HIGHER LOVE - Brethren in Christ

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HIGHER LOVE - Brethren in Christ


HIGHER LOVE - Brethren in Christ
                                                                                                                                                 INPART                                             ™
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Fall/Winter 2015               VOLUME 128 NUMBER 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     THE MAGAZINE FOR THE BRETHREN IN CHRIST
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     COMMUNITY IN THE U.S.

I was 14 when “Friends” made history with the first lesbian          these labels helpful within the paradigm of a life transformed              Now I know in part; then I shall                       FEATURES
wedding ever shown on TV. Born right at the tail end of “the         by God, these are the terms our culture uses. While of course               know fully, even as I am fully
divorce generation,” my peers and I saw broken marriage as           we are not of this world, we certainly remain in it, and we are             known. I Corinthians 13:12                               6   Higher love
more of a norm than an exception. I’m young enough that              charged with sharing the Gospel with those who have not
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ≥ Rising with humility, grace, and truth
openly gay friends, co-workers, relatives, and classmates have       heard it. This requires us to be at least conversant, if not fluent,        BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH                                      in the pursuit of sexual holiness
                                                                                                                                                 IN THE U.S.
been part of my life since I was a teenager—they haven’t been        in the language of those around us—even if we speak a very
                                                                                                                                                 National Director: Alan Robinson                                by dulcimer hope brubaker
confined to the closet. But I’m old enough to remember a time        different dialect amongst fellow Jesus-followers.]                                                                                          with alan robinson and perry engle
                                                                                                                                                 Guest Editor: Dulcimer Hope Brubaker
when cohabitation was frowned upon and the term “same-sex                 This issue engages the conversation about human sexuality—
                                                                                                                                                 Creative Consultant: Nathan Stonge
marriage” didn’t even exist. In a relatively short period of time,   a gift from God that deserves respect and careful stewardship. In
                                                                                                                                                 Graphic Designer: William Teodori
our culture has made a momentous shift in the way it views,          keeping with our Anabaptist tradition, we have tried wherever
                                                                                                                                                 431 Grantham Road
experiences, and talks about sexuality.                              possible to steer clear of political and legislative arguments—what         Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 USA
    But viewed another way, there’s nothing new under the sun.       our forebears would have called “the matters of the kingdom of              Telephone: (717) 697-2634

Broken expressions of sexuality have been around as long as the      this world.” These matters deserve our attention, to be sure, but           Fax: (717) 697-7714                                     10   Saying ‘I do’ to God
human race itself. And sexual immorality was no stranger to          they must not be allowed to eclipse the primary question for fol-           inpart.org        (ISSN 1940-2945)
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ≥ How seven faithful believers live out their
the Early Church. As Brethren in Christ, we believe that Jesus       lowers of Jesus: How does Jesus want us to live and love?                   IN PART (ISSN 1940-2937) is published                          callings in singleness and in marriage
                                                                                                                                                 twice a year by the Brethren in Christ
calls us to a higher standard than that of the world, and we also         It’s not an easy question, but as we ask it together, spurring         Church in the U.S. In Part invites readers                      by susan k . getty
believe His Spirit empowers us to live a life that is holy and       one another on, we can be confident that God will meet us,                  into a dynamic relationship with Jesus
                                                                                                                                                 Christ within the context of the shared life
pleasing to God.                                                     filling us with grace and truth as we seek Him.                             and ministry of the BIC Church.
    But many questions remain: What does it actually look like                                                                                   Printed by Graphics Universal Incorporated

to pursue holiness with our sexuality? How do we honor mar-                                                                                      Send feedback, address changes, or subscrip-
                                                                                                                                                 tion questions to inpart@bic-church.org.
riage while also valuing the celibate life? How do we relate to
                                                                                                                                                 Postmaster: Send changes of address to:
people in our society whose sexual lifestyles differ from our own?
                                                                                                                                                    IN PART
    [A note here: In this issue, we have used a variety of terms
                                                                                                                                                    431 Grantham Road
such as “heterosexual,” “gay,” and “LGBTQ”—Lesbian, Gay,             Dulcimer Hope Brubaker,                                                        Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 USA
Bisexual, Transgender, Queer. While we may not always find           guest editor                                                                Nonprofit Postage paid at Greencastle, PA
                                                                                                                                                                                                        DEPARTMENTS               2   LIFE IN THE BODY                14   BY THE NUMBERS
                                                                                                                                                 Printed in U.S.A.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       → Mennonite World                    → The American experience
                                                                                                                                                 Member of the Evangelical Press Association.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Conference 2015, Equip-
                                                                                                                                                 Biblical quotations, unless otherwise indicated,
                                                                                                                                                 are from the New International Version.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ping families for school,    15   TO THE POINT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Recovering from natural            → Leading disciples to follow Jesus
IN YOUR                                                                             CREATIVE                                                     Copyright © 2015. All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                                                 Printed with soy ink on FSC®-certified Rolland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         disasters                            with their whole being

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               by jon hand, keith miller,

WORDS                                                                                                                                                                                                                             4
                                                                                                                                                 Opaque 30 paper. Manufactured using biogas
                                                                                                                                                 energy. 30% of the paper fiber comes from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ECHOES                                      nathan stonge, & deb wiles

                                                                                                                                                 recycled, post-consumer waste, and 70%                                                → Serving sacrificially
                                                                                               Cory Keller is a professional photographer
                                                                                                                                                 comes from well-managed forests.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         in the big city              16   POINTS OF VIEW
                                                                                               and designer located in Abilene, Kans. He                                                                                                                                    → Should the Church perform
 What a joy your Spring/Summer 2015 magazine has given me!                                     has lived there with his wife and three chil-                                                                                      5   PART OF THE WHOLE                       ‘legal’ marriages?
                                                                                               dren for the past eight years. Cory is also the
 Thank you for sending it! What a “WOW!” of a cover! I was                                     children/youth/media director for LifeHouse                                                                                             → Kate Vosburg                          by joe laher & jeff wright

 not able to turn to the first page until I answered the question,                             Church (Abilene, Kans.). keller-photo.com

“What’s your cause?”: “All of them!” Reading through the con-                                                                                                                                                                                                         17   PARTING WORDS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            → Imagining a Church full
 tent had me laughing, crying, weeping, and just being thankful.                               Scott McFadden works on the communica-
                                                                                               tions team at the Brethren in Christ office                                                                                                                                    of grace and truth
                                                                                               in Mechanicsburg, Pa. Along with assisting                                                                                                                                      by perry engle
God bless you, with love and respect,                                                          in the overall creative direction, he shaped
                                                                                               the “Life in the Body,” “By the Numbers,” and
Betty Lou Olson                                                                               “To the Point” departments. Scott is actively
Calico Rock, Ark.                                                                              involved at The Meeting House (Carlisle, Pa.).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          fall/winter 2015   1
HIGHER LOVE - Brethren in Christ

                                                                                                                                     stories of the bic in action                                                                                                                                                                  LIFE IN THE BODY

                                                        ◊                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       A NEW

                                                                      PHOTOS L–R: MCC Photo/Rhoda Shirk, Cindie Leer, Joel Marandi
           ONE GLOBAL BODY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      NORMAL
          MWC PA 2015 draws believers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           IN NEPAL
          from all over the world                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Picking up pieces
          “The human body has many parts, but the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                in the aftermath
           many parts make up one whole body. So                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                of devastating
           it is with the body of Christ.” (1 Corin-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            earthquakes
           thians 12:12, NLT).                                                                                                          ∂ A group of volunteers works together to build a prefabricated                ∂ A volunteer for the Youth Impact Project     ∂ The roof of a local BIC church member’s home in
                Pounding nails may be the last activ-                                                                                     house for Mennonite Disaster Service during MWC 2015.                          searches for the perfect pair of shoes         Bihar lays crumpled following a devastating cyclone                       On April 25, 2015, a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         for a local child in need.                     in April.
           ity one might expect at an international                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                massive earthquake
           church convention, but for many at                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      struck Nepal’s capital,
           the Mennonite World Conference PA                 As part of the Anabaptist tradition,
                                                                                                                  BACKPACKS FOR ALL                                                                                    trict leaders, civic organizations, and over   SHAKEN BUT                                               Kathmandu. The 7.8-magnitude quake
           2015 (MWC), it was a perfect fit.            the Brethren in Christ share strong ties                                                                                                                       400 volunteers. The event is open all day                                                               set off a series of aftershocks—some as
                Every afternoon, just outside the       with MWC. The former president of                         Ministry equips struggling                                                                           one Saturday at the end of summer.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      NOT BROKEN                                               large as magnitude 7.3—that continue
           air-conditioned halls of the Harris-         MWC, Danisa Ndlovu, recently com-                         families for a new school year                                                                           In addition to a free lunch, each          Cyclone in Bihar wreaks havoc                            to this day. The destruction has taken
           burg (Pa.) Farm Show Complex, two            pleted his six-year term. Ndlovu, long-                                                                                                                        family in attendance receives free             on an impoverished area                                  over 8,000 lives and injured at least an-
           prefabricated houses were built by par-      time bishop of the Brethren in Christ                    “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one                                                           school supplies, books, shoes, haircuts,                                                                other 16,000. Over 500,000 homes and
           ticipants looking for a way to use their     Church in Zimbabwe, served as MWC                         of the least of these brothers and sisters of                                                        a bike helmet, a family portrait, a back-      Three days before the first earthquake                   buildings have been destroyed, including
           muscles that would connect meaning-          vice president from 2003–2009 under                       mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40).                                                              pack, and a bag of groceries.                  struck Nepal this past April, a strong                   many historical sites in Nepal. Countless
           fully to their faith.                        president Nancy Heisey, who also iden-                        Two years ago, Ken Landis, pastor                                                                    In 2014, the event served more than        storm swept through the state of Bihar                   people are left in the aftermath, coping
                Participants included people of all     tifies as BIC. Along with Bruxy Cavey,                    at Mountain Ridge Regional Church                                                                    2,300 people. This year, it provided           in eastern India. The storm brought de-                  with the loss of family members, houses,
           ages, many of them inexperienced in          teaching pastor of The Meeting House                      (BIC) in Dillsburg, Pa., was approached                                                              supplies and services for over 2,800.          struction to several districts in the eastern            and their sense of stability.
           construction. Darwin Villacis, part of a     (BIC Canada), Ndlovu and Heisey were by some friends dreaming up an idea.                                                                                      Along with financial donations from            part of the state, killing at least 32 people                The effects of these quakes have
           mission church in Ecuador, contributed       featured speakers for this year’s confer-                 Excitement hummed in their voices as                                                                 businesses and private donors, the proj-       and injuring another 80. Countless                       been felt by many BIC children and
           two afternoons to the project in order       ence, representing 550 registered BIC                     they shared a vision of providing aid                                                                ect received and gave away more than           homes were destroyed, as well as farmers’                leaders near the SPICE hostel in
           to observe how North Americans built         attendees from across 12 countries.                       and hope for local, struggling families                                                              2,000 backpacks, 3,000 books, and              crops. Trees were uprooted, blocking                     Biratnagar, Nepal. Aftershocks of the
           their houses.                                     MWC paints a vibrant picture of                      during back-to-school time.                                                                          4,000 pairs of new shoes this year.            roadways and damaging infrastructure.                    major quakes have brought tens of
               “I have talent in my hands; I don’t      the verse in 1 Corinthians: Though                           “I only heard every third word,”                                                                      Ken is overwhelmed at the collective           Joel Mirandi, chairman of the                        thousands of dollars in damages to the
           have talent with my words and my             we are many parts scattered around                        explains Ken. “The last thing I needed                                                               response to this ministry. “For me, the        Brethren in Christ Church in Bihar,                      hostel and surrounding facilities. Many
           tongue,” said the 47-year-old mechanic.      the globe in diverse ministry contexts,                   was something else to do.” As the con-                                                               most exciting part is watching all the         was directly affected by the storm.                      BIC Church pastors and leaders are
                Darwin joined more than 7,500           we are still part of the same whole. So                   versation continued, however, some-                                                                  churches working and serving together,”        Strong winds tore through his home                       still unable to repair their homes due
           Anabaptists from 65 countries for            whether gathering together under the                      thing caught his attention. “‘Imagine,’”                                                             he says. “We are serving together to love      in Purnea, destroying much of his roof.                  to a lack of available resources. Shemlal
           a week of worship, fellowship, and           hot July sun to build houses for those                    they said, “‘no one would get credit                                                                 the community as the bigger Church.”           Fortunately, his wife and three children                 Hembron, national director of the BIC
           vision at MWC in Harrisburg, Pa., in         in need or receiving training in Biblical                 for it.’” The fire was lit, and the Youth                                                                Just two years ago, this ministry was      were uninjured. Many other BIC pas-                      Church in Nepal, asks for support:
           late July. The assembly convenes once        conflict resolution, we all work for                      Impact Project was born.                                                                             nothing more than a vision in several          tors in the area have seen their homes                  “Please pray for SPICE children and
           every six years and encompasses a            the same goal: to become and make                             Having completed its sophomore                                                                   friends’ minds. Today, hundreds of             completely destroyed by this storm.                      God’s protection upon them.” To learn
           wide variety of components, including        disciples of Jesus.                                       year, the Youth Impact Project is a com-                                                             families have been able to experience,         Joel asks the BIC U.S. to partner with                   more and to sponsor your own child
           global worship, teaching, workshops,                                                                   munity event, driven by more than 20                                                                 in a tangible way, the tremendous love         them by offering prayer and encourage-                   through the SPICE program, visit
                                                        Adapted from a 2015 MWC story by Byron Rempel-Burkholder
           and service projects.                        pa2015.mwc-cmm.org/doing-something-about-faith            local churches, 20 businesses, school dis-                                                           and hope of Jesus Christ.                      ment as they begin to rebuild.                           bic-church.org/wm/spice.

      2     IN PART                                                                                                                                                                                       INPART.ORG                                                                                                                                      fall/winter 2015   3
HIGHER LOVE - Brethren in Christ
ECHOES                                                                                                                                                       PART OF THE WHOLE

                                            exploring our heritage of faith                                                                                                                                                                         focusing on one woman’s faith

                                                                                                                                                                      KATE VOSBURG
                                                                                                                                                                      Seventeen years of campus ministry and God’s leading have positioned her to bridge the
                                                                                                                                                                      gap between the Church and the LGBTQ community. Kate will now take your questions.

                                                                                                                                                                       As a believer with a traditional view         and Scripture’s authority. Then I lay out
                                                                                                                                                                       of marriage, what led you to LGBTQ            three positions: “redeemed sexuality,”
                                                                                                                                                                       ministry?                                     which says that because of sin, all of us
                                                                                                                                                                           About five years ago, one of our          need our sexuality redeemed, and that
                                                                                                                                                                       student leaders was hosting an event          God wants us to live out our sexual
                                                                                                                                                                       and two presidents of LGBTQ clubs             lives through either celibacy or lifelong
                                                                                                                                                                       happened upon it. This student was            marriage between one man and one
                                                                                                                                                                       chatting with them and suddenly felt          woman; the gay-affirming perspective;
                                                                                                                                                                       the need to ask forgiveness, recogniz-        and “I don’t know.” Underneath the
                                                                                                                                                                       ing that Christians had sinned against        gay-affirming perspective, often, are
                                                                                                                          Sarah H. Bert (front row,                    the LGBTQ community. They were                deeper questions about how we inter-
                                                                                                                          center) had a knack for
                                                                                                                                                                       really struck by that, and it led to an       pret Scripture, whether or not God is
                                                                                                                          drawing in young women
                                                                                                                          in her urban Chicago                        “ally” training [a reconciliation process      really good, and if Jesus fully satisfies.
                                                                                                                          neighborhood, teaching                       that trains non-minority students to be       Those, to me, are even more important
                                                                                                                          them to both sew skillfully
                                                                                                                          and to follow Jesus. She                     able to advocate for a minority group].       discipleship questions that are revealed.
                                                                                                                          was known for buying                         But it was going to be hard for some
                                                                                                                          perfume—something no
                                                                                                                          respectable BIC woman
                                                                                                                                                                       of the Christians to be “allies” because      What do you wish people knew
                                                                                                                          of her time would do—in                      that required full endorsement. So the        about Jesus?
                                                                                                                          order to get the door-to-
                                                                                                                                                                       president of the LGBTQ group said,               That Jesus is at work in the world,
                                                                                                                          door sales girls to come                                                                                                                HOME CONGREGATION:
                                                                                                                          to Sunday school.                           “We need to create a new category—             making this a place that reflects the        Upland (Calif.) BIC
                                                                                                                          Photo: Courtesy of the Brethren in Christ
                                                                                                                          Historical Library and Archives             ‘friend,’ someone who stands against           goodness of God—shalom. I wish they
                                                                                                                                                                       bullying, harassment, and anything de-        knew that God sees us and loves us
                                                                                                                                                                       humanizing.” It was the first time that       the way that parents see and love their      InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
          HEEDING GOD’S CALL                                                                                                                                           a place had been made for me. It felt         children; that God wants to give them        at the Claremont Colleges
          Serving sacrificially in the big city                                                                                                                        like the grace of God. Previously, when       the fullness of life and they can trust
                                                                                                                                                                       people found out I had a traditional          Him with that. And of course that            FAMILY:
          The bustling metropolis of Chicago—       poor and outcast. Against all odds, she   and Bible lessons. Her legacy can be                                     understanding of marriage, I was an           means change, because all of us need         Married to Dave with three kids—
          choked by unemployment, flooded with      made the Windy City her home, minis-      summarized in the words she herself                                      enemy. The conversation was incred-           change so that we can grow up to be          ages 9, 6, and 6
          immigrants, and plagued by tenement       tering there for more than 50 years and   used to describe urban ministry in                                       ible. It didn’t get mired in any political,   more like Jesus.
          housing, unjust working conditions,       becoming the first-ever female superin-   1904: “Few would ever get to God                                         divisive issues. A lot of trust was built,                                                 EDUCATION:
          and dangerous vices—was not an easy       tendent of a BIC mission.                 if there were no deeds of kindness                                       and about five people started hanging         How can we better love gay people?           M.A. in Theology, Fuller Theological
          place to live in the late 19th century.       Bert never married—not an easy        scattered along their path by Christian                                  around our Christian group.                      We will serve people well if, at          Seminary
              Yet it was the city to which Sarah    decision in an era when women had         hearts and loving hands.”                                                                                              the same time we are talking about
          H. Bert—a pioneering BIC urban            fewer legal rights and less financial                                                                             How do you talk to your students               this issue, we are working on ways of        FAVORITE MOVIE:
          missionary—moved in 1894, follow-         security than men. And yet her single-              Devin C. Manzullo-Thomas is a church
                                                                                                                                                                      about sexuality?                               actively loving LGBTQ people both            The Princess Bride
                                                                                                        historian who works at Messiah College,
          ing God’s call. Born in 1860, Bert was    ness enabled her to more easily connect             serves the BIC Historical Society, and                           I start off by having them agree to         within and outside the Church.
          a frail, timid Kansas farmgirl who felt   with the young urban women to whom                  attends the Grantham (Pa.) BIC Church
                                                                                                                                                                      four anchors—Christ at the center,                                                          FAVORITE BAND:
                                                                                                        with his wife, Katie, and son, Lucas.
          the Spirit drawing her to work with the   she ministered through sewing classes               devinmzt.com                                                  God’s goodness, loving our neighbors,

      4    IN PART                                                                                                                  INPART.ORG                                                                                                                                            fall/winter 2015   5
HIGHER LOVE - Brethren in Christ
                               ULTURE WARS are not becoming for a people of peace. So when rainbows clash with
                               black and white, it is not our first instinct to jump into the fray. But as our society
                               fiercely debates the morality of love, sex, and marriage, neither is it helpful for us to stay
                      silent. It’s time for us to talk—with God and each other—about our understanding of sexual-
                      ity, how we’ve come to be where we are, and how Jesus wants us to live, love, and treat others.

                      FIRST THINGS FIRST                                                     love, and produces children. This, we believe, is God’s inten-
                                                                                             tion for sex—but in a broken world, we see many expressions
                      Let’s remember, we were sinners. But in Christ we are no               of sexuality that fall short of what God designed.
                      longer defiled and defined by sin; it’s been defeated. We have             Sexual desire is powerful, and it is not always directed
                      been reconciled to God and belong to Him, as well as to                toward husband or wife. Sex is power, money, and status. It’s
                      each other. We have a new identity—a new purpose—and                   a vehicle for dominance, marketing, entertainment, and self-
                      as we walk in the light we experience God’s transforming               realization. In short, our sexuality is warped. We may not all
                      power to live a holy life. This is not from us or because of our       have the same type of brokenness, but there is a hollowness in
 HUMILITY, GRACE,     strength, but from God and in our weakness. Therefore, as              every man’s and woman’s sexuality crying out for redemption.
  AND TRUTH IN        we talk about sexuality—or anything else, for that matter—                 Which makes the life of Jesus so incredibly powerful.
                      we need to speak with a heavy accent of humility and a rich            Born with the same longings that we all inherit from our
                      vocabulary of redemption, along with confidence that God’s             parents, Jesus relied on God alone to fill and complete Him.
 SEXUAL HOLINESS      power is at work among us.                                             As we attempt to follow in His divine footsteps, we can
                          As Brethren in Christ, we stand against hate and de-               derive a great deal of comfort from the knowledge that Jesus
                      humanization of any person. After all, every person bears              became human like us—finite, fragile, and hungry—and
                      the image of God. Yet, even if we feel we are personally               God was always enough. And He is still enough.
                      extending grace and love to all those around us, we must
     by Dulcimer      come to terms with ways in which we, or the broader                    BUT WHAT DID JESUS SAY ABOUT SEX?
   Hope Brubaker,
                      evangelical community, have failed to stand against the
 with Alan Robinson
   and Perry Engle    dehumanization of gay people. People who, like us, bear                In the Gospels, Jesus speaks about marriage, divorce, and
                      the image of God.                                                      immorality. He affirms marriage using the foundational
                          Brothers and sisters, any dehumanizing attitudes and               statements of Genesis to describe gender and the sexual,
                      responses must go. We might have to let go of some cultural            spiritual union of a man and wife becoming one flesh.
                      assumptions, too. There are no guarantees that the world               When speaking of sexual immorality, He used the word
                      around us is going to accept or affirm our perspectives; in            porneia—referring categorically to any sexual activity out-
                      fact, we’re assured that we will have trouble.1 But we are             side of male-female marriage.4 This would be a clear word
                      called to depart from the patterns of the world—pride, self-           to His audience, who shared a long-established Jewish
                      centeredness, and mockery—and “seek first his kingdom                  understanding of sexual sin. Jesus also describes sexual sin,
                      and his righteousness.”2                                               along with all forms of immorality, as coming from within
                                                                                             the heart—evil thoughts that defile.
                      SEX IN THE KINGDOM                                                         In His sermon on the mount, Jesus taught an even nar-
                                                                                             rower understanding of God-honoring sexuality than Jewish
                      In the beginning, God created humans as sexual beings. Our             law required:
                      genders—male and female—each reflect different facets of                  “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not com-
                      our Creator’s image, and He made men and women with                        mit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a
                      the capacity for a relationship that has emotional, physical,              woman lustfully has already committed adultery with
                      sexual, and spiritual dimensions.3 In the context of the mar-              her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to stumble,
                      riage relationship, sex binds two people together, expresses               gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose
                                                                                                 one part of your body than for your whole body to be
LOVE                  1
                          John 16:33
                          Matthew 6:33
                                                                                                 thrown into hell.”5

                      3   Genesis 1:27
                      4   Matthew 15:19
                      5   Matthew 5:27–29                                                                                                     fall/winter 2015   7
HIGHER LOVE - Brethren in Christ
Rolling out this new code of ethics, Jesus goes beyond                                                                           believe the moral and physical boundaries established at cre-                     God calls all of us to holiness and humility, especially as
    moral obligation, loyalty, and honor to expose our hearts                                                                            ation still have authority; therefore, same-sex sex is outside                we face the debate about sexuality. Christian anthropologist
    and our minds. This doesn’t sound like a teacher who’s                  Jesus goes beyond moral                                      of God’s plan for humanity.                                                   Jenell Paris suggests that in the debate the Brethren in Christ
    broadening the definition of godly sex; it’s the exhortation                                                                             So what about followers of Jesus who experience same-                     have a unique asset to bring to the table. “Within our tradi-
    of a teacher who’s raising the bar.                                                                                                  sex attraction? Are they cut off from love and any prospect                   tion, we have tools for conflict transformation—processes of
                                                                            obligation to expose our                                     of family? It depends on how narrowly you define love                         listening, processes of holding onto ourselves when emotions
    THE LEGACY OF THE LAW                                                                                                                and family, but the Brethren in Christ understanding of                       heat up, and active listening. The question for us is, ‘How

    By modern (and ancient) standards, the bar was already
                                                                            hearts and minds. This                                       sexuality provides for two options—marriage between a
                                                                                                                                         man and woman or celibate singleness—each an invitation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       can we take conflict not as a problem to do away with but
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       as the context for our faith in this generation?’”
    pretty high. The law given to Moses, as recorded in                                                                                  to submission and freedom with an orientation toward
    Leviticus, states unequivocally that to have sex with a                 doesn’t sound like a teacher                                 God. Let’s be clear: Married love is not the pinnacle of hu-                  A NEW CONVERSATION
    close relative, with someone else’s spouse, with someone                                                                             man existence, nor is it a human right. We do not need sex,
    of the same sex, or with an animal is to defile oneself—the                                                                          romance, or marriage in order to be fully human. To be sure,                  The debate about sexuality and marriage is fraught with pain
    opposite of sexual holiness.6 Because Jesus has atoned for              who’s broadening the                                         humanity is called to “be fruitful and multiply,”13 but we                    and all kinds of complexities that many of us would rather
    our sins, and because we do not live in the theocracy of                                                                             would be foolish to ignore the positive role models we have                   avoid. But if we remain silent, we run the risk of being unfaith-
    ancient Israel, we no longer live by the judicial laws of the                                                                        in Jesus and Paul, who submitted their sexuality to God                       ful to Scripture and dishonoring our Creator. If holiness sings
    Old Testament—and, therefore, are not bound to carry
                                                                            definition of godly sex; it’s                                through relational, intentional celibacy. Sider points out                    out in our actions and relationships, if our speech is soaked in
    out the severe punishments prescribed in Leviticus 20.                                                                               that the traditional view of sex within marriage “demands                     humility and transparency, and if the Holy Spirit guides us, we
    Jesus’ blood covers our sins, but it does not shift the moral           the exhortation of a teacher                                 celibacy for vastly more people than just the relatively small                can redeem this discussion and turn the current debate about
    boundaries God has put in place for humanity. Like any                                                                               number with a same-sex orientation. Widows and widow-                         sexuality into true communication and understanding.
    loving parent, God has set guidelines for our own protec-                                                                            ers, along with tens of millions of heterosexuals who long                        As we talk about these important issues, it doesn’t have
    tion, nurture, and well-being.                                          who’s raising the bar.                                       for marriage but cannot find a partner, are also called to                    to be about us and them or orientation or the laws of the
        Paul knew these guidelines well and insisted that the                                                                            celibacy.”14 In light of this, perhaps the Church ought to put                land. It can simply be a conversation about what it means to
    Early Church “flee from sexual immorality,” employing                                                                                as much care into preparing people for celibacy as it invests                 follow Jesus with all of our being, including our sexuality. It
    the same broadly applicable word for “sexual immorality”                                                                             in premarital counseling.                                                     will take patience. It will take earnest biblical interpretation,
    used by Jesus and extensively by the apostles and New                                                                                                                                                              compassionate listening, and submission to the Holy Spirit.
    Testament scriptures.7 Some writers call for a different                                                                             A HIGHER CALLING                                                              We will experience disagreement with other believers and,
    interpretation of Paul’s letters, suggesting that Paul didn’t                                                                                                                                                      possibly, enmity from nonbelievers. But we owe God our
    really condemn gay sex;8 he was simply denouncing lust           reserved for a man and woman in the context of marriage.            It is important that we exhibit Christ-like humility in all of                devotion in this matter, and we owe one another—as fellow
    and idolatry.9 But Paul’s letter to the Romans describes a       Ron Sider writes,                                                   this. For decades, people living as lesbian, gay, transsexual,                disciples—the dedication it takes to search Scripture and
    timeless human situation:                                            Some believe that the track record of evangelicals is so bad    and queer have gotten a pretty clear message from the                         listen to the Spirit together. As we humble ourselves, love
        For since the creation of the world God’s invisible quali-       that we should just remain silent on this issue. But that       Church: Their sexual desires are not O.K. But just because                    can cause us to rise in humility, grace, and truth.
        ties—his eternal power and divine nature—have been               would mean abandoning our submission to what finally I          one is married or celibate doesn’t mean one’s heart and mind
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Dulcimer Hope Brubaker is a member of Dillsburg (Pa.) BIC Church
        clearly seen, being understood from what has been made,          believe is clear biblical teaching. It would mean forgetting    are pure. In many ways there can be a temptation to hide                                 and the guest editor of this issue of In Part. Married with three young
        so that people are without excuse. For although they             the nearly unanimous teaching of Catholic, Orthodox,            behind an appearance of holiness while misusing the gifts                                children, she deeply appreciates the opportunities writing projects
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  give her to study Scripture, explore theology, and search her own soul.
        knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave             and Protestant Christians over two millennia. And it            of Christian celibacy and marriage.
        thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their        would mean failing to listen to the vast majority of con-
        foolish hearts were darkened. . . . Therefore God gave           temporary Christians (who now live in the global South).12
        them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual
        impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one          BACK TO THE FUTURE
        another. . . . Even their women exchanged natural sexual
        relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men        The Christian Church in North America is no longer
        also abandoned natural relations with women and were         unanimous in its view of marriage. In addition to the secular
        inflamed with lust for one another.10                        celebration of same-sex marriage in our culture, some ener-
        Further, in his first letter to the Thessalonians, Paul      getic voices declare that any mutual, monogamous relation-
    declares that “It is God’s will that you are sanctified; that    ship can be pleasing to God, regardless of gender: From their
    you should avoid sexual immorality.”11                           perspective, it’s all love, and surely God is for that. And, they
        For 2,000 years, this is what Christians in many dif-        reason, He is glorified in mutual sacrifice and commitment,
    ferent cultures and times have believed and taught: Sex is       even in same-sex relationships. But we Brethren in Christ            6   Leviticus 18                  12 “ Tragedy, Tradition, and Opportunity
                                                                                                                                          7   1 Corinthians 6:18            		 in the Homosexuality Debate,”
                                                                                                                                          8   1 Corinthians 6:9             		Christianity Today, November 18, 2014
                                                                                                                                          9   matthewvines.com/transcript   13 Genesis 1:28
                                                                                                                                         10   Romans 1:20–27                14 See 12
8    IN PART                                                                                                              INPART.ORG     11   1 Thessalonians 4:3–8                                                                                                                  fall/winter 2015       9
HIGHER LOVE - Brethren in Christ
                                                                            Doug and                               D           oug and Barb met when
                                                                                                                               they were each serving
                                                                                                                               as single missionaries in
                                                                                                                   Guatemala. With a shared sense of life
                                                                                                                                                                  cannot think of a time where we have
                                                                                                                                                                  been more fulfilled vocationally.”
                                                                                                                                                                      While they depend on each other
                                                                                                                                                                  for support, they also find support in
                           Our relationships                               Barb Miller                             purpose—knowing Christ and making              life through family, close friends, their
                           help to shape us and affect                          Married 32 years
                                                                                                                   Him known—they have journeyed                  missionary community, prayer part-
                           our paths and the situations of our lives.                                              through 32 years of marriage together.         ners, and mission supporters. Barb and
                                                                               Global workers for the
                           The opportunities we have in life are af-                                               They understand vocation as the means          Doug both share their individual joys
                                                                             Brethren in Christ Malawi

                           fected by whether we are single, married,                                               by which they pursue their lives’ pur-         and challenges with a prayer partner.
                           divorced, or widowed; and our personal                                                  pose, and their vocations have varied             “As a single missionary it was easier
                           connections may very well change the                                                    from school teacher, to missionary, to         to concentrate on language learning
                           courses of our lives.                                                                   homemaker, to farmer’s hired man, to           and to be free to spend more time with
                               How we interact with our friends,                                                   pastor, to church planter, to salesman.        local people because of not having
                           relatives, and significant others also                                                  They have raised five children on two          family responsibilities,” Doug reflects.
                           has spiritual significance—our human                                                    different continents and currently live       “As a married couple we can relate to a
                           relationships color and change the                                                      and minister among the Yawo people             larger and more diverse group of people
                           understanding we have of our relation-                                                  of Malawi.                                     because of our complementary gifts,

                           ship with God and are the means by                                                         “We definitely feel called to our cur-      personalities, and backgrounds. As a
                           which we are conduits of God’s grace                                                    rent ministry through the affirmations         married missionary it also helps some
                           to the world.                                                                           of Scripture, personal conviction, home        local people to accept you, especially
                               Exactly how God’s grace flows out                                                   church, and family,” says Doug. “We            where singleness is not esteemed.”
                           from us, however, varies according to
 How seven faithful
                           our personalities, gifts, and whether
believers live out their   we are married or single. The many

callings in singleness      gifts and advantages of marriage are
                                                                                 or Dorothy, life has been            Although she never married, never
   and in marriage         rightly celebrated in the Church, but in
                                                                                 full of opportunity. Faith and    had biological children, she has an
                           1 Corinthians, Paul also reminds us that
  by Susan K. Getty        unmarried people experience joys and
                                                                                 vocation have always gone         extensive family network. Several of her                  Dorothy
                           benefits as well—including the oppor-
                           tunity to devote themselves more fully
                                                                        hand in hand in her understanding,
                                                                        leading her to diverse teaching and
                                                                                                                   former students prefer to call her “Mom,”
                                                                                                                   and she considers the children and                         Gish
                                                                        leadership roles with Messiah College,     grandchildren of a close friend to be her                        Single
                           to following God’s lead in their lives
                                                                        the BIC U.S., and around the world.        family as well. Looking at the richness             Former dean of BIC Equipping for
                                                                        The Church is important to her, and        of her personal relationships, she says, “I          Ministry (retired in September
                               Our individual stories and relation-
                                                                        she considers each job she has had as an   very much believe that investing in other              2015), Mechanicsburg, Pa.
                           ships vary greatly, and yet we can see
                                                                        opportunity to “reproduce herself ”—       people comes back to you in your life.”
                           just how creative God is in using each
                                                                        to pass along her values and gifts.            Supportive small groups have played
                           of our relational contexts in the unique
                                                                            An educator at heart and a gifted      an important part in Dorothy’s spiritual
                           callings He has given us.
                                                                        administrator, she has used those skills   journey. Her connections include a Bible
                                                                        in a variety of positions. When find-      study group, two book groups, and a
                                                                        ing herself at a career crossroads, she    theological discussion group. Friend-
                                                                        looked to God for direction. Trusting      ships with both men and women have
                                                                        God to lead, she says, “A door would       been important to her, as she appreciates
                                                                        open, and I would just walk through it.”   the perspectives of both genders.
                                                                            Her professional and personal life        A recent health issue temporarily
                                                                        has been one of adventure. Had she         made living by herself a little tricky.
                                                                        been married, she believes, she would      But friends and neighbors stepped in
                                                                        not have been able to travel the world     to help around the house, bringing
                                                                        as extensively as she has. A commit-       food, flowers, and their company—
                                                                        ment to family would have made that        proving that being single does not
                                                                        impossible.                                equal being alone.

                                                                                                                                                                                             fall/winter 2015   11
HIGHER LOVE - Brethren in Christ
                                                I      t may also be said that being
                                                       married does not guarantee that
                                                       one will not experience loneliness.
                                                Marriages can break down, and Melissa
                                                experienced that twice—first in her
                                                                                             understood God wanted her to live
                                                                                             and was blessed with a sense of call-
                                                                                             ing to her position as administrator
                                                                                             at Revolution Church. She feels she
                                                                                             has opportunities to use her abilities
                                                                                                                                         W            hile some pastors feel
                                                                                                                                                      an almost tangible pull
                                                                                                                                                      from God over the course
                                                                                                                                         of many years, Hank had no such
                                                                                                                                         direction. But, he adds, “Just because
                                                                                                                                                                                                     “Neither of us knew I was going to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                  a pastor!” Hank laughs. But Shell wasn’t
                                                                                                                                                                                                  fazed. Their relationship deepened, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  as it did, certain abstract truths became
                                                                                                                                                                                                  incarnate in Hank’s experience. In
        Single, mother of two sons              family of origin and then in her own         and also grow in new directions there,      I didn’t see it at the time doesn’t mean                 what could have been awkward as he                             Married 6 years
          Church administrator and              separation and divorce.                      and she’s never felt more connected         it wasn’t directed.”                                     met Shell’s family for the first time, he                   Pastor of discipleship and
          ministry leader, Revolution               “I never thought I had to have a         vocationally with her passions and gifts        A native of Liberia, West Africa,                    instead experienced immediate accep-                        youth ministries at Harris-
           Church (Salina, Kans.)               husband to be happy,” she says. “How-        than she does now.                          Hank moved to Harrisburg after gradu-                    tance. “It wasn’t anything I had earned;                      burg (Pa.) BIC Church
                                                ever, in my heart I don’t think there was        Melissa’s experience of healing and     ating from Messiah College in 2004 and                   they didn’t know anything about me.
                                                anything I wanted more than a whole,         fulfillment as a single mom has enabled     began attending Harrisburg BIC. It was                   It was literally because of Shell that I
                                                healthy family.” The pain of damaged         her to live as a witness to other single    there Hank met Shell, a Pennsylvania                     was made O.K. and able to enter into
                                                relationships, she says, “is what kept me    women about having a deeply satisfy-        Mennonite farm girl. They got to know                    the family. That crystallized the idea of
                                                going back to Jesus.                         ing relationship with Jesus. “For me, be-   each other as they spent time together                   what Jesus did for me.” Since then, fam-
                                                    “We are all going to be brought to       ing single means I have more freedom,”      with a large group of mutual friends.                    ily has taken on a broader meaning for
                                                a place where God has us alone with          she says. “Not having to please anyone          Hank says he’s always been flexible                  Hank, and the sense of being a part of
                                                Him at some point in our lives,” Me-         but Jesus is awesome—sometimes scary        regarding vocation and thinks the ques-                  the larger family of God has informed
                                                lissa continues. “That’s just the way life   and intimidating, but awesome.”             tions to ask when deciding about job                     the way he views ministry to all people.
                                                is. But for those of us who love Jesus,          Looking to the future, Melissa          opportunities are “How will I be able                    While he cherishes and protects his
                                                we are given perseverance and hope.”         anticipates the possibility of more mis-    to bring glory to God?” and “What                        time with Shell and their young daugh-
                                                     In that hope, she experienced a         sion opportunities. “The sky is the limit   am I doing to further God’s kingdom?”                    ter, Harper, he remembers that all those
                                                renewed commitment to live as she            when you’re growing in Christ!”             Being a pastor, he admits, “wasn’t                       he ministers to are truly his family.
                                                                                                                                         even on my radar.” But since he loves                       “The idea is that we’re supposed to
                                                                                                                                         the Church and was passionate about                      bless others—whether single, married,
                                                                                                                                         youth ministry, when a position on the                   widowed, or divorced,” Hank reflects on
                                                                                                                                         pastoral staff at his church opened, he                  his years of serving God, first single and
                                                                                                                                         applied. And he was hired.                               now married. “We are in this together!”

     G           abe had worked for 17
                 years in the secular work-
                 place in a position he both
     excelled at and loved when he sensed
     God calling him into full-time Chris-
                                                be aware that this was God’s desire for
                                                them as well as me.”
                                                    Time has proven that their com-
                                                munication with the Lord and with
                                                each other did indeed lead the family
                                                                                                      Gabe and
                                                                                                      Rosemary                           Couples like the Valencias and single people like Dorothy Gish are deeply grateful
     tian service. He turned to his family to   to a fulfilling life of Christian min-                Valencia                           for the Church—both as a place of freedom and healing to bring some of the chal-
     confirm this direction. “When I shared     istry. All five of their children have                                                   lenges they face as married or single people, as well as a place to live out the callings
                                                                                                         Married 34 years
     with Rosemary that the Lord spoke to       worked alongside Rosemary and                                                            God has given them.
                                                                                                   Co-directors of Mile High Pines
     me and what He said, she responded         Gabe at Mile High Pines Camp. But                                                             But their stories also confirm the need to truly know one another; to seek
                                                                                                    Camp (Angelus Oaks, Calif.)
     by saying jokingly, ‘It’s about time,’     it hasn’t always been easy; Gabe and                                                     understanding by asking one another about our joys and difficulties, rather than
     because that had been her prayer for       Rosemary have felt the challenge                                                         making assumptions based on relationship status. Only then can we truly share the
     me for years.”                             faced by all married people deeply                                                       journey of a life of faith with one another.
        This husband-and-wife team under-       involved in ministry. “Ministry can                                                          “Marriage has confirmed to us the goodness and love of God in bringing us
     stood that a change to camp ministry       sometimes become or at least feel as                                                     together as compatible and complementary life partners,” say Doug and Barb
     was not just about them. “We shared        though it gets the majority of your                                                      Miller. “But we also saw our time as singles as a gift, a time to grow in our relation-
     with our children what the scope of the    time, energy, and commitment,” Gabe                                                      ships with the Lord, as the One who meets our deepest needs perfectly. We think
     move and transition would look like        warns. “This means that the marriage                                                     it’s important to understand that each individual, single or married, is of infinite
     and asked them to pray to discern if       may take a back seat. This is, of course,                                                worth and significance to God.”
     God’s message was any different than       unhealthy. We should never sacrifice
                                                                                                                                                    Susan K. Getty is a freelance writer and artist who also works part time in the admissions office at
     what He’d been saying to their mom         our first ministry, our marriage, for                                                               Messiah College (Mechanicsburg, Pa.). She and her husband have been married for 28 wonderful                             Photos for this story are courtesy of:
     and I. We wanted them to agree and         our vocation.”                                                                                      years, and three years that were more challenging. They live in Dillsburg, Pa., and have two adult sons
                                                                                                                                                    they love hanging out with.                                                                                               Paul Emberger for Dorothy Gish
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Cory Keller for Melissa Bigbey
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Muriel Kratz for Hank Johnson

12    IN PART                                                                                                             INPART.ORG                                                                                                                                            fall/winter 2015        13
HIGHER LOVE - Brethren in Christ
BY THE NUMBERS                                                                                         TO THE POINT

           Most of us have at least a vague sense that American values and lifestyles                              What challenges       Following Jesus Christ means we choose to repent of sin as defined in
           have shifted dramatically over the past few decades. But what does this really                                                God’s word, turn to Christ for forgiveness and salvation, and make Jesus Lord
           look like? From various national surveys, here is a glimpse into the present-day                        and opportunities     of our life. Sometimes it’s difficult to [do that] in the area of sexuality if one
           American experience of marriage and sexuality—by the numbers.                                           do you see in lead-   hasn’t dealt with and healed from deeper wounds. I have to help some indi-
                                                                                                                   ing disciples of      viduals make sense of the internal chaos before they can come to terms with
                                                                                                                                         the truth of God’s word and how He designed sexuality.
                                                                                                                   Jesus to follow Him   —Deb Wiles, Rock Island BIC Church (Herington, Kans.)
                                                                                                                   with their whole
                                                                                                                                         Everyone is hungry for life in Christ. Some are acutely aware of this; some

1               IN      3                                                                                          being, including
                                                                                                                                         misread or misuse their innate desire. In pursuing these opportunities, we may
                                                                                                                                         face a hindrance we are reticent to admit—that our spiritual parenting has re-
                                                                                                                                         sembled the confusion and coddling of our society’s parenting style. Jesus both
           American marriages                                                                                                            exuded spiritual health and effectively diagnosed and treated spiritual sickness.
           ends in divorce.

                                                                                                                                         The fullness of His grace and truth is undiluted and radically transforming.
           BARNA.ORG                       the average
                                                                                                                                         This is reflected in the tenor of the apostles and New Testament church as we
                                           age at first

                                                                                                                                         see in Scripture. If we examine and test ourselves, we should know if we pass
                                                                            Percent                                                      the test. Fulfilling our privilege of witnessing to the world and discipling in the
                                                                         of Americans                                                    church, through the Holy Spirit’s power, we have much to offer.
                                                                        support same-                                                    —Nathan Stonge, Dillsburg (Pa.) BIC Church
                                                                        sex marriage.
                                                                                                                                          I personally think this is an exciting time for us because we get to become

   of U.S. adults                                                                                                                         leaders in grace. Practically, we have the opportunity to move from fear to

identify as lesbian,                                                                                                                      grace by not participating in social media when people anxiously combat the
  gay, bisexual, or                     4American
                                           of 5                                                           women                           side they disagree with. In wisdom, we look for what God is doing and for
                                      adults marry at
                                                                                                                                          opportunities to reorient our lives to love, serve, and bless those who think
                                                                                                                                          differently than us. Finally, we should be sensitive to avoid tired phrases like
                                                                                                                                         “love the sinner, but hate the sin” that unintentionally communicate fear,
                                       least once in                                                                                      not grace. We need to find helpful ways to frame our approach to this issue
                                         their lives.                 of 15- to 44-year-olds    the median
                                                                                               ages for a first                           while remaining faithful to our historic understanding of Christian marriage
                                           BARNA.ORG                  who are or have been                                                and sexuality.
                                                                        married have had         marriage
                                                                                                 PEWRESEARCH.ORG                          —Jon Hand, BIC Canada
                                                                         premarital sex.
                                                                                                                                         A great challenge in conversations of sexuality is that we often assume
                                                                                                                                         that each person has the same starting point, which isn’t true. If we’re actually
                                                                                                                                         making disciples, people with a variety of experiences and understandings
                                                                                                                                         will be joining us. And we must help each person ask, “How does living in
                                                                                                                                         God’s kingdom change the way I understand everything?” If we are indeed
                                                                                                                                         trusting the Spirit for transformation, then the Spirit will indeed bring
                                                                                                                                         discernment, conviction, and direction. Then, as God’s people, we are able
                                                                                                                                         to help one another move toward a Christ-like sexual ethic.
                                                                                                                                         —Keith Miller, LifePath Church (Newark, Del.)

     14     IN PART                                                                                INPART.ORG                                                                                                fall/winter 2015   15
POINTS OF VIEW                                                                                                                                                     PARTING WORDS

                                                                                         sharing perspectives on a challenging issue

          SHOULD THE CHURCH PERFORM ‘LEGAL’ MARRIAGES?                                                                                                                        IMAGINING A CHURCH
          As same-sex marriage has become legal in many states—and now, in response to                                                                                        FULL OF GRACE AND TRUTH
          the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Obergefell v. Hodges—some evangelicals have                                                                                        Lessons from conversations on homosexuality,
          begun to advocate that clergy members should stop signing marriage certificates.
                                                                                                                                                                              the Gospel, and the BIC Church                                                                               I believe that it
          But does it really matter? Two pastors weigh in.
                                                                                                                                                                              by Perry Engle
          We are God’s representatives, not the state’s.                                      Let’s not miss this opportunity to engage with                                                                                                                                          is possible to be a
          To begin this discussion, one needs to look at the phrase                           our post-Christian culture.                                                     Is it really possible to be a church         realize that it is impossible for me to
          “legal marriage.” The term “legal” indicates the necessity                          When I sign a marriage license, the state makes no presump-                     modeled after Jesus, who came to us          separate my truth-telling from my                       church that is both
           of following a law, which came about through a legislative                         tion that I operate as its agent. The actual agent of the state                 from the Father “full of grace and truth”    grace-giving. Yes, the grace-and-truth
           process. This means that a definition of marriage is requ-                         is the County Clerk, who must be satisfied that the legal ob-                   ( John 1:14)? Since May, BIC national        balance is extremely hard to achieve,                 welcoming and
           ired—a definition that has been at the heart of the marriage                       ligations for a marriage are met. My privilege is to celebrate                  director Alan Robinson and I have            but I’ve found it easier as I’ve embraced
           debate since the beginning.                                                        and solemnize the marriage with the couple through rituals                      been imagining this high calling for         it as a reflection of who Jesus is, and not          discipling towards all
               If one looks at the underlying reasons for the establish-                      ancient and postmodern.                                                         the Church as we’ve facilitated the BIC      just a part of my own agenda.
           ment of Christian marriage, we are confronted with the                                 In my home state, “clergy” of any religious background—                     Impact Seminar, “Full of Grace and               I’ve come to accept that it is pos-                 kinds of people—even
           God-given purpose of the creation of children and the                              along with judges, ship’s captains, etc.—are permitted to                       Truth: Homosexuality, the Gospel, and        sible for spiritually sincere people to
           needed roles of father and mother in the growth and                                solemnize a wedding. I always retain the option not to                          the BIC Church.”                             struggle with sexual identity while still                  those with same-sex
           maturity of these children.                                                        participate in a solemnization of marriage where I, or the                          From the beginning, I knew it would      seeking to follow Jesus. Early on in this
               One must also consider the marriage covenant. This is                          Brethren in Christ Church, have fundamental questions.                          be a challenge to communicate how to         discussion, I couldn’t help but think                            attraction.
           an agreement between God and the man and woman who                                 The effort to redefine civil marriage in the U.S. has received                  hold to the truth of the Gospel while        of Paul and his thorn in the flesh as an
           are entering into a sacred partnership with God. Oaths and                         legal sanction, and we ought to respond by focusing on the                      showing grace to people who struggle         example of one who truly desired to
           promises are proclaimed before God and other witnesses,                            pastoral effort of communicating more clearly the meanings                      with same-sex attraction. Here are a few     be “healed” of his malady (whatever
           who are to hold these two individuals accountable for                              of marriage within a biblical framework.                                        things I’ve learned along the way.           it was), but who was resigned to live           discipling
           their declarations to God and to each other. Witnesses                                 Thus, the so-called “Marriage Pledge,” in which clergy                          First, I’ve come to recognize that       with his condition. Although I know             towards all kinds
           are required for that specific purpose.                                            vow not to sign marriage licenses, seems to me to be an art-                    the issue of same-sex attraction touches     that through Christ we can be restored          of people—even
               A marriage becomes “legal” when individuals meet the                           ful dodge—a way to pretend the complex realities of post-                       more people than I ever realized. Over       from anything that holds us back in             those with same-sex
           criteria, per the state. The Church has agreed to be the offici-                   Christendom do not exist in the U.S., and a way to avoid                        the past six months, I’ve had parents        life (physical, emotional, or spiritual),       attraction. Redemption is a
           ant, representing the state in ensuring the requirements are                       meaningful engagement with couples regarding the truth                          approach me seeking counsel for a child      Paul’s testimony shows that sometimes           messy business, and the truth is
           met. But for Christians, this is not the point of marriage.                        and grace of marriage in a Christian context.                                   that has “come out” to them as gay; a        full healing doesn’t take place, and that       that we have all fallen short of the
               I believe that church should be the place where vows and                           Would I prefer my state to further separate the act of                      mother ask me if it’s O.K. for her and her   ultimately God’s grace must be suf-             glory of God and are in need of His grace
           commitments to one another are pledged before witnesses,                           marriage into a contract of civil union and a separate, op-                     husband to attend her daughter’s same-       ficient for us (2 Cor. 12:7–10).                and forgiveness (Rom. 3:23–24). The
           regardless of the legal implications, and result in a covenant                     tional, religious solemnization? Yes. But I do not believe the                  sex wedding; and grandparents who                I have also come to realize that it         Church should be the place where people
           between God, a man, and a woman. This kind of marriage                             Marriage Pledge helps us make such a helpful, clear separa-                     have shown me pictures of a grandchild       is perfectly acceptable for me to be a          are introduced to a Jesus who meets them
           ceremony would be just that: a ceremony outside the legal                          tion of church and state. On the contrary, I believe it accepts                 who is transitioning to the opposite gen-    friend to someone I don’t agree with. I         where they are, but never leaves them the
           bounds of the state’s definition. Therefore, my belief is that                     the premise that in some instances, clergy ought rightfully                     der. All have been difficult conversations   am growing in my ability to respond to          same once they encounter Him.
           the Church should seriously consider removing itself as the                        to be agents of the state—a position for which I am unable                      fraught with pain. But every person has      those around me as people, and not as               For me, this is the wonderful good
           representative of the state and instead be God’s representa-                       to find biblical justification.                                                 expressed immense gratitude for being        projects. I have become more comfort-           news of what it means to be a church
           tive in the establishment of the covenant of marriage.                                                                                                             able to talk about these issues.             able letting individuals know that I see        full of grace and truth.
                                                                                                                                                                                  I’ve come to feel secure advocat-        them as much more than just a “gay per-
                      Joe Laher is pastor of Christian Union Brethren in Christ Church                  Jeff Wright is pastor of Madison Street Church in Riverside, Calif.
                      in Garrett, Ind.
                                                                                                                                                                              ing for a traditional view of marriage       son,” and that I will refuse to accept their              Perry Engle serves as bishop of the
                                                                                                                                                                              and sexuality while at the same time         sexuality as the sum of their identity.                   Midwest and Pacific Conferences of the
                                                                                                                                                                              extending God’s grace to those with              Finally, I believe that it is possible to             BIC U.S. He and his wife, Marta, and their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     family live in Ontario, Calif.
                                                                                                                                                                              same-sex attraction. I’ve come to            be a church that is both welcoming and

     16     IN PART                                                                                                                                              INPART.ORG                                                                                                                                fall/winter 2015       17
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Mechanicsburg PA 17055

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