City Record VOL. 113 | NO. 23 - Official Chronical, Municipal Affairs -
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City Record VOL. 113 | NO. 23 Official Chronical, Municipal Affairs JUNE 7, 2021 KIM JANEY — Mayor of Boston MATT O’MALLEY — President, City Council City of Boston kicks off free summer fitness series The Boston Parks and Recreation Fit, Strength Training, Cardio is critical to a healthy lifestyle. We Department and the Boston Public Dance, and Carnival Fit. The want to make it easy and fun to get Health Commission (BPHC) have program is tailored to the interests outside and be active, and we’re announced the 2021 Boston Parks of residents and participants, thrilled to be working with the city Summer Fitness Series, sponsored including a full spectrum of age- to offer classes for folks of all ages, by Blue Cross Blue Shield of friendly classes for families to abilities and interests.” Massachusetts. The series will offer older adults as well as options for 25 free weekly classes both virtually those new to fitness classes. By engaging in a citywide effort and in 18 City parks from June 6 to to increase opportunities for October 2. “We’re excited for another physical activity, BPHC and the summer of outdoor fun, exercise Parks Department aim to further The Boston Parks Summer Fitness and partnership with this year’s reduce barriers to active living Series offers Bostonians healthy Summer Fitness Series,” said and achieve the goal of ensuring activities, including Vinyasa Jeff Bellows, vice president of that Bostonians have ample Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Chair corporate citizenship and public opportunities to be active. Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Barre, affairs at Blue Cross Blue Shield of FOR MORE INFORMATION AND Dance Fit, HIIT, Family Fitness, Massachusetts. “Fitness classes in A LINK TO THE FULL SCHEDULE, Cardio and Core, ZUMBA, Family parks across Boston offer a chance VISIT THE SUMMER FITNESS ZUMBA, Salsa Dancing, Fusion for regular physical activity that SERIES WEBSITE.
THE FOLLOWING APPLY TO ALL THE CITY RECORD USPS 114-640 ADS IN THIS PUBLICATION is published weekly by the City of Boston, 1 City Hall Square, Boston, MA 02201, under the direction of • The City of Boston is committed to and the Mayor, in accordance with legislative act & city affirmatively ensures that Disadvantaged ordinance. The periodical postage is paid at Boston MA. Business Enterprises (DBE), Small Local Business Enterprise (SLBE), Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Women Business Enterprise (WBE), and Veteran Owned Small Business Enterprise (VOSBE) firms shall be afforded full opportunity to submit qualifications in response to this and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, gender, transgender status, political affiliation, age, sexual orientation, or religion in any consideration leading to the award of contract. The City’s directory of certified businesses is available here. • No qualified disabled person shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in any consideration leading to the award of contract. Kim Janey, Mayor of Boston • The award of any contract shall be subject to the Kevin P. Coyne, Purchasing Agent approval of the Mayor of Boston. Diana Laird, City Record Administrator • The maximum time for IFB acceptance by the The City Record Office is located in Room 808 City after the opening of the bids shall be ninety at One City Hall Square Boston, MA 02201-1001 (90) days unless noted otherwise. Telephone: 617-635-4564 • The maximum time for RFP acceptance by E-Mail: the City after the opening of the bids shall Single copies $2.00 per issue be one hundred-eighty (180) days unless noted otherwise. Subscription (in advance) $75.00 per year (send a check payable to ‘City Record’ to: • The City/County and the Official reserve the City Record Procurement – Boston City Hall right to reject any or all bids, or any item or items One City Hall Square, Boston, MA 02201-1001 thereof, and to award a contract as the Official Postmaster; send address change to deems to be in the best interest of the City. City Record, Room 808 1 City Hall Square, Boston, MA 02201-1001 • All contracts shall be subject to the availability of an appropriation therefore, if sufficient funds ADVERTISING: are not appropriated for the contract in any A rate of $6 per 1⁄2-inch or $12 per inch of 12 lines fiscal year, the Official shall cancel the contract. (set solid) has been established for such advertisements as under the law must be printed in the City Record. • The City reserves the right to reject any and all Advertising and other copy must, except in bids, or any part or parts thereof, and to award emergencies, be in hand at the City Record office a contract as the Official deems to be in the by 5:00 p.m., Wednesday of each week to insure its best interest of the City. This contract shall be publication in the following Monday’s issue. subject to the availability of an appropriation. PLEASE NOTE: The deadline of 5:00 p.m., Wednesday If sufficient funds are not appropriated for the of each week is ten days in advance of publication. contract in any fiscal year, the Official shall Other advertising rates available—Please contact us cancel the contract. at for these rates. LATE BIDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED 339
HELPFUL LINKS City of Boston Legal Compliance Resources City Land & Boards & Employee Building for Sale Commission Listings We sell City property to developers who want Appointments Each year, the City of to make the community Boards and commissions Boston publishes payroll better. By law, we can only are an important part data for employees. choose a buyer who meets of Boston’s government. This dataset contains all our requirements. We Each board or commission employee names, job don’t list our properties works with internal details, and earnings with brokers or take departments, City information including offers. Councilors, and the public base salary, overtime, and to serve the City. total compensation for employees of the City. neighborhood- development/how-we-sell- engagement/boards-and- citys-land-and-buildings commissions employee-earnings-report Language and School Committee Communication Proceedings Access Bond Listings We are happy to answer School Committee The City of Boston meetings are held twice a questions and assist sells bonds to borrow month on Wednesdays at community members, the money needed to 6 p.m. at the Bruce C. organizations, and city pay for construction, Bolling Muncipal Building, employees. We work to rehabilitation, and 2300 Washington Street, Public Notices strengthen the City of repair of all of its public School Committee Boston so that services, buildings, including: Chamber, second floor, You can find out about programs and activities schools, libraries, police, Roxbury, MA 02119. The all upcoming City of are meaningfully accessible fire, and park facilities, Chamber has a capacity Boston public notices and to all constituents. and streets and sidewalks. of 202 people. To confirm, hearings. We also have contact 617-635-9014. information on archived public notices. neighborhood-services/ treasury#general- language-and- obligation-bonds Page/253 communications-access 340
CITY OF BOSTON ADVERTISEMENTS Invitations for bids for the procurement of services and supplies COVID-19 UPDATE: Due to the public health as the Official deems to be in the best interest of the emergency, our office is closed to the public. If City. This contract shall be subject to the availability you want to submit a bid online or register to of an appropriation. If sufficient funds are not appropriated for the contract in any fiscal year, the become a City of Boston vendor, go to the City’s Official shall cancel the contract. Supplier Portal website. The maximum time for bid acceptance by the City City Hall is only open to the public on Tuesdays, after the opening of bids shall be ninety (90) days. Thursdays, and Fridays, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. If The award of this contract shall be subject to the you need to visit City Hall for essential services, approval of the Mayor of Boston. you must make an appointment. Sealed bids shall be publicly opened by the Official at 12:00 Noon Boston City Hall, Procurement Rm. 808 One City Hall Square, Boston, MA 02201 Please email purchasing@boston. gov to make an appointment to drop off a non-electronic bid or come to a bid opening. Thank you! Event EV00009261 SLE - INVERTED GAS LAMP MANTLES Public Works Department Bid Opening Date: June 8,2021 CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION Brian Heger 617-635-2201 INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF THE FOLLOWING Event EV00009263 The City of Boston (“the City”), acting by its Acting SLE - CONCRETE POLES Purchasing Agent (“the Official”), invites sealed bids Public Works Department for the performance of the work generally described Bid Opening Date: June 8,2021 below, and particularly set forth in the Invitation for Bids, which may be obtained from the City’s CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION Procurement website and Supplier Portal Brian Heger 617-635-2201 procurement. Invitation for Bids shall be available until the time of the bid opening. The attention of all bidders is directed to the provisions of the Invitation for Bids and contract documents, Event EV00009273 specifically to the requirements for bid deposits, East Boston Police Station FF&E insurance and performance bonds as may be applicable. Boston Police Department The supplies/services described for the below is an Bid Opening Date: June 8, 2021 actual amount of the supplies/services to be procured. CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION Kevin Coyne The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, 617-635-4938 or any part or parts thereof, and to award a contract 341 – Advertisements
Event EV00009281 EV00009304 GM OEM Parts for BPD Toro Sand Pro 5040 Bunker Rake or Approved Equal Boston Police Department Boston Parks & Recreation Department Bid Opening Date: June 9,2021 Bid Opening Date: June 10, 2021 CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION Michael Walsh Joey Chan 617-635-3706 617-635-4569 KEVIN P. COYNE, PURCHASING AGENT (May 24, 31, June 7, 2021) Event EV00009293 ADA Compliant Mini Van (2 EA) - Age Strong Age Strong Commission Bid Opening Date: June 9, 2021 CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N Kevin Coyne Event EV00009324 617-635-4938 FORD F-250 CREW CAB (BPD) Boston Police Department Bid Opening Date: June 15, 2021 Event EV00009294 CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION ADA Compliant 6 Passenger Van w/Rear Access (2 EA) Kevin Coyne 617-635-4938 Age Strong Commission Bid Opening Date: June 9, 2021 KEVIN P. COYNE, PURCHASING AGENT CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N (May 31, June 7, 14, 2021) Kevin Coyne 617-635-4938 Event EV00009296 Taginator and Tagaway Graffiti Remover Event EV00008709 (RE-AD) Various City Departments Custom Cargo Van Boston Parks & Recreation Department Bid Opening Date: June 8, 2021 Bid Opening Date: June 23, 2021 CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N Joey Chan CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION 617-635-4569 Kevin Coyne 617-635-4938 Event EV00009297 Flags Various City Departments Event EV00009334 Trackless MT-7 Bid Opening Date: June 9, 2021 Boston Parks & Recreation Department CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N Bid Opening Date: June 22, 2021 Joey Chan 617-635-4569 CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION Kevin Coyne 617-635-4938 342 – Advertisements
Event EV00009343 All proposals shall be submitted in strict BPD - BOMB SUITS conformance with the Request for Proposal (RFP), Boston Police Department which may be obtained by visiting the City’s Supplier Portal at http://www.cityof Bid Opening Date: June 22, 2021 on or after 9:00 AM, Boston local time, on Monday, CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N June 14, 2021. To access details for this specific Brian Heger procurement event, or to respond through electronic 617-635-2201 format, please visit the City’s Supplier Portal and access Event Number EV00009309. RFP proposals will be accepted until Friday July 16, 2021 at 12:00 PM, Boston local time. The attention Event EV00009346 of all Offerors is directed to the provisions of the RFP East Boston Senior Center FF&E (PFD) and contract documents. Public Facilities Department Bid Opening Date: June 24, 2021 The term of the contract shall be for three years, with the option to renew for an additional two years, CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N and have a start date of no later than August 20, 2021. Kevin Coyne 617-635-4938 MAUREEN JOYCE, CITY AUDITOR (June 7, June 14, 2021) KEVIN P. COYNE, PURCHASING AGENT (June 7, 14, 21. 2021) INVITATION FOR BID APPLIANCE REPAIRS AND SERVICES REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS EV00009275 ACTUARIAL AND CONSULTING CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION Mary (Kane) O’Toole SERVICES FOR INJURED WORKERS COSTS The City of Boston (the City) acting by its Boston Fire EV00009309 Department through its Commissioner (the Official) CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N hereby invites sealed bids for the above-entitled Mark MacDonnell, Deputy City Auditor project, and particularly set forth in the Invitation for Bids which may be obtained starting Monday, May 31, 2021 at 9AM by visiting The City of Boston (“the City”), acting by and and clicking on the supplier portal and locating through its City Auditor (‘the Official”), hereby event number EV00009275 as needed at various requests sealed proposals from interested and Boston Fire Department locations inclusive of all qualified parties (“Offerors”) to provide actuarial the required equipment and materials in accordance and consulting services for the calculation of with M.G.L. Chapter 30B from July 1, 2021 through actuarial liabilities, assets and associated normal June 30, 2024. Bids shall be on forms supplied by costs for injured workers costs, which consists of Boston Fire, be clearly identified as a bid and signed workers compensation benefits and claims, police by the bidder. & fire injury pay and indemnification, as defined by Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) in The scope of work is further detailed in the Statement No. 10 and any related technical bulletins specifications. and pronouncements. 343 – Advertisements
All general bids shall be filed bids electronically INVITATION FOR BID with all the required documents on the City of Boston Event EV00009275 before twelve o’clock PROVIDE FLOOR COVERING REPAIRS (noon EST) on Thursday, June 17, 2021. AND SERVICES JOHN DEMPSEY, FIRE COMMISSIONER (May 31, June 7, 14) EV00009276 CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION Mary (Kane) O’Toole The City of Boston (the City) acting by its Boston Fire INVITATION FOR BID Department through its Commissioner (the Official) hereby invites sealed bids for the above-entitled PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND project, and particularly set forth in the Invitation for REPAIR SERVICES OF EMERGENCY Bids which may be obtained starting Monday, May 31, 2021 at 9AM by visiting and GENERATORS AND TRANSFER clicking on the supplier portal and locating event SWITCHES number EV00009276 as need at various Boston Fire Department locations inclusive of all the required EV00009274 equipment and materials in accordance with M.G.L. CON TA C T I N F O R MAT I O N Chapter 149 from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024. Mary (Kane) O’Toole Bids shall be on forms supplied by Boston Fire, be clearly identified as a bid and signed by the bidder. The City of Boston (the City) acting by its Boston The scope of work is further detailed in the Fire Department through its Commissioner specifications. (the Official) hereby invites sealed bids for the above-entitled project, and particularly All sealed bids shall be filed with all the required set forth in the Invitation for Bids which may documents at Boston Fire Headquarters, be obtained starting Monday, May 31, 2021 at Procurement Office, 115 Southampton Street, Boston, 9AM by visiting and MA and clearly marked with Provide Floor Covering clicking on the supplier portal and locating event Repairs, Boston Event EV00009276 before twelve number EV00009274. Preventive maintenance o’clock (noon EST) on Thursday, June 17, 2021. and repair services as needed of emergency JOHN DEMPSEY, FIRE COMMISSIONER generators and transfer switched at various (May 31, June 7, 14) Boston Fire Department locations stated in the project specifications inclusive of all the required equipment and materials in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 30B from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024. Bids shall be on forms supplied by Boston Fire, be clearly identified as a bid and INVITATION FOR BID signed by the bidder. The scope of work is further detailed in the LOCKSMITH REPAIRS AND SERVICES specifications. EV00009277 All general bids shall be filed bids electronically CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION with all the required documents on the City of Mary (Kane) O’Toole Boston Event EV00009274 before twelve o’clock (noon EST) on Thursday, June 17, 2021. The City of Boston (the City) acting by its Boston Fire JOHN DEMPSEY, FIRE COMMISSIONER Department through its Commissioner (the Official) (May 31, June 7, 14) hereby invites sealed bids for the above-entitled project, and particularly set forth in the Invitation for Bids which may be obtained starting Monday, May 31, 344 – Advertisements
2021 at 9AM by visiting vary in complexity as the City uses two primary and clicking on the supplier portal and locating cashering services, iNovah and Conduent. event number EV00009277 as needed at various Boston Fire Department locations inclusive of Responding to this RFP is voluntary. All costs all the required equipment and materials in associated with responding to this RFP, including accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 149 from July 1, any interviews/demonstrations, will be the sole 2021 through June 30, 2024. Bids shall be on forms responsibility of the vendor participating in the supplied by Boston Fire, be clearly identified as a RFP response. The RFP will remain available until bid and signed by the bidder. the date and time of the opening of proposals, on June 18, 2021 at 12 noon, Boston local time. The scope of work is further detailed in the specifications. The attention of all proposers is directed to the provisions of the Request for Proposals All sealed bids shall be filed with all the required and contract documents, specifically to documents at Boston Fire Headquarters, the requirements for insurance as may be Procurement Office, 115 Southampton Street, applicable. Boston, MA and clearly marked with Locksmith Repairs and Services, Boston Event EV00009277 Offerors have the option of submitting before twelve o’clock (noon EST) on Thursday, proposals through either (i) the City of Boston’s June 17, 2021. Supplier Portal or (ii) by delivery of two (2) separate sealed envelopes, JOHN DEMPSEY, FIRE COMMISSIONER one containing the Technical Proposal and (May 31, June 7, 14) one (1) electronic copy (thumb drive), labeled as “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL,” and the other containing the Price Proposal and one (1) electronic copy (thumb drive), labeled as “PRICE PROPOSAL.” Under no circumstance shall any price information be included with a Technical Proposal. If submitting via paper, price and technical proposals shall be submitted separately in sealed, clearly labeled envelopes on or before REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS June 18, 2021 at 12 Noon, Boston local time to: Susan Hynes, City of Boston, Room 703 – POINT OF SALE PAYMENT Department of Innovation and Technology, PROCESSING SOLUTIONS One City Hall Square, Boston, MA 02201. Failure to submit separate sealed price and technical EV00009252 proposals shall result in disqualification of the entire proposal. CON TA C T I N F O R MAT I O N Luis DelNido The Official shall not open the proposals 617-635-3589 publicly, but shall open the technical proposals in the presence of one or more witnesses within The City of Boston, acting by and through its twenty-four (24) hours of the above deadline for Chief Information Officer, requests proposals for submission of proposals. The Official may open Point of Sale Payment Processing Solutions as price proposals later and in any case shall open particularly set forth in the Request for Proposals the price proposals to avoid disclosure to the EV00009252. The RFP will be available on the individuals evaluating the technical proposals. City’s procurement website and Supplier Portal via, on or after 10:00 The term of the contract shall be for 1 year with a.m. Boston local time, on May 24, 2021. The two one year options to renew at the City’s sole City of Boston’s Department of Innovation and discretion. Technology (DoIT), is looking for a partner to process payments for our Point of Sale (POS) and DAVID ELGES, CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER over the phone (IVR) transactions. These payments (May 31, June 7, 2021) 345 – Advertisements
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The City of Boston Department of Neighborhood ENTERPRISE EMAIL MARKETING Development (DND) is seeking several non- PLATFORM profit Community Based Senior Servicing (CBSS) agencies with the capacity, experience and ability to administer its Senior Homeowner Services (SHOS) EV00009219 Program. CON T R A C T I N F OR MATI O N Jeanethe Falvey The anticipated contract term is 24 months, 7/1/21–6/30/23. There will be one option to extend 617-635-0933 the contract for an additional 12 months, 7/1/23 – 6/30/24. The City of Boston, acting by the Department of Innovation and Technology, 1 City Hall Plaza, Boston, The Request for Proposals (“RFP”) package will be MA 02201, hereinafter to as the Awarding Authority, available beginning June 1, 2021 from the City’s hereby invites written quotes for the project listed purchasing website, Supplier Portal (boston. above. Quotes will be solicited from selected vendors gov/Procurement), the City’s online process for through the City of Boston’s Supplier Portal: boston. purchasing, bidding, contracting, vendor registration gov/departments/procurement. and payment. To access details for this specific Event, or to respond through electronic format, All quotes for this project are subject to all applicable please visit the City of Boston Supplier Portal and provisions of law and in accordance with the terms access Event #EV00009135. Completed proposals and provisions of the contract documents entitled: must be submitted, as specified, *electronically by Enterprise Email Marketing Platform. June 16, 2021, no later than 4:00PM. Quotes shall be submitted by 12:00 noon, Boston SHEILA A. DILLON, CHIEF OF HOUSING & time, Friday, July 9, 2021 and opened forthwith. DIRECTOR (May 31, June 7, 2021) SPECIFICATIONS AND PLANS will be available on or about Monday, June 7, 2021 at 10:00 A.M., Boston time. The term of the contract shall be for 1 year with two one year options to renew at the City’s sole discretion. DAVID ELGES, CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER (June 7, June 14, 2021) INVITATION FOR BIDS FRANKLIN PARK YARD MATERIAL BIDS, FRANKLIN PARK CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION Cathy Baker-Eclipse REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 617-961-3058 SENIOR HOMEOWNER SERVICES The City of Boston, acting by the Parks Commission, PROGRAM hereinafter referred to as the Awarding Authority, hereby invites sealed bids for the project listed EV00009135 above. CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N Katie Marcial Bids shall be on a form supplied by the Parks and Recreation Department, shall be clearly identified 617-635-0369 as a bid and signed by the bidder. Bids shall clearly 346 – Advertisements
be labeled with the project name. All bids for this Documents. The Documents shall be available at project are subject to all applicable provisions of law the Boston Parks and Recreation Department, 1010 and in accordance with the terms and provisions of Massachusetts Avenue, 3rd floor, Boston MA 02118 the contract documents entitled: FRANKLIN PARK Monday, June 7, 2021. The proposal is also available YARD MATERIAL BINS, FRANKLIN PARK, BOSTON. on the City of Boston website at https://www. this contract Bids shall be submitted before 12:00 P.M., Boston is procured under the provision of Chapter 30B, time, Friday, June 18, 2021, at which time the bids will section 16 of the Massachusetts General Laws. be opened read aloud through a virtual meeting. Due to the current public health crisis and restrictions Completed documents must be submitted as follows: around gatherings, interested parties will not be able One (1) signed original and four (4) copies of the Non- to access the building for the bid opening but will be Price Proposal must be submitted in an envelope(s) able to view the event live through a link provided on labeled “East Boston Caboose – Non-Price Proposal”. the City of Boston Parks Department website: https:// One (1) signed original of the Price Proposal must be submitted in an envelope labeled “East Boston Bids shall be filed with the Awarding Authority, 1010 Caboose – Price Proposal”. Both the Non-Price Massachusetts Ave 3rd Floor Boston Ma, 02118, Proposal and the Price Proposal must be submitted accompanied by the bid deposit previous to the time no later than 2pm on Monday, July 12, 2021. named for opening of bid. RYAN WOODS COMMISSIONER SPECIFICATIONS AND PLANS will be available on (June 7, June 14, 2021) a USB Thumb Drive on or about Tuesday, May 31st, 2021, after 9:00 A.M., Boston time, at 1010 Massachusetts Ave, 3rd floor Boston Ma 02118. Please note, no mailings or emails will be sent and a certified bank check or money order is not required for pick-up of the plans and specifications. There will be no informational pre-bid conference for this project. RYAN WOODS, COMMISSIONER (May 31st & June 7, 2021) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RESILIENT FORT POINT CHANNEL INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION Joe Christo ADAPTIVE REUSE OF CONRAIL 617-918-4447 CABOOSE AT THE MARY ELLEN WELCH GREENWAY The Boston Redevelopment Authority (“BRA”) d/b/a the Boston Planning & Development Agency (“BPDA”) EV00009300 is issuing a Request for Proposals, (hereinafter CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N “Proposal(s)” and/or “RFP(s)”) for the Resilient Fort Dorothy Baxter Point Channel Infrastructure Project Environmental Review (hereinafter, the “Consultant Services”). 617-304-4459 This RFP package including requirements for this The City of Boston, acting by and through its Parks project will be available to download on the BPDA and Recreation Department and its Commissioner Procurement Portal free-of charge in digital print (the Official), invites proposals for the performance form to all interested respondents on Monday, of the services generally described above and June 7, 2021, 9:00 A.M at particularly as set forth in the Request for Proposal with-us/procurement. Plan holders shall open and register the information requested for the 347 – Advertisements
“Resilient Fort Point Channel Infrastructure Project Sealed bids shall be opened electronically by the Official Environmental Review” and then follow the prompt on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, at 12:00 Noon, at Boston to start file download under the “Work with Us” tab. If Police Headquarters, Contracts Unit, Room N359, 1 unable to access the RFP package through the BPDA Schroeder Plaza, Boston, MA 02120-2014. Procurement Portal, contact the BPDA Procurement GREGORY P. LONG, SUPERINTENDENT IN CHIEF Office at 617-918-5273, or via email to BPDA.CPO@ (May 31, & June 7, 2021) in order to make alternative arrangements All responses to this RFP must be returned no later than 12:00 noon on Friday, July 9, 2021, to: Teresa Polhemus, Secretary, Boston Planning & Development Agency, One City Hall Square, Room 910, Boston, MA 02201-1007. Fee proposals must be submitted under INVITATION FOR BIDS separate cover and in a sealed envelope. Respondents who wish to drop off their respective proposal via SECURITY SYSTEM REPAIRS courier or in person, must follow the operating hours and protocols for public access to City Hall, which are EV00009292 available at: CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION boston-departments. Brenda Harmon MICHELLE GOLDBERG, BUDGET DIRECTOR/ 617 343-4429 INTERIM CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER (June 7, June 14, 2021) The City of Boston (the City)/the County of Suffolk (the County), acting by its Police Commissioner (the Official), invites sealed bids for the performance of the work generally described above, and particularly set forth in the Invitation For Bids, which may be obtained through electronic format, starting at 9:00 AM on Monday, May 31, 2021. Invitations For Bids shall be available until the time of bid opening. Bid packages and specifications will be available for downloading by visiting INVITATION FOR BIDS procurement and clicking on the supplier portal to locate event number EV00009292. SERVICE AND REPAIRS TO JOHNSON Sealed bids shall be opened electronically by the Official METASYS BUILDING CONTROL on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, at 12:00 Noon, at Boston SYSTEMS Police Headquarters, Contracts Unit, Room N359, 1 Schroeder Plaza, Boston, MA 02120-2014. EV00009290 GREGORY P. LONG, SUPERINTENDENT IN CHIEF CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N (May 31, & June 7, 2021) Brenda Harmon 617 343-4429 The City of Boston (the City)/the County of Suffolk (the County), acting by its Police Commissioner (the Official), invites sealed bids for the performance of the work generally described above, and particularly INVITATION FOR BIDS set forth in the Invitation For Bids, which may be PROVIDE FOOD SERVICES FOR obtained through electronic format, starting at 9:00 AM on Monday, May 31, 2021. PRISONERS Invitations For Bids shall be available until the time EV00009295 of bid opening. Bid packages and specifications will Contact information be available for downloading by visiting Brenda Harmon procurement and clicking on the supplier portal to locate event number EV00009290. 617 343-4429 348 – Advertisements
The City of Boston (the City)/the County of Suffolk THE SCOPE OF WORK includes the inspection, (the County), acting by its Police Commissioner (the testing, and maintenance of the entire fire alarm Official), invites sealed bids for the performance of system, including the firefighter’s telephones, the work generally described above, and particularly wet pipe sprinkler systems, preaction sprinkler set forth in the Invitation For Bids, which may be system, dry pipe sprinkler systems, fire pumps, obtained through electronic format, starting at 9:00 fire extinguishers, exit signs, and emergency lights AM on Monday, May 31, 2021. installed in City of Boston buildings. Systems are to be inspected, tested and maintained in safe and Invitations For Bids shall be available until the time reliable operating condition and in full conformity of bid opening. Bid packages and specifications will with all laws and regulations applicable to the system be available for downloading by visiting and as described in the specifications. This is a full- procurement and clicking on the supplier portal to service contract. locate event number EV00009295 to post you bid. The contract will begin on July 1, 2021 and continue Sealed bids shall be opened electronically by the to June 30, 2022 with the option to renew for 2 Official on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, at 12:00 Noon, consecutive years, July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 at Boston Police Headquarters, Contracts Unit, Room and July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 subject to the N359, 1 Schroeder Plaza, Boston, MA 02120-2014. availability of appropriation. GREGORY P. LONG, SUPERINTENDENT IN CHIEF ALL FILED SUB-BIDS shall be filed with the Awarding (May 31 & June 7, 2021) Authority at the Bid Counter, Boston City Hall, Room 811, Boston, MA 02201, before 12:00 P.M. on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, at which time and place respective sub- bids will be opened forthwith and read aloud. Filed Sub-Bids will be valid only when accompanied by (1) a Certificate of Eligibility issued by DCAMM, showing that the sub-contractor has been approved in Fire Protection Sprinkler Systems bid on projects the size and nature of that advertised, and (2) an Update Statement summarizing the sub-contractor’s record for the period between the latest DCAMM certification and the date the sub-contractor submits INVITATION FOR BIDS / RE-BID its sub-bid. MAINTENANCE OF FIRE ALARM AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS General Bids will be valid only when accompanied by (1) a Certificate of Eligibility issued by DCAMM, Project Number: PMD2021-01 showing that the general contractor has been approved in Alarm Systems to bid on projects the CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N size and nature of that advertised, and (2) an Update 617-635-4100 Statement summarizing the general contractor’s record for the period between the latest DCAMM The City of Boston acting by its Property certification and the date the general contractor Management Department (PMD), through its submits its bid. Commissioner of the Property Management ALL GENERAL BIDS shall be filed with the Awarding Department, hereinafter referred to as the Awarding Authority at the Bid Counter, Boston City Hall, Room Authority, hereby invites sealed bids for the above- 811, Boston, MA 02201, before 12:00 P.M. on Tuesday, entitled project. Bids shall be on a form supplied by June 22, 2021. PMD, shall be clearly identified as a bid, and signed by the bidder. All bids for this project are subject to SPECIFICATIONS will be available on or about May sections 29 and 44A-J, inclusive of Chapter 149 of the 31, 2021 at noontime, at the PMD Bid Counter, Boston General Laws, as amended, and in accordance with City Hall, Room 811, Boston, MA 02201 or by emailing the terms and provisions of the contract documents entitled: Maintenance of Fire Alarm and Life Safety Systems at Boston City Hall and Various City of ROBERT R. MELVIN, COMMISSIONER Boston Locations. (May 31, June 7, 2021) 349 – Advertisements
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS LEASING SPACE AT 500 COLUMBIA LEASING SPACE AT 201 ROAD RIVERMORE STREET Event ID #EV00009256 Event ID #EV00009220 CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION Sheila McCarthy Sheila McCarthy 617-635-4100 617-635-4100 The City is interested in providing approximately Proposals for the individual lease of up to 16,750 square feet of space, through a lease, on Twenty-Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty- the second and third floors of the municipal Eight (27,868) square feet of property consisting building at 500 Columbia Road, Dorchester, to of office space, garage, and warehouse at 201 a successful proponent to operate a community Rivermoor Street in West Roxbury (“Leased center or similar type program. Proponents must Premises”) as further described in the RFP. meet the following minimum qualification: MUST BE a Non-profit corporation authorized to do The City of Boston (“City”), acting by and through business in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, its Property Management Department and its and provide programming to benefit youth and Commissioner (the “Official”), invites proposals families. for the services and/or supplies described above and particularly as set forth in the Request for The City of Boston (“City”), acting by and through Proposal Documents (Documents) which may be its Property Management Department (PMD) and obtained from the City’s purchasing website and its Commissioner (the “Official”), invites proposals Supplier Portal, ( from Non-profit entities for the performance procurement) under Event ID EV00009220. of the services generally described above and particularly as set forth in the Request for For information specific to this RFP, please Proposal Documents (Documents).which may be contact obtained from the City’s purchasing website and The City has arranged a site visit for Tuesday, Supplier Portal ( June 15, 2021 at 11:00 AM, for interested persons procurement) under Event ID EV00009256. to visit the site and make a visual inspection of For information specific to this RFP, please the area to be occupied. The number of persons contact permitted to attend the Site visit, on behalf of each Proponent, is limited to a maximum of The City has arranged a site visit for Thursday, two persons. Email to June 17, 2021 at 11:00 AM, for interested Non- confirm attendance and time. profit entities to visit the site and make a visual inspection of the area to be managed. The All proposals shall be filed no later than Tuesday, number of persons permitted to attend the Site July 6, 2021 at 2:00 PM. Requests for Proposals visit, on behalf of each Proponent, is limited to shall be available on Monday, June 7, 2021 at a maximum of two persons. Email pmdbidinfo@ 10:00 AM until the proposal filing deadline to confirm attendance and time. ROBERT R. MELVIN, COMMISSIONER (June 7, June 14, 2021) All proposals shall be filed no later than Tuesday, July 6, 2021 at 3:00 PM. Requests for Proposals shall be available on Monday, June 7, 2021 at 10:00 AM until the proposal filing deadline. ROBERT R. MELVIN, COMMISSIONER (June 7, June 14, 2021) 350 – Advertisements
INVITATION FOR BIDS BCYF MARSHALL COMMUNITY CENTER POOL Project No. 7219 CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION INVITATION FOR GENERAL BIDS PFD Bid Counter EVERETT SCHOOL ROOF (617)-635-4809 REPLACEMENT The City of Boston acting by its Public Project No. 7154-A Facilities Commission, through its Director CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N of the Public Facilities Department (PFD), 1st PFD Bid Counter Floor, 26 Court Street, Boston, MA 02108, hereinafter referred to as the Awarding (617)-635-4809 Authority, hereby invites sealed bids for the above-entitled project. Bids shall be on a The City of Boston acting by its Public Facilities form supplied by PFD, be clearly identified as Commission, through its Director of the Public a bid, and signed by the bidder. All bids for Facilities Department (PFD), 1st Floor, 26 Court this project are subject to sections 26-27, 29 Street, Boston, MA 02108, hereinafter referred and 44A-44J, inclusive of Chapter 149 of the to as the Awarding Authority, hereby invites General Laws, as amended, and in accordance sealed bids for the above-entitled project. Bids with the terms and provisions of the contract shall be on a form supplied by PFD, be clearly documents entitled: BCYF Marshall identified as a bid, and signed by the bidder. Community Center Pool. All bids for this project are subject to sections 26-27, 29 and 44A-44J, inclusive of Chapter All filed sub-bids shall be filed with the 149 of the General Laws, as amended, and in Awarding Authority at the Bid Counter, 26 accordance with the terms and provisions of Court Street, 1st Floor, Boston, MA 02108, the contract documents entitled: Everett School before twelve o’clock (noon) June 23, 2021 at Roof Replacement project. which time and place respective sub-bids will be opened forthwith and read aloud. All general bids shall be filed with the Awarding Authority at the Bid Counter, 26 Court Street, All general bids shall be filed with the Awarding 1st Floor, Boston, MA 02108, before twelve Authority at the Bid Counter, 26 Court Street, thirty (12:30 afternoon EST) on June 23, 2021, 1st Floor, Boston, MA 02108, before twelve at which time and place respective bids will be o’clock (noon EST) on July 12, 2021, at which opened forthwith and read aloud. time and place respective bids will be opened forthwith and read aloud. Plans and specifications will be available on or about June 7, 2021 at the Public Facilities Plans and specifications will be available on Department Bid Counter to all interested parties. or about June 7, 2021 at the Public Facilities Plans and specifications are only available Department Bid Counter to all interested parties. electronically and by requesting access for such Plans and specifications are only available through electronically and by requesting access for such through KERRIE GRIFFIN, DIRECTOR (June 7, June 14, 2021) KERRIE GRIFFIN, DIRECTOR (June 7, June 14, 2021) 351 – Advertisements
INVITATION FOR BIDS INVITATION FOR BIDS MY WAY CAFÉ PHASE 4 MY WAY CAFÉ PHASE 4 Project No. 7226-A Project No. 7226-B CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION PFD Bid Counter PFD Bid Counter (617)-635-4809 (617)-635-4809 The City of Boston acting by its Public Facilities The City of Boston acting by its Public Facilities Commission, through its Director of the Public Commission, through its Director of the Public Facilities Department (PFD), 10th Floor, 26 Court Facilities Department (PFD), 10th Floor, 26 Court Street, Boston, MA 02108, hereinafter referred to Street, Boston, MA 02108, hereinafter referred to as the Awarding Authority, hereby invites sealed as the Awarding Authority, hereby invites sealed bids for the above-entitled project. Bids shall be bids for the above-entitled project. Bids shall be on a form supplied by PFD, be clearly identified on a form supplied by PFD, be clearly identified as a bid, and signed by the bidder. All bids for as a bid, and signed by the bidder. All bids for this project are subject to sections 26-27, 29 and this project are subject to sections 26-27, 29 and 44A-44J, inclusive of Chapter 149 of the General 44A-44J, inclusive of Chapter 149 of the General Laws, as amended, and in accordance with the Laws, as amended, and in accordance with the terms and provisions of the contract documents terms and provisions of the contract documents entitled: My Way Café Phase 4 project. Boston entitled: My Way Café Phase 4 project. Boston Adult Technical Academy, 20 Church Street, Teachers Union, 25 Walk Hill Street, Boston, Boston, MA 02116, Eliot Charter, 16 Charter MA 02130, Community Academy, 25 Glen Road, Street, Boston, MA 02113, Eliot Salem, 173 Salem Jamaica Plain, MA 02130, Conley Elementary Street, Boston, MA 02113, McKinley Middle School, 450 Popal Street, Roslindale, MA 02131, School, 50 St. Mary’s Street, Boston, MA 02215, Haley Pilot School, 570 American Legion Quincy Elementary, 885 Washington Street, Highway, Roslindale, MA 02131, Philbrick School, Boston, MA 02111 and Snowden International 40 Philbrick Street, Roslindale, MA 02131 and School, 150 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116 Sumner Elementary School, 15 Basile Street, Boston, MA 02131 All filed sub-bids shall be filed with the Awarding Authority at the Bid Counter, 26 Court Street, 1st All filed sub-bids shall be filed with the Awarding Floor, Boston, MA 02108, before Nine o’clock (9 Authority at the Bid Counter, 26 Court Street, 1st a.m.) on June 21, 2021, at which time and place Floor, Boston, MA 02108, before Ten o’clock (10 respective sub-bids will be opened forthwith and a.m.) on June 21, 2021, at which time and place read aloud. respective sub-bids will be opened forthwith and read aloud. All general bids shall be filed with the Awarding Authority at the Bid Counter, 26 Court Street, 1st All general bids shall be filed with the Awarding Floor, Boston, MA 02108, before Nine o’clock (9 Authority at the Bid Counter, 26 Court Street, 1st a.m.) on June 30, 2020 at which time and place Floor, Boston, MA 02108, before Ten o’clock (10 respective bids will be opened forthwith and read a.m.) on June 30, 2020 at which time and place aloud. respective bids will be opened forthwith and read aloud. Plans and specifications will be available on or about June 7, 2021 at the Public Facilities Department Plans and specifications will be available on or about Bid Counter to all interested parties. Plans and June 7, 2021 at the Public Facilities Department specifications are only available electronically and by Bid Counter to all interested parties. Plans and requesting access for such through specifications are only available electronically and gov. by requesting access for such through KERRIE GRIFFIN, DIRECTOR (June 7, June 14, 2021) KERRIE GRIFFIN, DIRECTOR (June 7, June 14, 2021) 352 – Advertisements
INVITATION FOR BIDS MY WAY CAFÉ PHASE 4 Project No. 7226-C CON TA C T I N F O R MAT I O N INVITATION FOR BIDS PFD Bid Counter PLOWING AND SALTING OF MUNICIPAL (617)-635-4809 PARKING LOT IN THE CITY OF BOSTON The City of Boston acting by its Public Facilities (AREA E ONLY) Commission, through its Director of the Public Facilities Department (PFD), 10th Floor, 26 Court CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION Street, Boston, MA 02108, hereinafter referred to as 617-635-4912 the Awarding Authority, hereby invites sealed bids for the above-entitled project. Bids shall be on a The City of Boston, acting by its Commissioner, invites form supplied by PFD, be clearly identified as a bid, sealed bids for the performance of the work generally and signed by the bidder. All bids for this project described above, and particularly set forth in the are subject to sections 26-27, 29 and 44A-44J, Invitation For bids which may be obtained at Room 714 inclusive of Chapter 149 of the General Laws, as (Contract Office), City Hall, Boston Mass., commencing amended, and in accordance with the terms and at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 1, 2021 by appointment provisions of the contract documents entitled: only. Invitation for bids shall be available until the time of My Way Café Phase 4 project. Bates Elementary the bid opening. There will be a charge of five dollars ($5) School, 426 Beech Street, Roslindale, MA 02131, NOT REFUNDABLE, for each set of contract documents Beethoven Elementary School, 5125 Washington taken out. The contract will begin on November 15, 2021 Street, Roxbury, MA 02132, Kilmer Lower School, to April 30, 2022. K-3, 35 Baker Street, Boston, MA, 02132, Kilmer Upper School, 4-8, 140 Russett Road, Boston, MA A MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE WIL BE HELD 02132, Lyndon Pilot School, 20 Mt. Vernon Street, ON Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 11:00am, via a Google Meet West Roxbury, MA 02132, Mozart Elementary, 236 Video Call. You will receive an email notification upon Beech Street, Roslindale, MA 02131, Ohrenberger, picking up the contract documents. 3-8 Grades School, 175 W. Boundary Road, W. Roxbury, MA 02132 The Commissioner of Public Works has determined that there is little or no risk or default or unsatisfactory All filed sub-bids shall be filed with the Awarding performance by the vendor/contractor therefore, a Authority at the Bid Counter, 26 Court Street, 1st performance bonds will not be required. Floor, Boston, MA 02108, before Eleven o’clock (11 a.m.) on June 21, 2021, at which time and place Every Sealed bid shall be submitted in accordance with respective sub-bids will be opened forthwith and the Invitation for Bids and shall be filed not later than read aloud. Thursday, June 17, 2021 at 11:00 am. by appointment only at the office of the Official, Public Works Department, All general bids shall be filed with the Awarding Room 714, Boston City Hall, At 1:00. Authority at the Bid Counter, 26 Court Street, 1st Floor, Boston, MA 02108, before Eleven o’clock (11 Due to the current public health crisis and restrictions a.m.) on June 30, 2020 at which time and place around gatherings, interested parties will not be able to respective bids will be opened forthwith and read access the building for the bid opening but will be able aloud. to view the event live through a link provided by Public Works, upon receiving your bid packet. All bids must Plans and specifications will be available on or about be from bidders of record (those who have purchased June 7, 2021 at the Public Facilities Department contract documents) on file at Room 714, City Hall. Bid Counter to all interested parties. Plans and specifications are only available electronically and by Sealed bids shall be opened read aloud through a virtual requesting access for such through meeting by the Official on Thursday, June 17, 2021 at 1:00 gov. pm at Boston City Hall, Boston, MA. Room 714. KERRIE GRIFFIN, DIRECTOR OFFICE OF STREETS, TRANSPORTATION & SANITATION (June 7, June 14, 2021) (May 31, June 7, 2021) 353 – Advertisements
INVITATION FOR BIDS REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS ASPHALT RESURFACING IN AREAS I, ENGINEERING DESIGN II, III IN THE CITY OF BOSTON SERVICES RELATIVE TO THE OVERVIEW OF VARIOUS CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N BRIDGES IN THE CITY OF 617-635-4912 BOSTON The City of Boston, acting by its Commissioner, CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION invites sealed bids for the performance of the work Julie Kennedy generally described above, and particularly set forth (617) 635-2219 in the Invitation For bids which may be obtained at Room 714 (Contract Office), City Hall, Boston Mass., The City of Boston, acting through the Public commencing at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, June 7, 2021 Works Department, invites Statements of by appointment only. Invitation for bids shall be Qualifications from qualified firms to provide available until the time of the bid opening. There will engineering design services relative to the be a charge of five dollars ($5) NOT REFUNDABLE, overview of various bridges in the City of for each set of contract documents taken out. (Three Boston. The qualified consultant will be separate contracts) responsible for the preparation of plans, THIS IS A STATE AID PROJECT specifications, estimates, construction supervision, and for providing advice and THE MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF coordination relative to the bridge state of TRANSPORTATION (MASSDOT) HAS PROVIDED good repair program in the City of Boston. A LIST TO THE BOSTON PUBLIC WORKS This contract is exempt from the provisions DEPARTMENT OF APPROVED ELIGIBLE BIDDERS of Chapter G.L.c. 30B and is awarded FOR THIS PROJECT. ONLY THOSE CONTRACTORS pursuant to G.L.c. 30.39M. ON THIS LIST WILL RECEIVE OFFICIAL BID DOCUMENTS. ALL OTHERS WILL BE PROVIDED QUALIFICATION FORMS will be made WITH AN INFORMATIONAL COPY. available on June 9, 2021 and may be obtained by email request to Julie Kennedy at Julie. Every Sealed bid shall be submitted in accordance Response to these with the Invitation for Bids. All sealed bids shall be forms must be received no later than 12:00 filed not later than Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 11:00 P.M. on June 23rd, 2021. Please submit am. by appointment only at the office of the Official, responses by e-mail to Julie Kennedy at Julie. Public Works Department, Room 714, Boston City Hall, At 1:00 pm the bids will be opened read aloud through a virtual meeting. The Qualification Forms must keep in accordance with the established format, Due to the current public health crisis and keeping in mind the project being advertised. restrictions around gatherings, interested parties will not be able to access the building for the bid opening Project fees will be negotiated. The Project but will be able to view the event live through a link Engineer should be a Registered Professional provided by Public Works, upon receiving your bid Engineer in the Commonwealth of packet. All bids must be from bidders of record Massachusetts. (those who have purchased contract documents) on CHRIS OSGOOD, COMMISSIONER file at Room 714, City Hall. (June 7, June 14, 2021) Sealed bids shall be opened read aloud through a virtual meeting by the Official on Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 1:00 pm at Boston City Hall, Boston, MA, and Room 714. OFFICE OF STREETS, TRANSPORTATION AND SANITATION (June 7, June 14, 2021) 354 – Advertisements
INVITATION FOR BIDS RENOVATIONS – NEW SCIENCE AND LIFE SKILLS CLASSROOMS JOHN W. MCCORMACK MIDDLE SCHOOL REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION VIRTUAL SUMMER SCHOOL OPTION Patrick Mulvey-Welsh, Project Director FOR BPS STUDENTS 617-635-9000 Ext. 41364 EV00009298 The City of Boston Public Schools (the City), acting CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N by and through its Office of Facilities Management, Kristen Daley Planning and Engineering Department (the Awarding Authority), invites sealed bids for the 617-635-6756 above entitled project, subject to all applicable provisions of law, including, without limitation, The City of Boston, acting by the Boston Public section 39M of chapter 30 of the General Laws, as Schools, 2300 Washington Street, Roxbury, MA 02119, amended, and in accordance with the terms and hereinafter referred to as the Awarding Authority, provisions of the contract documents entitled: hereby invites sealed bids for the project listed “Renovations – New Science and Life Skills below. Sealed bids will be solicited from selected Classrooms, John W. McCormack Middle School, vendors through the City of Boston’s Supplier Portal: 315 Mount Vernon Street, Dorchester, MA 02125.” PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS will be available All bids for this project are subject to all applicable after twelve o’clock noon on Thursday, June 10, provisions of law and in accordance with the terms 2021 at the Office of Facilities Management, 1216 and provisions of the contract documents entitled: Dorchester Avenue, 2nd floor, Boston, MA 02125, Virtual summer school option for BPS students. no deposit required. To request electronic files, SCOPE OF WORK includes: For 5 weeks, provide at send a request Maria Lew-Houston, Staff Assistant, least 2 hours of synchronous instruction 3 to 5 days a week, with a focus on math and ELA grade-specific FILED SUB-BIDS shall be submitted to the content. Grade span K-8. Awarding Authority, 2nd floor, 1216 Dorchester Proposals shall be submitted before 12:00 P.M., Avenue, Boston, MA 02125, before twelve o’clock Boston time, Friday, June 11, 2021 and opened noon (Boston time) on Thursday, July 8, 2021 forthwith. The Awarding Authority reserves the at which time and place respective bids will be right to waive any informality, or to reject any and all opened and read aloud. proposals, if it be in the Public Interest to do so. GENERAL BIDS shall be submitted to the Awarding SPECIFICATIONS will be available on or about Authority, 2nd floor, 1216 Dorchester Avenue, Monday, May 31, 2021 after 9:00 A.M., Boston time. Boston, MA 02125, before twelve o’clock noon (Boston time) on Thursday, July 22, 2021 at which The successful proposer will be required to provide time and place respective bids will be opened and by insurance for the payment of compensation and read aloud. Late bids will not be accepted. the furnishing of other benefits under the Workmen’s Compensation Law, General Laws (Ter.Ed.), chapter PRE-BID CONFERENCE will be held on Wednesday, 152, to all persons to be employed under the June 30, 2021, from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM at the contract, and sufficient proof of compliance with John W. McCormack Middle School, 315 Mount the foregoing stipulation will be required before Vernon Street, Dorchester, MA 02125. Prospective commencing performance of this contract. bidders are encouraged to attend. BRENDA CASSELLIUS, SUPERINTENDENT PATRICK MULVEY-WELSH, PROJECT DIRECTOR (June 7, 14, 2021) (May 31, June 7 2021) 355 – Advertisements
Boston City Hall is REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS currently open to the PLANNING CONSULTING SERVICES FOR COMMUNITY PRESERVATION public by appointment PROGRAM Event ID # EV00009283 only on Tuesdays, CON TA C T I N F O R MAT I O N Sarah Zimmerman Thursdays, and (781) 698-8591 The City of Boston, Massachusetts (the “City”), Fridays from acting by and through its Chief Financial Officer and Collector-Treasurer (the “Official”), is requesting the submission of proposals from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. nationally or locally recognized and qualified firms (“Firms”) who have demonstrated Starting Monday, experience in strategic planning with respect to the Community Preservation Act as outlined in M.G.L. Ch. 44B and Ord. 2017, §8-12.1-8 or similar June 7, 2021, City grant making organizations. The RFP shall be available on the City’s Supplier Portal at boston. gov/procurement or by emailing a request to Hall will also be beginning at 9:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), on May 31, open to the public by 2021. The RFP shall be available up to the deadline for the submission of Responses at 5:00 p.m. EDT on June 30. Any contract executed pursuant to appointment only the RFP shall be for a period of one (1) year JUSTIN STERRITT, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER on Mondays. City (May 31, 2021, June 7, 2021) Hall will be open to the public five days a week starting July 12, and appointments won’t be needed for in-person services. 356 – Advertisements
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