Page created by Ross Burton

                                       2021 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN
                            COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT
                                                                        Rochester, MN

                                                    Submitted to HUD:


                                              Annual Action Plan                    1
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)

AP-05 Executive Summary .......................................................................................... 3

PR-05 Lead & Responsible Agency .................................................................................. 7

AP-10 Consultation ..................................................................................................... 8

AP-12 Participation .................................................................................................... 24

AP-15 Expected Resources ...................................................................................... 26

AP-20 Annual Goals and Objectives ........................................................................ 29

AP-35 Projects ........................................................................................................... 31

AP-38 Project Summary............................................................................................ 34

AP-50 Geographic Distribution ................................................................................. 38

AP-55 Affordable Housing ......................................................................................... 39

AP-60 Public Housing ................................................................................................ 41

AP-65 Homeless and Other Special Needs Activities ............................................. 42

AP-75 Barries to Affordable Housing ...................................................................... 45

AP-85 Other Actions ................................................................................................. 48

AP-90 Program Specfic Requirements .................................................................... 53

Application for Federal Assistance SF-424.............................................................. 55

Certifications ............................................................................................................. 56

                                                    Annual Action Plan                                                        2
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Executive Summary

AP-05 Executive Summary - 24 CFR 91.200(c), 91.220(b)
1.        Introduction

The Consolidated Plan for the City of Rochester, Minnesota was completed in response to requirements
set forth by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The City of Rochester only
receives funding from the Community Development Block Grant program.

The purpose of the Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan is:

         To identify the city's housing and community development needs, priorities, goals and
         To stipulate how funds will be allocated to area housing and community development nonprofit
          organizations and governmental units.

The Annual Action Plan addresses how the City intends to spend its 2021 HUD Entitlement funds in the
areas of housing and community development.

The 2021 Annual Action Plan is year five of the 2020-2024 Five Year Consolidated Plan.

2.     Summarize the objectives and outcomes identified in the Plan
This could be a restatement of items or a table listed elsewhere in the plan or a reference to
another location. It may also contain any essential items from the housing and homeless needs
assessment, the housing market analysis or the strategic plan.

Estimated Housing Needs                       Five Year Goals

Acquisition of existing rental units             0

Production of new rental units                   0

Rehabilitation of existing rental units         4

Rental Assistance                               0

Acquisition of existing owner units             0

Production of new owner units                   0

Rehabilitation of existing owner units 120

Homeownership Assistance                        0

Rehabilitation Special Needs Housing            5
                                                     Annual Action Plan                                3
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Rehabilitation Homeless Shelters              4

Public Facilities                             13

Street Improvements                           1

Neighborhood Facilities                       1

(City Park & Recreation)

Planning -                                    1 projects

The objective of performance is to provide safe, decent and affordable housing by preserving the
existing housing stock and developing opportunities for the addition of new affordable rental and
homeownership units. This will assist in revitalizing residential neighborhoods of desirable quality and
stability, by representing Rochester’s citizens in terms of race, income group and household type.

3.       Evaluation of past performance
This is an evaluation of past performance that helped lead the grantee to choose its goals or

Summary of Past Performance, Program Years 2015-2018. As reported in the 2018 CAPER.

 Activity             Total
 Rental Owners            2
 Homeless Housing      4,227
 Owner Housing          105
 Special Needs Housing    3
 Public Facilities       659
 Public Service         574
 Planning                 1

During this past year, the City of Rochester has met their goals by utilizing CDBG funds for projects
addressing housing needs (rental and owner occupied).

4.   Summary of Citizen Participation Process and consultation process
Summary from citizen participation section of plan.

Citizen input is important to solicit throughout the development of the Annual Action Plan for the City of
Rochester. As such the City of Rochester adopted a Citizen's Participation Plan in 1990 and was updated
in May, 2020. The adopted Citizen Participation Plan includes information on the CDBG program, offers
technical assistance, allows for the public to assess all aspects of the performance of the CDBG program,
process for grievances/complaints, application for funding process, and public hearing processes,
including utilizing bi-lingual staff if needed.

                                                   Annual Action Plan                                      4
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
The City of Rochester conducts public hearings to obtain citizen views, respond to questions,
development needs and review of proposed activities prior to determining final appropriations. Copies
of the proposed use of funds will be available at City Hall and the city's website.

A notice that the City of Rochester was accepting applications for the 2021 CDBG program was
published in the local newspaper on August 8, 2020, published via media release on August 21, 2020,
and communicated to previous applicants on August 7, 2020. The notice also included the dates for the
public hearing on October 5, 2020. The public hearing provided opportunity for public input. A copy of
the notice and summary of eligible CDBG activities was also sent to non-profits advocates serving low-
moderate income persons, social service agencies, homeless and housing providers, health
professionals, and local government agencies, addressing community development needs in the area.

A notice that the City of Rochester has completed a draft of the Annual Action Plan has been published
in the local newspaper for public comment on October 13, 2020. The notice stated that the City of
Rochester has completed a draft of the Annual Action Plan has been published in the local newspaper
for public comment on October 15, 2020. The notice includes the dates public comments will be
accepted: October 15,2020 through November 14, 2020. It states in 2020, the City of Rochester received
$704,375 from the Department of Housing and Urban Development through the CDBG Program and
$1,000,984 through the CARES Act (CDBG-CV), anticipates receiving approximately $50,000 in CDBG
program income, and $586,623 of CDBG-CV funds are in the process of being allocated towards COVID
relief efforts. In 2021, the City of Rochester expects to receive approximately $700,000, from the
Department of Housing and Urban Development through the CDBG Program. If the funding received is
more than 25% of the anticipated amount, the City Council will review and determine approval through
the public hearing process. If less than $700,000 is received, all projects will be reduced by the same
proportion down to the amount received (except the Home Rehab program and Administration costs). If
more than $700,000 is received (but is less than 25% of the anticipated amount), the additional funding
allocation will first be determined by The City, and then by The City Council if the unanticipated amount
is considered substantial.

5.      Summary of public comments
This could be a brief narrative summary or reference an attached document from the Citizen
Participation section of the Con Plan.

The following agencies attended the first public hearing held on October 5, 2020:

Damascus Way

Next Chapter Ministries

Rochester Area YMCA

6.        Summary of comments or views not accepted and the reasons for not accepting them

No unaccepted views or comments received.

                                              Annual Action Plan                                        5
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
7.        Summary

                                              Annual Action Plan   6
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
PR-05 Lead & Responsible Agencies – 91.200(b)
1.     Agency/entity responsible for preparing/administering the Consolidated Plan
Describe the agency/entity responsible for preparing the Consolidated Plan and those responsible for administration of each grant
program and funding source.
                       Agency Role                                  Name                             Department/Agency

   CDBG Administrator                                                                    City of Rochester, MN
                                                       Table 1 – Responsible Agencies

Narrative (optional)

Consolidated Plan Public Contact Information

Taryn Edens

Planner / CDBG Administrator

City of Rochester – Community Development Department

4001 W River Pkwy NW, Suite 100

Rochester, MN 55901

Phone: 507-328-2961

 Email: tedens@rochestermn.gov

                                                            Annual Action Plan                                   7
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
AP-10 Consultation – 91.100, 91.200(b), 91.215(l)
1.        Introduction

The City of Rochester conducts public hearings to obtain citizen views, respond to questions, development needs and review of proposed
activities prior to determining final appropriations. Copies of the proposed use of funds will be available at City Hall and the city's website.

For purpose of the 2020-2024 Five Year Consolidated Plan for the City of Rochester, a Consolidated Plan Public Meeting was conducted on
November 4, 2019. A notice was placed in the local newspaper inviting interested parties the opportunity to voice their opinions regarding the
City's housing and development needs. No one attended this public meeting. The draft copy of the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan was available
to the public for comment for a 30-day period beginning October 15, 2019 until November 14, 2019.

The location and timing of this meeting is accessible and flexible to reach the broadest audience. The issue is the need for more of public
interested in participating and extending communication of the event. To resolve this in the future, we will consider broadening our areas of
communication of this meeting. Some examples include posting the event on the City’s website, or a radio broadcast.

Provide a concise summary of the jurisdiction’s activities to enhance coordination between public and assisted housing providers
and private and governmental health, mental health and service agencies (91.215(l))

For the 2021 Annual Action Plan, the City of Rochester published a notice in the local newspaper, a media release, and notified previous
applicants-- requesting applications for the 2021 CDBG funding year. The City also conducted a public hearing regarding the allocations for the
2021 CDBG program year.

The Olmsted County Housing and Redevelopment Authority has partnered with local organizations to bring services directly to public housing

         Partnered with Rochester Public Schools to engage public housing parents with school personnel.
         Partnered with the Boys and Girls Club to bring after-school programming to children in public housing.
         Partnered with Public Health to provide public housing tenants with community gardens for food, budget savings, community
          connections, and family engagement.
         Partnered with Workforce Development, Hawthorne Education Center, Community Health Services, Children’s Dental to provide
          resources at the 2018 HUD Strong Family Initiative event for public housing tenants.

                                                                 Annual Action Plan                                             8
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
The Olmsted County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (OCHRA) partnered with Olmsted County Public Health Services to conduct a
Housing Environmental Scan in 2018 to articulate current housing issues, clarify roles and efforts, identify resources and gaps, as well as develop
priorities and goals; this data was used in response the Olmsted County Public Health Service’s Community Health Assessment. This process
included many community stakeholders during various sessions to accomplish this purpose such as the Olmsted Medical Center, Mayo Clinic,
The City of Rochester, and Olmsted County.

With federal guidance in regards to HIPPA compliance, Olmsted County Public Health and OCHRA are working together to identify children living
in federally assisted housing that may be exposed to lead, and to provide resources to the family concerning lead exposure.

The Olmsted County Housing and Redevelopment Authority partnered with the Olmsted County Public Health to promote healthy communities
by ensuring smoke-free housing at all county owned rental properties, installing community gardens at all three public housing townhome
communities, and providing bike racks at the public housing townhome sites.

The Olmsted County Housing and Redevelopment Authority has partnered with the Rochester Energy Commission to reduce water and
electricity usage for each public housing townhome unit (saving average household $154/year).

The Jeremiah Program, a project beginning construction this year, has secured land in Rochester, serving 40 single mothers with children who
are considered to be in poverty. This year, the Olmsted County Board approved to designate 20 Housing Choice Vouchers to the project, and the
City Council approved establishing a TIF district for the project and $660,652 in TIF assistance be provided to the project as a pay-as-you-go
basis. The program provides transitional housing while participants complete a program providing mothers with career-track college educations
as well as childhood education programs for their children.

The City of Rochester works with a number of public and private agencies that address the needs of low-moderate income persons, including but
not limited to, affordable housing issues, coordinated housing assistance, and services of homeless persons. The City supports these agencies by
providing CDBG funding opportunities, if requested by the agency.

The City also supports numerous agencies by providing funding from the city's contingency budget. Such agencies include: Rochester Senior
Center, RNeighbors, Diversity Council, Youth Commission, SE MN Initiative Fund and Human Rights Commission. The City will also support these
local agencies with CDBG funding opportunities, if requested by the agency.

                                                                Annual Action Plan                                           9
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Describe coordination with the Continuum of Care and efforts to address the needs of homeless persons (particularly chronically
homeless individuals and families, families with children, veterans, and unaccompanied youth) and persons at risk of

The City of Rochester does not directly provide programs that address the needs of homeless persons (particularly chronically homeless
individuals and families, families with children, veterans and unaccompanied youth) and persons at risk of homeless. The Continuum of Care
(CoC) for Rochester is provided through Three Rivers. These programs are delivered by private non-profit agencies such as: Rochester Area
Family YMCA, Dorothy Day House, Olmsted County HRA, SE MN Center for Independent Living, Bear Creek Services, Hiawatha Homes, Women's
Shelter, Salvation Army, Zumbro Valley Mental Health Center, Community Housing Partnership, Catholic Charities, and Lutheran Social Services.

The Olmsted County HRA is an active member of the River Valleys Continuum of Care and serves as an Executive Member of the Coordinated
Entry Committee, working to develop region-wide policies to better utilize Coordinated Entry for both organizations and participants. The HRA
receives CoC funding to support The Francis, a 17-unit single-room-occupancy building serving chronically homeless individuals experiencing
serious and persistent mental illness. This building has been open for more than 10 years and has proven a successful model. The HRA also
owns the building which houses Silver Creek Corner, a permanent supportive housing facility for chronic homeless inebriates. This program has
been open for several years as well and has proven a good model for addressing this population. The HRA also provides 30 project-based
vouchers for Gage East, a newer program that opened in 2016 for homeless families.

In 2019, the HRA partnered with The Womens Shelter to provide transitional housing and rapid rehousing opportunities to women and families
experiencing domestic violence. This was a bonus dollar project that was fully funded by HUD in FY 2019, and will open fall 2020.

Olmsted County recently received grant dollars from the MN Department of Corrections to develop transitional housing services for clients on
probation or supervised release. In 2017, the County began working with Damascus Way to operate this programming out of their space at the
Juvenile Detention Center; Damascus Way has offered transitional housing in Rochester since July 2006. The City is allocating CDBG funding to
Damascus Way to continue to support transitional housing and living.

Describe consultation with the Continuum(s) of Care that serves the jurisdiction's area in determining how to allocate ESG funds,
develop performance standards for and evaluate outcomes of projects and activities assisted by ESG funds, and develop funding,
policies and procedures for the operation and administration of HMIS

The City of Rochester is not an entitlement for receiving ESG funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD
provides funding to service programs through their Continuum of Care (CoC program). Several local non-profit agencies receive
funding: Salvation Army, Zumbro Valley Mental Health, Olmsted County HRA and Center City Housing.
                                                              Annual Action Plan                                        10
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
2.     Describe Agencies, groups, organizations and others who participated in the process and describe the jurisdiction’s
consultations with housing, social service agencies and other entities
Table 2 – Agencies, groups, organizations who participated
 1     Agency/Group/Organization                             OLMSTED COUNTY HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY
       Agency/Group/Organization Type                        Housing
                                                             Services - Housing
                                                             Services-Elderly Persons
       What section of the Plan was addressed by             Housing Need Assessment
       Consultation?                                         Public Housing Needs
       Briefly describe how the                              The Olmsted County HRA recently adopted a local tax levy. The City of Rochester
       Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What         is engaged with the Olmsted County HRA with implantation of their housing
       are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or   rehab program. In addition, the City of Rochester expanded their Housing Rehab
       areas for improved coordination?                      Loan program target area to be citywide. This will complement the HRA's
                                                             proposed rehab program and result overall in a higher number of low-income
                                                             households served as well as a higher volume of quality housing stock. Agency
                                                             sent information regarding the availability of 2021 funding via email. A survey
                                                             was sent to requesting information critical in identifying needs and priority needs
                                                             in the Rochester area, principally for low- and moderate income residents and
                                                             those with special needs. In addition, a public meeting was conducted on
                                                             November 4, 2019 allowing interested parties an opportunity to voice their
                                                             opinions regarding the City's Housing and Community Development needs,
                                                             including housing market conditions, affordable housing needs, homeless needs,
                                                             public and assisting housing needs and barriers to affordable housing and on the
                                                             formulation of such needs.

                                                              Annual Action Plan                                          11
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
2     Agency/Group/Organization                             BEAR CREEK SERVICES
       Agency/Group/Organization Type                        Housing
                                                             Services-Persons with Disabilities
                                                             Publicly Funded Institution/System of Care
       What section of the Plan was addressed by             Housing Need Assessment
       Consultation?                                         Public Housing Needs
       Briefly describe how the                              A survey was sent to requesting information critical in identifying needs and
       Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What         priority needs in the Rochester area, principally for low- and moderate income
       are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or   residents and those with special needs. In addition, a public meeting was
       areas for improved coordination?                      conducted on November 4, 2019 allowing interested parties an opportunity to
                                                             voice their opinions regarding the City's Housing and Community Development
                                                             needs, including housing market conditions, affordable housing needs, homeless
                                                             needs, public and assisting housing needs and barriers to affordable housing and
                                                             on the formulation of such needs. Agency sent information regarding the
                                                             availability of 2021 funding via email.
 3     Agency/Group/Organization                             SALVATION ARMY ROCHESTER
       Agency/Group/Organization Type                        Housing
                                                             Services - Housing
                                                             Business and Civic Leaders
       What section of the Plan was addressed by             Housing Need Assessment
       Briefly describe how the                              A survey was sent to requesting information critical in identifying needs and
       Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What         priority needs in the Rochester area, principally for low- and moderate income
       are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or   residents and those with special needs. In addition, a public meeting was
       areas for improved coordination?                      conducted on November 4, 2019 allowing interested parties an opportunity to
                                                             voice their opinions regarding the City's Housing and Community Development
                                                             needs, including housing market conditions, affordable housing needs, homeless
                                                             needs, public and assisting housing needs and barriers to affordable housing and
                                                             on the formulation of such needs. Agency sent information regarding the
                                                             availability of 2021 funding via email.
                                                               Annual Action Plan                                           12
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
4     Agency/Group/Organization                             COMMUNITY HOUSING PARTNERSHIP, INC.
       Agency/Group/Organization Type                        Services - Housing
                                                             Business Leaders
                                                             Civic Leaders
       What section of the Plan was addressed by             Housing Need Assessment
       Briefly describe how the                              A survey was sent to requesting information critical in identifying needs and
       Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What         priority needs in the Rochester area, principally for low- and moderate income
       are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or   residents and those with special needs. In addition, a public meeting was
       areas for improved coordination?                      conducted on November 4, 2019 allowing interested parties an opportunity to
                                                             voice their opinions regarding the City's Housing and Community Development
                                                             needs, including housing market conditions, affordable housing needs, homeless
                                                             needs, public and assisting housing needs and barriers to affordable housing and
                                                             on the formulation of such needs. Agency sent information regarding the
                                                             availability of 2021 funding via email.
 5     Agency/Group/Organization                             SE MN Center for Independent Living (SEMCIL)
       Agency/Group/Organization Type                        Housing
                                                             Services-Persons with Disabilities
                                                             Publicly Funded Institution/System of Care
       What section of the Plan was addressed by             Housing Need Assessment
       Consultation?                                         Non-Homeless Special Needs
       Briefly describe how the                              A survey was sent to requesting information critical in identifying needs and
       Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What         priority needs in the Rochester area, principally for low- and moderate income
       are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or   residents and those with special needs. In addition, a public meeting was
       areas for improved coordination?                      conducted on November 4, 2019 allowing interested parties an opportunity to
                                                             voice their opinions regarding the City's Housing and Community Development
                                                             needs, including housing market conditions, affordable housing needs, homeless
                                                             needs, public and assisting housing needs and barriers to affordable housing and
                                                             on the formulation of such needs. Agency sent information regarding the
                                                             availability of 2021 funding via email.
                                                               Annual Action Plan                                           13
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
6     Agency/Group/Organization                             Hiawatha Homes
       Agency/Group/Organization Type                        Housing
                                                             Services-Persons with Disabilities
                                                             Publicly Funded Institution/System of Care
       What section of the Plan was addressed by             Housing Need Assessment
       Briefly describe how the                              A survey was sent to requesting information critical in identifying needs and
       Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What         priority needs in the Rochester area, principally for low- and moderate income
       are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or   residents and those with special needs. In addition, a public meeting was
       areas for improved coordination?                      conducted on November 4, 2019 allowing interested parties an opportunity to
                                                             voice their opinions regarding the City's Housing and Community Development
                                                             needs, including housing market conditions, affordable housing needs, homeless
                                                             needs, public and assisting housing needs and barriers to affordable housing and
                                                             on the formulation of such needs. Agency sent information regarding the
                                                             availability of 2021 funding via email.
 7     Agency/Group/Organization                             SALVATION ARMY
       Agency/Group/Organization Type                        Housing
                                                             Services - Housing
                                                             Services-Elderly Persons
                                                             Services-Persons with Disabilities
                                                             Publicly Funded Institution/System of Care
                                                             Business Leaders
                                                             Neighborhood Organization
       What section of the Plan was addressed by             Housing Need Assessment
       Consultation?                                         Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless
                                                             Homeless Needs - Families with children
                                                             Homelessness Needs - Veterans

                                                              Annual Action Plan                                         14
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Briefly describe how the                              A survey was sent to requesting information critical in identifying needs and
       Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What         priority needs in the Rochester area, principally for low- and moderate income
       are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or   residents and those with special needs. In addition, a public meeting was
       areas for improved coordination?                      conducted on November 4, 2019 allowing interested parties an opportunity to
                                                             voice their opinions regarding the City's Housing and Community Development
                                                             needs, including housing market conditions, affordable housing needs, homeless
                                                             needs, public and assisting housing needs and barriers to affordable housing and
                                                             on the formulation of such needs. Agency sent information regarding the
                                                             availability of 2021 funding via email.
 8     Agency/Group/Organization                             ZUMBRO VALLEY MENTAL HEALTH CENTER
       Agency/Group/Organization Type                        Housing
                                                             Services - Housing
                                                             Services-Persons with Disabilities
                                                             Services-Persons with HIV/AIDS
                                                             Publicly Funded Institution/System of Care
                                                             Neighborhood Organization
       What section of the Plan was addressed by             Housing Need Assessment
       Consultation?                                         Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless
                                                             Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth
       Briefly describe how the                              A survey was sent to requesting information critical in identifying needs and
       Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What         priority needs in the Rochester area, principally for low- and moderate income
       are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or   residents and those with special needs. In addition, a public meeting was
       areas for improved coordination?                      conducted on November 4, 2019 allowing interested parties an opportunity to
                                                             voice their opinions regarding the City's Housing and Community Development
                                                             needs, including housing market conditions, affordable housing needs, homeless
                                                             needs, public and assisting housing needs and barriers to affordable housing and
                                                             on the formulation of such needs. Agency sent information regarding the
                                                             availability of 2021 funding via email.

                                                              Annual Action Plan                                         15
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
9     Agency/Group/Organization                             ROCHESTER AREA HABITAT FOR HUMANITY
       Agency/Group/Organization Type                        Housing
                                                             Business Leaders
                                                             Neighborhood Organization
       What section of the Plan was addressed by             Housing Need Assessment
       Briefly describe how the                              A survey was sent to requesting information critical in identifying needs and
       Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What         priority needs in the Rochester area, principally for low- and moderate income
       are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or   residents and those with special needs. In addition, a public meeting was
       areas for improved coordination?                      conducted on November 4, 2019 allowing interested parties an opportunity to
                                                             voice their opinions regarding the City's Housing and Community Development
                                                             needs, including housing market conditions, affordable housing needs, homeless
                                                             needs, public and assisting housing needs and barriers to affordable housing and
                                                             on the formulation of such needs. Agency sent information regarding the
                                                             availability of 2021 funding via email.
 10 Agency/Group/Organization                                Women's Shelter Rochester MN
       Agency/Group/Organization Type                        Housing
                                                             Services - Housing
                                                             Services-Victims of Domestic Violence
                                                             Publicly Funded Institution/System of Care
                                                             Neighborhood Organization
       What section of the Plan was addressed by             Housing Need Assessment

                                                              Annual Action Plan                                         16
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Briefly describe how the                              A survey was sent to requesting information critical in identifying needs and
       Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What         priority needs in the Rochester area, principally for low- and moderate income
       are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or   residents and those with special needs. In addition, a public meeting was
       areas for improved coordination?                      conducted on November 4, 2019 allowing interested parties an opportunity to
                                                             voice their opinions regarding the City's Housing and Community Development
                                                             needs, including housing market conditions, affordable housing needs, homeless
                                                             needs, public and assisting housing needs and barriers to affordable housing and
                                                             on the formulation of such needs. Agency sent information regarding the
                                                             availability of 2021 funding via email.
 11 Agency/Group/Organization                                ACCESSIBLE SPACE INC. (ASI)
       Agency/Group/Organization Type                        Housing
                                                             Services-Persons with Disabilities
                                                             Publicly Funded Institution/System of Care
                                                             Major Employer
       What section of the Plan was addressed by             Housing Need Assessment
       Consultation?                                         Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless
       Briefly describe how the                              A survey was sent to requesting information critical in identifying needs and
       Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What         priority needs in the Rochester area, principally for low- and moderate income
       are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or   residents and those with special needs. In addition, a public meeting was
       areas for improved coordination?                      conducted on November 4, 2019 allowing interested parties an opportunity to
                                                             voice their opinions regarding the City's Housing and Community Development
                                                             needs, including housing market conditions, affordable housing needs, homeless
                                                             needs, public and assisting housing needs and barriers to affordable housing and
                                                             on the formulation of such needs. Agency sent information regarding the
                                                             availability of 2021 funding via email.
 12 Agency/Group/Organization                                Dorothy Day House of Hospitality
       Agency/Group/Organization Type                        Housing
                                                             Business Leaders
                                                             Neighborhood Organization

                                                              Annual Action Plan                                         17
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
What section of the Plan was addressed by             Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless
       Briefly describe how the                              A survey was sent requesting information critical in identifying needs and priority
       Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What         needs in the Rochester area, principally for low- and moderate income residents
       are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or   and those with special needs.Dorothy Day response: Efficient use of beds we
       areas for improved coordination?                      have. Identify additional beds during winter months Emergency Housing for
                                                             homeless $2 million. Housing shelter for homeless $2 million. The Dorothy Day
                                                             has requested no funding from the City of Rochester. Agency sent information
                                                             regarding the availability of 2021 funding via email.
 13 Agency/Group/Organization                                United Way of Olmsted County
       Agency/Group/Organization Type                        Services-Children
                                                             Business and Civic Leaders
                                                             Neighborhood Organization
       What section of the Plan was addressed by             Low Income Programs
       Briefly describe how the                              A survey was sent requesting information critical in identifying needs and priority
       Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What         needs in the Rochester area, principally for low- and moderate income residents
       are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or   and those with special needs. United Way response: Education (support learning
       areas for improved coordination?                      and development of children and youth so they become responsible contributing
                                                             citizens - birth to 18 years of age); 2) Income (increase income, assets and job
                                                             training for improved financial stability - 18 years to 65 years); Health (achieve
                                                             optimal health through promoting wellness and health care access) All ages. The
                                                             City of Rochester partners with the United Way’s Gang Prevention Program with
                                                             contributing funding to Sports Mentorship. Agency sent information regarding
                                                             the availability of 2021 funding via email.
 14 Agency/Group/Organization                                Ability Building Community
       Agency/Group/Organization Type                        Services-Persons with Disabilities
                                                             Business Leaders
                                                             Neighborhood Organization

                                                              Annual Action Plan                                           18
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
What section of the Plan was addressed by             Non-Homeless Special Needs
       Briefly describe how the                              A survey was sent requesting information critical in identifying needs and priority
       Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What         needs in the Rochester area, principally for low- and moderate-income residents
       are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or   and those with special needs. Ability Building Center response: 1) To provide
       areas for improved coordination?                      employment opportunities to individuals with disabilities; 2) Provide community
                                                             based activities to develop independent living skills; 3) Incorporate wellness
                                                             awareness into employment and activities. The City provides CDBG funding to
                                                             complete improvements at the Ability Building Center main facility providing a
                                                             safe and accessible structure for employment of individuals with disabilities.
                                                             Agency sent information regarding the availability of 2021 funding via email.
 15 Agency/Group/Organization                                125 Live
       Agency/Group/Organization Type                        Services-Elderly Persons
                                                             Business and Civic Leaders
       What section of the Plan was addressed by             Elderly
       Briefly describe how the                              A survey was sent requesting information critical in identifying needs and priority
       Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What         needs in the Rochester area, principally for low- and moderate-income residents
       are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or   and those with special needs. Senior Center response: 1) Increase access to
       areas for improved coordination?                      services and programs that promote independence to the communities aging
                                                             population; 2) Promote health and wellness opportunities for the over age 65
                                                             population 3) Assist, support and provide services that enable older adults to
                                                             continue to live independently in their own homes. 4) Increase capacity via
                                                             partnership and collaborations. 5) Partnering with the City's Park and Recreation
                                                             Department and sharing facility amenities when the new Senior Center is
                                                             completed. 6) The Senior Center is currently conducting a partnership analysis to
                                                             determine priority partnership goals and objectives. 7) Creating programs that
                                                             enhance wellness Senior Services High Need $40,000-$50,000 annually. As stated
                                                             above, the City has collaborated with the Senior Center with the construction a
                                                             new Senior Facility adjacent to the Recreation Center. Agency sent information
                                                             regarding the availability of 2021 funding via email

                                                              Annual Action Plan                                          19
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
16 Agency/Group/Organization                                ARC OLMSTED
       Agency/Group/Organization Type                        Services - Housing
                                                             Services-Persons with Disabilities
                                                             Regional organization
       What section of the Plan was addressed by             Housing Need Assessment
       Consultation?                                         Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless
                                                             Homeless Needs - Families with children
                                                             Homelessness Strategy
       Briefly describe how the                              Agency sent information regarding the availability of 2021 funding via email.
       Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
       are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
       areas for improved coordination?
 17 Agency/Group/Organization                                Boys & Girls Club of Rochester
       Agency/Group/Organization Type                        Services-Children
       What section of the Plan was addressed by             Housing Need Assessment
       Consultation?                                         Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless
                                                             Homeless Needs - Families with children
                                                             Homelessness Needs - Veterans
                                                             Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth
                                                             Homelessness Strategy
       Briefly describe how the                              Survey information located in the City's 2020-2024 Five Year Consolidated Plan.
       Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What         This survey was sent requesting information critical in identifying needs and
       are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or   priority needs in the Rochester area, principally for low- and moderate income
       areas for improved coordination?                      residents and those with special needs. Surveys were due on July 2nd, 2019. Boys
                                                             & Girls Club's response: 1) mental health 2) academic success 3) youth
                                                             development. Objectives for meeting these priorities include building community
                                                             partnerships, developing individualized academic supports, and building
                                                             character and leadership. Agency sent information regarding the availability of
                                                             2021 funding via email.
                                                               Annual Action Plan                                           20
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Identify any Agency Types not consulted and provide rationale for not consulting

No agencies were intentionally not consulted for the process of the City's 2021 Annual Action Plan.

Through the review process of the City's Consolidated Plan the local CoC was contacted. The CoC provided information for the homelessness
needs assessment. Information/data provided by the local CoC was also provided in the Comprehensive Housing Needs Assessment for Olmsted
County, MN completed by Maxfield Research Inc.

The City is not currently working on any projects recieving MHFA funding.

Other local/regional/state/federal planning efforts considered when preparing the Plan
    Name of Plan                 Lead                     How do the goals of your Strategic Plan overlap with the goals of each plan?
                                              Through the review process of the City’ Consolidated Plan the local CoC was contacted. The CoC
                                              provided information for the homelessness needs assessment. Information/data provided by the local
                                              CoC was also provided in the Comprehensive Housing Needs Assessment for Olmsted County, MN
                                              completed by Maxfield Research, Inc. The Continuum of Care for Rochester is provided through Three
                                              Rivers. These programs are delivered by private non-profit agencies such as: Rochester Area Family Y,
   Continuum of                               Olmsted County HRA, SE MN Center for Independent Living, Bear Creek Services, Hiawatha Homes,
                           Three Rivers
   Care                                       Women's Shelter, Salvation Army, Zumbro Valley Mental Health Center, Community Housing
                                              Partnership, Catholic Charities and Lutheran Social Services. These programs are delivered by private
                                              non-profit agencies such as: Rochester Area Family Y, Olmsted County HRA, SE MN Center for
                                              Independent Living, Bear Creek Services, Hiawatha Homes, Women's Shelter, Salvation Army, Zumbro
                                              Valley Mental Health Center, Community Housing Partnership, Catholic Charities and Lutheran Social
                                                 Table 3 – Other local / regional / federal planning efforts

Narrative (optional)

The City will review the outcomes from consultation and areas for improved coordination for determining the next set of priorities for the
following Consolidated Plan and use as guiding future allocation opportunities.

                                                                    Annual Action Plan                                       21
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
The City of Rochester is committed to building an inclusive community. To this end, the City of Rochester is committed to:

         Supporting the Olmsted County Human Rights Ordinance and the work of the Olmsted County Human Rights Commission in
          implementing the Ordinance.
         Supporting low income tax credit housing and other subsidized housing of high quality in locations that are accessible to employment,
          neighborhood amenities, and commercial services.
         Supporting well designed private development proposals that include townhouses, condominiums, apartments, and appropriate
          commercial uses as part of neighborhood development areas.
         Enforcing minimum standards for housing and enforce such ordinances such as the Disorderly Use Ordinance in to address
          neighborhood concerns about crime and potential impacts on property values.
         Increasing the supply and land zoned for lower cost housing, especially providing for mixtures of housing by style and cost.
         Providing for neighborhoods that are integrated by income class, race, age, ability, and are accessible to all modes of travel by all ages
          and ability levels.
         Providing incentives to developers to accommodate affordable housing up front as part of well-planned communities.

The City supports numerous agencies by providing funding from the city's contingency budget. Such agencies include: Rochester Senior Center,
RNeighbors, Diversity Council, Youth Commission, SE MN Initiative Fund and Human Rights Commission.

All CDBG-funded project contracts require compliance with the Lead Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act. All participants of the City’s Home
Rehabilitation Program are provided the brochure on the hazards of lead-based paint and are required to complete and sign a lead-based paint
certification. They are also required to sign acknowledgement of receiving a copy of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development
Lead-Based Paint Notification form. A lead-based paint risk assessment test and clearance is conducted on all rehabilitation projects receiving
CDBG funding for affordable housing. The City is also receiving funding from a lead grant through the state. Funding is intended to support
compliance efforts of the City’s Home Rehabilitation Program as well as offer a healthy homes initiative as a means of community outreach and
resource connection for lead compliance and radon testing.

The HRA continues to hold weekly office hours at two of the public housing complexes and will be increasing time spent onsite at these and
other properties in the upcoming year. Staff is also working to create resident commissions at each site, with select members then also sitting on
a Resident Advisory Board (RAB). This provides the residents with a formal avenue to address their concerns about their property, and bring
concerns forward to the larger RAB. The RAB is also the formal input to the PHA Plan.

                                                                  Annual Action Plan                                           22
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
The Olmsted County Planning Department does limited transportation planning, primarily in the area of studies and other special reports done
with or for the City of Rochester, Olmsted County, and the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MN/DOT) through the Rochester-Olmsted
Council of Governments (ROCOG). The ROCOG Policy Board is comprised of sixteen individuals representing the local units of government within
Olmsted County and two citizen members. The 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan was referenced as it is being adopted.

In addition, various stakeholder groups in Southeast Minnesota have been working on a plan that would create a Regional Transportation
Coordinating Council (RTCC) in the 11-county region. The purpose of the RTCC would be to seek out ways to reduce or remove barriers to
effective public transportation in the region, particularly in increasing access, reducing inefficiencies or duplication of efforts, and increasing
cooperation among transportation providers. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) has established a grant program to plan
for the establishment of RTCCs throughout the state.

                                                                 Annual Action Plan                                           23
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
AP-12 Participation – 91.105, 91.200(c)
1.   Summary of citizen participation process/Efforts made to broaden citizen participation
Summarize citizen participation process and how it impacted goal-setting

A notice published in local newspaper that the City is accepting applications for its 2021 CDBG funding. The notice identifies the City of
Rochester priority needs identified as: affordable housing, youth programs, transportation services, infrastructure improvements, services for
persons with disabilities, planning, and public facilities.


Citizen Participation Outreach
    Sort Order    Mode of Outreach            Target of Outreach       Summary of               Summary of        Summary of comments     URL (If
                                                                   response/attendance       comments received       not accepted       applicable)
                                                                                                                      and reasons
                                              Speaking - Specify   11 agencies
                                                                                             One agency that
                                              other language:      submitted requests
                                                                                             attended and spoke
                                              Spanish              for the 2021 CDBG
                                                                                             at the public
                                                                   funding. Of the 11
                                                                                             hearing explained    No comments not
    1             Newspaper Ad                Persons with         agencies, 3 agencies
                                                                                             their programs and   accepted.
                                              disabilities         had representatives
                                                                                             their 2019 CDBG
                                                                   that attended and
                                                                                             requests to City
                                              Non-                 spoke at the public
                                              targeted/broad       hearing.

                                                                        Annual Action Plan                                      24
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Sort Order       Mode of Outreach            Target of Outreach       Summary of               Summary of        Summary of comments     URL (If
                                                                   response/attendance       comments received       not accepted       applicable)
                                                                                                                      and reasons
                                              Speaking - Specify   11 agencies
                                                                                             One agency that
                                              other language:      submitted requests
                                                                                             attended and spoke
                                              Spanish              for the 2021 CDBG
                                                                                             at the public
                                                                   funding. Of the 11
                                                                                             hearing explained    No comments not
 2                Public Hearing              Persons with         agencies, 3 agencies
                                                                                             their programs and   accepted.
                                              disabilities         had representatives
                                                                                             their 2019 CDBG
                                                                   that attended and
                                                                                             requests to City
                                              Non-                 spoke at the public
                                              targeted/broad       hearing.
                                              Speaking - Specify   11 agencies
                                                                                             One agency that
                                              other language:      submitted requests
                  Emailed 2021                                                               attended and spoke
                                              Spanish              for the 2021 CDBG
                  requests notice to                                                         at the public
                                                                   funding. Of the 11
                  38 agencies                                                                hearing explained    No comments not
 3                                            Persons with         agencies, 3 agencies
                  working with low-                                                          their programs and   accepted.
                                              disabilities         had representatives
                  moderate income                                                            their 2019 CDBG
                                                                   that attended and
                  persons                                                                    requests to City
                                              Non-                 spoke at the public
                                              targeted/broad       hearing.

                                                                        Annual Action Plan                                      25
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Sort Order       Mode of Outreach            Target of Outreach           Summary of                Summary of        Summary of comments     URL (If
                                                                       response/attendance        comments received       not accepted       applicable)
                                                                                                                           and reasons
                                              Speaking - Specify       11 agencies
                                                                                                  One agency that
                                              other language:          submitted requests
                                                                                                  attended and spoke
                                              Spanish                  for the 2021 CDBG
                                                                                                  at the public
                                                                       funding. Of the 11
                                                                                                  hearing explained    No comments not
 4                Media Release               Persons with             agencies, 3 agencies
                                                                                                  their programs and   accepted.
                                              disabilities             had representatives
                                                                                                  their 2019 CDBG
                                                                       that attended and
                                                                                                  requests to City
                                              Non-                     spoke at the public
                                              targeted/broad           hearing.
                                                                   Table 4 – Citizen Participation Outreach

                                                                             Annual Action Plan                                      26
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Expected Resources

         AP-15 Expected Resources – 91.220(c)(1,2)

         Anticipated Resources
Progra   Sourc        Uses of                  Expected Amount Available Year 2                 Expecte       Narrative
  m       e of        Funds             Annual        Program     Prior         Total:             d         Description
         Funds                       Allocation: $   Income: $    Year            $             Amount
                                                                 Resourc                        Availabl
                                                                  es: $                            e
                                                                                                 der of
CDBG     publi     Acquisition                                                                             Our annual
         c-        Admin and                                                                               allocation
         feder     Planning                                                                                increased this
         al        Economic                                                                                year, and our
                   Developme                                                                               program
                   nt                                                                                      income was
                   Housing                                                                                 particularly
                   Public                                                                                  high in 2020.
                   Improveme                                                                               We estimate
                   nts                                                                                     $2,100,000
                   Public                                                                                  remaining in
                   Services                                                                                the ConPlan
                                                                                                           term if
                                                                                                           $700,000 is
                                                                                                           granted next

                                           700,000         50,000                     750,000   653,268
                                                Table 5 - Expected Resources – Priority Table

         Explain how federal funds will leverage those additional resources (private, state and local
         funds), including a description of how matching requirements will be satisfied

         Agencies awarded CDBG funds will provide the additional resources through their budget which may
         include private, state or local funds to complete their activity.

                                                            Annual Action Plan                                              27
         OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
If appropriate, describe publically owned land or property located within the jurisdiction that
may be used to address the needs identified in the plan



Agencies applying for CDBG funds are required to include information how they will leverage additional
resources to complete their activity.

                                              Annual Action Plan                                    28
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Annual Goals and Objectives

AP-20 Annual Goals and Objectives
Goals Summary Information
     Sort      Goal Name        Start Year    End Year     Category        Geographic           Needs             Funding             Goal Outcome Indicator
    Order                                                                    Area             Addressed
   1          Affordable              2020        2024 Affordable                          Owner               CDBG: $396,600 Rental units rehabilitated: 5
              Housing                                  Housing                             Occupied                           Household Housing Unit
                                                                                           Rehabilitation                     Homeowner Housing
                                                                                           Special Needs
                                                                                           Housing                              Special Needs Units
                                                                                                                                rehabilitated: 2
                                                                                           Occupied                           Rehabilitated: 10 Household
                                                                                           Rehabilitation                     Housing Unit
   2          Public                  2020        2024 Non-Housing                         Public Facilities    CDBG: $83,400 Public Facility or Infrastructure
              Facilities                               Community                                                              Activities other than
                                                       Development                                                            Low/Moderate Income Housing
                                                                                                                              Benefit: Community-wide
   3          Public                  2020        2024 Non-Housing                         Emergency           CDBG: $105,000 Public service activities other
              Service                                  Community                           Shelter                            than Low/Moderate Income
                                                       Development                                                            Housing Benefit: 4 Persons
                                                                                           Transitional                       Assisted

                                                                Table 6 – Goals Summary

Goal Descriptions
                                                                      Annual Action Plan                                         29
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
1 Goal Name                  Affordable Housing
      Goal Description
 2 Goal Name                  Public Facilities
      Goal Description
 3 Goal Name                  Public Service
      Goal Description

                                                   Annual Action Plan   30
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)

AP-35 Projects – 91.220(d)

Through the public hearing process and its adopted Citizen Participation Plan, the City of Rochester
allocated $700,000 to serve low and moderate income persons/households within the City of Rochester.

  #                                  Project Name
  1 Catholic Charities – Warming Center
  2 Damascus Way Reentry Center
  3 Sports Mentorship Academy
  4 Boys and Girls Club
  5 CDBG Program Administration
  6 City's 2% Home Rehab Loan Program
  7 City Hall and Group Home ADA Upgrades
  8 Rental Redesign Program
Table 7 - Project Information

Describe the reasons for allocation priorities and any obstacles to addressing underserved

The 2021 proposed activities address the priorities established in the approved 2020-2021 Consolidated
Plan for the City of Rochester.

Considerations for the recommended allocation:

Public Service Activities:
Recommendations are based on the internal priority to continue to fund the Warming Center. HUD
regulations allow for funding of public service activities if the activity is new, or is demonstrating
expanded programming or benefit. The Warming Center has been funded since its inception in 2019 and
relies on our funding to continue operations. The Warming Center has been considered an interim
solution as this shelter was previously provided by the Salvation Army. The steering committee supports
this allocation and its benefit to the community.

External applications were considered and recommended based on application scores. The top three
scoring applications identified were Damascus Way Reentry Center, Sports mentorship Academy, and
Boys and Girls Club. Damscus Way Reentry Center identified their funding request to be applied to staff
costs and the purchase of a new vehicle. Their application identified funding sources for staff costs, but
not for a new vehicle to transport residents. Funding of $22,000 is recommended to fund the vehicle
request alone. This provides enough other funds to fully fund the Sports Mentorship program and offer
an amount close to the Boys and Girls Club’s request of $25,000. The steering committee agree with
                                              Annual Action Plan                                        31
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
application scoring and recommended allocations. Per the steering committees direction, applications
will also be scored on previous awards to allow for equity in allocation—for example an agency would
get more points if they have not been awarded in the last three years, and less points if they were
awarded funding in the past year.

Administrative Activities
This recommendation is unchanged from last year’s 2020 request. This funding request is below the
allowance of administrative costs, but is used to further CDBG programming. The steering committee
supports this recommendation to use funding to administer the program.

Internal Recommendation
The City’s Single Family Rehab Program has been in existence since 1983. This program fulfills our
highest priority of affordable housing, and has a proven record of accomplishment of benefitting
approximately 20 households per year. The funding amount of $350,000 has been requested for the last
three years, to meet the goal of serving 20 households. Due to an influx of repayment into the program
this year, we’re allocated a lower amount than requested as more than $500,000 is available in the
program’s funding balance currently. This program continues our partnership with the Olmsted County
Housing and Redevelopment Authority and preserves our affordable housing and provides financial
relief to qualifying households, as well as continues our partnership with the Olmsted County Housing
and Redevelopment Authority.

With persons with disabilities being the most reported fair housing case as well as our #5 priority need,
the City would like to allocate funding to ensure our own public facility is accessible to persons with
mobility limitations. Due to the need communicated through external partners, the steering committee
would also like to make ADA upgrade funding available to group homes – particularly agencies that have
reached out for CDBG funding. Thus, the City would like to allocate $100,000 for ADA upgrades at City
Hall and group homes to include activities such as adding automatic door buttons to doors accessed by
the public. Updates such as these were done at the Mayo Civic Center, and cost just under $100,000.

Lastly, the remaining funding of $130,000 is recommended to be allocated to a newly proposed Rental
Redesign program. This program’s directives would be to partner with similar agencies such as SEMCAC
and SMRLS to provide rental rehab, weatherization, and ADA rental upgrades to qualifying low-income
households. The City is seeking other funding opportunities to further this proposed program, providing
expanded opportunity to meet this need.

                                              Annual Action Plan                                       32
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
AP-38 Project Summary
Project Summary Information
 1 Project Name                       Catholic Charities – Warming Center
      Target Area
      Goals Supported                 Public Service
      Needs Addressed                 Emergency Shelter for the Homeless
      Funding                         CDBG: $50,000
      Description                     Fund the operations of a newly established Warming Center. Catholic
                                      Charities plans to hire 1 FTE coordinator, 2 FTE direct staff, and 1 .5FTE
                                      case manager; funds may also be used for other operating expenses. The
                                      Warming Center serve as an emergency shelter for the homeless during
                                      the winter months (November through March) â¿¿it will include 30
      Target Date                     12/31/2021
      Estimate the number             30 homeless persons will be provided emergency shelter during the
      and type of families            winter months (November through March).
      that will benefit from
      the proposed
      Location Description            200 4th Street SE, Rochester, MN 55904
      Planned Activities              Fund the operations of a newly established Warming Center. Catholic
                                      Charities plans to hire 1 FTE coordinator, 2 FTE direct staff, and 1 .5FTE
                                      case manager; funds may also be used for other operating expenses. The
                                      Warming Center serve as an emergency shelter for the homeless during
                                      the winter months (November through March) –it will include 30 beds.
 2 Project Name                       Damascus Way Reentry Center
      Target Area
      Goals Supported                 Public Service
      Needs Addressed                 Transitional Housing
      Funding                         CDBG: $22,00
      Description                     Fund a vehicle to support ~42 LMI persons transitioning out of
      Target Date                     12/31/2021

                                                   Annual Action Plan                                         34
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
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