HHPWS - Housing Authority of ...

Page created by Fernando Stevens
Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 2021-001
                 HHPWS Website Development and Design

                      County of Riverside

Housing, Homelessness Prevention and Workforce Development

                Request for Proposals (RFP)
                    RFP No. 2021-001


               Offered Via the Procurement Division
            Housing Authority of the County of Riverside
                      5555 Arlington Avenue
                       Riverside, CA 92504

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Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 2021-001
                 HHPWS Website Development and Design

                         TABLE OF CONTENTS

 Section       Subject                                      Page
               RFP Information at a Glance                  3
  1.0          Background                                   4
  2.0          Reservation of Rights                        5
  3.0          Required Submittal Format                    8
  4.0          Scope of Service                             9
  5.0          Required Submittal Information               10
  6.0          Evaluation Process                           15
  7.0          Submission Instructions                      17
  8.0          Contract Award                               18
  9.0          Attachment List                              22
Attachment A   WCMS Feature Scope                           23

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Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 2021-001
                              HHPWS Website Development and Design
                                RFP INFORMATION AT A GLANCE

Designated Contact Person:                  George Eliseo, Contracting Officer
                                            Email: gceliseo@rivco.org
                                            Phone: (951) 343-5481
How to Obtain the RFP Documents:            Online at: www.harivco.org or via e-mail from the designated
                                            contact person listed above.

▪ Pre-Proposal Conference                   No conference planned at this time

Deadline for:                               Monday February 1st, 2021 at 5:00 PM
▪ Questions
▪ Requests for Interpretations (RFI’s)      Questions and requests for interpretation or modification must
▪ Request for Modifications                 be submitted to George Eliseo via e-mail at

Submission Deadline:                        Monday February 8th, 2021 at 5:00 PM

                                            The submittal must be sent in one of the following two ways:

                                                (1) Physically delivered to:
                                                    Housing Authority of the County of Riverside
                                                    5555 Arlington Avenue, Riverside, CA 92504
                                                    Attention: George Eliseo; or

                                                (2) Mailed to:
                                                    Housing Authority of the County of Riverside
                                                    5555 Arlington Avenue, Riverside, CA 92504
                                                    Attention: George Eliseo

                                            Submittals sent by email will not be accepted.

                     HHPWS reserves the right to modify this timeline at any time.
                  Notice of any such modifications will be located at www.harivco.org

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Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 2021-001
                          HHPWS Website Development and Design

Recently, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors created the Housing, Homelessness
Prevention, and Workforce Solutions (HHPWS) agency, to combat the homelessness crisis in
Riverside County. This new agency is made up of the following existing agencies that were
previously under other ‘umbrella’ organizations. They are as follows:

a. Community Action Partnership (CAP Riverside) – The County of Riverside Community
Action Partnership is a member of a national network of over 1,100 Community Action
Agencies (CAAs) across the United States. Community Action was established under the
President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964 as a part of the "War on Poverty." Community Action
relies on its partners, volunteers and in-kind services to leverage available Federal funding
for its many projects that assist its homeless and low-income clients throughout the county.
Website: www.capriverside.org

b. Community Solutions – Formerly under the Economic Development Agency (EDA),
Community Solutions is comprised of the Community Development Block Grant / Emergency
Solutions Grant (CDBG/ESG) team. This unit manages Federal grant money that Congress
budgets every year. Community Solutions receives grant money from the U.S. Housing and
Urban Development Department (HUD) to address a wide range of community development
needs from neighborhood improvements to public services to economic development to
affordable housing to name just a few. Community Solutions is also tasked with addressing
homelessness as authorized under the federal Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid
Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act of 2009. Website: None. This agency only requires one
page for the posting of public notices.

c. Continuum of Care (CoC) – Formerly under the Department of Public Social Services,
(DPSS), the Continuum of Care for Riverside County – The CoC Program provides homeless
assistance by leveraging funding needed through the HUD Consolidated Application. This
provides collaboration between providers of housing and homeless assistance programs and
other federal programs. The CoC is a network of private and public sector homeless service
providers, designed to promote community-wide planning and the strategic use of resources
addressing homelessness. The CoC seeks to improve coordination and integration with
mainstream resources and other community programs for people who are experiencing or
are at-risk of becoming homeless. Website: http://dpss.co.riverside.ca.us/homeless-

d. Housing Authority of the County of Riverside (HACR) – Formerly under the Economic
Development Agency (EDA), the Housing Authority is a public entity that was formed in 1942
to provide federally subsidized housing and housing assistance to low-income families, within
the County of Riverside. Currently, the HACR maintains an inventory of 469 public housing
units, 17 revenue bond-financed rental housing units, and 77 Farm Worker apartment units.
The HACR also administers approximately 8,522 Tenant-Based Section 8 Vouchers. 80
Project-Based Section 8 Vouchers, 93 Shelter-Plus Care Vouchers, 90 Housing
Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) units, 473 Family Self Sufficiency (FSS)
participants, and 30 Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Vouchers. Website: www.harivco.org

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                           HHPWS Website Development and Design
e. Workforce Development (WFD) – Formerly under the Economic Development Agency
(EDA), the Riverside County Workforce Development Board (WDB) provides oversight for the
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs in Riverside County. The WDB
acts as a catalyst to provide seamless services among various workforce programs and
provides community leadership around workforce issues. WFD accomplishes its mission
through America's Job Centers of California, better known as the Riverside County Workforce
Development Centers (WDCs). The WDCs are the hub of the county-wide service delivery
vehicle for workforce, education and business services. Website: www.rivcoworkforce.com/

Each of these agencies has their own separate websites that are accessed via their own
home page. We now have a basic landing page for HHPWS with links to each agency,
however, we now wish to improve each of these individual websites, including the main
landing page, to bring each one up to date to better serve our clients. Each site should have
the ability to communicate with clients and provide them the forms or other services needed,
via the internet, especially now with the recent lockdowns and closures of County buildings.

The website’s design and primary focus will be to unify and promote HHPWS’s four unique
agencies to potential clients, community members and the general public. In addition, the
website will include an updated look and feel, responsive design, audience-based navigation,
easily searchable and accessible and ADA-compliant. The website shall also include
information pertaining to public meetings, public hearings and other committee meetings,
legal postings, construction and service projects, public information and safety information.

These agencies current website design is outdated and does not adapt to mobile platforms
and modern forms easily. Overall, the navigation is poorly organized, and the current
template does not have modern navigation. This is in opposition to how most people look for
information today. The successful Respondent shall provide the design, development, and
implementation of a new and modern looking website following the established brand of
Riverside County. Interested Respondents are asked to familiarize themselves with the
County of Riverside system and the different agencies located at the links listed above.

The successful Respondent will work closely with Riverside County Information Technology
(RCIT) on the technical aspects of the design and implementation of the website.

This Request for Proposals No. 2021-001 (RFP) for the HHPWS Website Development and
Design Project is issued solely by HHPWS but is offered and shall be administered by the
Housing Authority of the County of Riverside, (HACR). It will be available on the HACR
website www.harivco.org for convenience and ease of access.

Details regarding the RFP, specifications, and submittal requirements are set forth in this
RFP document and any attachments or amendments to it, which can also be accessed online
at www.harivco.org. Submittals made in response to this solicitation must conform to all of the
required specifications outlined within this document and any designated attachments or
amendments in their entirety.

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Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 2021-001
                          HHPWS Website Development and Design

      2.1    Right to Reject, Waive, or Terminate the RFP. HHPWS reserves the right to
             reject any or all submittals, to waive any informality in the RFP process, or to
             terminate the RFP process at any time, in its sole and absolute discretion, if
             deemed by HHPWS to be in its best interests.

      2.2    Right to Not Award. HHPWS reserves the right not to award a contract pursuant
             to this RFP.

      2.3    Right to Postpone or Cancel. HHPWS reserves the right to postpone or cancel
             the final determination of successful submittal at its convenience.

      2.4    Right to Terminate. HHPWS reserves the right to terminate a contract awarded
             pursuant to this RFP at any time for its convenience upon five (5) business days
             written notice to the successful proposer.

      2.5    Right to Incorporate Attachments and Addenda. Each of this RFP document’s
             attachments, addenda and exhibits are incorporated herein by this reference.

      2.6    Right to Determine Time and Location. HHPWS reserves the right to determine
             the days, hours and locations that the successful proposer shall provide the
             services called for in this RFP. HHPWS reserves the right to modify the timelines
             provided in this RFP. Notice of any such modifications will be located at
             www.harivco.org. All times provided in this RFP document, its attachments and
             addenda are Pacific Standard Time (“PST”).

      2.7    Right to Modify Scope. HHPWS reserves the right to modify the Scope of
             Service at any time. Notice of any such modifications will be located at

      2.8    Right to Determine Financial Responsibility and Viability. HHPWS reserves
             the right to require of the successful proposer, information regarding its financial
             responsibility and viability or such other information as HHPWS determines is
             necessary to ascertain whether the successful proposer is able to perform the
             work as described herein.

      2.9    Right to Retain Submittals. HHPWS reserves the right to retain submittals sent
             by all Respondents in response to this RFP, and not permit the withdrawal of
             same for a period of 60 calendar days subsequent to the deadline for receiving
             said submittals. HHPWS may permit the withdrawal of submittals if requested in
             writing by the Respondent and such request is approved in writing by the
             Contracting Officer (“CO”) in his sole and absolute discretion.

      2.10   Right to Negotiate Fees. HHPWS reserves the right to negotiate the fees
             proposed by the successful proposer.

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                    HHPWS Website Development and Design
2.11   Right to Reject Any Submittal. HHPWS reserves the right to reject and not
       consider any submittal that does not meet the requirements of this RFP, including
       but not limited to incomplete submittals and/or submittals offering alternate or non-
       requested services.

2.12   No Obligation to Compensate. HHPWS shall have no obligation to compensate
       any proposer for any costs incurred in responding to this RFP.

2.13   Right to Prohibit. HHPWS shall reserve the right to at any time during the RFP or
       contract process to prohibit any further participation by a proposer or reject any
       submittal that does not conform to any of the requirements detailed herein. By
       accessing the Vendors/Contractors webpage at www.harivco.org via the internet
       and by downloading this document, each prospective proposer is thereby agreeing
       to abide by all terms and conditions listed within this document and further agrees
       that the proposer will inform the CO in writing within 5 business days of the
       discovery of any item listed herein or of any item that is issued thereafter by
       HHPWS that the proposer believes needs to be addressed. Failure to abide by this
       time frame shall relieve HHPWS, but not the prospective proposer, of any
       responsibility pertaining to such issue.

2.14   No Guarantee of Amount of Goods/Services. HHPWS does not guarantee any
       minimum or maximum amount of goods/services as a result of any award ensuing
       from this RFP, other than as specified herein, as the ensuing contract will be a
       requirements contract, in that HHPWS shall typically retain only one successful
       proposer and shall have the right to order from that successful proposer, any
       amount of goods/services HHPWS requires.

2.15   Public Disclosure of Submittal Documents. To the extent applicable,
       documents submitted in connection with this RFP are subject to disclosure
       pursuant to the California Public Records Act (California Government Code
       Section 6250 et seq.)

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                          HHPWS Website Development and Design

      Tabbed Submittal: HHPWS intends to evaluate the submittals pursuant to the below
      listed factors in Section 5.0 - Required Submittal Information. Therefore, so that
      HHPWS can properly evaluate the submittals in response to this RFP, all submittals
      must be formatted in accordance with the sequence noted within that Section.

      Each category must be separated by numbered index dividers or tabs (which number
      extends so that each tab can be located without opening the proposal) and labeled
      with the corresponding tab reference also noted below. None of the proposed services
      may conflict with any requirement HHPWS has published herein or has issued by
      addendum. If no information is to be placed under any of the listed tabs, include a
      BLANK." Do not eliminate any of the tabs.

      It is preferable and recommended that the Respondent bind the proposals in such a
      manner (i.e. comb-type or 3-ring binder etc.) that the evaluator(s) can, if needed,
      remove the binding or remove the pages from the cover to make copies then
      conveniently return the proposal submittal to its original condition.

      Proposal Submission: All proposals must be submitted and time-stamped received
      in the HACR office by no later than the submittal deadline stated herein (or within any
      ensuing addendum). A total of one (1) original signature copy (marked "ORIGINAL")
      and two (2) exact copies (each one shall have a cover and extending tabs) of the
      proposal, and one digital version, either on CDs or thumb drive, shall be placed
      unfolded in a sealed package and addressed to:

                       Housing Authority of the County of Riverside (HACR)
                          5555 Arlington Avenue, Riverside, CA 92504
                          Attention: George Eliseo, Contracting Officer

      The package exterior must clearly denote the title and number of the RFP and must
      have the Respondent’s name and return address. Proposals received after the
      published deadline will not be accepted. Email delivery shall not be a substitute for or
      waive physical delivery of the bid by the deadline.

      Proprietary Information: If a Respondent does not desire certain proprietary
      information in their proposal disclosed, the Respondent is required to identify all
      proprietary information, which identification shall be submitted concurrently with the
      proposal. If the proposer fails to identify its proprietary information, it agrees by
      submission of its proposal that those sections shall be deemed non-proprietary and
      may be made available upon public request after a contract award.

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                          HHPWS Website Development and Design

      This will be a collaborative effort between HHPWS, RCIT and the successful
      Respondent. The majority of the work will take place offsite at the Respondent’s
      location of their choosing.

      The Respondent shall design one master website ‘template’ to HHPWS/RCIT
      specifications for accessibility and modernization as defined in Attachment A.
      Respondent shall provide a testing site by May 1st, 2021 and a fully operational site by
      July 30th, 2021.


      Successful Respondent will work with RCIT and HHPWS staff to develop a new site
      design template, implement the new design and provide web development as needed
      to meet deadlines, and provide training to web developers and professional
      development staff on using the new templates.

      Respondent shall propose a preliminary technical work plan based upon the following
      general stages of design and implementation: a) Conduct user studies of select
      departments and user groups / b) Develop design / c) Deploy design / d) Test design /
      e) Train selected users


      1. Create and present two (2) different theme designs (home and interior page for
         each agency).

      2. Web design must visually convey that HHPWS is the “umbrella organization” for
         the Housing Authority (HACR), Community Action Partnership (CAP), Continuum
         of Care (CoC), Community Solutions and Workforce Development (WD).

      3. Integrate with the current County internet system.

      4. Develop a comprehensive redesign plan complete with timelines and benchmarks.

      5. Conduct a detailed analysis of the current websites and then propose site
         architecture and navigation mapping considering the website objectives.

      6. Make recommendations on an information architecture that differentiates content
         that would be primarily be useful to our different audiences.

      7. Recommend primary navigation areas and web elements for the home page and
         primary landing pages.

      8. Identify primary objectives for the first level landing pages, create templates for the
         home page, landing pages, and second level pages, and ensure that the identified
         objectives are incorporated into the revised content.

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9. Create consistent and standardized templates for all pages to ensure that pages
   conform with HHPWS branding and identity, but also provide flexibility for some
   level of functionality for the different agencies.

10. Review existing web content and recommend improvements based on best
   practices, including the consolidation and deletion of unnecessary content and web

11. Incorporate dynamic elements into the home page design template to reinforce
    web strategy objectives and goals.

12. Incorporate graphics, videos and images into revised web pages to complement
    content and reinforce messaging and branding.

13. Ensure that the web design is able to accommodate delivery using responsive
    design across different platforms, including tablets, smart phones, and various
    desktop views. It needs to support all ever-green browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge,
    Opera) as well as Safari.

14. Ensure templates allow for the software integration of a variety of common website
    processes such as email, surveys, social media, feedback, forms, master calendar
    and add-to-calendar functionality, as determined by HHPWS.

15. Ensure the preservation of links required for archival and/or regulatory purposes
   and/or ensure the development of easily accessible permalinks.

16. Ensure that SSL certificates, obtained by RCIT, are integrated into templates and
    pages as needed to support content security.

17. Train personnel as identified.

18. Ensure that the redesigned website is based upon World Wide Web Consortium
   (W3C) standards and uses the de-facto industry standard (HTML5), must be
   maintainable by HHPWS/RCIT staff, and will not include any proprietary
   scripts/codes that cannot be freely modified by HHPWS/RCIT.

19. Ensure that any use of script or code under the control of entities not associated
   with HHPWS/RCIT is clearly declared and approved for use by RCIT.

20. Ensure that the redesigned website complies with WCAG 2.0 AA and the 1998
    Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act (1973) and all additional federal, state and
    local requirements.

21. Ensure that the redesigned website is a complete turn-key system that will become
    the legal property of HHPWS/RCIT, including but not limited to artwork,
    photography, software and all other source code materials.

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                          HHPWS Website Development and Design

      The Respondent’s submittal shall address the following items in the order listed below
      and tabs shall be numbered to match the following list. The submittal shall be limited to
      not more than thirty (30) single sided pages in length, (excluding covers, cover sheets,
      and tab separators).

      TAB 1. Cover Letter: Respondent shall provide a Cover Letter and introduction,
      including the company name and legal business status (i.e. partnership, corporation,
      etc.), address, telephone number, fax number and email address of the person or
      persons authorized to represent the institution regarding all matters related to the
      proposal. The Letter shall also include:
      Company Overview:
          a. Company hierarchy (president, vice president, officers) and an organizational
              chart. The organizational chart shall clearly identify all staff members that will
              provide services under the contract.
          b. The number of years in business under the present business name, as well as
              prior business names, and the number of years of experience providing the
              proposed, equivalent or related services.
          c. Company size - number of staff.
      A person authorized to bind the firm to all commitments made in the proposal shall
      sign this Cover Letter.

      TAB 2. Approach to the Project: Please address the following points:
         1. Describe the process you will use to design the website.
         2. Describe the process you will use to coordinate additional Client-provided
             content (graphic and narrative).
         3. Describe the Respondent’s technical capabilities for this project.
         4. Describe how you will ensure completion by the deadline.
         5. Describe how you will migrate the completed website to HHPWS host.
         6. Provide a project plan or description of how the work will be performed:
              a. Outcomes: Identify all required.
              b. Project Flow: Provide an overview of the flow of the project.
              c. Timeline: Provide a timeline, by calendar quarters, that includes: key
                 activities; phases of the work; evaluations to be administered; and the
                 percent of budget projected to be expended.
      Provide any additional relevant information regarding the web design to be provided
      that was not specifically requested here.

      TAB 3. Fixed Cost Proposal: Please include a Cost Proposal and Budget Narrative.
      HHPWS reserves the right to negotiate final fees with the successful proposer(s). This
      should include cost of the Website Design and Migration Fees as well as hourly rates if
      additional work is needed.

      TAB 4. Project Team: Respondent to provide resumes of proposed project personnel
      indicating years employed by the firm as well as any credentials, certifications or
      licenses. Respondent shall provide the following information on all employees to be
      providing services related to this RFP:

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a.    Position and Title.
b.    Current responsibilities.
c.    Qualifications and experience.

TAB 5. Project Experience and References: Please provide a list of the same or
similar services provided for similar-sized projects completed or in progress. List a
minimum of three (3) references of recent similar projects using the format below:
Company name:
Contact person:
Email address:
Project name:
Dates worked performed:
Summary of work:
Project cost:

TAB 6. Previous Contract Awards: Provide a list detailing contracts that Respondent
has been awarded during the last five years.

TAB 7. MWBE, SDVO and Veteran Information (if any): HHPWS has implemented a
preference policy for HUD Section 3, Minority and Women-Owned Business
Enterprises (MWBE), veteran owned businesses, veteran qualified businesses and
Service Disabled Veteran Owned (SDVO) businesses. Place any certification/affidavit
of such qualification under this tab.

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                          HHPWS Website Development and Design

      Initial Evaluation for Responsiveness: Each submittal received will first be
      evaluated for responsiveness (e.g., the extent to which the submittal meets the
      minimum of the published requirements). HHPWS reserves the right to reject any
      submittals deemed not minimally responsive. HHPWS will notify such proposers in
      writing of any such rejection.

      Selection: The evaluation of the Respondent’s submittal will be conducted as set forth
      in this Section 6.0. Qualifications will be evaluated in terms of the ability to meet the
      parameters as set forth in this RFP. Upon conclusion of the evaluation, the
      Respondent deemed most qualified may be invited for interviews, however, HHPWS
      reserves the right to select/award based solely on the information supplied in the
      original submittal.

      Evaluation Criteria: The Respondent’s submittal will be evaluated on the criteria

      1. Ability to adequately perform the project, as evidenced by profiles of the principals
         and staff’s professional and/or technical competence and experience. 15 pts.

      2. Experience with performing the same or similar projects, based on the experience,
         qualifications and performance history of the organization. 20 pts.

      3. Quality of the Respondent’s project proposal. 20 pts.

      4. Quality of Respondent’s design/development plan (including staffing of key
         positions, method of assigning work and procedures for maintaining level of
         service, etc.). 20 pts.

      5. Respondent has demonstrated an understanding of the needs of the community
         (i.e., residents living at or below poverty level) who will be served. 15 pts.

      6. WMBE, Veteran, or SDVO certified business. 10 pts.

      Evaluation Committee: HHPWS/RCIT will select a committee to evaluate each of the
      responsive submittals received in response to this RFP. The committee will consist of
      a minimum of three (3) members. The Evaluation Committee will review, evaluate,
      rank, and select the submittals according to the scoring criteria outlined in this RFP,
      and HHPWS policy.

      The Evaluation Committee’s scoring decisions are final and not subject to negotiation.

      No Respondent shall be informed at any time during or after the RFP process as to the
      identity of any Evaluation Committee member. If, by chance, a Respondent does
      become aware of the identity of such person(s), the Respondent shall not make any
      attempt to contact or discuss with such person anything related to this RFP. As

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detailed within this RFP document, the Contracting Officer is the only person that the
Respondent(s) shall contact pertaining to this RFP.

Failure to abide by the requirements of this Section shall cause a Respondent to be
eliminated from consideration for award.

All persons having familial (including in-laws) and/or employment relationships (past or
current) with principals and/or employees of a Respondent will be excluded from
participation on HHPWS evaluation committee. Similarly, all persons having ownership
interest in and/or a contract with a Respondent, will be excluded from participation on
the HHPWS evaluation committee.

Procedure. Only submittals that meet all requirements set forth in this RFP, its
attachments and any addenda will be considered for award. A ranking list will be
prepared according to the scoring awarded to each qualified submittal.

Notice of Results of Evaluation: If an award is made, all Respondents will receive
via e-mail, a Notice of Results of Evaluation. Such notice shall contain the following:
The Respondent that received the award; where each Respondent placed in the
process as a result of the evaluation of all submittals received; and each Respondent’s
right to protest.

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      Submission Deadline and Method: All submittals shall be in the form specified in this
      RFP. Submittals which do not include all of the elements as specified, or which deviate
      from the proposed format and content as specified, may be deemed “non-responsive”
      by the evaluation committee and eliminated from further consideration.

      Proposers shall submit three (3) hard copies and one (1) digital copy. Hard copies
      shall be formatted on standard 8 ½ x 11 white paper with each page clearly numbered
      on the bottom with the appropriate tabs labelled 1-13. Digital copies shall be on CD(s)
      or thumb drive. The original copy shall be marked “Original” and must be wet signed
      by a person authorized to bind the company.

      The submittal must be submitted to and received by the Contracting Officer no later
      than 5:00 PM on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, 2021. The submittal package shall be
      placed in its entirety, unfolded, in a sealed envelope or package, the exterior of which
      shall clearly reference the RFP number and title:

      RFP No. 2021-001 HHPWS Website Development and Design

      The package must be mailed or hand delivered to the address below:

                        Housing Authority of the County of Riverside
                        5555 Arlington Avenue, Riverside, CA 92504
                                  Attention: George Eliseo

      Submittals received after the published deadline will not be accepted. Email delivery
      shall not be a substitute for or waive physical delivery of the submittal by the deadline.
      Submittals received after the deadline indicated above will not be accepted. Delays in
      mail service or other methods of delivery will not excuse a late submittal delivery.

      Out of an abundance of caution, it is best not to schedule any overnight delivery
      services (FedEx) for a Friday delivery, as there have been problems with these not
      being delivered until the following Monday in the past.

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                           HHPWS Website Development and Design

      Contract Award Procedure: If a contract is awarded pursuant to this RFP, the
      following detailed procedures will be followed:

      Board Approval: Depending on the amount of the award (typically for amounts
      greater than $75,000), HHPWS will forward the contract to the Riverside County Board
      of Supervisors (BOS) for review and approval/disapproval, in their sole and absolute
      discretion, prior to signing the contract with the successful proposer. The contract shall
      be awarded subject to a resolution or minute order to that effect and duly adopted by
      the BOS, in their sole and absolute discretion. Execution of the contract documents
      shall constitute a written memorial thereof.

      Contract Conditions: The following provisions are considered mandatory conditions
      of any contract award made by HHPWS pursuant to this RFP:

      Contract Form: HHPWS will not execute a contract on the successful proposer's
      form, contracts will only be executed on HHPWS’ form (see attached sample contract).
      By completing, executing and submitting their proposal, the Respondent is thereby
      agreeing to abide by all terms and conditions pertaining to this RFP as issued by
      HHPWS, including an agreement to execute the sample contract, attached hereto and
      incorporated herein by this reference. Accordingly, HHPWS has no responsibility to
      conduct after the submittal deadline, any negotiations pertaining to any contract
      clauses already published.

      Assignment of Personnel: HHPWS shall retain the right to demand and receive a
      change in personnel assigned to the project/work/service, if HHPWS believes that
      such change is in its best interest and the completion of the contracted
      work/service(s). The successful proposer agrees to maintain and make available to
      HHPWS, a current list of personnel that are providing services under the contract, who
      have contact with children or adult clients. The list shall include:
      a. All staff who work full or part-time positions by title, including volunteer positions.
      b. A brief description of the functions of each position and hours each position worked.
      c. The professional degree, if applicable and experience required for each position.

      Unauthorized Sub-Contracting Prohibited: The successful proposer shall not assign
      any right, nor delegate any duty for the work/services proposed pursuant to this RFP
      (including, but not limited to, selling or transferring the contract) without the prior
      written consent of the Executive Director or designee. Any purported assignment of
      interest or delegation of duty, without prior written consent, shall be void and may
      result in the cancellation of the contract, or may result in the full or partial forfeiture of
      funds paid to the successful proposer as a result of the proposed contract; either as
      determined by the Contracting Officer.

      Subcontractors: Written approval must be obtained from HHPWS prior to any
      subcontractor substitutions or additions after the contract is awarded. The successful
      proposer shall be responsible for compliance of its subcontractor with all terms,

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conditions and requirements of the RFP, and with all federal, state, and local laws,
statutes, rules, regulations and ordinances.

Contract Period: HHPWS anticipates that it will initially award a contract for the
period of one (1) year with the option of four (4) additional one-year option periods, for
a maximum total of five (5) years.

Licensing and Insurance Requirements: Prior to any individual contract award (but
not as a part of the proposal submission) the successful proposer will be required to
provide the following:

Insurance: Without limiting or diminishing the successful proposer’s obligation to
indemnify or hold HHPWS harmless, successful proposer shall procure and maintain
or cause to be maintained, at its sole cost and expense, the following insurance
coverages during the term of the contract. As respects to the insurance section only,
HHPWS as used herein, refers to the Housing, Homelessness Prevention and
Workforce Solutions agency, the County of Riverside, its Agencies, Districts, Special
Districts, and Departments, their respective directors, officers, Board of Supervisors,
employees, volunteers, elected or appointed officials, agents or representatives as
Additional Insureds.

Workers’ Compensation: If the Proposer has employees as defined by the State of
California, the Proposer shall maintain statutory Workers' Compensation Insurance
(Coverage A) as prescribed by the laws of the State of California. Policy shall include
Employers’ Liability (Coverage B) including Occupational Disease with limits not less
than $1,000,000 per person per accident. The policy shall be endorsed to waive
subrogation in favor of HHPWS.

Commercial General Liability: Commercial General Liability insurance coverage,
including but not limited to, premises liability, unmodified contractual liability, products
and completed operations liability, personal and advertising injury, employment
practices liability, and cross liability coverage, covering claims which may arise from or
out of Proposer’s performance of its obligations hereunder. Policy shall name CAP, the
County of Riverside, its Agencies, Districts, Special Districts, Consultants,
Departments, their Directors, Officers, Board of Commissioners, employees,
volunteers, elected or appointed officials, agents or representatives as Additional
Insureds. Policy’s limit of liability shall not be less than $1,000,000 per occurrence
combined single limit. If such insurance contains a general aggregate limit, it shall
apply separately to the contract or be no less than two (2) times the occurrence limit.

Vehicle Liability: If vehicles or mobile equipment are used in the performance of the
obligations under the contract, then the successful proposer shall maintain liability
insurance for all owned, non-owned or hired vehicles so used in an amount not less
than $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit. If such insurance contains a
general aggregate limit, it shall apply separately to the contract or be no less than two
(2) times the occurrence limit. Policy shall name CAP, the County of Riverside, its
Agencies, Districts, Special Districts, Consultants, Departments, their Directors,

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Officers, Board of Commissioners, employees, volunteers, elected or appointed
officials, agents or representatives as Additional Insureds.

General Insurance Provisions - All lines:
a. Any insurance carrier providing insurance coverage hereunder shall be admitted
to the State of California and have an AM BEST rating of not less than A: VIII (A:8)
unless such requirements are waived, in writing, by the Riverside County Risk
Manager. If the County’s Risk Manager waives a requirement for a particular insurer
such waiver is only valid for that specific insurer and only for one policy term.

b. The successful proposer must declare its insurance self-insured retention for
each coverage required herein. If any such self-insured retention exceeds $500,000
per occurrence each such retention shall have the prior written consent of the
Riverside County Risk Manager before the commencement of operations under the
contract. Upon notification of self-insured retention unacceptable to CAP, and at the
election of the County’s Risk Manager, Proposer’s carriers shall either; 1) reduce or
eliminate such self-insured retention as respects the contract with CAP, or 2) procure
a bond which guarantees payment of losses and related investigations, claims
administration, and defense costs and expenses.

c. Successful proposer shall cause their insurance carrier(s) to furnish HHPWS with
either 1) a properly executed original Certificate(s) of Insurance and certified original
copies of Endorsements effecting coverage as required herein, and 2) if requested to
do so orally or in writing by the County Risk Manager, provide original Certified copies
of policies including all Endorsements and all attachments thereto, showing such
insurance is in full force and effect. Further, said Certificate(s) and policies of
insurance shall contain the covenant of the insurance carrier(s) that thirty (30) days
written notice shall be given to HHPWS prior to any material modification, cancellation,
expiration or reduction in coverage of such insurance. In the event of a material
modification, cancellation, expiration, or reduction in coverage, the Contract shall
terminate forthwith, unless HHPWS receives, prior to such effective date, another
properly executed original Certificate of Insurance and original copies of endorsements
or certified original policies, including all endorsements and attachments thereto
evidencing coverage’s set forth herein and the insurance required herein is in full force
and effect. Successful proposer shall not commence operations until HHPWS has
been furnished original Certificate (s) of Insurance and certified original copies of
endorsements and if requested, certified original policies of insurance including all
endorsements and any and all other attachments as required in this Section, showing
that such insurance is in full force and effect. An individual authorized by the insurance
carrier to do so on its behalf shall sign the original endorsements for each policy and
the Certificate of Insurance.

d. It is understood and agreed to by the parties hereto that the successful
proposer’s insurance shall be construed as primary insurance, and HHPWS insurance
and/or deductibles and/or self-insured retention’s or self-insured programs shall not be
construed as contributory.

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e. If, during the term of the contract or any extension thereof, there is a material
change in the Scope of Service; or, there is a material change in the equipment to be
used in the performance of the Scope of Work; or, the term of the contract, including
any extensions thereof, exceeds five (5) years; HHPWS reserves the right to adjust
the types of insurance and the monetary limits of liability required under the contract, if
in the County Risk Manager's reasonable judgment, the amount or type of insurance
carried by the successful proposer has become inadequate.

f.    Successful proposer shall pass down the insurance obligations contained herein
to all tiers of subcontractors working under the contract.

g. The insurance requirements contained in the contract may be met with a
program(s) of self-insurance acceptable to HHPWS.

h. Successful proposer agrees to notify HHPWS of any claim by a third party or any
incident or event that may give rise to a claim arising from the performance of the

Registration as a California Business Entity. Registration with the California
Secretary of State as a California business entity is mandatory to do business with
CAP. More information regarding business entity registration may be found on the
Secretary of State website at http://www.sos.ca.gov/.

Contract Service Standards: All work performed pursuant to this RFP must conform
and comply with all applicable local, state and federal codes, statutes, laws and

Cooperation: HHPWS shall make all reasonable efforts to cooperate with the
successful proposer. HHPWS will provide the successful proposer access to non-
privileged and/or non-confidential data necessary for the successful proposer to carry
out their responsibilities under this RFP and resulting contract. To the extent the
Executive Director or designee of HHPWS determines is necessary, will be
responsible for providing or causing to be provided, information and completing or
causing to be completed, tasks requested by the successful proposer necessary to
provide the requested service(s).

Submittal/Award Protest: Any prospective or actual Respondent, who is allegedly
aggrieved in connection with the solicitation of a submittal or award of a contract, shall
have the right to protest. To be eligible to file a protest with HHPWS pertaining to an
RFP or contract, the alleged aggrieved protestant must have been involved in the RFP
process in some manner as a prospective Respondent (i.e. registered, downloaded
and received the RFP documents) when the alleged situation occurred. The alleged
aggrieved protestant must file, in writing via US Mail or other carrier, to HHPWS the
exact reason for the protest, attaching any supportive data. The protestant must state
within the written protest document specifically (not by inference) what action by
HHPWS or condition is being protested as inequitable, making, where appropriate,
specific reference to the RFP documents issued and including the specific citation of
law, rule, regulation, or procedure upon which the protest is based. The protest

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      document must also state the corrective action requested. Failure by the alleged
      aggrieved protestant to fully submit such information shall relieve CAP from any
      responsibility to take any corrective action, and as a result of noncompliance, the
      appeal will be dismissed without further review. HHPWS has no obligation to consider
      a protest filed by any party that does not meet these criteria. Any protest against a
      solicitation must be received before the due date for the receipt of submittals, and any
      protest against the award of a contract must be received within ten (10) calendar days
      after the successful proposer receives notice of the contract award, or the protest will
      not be considered. All protests shall be in writing, submitted to the Contracting Officer,
      who shall issue a written decision on the matter. The Contracting Officer may, at his
      sole discretion, suspend the procurement pending resolution of the protest if the facts
      presented so warrant. All appeals shall be marked as follows and delivered to the
      address listed below by mail or by hand:

         Appeal of RFP No. 2021-001 HHPWS Website Development and Design
                      Housing Authority of the County of Riverside
                      5555 Arlington Avenue Riverside, CA 92504
                                  Attn: George Eliseo


Each of the attachments and exhibits attached to this RFP is incorporated herein by the
reference. Attachments contained herein include the following:

        Attachment A     WCMS Feature Scope for HHPWS Website

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Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 2021-001
                        HHPWS Website Development and Design

                                   ATTACHMENT A

                  WCMS Feature Scope for HHPWS Website Design

  1. System Architecture
       a. Web server must be IIS in a production environment with PHP support
       b. Must run on MariaDB DB (MySQL variant)
       c. Must be developed and run using Drupal 8
       d. Follows current open web standards. (W3C, Section 508)
       e. Must own and have access to all source code developed specifically for the

  2. Website Requirements
       a. Build sites for the HHPWS – Housing, Homelessness Prevention, and
          Workforce Solutions as the main site
                i. Subsites (aka Divisions) under are:
                       1. Housing Authority of the County of Riverside (HACR)
                       2. Community Development Block Grants (CDBG)
                       3. Community Action Partnership (CAP) Riverside
                       4. Continuum of Care (CoC)
                       5. Workforce Development (WD)
                       6. Other pages or subpages TBD by HHPWS
       b. Set up pages to directly edit content in the page instead of pop-up windows
       c. All sites/subsites must be built to support multilingual language package like –
          Google Translate
       d. All images must be tagged
       e. Site must be ADA/Section 508 compliant accessible by people with disabilities.
       f. Must already have the following readily available out of the box
          Controls/Widgets/Modules/ etc.
                i. Image Rotator, Carousel, Slider
               ii. News
              iii. Events and registrations; Tracking attendees and cancellations
              iv. Ability to setup a events calendar
               v. Ability to include social media feeds such as Twitter, Facebook,
                   Instagram, etc.
              vi. Ability to broadcast emergency/non-emergency information to subscribed
                       1. Example: fire alerts, public health epidemics, water shortage,
                          election results.
             vii. Maps
            viii. Chat or messaging
              ix. Forms Engine or Builder

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                         HHPWS Website Development and Design
              x. Ability to upload and manage File/Image/Document
             xi. Ability to add comments on posts.
             xii. Analytics & Reporting
                    1. Supports Google Analytics
                    2. Provides detailed internal analytics for page counts, view counts,
                         general stats, and other key metrics/KPIs (specify all tracked

3. Branding
      a. Ability to customize all aspects of the layout.
      b. Ability to attach or insert 3rd party JavaScript libraries.
      c. Ability to attach stylesheets or manage stylesheets.
      d. Newsletters or email marketing support.
      e. Social media integration.

4. Templates
     a. Ability to customize or build templates.
     b. Pre-built page layouts (About Us, Services, Contact Us, etc.)
     c. Parallax page sections
     d. Templates already built on or support us building using Bootstrap components
        and short codes
     e. Ability Mobile responsive (and Mobile exclusive) framework optimized for
        phones, tablets, laptops and all size displays.
     f. Ability to easily spin up a new page utilizing a pre-built page template.
     g. Ability to control permissions around templating.
     h. Compatible with the latest browsers (Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox, Chrome,
     i. Community support for FREE and paid templates/widgets/modules/plug-in
        (specify type/scope/extent/maturity of development ecosystem supporting

5. Website Format:
     a. All sites should be designed identically with the same required features for all
     b. All the same dropdowns on main page.
     c. Ability to cross navigate to other divisions without returning to the main page.

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