Heli Mende Visit Finland | Business Finland

Page created by Oscar Simon
Heli Mende Visit Finland | Business Finland
Heli Mende
Market representative | North America
   Visit Finland | Business Finland

                                        11/11/20   ©Heli Mende
Heli Mende Visit Finland | Business Finland
Finland’s image as a travel
destination in USA
Brand Tracking survey 2019

                             11/11/2020   First name Last name   2
Heli Mende Visit Finland | Business Finland
When asked spontaneously which countries are considered as a holiday destination in the next three
years, the Nordics do not rank highly in the USA, with Finland narrowly at the back of the pack
 Spontaneous Destination Consideration







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          Which countries would you consider for a holiday or short break over the next three years? Please include up to 10 countries                                                                                 Base: Total Sample (1,001)                      3
Heli Mende Visit Finland | Business Finland
When thinking about Finland, the beauty of the country spontaneously comes to mind in the US. As
   do the Finnish people, the food, the northern lights and the capital
                                                                                   Mountains and skiing with a                         I think of moose, I
        Spontaneous Impressions - Finland                                                                                              think of snow and                     Aurora borealis, Helsinki with its
                                                                                           lot of cold
                                                                                                                                      beautiful landscapes                     markets and restaurants, the
                                         Cold, mountains,                                                                                                                   seawall, and history. Biking, hiking,
                                               snow.                                                                                                                               and natural beauty.
  They are known for their
    ski resorts, lakes, wild                                                                                                                                                                    It was quiet and peaceful.
   reindeer, and Northern                                                                                                                                                                       Lots of green everywhere.
            Lights.                                                                                                                                                                              A wonderful place to go
                                                                                                                                                                                                      on long walks.
  Finland is a freezing
  cold country that has
   a lot of nature and                                                                                                                                                                           I think of beautiful outdoor
   outdoor activities to                                                                                                                                                                         scenery, tourist attractions,
           offer                                                                                                                                                                                    historical monuments,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   delicious food and really
                                                                                                                                                                                                  pleasant and kind people.
I also think of Northern Lights in
    Finland, though I love the
   culture and stories that they                                                                                         Beautiful and friendly
  have about why the northern                                                                                             people. Skiing, and                                                                Beautiful,
 lights come. I think of delicious                                                                  I think it would be other winter outdoor                                                                 expensive
     food and friendly people.                                                                        clean, colourful, activities. Long days of
                                               Northern Lights, dog        I think it has a lot of   pleasant, friendly, sunlight. Clean, fresh
                                               sledding or reindeer     attractions, places to see, and a nice place to             air.
                                           sledding, winter with hardly historic areas and nice            relax
                                                any sunlight. Cold!               scenery.
                 Q9 BMN
                                                                                                                                                                                Base: Consideration Set: Finland (458)
                 Please take a few moments to think about . Please tell us everything that pops into your mind when you think of  as a tourist destination.                                             4
Heli Mende Visit Finland | Business Finland
Travel related searches
Digital Demand 2019
Heli Mende Visit Finland | Business Finland
United States
No. 4 in ranking in absolute numbers.
402 100 travel-related Internet searches concerning Finland.
+20 % compared to previous year.

                                 Top Micro-brandtags
                                         2018         2019
        Igloos Ice Hotels                                                      +46 %
         Northern Lights                                          +38 %
                   Cities                              +2 %
                 Saunas                            +17 %
           Things to Do                      +27 %
                  Travel                   +15 %
                    Visit                 +25 %
                Tourism                  +13 %
            Santa Claus              +53 %
          Places to Visit            +19 %
                            0   10 000    20 000    30 000   40 000   50 000   60 000
                                                                                        Source: D2 Digital Demand
Heli Mende Visit Finland | Business Finland
USA overnights in
the Nordic countries & in Finland
Statistics Service Rudolf, Statistics Finland
Statistics Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland
Heli Mende Visit Finland | Business Finland
USA: Yearly overnights in the Nordic countries
                             Development of US overnights 2009-2019                                                                                                 4.6M
                                                                                                                                                                    overnights in total
1 600 000

1 400 000

1 200 000
1 000 000                                                                                  Sweden

 800 000                                                                                   Denmark

 600 000

 400 000
                                                                                     309 100
 200 000

            2009   2010   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018   2019

                                                                                                                   Sources: Visit Finland Statistics Service Rudolf, Statistics Finland,
                                                                                                     Statistics Denmark, Statistics Norway, Statistics Sweden and Statistics Iceland
Heli Mende Visit Finland | Business Finland
US overnights in Finland 2000-2019
                                                                                                                                     Year 2019
In 2019                                                                                                                    7th
                                                                                                                          in country rankings
• Population: 328 million                                                                                      with a 4% share of foreign overnights
• Outbound travel from The US: 129 million arrivals to all destinations in 2019 (+6% from 2018)
                                                                                                                    Average change 2000-2019: +2%
• Europe's share of The US outbound travel: 29%                                                                Change 2019 compared to 2000: +36%
• Finland's share of total US outbound travel: 0.2%
• Travel Expenditure (total outbound travel from The US): 101 Billion EUR                                            Tourism income from the US
                                                                                                                    179 ME, 6th in country rankings
         350 000
         300 000                                                                                    8%
                                                                                             16 %
                                                                                                              Share of overnights by regions 2019
         250 000   1 % -1 %                                                              14 %
                           -8 %-6 % 9 % -1 %-1 % 4 % -6 %         13 %-2 %       9 % -1 %
         200 000                                              7 %         -6 %
                                                         -18 %
         150 000
         100 000
          50 000
               0                                                                                              69%               8%                   9%                    14%
                     00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
                   20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

                                                                                                                    Sources: Visit Finland Statistics Service Rudolf, Statistics Finland
Heli Mende Visit Finland | Business Finland
USA overnights in Finland by season
300 000

250 000

200 000

150 000

100 000

 50 000

            Winter (12-02)     Spring (03-05)     Summer (06-08) Autumn (09-11)
     2010    2011   2012     2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020
Most popular Visit Finland website content
during summer 2020
Popular Visit Finland articles summer season 2020 (06-08) - US
Popular Articles on visitfinland.com during summer 2020:

Practical Information for Travelers to Finland during Corona Pandemic
Doze off under the Northern Lights
What are the Finns like?
21 reasons to love Finland
Midsummer – Go Peaceful or Go Party
Iconic Finnish Foods of All Time
Land of the Midnight Sun
10 Sauna Tips for Beginners
On the Hunt for the Northern Lights
On a Virtual Tour Around Finland

During the summer months American visitors were mostly interested in Northern Lights,
Midsummer, Midnight Sun and Finnish Food.

During this fall the interest has otherwise stayed the same but Northern lights related
articles have gained more popularity.

                                                                                          Source:Visit Finland
    Current situation
  Travel trade update
Trends and opportunities
Target groups & Products

                   11/11/20   ©Heli Mende
USA – Current situation

   11/11/20               ©Heli Mende
USA – Current situation

Travel restrictions
    • The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Level 3 Travel
      Health Notice for Finland due to COVID-19.
      Level 3 = Reconsider Travel: Avoid travel due to serious risks to safety and security.
Other restrictions
   • The Center for Disease Control and Prevention advises to social distance after
     traveling with these guidelines:
        ü When around others, stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms' length) from other people who are not from your household. It is important to do
          this everywhere, both indoors and outdoors.
        ü Wear a mask to keep your nose and mouth covered when you are outside of your home.
        ü Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol).
        ü Watch your health and look for symptoms of COVID-19. Take your temperature if you feel sick.
        ü Follow state, territorial, tribal and local recommendations or requirements after travel.

    • Individual states may have stricter procedures and require a 14 day quarantine / self
      isolation OR pre-test before entering and a second test after 4 days of a arrival ( i.e.
      New York State from November 1, 2020).

                                                                       11/11/20                               ©Heli Mende
USA – Current situation
Accessibility/ Flight situation

Finnair is planning to resume JFK, ORD, LAX in March 28th, 2021 with the following frequency:

AY 002 LAX HEL 1930         1605+1 28MAR21 26OCT21– Tuesday and Sunday
AY010 ORD HEL 1735          1020+1 29MAR21 15APR21 -daily except for FRI and SAT
AY 010 ORD HEL 1735         1020+1 16APR21 29OCT21 - daily
AY 006 JFK HEL       1905    1010+1 28MAR21 29OCT21 – daily

Other connections to be monitored: One World (AA, BA), SAS, Icelandair

                                             11/11/20               ©Heli Mende
USA – Travel Trade

Based on USTOA tour operator (active member) survey
August 2020:

• One third (33%) say they have received bookings for Q1 2021 travel.
• Three fourths (76%) report passenger bookings for second quarter of 2021.
• Eight out of ten (79%) Active Members are reporting travel bookings for the
  third quarter of 2021.
• Half (52%) report new bookings being made for Q4 2021 travel.
• Roughly 31% of members report new passenger bookings for 2022.

                                                      11/11/20                  ©Heli Mende
USA – Travel trade
USTOA DMO COVID-19 October 2020 Survey Results
                                                                       USTOA DMO COVID-19
USTOA Destination management Associate Members: when their              October 2020 Survey
destination anticipates opening tourism to United States travelers   • 70 DMO Associate Members
                                                                       participated, representing a
                                                                       52% response rate
• One third (34%) of the DMO members responded “unsure or too        • DMOs responding resemble
  early determine”                                                     the following geographic
                                                                            Africa 3%
• 20% of DMO Associate Members are already open for US travelers            Asia 13%
                                                                            Australia/Oceania 10%
• Roughly 13% of respondents anticipate a July 2021 and beyond              Canada 10%
  opening for US tourism                                                    Central America 1%
                                                                            Europe 39%
                                                                            Middle East 4%
• Another 10% predict an April 2021 opening for US travelers                North America 11%
                                                                            South America 8%

                                          ©Heli Mende
USA – Current situation
USTOA DMO COVID-19 October 2020 Survey Results
               Products back soonest and strongest:
               1. FIT
               2. Small groups (less than 20
               3. Nature/adventure
               4. Luxury
               5. Medium groups (20-50
               6. Large groups (50+ passengers)
               7. River cruises
               8. Ocean cruises
               (Note: rankings did not change from August DMO survey)

11/11/20                                   ©Heli Mende
USA – Travel trade
USTOA DMO COVID-19 October 2020 Survey Results

 • One third (30%) of DMO respondents have             • Trade marketing:
   already restarted marketing campaigns in the            • More than half (53%) of respondents reported:
   US.                                                       between 30-50% of their destination’s 2021 US
                                                             tourism marketing budget will be allocated to trade
 • Another third (30%) plan to restart marketing             marketing, showing a significant increase from the last
                                                             survey which 37% reported that 30-50% of marketing
   in the first quarter of 2021, representing an             would go to trade.
   increase in planned marketing for Q1 2021               • Roughly 28% report allocating 60% or more of the
   compared to the August DMO survey that                    marketing budget towards trade
   reported 22% would start in early part of next          • Remaining 19% plan to allocate 20% or less of their
                                                             budget to trade marketing.
                                                       • Consumer marketing:
 • At the same time, 19% still do not know when            • A third (33%) of responding DMOs report that 60% or
   they will restart marketing efforts in the US.            more of their destination’s 2021 US tourism marketing
                                                             budget will be allocated to consumer marketing.
 • Roughly 10% plan to start marketing efforts in          • 41% say between 30-50% of the marketing budget
                                                             towards consumers.
   the fourth quarter of 2020.                             • The remaining quarter (26%) plan to allocate 20% or
 • The remaining 11% selected “other.”                       less of their budget to consumer marketing next year.

11/11/20                                 ©Heli Mende
USA - Travel Trade
 Comments from tour operators
• Avanti: “Our main product is high end FIT and this segment is going to be traveling first, we are now
  waiting for the restrictions to be eased to be able to start to sell to travel agencies again. Finland is an
  attractive destination in these times with the open spaces and nature based travel.”

• Tenon Tours: “We are planning to add Nordic countries including Finland in our portfolio in summer

• Frontier Travel: “We are specialized in nature travel and organize for example fishing trips to
  Murmansk with Helsinki as gateway. It is important for us to understand what Finland’s border control
  restrictions are because we would prefer to operate via Finland instead of going directly to Russia. We
  are also selling Iceland winter product and we would like to add Finland year round in our production
  some time next year.“

• Great Value Vacations: “We are waiting for Finland to open the border and Finnair to resume the
  flights to be able to start our new Finland year round production.”

• SITA Tours: “ We are hoping to re-launch Scandinavia (incl. Finland) tours around midsummer 2021 and
  will also be focusing for winter when possible.”

                                                         11/11/20                     ©Heli Mende
USA - Visit Finland activities in the market
• Following the situation and keeping communication active with travel
  trade partners in the US (tour operators and travel advisors)
• B2B webinars: Finland in Depth series, Nordic webinars
• Visit Finland & Visit Estonia Virtual Trade Show October 27th
• PR communication
• Virtuoso events and marketing (Webinar, Web15 e-learning, sales
  events, blog post, email marketing, Trips of A Lifetime catalog)
• USTOA market place December 1-3, 2020, 1:1 meetings and promotion
  together with Sweden, Norway and Denmark
• Some joint promotion campaigns prepared to start in December –
  promoting summer 2021. The rest Q1 2021.
• Branding Finland in the US cross over project:
     • Happines from Finland – travel and consumer
• Planning and preparing 2021 plan
    •   Fam trips
    •   USA roadshow fall 2021
    •   Virtuoso, USTOA, Nordic co-op
    •   Team Finland work and other country branding activities (SXSW, Branding Finland
        in the US, Sustainable travel initiative 2021)

                                                                 11/11/20                 ©Heli Mende
Two-thirds of Americans believe
USA – Future Outlook                                       that life will return to
                                                           “something close to normal” by
                                                           2021 (Expedia Online Survey October 2020

• It is possible that there will be more interest in mono-destination tours vs multi-
  country tours.
• Travelers are choosing the service providers based on the most flexible terms.
• Interest towards nature-based travel is growing.
• First ones to start to travel internationally and long haul from the US are the high-
  end travelers and especially FIT and small private groups (families, friends) and very
  affluent travelers who can afford private jet trips.
• Domestically and within the Americas, the first ones to start to travel will be the
  younger generations.

                                            11/11/20                  ©Heli Mende
USA – Trends & Opportunities
                 US traveler                                                          Finland offering          Winter wonderland
                                                                                                                and northern lights
US travelers are vacationing for much longer                                                                       experiences
than they were last year                                               Nature based
                                                                       experiences           Local culture

44% of American travelers have now become
solo travelers                                                                                                   accommodations
                                                                     Sustainable travel
                                                                                              Slow travel
Europe still a top spot
                                                                                                                 Helsinki & Finland´s
                                                                                                                geographical location
                                                                                                                close to Scandinavia,
Exploring the neighborhoods, sampling the local                                                                the Baltics and Russia.
cuisine and visiting sights outside of the city still
remain as top interests

Interest in visiting museums has declined

                          Source: Travel Daily News Nov 4, 2020

                                                                  11/11/20                       ©Heli Mende
USA – Trends & Opportunities
Sustainable Travel & New technologies

                                                                   We believe that sustainable travel revolves around three
                                                                   1. Travel that protects the planet
                                                                   2. Travel that supports local economies
                                                                   3. Travel that preserves cultural heritage
 AAA Club Adventures Sep 25,2020
                                                                   Our sustainability mission is to:
                                                                   •Highlight travel companies that champion sustainability
 1.   Travel with companies who involve locals                     •Showcase success stories and raise awareness of how sustainable
 2.   Get involved with local, sustainable efforts                 travel is transforming the travel industry for good
 3.   Avoid creating dependent relationships                       •Help travelers make informed decisions so that their trip isn’t just a
 4.   Avoiding Animal Abuse                                        great vacation, but one that makes a positive impact on the people and
 5.   Practice green habits at home and abroad                     places they visit

  11/11/20                                           ©Heli Mende
Target groups & products

Winter wonderland                   Summer culture-based                        Summer nature-based                        Finland as a part of
experience                          experience                                  experience                                 multi- country tour
• Northern lights and special       • Helsinki city break                       • Nature based multi activity package in   • Helsinki
  accomodation                      • Helsinki with extension to                  Archipelago/ Lakeland/ Lapland +         • Helsinki + Turku
• Santa Claus and snow activities     Archipelago/ Lakeland/ Lapland              Helsinki
                                                                                                                            • HIGH-END 40+ GUIDED TOURS
 • LUXURY AND HIGH-END FIT           • HIGH-END 50+ FIT & GIT                    • HIGH-END 30+ FIT NATURE                    TRAVELERS
   TRAVELERS                           TRAVELERS                                   LOVERS
   EXTENDED FAMILIES                                                             • FIT SOLO TRAVELERS
                                       Sustainable, responsible and safe travel experiences

     11/11/20                                                          ©Heli Mende
More information about USA as a market:


11/11/20                                         ©Heli Mende

11/11/20   ©Heli Mende
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