Heathcote School and Science College - Department Transition Guide 2020-21 History

Page created by Alex Schmidt
Heathcote School and Science College - Department Transition Guide 2020-21 History
Heathcote School and Science College

Department Transition Guide 2020-21


  Course Overview and Specification Summary
  Department Vision for A-level and links to career
  Pre-reading
  Task/project for summer
Heathcote School and Science College - Department Transition Guide 2020-21 History
The intent of the knowledge rich curriculum at Heathcote school is to;
       Encourage pupils to be inquisitive, curious and thoughtful.
       Challenge pupils to be creative, independent and resilient.
       Succeed in creating pupils who value their own ability to learn, cherish their education, find their voice and use it with confidence.

History Department Vision:
“The study of history is not only a study of the past but also the future. Pupils develop important skills such critical thinking and analysis which
allows them to understand what has happened and what can happen. Through the study of different eras and different regions, pupils are
exposed to a variety of societies, cultures and world stories. “
Specification Overview: Edexcel 9H10
Unit 1: Option 1E: Breadth Study with Interpretations: Russia 1917-1991 from Lenin to Yeltsin (30%)
         Communist government in the USSR 1917-1985
         Industrial and agricultural change 1917-1985
         Control of the people 1917-1985
         Social developments 1917-1985
Unit 2: Option 2.E.1: Depth Study: Mao’s China 1949-76 (20%)
         Establishing communist rule 1949-57
         Agriculture and industry 1949-65
         The Cultural Revolution and its aftermath 1966-76
         Social and cultural changes 1949-76
Unit 3: Option 35.1 Themes in breadth with aspects in depth: Britain: losing and gaining an Empire 1763-1914 (30%)
         The changing nature and extent of trade
         The changing nature of the Royal Navy
         The loss of the American colonies 1770-83
         The birth of British Australia 1788-1829
         Learning from past mistakes: Canada and the Durham report: 1837-40
         Nearly losing and Empire: The British in India 1829-58
         The Nile valley 1882-98
Unit 4: Coursework: Selected from a list of approved topics, a broad range of time periods is available. (20%)

A-Level Reading List
Topic 1:
 Archie Brown, The Rise and Fall of Communism (Vintage, 2010)
 David Priestland, The Red Flag: Communism and the Making of the Modern World (Penguin, 2009)
 Robert Service, Comrades: Communism: A World History (Pan Books, 2009)
 Mark Sandle, Communism (Seminar Studies Series, Routledge, 2006)
  Dan Stone, Goodbye to all that? The Story of Europe since 1945 (Oxford University Press, 2014)
 Roger Spalding, The Communist Manifesto, History Review, 2000: www.historytoday.com/roger-spalding/communist-manifesto
 Robert Service, A History of Modern Russia: From Tsardom to the TwentyFirst Century, Robert Service (Penguin, third edition, 2009)
 Orlando Figes, The Whisperers (Penguin, 2007)
 Abraham Ascher, Russia: A Short History (One World, second edition, 2009)
 Stephen J Lee, Russia and the USSR, 1855–1991 (Routledge, 2006)
 Mike Wells with Nick Fellows, Russia and its Rulers 1855–1964 (Heinemann, 2008)
 Jane Jenkins, Years of Russia, the USSR and the Collapse of Soviet Communism (Hodder, second edition, 2008)
 Chris Corin and Terry Fiehn, Communist Russia under Lenin and Stalin (SHP, Hodder Education, 2002)
Topic 2:
 Michael Lynch, Access to History: The People's Republic of China 1949–76 (Hodder, 2008)
 Geoff Stewart, Heinemann Advanced History: China 1900–76 (Heinemann, 2006)
 Robert Whitfield, The Impact of Chairman Mao: China, 1946–1976 (Nelson Thornes, 2008)
  Philip Short, Mao: A Life (John Murray, 2004)
 Jonathan Fenby, The Penguin History of Modern China: The Fall and Rise of a Great Power, 1850–2009 (Penguin, 2009)
 Juan Chang: Wild Swans: Three daughters of China (William Collins 2012)

Topic 3
 Niall Ferguson, Empire (Penguin, 2004)
 James Morris, Heaven's Command: An Imperial Progress (Faber & Faber, 1973)
 Bernard Porter, The Lion's Share (Harlow, 1984)
 P Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of British Naval Mastery (Allen and Unwin, 1976)
 Gordon S Wood, The American revolution (Phoenix, 2005)
 Robert Hughes, The Fatal Shore: History of Transportation to Australia 1786– 1868 (Vintage new edition, 2003)
 Peter Burroughs, The Canadian Crisis and British colonial Policy 1828–1841 (Arnold, 1972)
 Saul David, The Indian Mutiny 1857 (Penguin, 2003)
 Kate Grenville – The Secret River
Careers and progression links
Museum curator       Teaching Lecturing         Law Marketing         Business Management            Finance     Advertising       Journalism
Degrees in: History, International Relations, Law
Heathcote School and Science College - Department Transition Guide 2020-21 History
Knowledge Organiser
Tasks: Choose from the menu of tasks below – you must complete a minimum of 60 points and need to complete one task from
                                    each part of the A-Level course which are colour coded.
These will be used by your teachers in September to begin discussions around your progress and will lead to rewards in the Autumn

            RUSSIA                               CHINA                                EMPIRE

rticle on the Russian        Watch the documentary and write              Listen to this radio programme:
Revolution                   down the causes of the Russian               https://www.bbc.co.uk/programme
https://www.britannica.com   Revolution                                   s/w3csywxz
/event/Russian-Revolution    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v
                             =zXHybEb4b_o                                 Write a description of how
Write down the key events    Write down the causes of the                 people felt in 1949 in China
of the Russian Revolution    Revolution and then rank them in
                   10 POINTS terms of severity. Then explain your                               10 POINTS
Watch this video on the rise Read this article about the POINTS           Watch the video on the legacy
of Mao:                      of the Provisional Government                of the British Empire: What
https://www.youtube.com/wa https://alphahistory.com/russianrev            has the Empire left behind?
tch?v=JIdNoe1C6KI            olution/provisional-                         Write a paragraph to
                             government/#Obstacles_to_govern              summarise your view.
List 5 factors which led to  ment
Mao’s rise to power in 1949
                             Write down in bullet points, the             https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class
                             difficulties the government faced            -clips-video/gcse-history-what-
                   10 POINTS following the Russian Revolution.            legacy-has-the-british-empire-left-
After watching the video: write   Read the article on the causes of the Watch the documentary on the
                                                           10 POINTS                         10 POINTS
a summary of what you think       Russian Revolution. Make a timeline rise of the British Empire
the legacy of Mao’s China has     of the key events.                    https://www.youtube.com/watc
been                                                                    h?v=YfTSUARuwTg
                                  https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guid Write down the         10 POINTS
https://www.youtube.com/wa        es/zwfytyc/revision/1                 reasons/motivations for the
tch?v=JIdNoe1C6KI                                                       growth of the British Empire

                   10 POINTS                              10 POINTS
                                                                                                10 POINTS
Watch the clip on the             Read the article on the causes of the   Read the article on the Cultural
Indian Mutiny of 1857.            American Revolution                     Revolution:
https://www.youtube.com/wa        https://www.thoughtco.com/causes        https://www.theguardian.com/wor
tch?v=a9tIOf-gvuA                 -of-the-american-revolution-104860      ld/2016/may/11/the-cultural-
                                  Write down the causes of the            revolution-50-years-on-all-you-
Write a list of the British       Revolution and then rank them in        need-to-know-about-chinas-
actions which led to the          terms of severity. Then explain your
Mutiny.                           reasoning.

                   10 POINTS                       10 POINTS
To what extent do you agree Read Wild Swans by Jung Chang –  To what extent do you 10agree
with the view that the      write a book review which        with the view that we should be
Russian revolution happened summarises life in Mao’s China   proud of the British Empire?
due to the actions of
Nicholas II.                                                 Write an essay to show a
                                                             balanced view on the topic
Write an essay to show a
                                                   20 POINTS
balanced view on the topic                                                         20 POINTS
                 20 POINTS
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