                                   Poster session

                                                                                                                      F1 Healthy ageing                                      W3 Reproductive health
                                                                      Opening plenary & European Health Award         F2 Chronic respiratory diseases                        W4 Transparency
                                                                                                                      F3 EU action and local partnerships for health                                Welcome evening

             F1 Healthy ageing                                                                       F4 Health literacy
                                                                                                                                                            W5 Personalised medicine
             F2 Chronic respiratory diseases                          L1 Patient adherence           F5 Health is global

                                                                      L2 Risk communication                                                                 W6 Rare cancers
             F3 EU action and local partnerships for health                                          F6a Personalised medicine
                                                                      L3 From health kick to goal
                                                                      L4 Old age and disease                                                                                                        Networking evening

             F4     Health literacy

             F5     Global health

             F6b Health workforce of tomorrow                                                                                W7 Health workforce

                                                              Reception                                                      W8 Healthcare financing

                                                                             Plenary “Health in Europe – ready for the future?”                                                      Conclusion evening

             W9 Pandemic response

                                                              SOCIAL PROGRAMME                                                                                         Presidents evening


             9:00             10:00        11:00              12:00         13:00            14:00          15:00            16:00          17:00           18:00           19:00           20:00         21:00
             W1 Versorgung chronisch Kranker in Europa
             W2 Gesundheitsinformation                                                               Poster Session

                                                                                                                    F1 Gesundes Altern                                       W3 Reproduktive Gesundheit
                                                                      Eröffnungsplenum & European Health Award F2 Chronische Atemwegserkrankungen                            W4 Transparenz
                                                                                                                    F3 EU Aktion und lokale Partnerschaften                                         Eröffnungsabend

             F1 Gesundes Altern                                                                      F4 Gesundheitskompetenz
                                                                                                                                                            W5 Personalisierte Medizin

             F2 Chronische Atemwegserkrankungen                       L1 Patientenkooperation        F5 Gesundheit ist global
                                                                      L2 Risikokommunikation                                                                W6 Seltene Krebserkrankungen
             F3 EU Aktion und lokale Partnerschaften                                              F6a Personalisierte Medizin
                                                                      L3 Gesundheit: vom Anstoß zum Tor
                                                                      L4 Krankheit im hohen Alter                                                                                                   Networking Abend

             F4     Gesundheitskompetenz

             F5     Globale Gesundheit

             F6b Gesundheitspersonal von morgen                                                                              W7 Gesundheitspersonal

                                                              Empfang                                                        W8 Finanzierung von Gesundheitsversorgung

                                                                             Plenum “Gesundheit in Europa – Bereit für die Zukunft?”                                                Abschlussabend

             W9 Pandemieplanung

                                                              RAHMENPROGRAMM                                                                                           Präsidentenabend

Günther Leiner
President European Health                Plenary sessions
Forum Gastein
                                         Future health trends and priority setting
                                         Gesundheittrends in der Zukunft und Prioritätensetzung
                                         Wednesday, 6 October 2010
                                         12:15 – 14:30

                                         A Stöger, Minister of Health, Austria
                                         E Scharer, Member of Provincial Government (Health), Salzburg, Austria

                                         Presidency priorities in the EU    D Cuypers, President, Federal Public Service, Health, Food Chain
                                         Prioritäten der EU-Präsidentschaft Safety and Environment, Belgium

                                         Future health
How is health policy going to be                                             M Horx, Futurist and Trend Analyst
                                         Die Zukunft der Gesundheit
shaped in the future?
In times of globalisation and an age-    European Health Award Ceremony
ing society, it is time to concentrate   European Health Award Preisverleihung
our efforts on shaping the future
towards a healthy environment for        Opening of Joint DG Research &      P Testori-Coggi, Director General, DG SANCO, European
us and the generations to come. In       DG SANCO Poster Session             Commission
this sense, it is essential to address   Eröffnung der gemeinsamen
key issues such as health literacy       Poster Session von GD Forschung
and investment in a healthy work-        & GD Gesundheit
force, as these are the basic determi-
nants for health in the future. Recent
discussions about rationing health
care services and more cost-saving
measures also demand an answer to        Health in Europe – Ready for the future?
the question whether an equitable        Gesundheit in Europa – Bereit für die Zukunft?
distribution of health services will
                                         Friday, 8 October 2010
still be guaranteed. Decisions we
                                         13:00 – 15:30
make today, will enable us to be pre-
pared, tackle these future challenges
                                         Are we developing today the health policies and systems needed to respond to the greater chal-
and to ensure the common good.
                                         lenges of tomorrow? What can we learn from past experience to make ourselves ready for the future?
                                         • Future patient & changing health workforce
Wie wird die Gesundheitspolitik in       • Aging population and new health challenges
Zukunft gestaltet werden?                • Healthcare in a digital age
In Zeiten der Globalisierung und         • Sustaining health systems in a post crisis era
einer alternden Gesellschaft ist es
                                         Entwickeln wir heute schon die erforderlichen Gesundheitssysteme und die notwendige Gesundheit-
an der Zeit sich auf Faktoren zu
                                         spolitik entwickeln, um morgen auf die großen Herausforderungen vorbereitet zu sein?
konzentrieren, die unsere Zukunft in
                                         • Der Patient der Zukunft und Änderungen für das Gesundheitspersonal
Richtung eines gesunden Umfeldes
                                         • Alternde Bevölkerung und neue Herausforderungen im Gesundheitssektor
für gegenwärtige und zukünftige
                                         • Gesundheitsversorgung im digitalen Zeitalter
Generationen bis ins hohe Alter
                                         • Nachhaltige Gesundheitssysteme nach der Krise
sicherstellen. Insofern ist es wichtig
sich den Kernaufgaben und -fragen
wie Gesundheitskompetenz und             Video reflection & introduction     Chair: T Rose, Independent EU Health
Investitionen in eine gesunde            Video Rückblick & Einleitung        Advocate, Brussels, Belgium
Arbeitnehmerschaft zuzuwenden,
da diese die Basis für eine gesunde      Policy visions                      J Dalli, EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy
Zukunft sind. Vor dem Hintergrund        Politische Visionen                 W Haslauer, Deputy Governor, Salzburg, Austria
oft geforderter Rationierung und                                             Z Jakab, Regional Director for Europe, World Health Organization
Einsparungsmaßnahmen, stellt sich
auch die Frage, ob eine gerechte         Panel discussion:                    P Garel, Secretary General, HOPE
Verteilung von Leistungen                The lights of the future are on, but R Madelin, Director General for Information Society and Media,
gewährleistet ist. Entscheidungen,       are the policy-makers at home?       European Commission
die heute getroffen werden,                                                   M Mckee, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
ermöglichen es diese Herausford-         Podiumsdiskussion:
                                                                              AS Parent, Director, Age Platform Europe
erungen anzugehen, vorbereitet zu        Die Lichter der Zukunft sind an,
                                                                              H von Wulfen, COCIR Chair, Head of Siemens Healthcare
sein und das Allgemeinwohl zu            aber sind die Politiker zu Hause?
                                         Simultaneous interpretation in English and German    Simultanübersetzung in Englisch und Deutsch

Healthy Ageing
Forum 1                     Gesundes Altern
Europe's population is ageing. What can we as individuals, communities, society and employers do to keep the population healthy, active and
productive? What are the responses of health systems and politicians to the challenge of demographic change?
Europas Bevölkerung altert. Was können wir als Individuen, Gemeinschaften, Gesellschaft und Arbeitgeber tun, um die Bevölkerung gesund,
aktiv und produktiv zu erhalten? Was sind die Antworten der Gesundheitssysteme und der Politiker auf den demographischen Wandel?
Chair: KN Kuo, Director, National Health Research Institute, Taiwan
Co-Chair: M McKee, Research Director, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
Rapporteur: R Taylor, Senior Researcher, International Longevity Centre, UK

SESSION I                   Demographic change and health – a challenge for European societies        B Marin, Executive Director, European
                            Demographischer Wandel und Gesundheit – eine Herausforderung für          Centre for Social Welfare and
Demographic change and
                            Europäische Gesellschaften                                                Research, Austria
the future of health:
Foundations and key
                            The life course perspective of ageing                                     J Beard, Director, Life Course and
                            Die Lebenszyklus Perspektive des Alterns                                  Ageing Programme, WHO Geneva,
Demographischer Wandel                                                                                Switzerland (tbc)
und die Zukunft der
Gesundheit: Grundlagen      Demographic change and health – what we can learn from Asia               CL Yaung, Minister of Health Taiwan
und zentrale                Demographischer Wandel und Gesundheit – was wir von Asien lernen
Herausforderungen           können

                            Keeping the ageing workforce healthy and productive                       W Widuckel, Member of the Executive
                            Die alternde Arbeitskraft gesund und produktiv erhalten                   Board AUDI AG, Germany

                            Panel discussion
Facilitated by M McKee,     ST Chiou, Director-General, Bureau of Health Promotion, Taiwan
Professor for European      G Fischer, Acting Director and Head of Unit ‘Social Inclusion’, DG Employment, European Commission
Public Health, London       M Bassett, Group Director Public Policy, BUPA, UK
School of Hygiene &         D Jarré, Vice-President, European Social Platform, Belgium
Tropical Medicine           W Widuckel, Member of the Executive Board AUDI AG, Germany

SESSION II                  Healthy and active ageing – empowering the elderly                        AS Parent, Director, AGE-European
                            Gesundes und aktives Altern – Die Älteren befähigen                       Older People's Platform, France
Demographic change and
the future of health:
Responses and actions       Health promotion in the elderly – an Asian perspective                    ST Chiou, Director-General, Bureau of
                            Gesundheitsförderung bei Älteren – Eine Asiatische Sichtweise             Health Promotion, Taiwan
Demographischer Wandel
und die Zukunft der
Gesundheit: Antworten       Holistic approach to care for the elderly – the Joint Improvement Team    M Martin, Director, Joint Improvement
und Maßnahmen               Scotland                                                                  Team, Scotland, UK
                            Ganzheitlicher Ansatz zur Versorgung von Älteren – das Joint Improve-
                            ment Team Scotland

                            Panel discussion
Facilitated by M McKee,     CL Yaung, Minister of Health Taiwan
Professor for European      R Anderson, President, Eurocarers, Ireland
Public Health, London       A Dumas, EU Policy Officer, Alzheimer Europe
School of Hygiene &         M Enderlein, Head of Unit International, vdek-Verband der Ersatzkassen, Germany
Tropical Medicine           K McCarthy, Head of Sector ‘Public Health’, DG Research, European Commission
                            P Wintlev-Jensen, Head of Sector ‘ICT for Ageing’, DG Information Society and Media, European Commission

                            European preparedeness for an ageing society-policy actions               A Parvanova, MEP, Bulgaria
                            Europäische Vorbereitungen auf eine alternde Gesellschaft-politische

Hosted by the Ministry of Health, Taiwan

Simultaneous interpretation in English and German       Simultanübersetzung in Englisch und Deutsch

Forum 2                     Chronic respiratory disease: a neglected epidemic

Chronic respiratory disease: a neglected epidemic will be discussed in an interactive forum among expert panel members and the
audience. At present, respiratory diseases are ranked second in Europe in terms of mortality, incidence, prevalence and costs, with an
estimated yearly financial burden of €100 billion in Europe due to healthcare costs and lost working days. The World Health Organization
(WHO) has highlighted respiratory diseases as a key initiative.
One highly prevalent, underdiagnosed and undertreated disease is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) – an umbrella term
including 'chronic bronchitis' and 'emphysema'. The WHO predicts that COPD will become the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030,
with an estimated 12 million annual deaths worldwide by 2020 (20% of total deaths), highlighting the escalating prevalence and urgent need
to address COPD as a serious threat to European public health.
This interactive forum aims to raise awareness of COPD and its economic and social impact in Europe through engaging panel/speaker
discussions, patient and physician perspectives, audience participation and opinion polls.

SESSION I                   Overview of chronic respiratory diseases                                   Panel of representatives of the
                            Types of diseases and a comparison of: economic impact; current            European Respiratory Society (ERS)
                            healthcare spend; research priorities; educational challenges; progress
                            in disease awareness, understanding and treatment

                            Impact of COPD on patients and their support networks                      M Salapatas, President of the
                            Overview of patient, carer and physician perspectives                      European Federation of Allergy and
                                                                                                       Airways Diseases Patients’
                                                                                                       Associations (EFA)

                            COPD: economic and societal burden                                         Respiratory health economics expert
                            Comparison with other chronic diseases in terms of: prevalence, direct
                            and indirect (societal) costs

                            Panel discussion
Moderator:                  L Fabbri, Professor of Respiratory Medicine, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Italy
V Parry, Science Writer &   D Price, Professor of Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, University of Aberdeen, UK
Broadcaster, London, UK     A Østrem, Specialist in Family Medicine, Gransdalen Legesenter, Norway
                            S Hill, Chief Scientific Officer, Department of Health, London, UK (tbc)
                            Health economics expert (tbc)

SESSION II                  Review of outcomes from Session I                                          V Parry, Science Writer & Broadcaster,
                                                                                                       London, UK

                            European landscape and barriers to best practice                           M Salapatas, President of EFA
                            Balancing COPD priority with burden (vs other chronic diseases); care
                            inequalities; beyond smoking cessation programmes; policy barriers

                            Best practice initiatives and comprehensive EU strategy                    S Hill, Chief Scientific Officer,
                            Current initiatives; strategy to develop step-by-step policy framework     Department of Health, London, UK
                                                                                                       M Salapatas, President of EFA
                                                                                                       Representative of the ERS

                            Panel discussion
Moderator:                  A Parvanova, MEP, Bulgaria (tbc)
V Parry, Science Writer &   D Price, Professor of Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, University of Aberdeen, UK
Broadcaster, London, UK     A Østrem, Specialist in Family Medicine, Gransdalen Legesenter, Norway
                            M Hübel, Head of Health Determinants Unit, DG SANCO, European Commission (tbc)
                            L Fabbri, Professor of Respiratory Medicine, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Italy
                            Representatives of the ERS
                            Representative of World Health Organization (tbc)

Supported by Boehringer-Ingelheim and Pfizer in partnership with the European Respiratory Society and in cooperation with European
Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations

EU action and local partnerships for health
Forum 3                       EU Aktion und lokale Partnerschaften für Gesundheit
In 2008, for the first time, the majority of the world’s population now live in cities with the highest growth in urbanisation in Europe seen in the
new accession countries. Many countries in Western Europe already have 80% of their population living in cities. The inequalities in health
outcomes within a city and between cities can be compared to the differences seen between the developed and developing world. Therefore,
for Europe to be ready for the future, it is vital to focus on health and social environment in cities i.e. urban health and wellbeing. Urban health
and well-being relies on multi-disciplinary, multi-agency, vertical and horizontal policy making approaches, building on partnerships involving
civil society, industry, health/social care professionals, governments (local, regional and national) and non-governmental organisation
including the voluntary sector. The EU has many actions for partnerships/stakeholder in the field of improving health for the populations living
in cities from empowering citizens to research projects and programmes. The parallel forum will aim to demonstrate how local and regional
partnerships integrate to achieve a healthy environment within the context of both EU policy and research mechanisms.
Seit 2008 lebt zum ersten Mal eine Mehrheit der Weltbevölkerung in Städten, wobei die größten urbanen Wachstumsraten in Europa in den
neuen Mitgliedsstaaten sichtbar werden. In vielen westeuropäischen Ländern leben inzwischen 80% der Einwohner in Städten.
Ungleichheiten im Gesundheitszustand innerhalb einer Stadt und zwischen Städten sind vergleichbar mit den Unterschieden zwischen
Industrie- und Entwicklungsländern. Um für die Zukunft gerüstet zu sein, ist es für Europa wichtig, sich auf die Gesundheit und die soziale
Umwelt in Städten zu konzentrieren, z. B. urbane Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden. Diese erfordern Multidisziplinarität, multisektorale
Kooperation, vertikale und horizontale politische Strategien, Ausbau von Partnerschaften unter Einbindung der Zivilgesellschaft, Wirtschaft,
Gesundheits- und Sozialexperten, Regierungen (auf lokaler, regionaler und nationaler Ebene) und regierungsunabhängiger Organisationen
sowie des ehrenamtlichen Sektors. Die EU unternimmt viele Massnahmen für Partnerschaften und Stakeholder im Bereich der Gesundheits-
verbesserung für die städtische Bevölkerung von der Stärkung der Bürger, bis hin zu Forschungsprojekten und -programmen. Das Parallel
Forum versucht aufzuzeigen wie lokale und regionale Partnerschaften zusammenwirken, um im Kontext sowohl der EU Politik als auch der
Forschungsmechanismen eine gesunde Umwelt zu erschaffen.
Chair: P Testori-Coggi, Director General, European Commission, DG Health & Consumers
Rapporteur: A Verma, Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester, UK and Young Gasteiners

SESSION I                     Presentations and statements from the following organisations:
                              Präsentationen und Statements der folgenden Organisationen:
Health policy initiatives
and stakeholder               Assembly of European Regions (tba)
engagement                    Regional Network – L Bertinato, Director, International Health and Social Affairs Office, Veneto Region, Italy
Gesundheitspolitische         European Health Management Association – J Bremner, Director, European Health Management Association
Initiativen und Stake-        WHO (tba)
holdereinbindung              Council of Europe (tba)

SESSION II                    Have EU Commission projects addressed the challenge of improving urban health and reducing inequalities?
                              How have projects influenced urban health policy-making?
Research translating into
                              Haben sich Projekte der EU Kommission der Herausforderung gestellt, städtische Gesundheit zu verbessern und
policy for urban health
                              Ungleichheiten zu reduzieren? Wie haben Projekte städtische Gesundheitspolitik beeinflusst?
Forschung auf die
städtische Gesundheits-       Opportunities at the European level to take research into health gain at      K McCarthy, Head of Sector, European
politik übertragen            the urban level                                                               Commission, DG Research
                              Möglichkeiten auf EU-Ebene, Forschung zum Zweck des
                              gesundheitlichen Nutzens im urbanen Bereich einzusetzen
                              EURO-URHIS II project – Urban health monitoring and analysis to inform        A Verma, Senior Lecturer, University
                              policy                                                                        of Manchester, UK
                              EURO-URHIS II project – Gesundheitsüberwachung und -analyse um die
                              Politik zu informieren
                              Policy aspects of research and monitoring – Healthy Cities project            I Krampac, Head, Regional Institute
                              Politische Aspekte zu Forschung und Überwachung – Projekt Gesunde             of Public Health, Slovenia
                              Environmental urban health policy perspective                                 A Verhoeff, Professor, University of
                              Perspektiven umweltbezogener Gesundheitspolitik in Städteregionen             Amsterdam, the Netherlands

                              Transforming research into policy at the urban level                          EPHA – Young Gasteiner
                              Forschung auf die städtische Gesundheitspolitik übertragen                    representative

                              Ecological public health and health and well being                            G Morris, Consultant in Ecological
                              Ökologisches Gesundheitswesen, Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden                    Public Health, NHS Scotland

              Hosted by the European Commission, DG Health and Consumers & DG Research

Simultaneous interpretation in English and German          Simultanübersetzung in Englisch und Deutsch

Health literacy in Europe
Forum 4                    Gesundheitskompetenz in Europa
Exploring health literacy in Europe – challenges, research and policy implication
Health literacy refers to the capacities of people to meet the complex demands of health in modern society.

In the forum interactive discussions will take place in terms of: What can be learned from recent surveys and best practices so far? Is health
literacy a political problem or a solution to advance empowerment among European citizens? Can citizens be trusted to make free choices on
health or is it a matter of regulation? And how do social media influence levels of health literacy among Europeans?

Die Erforschung von Gesundheitskompetenz in Europa – Herausforderungen, Forschung und Auswirkungen auf die Politik
Gesundheitskompetenz bezieht sich auf die Fähigkeit, wie Menschen mit den komplexen Anforderungen an die Gesundheit in der modernen
Gesellschaft umgehen.
Im Forum werden interaktive Diskussionen stattfinden hinsichtlich: Was kann man aus bisherigen Studien und Best practices lernen? Ist
Gesundheitskompetenz ein politisches Problem oder eine Lösung um Empowerment der europäischen Bevölkerung voranzutreiben? Kann
man den Bürgern vertrauen, dass diese eine freie Wahl zum Wohl ihrer Gesundheit treffen, oder ist es eine Regulierungsfrage? Und in wie fern
beeinflussen die Medien die Gesundheitskompetenz der europäischen Bürger?

SESSION I                    Setting the scene: Health literacy – definitions, concepts and measures     H Brand, Professor, Maastricht
                                                                                                         University, the Netherlands
Exploring the concept of     Thematische Einführung: Gesundheitskompetenz – Definitionen,
health literacy              Konzepte und Maßstäbe
Das Konzept der
                             Results of the European Health Literacy Survey                              K Sørensen, Researcher, Maastricht
                                                                                                         University, the Netherlands
erforschen                   Ergebnisse des European Health Literacy Surveys
T Abel, Professor,
University of Bern,          The launch of the European Health Literacy Network                          G Doyle, Lecturer, UCD Business
Switzerland                                                                                              Schools, Ireland
                             Die Einführung des Europäischen Gesundheitskompetenz Netzwerkes

                             Panel discussion: Is health literacy old wine in new bottles?               J Wills, Professor, London South Bank
                                                                                                         University, UK
                             Podiumsdiskussion: Ist Gesundheitskompetenz alter Wein in neuen
                             Schläuchen?                                                                 N Bedlington, Director, European
                                                                                                         Patient Forum

SESSION II                   What role do social media play in advancing health literacy?                S Suggs, Università della Svizzera
                                                                                                         italiana, Switzerland
Policy implications of       Welche Rolle spielen die Social Media in fortschreitender Gesundheits-
health literacy              kompetenz?
Auswirkungen auf die
                             Does health literacy lead to higher demand and more expenditures?           S van Greyerz, Federal Office of Public
Politik durch
                                                                                                         Health, Switzerland (tbc)
Gesundheitskompetenz         Steigen die Ansprüche und Ausgaben durch Gesundheitskompetenz?
H Brand, Professor,
Maastricht University, the   Health(y) decisions – freedom of choice or burden of choice for citizens:   J Bowis, former MEP, UK (tbc)
Netherlands                  How much can politicians ask for?
                             Gesundheitsentscheidungen – freie Wahl oder Entscheidungslast für
                             Bürger: Wieviel können Politiker verlangen?

                             Round table discussion: Empowering people by advancing health               J Chatzimarkakis, MEP, Germany (tbc)
                             literacy – tools of regulations or free choice?                             A Parvanova, MEP, Bulgaria (tbc)
                             Diskussionsrunde: Den Menschen durch fortschreitende Gesundheits-           V Bjegovic, Professor, University of
                             kompetenz stärken – Regulierungsinstrumente oder freie Wahl?                Belgrade, Serbia (tbc)
                                                                                                         L Pfister, Executive Director Public
                                                                                                         Policy Europe & Canada, Merck Sharp
                                                                                                         & Dohme (Europe), Inc.

Organised by Maastricht University and sponsored by an unrestricted educational grant from MSD

Simultaneous interpretation in English and German        Simultanübersetzung in Englisch und Deutsch

Health is global: is Europe ready?
Forum 5                      Gesundheit ist global: ist Europa bereit?
Health is increasingly becoming a critical component of economic development, security, trade and foreign policy. It is also one of the largest
global industries and encompasses major trans-border movements of goods, people and services. Global developments impact on European
health policies and relate to wider European interests and responsibilities. A challenge is how they can be best combined.
Gesundheit wird mehr und mehr zu einem kritische Komponente in der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung, der Sicherheit, dem Handel und der
Aussenpolitik. Sie ist einer der größten globalen Industrien und beinhaltet Bewegungen von Gütern, Personen und Dienstleistungen über
Grenzen hinweg. Globale Entwicklungen wirken sich auf europäische Gesundheitspolitiken aus und beziehen sich auf die breiteren
europäischen Interessen und Verantwortlichkeiten. Es ist eine Herausforderung, wie diese am besten kombiniert werden können.
Rapporteur: M Rosenmöller, Senior Lecturer, University of Navarra, Barcelona, Spain

Are European health          Plenary discussion: Impact of global processes on European health systems
systems ready for global     Plenumsdiskussion: Einfluss von globalen Prozessen auf europäische Gesundheitssysteme
                             Moderator: S Matlin, former Executive Director, Global Forum for Health Research
Sind europäische
Gesundheitssysteme           G Tomson, Professor, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
bereit für globale Kräfte?   L van der Heiden, Head, Division of Public Health, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, The Netherlands
                             M Kosinska, Secretary General, European Public Health Alliance
                             K Radziwill, President, Standing Committee of European Doctors

What role does the EU        Plenary discussion: The EU Council Conclusions on the EU’s role in global health and its implications
play in the global health    Plenumsdiskussion: Die EU Ratsschlussfolgerungen zur EU Rolle in der globalen Gesundheit und ihre
arena?                       Implikationen
Welche Rolle spielt die      Moderator: G Bondjers, Professor, Nordic School of Public Health, Sweden
EU im globalen
Gesundheitsbereich?          J Garay, Health Team Coordinator, DG Development, European Commission
                             M Kökeny, Representative of Hungary in the Executive Board of WHO
                             G Gonzalez-Canali, Health Special Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, France
                             A Rödiger, Director EU Affairs, Merck Sharpe & Dohme-Chibret
                             S Guigner, Researcher, University of Rennes, France

SESSION III                  New global challenges and health as a public good: what role for             I Kaul, Adjunct Professor,
                             Europe?                                                                      Hertie School of Governance,
European health
                             Neue globale Herausforderungen und Gesundheit als öffentliches               Berlin, Germany
                             Gut: welche Rolle für Europa?
Gesundheitsgouvernanz        European health governance: meeting the challenge                            Z Jakab, Regional Director,
                             Europäische Gesundheitsgouvernanz: sich der Herausforderung                  WHO Europe
                             stellen                                                                      M Sprenger, Director, ECDC

                             Plenary discussion
                             Moderator: I Kickbusch, Chairperson, Global Health Europe, Geneva

                             P Mierzewski, Head, Head Division, Council of Europe
                             O Chestnov, Deputy Director, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Health, Russian Federation (tbc)
                             L Meulenbergs, Head of Service, Department of International Relations, Federal Public Service for Public Health,
                             Belgium (tbc)
                             A Fidler, Lead Advisor, Health Policy and Strategy, The World Bank
                             O Raynaud, Senior Director, Global Health and Healthcare Sector, World Economic Forum
                             M Davies, Executive Director, Health Action Partnership International

Hosted by Global Health Europe

Simultaneous interpretation in English and German         Simultanübersetzung in Englisch und Deutsch

Forum 6a                     Personalised medicine – new paradigm for healthcare in Europe
This forum offers an excellent opportunity to discuss the expectations and paradigm shifts harboured by personalised medicine and health-
care as well as the challenges for European health policies. It aims to create awareness of EU regulatory framework improvements needed to
achieve implementation of personalised medicine approaches and other emerging technologies. Future actions needed at the European level
will be identified bringing together national and European stakeholders such as healthcare providers, patients and industry.
Chair: M Paul, Dean of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Co-chair: D Niese, Head of Development External Affairs, Novartis AG
Rapporteur: S Servaas, Director, GENAR Institute for Public Health and Genomics Research, Turkey

SESSION I                    DG SANCO – view on the future of the personalised medicine in        P Testori-Coggi, Director General, DG SANCO,
                             Europe                                                               European Commission
Personalised medicine:
opportunity and              Nutrigenomics – the fading borderlines between food and              B van Ommen, Head of the Nutrigenomics
challenge for Europe         healthcare                                                           Activities, TNO Quality of Life

                             Personalised medicine – patients' hopes and concerns                 A Kent, Director, Genetic Interest Group

                             Genomics in personalised medicine – targeting to the right           H Tanaka, Head of Stratified Medicine, Merck
                             patient                                                              Serono

                             The Personal Genome Project – PGP #9                                 R Gill, Personal Genome Project (tbc)

Organized by Maastricht University, sponsored by EuropaBio

Forum 6b                     Investing in Europe’s health workforce of tomorrow

Investing in Europe’s health workforce of tomorrow: scope for innovation and collaboration
The health workforce makes a critical contribution to the delivery of high quality health services. It represents one of the largest segments
of the European labour market. It is constantly adapting to the quickly changing context of health systems and healthcare delivery in the
Member States. This Forum session will look at the common challenges that may compromise the health workforce’s capacity to maintain
or improve its performance and explore the role of the EU in supporting national and regional health workforce strategies, either through
enabling free movement, promoting collaboration and exchange of best practice as well as providing an evidence-base for policy-making.
Chaired and facilitated by J Figueras, Director, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
Co-chair: K Neubauer, Team Leader, Health Strategy and Health Services Unit, DG Health and Consumers, European Commission

SESSION I                    Mobility and recognition of qualifications of health                 J Tiedje, Head of Unit, DG Internal Market and
                             professionals in Europe                                              Services, European Commission (tbc)
The current and future
role of the European
                             Towards a European Agenda for the health workforce for Europe        K Neubauer, Team Leader, Health Strategy
Union in developing
                                                                                                  and Health Services Unit, DG Health and
health workforce policy
                                                                                                  Consumers, European Commission
                             Creating the European evidence base for supporting the               K McCarthy, Head of Sector Public Health,
                             development of tomorrow’s workforce                                  DG Research, European Commission

                             How can the EU help: reflections from the Member States’             W Sermeus, Centre for Health Services and
                             perspective                                                          Nursing Research, Catholic University Leuven,

                             Panel discussion: How can the EU support the development of health workforce?
                             L Meulenbergs, Director International and Strategic Coordination, Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain
                             Safety and Environment, Belgium
                             A Parvanova, MEP, Bulgaria (tbc)
                             V di Cara, Scientific Secretary, Czech National Nursing Association, Czech Republik
                             A Goddard, Royal College of Physicians, UK (tbc)
                             Z Padaiga, Kaunas University of Medicine, Lithuania

Hosted by DG Health and Consumers, European Commission and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies

Forum 6b will be continued in Workshop 7 ‘Health Workforce’, Friday 8 October, 16:00–19:00.

Workshop 1        Benchmarking Quality: Best practices in efficient care of Multiple Sclerosis – the growing role of nurses

Chronic care in   Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, progressive auto-immune disease that affects hundreds of thousands of
Europe            Europeans, many of them in the prime of their lives. Impact on families (social burden), health systems and
                  employment can be profound. MS is a prism through which we can explore policy approaches to chronic disease
                  due to its complexity. The question for policy makers and health care systems alike is this: How can we empower
                  the patients to efficiently manage their disease, thereby improving outcomes and decreasing burden on public
Wednesday         funds?
6 October 2010
09:00–12:00       This workshop will discuss sustainable solutions from a public and private perspective. Nurses specialised in the
                  management of MS have a key role to play – ensuring access to medications, advocating for patients' rights and
                  coordinating care. Enacting policies that recognise nursing’s key role will be a focus of the workshop.
                  • Results of the MS-NEED survey of MS nurses
                  • Feedback from national roundtable meetings on best practice MS care
                  • The role of the specialised nurse in efficient disease management for MS
                  • Insights from employers and insurers on expanding workplace access for MS patients
                  • The EU policy landscape and opportunities to enhance recognition for specialised nurses

                   The workshop is organised by the European Multiple Sclerosis Platform and supported by an educational grant
                   from Novartis Pharma AG

Workshop 2        HEIDI – the European Health Information System             N Fahy, Head of Unit Health Information, DG SANCO,
                                                                             European Commission
HEIDI             The first part of the workshop will present HEIDI and
                  the sources which will feed into the system.               TM Mattila, Policy and Communication Officer, Health
                                                                             Information, DG SANCO, European Commission
                  The second part of the workshop focuses on feed-
Wednesday         back from the participants, asking what they would         J Lavis, Director, McMaster Health Forum, Canada (tbc)
6 October 2010    expect from a European Health Information System
09:00–12:00       and what their needs and recommendations are.              A White, Professor, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK

                   Sponsored and organised by the European Commission

Workshop 3        Individual choices in reproductive health                  Welcome
                                                                             J Geraedts, Past Chairman, ESHRE
Reproductive      Medically assisted reproduction (MAR) treatments
                  elicit significant medical, reproductive and economic      Medically assisted reproduction and society
health                                                                       L Gianaroli, Chairman, ESHRE
                  influence in the EU. However, the implementation,
                  legislation and reimbursement of these treatments,
Wednesday                                                                    The patient's perspective
                  vary across all EU countries.                              C Lewis Jones, Chairman Fertility Europe
6 October 2010
19:00–20:30       There is hard evidence of substantial infertility
                  patient migration within Europe. The Parliament            The industry's perspective
                  urged the Commission to ‘take into consideration the       tbc
                  sensitive issue of infertility’ and to ‘ensure the right   The political perspective
                  of couples to universal access to infertility              I de la Mata Barranco, Principal Adviser, DG SANCO,
                  treatment’.                                                European Commission
                  It is the long-term objective of ESHRE that treatments
                                                                             Closing remarks
                  of proven benefit should be available in Europe,
                                                                             J Geraedts, Past Chairman, ESHRE
                  irrespective of the patient’s income, place of
                  residence or marital status.

                  Organised by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE)

Workshop 4          Building partnership on firm foundations – the imperative of transparency in the 21st century

The imperative of   Does the complex and, at times controversial, relationship between patient organisations and pharmaceutical
transparency        companies, in particular regarding funding, overshadow the good work done by patient organisations in the
                    interests of the individuals and families which they represent and work on behalf of? Do clearer rules on funding
                    and transparency help to prevent potential conflicts of interest and damaging speculation about a patient group’s
                    raison d’être and activities?
6 October 2010      This workshop will explore the role of transparency in guiding interactions between patient organisations and the
19:00–20:30         pharmaceutical industry. Panellists, representing the views of patients, EU policy makers, public health NGOs and
                    industry, will discuss if greater openness and clear terms of engagement can addresss the mistrust by the general
                    public and media alike.

                     Sponsored and organised by Eli Lilly and Company

Workshop 5          Personalised medicine opportunities and challenges for European healthcare

Personalised        Research into personalised medicine is booming with the promise of delivering the right medicine to the right
medicine in         patient at the right time with the right dosage with minimal adverse side effects. For personalised medicine to be
                    fully exploited, paradigm shifts will have to take place by both health care providers and industry. This session will
Europe              explore the opportunities and challenges personalised medicine bring, in particular with respect to bottlenecks
                    that needs to be overcome for the rapid uptake of personalised medicine into clinical practice.

Thursday            The panel will address the following issues:
7 October 2010      • Is there a demand for personalised medicine?
                    • Who/what is the driver of this new emerging area?
                    • The new advances in "omics" technologies already provided with new approaches to tackle disease and
                      targeted therapy is already on the market. What's next?
                    • What are the short-term and long-term risks and benefits?
                    • Are healthcare systems ready or prepared for adopting personalised medicine practices?
                    • What could the role of EU research programmes be in developing the new area of personalised medicine?

                     Organised by the European Commission, DG Research

Workshop 6          How to ensure optimal care and treatment of rare cancers in the EU?

Rare cancers –      Over the last ten years, great advances have been made in the research and treatment of rare diseases including
need for optimal    rare cancers, which currently represent a total of 20% of all cancer cases. Given their significant health, economic
                    and social burden, there is a recognised need for innovative and cost-effective treatments which are available to
care                patients in an equal and timely manner. Given the EU's focus on health inequalities and the complexity
                    surrounding rare diseases, access to rare disease treatments (orphan drugs) should be specifically addressed.

Thursday            This workshop will examine the existing patient access discrepancies, the reasons behind them and potential
                    options in improving patient outcomes and standards of care. Panelists, representing the views of EU policy
7 October 2010
                    makers, academics, patients and industry will discuss, inter alia, the affordability and cost-effectiveness of
                    medicines, existing treatment gaps and how to ensure an innovative and holistic approach in the area of rare

                    Organised by Novartis Oncology

Workshop 7         Policy options for innovation and opportunities for collaboration

Health workforce   Chaired and facilitated by M Wismar, Health Policy Analyst, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
of tomorrow        Co-chair: L Meulenbergs, Director International and Strategic Coordination, Federal Public Service Health, Food
                   Chain Safety and Environment, Belgium
Friday             Assessing future health workforce needs
8 October 2010     J Buchan, Faculty of Health Sciences, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh, Scotland
16:00–19:00        Creating attractive and supportive working environments for health professionals
                   C Wiskow, Health Services Specialist, Switzerland
                   Life Long Learning for new skill mix
                   F Destrebecq, Acting CEO, European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) (tbc)
                   Performance management of health professionals for better quality and safety and more efficiency
                   G Jamtvedt, Senior Researcher, Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services, Norway
                   Concluding discussion

                   Hosted by DG Health and Consumers, European Commission and the European Observatory on Health Systems and

Workshop 8         Financing systems for health services

Healthcare         The worldwide economic crises have increased the pressures on European health systems, particularly on tools
financing          and mechanisms for financing and reimbursement. This workshop will focus on organisation and financing/
                   reimbursement models especially for outpatient services. Using the EHFG multi-stakeholder approach, existing and
                   future models will be presented, analysed, discussed and compared.
8 October 2010     The workshop will provide selected information about organisation and financing/reimbursement models of such
16:00–19:00        services in Europe. The presentations will look at these models in relation to national health systems and solutions
                   will be compared, showing their quality, efficiency and efficacy. It will investigate whether ‘best practice’ models
                   can be transferred from one health system to another. New organisational and financing/reimbursement models
                   will also be presented and discussed.

                    Organised by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health in cooperation with Austrian Social Insurance

Workshop 9         Pandemic response and social media

Pandemic           The H1N1 Virus (also known as Swine flu) is a new type of influenza, characterised by a quick spread since its
response           emergence in spring 2009. Governement bodies all over Europe have reacted quickly with the preparation of
                   action plans, including the ordering of vaccines and the implementation of extensive communication programmes.
Saturday           However the vaccine rates across Europe show mixed results, the public opinion on the vaccination is often
9 October 2010     negative and the impact of national action plans is widely discussed. An important aspect of the recent discussion
09:00–12:00        around H1N1 and the vaccination plans is the increasing role of social media (Blogs, You Tube, Twitter etc.).
                   This workshop aims to follow up on the H1N1 evaluation of the Belgian Presidency and will also examine the
                   outcomes of national action plans and the role of social media in this field.

                   Organised by the European Health Forum Gastein

Lunch workshop 1     Adherence to treatment: Innovation and better health outcomes
                     New ways to ensure patients follow treatment prescriptions and medical advice must be found as the negative
Innovative           consequences stretch across healthcare and the economy. Non-adherence to medications causes numerous deaths
solutions to         and unnecessary hospital admissions every year in Europe. Addressing the issue has become even more important
patient adherence    as the burden of chornic diseases grows. At the same time, the pharmaceutical industry develops innovative
                     solutions (e.g. through devices or new medicines with novel and less burdensome treatment regimes).
Thursday             • What factors hinder patient adherence?
7 October 2010       • What are the clinical and economic consequences of non-adherence?
12:30–14:00          • And what innovative solutions are helping to address this issue?
                     This workshop seeks to address these questions and to assess the real value of innovations that enhance patient
                     adherence. Multidisciplinary expert perspectives, including a patient's input, will be presented at the workshop.

                      Sponsored and organised by Merck Serono

Lunch workshop 2     Communicating risk in a diverse Europe
                     Communicating risk in a diverse European setting is a challenge for public health professionals. Getting the
Risk                 balance right is essential, but never straightforward. Europe is diverse and inevitably this leads to varied
communication        perceptions of risk among the public and experts. Add to this, the difficulty health authorities can have in building
                     and maintaining trust with some sections of the population and the task looks quite daunting. Organisations and
Thursday             officials operating at EU level are confronted by even more diversity, and so the challenge of risk communication
7 October 2010       is even greater. The 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic provides an example of how different groups in Europe
12:30–14:00          perceived a risk quite differently, with some of them accepting advice from health authorities and with other
                     rejecting it. This workshop will explore how the diversity between and within EU countries affects the way health
                     officials and stakeholders need to communicate about risk. Bringing together front line risk communicators and
                     academic experts, it will also look at examples of good and bad practice.

                      Sponsored and organised by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

Lunch workshop 3     From health kick to goal. Come and support your favorite team! European Public Health Cup 2010
                     EMHF returns to the European Health Forum Gastein in 2010 in partnership with not least the European Patients
From health kick     Forum and the European Institute of Women's Health. Yet another innovative and thought provoking meeting
to goal              format. A game of football practice where celebrity players rehearse their tactics ahead of the big match. The goal
                     is to score higher than ever on earlier diagnosis! Pele has been invited but we have yet to hear from him. Despite a
Thursday             little theatre, the event will:
7 October 2010       • Explore current strategies and point to additional opportunities that can increase health literacy and promote
12:30–14:00             earlier diagnosis
                     • Make recommendations as benchmarks for progress over the next decade.
                     • Further engage EU stakeholders, particularly policy and decision makers at government level with these issues.
                     • Be fun, bring your own scarf (anyone caught carrying a referee’s whistle will be sent off to a Gastein plenary session)
                      Organised by European Men's Health Forum, the European Patients Forum and the European Institute of
                      Women's Health

Lunch workshop 4     ‘Healthy ageing: Disease prevention in old age’
                     Healthy ageing across the life span and prevention of illness in old age is increasingly recognised as one of the
Old age and          main priorities for health policy development across the EU. However, the role of vaccination in healthy ageing has
disease prevention   until now not been a major part of the discussions surrounding this policy development. Low awareness of (the
                     benefits of ) vaccination programmes leads to low vaccination coverage in adults over 50 years old. Improving
Thursday             vaccination coverage in this population will contribute to keep people healthy, independent and active for longer.
7 October 2010       Therefore, the workshop aims to outline the specific contribution of vaccination to the health and quality of life of
12:30–14:00          older people, and will present a number of concrete recommendations for policy development. Speakers will
                     include JP Baeyens (European Union Geriatric Medicine Society) and T Rose (health activist).

                     Organised by the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society and sponsored by Sanofi Pasteur MSD

About the conference
The EHFG is the leading health policy conference in Europe. The main objective is to facilitate
the establishment of a framework for advising and developing European health policy while
recognising the principle of subsidiarity.

Das EHFG ist die führende gesundheitspolitische Konferenz Europas. Das Hauptziel ist die
Herstellung eines Rahmens zur Beratung und Entwicklung einer europäischen Gesundheitspolitik
unter Berücksichtigung des Subsidiaritätsprinzips.

Target group
Those participating in the event include senior policy and decision-makers representing
politics and government at EU, national and regional levels; business and industry;
health care funders and service providers; civil society; as well as experts and                                 Besides the official programme, the
researchers in health care and public health.                                                                         event provides a vast array of
                                                                                                                opportunities for informal meetings,
Zielgruppe                                                                                                               discussion and networking
Bei den Teilnehmern handelt es sich um Entscheidungsträger aus den Bereichen, Politik
und Verwaltung auf EU, nationaler und regionaler Ebene, Wirtschafts- und Industrie-                                 Neben dem offiziellen Programm,
vertreter, Versicherungen und Dienstleistungsanbieter, Zivilgesellschaft sowie Experten                         bietet die Veranstaltung eine Vielzahl
und Forscher aus den Bereichen Gesundheitsversorgung und öffentliche Gesundheit.                                     von Möglichkeiten für informelle
                                                                                                                 Treffen, Diskussion und Networking

                                                              Bad Hofgastein
                                                              The Gastein valley lies at the heart of the ‘Hohe Tauern’ nature reserve, the
                                                              largest of its kind in Central Europe. World famous for its thermal springs it is
                                                              a year round tourist resort offering a large range of high-quality accommoda-
                                                              tion. Most congress hotels are within walking distance of the congress venue
                                                              which is located in the centre of this typical Austrian village.

                                                              Das Gasteinertal liegt im Herzen des Nationalparks “Hohe Tauern”, dem
                                                              größten seiner Art in Zentraleuropa. Weltbekannt für seine heißen Thermal-
                                                              quellen ist es eine ganzjährige Tourismusdestination, die eine Auswahl an
                                                              Unterkünften von hoher Qualität bietet. Die meisten Kongresshotels können
                                                              vom Veranstaltungsort, der sich im Zentrum dieser typischen österreichischen
                                                              Ortschaft befindet, zu Fuß erreicht werden.

Young Forum Gastein Initiative
The Young Forum Gastein initiative is a joint project of the European Health
Forum Gastein and the European Commission (DG Health and DG Research)
aimed at young researchers and officials from Member States of the
European Union working in the field of health. The purpose of the initiative
is to introduce promising young decision-makers and experts to the Gastein
process – bridging the gap between research and policy-making and
facilitating learning and networking across Europe.

The Young Gastein Initiative was launched on the occasion of the 10th
anniversary of the EHFG and is now entering its fourth year. Following the
great success of the previous years and the encouraging feedback the
European Health Forum Gastein intends to continue the initiative and to
build a sustainable network.

Die Young Forum Gastein Initiative ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt des European Health Forum Gastein und der Europäischen Kommission (GD
Gesundheit und GD Forschung), es richtet sich an junge Forscher und Entscheidungsträger aus den Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union,
die im Gesundheitsbereich tätig sind. Das Ziel dieser Initiative ist es jungen Entscheidungsträgern und Experten den Gastein-Prozess näher zu
bringen, sowie die Kluft zwischen Forschung und Politik zu überbrücken, das Lernen voneinander, sowie die Bildung eines Netzwerkes zu

Die Initiative wurde im Rahmen des 10jährigen Bestehens des EHFG ins Leben gerufen und findet dieses Jahr zum vierten Mal statt. Aufgrund
des guten Gelingens der vorhergehenden Jahre, sowie der positiven Rückmeldungen beabsichtigt das EHFG dieses Projekt weiterzuführen und
ein nachhaltiges Netzwerk aufzubauen.
Social programme                                                                                           Rahmenprogramm
                                                                    Berchtesgadener Land                       Berchtesgadener Land

                                                                    Discover the scenic and historic Berch-    Entdecken Sie mit uns das sowohl
                                                                    tesgadener Land in Germany, with its       landschaftlich reizvolle als auch historisch
                                                                    unique alpine National Park and the        interessante Berchtesgadener Land mit
                                                                    legendary mountain ‘Watzmann’.             Deutschlands einzigem alpinen National-
                                                                    The Kehlsteinhaus (‘Eagles Nest’), a       park und dem sagenumwobenen Berg
                                                                    famous vantage point, offers visitors      Watzmann. Vom Kehlsteinhaus, dem
                                                                    an overwhelming panoramic view             historischen Aussichtspunkt, eröffnet sich
                                                                    stretching up to 200 kilometres.           den Besuchern ein überwältigender
                                                                    Nearby is the Obersalzberg Documen-        Panoramablick von bis zu 200 Kilometern.
                                                                    tation Centre – the museum is close to     Ein weiterer Programmpunkt ist das
                                                                    the Berghof (Mountain House) and has       Dokumentationszentrum Obersalzberg.
                                                                    multi-media exhibits on the use of the     Die multimediale Ausstellung dokumentiert
                                                                    area by the Nazi leadership.               die Geschichte des Obersalzbergs in
                                                                                                               Verbindung mit der nationalsozialistischen

Dolomites Round Trip                         Dolomiten-Rundfahrt

As a powerful peak the Dolomite Alps         Als mächtige Felsgipfel erheben sich die
rises like a limestone island amongst a      Dolomiten wie eine Kalksteininsel inmitten
dark sea of granite and gneiss in the re-    eines dunklen Meeres aus Granit und Gneis in
gions Trentino-South Tyrol and Belluno.      den Regionen Trentino-Südtirol und Belluno.
“The most beautiful mountains of the         „Das schönste Gebirge der Welt“, „die Königin
world”, “the queen of the Alps”: These       der Alpen“: Zwei Bezeichnungen, die deutlich
two statements make clear that a drive       machen, dass eine Fahrt durch die Dolomiten
through the Dolomites offers a unique        ein Erlebnis der Extraklasse bietet. Wer einmal
adventure. Those who once climbed the        das monumentale Felsmassiv des Langkofels
massive of the Langkofel definitely agree    umwandert, die herrliche Aussicht auf dem
on that, enjoying the great view at the      Sellajoch genossen oder auf dem Col Raiser die
Sellajoch or admiring the bizarre world of   bizarre Dolomitenwelt bewundert hat, der kann
the Dolomites on top of the Col Raiser.      diesen Auszeichnungen nur zustimmen.

                                                                 Salzburg and its historic district –         Salzburg und seine Altstadt – ein
                                                                 a unique treasure                            einzigartiger Schatz

                                                                 The city of Salzburg, in particular, its     Tatsächlich stellt die Stadt Salzburg – und
                                                                 historic district represents one of the      hier besonders ihre historische Altstadt –
                                                                 most beautiful spots on earth. This          einen der schönsten Plätze der Erde dar,
                                                                 has been internationally recognized          den man in Europa finden kann, was ja auch
                                                                 through the inauguration as UNESCO           durch die Ernennung zum Weltkulturerbe
                                                                 World Cultural Heritage in 1997.             durch die UNESCO im Jahre 1997 interna-
                                                                 Explore the beauty of Salzburg with          tionale Anerkennung fand. Entdecken Sie
                                                                 a guided tour through historic roads         Salzburgs Schönheit bei einem geführten
                                                                 and enchanted alleys.                        Bummel durch die Strassen und Gassen.

Alpentherme Gastein – the easy way to        Alpentherme Gastein – Wohlfühlen leicht
well-being                                   gemacht

Leave daily life behind and just drift       Den Alltag draußen lassen und sich
away – nothing easier than that in the six   entspannt treiben lassen – nirgends ist das
adventure and wellness worlds of the         einfacher als in einer der sechs Erlebnis- und
Alpentherme Gastein. Your individual         Wohlfühlwelten der Alpentherme Gastein.
wellness needs are met to perfection.        Individuelle Wellness-Wünsche werden
Whether you are looking for fun, calm-       perfekt erfüllt. Egal ob Sie Spaß, Ruhe oder
ness or physical activity – you're bound     Bewegung suchen – Sie werden unendliche
to discover worlds of opportunities.         Möglichkeiten entdecken!

Additional trips will give you the opportunity to explore the sur-         Im Rahmen zusätzlicher Ausflüge werden Sie die Gelegenheit haben, die
roundings of Bad Hofgastein: the unique Mountain Health Gallery, a         Umgebung von Bad Hofgastein zu erkunden: den einzigartigen Gasteiner
historic circuit in Bad Hofgastein, hiking tours through the Gastein       Heilstollen, ein historischer Rundgang durch Bad Hofgastein, Wanderungen
Valley and a visit of the Salt Mines and Celtic Village of Hallein. You    im Gasteiner Tal und ein Besuch des Salzbergwerk und des Keltendorfes in
will also be able to enjoy a morning hike.                                 Hallein. Entspannen und Relaxen bei einer Almwanderung in der Früh.

                    International Forum Gastein                Booking Information
                                 Coorganisers:                 We provide a variety of services to assist you during your stay. Booking the congress and your
                      Federal Ministry of Health               accommodation through the International Forum Gastein will ensure that you benefit from the
             Austrian Broadcasting Corporation                 following services: direct shuttle service from Salzburg Airport (60 minutes) or Schwarzach-St.
                                                               Veit/Bad Hofgastein railway stations; participation in EHFG sessions (restrictions may apply)
                                                               and social events for all participants and partners including the weekend, if you choose to stay
                                                               until Saturday or Sunday.
                                                               For further information and a registration form please contact the booking hotline or visit our
                                                               homepage at Hotel rates are available upon request. Accompanying persons
                             GLOBAL HEALTH EUROPE              (non-participants) staying in the same room pay 60% of the regular hotel rates.
                                                               All information in this announcement is subject to change.

                              œ˜Êi>Ì Ê-ÞÃÌi“ÃÊ>˜`Ê*œˆVˆià   Buchungsinformationen
                                                               Wir bemühen uns, Ihren Besuch so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten. Wenn Sie den Kongress
                                                               und Ihr Hotel über das Internationale Forum Gastein buchen, stellen Sie sicher, dass folgende
                                                               Leistungen inbegriffen sind: Direkter Transferdienst vom Flughafen Salzburg (60 Minuten) oder
                                                               den Bahnhöfen Schwarzach-St. Veit/Bad Hofgastein; Teilnahme an EHFG Veranstaltungen
                                                               (Einschränkungen sind möglich); gesellschaftliche Rahmenveranstaltungen für alle Teilnehmer
                                                               und Begleitpersonen einschliesslich des Wochenendes, wenn Sie sich entscheiden bis Samstag
                                                               oder Sonntag zu bleiben.
                                                               Für Einzelheiten und ein Anmeldeformular kontaktieren Sie bitte die Buchungshotline oder
                                                               besuchen Sie unsere Homepage unter der Internetadresse Hotelpreise sind auf
                                                               Anfrage erhältlich. Nicht am Kongress teilnehmende Begleitpersonen im gleichen Zimmer
                                                               zahlen 60% des regulären Hotelpreises.
                                                               Änderungen der Informationen dieser Programmankündigung bleiben vorbehalten.

                                                                                                                                                 Cancellation fee is
                                                                CONGRESS FEES includes 20% VAT                                                   10% of the total
                                                                KONGRESSGEBÜHREN inklusive 20% MwSt                                              amount due until 10
                                                                                                                                                 September 2010,
                                                                                                                                                 50% thereafter.
                                                                Standard fee                                                                     Cancellation must be
                                                                                                                                   EUR 1,750     submitted in writing.
                                                                Reduced fee: a contribution towards costs, avail-                                Die Stornogebühr
                                                                                                                                                 beträgt bis 10. Sep-
                                                                able only to representatives of consumer/patient
                                                                                                                                                 tember 2010 10%
                                                                organisations and full-time staff of universities                                des Gesamtbetrages,
                                                                Reduzierte Gebühr: Ein Kostenbeitrag, nur                           EUR 480      danach 50%.
                                                                anwendbar auf Vertreter von Konsumenten/                                         Stornierungen gelten
                                                                Patientenorganisationen und Vollzeitpersonal von                                 nur schriftlich.

         Supported by and in collaboration with:
  European Commission, DG Health and Consumers                                             4BM[CVSH
             European Commission, DG Research
   European Observatory on Health Systems and
  World Health Organization, Regional Office for                                                                                   (SB[
                                   Land Salzburg
Federal Public Service, Health, Food Chain Safety
                       and Environment, Belgium
                     Supporting Organisations:
                         British Medical Journal                                              .BMMOJU[
                                GlaxoSmithKline                                            "VUPWFSMBEVOH
                               Hilfswerk Austria                                                                      4QJUUBM
                                                                                             -JFO[                                     7JMMBDI   ,MBHFOGVSU
                          Maastricht University
                      Ministry of Health, Taiwan
                  Österreichische Ärztekammer
                  Paracelsus Medical University
                                           Pfizer                                                                                     *UBMJFO
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