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Page created by Rose Bryant
Hilldickinson.com - Hill Dickinson
 September 2020

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In the Court of Appeal:                                       In the Employment Appeal Tribunal
                                                       The ‘waspi’ challenge to the increased state pension          (EAT):
                                                       age for women has been rejected: The State Pension
                                                                                                                     Can mutual agreement that employee will withdraw
                                                       Age (SPA) for women increased gradually from age 60
                                                                                                                     a resignation be implied by conduct of the parties?
                                                       to 65 between 2010 and 2018. A group of campaigners
                                                                                                                     The general principle is that, once notice of termination
                                                       (often referred to as the ‘waspi’ women) brought claims
                                                                                                                     has been given by either party, it cannot be unilaterally
                                                       challenging this increase on the basis that the change gave
                                                                                                                     withdrawn. Therefore, there must be mutual agreement
                                                       rise to unlawful discrimination either directly (based on
                                                                                                                     if the employment is to continue. The EAT has recently
                                                       age) or indirectly (based on gender) or both. In addition,
                                                                                                                     considered whether it was possible to imply from the
                                                       they claimed that the government was under an obligation
                                                                                                                     conduct of an employer and employee that there was a
                                                       to notify affected women of the changes to their pension
                                                                                                                     mutual agreement for the employment to continue after an
                                                       age. The High Court refused to grant a judicial review and
                                                                                                                     employee’s resignation. B’s role included line-management
                                                       the campaigners appealed. The Court of Appeal dismissed
                                                                                                                     responsibilities, and there was ongoing difficulties in
                                                       their appeal. On the issue of age or gender discrimination
                                                                                                                     the relationship between B and her subordinate. After
                                                       caused by the legislation equalising, and then raising, the
                                                                                                                     reflecting on an unsuccessful meeting, which had been
                                                       SPA, the Court held that there was no sufficient causal
                                                                                                                     aimed at improving the working relationship, B gave three
                                                       link between the withdrawal of the state pension from
                                                                                                                     months’ notice of her resignation. A senior manager asked
                                                       women in the age group 60 to 65 and the disadvantage
                                                                                                                     B to reconsider her resignation and stay. B confirmed
                                                       caused to that group. The same reasoning applied to the
                                                                                                                     that she would only do so if the abuse she was receiving
                                                       increase from 65 to 66 for both genders. On the issue
                                                                                                                     from her subordinate was dealt with. B continued to work
                                                       of the government’s obligation to provide notice to the
                                                                                                                     throughout her notice period and beyond her expected
                                                       affected women, the Court held that there was no duty to
                                                                                                                     termination date. About 2.5 weeks after B’s anticipated
                                                       notify those affected by the change in the SPA. The Court
                                                                                                                     termination date, a new HR manager reviewed the records
                                                       concluded that there has been adequate and reasonable
                                                                                                                     and concluded that B had resigned on notice. This did not
                                                       notification given by the publicity campaigns implemented
                                                                                                                     match B’s recollection of what had been agreed after her
                                                       by the relevant government department over a number
                                                                                                                     apparent resignation, so B brought a constructive dismissal
                                                       of years. (R (Delve and another) -v- Secretary of State for
                                                                                                                     claim. B’s claim was dismissed by the employment
                                                       Work and Pensions [2020] EWCA Civ 1199)
                                                                                                                     tribunal on the basis that B had voluntarily resigned.

                                                                                                                     Upholding B’s appeal, the EAT held that the tribunal
                                                                                                                     had failed to properly consider what was said between
                                                                                                                     B and others following her resignation. The tribunal had
                                                                                                                     not given sufficient weight to the council’s request for
                                                                                                                     B to stay, which had led to B working (and being paid)
                                                                                                                     for almost three weeks beyond what should have been
                                                                                                                     the termination date. Given this factual background, the
                                                                                                                     tribunal should have considered the possibility of an
                                                                                                                     implied agreement between B and the employer, at the
Welcome to our September HRizon employment                                                                           employer’s request, that B would withdraw her notice.
                                                                                                                     Although express words are preferable, it is possible for
newsletter, in which we look at the new job support                                                                  the withdrawal of a resignation to be implied by the parties
                                                                                                                     conduct, and the agreement to withdraw the resignation
scheme which will replace furlough leave, consider                                                                   can be initiated by either party. (Butcher -v- Surrey County
                                                                                                                     Council [2019] UKEAT 0022_19_2009)
frequently asked questions from employers regarding
coronavirus, holiday carry-over for coronavirus-
related reasons, and highlight recent employment law
cases and HR news from the last month.

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Was teacher unfairly dismissed after criminal charges of
possessing indecent images of children were dropped?
                                                               In the employment tribunal (ET):                                Does gender reassignment include gender fluid and
                                                                                                                               non-binary individuals? Gender reassignment, which is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                 bonuses. The ET upheld ABM’s claim, the ELI given by P was
                                                                                                                                                                                                 inadequate in relation to the pay and bonuses. However,
The EAT has recently considered whether the dismissal of       Covert recording leads to interim relief order in first         protected characteristic for the purposes of equality law,        the tribunal declined to award ABM £500 per employee
a teacher, after the prosecution dropped criminal charges      coronavirus-related tribunal claim: Where an employee           is defined as a process for the purpose of reassigning the        compensation, because it did not consider it just and
of possessing indecent images of children, was fair. A         is claiming unfair dismissal for certain unlawful reasons,      person’s sex by changing physiological or other attributes        equitable to do so. Most of the loss claimed by ABM arose
schoolteacher, with more than 20 years’ experience, was        they can make an application for interim relief. To succeed,    of sex, from the point at which they propose to undergo           from its own decisions to enter into settlements with the
charged with possession of indecent images of children.        they must prove that it is likely that they will establish at   the process. An ET has recently considered whether the            staff, rather than being caused by the inadequate ELI. The
The police searched his property under warrant, due to         a full hearing that the unlawful reason was the principal       meaning of ‘gender reassignment’ includes individuals             ET instead awarded ABM with £1,080 compensation. (ABM
intelligence that indecent images of a child(ren) had been     reason for dismissal. In what is thought to be the first        who are gender fluid (i.e. those whose gender identity            Facilities Services UK Ltd -v- Proway Window Cleaning
downloaded to an IP address associated with him. The           reported coronavirus-related employment tribunal claim,         changes from time to time) and/or non-binary (i.e. those          Company Ltd)
prosecutor reviewed the evidence and decided not to            an ET has granted an employee’s application for interim         whose gender identity doesn’t fall neatly into either male
                                                               relief. M worked for a fruits and vegetable wholesaler. In                                                                        Note: ET-level decisions are merely of persuasive value,
prosecute because of uncertainty as to precisely who had                                                                       or female), and concluded that it does. T, an engineer for
                                                               spring 2020, because of the coronavirus pandemic, the                                                                             and are not binding upon future ETs, but can provide a
downloaded the images (he lived with his son who had                                                                           a car manufacturer, began to identify as gender fluid/non-
                                                               employer proposed that all staff members take a 25% pay                                                                           useful indicator of how certain issues are currently being
access to the IP address). The employer dismissed the                                                                          binary and usually dressed in female clothing. T, who was
                                                               cut and one week’s unpaid leave each month. M’s trade                                                                             deal with in the ET.
employee and an ET held that he had been fairly dismissed                                                                      subjected to insults and abusive jokes at work and had
by the school. The EAT upheld his appeal and held that         union rep lodged a grievance complaining about the wage         difficulties arising from the use of toilet facilities, brought
the disciplinary charges that the school informed the          reduction and that the health and safety of staff was being     harassment, direct discrimination and victimisation
employee he faced, were based on misconduct and did            endangered by a lack of adequate PPE. A few days later,         claims based on the protected characteristic of gender
not mention potential reputational damage to the school        a staff meeting took place to which M was not invited.          reassignment. The employer argued that gender fluid/
as a potential ground of dismissal. This meant that the        This was covertly recorded by M’s colleague. Comments           non-binary individuals did not fall within the definition
employer had to make a decision solely based on whether        were made by managers during the meeting that “one              of gender reassignment. The ET considered Hansard

                                                                                                                                                                                                   In the news:
the misconduct had been established. Had it done so, it        particular person in the firm has decided to go to a union”     (written records of comments made during the relevant
should have concluded that misconduct had not been             and “I will not be dictated to by a union”. In July 2020, M     parliamentary debates). These included comments from
established, because the employer could not dismiss            was dismissed and brought proceedings for automatic             the then solicitor-general referring to a gender spectrum
the employee simply on the basis that misconduct was           unfair dismissal because of his trade union membership          and acknowledging that gender reassignment ‘concerns a
a possibility that could not be excluded. (K -v- L [2020]      and/or activities, and because he had made protected            personal journey and moving a gender identity away from             New DWP guidance on diverse recruitment: The
UKEAT 0014_18_2404)                                            disclosures related to health and safety. M’s application       birth sex’. In an oral judgment, the ET held that T fell within     DWP has published guidance for employers on how
                                                               for interim relief was granted by the employment tribunal.      the definition of gender reassignment and went on to                to attract, recruit and retain people from a variety of
Crown Court:                                                   The tribunal was satisfied, in light of the comments made       uphold T’s claims of harassment, direct discrimination and          backgrounds. The guidance:
                                                               in the covertly recorded meeting, and the dismissal of the      victimisation. (Taylor -v- Jaguar Land Rover)
Former MP sentenced to two years’ imprisonment for                                                                                                                                                 • Discusses the benefits of employing people with
                                                               employee who made the recording, that it was likely that
sexual assaults on two female employees: Southwark                                                                             Did a transferor fail to provide a transferee with adequate           existing work experience who have taken extended
                                                               M would be able to show that he was dismissed because
Crown Court has sentenced a former Conservative MP,                                                                            pre-transfer employee liability information? Under TUPE,              career breaks
                                                               he had sought the assistance of a trade union to bring
Charles Elphicke, to two years’ imprisonment for workplace                                                                     the transferor is under a duty to provide the transferee
                                                               a grievance. The tribunal made an interim relief order                                                                              • Provides advice on possible flexible working
sexual assaults on two female employees (a nanny and                                                                           with employee liability information (ELI), to help them
                                                               requiring M’s reinstatement. The fairness of M’s dismissal                                                                            arrangements
his Westminster assistant). These involved attempts to                                                                         understand their rights, duties and obligations in relation to
                                                               will be determined at a later date. (Morales -v- Premier
kiss both women and fondle their breasts, and running his                                                                      the employees who are transferring. If the transferor fails to      • Discusses the benefits of retaining, retraining and
                                                               Fruits (Covent Garden) Ltd [2020] ET/230294520)
hand up the knee of one of them towards her groin area                                                                         comply, or supplies inadequate ELI, an employment tribunal            recruiting older workers
while they were driving in his car. He had also harassed                                                                       can make a compensation order (based on a minimum of                • Encourages employers to think differently about
both women into having sexual relations with him. During                                                                       £500 per employee, unless the tribunal does not consider              employing disabled workers, ex-offenders, those in
sentencing, the judge described Elphicke as ‘a sexual                                                                          it just and equitable to award that sum). An ET has recently          recovery, and those who are homeless
predator’ and noted that he had picked on his young                                                                            considered a claim regarding inadequate ELI information.
employees because he had influence over them and their                                                                         A facilities management company, ABM, had outsourced                HSE issues guidance on lone workers: The Health and
careers, and because they were unlikely to complain.                                                                           window cleaning services to a contractor, P. ABM gave P             Safety Executive (HSE) has issued updated guidance
Bearing in mind the gross breach of his position of power                                                                      three months’ notice to terminate the contract and intended         for employers on managing the risks of those who
and abuse of his employees’ trust, the judge held that                                                                         to bring the work back in-house. The parties accepted that          work alone without close or direct supervision (which
two-year custodial sentence was the only appropriate                                                                           this was a service provision change transfer involving the          will include many workers working remotely due to
punishment. While the judge’s sentencing remarks are                                                                           transfer of four staff (two supervisors and two window              coronavirus).
fact-specific, and do not set a precedent, they indicate the                                                                   cleaners). P provided ABM with incomplete and late ELI              New DHSC guidance for employers on COVID-19
seriousness with which the courts are likely to view similar                                                                   information – in particular in respect of the pay and bonuses       testing: The Department of Health and Social Care
sexual offending in a workplace context. It also offers a                                                                      of the transferring staff. ABM brought a claim in relation          (DHSC) has provided guidance for employers and
reminder that making sexual advances towards colleagues                                                                        to the inadequate ELI, arguing that it had been forced to           third-party healthcare providers on coronavirus
or subordinates can, in some circumstances, result in a                                                                        enter into settlements with the four transferred staff, after       (COVID-19) testing.
criminal conviction.                                                                                                           it had discovered the full information about their pay and
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New Job Support                                                                                                          Coronavirus:
scheme will replace                                                                                                      FAQs for employers
furlough leave                                                                                                           The prime minister, Boris
                                                                                                                         Johnson, in a public address
                                                                                                                         to the nation on 23 September
                                                                                                                                                             Which employees should
                                                                                                                                                             work from home?
                                                                                                                                                             The current guidance is that the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Should workers who
                                                                                                                                                                                                      are more vulnerable to
                                                                                                                                                                                                      coronavirus work from
                                                                                                                         2020, imposed tighter               following individuals should work        home, or shield?
                                                                                                                         restrictions in England aimed       from home over the winter:
                                                                                                                                                                                                      The Public Health England report
Chancellor Rishi Sunak, on 24 September 2020, announced that the existing furlough leave scheme                          at controlling the spread of        • Office workers who can work            Disparities in the risk and outcomes of
will be replaced on 01 November by a new Job Support scheme to aid businesses during another six                         COVID-19 (coronavirus). The           effectively from home                  COVID-19 shows that some groups of
months of tighter coronavirus restrictions. The scheme will last for six months until 30th April 2021.                   new restrictions include a return   • Any worker who can carry out           people may be at more risk of being
Employees must work at least 33% of their usual hours to be eligible for the scheme, with the cost of                    to the ‘work from home if you         their normal duties from home (as      infected and/or an adverse outcome
those working hours being met in full by the employer. The employee would then be paid two-thirds                        can’ guidance.                        judged by agreement between the        if infected. The higher-risk groups
                                                                                                                                                                                                      include those who:
of any hours when they are laid off, with the cost of the non-working hours being met in equal shares                    In this article, we consider
                                                                                                                                                               employer and the worker)
between the employer and HMRC.                                                                                                                               Provided the workplace has taken         • Are older males
                                                                                                                         some of the questions our
                                                                                                                                                             measures to make it COVID-19 secure,     • Have a high body mass index (BMI)
So, for example, if an employee works   Sadly, the scheme’s requirement that    • The job support scheme                 employment team has been
                                                                                                                                                             the following individuals should carry
33% of their usual hours in November,   the employee must work at least           contribution will be capped at         most frequently asked in            on attending their workplace as usual:
                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Have health conditions which makes
they will be paid 77% of their normal   33% of their usual hours, means it        £697.92 a month                        connection with the coronavirus                                                them vulnerable to coronavirus (e.g.
wage, with the employer paying the      is unlikely to save jobs in the worst                                                                                • Public sector employees working          diabetes, heart disease)
                                                                                • The Treasury’s expectation is that     pandemic in recent weeks.             in essential services, including
first 55% and the government making     affected industries, which currently                                                                                                                          • Are from some black, Asian
                                                                                  employers will not be permitted
up the remaining 22%.                   have little opportunity to generate
                                                                                  to top up their employees’ wages
                                                                                                                         Please note: The article is based     education settings
                                                                                                                                                                                                        or minority ethnicity (BAME)
The new Job Support scheme
                                                                                  above the two-thirds contribution      on the national restrictions        • Anyone else who cannot work              backgrounds
aims to avoid a tsunami wave of         Employers wishing to take                 to hours not worked at their own       applicable to England.                from home (e.g. those whose work
                                                                                                                                                                                                      There is a growing body of evidence
redundancies, expected to occur         advantage of the scheme will, in          expense                                Employers in Scotland, Wales          requires them to be physically
                                                                                                                                                                                                      confirming that ethnicity can be a
when the existing coronavirus           most circumstances, need to seek                                                                                       present in the workplace)
                                                                                • Large businesses (probably             or Northern Ireland should                                                   major risk factor for coronavirus, with
job retention scheme (furlough          agreement of the employees to
                                                                                  those with 250+ employees) will        check their local restrictions,                                              BAME individuals facing a statistically
leave) ends on 31 October 2020.         make temporary changes to the                                                                                                                                 significant increased risk of death
An estimated three million people       employment contract.
                                                                                  have to demonstrate that their         which differ in some respects.
                                                                                  turnover is lower now than before                                                                                   from coronavirus.
remain on the furlough scheme                                                                                            Some areas of the UK are also
                                        A Treasury factsheet has been             the pandemic (meet a financial
and, in the absence of additional
                                        published which confirms:                 assessment test) and the Treasury’s
                                                                                                                         subject to additional localised                                              Despite those risks, there is currently
financial support, at least a million                                                                                    measures.                                                                    no need to shield, as the requirement
                                                                                  expectation is that they will not be                                                                                to do so was withdrawn in the
redundancies were expected at that      • The employer does not need to
                                                                                  making capital distributions whilst                                                                                 summer. We may yet see a return to
point.                                    have claimed under the coronavirus
                                                                                  accessing the grant                                                                                                 shielding later in the year if the spread
                                          job retention scheme (CJRS) to
                                          claim under the job support scheme                                                                                                                          of coronavirus is not kept under
                                        • The employee must work at least
                                          33% of their usual hours (but this
                                          may increase from 1 February 2021)                                                                                                                                  continues on page 8 >>>
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continued from page 7 >>>                  Employers should also ensure that          likely the employee will be eligible to    Do we need to pay sick pay               Unpaid dependant care leave will           Is an employee who has
                                           any pregnant worker has an up-             take unpaid dependant care leave.                                                   usually only allow an employee
                                           to-date risk assessment. In some           This allows an employee to take a
                                                                                                                                 to a worker who has had to               to take a few days off to arrange
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     to self-isolate after travel
                                           circumstances, there may be a duty         reasonable amount of unpaid leave          stay at home because their               alternative care for their dependant,      entitled to sick pay?
The current guidance on social
distancing confirms that in deciding
                                           to suspend a pregnant worker on full       to take necessary action when a            child’s school asks them to              but the amount of time off which           There is no entitlement to statutory
                                           pay if the risks she faces cannot be       dependant falls ill or dies. However,      self-isolate because of a                may be considered ‘reasonable’             sick pay (SSP) if an employee needs
whether vulnerable individuals should
                                           controlled, and she cannot be offered      some contracts allow the employee:                                                  will depend on the facts specific          to self-isolate for 14 days post-travel to
attend work:
                                           alternative duties.                        (a) paid dependent care leave; or (b)
                                                                                                                                 positive coronavirus test in             to the individual (e.g. the lack of        a non-exempt destination. For further
• Extra consideration should be given                                                 to take their own contractual sick pay     their ‘school bubble’?                   alternative care provision) and we         details on this requirement, please see
  to those people at a higher risk from    Do we need to pay sick pay                 when a dependant falls ill.                                                         anticipate employment tribunals being      our article.
                                                                                                                                 There is no entitlement to statutory
  coronavirus                              to a worker who has had                    Unpaid dependant care leave will           sick pay (SSP) if an employee is
                                                                                                                                                                          sympathetic in these circumstances.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The employee will only become
• Those classed as clinically extremely    to stay at home because a                  usually only allow an employee             unable to work because their child
                                                                                                                                                                          Employees who take emergency time
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     entitled to SSP if they themselves, or
  vulnerable should carry on working                                                                                                                                      off to care for their dependants are
                                           dependant has coronavirus?                 to take a few days off to arrange          has been asked by the school to self-
                                                                                                                                                                          granted additional protection from         someone in their household, begins to
  from home wherever possible,                                                        alternative care for their dependant,      isolate as a precautionary measure                                                  display symptoms and they need to
  but can go to work as long as the        This is likely to depend on whether                                                                                            being subjected to a detriment, and
                                                                                      but the amount of time off which           because of a positive coronavirus                                                   self-isolate under the current guidance
  workplace is COVID-19 secure             the dependant lives in the same                                                                                                any dismissal motivated by their need
                                                                                      may be considered ‘reasonable’             test in their ‘school bubble’. The                                                  on household self-isolation.
                                           household as the worker, or has been                                                                                           to take dependant care leave would
In many cases, staff who are extremely                                                will depend on the facts specific          employee will only become entitled to
                                           in close personal contact with them.                                                                                           be automatically unfair.                   If you have any further questions
vulnerable to coronavirus will also be                                                to the individual (e.g. the lack of        SSP if they themselves, or someone
                                                                                      alternative care provision) and we         in their household, begins to display    Employees with one year’s continuous       about the above, please contact your
considered disabled for the purposes       Statutory sick pay (SSP) rules have
                                                                                      anticipate employment tribunals being      symptoms and they need to self-          service may also apply for a period of     usual Hill Dickinson contact.
of equality law. If they are disabled,     been amended to cover people who
then the employer has a legal duty         are self-isolating because someone         sympathetic in these circumstances.        isolate under the current guidance on    unpaid parental leave. This is available
to make reasonable adjustments.            who lives in the same household has        Employees who take emergency time          household self-isolation.                for the purpose of caring for a child
This may involve changing the way          coronavirus symptoms. The current          off to care for their dependants are                                                under 18, and parents can apply
                                                                                                                                 However, it is likely that this would
things are done (such as policies/         guidance on household self-isolation       granted additional protection from                                                  to take a maximum of four weeks’
                                                                                                                                 fall within an employee’s right to
procedures), changes to overcome           requires household members to              being subjected to a detriment, and                                                 parental leave per child per year.
                                                                                                                                 take unpaid dependant care leave.
barriers to physical features of the       self-isolate for 14 days from the day      any dismissal motivated by their need                                               Strictly speaking, the employee must
                                                                                                                                 This allows an employee to take
workplace, and/or providing extra          when the first person in the household     to take dependant care leave would                                                  give 21 days’ notice to take a period
                                                                                                                                 unpaid leave to take necessary action
equipment to help the disabled             became ill. Any member of the              be automatically unfair.                                                            of unpaid parental leave, but this
                                                                                                                                 because of the unexpected disruption
employee do their job.                     household who goes on to display                                                                                               can be waived by the employer at its
                                                                                      Employees with one year’s continuous       or termination of arrangements for the
                                           symptoms must go on to self-isolate                                                                                            discretion.
Employers may therefore want to                                                       service may also apply for a period of     care of a dependant. However, some
                                           for a further ten days from when their     unpaid parental leave. This is available   contracts allow the employee: (a)        The employer may also consider,
consider:                                  symptoms appeared (the 14-day              for the purpose of caring for a child      paid dependant care leave; or (b) to     allowing the employee to:
• Asking workers to self-identify as       household isolation is disregarded for     under 18, and parents can apply            take emergency annual leave in such
  having higher-risk health conditions,    these purposes).                                                                                                               • Agree for the time to be taken as
                                                                                      to take a maximum of four weeks’           circumstances.
  disabilities or other risk factors                                                                                                                                        holiday
                                           If the dependant does not live in the      parental leave per child per year.
• Performing up-to-date risk               same household, but the employee           Strictly speaking, the employee must                                                • Work from home if this is viable/
  assessments for vulnerable staff         has had close personal contact with        give 21 days’ notice to take a period                                                 practical
                                           the dependant, they may also be            of unpaid parental leave, but this                                                  • By agreement, make the time up at
• Whether the worker needs                                                            can be waived by the employer at its
                                           asked to self-isolate for 14 days by                                                                                             a later date
  reasonable adjustments (e.g. varied                                                 discretion.
                                           the track and trace system. In that
  working hours so as to avoid
                                           scenario, they are entitled to statutory   The employer may also consider,
  travelling on public transport at
                                           sick pay during that period of self-       allowing the employee to:
  peak times)
• If the vulnerable staff can perform                                                 • Agree for the time to be taken as
                                           Employers who pay SSP for                    holiday
  their duties from home (perhaps
                                           coronavirus-related reasons can
  with some reasonable adjustments                                                    • Work from home if this is viable/
                                           reclaim this from the government.
  to facilitate this)                                                                   practical
                                           If the dependant does not live in the
• If the work cannot be done from                                                     • By agreement, make the time up at
                                           same household, and the employee
  home, is there anything else that can                                                 a later date
                                           has not had close personal contact
  be done to reduce their risk (e.g. can
                                           with the dependant, there is no
  they be removed from higher-risk
                                           entitlement to SSP. However, it is
  frontline customer facing duties?)
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What do the newly relaxed                  • Additional leave (i.e. the additional   When will it not be
                                                                                                                                                                1.6 weeks’ leave each year): this
                                                                                                                   rules say about coronavirus-                 can be carried over into the next
                                                                                                                                                                                                        ‘reasonably practicable’ for
                                                                                                                   related holiday carry-over?                  leave year if the employer, a written   an employee to take their
                                                                                                                   New regulations were introduced in           agreement or the contract permits       holiday for coronavirus-
                                                                                                                   relation to the COVID-19 outbreak            such carry-over;                        related reasons?
                                                                                                                   on 27 March 2020. That was when            • Ill health/pregnancy/maternity: the     The phrase ‘reasonably practicable’
                                                                                                                   many employers were extremely                rules regarding employees unable        is not defined in the regulations. It is
                                                                                                                   busy furloughing their workforce,            to take holiday due to ill health/      a phrase used in other employment
                                                                                                                   so awareness of the new rules is             pregnancy/maternity leave (outlined     legislation and is specifically designed
                                                                                                                   poor. These amended the principal            above) have not changed. However,       to allow an employment tribunal a
                                                                                                                   regulations (the Working Time                if the reason for the ill health is     wide discretion to determine whether
                                                                                                                   Regulations 1998). The new rules             coronavirus-related, then the carry-    it applies or not.
                                                                                                                   regarding carry-over of annual leave         over period will be two years.
                                                                                                                   can be summarised as follows:                                                        Acas guidance suggests that it could
                                                                                                                   • Ordinary leave (i.e. the first four
                                                                                                                                                              Why is the precise wording                apply where a worker:
                                                                                                                     weeks’ holiday each year):               of the contract regarding                 • Is self-isolating and/or too sick to
                                                                                                                     - If it was not ‘reasonably              holidays important?                         take holiday before the end of their
                                                                                                                                                                                                          leave year;
                                                                                                                       practicable’ for the worker to take    Many contracts now specify that

When can a worker rely on                                                                                              some or all of the holiday to which
                                                                                                                       the worker was entitled, as a
                                                                                                                       result of the effects of coronavirus
                                                                                                                                                              the first four weeks’ annual leave
                                                                                                                                                              is ‘ordinary leave’. Such wording
                                                                                                                                                              has risen in popularity because of
                                                                                                                                                                                                        • Has been put on lay-off or furlough;

coronavirus-related reasons to carry
                                                                                                                                                                                                        • Has been required to continue
                                                                                                                       (including on the worker, the          EU holiday pay decisions in recent
                                                                                                                                                                                                          working and could not take paid
                                                                                                                       employer or the wider economy          years, which only apply to that part
                                                                                                                       or society), up to four weeks’         of a worker’s minimum annual leave

over their holiday entitlement?                                                                                        holiday can be carried-over into
                                                                                                                       the following two leave years, and
                                                                                                                       the employer cannot refuse to
                                                                                                                                                              entitlement. For example, a common
                                                                                                                                                              form of contract wording is: ‘In each
                                                                                                                                                              holiday year, the first four weeks of
                                                                                                                                                                                                        However, guidance from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Department of Business, Energy and
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Industrial Strategy (BEIS) suggests
                                                                                                                       allow a worker to take the carried-    your holiday entitlement (or the pro      that it will usually be reasonably
For the majority of employers who operate      Background: what are the usual ‘pre-coronavirus’                        forward holiday on particular          rata equivalent during the first and      practicable for furloughed workers to
a 01 January to 31 December holiday year,      rules regarding holiday carry-over?                                     dates without good reason;             final holiday years) shall be deemed to   take annual leave (unless, for example,
there are around 13 weeks of the current       All workers are entitled to a minimum of 5.6 weeks holiday            - If it was ‘reasonably practicable’     be the leave to which you are entitled    the employer could not afford to top
                                                                                                                                                              under the Working Time Directive          up their furlough pay).
holiday year left, in which to encourage the   per year. The 5.6 weeks holiday is made up of 4 weeks                   for the worker to take holiday
                                               ordinary holiday, which derives from the EU Working Time                                                       2003’.                                    The BEIS guidance recommends
workforce to take their accrued holiday                                                                                (i.e. the effects of coronavirus on
                                               Directive, and 1.6 weeks holiday, which is a domestic add-on.           the worker, the employer or the        If the employment contract or annual      that the following factors should be
entitlement. Special rules were introduced     Many contracts designate the additional 1.6 weeks’ holiday (8           wider economy or society have          leave policy contains such wording,       considered in relation to reasonable
earlier this year that allow workers to        days) as statutory/bank holidays.                                       not prevented the employee from        any leave that a worker or employee       practicability:
carry over any unused holiday entitlement      The usual ‘pre-coronavirus’ rules regarding carry-over were that:       taking holiday) the four weeks         has already taken in the current          • Whether the business has faced
if COVID-19 (coronavirus) meant that it                                                                                ordinary leave cannot be carried-      leave year will reduce the amount of        a significant increase in demand
                                               • Ordinary leave (i.e. the first four weeks’ holiday each year):        over (save in maternity leave or ill   ‘ordinary leave’ they can potentially
was not reasonably practicable to take           can only be taken in the leave year in respect of which it            health situations – see above);        carry over for coronavirus-related
                                                                                                                                                                                                          due to coronavirus that would
                                                                                                                                                                                                          reasonably require the worker to
holiday. This article covers some of the         is due – this cannot be carried-over (save in pregnancy/                                                     reasons into the following two holiday      continue to be at work and cannot
most frequently asked questions our              maternity/ill health situations – see below);                                                                years.                                      be met through alternative practical
employment team has received about the         • Additional leave (i.e. the additional 1.6 weeks’ leave each                                                                                              measures;
                                                 year): this can be carried forward into the next leave year if
new rules regarding carry-over.                                                                                                                                                                         • The extent to which the business’s
                                                 the employer, a written agreement, or the contract permits
                                                                                                                                                                                                          workforce is disrupted by the
                                                 such carry-over;
                                                                                                                                                                                                          coronavirus and the practical
                                               • Ill health/pregnancy/maternity: case law has established                                                                                                 options available to the business to
                                                 that employees unable to take holiday due to ill health/                                                                                                 provide temporary cover of essential
                                                 pregnancy/maternity leave, can carry over leave into future                                                                                              activities;
                                                 holiday years (case law suggests for a period of 15-18
                                                 months after the end of the leave year in which it accrued).                                                                                                   continues on page 12 >>>
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continued from page 11 >>>                 Any contractual enhancement (above         Please be alert to the overlapping         (e.g. if carry-over needs line manager    employers are choosing to be more          Can we pay in lieu rather
                                           5.6 weeks) can be carried over if this     duty to make reasonable adjustments        approval) the employer may wish           flexible and instead set general rules,
                                           is permitted under the contract, or at     for disabled staff (both in terms          to issue a notice to the workforce        which still allow the worker a degree
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      than carry-over holiday?
                                           the employer’s discretion.                 of the application process and in          confirming that only in exceptional       of flexibility. For example, issuing a     The underlying reason paid holidays
• The health of the worker and how                                                    determining whether to grant any           circumstances will carry-over requests    notice saying, ‘You must have used         are provided in law, relates to the
  soon they need to take a period of       When and how can staff                     application to carry-over leave).          be granted in the current holiday         80% (or 22.5 days) of your annual          health, safety and wellbeing of the
  rest and relaxation;                     use holiday carried over                   Employers may also find that female        year (essentially a ‘use it or lose it’   leave by 31 Oct and 100% by 31 Dec’.       employee. The employer has a duty to
                                           for coronavirus-related                    staff have suffered a greater impact       warning).                                                                            encourage the worker to take the paid
• The length of time remaining in the                                                                                                                                      How can we tell how much
                                                                                      (e.g. because they are statistically                                                                                            holiday to which they are entitled.
  worker’s leave year, to enable the       reasons?                                   more likely to be single mothers           Can we require workers to                 holiday will be carried over?
  worker to take holiday at a later date                                                                                                                                                                              BEIS guidance states that, ‘Employers
  within the leave year;                   The maximum of four weeks’ unused          and may be unable to share caring          use their accrued holiday?                Now would be a good time to audit          should do everything reasonably
                                           ‘ordinary holiday’, which can be           responsibilities) and this can lead to
                                                                                                                                 In many situations, it is possible for    how much holiday staff have taken          practicable to ensure that the worker
• The extent to which the worker           carried over for coronavirus-related       the risk of indirect sex discrimination
                                                                                                                                 an employer to require an employee        proportionate to the time left in the      is able to take as much of their leave
  taking leave would impact on wider       reasons, must be used in the following     claims.
                                                                                                                                 to take some of their annual leave at     holiday year (e.g. use a red, amber,       as possible in the year to which it
  society’s response to, and recovery      two leave years. For those with a 1
                                                                                      There may also be the need to make         a time chosen by the employer. The        green colour coding). This audit           relates, and where leave is carried
  from, the coronavirus situation; and     January to 31 December leave year,
                                                                                      exceptions from the need to apply e.g.     fact that an employee is on furlough      process should identify staff who          forward, it is best practice to give
• The ability of the remainder of the      this will be into the 2021 and 2022                                                                                                                                        workers the opportunity to take
                                                                                      if a worker is in hospital and therefore   leave makes no difference because         appear to be stockpiling their annual
  available workforce to provide cover     leave years.                                                                                                                                                               holiday at the earliest practicable
                                                                                      unable to apply, or where pre-planned      employees can take holiday while on       leave. What it will not provide, without
  for the worker going on leave.           An employer usually has a wide             leave falling close to the end of the      furlough (provided they be paid their     further investigation, are the reasons     opportunity’.
The BEIS guidance goes on to state         discretion to specify when a worker        holiday year is cancelled at short         full pay calculated in accordance with    why workers have lots of leave             The first 5.6 weeks’ annual leave per
that: ‘Employers should do everything      can, or cannot, take their annual leave.   notice because someone contracts           the Working Time Regulations 1998 in      outstanding.                               year (the statutory minimum) can
reasonably practicable to ensure that      However, special rules apply to any        coronavirus.                               the usual way during such holidays).
                                                                                                                                                                           This audit should then be shared with      only be paid in lieu upon termination.
the worker is able to take as much         leave carried over due to coronavirus-                                                                                                                                     The amended regulations expressly
                                           related reasons, so that the employer      How does the rule that                     The starting point is to check the        relevant line managers who can:
of their leave as possible in the year                                                                                           employment contract to make                                                          provide that any payment in lieu on
to which it relates, and where leave       cannot refuse to allow a worker to         allows carry-over for                      sure if there are any contractual
                                                                                                                                                                           • Identify if there are any reasons why
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      termination must include payment
is carried forward, it is best practice    take it on particular dates without        coronavirus-related reasons                                                            a worker has been unable to take
                                                                                                                                 provisions, which allow the employer                                                 for any holiday carried over for
                                           good reason.                                                                                                                      their accrued leave
to give workers the opportunity to                                                    overlap with contractual                   to designate a specific period of                                                    coronavirus-related reasons that
take holiday at the earliest practicable                                                                                                                                   • Discuss with staff how much leave        remains outstanding.
                                           Can we ask our staff to                    carry-over rules?                          annual leave (such provisions are
opportunity’.                                                                                                                    very common). Secondly, check if            they are intending to take in the
                                           ‘apply’ to carry-over holiday              Rules permitting limited holiday carry-    there is any ‘relevant agreement’           coming weeks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      However, to the extent that the
There is an implicit expectation                                                                                                                                                                                      contract provides for additional
that employers and workers will
                                           for coronavirus-related                    over (for non-coronavirus-related          under the Working Time Regulations,       • Encourage staff to, wherever             contractual holidays (above the 5.6
work together to use a common-             reasons?                                   reasons) are common, particularly in       which permits the employer to force         possible, ‘use it or lose it’            weeks’ minimum), the employer and
                                                                                      workforces where there are peaks and       an employee to take annual leave
sense approach to whether or not           There is no process laid out in the                                                                                                                                        employee can agree to a payment in
                                                                                      troughs in demand that can render it       (such as a collective agreement). If      • In cases where it has genuinely
it is ‘reasonably practicable’ for a       regulations for any application                                                                                                                                            lieu in respect of the excess holidays
                                                                                      very difficult for an employee to take     the contract or relevant agreement          not been reasonably practicable to
particular worker to take holiday.         process, but it is certainly a sensible                                                                                                                                    if they wish. An employer should not
                                                                                      all of the annual holiday entitlement,     contains such provisions, the               take leave, outline any application
                                           approach to take. A simple form could                                                                                                                                      unilaterally impose a payment in lieu,
How much holiday can be                    be devised for these purposes. An
                                                                                      or where the annual leave allowance        employer should comply with those           process to carry over holiday for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      agreement should be sought from the
                                                                                      is very generous. They may appear in       terms (which may include giving             coronavirus-related reasons.
carried-over for coronavirus-              application process would allow a line     the employment contract or collective
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      employee, giving a sound business
                                                                                                                                 a minimum amount of notice of a
related reasons?                           manager to have a sensible discussion      agreement (in which case they are          period of leave).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      rationale, to avoid breaching the
                                           with a worker about the reasons why                                                                                                                                        employment contract.
Where the effects of coronavirus (on                                                  binding), or holiday policy (in which
                                           they have not taken their accrued          case they can usually be varied by a       In the absence of such express                                                       If you have any queries regarding
the worker, employer or wider society)                                                                                           provisions, an employer requiring
                                           leave. In many cases, it may be            notice to staff).                                                                                                               coronavirus-related holiday carry-
render it not reasonably practicable                                                                                             a worker to take leave at specified
                                           possible to facilitate the worker using                                                                                                                                    over, or any other employment
for him or her to take holiday, up to                                                 An employer can minimise the impact        times, must give notice equivalent to
                                           some of their accrued but unused                                                                                                                                           matter, please do not hesitate to
a maximum of four weeks’ unused                                                       of this potential overlap by doing         at least twice the period of leave to
                                           leave before the end of the current                                                                                                                                        contact Emma Ahmed, or browse our
ordinary leave can be carried over                                                    what it can to minimise how much           be taken. For example, the employer
                                           holiday year (or to at least minimise                                                                                                                                      employment services.
under the amendment to the Working                                                    annual leave is carried over (e.g. by      must give two days’ notice to take
                                           how much leave is carried over). The
Time Regulations 1998.                                                                designating specific periods of time       one day of leave, or two weeks’ notice
                                           ability to facilitate a worker taking
A written agreement (such as the           their annual leave would be a good         as annual leave – see below). If the       to take one week of leave.
employment contract or a collective        reason to reject such an application       carry-over rules are non-binding, the
                                                                                      employer may wish to vary them             An employer can use these powers
agreement) can allow the 1.6 weeks         to carry over leave because it ‘is’                                                   to designate a particular period
(additional leave) to be carried over      reasonably practicable for the worker      (possibly temporarily). Further, if the
                                                                                      right to carry over is not automatic       as annual leave. However, many
under ordinary rules.                      to use their annual leave entitlement.
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                                                                                                    Which 5 people (alive or dead)                                            If you would like to know more about us, or any other
                                                                                                    would you invite to a dinner party                                        services we provide please visit our website or contact:

                                                                                                    at your house?                                                                     Jeff Middleton

                                                                                                                                                                                       Partner (Manchester)
                                                                                                    Is this allowed at the time of writing, 22 September                               +44 (0)161 817 7260
                                                                                                    2020?                                                                              jeff.middleton@hilldickinson.com
                                                                                                                                                                                       Kerstie Skeaping
                                                                                                                                                                                       Partner (Liverpool)
                                                                                                       1. John Lennon (my late grandfather always                                      +44 (0)151 600 8498
                                                                                                          told me he was his mate, and I’d like to                                     kerstie.skeaping@hilldickinson.com

                                                                                                          check)                                                                       James Williams
                                                                                                                                                                                       Partner (London)
                                                                                                       2. Martin Luther King
                                                                                                                                                                                       +44 (0)20 7280 9245
                                                                                                       3. Kim Jong-un                                                                  james.williams@hilldickinson.com

                                                                                                       4. Oprah Winfrey                                                                Amy Millson
                                                                                                                                                                                       Legal Director (Leeds)
                                                                                                       5. Jurgen Klopp                                                                 +44 (0)113 487 7969
                                                                                                                                                                                       Luke Green
                                                                                                                                                                                       Partner and head of education/schools
Mark Cranshaw                                                                                                                                                                          +44 (0)151 600 8791
Commercial Employment, Liverpool

What is your greatest                           What are your favourite/least
achievement?                                    favourite foods?

  I have a Blue Peter Badge, swam at national     Favourite food = Bibimbap (google this if you
  level, played (and won) a frame of pool         haven’t tried it – it’s a ‘no brainer’)
  with an Emirati prince, but my greatest
                                                  Least favourite food = cauliflower cheese
  achievement is surely convincing my boss (a
  die-hard and deluded Evertonian) to let me
  join the team!

                                                What is the bravest or craziest
                                                thing you have ever done?
Where’s your favourite place in                   I’m not sure which category (bravest or
the world to visit?                               craziest) this fits into but a shark scuba dive
                                                  in an aquarium in Busan is up there (a close
                                                  second is challenging the person with the
   Langkawi, Malaysia                             highest IQ on the planet to a ‘karaoke-off’).
                                                                                                    This newsletter has been prepared for general information purposes only, it is not legal advice and is not to be acted upon as such. It is
                                                                                                    accurate at the time of publication, but may not remain current thereafter. Specific legal advice should be taken as and when required.

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Hill Dickinson LLP is a leading and award-winning
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The firm delivers advice and strategic guidance
spanning the full legal spectrum, from non-contentious
advisory and transactional work, to all forms of
commercial litigation. The firm acts as a trusted
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