Healthyliving - Guam Resident Makes 12,000-Mile Journey Don't Neglect Those Physician Conversations (Even When It's Embarrassing) - PIH Health

Page created by Jessie Guerrero
Healthyliving - Guam Resident Makes 12,000-Mile Journey Don't Neglect Those Physician Conversations (Even When It's Embarrassing) - PIH Health
                                                            SPRING /SUMMER 2022


 Guam Resident Makes                    Don’t Neglect Those                Woman with Zero
 12,000-Mile Journey                    Physician Conversations            Symptoms Discovers
 to Health                              (Even When It’s Embarrassing)      the Value of Breast Imaging
Healthyliving - Guam Resident Makes 12,000-Mile Journey Don't Neglect Those Physician Conversations (Even When It's Embarrassing) - PIH Health

       03                                 04                                    20
       Guam Resident Makes                Don’t Neglect Those                   Woman with Zero
       12,000-Mile Journey                Physician Conversations               Symptoms Discovers the
       to Health                          (Even When It’s Embarrassing)         Value of Breast Imaging


     06   PIH Health at Home:
          A New Service for
                                         14    Circle of Excellence
                                                                              22   PIH Health’s Commitment
                                                                                   to Cardiovascular Health
          the Community
                                         16    Turning Love of Horses
                                                                              24   Workout Enthusiast
     08   Tennessee Resident
          Receives Specialized
                                               Into a Gift Towards Health          Finds Himself Needing
                                                                                   Orthopedic Surgery
          Care to Remove Inner           17    Thank You to Our
                                               PIH Health Sustainers
          Ear Tumor                                                           IN EVERY ISSUE

     10   Thank You Generous             18    UroLift Procedure Brings
                                               Relief for Prostate Gland      25   Health Education Calendar
          Supporters                                                               and Support Groups
     13   Legacy Society Members
                                                                              26   List of PIH Health Services

     Exciting News at PIH Health Downey Hospital
     The Emergency Department (ED) at PIH Health             evaluation, three new treatment rooms and a
     Downey Hospital has opened its doors to a new           nursing station. The spacious waiting area offers
     waiting room and lobby. The new space is more           a warm and open environment for patients and
     than three times larger than the former waiting         visitors. The former ED entrance and waiting
     room with a drop off area for patients at the front     room will be closed for construction as a new
     entrance, two new triage rooms for rapid patient        computed tomography (CT) scanner is installed.

Healthyliving - Guam Resident Makes 12,000-Mile Journey Don't Neglect Those Physician Conversations (Even When It's Embarrassing) - PIH Health
Los Angeles

                                                  12,000 miles

                                                                 Guam resident Christopher Blas
                                                                 and sister, Bonnie, with Guy Mayeda MD,
                                                                 PIH Health interventional cardiologist.
After facing two life-threatening health issues in his early 40s, Guam resident
Christopher Blas knows the value of expert cardiovascular care—but he had to travel
a long way to get it.

Christopher’s journey began when he experienced            development—a thoracic graft endoleak at the
chest pain and went to his community hospital in           site of the original dissection.
Guam, a U.S. Territory located 6,000 miles away
                                                           “An endoleak is a complication that affects
from Los Angeles in the Western Pacific Ocean.
                                                           about 15 to 25% of patients who undergo TEVAR,”
A CT scan revealed an aneurysm that caused a
                                                           explained Dr. Gheissari. “It means that some
3-centimeter dissection (tear) in his aorta, the major
                                                           amount of blood is still flowing around the graft
blood vessel carrying blood from the heart to
                                                           into the aneurysm cavity.”
the body.
                                                           Christopher returned to Los Angeles for a second
Christopher needed a thoracic endovascular
                                                           round of treatment. The repair was a success. Today,
aneurysm repair (TEVAR), but the surgery was too
                                                           Christopher is back to his favorite hobbies of driving
advanced for a hospital facility in Guam. Thanks
                                                           off-road vehicles and mountain biking.
to the International Patient Services Program at
PIH Health, Christopher was able to have the repair        PIH Health Good Samaritan Hospital has been
done at PIH Health Good Samaritan Hospital. He             Guam’s off-island healthcare partner since 1986.
was flown 15 hours by air ambulance to Los Angeles         Hundreds of patients travel from overseas each
where Guy Mayeda MD, interventional cardiologist,          year to seek advanced treatment from experienced
and Ali Gheissari MD, cardiothoracic surgeon,              physicians.
performed the life-saving surgery.
                                                           “I traveled to PIH Health Good Samaritan Hospital
“Acute aortic dissection is a rare, but very lethal        because I knew I would receive excellent care,” said
cardiovascular condition responsible for about             Christopher. “I had full confidence in the doctors and
13,000 deaths per year in the U.S. Twenty percent          their expertise. They truly saved my life—not once,
of patients with an acute aortic dissection die before     but twice.”
reaching the hospital and 50% of patients die if not
treated within 24 hours,” said Dr. Mayeda.
                                                                  To learn more about cardiology and
Two years later during a follow-up appointment              i     cardiothoracic surgery please visit
in Guam, a CT scan showed a troubling                   

                                                                               562.789.5982   PIHHEALTH.ORG         3
Healthyliving - Guam Resident Makes 12,000-Mile Journey Don't Neglect Those Physician Conversations (Even When It's Embarrassing) - PIH Health
      How One Patient Finally Solved a Pesky Unexplained Issue

    Sometimes, talking to your doctor about a problem can be uncomfortable, if not
    downright embarrassing. That was certainly the case for Michele, a 39-year-old wife
    and mother of two, who experienced an unexplained vaginal discharge that occurred
    on-and-off for years, but simply never went away.

                                                     Your PIH Health physician is here to help you
                                                     feel better. By mentioning all new symptoms,
                                                     even if you find them embarrassing, you may
                                                     help your doctor catch a health condition
                                                     before it becomes serious.

Healthyliving - Guam Resident Makes 12,000-Mile Journey Don't Neglect Those Physician Conversations (Even When It's Embarrassing) - PIH Health
Several physicians told Michele that occasional vaginal
discharge is normal, so she didn’t worry too much—
until it got worse.
                                                                AS K TH E E X PE RT
After having a hysterectomy to remove a mass on
her ovaries, Michele was referred by Samuel Im MD,
PIH Health oncologist, to another doctor, Armen
Gregorian MD, PIH Health colorectal surgeon, to
investigate further. Dr. Gregorian concluded that
Michele had developed a rectovaginal fistula—an
abnormal connection between the large intestine
(rectum) and the vagina, enabling bowel contents to
leak through.                                                 Divya Mallam MD
                                                                11480 Brookshire Avenue, Suite 204
  “Rectovaginal fistulas can result from                        Downey, CA 90241
  a variety of things—like injury during
  childbirth, an inflammatory bowel
  disease like Crohn’s disease, or radiation
  treatment in the pelvic area,” explained                    Q. Has the age for getting my first
  Dr. Gregorian. “Whatever the cause,                         colonoscopy changed?
  the condition can cause emotional                           A. In the past, adults who are at average risk
  and physical discomfort, which can                          for colorectal cancer were advised to start
  impact self-esteem and intimacy. Some                       having regular colonoscopies when they
  rectovaginal fistulas may close on their                    turned 50. Today, that age has changed.
  own, but most need surgical repair.”                        The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force
                                                              now recommends that colorectal cancer
Over the course of six months, Michele had two                screenings begin at age 45 due to the rise of
surgeries to repair the fistula. The first involved           colorectal cancer cases among young and
rectovaginal surgery to remove the fistula and close the      middle-aged people.
tear, plus ileostomy (a procedure that enables waste to
                                                              When you get your first colonoscopy (and
leave the body through a surgically created hole called
                                                              how often after that) will depend on your
a stoma), giving the area time to heal. Six months later,
                                                              family and personal health history. Talk to
Michele had a second surgery to remove the ileostomy.
                                                              your primary care physician to determine the
“Dr. Gregorian was so awesome, and he did a great job         right time for you.
with my complicated case,” said Michele. “After years
                                                              Colorectal cancer is most treatable when
of struggling with this issue, I’m finally back to living a
                                                              found early. Colonoscopies not only detect
normal life. No discharge at all, and I’m back to doing
                                                              the disease, but can prevent cancer because
what I love—swimming, living an active lifestyle, and
                                                              precancerous polyps can be removed during
taking fun vacations with my husband and family.”
                                                              the procedure.
                                                              For more information or to schedule
        For more information on PIH Health
                                                              your colonoscopy, visit
 i      Physicians or to find a doctor, please visit
                                                              or call 562.967.2656.

                                                                          562.789.5982   PIHHEALTH.ORG         5
Healthyliving - Guam Resident Makes 12,000-Mile Journey Don't Neglect Those Physician Conversations (Even When It's Embarrassing) - PIH Health
      Home Care Option Offers a Wide Variety of
      Non-Medical Services

    PIH Health at Home provided by 24 Hour Home Care® is a new customized
    service that provides affordable non-medical home care to individuals needing
    companionship or assistance with activities of daily living in order to stay
    independent in their own home.

                                                                    PIH Health at Home offers
                                                                    an array of non-medical
                                                                    services in the comfort
                                                                    of one’s home.

Healthyliving - Guam Resident Makes 12,000-Mile Journey Don't Neglect Those Physician Conversations (Even When It's Embarrassing) - PIH Health
PIH Health at Home can be customized to include:
•   Personal care: help with hygiene, using the restroom
    or navigating a home environment
•   Medication reminders: reminders and monitoring
    for negative side effects or complications from
•   Meal preparation: grocery shopping assistance,
    general kitchen safety, cooking and cleaning
•   Respite care: allows scheduled breaks for family
    and primary caregivers                                    MAKING TOMORROW’S
•   Companionship: socialization and engagement               MEDICINE TODAY
    in thoughtful and meaningful interactions
•   Transportation: partnership with RideWith24 for
                                                            ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A
    on-demand rides at any time of day without the use      CLINICAL TRIAL?
    of a smart phone or app
                                                            People participate in clinical trials for many
                                                            reasons. Healthy volunteers often join clinical
    PIH Health at Home caregivers can be                    trials to help others and contribute to moving
    available for up to 24 hours a day, seven               science forward. People with an illness
    days a week with an out-of-pocket charge.               or disease participate for the possibility
    This allows individuals to retain their                 of receiving the newest and best drugs,
    independence at home without relying on                 treatment options and patient therapies—long
    costly residential homes or assisted living             before they become available to the public.
                                                            Many want to play a more active role in their
    facilities. “We’re so fortunate to offer this
                                                            own healthcare, under the close supervision
    service to our community. Often times
                                                            of doctors and researchers.
    a person just needs a little bit of human
    interaction and assistance to prevent an                “Clinical trials offer hope for many people,
                                                            and an opportunity to help researchers find
    unnecessary hospitalization,” says Shelly
                                                            better treatments for current and future
    Necke, PIH Health vice president of
                                                            generations,” said Jennifer Yanovski,
    Post-Acute Care Services.                               PIH Health director of research. “I’m excited
                                                            to add to the number of clinical trials available
Choosing a home caregiver for yourself or a loved           to our community this year—and I hope
one is an important decision that requires attention.       many people will consider participating.”
That’s why the hiring process for PIH Health at Home
is unique and selective, and each caregiver undergoes       PIH Health currently has more than 70
a thorough and extensive background check as well           clinical trials in various stages in oncology,
as specialized training. To facilitate the best caregiver   stroke, cardiovascular, neonatal, peripheral
match, a consultation held early in the decision-making     vasculature and other therapeutic areas.
process helps ensure the highest level of compatibility.    For more information, visit
                                                   To learn
          To learn more about PIH Health                    more, speak to your physician or email
                                                            us at
    i     at Home, please call 562.742.3348
          or visit

                                                                         562.789.5982   PIHHEALTH.ORG        7
Healthyliving - Guam Resident Makes 12,000-Mile Journey Don't Neglect Those Physician Conversations (Even When It's Embarrassing) - PIH Health
      Tennessee Resident Receives Specialized Care
      to Remove Inner Ear Tumor

    When 53-year-old Philip Atteberry woke up with ringing in his ears in late 2019,
    he initially suspected allergies. But when the ringing didn’t go away and he started
    developing hearing loss, he went to his primary care physician in Knoxville, Tennessee,
    who referred him to a local ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor.

        PIH Health patient Philip Atteberry
        and his wife, Alicia.

Healthyliving - Guam Resident Makes 12,000-Mile Journey Don't Neglect Those Physician Conversations (Even When It's Embarrassing) - PIH Health
A few weeks later, Philip received a steroid shot, but
it didn’t help. The ENT then recommended an MRI,
which revealed an acoustic neuroma.
                                                            AS K TH E E X PE RT
  “Acoustic neuroma is a rare noncancerous
  tumor that grows slowly from an
  overproduction of Schwann cells that
  surround nerve fibers,” explained
  Gregory Lekovic MD PhD, PIH Health
  neurosurgeon. “As it grows, the tumor
  presses on the nerves in the inner ear
  that control balance and hearing.”                      Ahl Jeffrey Caseja MD
                                                            12400 Bloomfield Avenue
Since the acoustic neuroma was discovered in March          Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
2020—right before the COVID-19 lockdown—and                 562.967.2760
since the tumor was benign and slow-growing, Philip
decided to hold off on treatment. But as the year went
on, his hearing got worse, so he connected with a         Q: What glucose numbers indicate
friend, who was also treated for this rare condition.     type 2 diabetes?
In March 2021, Philip had a video consult with            A. There are several ways to diagnose type 2
Dr. Lekovic, who reviewed his MRI and recommended         diabetes, which is the most common form
surgery to remove the tumor.                              of diabetes. Having type 2 diabetes means
“If the tumor gets large enough, it can press against     your body doesn’t use insulin properly.
the brain stem,” said Dr. Lekovic. “This can affect       The condition is usually diagnosed using the
neurological function or even become life-threatening.”   glycated hemoglobin (A1C) test—a blood test
                                                          that indicates your average blood sugar level
Philip decided to proceed with surgery in May 2021 at
                                                          for the past two to three months. Having
PIH Health Good Samaritan Hospital with Dr. Lekovic
                                                          glycated hemoglobin below 5.7% is normal;
and Kevin Peng MD, PIH Health otolaryngologist.
                                                          5.7% to 6.4% is diagnosed as prediabetes;
Not only was the surgery a success, Philip recovered
                                                          and 6.5% or higher on two separate tests
quickly enough to enjoy a trip with his wife exploring
                                                          indicates diabetes.
California sights in July—a trip that was previously
postponed due to the pandemic.                            If the A1C test isn’t available, or if you have
                                                          certain conditions that interfere with an A1C
  “Today I’m feeling great,” said Philip.                 test, your doctor may use a different test
  “I feel very blessed to have had a fantastic            to diagnose diabetes, such as random blood
  surgeon, a wonderful team of physicians,                sugar blood test (taken after fasting) or
  and incredible nurses.”                                 an oral glucose tolerance test (taken after
                                                          fasting and drinking a sugary liquid at the
                                                          doctor’s office).
        For more information on ear, nose
                                                          For more information, visit
        and throat services, please visit
 i For more information
        on neurology services, please visit

                                                                      562.789.5982      PIHHEALTH.ORG       9
Healthyliving - Guam Resident Makes 12,000-Mile Journey Don't Neglect Those Physician Conversations (Even When It's Embarrassing) - PIH Health
         We Are Honored to Acknowledge Your Generosity.

     JANUARY 1 – DECEMBER 31, 2021

      $250,000+                              Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hamar       Mrs. Ruth Hillecke           Dr. and Mrs.                First Pacific Advisors, LP
                                             The Estate of Mrs.            Dr. Stephen K. Kwan     +     Eduardo A. Tovar+          Robert and Shirley Foster
     The Atwood Family                        Patricia Janda               Dr. Jason Lai+               US Bank                     Mr. and Mrs.
     Mr. and Mrs.                            Jerome Foundation             Los Angeles Imaging          Mr. and Mrs.                 Peter Greaney
      George Joseph                          Ms. Gloria Joseph              & Interventional             James R. West*             Lucile Horton Howe
     Dr. Richard C. Onofrio                  Mark A. Kadzielski Esq.        Consultants (LRMG)          Whittier Internal            & Mitchell B. Howe
     I.N. and Susanna H.                                                    Dr. Sabeen Dhand+            Medicine & Nephrology       Foundation
                                             Mr. and Mrs.                                                Medical Group
       Van Nuys Foundation                    Samuel A. Mathis              Dr. Rodger Hughes+                                      Mrs. Connie Irwin
                                             The Estate of Ameta            Dr. Robert Kleinman+                                    Dr. and Mrs.
      $100,000+                               Mae Sanman                    Dr. Nanette Kovash+          $5,000+                     Richard J. Kiechler
                                             Sodexo, U.S.A.                 Dr. Shao-Pow Lin+                                       Ms. Joan B. Lee
     Anonymous                                                                                          Mr. James M. Andreoli
                                                                            Dr. Yong Park+                                          Debra* and Roy Legan
                                             The White Family                                           Mr. and Mrs.
     LA Health Foundation                                                   Dr. Joseph Park+
                                              White Emerson Mortuary                                     Robert S. Andrews          Richard Luciano
     Dr. and Mrs. Rangasamy                                                 Dr. Amish Patel+
                                             Whittier Breast Imaging                                    Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.   Matt and Melanie Lyons
      Ramanathan+                                                           Dr. Jagdish Patel+
                                                                                                        Athens Services             Mr. and Mrs.
     The Seaver Institute                                                   Dr. Daniel Saket+
                                              $10,000+                                                                               William T. Macnider
     U.S. Department of Health                                              Dr. Brian Yue+              Barlow Respiratory
                                                                                                         Hospital                   Mr. and Mrs.
      and Human Services
                                             Anonymous                     Dr. Davis Lee+                                            Chico Manning*
      Human Resources and                                                   and Dr. Janet Yang          Ms. Regina Rengifo
      Services Administration                Bewley, Lassleben                                           Bialorucki*                Mr. and Mrs. Brent Melton*
                                              & Miller, LLP                Dr. Rosalio J. Lopez+
                                                                                                        Mrs. Eileen M. Bigelow      Mr. and Mrs.
                                             Mrs. Peter D. Bundy           Mrs. Carolyn McFarland                                    Patrick Monroe
      $50,000+                                                                                          Daryl and Sherry Braun
                                             Peggy Chulack*                Medical Staff of Good                                    Janet and Patrick Moore
                                                                            Samaritan Hospital          Ms. Bonnie Cairns
     Anonymous                               Ms. Stephanie Courtney                                                                 Mr. and Mrs.
                                                                           MediWaste Disposal           California Academy
     The Estate of Samuel                    Mrs. Virginia Dickinson                                                                 Peter W. Mullin
                                                                                                         of Family Physicians
      and Norma Ayres                                                      Dr. and Mrs. Yong H. Park+                               Anup* and Payal Patel
                                             Dignity Memorial                                           California Funeral
     The Estate of Leeba Lessin                                            Ms. Judy B. Pugach*           Services, Inc.             Mr. and Mrs.
                                             Carrie Estelle
     QueensCare                               Doheny Foundation            Mr. David A. Pyle                                         Robert F. Peck
                                                                                                        Mr. and Mrs.
     R.C. Baker Foundation                   Dr. and Mrs.                  Rose Hills Memorial Park      Richard A. Casford         PIH Health Medical Staff
     Gwladys and John Zurlo                   Ronald A. Fischman+           and Mortuaries              Mr. Noel Coppinger*         Premier Ambulance
      Charitable Foundation                  Mrs. Joyce Fitzgerald         Mr. Jack Scheifly            Mr. and Mrs.                Progressive Management
                                             Betsy Frost                   Mr. Vid Shivaraman*           Harry C. Crowell            Systems
      $25,000+                               Ms. Marissa Goldberg          Ms. Alicia M. Signaigo       CSI Electrical              Santa Fe Springs
                                                                                                         Contractors, Inc.           Firefighters, Local 3507
                                             Dr. and Mrs. Brent J. Gray+   Mr. and Mrs.
     Mr. and Mrs.                                                                                                                   Mr. and Mrs.
                                             Mr. and Mrs.                   John T. Sprague             Mr. David De La Torre*
      Howard Applebaum                                                                                                               Norman Sauco*
                                              Stephen E. Griffith          Mr. Michael Starratt         Mrs. Jane M. Dick
     Mr. and Mrs.                                                                                                                   Dr. and Mrs. B. A. Shaw+
      Jack L. Blumenthal                     The Estate of                  Bank of America             Digital Health Strategies
                                              Eleanor K. Hauger             Merrill Lynch Global
     County of Los Angeles                                                                              Dr. Pearl D’Sa+
                                                                            Institutional Consulting
                                             Ms. Christine Herrera                                       and Mr. Bosco D’Sa

     * PIH Health Employee       Physician

10     SPRING/SUMMER 2022
The Smolskis Family*                    Intercommunity Emergency     Dr. Aidan P. O’Brien+         Dr. and Mrs. Brian A. Beck    Ms. Lillian J. Cordova
Mrs. Laura P. Stoneman                    Medical Group              OptumRx Inc.                  Georgene B. Beckner           Mr. Vincent Cortes
                                          Dr. Kevin E. Andruss+                                                                   Vincor Construction, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs.                                                         Bharti Patel                  Mr. Kenneth B. Bennett
 Paul A. Treinen                          Dr. Steven Chin+
                                                                     PIH Health Physicians         Dr. and Mrs.                  Credit Union of
WHH Philanthropy                          Dr. Adrian Crisan+           Medical Group                Stephen Bezahler              Southern California
                                          Dr. Marco A. Diaz+                                                                     Drs. Blayne Cutler
Whittier Pathology                                                   Mr. and Mrs. Tim Place*       Dr. Shalini Bhargava+
 Medical Group, Inc.                      Dr. Parham Farahat+                                       and Mr. Avinash Bhargava      and Thomas Spieker
                                                                     Ms. Rebecca S. Planer
                                          Dr. Hoori Hovanessian+                                                                 Dr. and Mrs.
Willis Towers Watson                                                 Mr. and Mrs.                  Dr. Kimberly Bickell+
                                          Dr. Edward J. Jarema+                                     and Mr. Matthew Bickell       Riad Y. Darwish+
Mrs. Paula Woo                                                        William E. Pratt*
                                          Dr. Michael Y. Liu+                                      Mr. Martin C. Bischoff        Mrs. Maria L. Davila*
Zotec Partners                                                       Ms. Karen R. Seulke*
                                          Dr. Michael L. Martin+                                                                 Jairo and
Mr. and Mrs.                                                         Mr. Gregory M. Sharp          Ms. Leslie Blackner
                                          Dr. Alisa Sato+                                                                         Roberta Delgado*
 Andrew Zwers*                                                       Mr. and Mrs.                  Dr. Stephen L. Bland  +
                                          Dr. G. Donald Shook+                                                                   Mr. Randal DeMore
                                                                      William W. Shubin            Mr. and Mrs.
                                          Dr. Michael L. Sporty+
 $2,500+                                                                                            Leonard Bobier               Dr. Joan D. Dengrove
                                          Dr. Richard M. Zoraster+   Mr. and Mrs.
                                                                                                                                  and Dr. Neal Shindel+
                                                                      Hatem S. Sinnukrot           Mr. Bryan Boehrer
Alignment Health Plan                   The Estate of Rev.                                                                       Dennis Tello Properties, LLC
                                         Albert E. Jenkins           Ms. Griselda Torres*          Bonne, Bridges, Mueller,
Mr. and Mrs. Leighton                                                                               O’Keefe & Nichols            Mrs. Alma Diaz
                                         and Nancy G. Jenkins        TRL Systems
 Anderson                                                                                                                        Mr. and Mrs.
                                        Mr. John Joyce               U.S. Bank Private             Debbe and Spike Booth
Mr. and Mrs.                                                                                                                      Richard J. Dickinson
                                        Junior Amateur                Wealth Management            Mr. Bill Bornhorst
 Dann V. Angeloff                                                                                                                Mr. and Mrs.
                                         Golf Scholars               Mr. and Mrs. Antair F. Yang    and Mrs. Margit H. Polyak
The Rev. Michael S. Bell*                                                                                                         Lawrence A. Dicus
                                        Mr. Ram G. Kakkar                                          Ms. Tess Bradlee
Mrs. Paul S. Bilgore                                                                                                             Dave Dieu*
                                        Mr. James R. Kalyvas          $1,000+                      Ms. Marsha Braunstein*
Mr. Jing B. Cheung*                                                                                                              Ms. Terri Dixon*
                                        Mrs. Patricia Kasababian                                   Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Christopher W. Cohick                                            Anonymous                      Rodney Bremer*               Ms. Kathleen Dotson
                                        The Kidney Specialists
Ms. Paula Cowan                                                      24 Hour Cares LLC             Mr. and Mrs.                  Dr. and Mrs.
                                         Dr. Dorsa Maryska+                                                                       Mark D. Dubin+
Ms. Julianne Coyne*                                                  Mrs. Jeanette Abundis*         Richard E. Brinnon*
                                         Dr. Brian Zwecker+           and Dr. Stephen Docherty
Mr. and Mrs.                                                                                       Buena Vista Healthcare LLC    Mr. and Mrs.
 Edward Cutcher                         Mr. Kevin Koga*              Ms. Gina Adams*                                              Kenneth J. Dudley
                                         and Ms. Myrna Ling                                        Natalie Bumanglag
Dr. Jaime Diaz+                                                      Dr. and Mrs.                   and Family*                  Ms. Jacqueline T.
                                        Mr. and Mrs.                  Daniel Akhavan+                                             DuMontier
Mr. Joseph Fasone                        Douglas Kotkin                                            Dr. and Mrs.
 and Mrs. Jeanette                                                   Mr. and Mrs. Alex Alvarez      K. Leo Buxbaum               Mr. Paul DuMontier
 Zavala-Fasone                          Mr. Robin C. Lee*
                                                                     Amigos de los Ninos           Ms. Phyllis Cairns            Mr. and Mrs.
 Fasone Construction                    Legends Group                                                                             Kevin P. Duthoy
                                                                     Dr. and Mrs.                  Mr. and Mrs.
Ms. Karen D. Fish*                      Dr. and Mrs.                  Kevin Andruss+                Wayne W. Campfield           Mr. Ron Eickhoff*
                                         Robert K. Maloney
Mr. William Seals                                                    Mr. Michael C. Apodaca*       Mrs. Cynthia G. Carrillo      Mr. and Mrs.
 and Mrs. Amy Fitzgerald*               Ms. Vicky Marquez*                                                                        George H. Engelage IV
                                                                     Dr. Paul Appelbaum            Mrs. Norma Casford
Mr. Michael Graley                      Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Martin*                                                               Mrs. Judith Ennis
                                                                     Mr. and Mrs.                  Mr. and Mrs.
 Graley Marketing                       Dr. and Mrs.                  Henry T. Arakaki              Steve Cazares                Mrs. Christine Eusoof-Alviz*
                                         Guy S. Mayeda+
Mrs. Dot Hamblin                                                     Robert and Virginia Ball      Mr. Hearng Choy*              Dr. and Mrs.
                                        Dr. and Mrs.                                                                              Philip J. Fagan, Jr.+
Mrs. Mary C. Helfrey                                                 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Barnes*    Ms. Ann Chung*
                                         John D. McCarthy+
Dr. Jung Ho   +                                                                                                                  Mr. and Mrs.
                                        R.D. and Kathleen            Kathleen+ and Carl Spencer    Classic Performance
                                                                                                                                  Edward Ferguson
Dr. and Mrs.                             McDonnell                   Ms. Melanie Batiste            Products, Inc.
 Nathan Honda+                                                                                                                   Foley & Lardner
                                        Mr. Paul Mulcahey            Reverends Kraig*              Ms. Sherry L. Cline Martin*
                                                                                                                                 Mrs. Sylvia L. Foltz
                                        Mr. and Mrs. Steve Necke*     and Erin Beardemphl          Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Coffey

                                        Mrs. James Neville                                         Dwight and Rewa Cooper*

* PIH Health Employee       Physician

                                                                                                               562.789.5982       PIHHEALTH.ORG                 11
Mr. and Mrs.                            Mrs. Janis Isenberger          Mended Hearts                 Ms. Jill Ries                 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Themm
      Scott Freeman                          Mr. and Mrs.                    Chapter 351                  Ms. L’Tanya Simien Robnett    Dr. and Mrs.
     Mrs. George Fritzinger                   Seiichi Ishikawa*             The Rafael                    Ms. Katrina M. Rodriguez*      Michael D. Thomas
     Mr. and Mrs.                            IV League                       & Sharyl Mendez                                            Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tyra
                                                                             Family Foundation            Mr. Brendan Rowe*
      John Frohnapfel                        Mrs. Brenda Jahn                                                                           Mr. Thomas Umemoto
                                                                            Ms. Dora O. Mensah*           Dr. Waldemar Sadowinski+
     Mr. and Mrs.                            Mr. Robert Jansen                                                                          Monique and
      Dennis G. Gahuman*                                                    Mr. James K. Michiuye         Mrs. Janet R. Sahagian
                                             Mr. and Mrs.                                                                                Gustavo Velasco*
     Dr. Gautam Ganguly+                                                    Jason and Brooke Miller       Ms. Carol Salas*
                                              Lamar S. Jervik*                                                                          Mr. and Mrs. Larry Villalba*
     Ms. Ramona A. Garcia                                                   Taylor Moorehead              Mr. Gerald L. Salzman
                                             Ms. Stacy E. Johnson*                                                                      Ms. Alicia Viramontes*
     Ms. Rosemary Garcia                                                    Dr. and Mrs.                  Dr. and Mrs.
                                             Dr. Mewhish A. Khan    +
                                                                                                           Marc A. Samson+              Ms. Felicia Viselli
     Dr. Mohammed Ghonim*                                                    Pramod Multani+
                                             Mr. and Mrs.                                                 Greg and Jeanie Sanden        Sylvia and Lincoln Watase
     Kathy Goin                               Richard Kikuchi               Mr. and Mrs.
                                                                             Daniel Munoz*                Mr. Raj and Dr.               Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Watje
     Mr. and Mrs. Brad Gordon                Dr. and Mrs.                                                  Smeeta Sardesai+             Dr. Charlotte Weaver
                                              Arthur C. Klein+              Music for Sharing
     Mrs. Evelyn Wong Gross                                                                               Dr. Dennis J. Sargent +
                                                                                                                                        Mr. Stephen Wen
                                             Mr. and Mrs. David Klinger     Sudhaker and
     Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grove                                               Mithra Nayak+                 and Dr. Kathy Forte          Mr. Karl Werner
     Mr. and Mrs.                            Robert H. Krupin                                             Dr. and Mrs.
                                              and Gwen Camenson             Mr. Mark Nelson                                             Western Specialty
      Ronald Gunther                                                                                       Mark Schneider+               Contractors
                                             Mr. and Mrs.                   Ms. Thalia Nguyen
     Mr. William Haag*                                                                                    Dr. Yasmeen Shaw+             Mr. and Mrs.
                                              Sheldon Kulkin                Mr. and Mrs.
     Dr. and Mrs. Ali Hafezi+                                                Jeffrey K. Nickell           Ms. Jeanette Shea*             Michael Weyant*
                                             Dr. Nupur Kumar+
     Mr. and Mrs. George Harb                 and Dr. Sunil K.              Mr. and Mrs. Greg Nordbak     Diane Sheley*                 Whittier Presbyterian
     Mr. and Mrs.                             Singhania                                                   Estate of Sheryl G. Parker     Church
                                                                            Ms. Barbara Ogawa
      Tracy R. Harcourt                      Dr. and Dr. James Kuo      +                                 Ms. Suzy Shih                 Whittier Trust Company
                                                                            Ms. Kathleen O’Hara*
     Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Harris       +
                                             Dr. William S. Kurohara+                                     Mr. Steve Shokouhi            Kenton and
                                                                            Ms. Suzette Otlewis*                                         Florence Woods
     Ms. Kathleen H. Hatfield                 and Dr. Helen Chen                                          Dr. and Mrs. Alvin C. Shon+
                                                                            Dr. Joseph J. Park+                                         Dr. Shang C. Wu+
     Dr. Wesley Heartfield       +
                                             Mr. Scott Larimer                                            Dr. and Mrs. Bijan Siassi+
      and Dr. Leah Mintz                                                    Mr. Atit Patel*                                              and Mrs. Mei Ho
                                             Mrs. Richard. C. Lawton                                      Mr. and Mrs.
     Ms. Silvia A. Hernandez*                                               Dr. and Mrs.                                                Dr. Brian W. Yue+
                                             Ms. Carrie Levinson*            Jagdish M. Patel+             Brian Slaughter*              and Mrs. Andrea Yue
     Mr. Erik Hillard                        Mr. Terry Lew                                                Mr. and Mrs.
                                                                            Mr. and Mrs.                                                Mr. Tae Yun
     Mr. and Mrs.                            Allan and Corina Lipstein*      Hemanshu Patel*               Lowell W. Smith
      Horst Hillebrand                                                                                                                  Mrs. Irena Zuanic*
                                             Mr. Alvin L. Luna              Mr. Daniel Patino*            Mr. and Mrs.
     Dr. Ivannia Hinman                                                                                    Stephen L. Smith
                                             Dr. and Mrs.                   Mr. and Mrs.                                                 $500+
     HMRG (a service division                 Talal M. Malhis+               Michael Pazzulla             Ms. Carole Snyder*
      of CMRE Financial                                                                                   SoCal Post Acute Care
                                             Ms. Dawn Maliff*               Ernesto and                                                 Anonymous*
      Services, Inc.)
                                             Ms. Cheryl Ann A. Malm*         Kathleen Penuelas*           Paul and Patricia Springer    Mr. and Mrs.
     Mr. John Hole Jr.
                                                                            Mr. Meredith H. Perkins       Mr. and Mrs.                   Michael Abbate
     Mrs. Ceonne                             Mr. Mel Marquardt
                                                                            Mr. Semeon Persaud*            Mark St. Julien              Advanced Systems
      Houston-Raasikh*                       Mrs. Sally W. Marsh
                                                                                                          Stephenson, Acquisto           Services
     Mr. and Mrs.                            Mr. Alejandrino C.             Dr. and Mrs. Gary Pirnat  +
                                                                                                           & Colman                     Allscripts
      Bradley N. Howard                       Mayol Jr.*                    Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pobanz
                                                                                                          Ms. M Joy Stephenson          Ms. Joan B. Alvaney
     Ms. Gaylin Hughes                       Ms. Cecile Mayoralgo*          Dr. and Mrs. Norman Rapp
                                                                                                          Mr. and Mrs.                  Dr. and Mrs.
     Mr. Michael D. Ikeda                    Rick McGill                    Mr. and Mrs.                   Krikor D. Sulahian            Ruben Armienta
     Mr. Kenneth Im*                         Mr. and Mrs.                    Wayne Ratkovich
                                                                                                          SWA Architects                Mr. and Mrs.
     Imperial Health                          Michael E. McMinn             Mr. and Mrs. Frank Renek
                                                                                                          Mrs. Marjorie Swanson          Jeffrey S. Baird
       Care Center                           Mr. and Mrs. Greg Medlin*       Pacific Parts
                                                                             and Controls, Inc.           Ms. Sanna Tam*                Mrs. Joyce M. Bjorklund
                                             Mr. and Mrs.
                                              Ira Meiselman*                                              Mrs. Aurora R. Taylor

     * PIH Health Employee       Physician

12     SPRING/SUMMER 2022
Ms. Faith Brinnon*                      Ms. Maria E. McNulty*
Mr. and Mrs. Miguel M. Castillo         Mr. and Mrs. Danny Merkle*
Mr. and Mrs. Raul M. Castillo*          Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Miller               PIH HEALTH FOUNDATION
Mr. Matthew L. Cloutman*                Mr. Thomas Moffett
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Coates               Mr. Robert J. Nagle
                                                                                    HONORS OUR LEGACY
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Croxall              Mr. and Mrs. James L. Nalley                SOCIETY MEMBERS
Ms. Consuelo E. Flores*                 National Charity League, Inc.
Mr. Jeremiah Flores*                     Whittier Chapter
                                                                                               The PIH Health Legacy Society
Ms. Michelle Flores*                    Ms. Elizabeth Navarro
                                                                                               honors those special friends
Forest Lawn Memorial Parks              Mr. and Mrs. Gary N. Nesbit                            of PIH Health who have made
Ms. Jill Frieze Prado                   Mrs. Tammi C. Numata*                                  provisions in their wills or estate
Ms. Deborah Gangi-Morrow                Dr. Sushil Ojha+                                       plans to support the future of
Ms. Nancy Ghadimi*                      Ms. Ethel Paisley                                      healthcare provided throughout
                                        Mr. Anish Patel                                        all of PIH Health’s entities. It
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Given
                                        Mr. and Mrs. John Peel                is the legacy gift that is often motivated by a
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Golden+
                                                                              vision for a better tomorrow. We are grateful
Ms. Karen L. Gordon                     Ms. Andrea Redeker
                                                                              to so many friends who, through thoughtful
Ms. Judelyn Gutierrez*                  Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Rutigliano*
                                                                              planning, have made plans in their estates to
Mr. John Hager                          Mr. Joe R. Sanchez*
                                                                              support their charitable interests beyond their
Mrs. Mallory A. Harris                  Mr. Ralph R. Santoro                  lifetimes. On behalf of future generations, we
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hawk              Ms. Jill Sciulli*                     say thank you.
Ms. Leslie A. Helton*                   Mr. Anthony E. Stewart*
                                        Mr. and Mrs. Lance T. Sylvester       Anonymous                                 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foster
Mr. Carlos Hernandez
                                        Ms. Ruth Tan*                         Mrs. Richard Angstadt*                    Mr. and Mrs. John Frohnapfel
Dr. Jason S. Ho+
                                        Mrs. Susan M. Treinen                 Mr. and Mrs. John Antonelli*              Mr. Louis Hermo
Ms. Elizabeth Huerta*
                                        Mrs. Carrie K. L. Tse                 The Atwood Family*                        Dr. and Mrs. Nathan Honda
Ms. Stephanie Jones*
                                        Mr. and Mrs. John W. Uhlman           Rev. Dr. Jeffrey D. Bassette              Ms. Jill Jackson
Rainbow Jung*                                                                  and Dr. Shannon Moore
                                        Mr. Reginald Valdez                                                             Mr. Richard Luciano*
Rev. Stephanie Kang*                                                          Mr. and Mrs.
                                        Mr. Christopher Weide                                                           Mr. and Mrs. Matt Lyons
JoAnna Kuehl, N.P.*                                                            Jack L. Blumenthal
                                        Mr. and Mrs. D.E. “Bill”                                                        Mrs. Herbert Martian
Mr. James N. Lajoe                                                            Ms. Patricia E. Bray*
                                         and Jan Wood                                                                   Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mathis
Mr. Gerald K. Lee                                                             Mrs. Miriam Brookfield
                                        Mr. and Mrs. Huey-Min Yu                                                        Mrs. Carolyn McFarland*
Ms. Lucia J. Lee*                                                             Mrs. Peter D. Bundy
                                                                                                                        Mrs. Jane Vruwink Palmer
Ms. Laura Lenhardt*                                                           Ms. Bonnie Cairns
                                                                                                                        Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peck*
Mr. William Lo                                                                Ms. Peggy Chulack*
                                                                                                                        Mr. and Mrs. John Peel*
Dr. Oariona Lowe                                                              Mrs. LeGrande Coates
 and Dr. Evangelos Rossopoulos                                                                                          Ms. Marisa Reyes
                                                                              Mrs. Paula Cowan
Dr. and Mrs. James V. Luck, Jr.                                                                                         Mrs. Jean Felcyn Ristic
                                                                              Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dicus
Mr. Elijah Macaraeg*                                                                                                    Mr. Ralph Seifer
                                                                              Mrs. Ida K. Elby*
Dr. Ghasak A. Mahmood+                                                                                                  Ms. Carol Widmer
                                                                              Mrs. Joyce Fitzgerald*
 and Mr. Laith Mahmood                                                        *
                                                                                  Denotes PIH Health Legacy Society Charter Member
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto N. Martuccio

                                                                              For more information about the PIH Health
                                                                              Legacy Society or to become a member
                                                                              today, please contact PIH Health Foundation
                                                                              at 562.967.2745.

* PIH Health Employee       Physician

                                                                                                   562.789.5982            PIHHEALTH.ORG             13
     PIH Health Foundation Circle of Excellence recognizes the generous
     donors in our communities who support PIH Health. Through annual gifts
     of $1,000 or more, members ensure great healthcare for our communities.

     JANUARY 1 – DECEMBER 31, 2021
     Anonymous                              Mrs. Eileen M. Bigelow          Mr. Christopher W. Cohick++        Mr. and Mrs.                        Dr. and Mrs. Ali Hafezi
     24 Hour Cares LLC                      Mrs. Paul S. Bilgore++          Dwight and Rewa Cooper*              George H. Engelage IV++           Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hamar
     Mrs. Jeanette Abundis*                   The June and Paul Bilgore     Mr. Noel Coppinger*                Mrs. Judith Ennis                   Mrs. Dot Hamblin
       and Dr. Stephen Docherty               Charitable Fund               Ms. Lillian J. Cordova++           Mrs. Christine Eusoof-Alviz*        Mr. and Mrs. George Harb
     Ms. Gina Adams*                        Mr. Martin C. Bischoff          Mr. Vincent Cortes                 Dr. and Mrs. Philip J. Fagan, Jr.   Mr. and Mrs. Tracy R. Harcourt
     Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Akhavan++          Ms. Leslie Blackner               Vincor Construction, Inc.        Mr. Joseph Fasone                   Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Harris
     Alignment Health Plan                  Dr. Stephen L. Bland            Ms. Stephanie Courtney               and Mrs. Jeanette                 Ms. Kathleen H. Hatfield
     Mr. and Mrs. Alex Alvarez              Mr. and Mrs.                                                         Zavala-Fasone
                                                                            Ms. Paula Cowan++                                                      Dr. Wesley Heartfield
                                              Jack L. Blumenthal++                                               Fasone Construction
     Mr. and Mrs.                                                           Ms. Julianne Coyne*                                                      and Dr. Leah Mintz
       Leighton Anderson++                  Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bobier++                                      Mr. and Mrs.
                                                                            Credit Union of                                                        Mrs. Mary C. Helfrey++
                                            Mr. Bryan Boehrer                                                    Edward Ferguson++
     Mr. James M. Andreoli++                                                  Southern California                                                  Ms. Leslie A. Helton*
                                            Bonne, Bridges, Mueller,                                           Dr. and Mrs.
     Mr. and Mrs.                                                           Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Crowell++                                        Ms. Silvia A. Hernandez*
                                              O’Keefe & Nichols                                                  Ronald A. Fischman
       Robert S. Andrews++                                                  CSI Electrical Contractors, Inc.                                       Ms. Christine Herrera
                                            Debbe and Spike Booth                                              Ms. Karen D. Fish*
     Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Andruss                                             Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cutcher                                            Mr. Erik Hillard
                                            Mr. Bill Bornhorst                                                 Mr. William Seals
     Mr. and Mrs. Dann V. Angeloff++                                        Drs. Blayne Cutler                                                     Mr. and Mrs. Horst Hillebrand
                                              and Mrs. Margit H. Polyak++                                        and Mrs. Amy Fitzgerald*
     Mr. Michael C. Apodaca*++                                                and Thomas Spieker                                                   Mrs. Ruth Hillecke++
                                            Ms. Tess Bradlee                                                   Mrs. Joyce Fitzgerald++
     The Howard and Nikki                                                   Dr. and Mrs. Riad Y. Darwish                                           Dr. Ivannia Hinman
                                            Daryl and Sherry Braun++                                           Mrs. Sylvia L. Foltz
       Applebaum Foundation++                                               Mrs. Maria L. Davila*              Robert and Shirley Foster           Dr. Jung Ho++
       Mr. and Mrs.                         Ms. Marsha Braunstein*          Mr. David De La Torre*++
       Howard Applebaum                                                                                        Mr. and Mrs. Scott Freeman          Mr. John Hole Jr.
                                            Mr. and Mrs.                    Jairo and Roberta Delgado*
     Dr. Paul Appelbaum                       Rodney Bremer*++                                                 Mrs. George Fritzinger++            Dr. and Mrs. Nathan Honda++
                                                                            Mr. Randal DeMore                  Mr. and Mrs. John Frohnapfel        Mrs. Ceonne
     Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Arakaki++        Mr. and Mrs.
                                              Richard E. Brinnon*++         Dr. Joan D. Dengrove               Betsy Frost++                         Houston-Raasikh*
     Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.                                                and Dr. Neal Shindel++
                                            Natalie Bumanglag and Family*                                      Mr. and Mrs.                        Mr. and Mrs.
     Athens Services                                                        Mrs. Alma Diaz                       Dennis G. Gahuman*++                Bradley N. Howard
     The Atwood Family++                    Mrs. Peter D. Bundy++
                                                                            Mrs. Jane M. Dick                  Dr. Gautam Ganguly                  Lucile Horton Howe
     Robert and Virginia Ball               Dr. and Mrs. K. Leo Buxbaum++
                                                                            Mr. and Mrs.                                                             & Mitchell B. Howe
     Barlow Respiratory Hospital            Ms. Bonnie Cairns++                                                Ms. Ramona A. Garcia
                                                                              Richard J. Dickinson                                                   Foundation++
     Mr. and Mrs. Scott Barnes*++           Ms. Phyllis Cairns                                                 Ms. Rosemary Garcia
                                                                            Mrs. Virginia Dickinson++                                              Ms. Gaylin Hughes
     Kathleen and Carl Spencer++            Mr. and Mrs.                                                       Dr. Mohammed Ghonim*
                                                                            Mr. and Mrs.                                                           Mr. Michael D. Ikeda
     Ms. Melanie Batiste                      Wayne W. Campfield              Lawrence A. Dicus++              Dr. and Mrs. John W. Given
                                                                                                                                                   Intercommunity Emergency
     Reverends Kraig*                       Mrs. Cynthia G. Carrillo        Dignity Memorial                   Kathy Goin++                          Medical Group++
       and Erin Beardemphl                  Mrs. Norma Casford++            Dave Dieu*                         Ms. Marissa Goldberg                  Dr. Kevin E. Andruss
     Dr. and Mrs. Brian A. Beck++           Mr. and Mrs.                    Digital Health Strategies          Mr. and Mrs. Brad Gordon              Dr. Steven Chin
     Georgene B. Beckner++                    Richard A. Casford++                                             Mr. Michael Graley                    Dr. Adrian Crisan
                                                                            Ms. Terri Dixon*
     The Rev. Michael S. Bell*++            Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cazares++                                         Graley Marketing                    Dr. Marco A. Diaz
                                                                            Ms. Kathleen Dotson
     Mr. Kenneth B. Bennett                 Mr. Jing B. Cheung*                                                Dr. and Mrs. Brent J. Gray            Dr. Parham Farahat
                                                                            Dr. Pearl D’Sa
                                            Mr. Hearng 0Choy*                                                  Mr. and Mrs. Peter Greaney            Dr. Hoori Hovanessian
     Bewley, Lassleben                                                        and Mr. Bosco D’Sa
       & Miller, LLP++                      Peggy Chulack*++                                                   Mr. and Mrs.                          Dr. Edward J. Jarema
                                                                            Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. Dubin
                                            Ms. Ann Chung*++                                                     Stephen E. Griffith++               Dr. Michael Y. Liu
     Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Bezahler                                          Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Dudley
                                            Ms. Sherry L. Cline Martin*                                        Mrs. Evelyn Wong Gross                Dr. Michael L. Martin
     Dr. Shalini Bhargava                                                   Ms. Jacqueline T. DuMontier++
                                                                                                               Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grove             Dr. Alisa Sato
       and Mr. Avinash Bhargava             HMRG (a service division        Mr. Paul DuMontier
                                              of CMRE Financial                                                                                      Dr. G. Donald Shook
     Ms. Regina Rengifo Bialorucki*                                                                            Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gunther++
                                              Services, Inc.)               Ms. Ericka Duran*                                                        Dr. Michael L. Sporty
     Dr. Kimberly Bickell                                                                                      Ms. Judelyn Gutierrez*
                                            Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Coffey++     Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Duthoy                                             Dr. Richard M. Zoraster
       and Mr. Matthew Bickell++                                                                               Mr. William Haag*
                                                                            Mr. Ron Eickhoff*
     * PIH Health Employee        5 Years of Consecutive Support

14     SPRING/SUMMER 2022
Mrs. Connie Irwin                        Dr. Jagdish Patel              Mr. Michael A. Meyer++            Mr. and Mrs. Frank Renek++       Stephenson, Acquisto
Mrs. Janis Isenberger                    Dr. Daniel Saket               Mr. James K. Michiuye               Pacific Parts                    & Colman
Mr. and Mrs. Seiichi Ishikawa*           Dr. Brian Yue                  Jason and Brooke Miller             and Controls, Inc.             Mr. Anthony E. Stewart*
IV League                              Mr. Scott Larimer                Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Monroe       Ms. Jill Ries                    Mrs. Laura P. Stoneman++
Mrs. Brenda Jahn                       Mrs. Richard. C. Lawton          Janet and Patrick Moore++         Ms. L’Tanya Simien Robnett       Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Robert Jansen                      Dr. Davis Lee                    Taylor Moorehead                  Ms. Katrina M. Rodriguez*          Krikor D. Sulahian++
Jerome Foundation++                      and Dr. Janet Yang++           Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Mullin      Rose Hills Memorial Park         SWA Architects
                                       Ms. Joan B. Lee++                                                    and Mortuaries                 Mrs. Marjorie Swanson++
Mr. and Mrs.                                                            Dr. and Mrs. Pramod Multani
  Lamar S. Jervik*++                   Mr. Robin C. Lee*++                                                Mr. Brendan Rowe*                Ms. Sanna Tam*
                                                                        Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Munoz*++
Ms. Stacy E. Johnson*++                Debra* and Roy Legan++                                             Santa Fe Springs Firefighters,   Mrs. Aurora R. Taylor
                                                                        Music for Sharing
                                       Legends Group                                                        Local 3507                     Mr. and Mrs. Eric Themm
Mr. and Mrs. George Joseph++                                            Sudhaker and Mithra Nayak
                                       The Estate of Leeba Lessin                                         Dr. Waldemar Sadowinski          Dr. and Mrs.
Ms. Gloria Joseph++                                                     Mr. and Mrs. Steve Necke*++
                                       Ms. Carrie Levinson*                                               Mrs. Janet R. Sahagian             Michael D. Thomas++
Mr. John Joyce                                                          Mr. Mark Nelson
                                       Mr. Terry Lew                                                      Ms. Carol Salas*                 Ms. Griselda Torres*++
Rainbow Jung*++                                                         Mrs. James Neville
                                       Dr. Rosalio J. Lopez                                               Mr. Gerald L. Salzman            Dr. and Mrs. Eduardo A. Tovar++
Junior Amateur Golf Scholars                                            Ms. Thalia Nguyen
                                       Allan and Corina Lipstein*                                         Dr. and Mrs. Marc A. Samson++    Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Treinen
Mark A. Kadzielski Esq.                                                 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Nickell
                                       Richard Luciano++                                                  Greg and Jeanie Sanden           Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tyra++
Mr. Ram G. Kakkar                                                       Mr. and Mrs. Greg Nordbak
                                       Debbie Lugibihl*                                                   Mr. Raj and Dr.                  U.S. Bank Private
Mr. James R. Kalyvas                                                    Ms. Doerthe O. Obert                Smeeta Sardesai++                Wealth Management
Rev. Stephanie Kang*                   Matt and Melanie Lyons++         Dr. Aidan P. O’Brien              Dr. Dennis J. Sargent            Mr. Thomas Umemoto
Mrs. Patricia Kasababian++             Mr. and Mrs.                     Ms. Barbara Ogawa                   and Dr. Kathy Forte            Monique and
Dr. Mewhish A. Khan                      William T. Macnider++
                                                                        Ms. Kathleen O’Hara*++            Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sauco*         Gustavo Velasco*++
The Kidney Specialists                 Dr. and Mrs. Talal M. Malhis
                                                                        Dr. Richard C. Onofrio            Mr. Jack Scheifly++              Mr. and Mrs. Larry Villalba*
  Dr. Dorsa Maryska                    Ms. Dawn Maliff*
                                                                        OptumRx Inc.                      Dr. and Mrs. Mark Schneider      Ms. Alicia Viramontes*
  Dr. Brian Zwecker                    Ms. Cheryl Ann A. Malm*++
                                                                        Ms. Suzette Otlewis*              The Seaver Institute             Ms. Felicia Viselli
Dr. and Mrs.                           Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Maloney
                                                                        Dr. Joseph J. Park                Ms. Karen R. Seulke*             Sylvia and Lincoln Watase
  Richard J. Kiechler                  Mr. and Mrs. Chico Manning*
                                                                        Dr. and Mrs. Yong H. Park++       Mr. Gregory M. Sharp             Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Watje
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kikuchi++         Mr. Mel Marquardt
                                                                        Anup* and Payal Patel++           Dr. and Mrs. B. A. Shaw++        Dr. Charlotte Weaver
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Klein           Ms. Vicky Marquez*
                                                                        Mr. Atit Patel*                   Dr. Yasmeen Shaw                 Mr. Karl Werner
Mr. and Mrs. David Klinger             Mrs. Sally W. Marsh++
                                                                        Bharti Patel++                    Ms. Jeanette Shea*               Mr. and Mrs. James R. West*++
Mr. Kevin Koga*                        Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Martin*
  and Ms. Myrna Ling                                                    Dr. and Mrs. Jagdish M. Patel     Diane Sheley*                    Mr. and Mrs.
                                       Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kotkin              Samuel A. Mathis++             Mr. and Mrs. Hemanshu Patel*      Ms. Suzy Shih                      Michael Weyant*++
Robert H. Krupin                       Dr. and Mrs. Guy S. Mayeda       Mr. Daniel Patino*                Mr. Vid Shivaraman*              The White Family++
  and Gwen Camenson                                                     Mr. and Mrs.                      Mr. Steve Shokouhi                 White Emerson Mortuary
                                       Mr. Alejandrino C. Mayol Jr.*
JoAnna Kuehl, N.P.*++                                                     Michael Pazzulla++              Dr. and Mrs. Alvin C. Shon       Whittier Breast Imaging
                                       Ms. Cecile Mayoralgo*
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Kulkin                                             Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Peck++     Mr. and Mrs. William W. Shubin   Whittier Pathology
                                       Dr. and Mrs.
                                                                        Ernesto and                       Dr. and Mrs. Bijan Siassi          Medical Group, Inc.
Dr. Nupur Kumar                          John D. McCarthy++
  and Dr. Sunil K. Singhania++                                            Kathleen Penuelas*                                               Whittier Presbyterian Church
                                       R.D. and Kathleen McDonnell                                        Ms. Alicia M. Signaigo
Dr. and Dr. James Kuo++                                                 Mr. Semeon Persaud*                                                Willis Towers Watson
                                       Mrs. Carolyn McFarland++                                           Mr. and Mrs.
Dr. William S. Kurohara                                                 PIH Health Physicians               Hatem S. Sinnukrot++           Mrs. Paula Woo
                                       Rick McGill                        Medical Group
  and Dr. Helen Chen                                                                                      Mr. and Mrs.                     Mr. and Mrs. D.E. “Bill”
                                       Mr. and Mrs.                     Dr. and Mrs. Gary Pirnat
Dr. Stephen K. Kwan                                                                                         Brian Slaughter*++               and Jan Wood
                                         Michael E. McMinn
Dr. Jason Lai                                                           Mr. and Mrs. Tim Place*           Mr. and Mrs. Lowell W. Smith     Kenton and Florence Woods++
                                       Medical Staff of Good
Los Angeles Imaging                      Samaritan Hospital++           Ms. Rebecca S. Planer             Mr. and Mrs.                     Dr. Shang C. Wu
  & Interventional                                                      Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pobanz            Stephen L. Smith++               and Mrs. Mei Ho
                                       MediWaste Disposal
  Consultants (LRMG)++                                                  Mr. and Mrs. William E. Pratt*    The Smolskis Family*++           Mr. and Mrs. Antair F. Yang++
                                       Mr. and Mrs. Greg Medlin*
  Dr. Sabeen Dhand                                                      Progressive Management            Sodexo, U.S.A.                   Dr. Brian W. Yue
                                       Mr. and Mrs. Ira Meiselman*
  Dr. Rodger Hughes                                                       Systems                         Mr. and Mrs. John T. Sprague++     and Mrs. Andrea Yue++
                                       Mr. and Mrs. Brent Melton*
  Dr. Robert Kleinman                                                   Ms. Judy B. Pugach*++             Paul and Patricia Springer++     Mr. Tae Yun
  Dr. Nanette Kovash                   Mended Hearts Chapter 351
                                                                        Dr. and Mrs.                      Mr. and Mrs. Mark St. Julien++   Zotec Partners
  Dr. Shao-Pow Lin                     The Rafael & Sharyl Mendez         Rangasamy Ramanathan++
                                                                                                          Mr. Michael Starratt             Mrs. Irena Zuanic*
  Dr. Yong Park                          Family Foundation
                                                                        Dr. and Mrs. Norman Rapp++          Bank of America                Gwladys and John Zurlo
  Dr. Joseph Park                      Ms. Dora O. Mensah*
                                                                        Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ratkovich        Merrill Lynch Global             Charitable Foundation++
  Dr. Amish Patel                      Mr. and Mrs. Danny Merkle*
                                                                                                            Institutional Consulting       Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Zwers*

                                                                          We invite you to join PIH Health Foundation’s exclusive Circle
                                                                 i        membership today by making an annual gift of $1,000 or more
* PIH Health Employee   ++
                             5 Years of Consecutive Support               to support PIH Health. Learn more at

                                                                                                                       562.789.5982          PIHHEALTH.ORG                   15
PIH Health Foundation donor Lurene Ross.

        Former Horse Rancher Donates Business Proceeds
        to PIH Health Foundation
     In 1984, Lurene Ross bought a crumbling horse             lymphoma—I spent a lot of time there during his
     property in Whittier and over time, built it up to        illness—and more recently, when I was diagnosed
     become one of the most beloved and iconic horse           with breast cancer in 2015. Thanks to the 3D
     riding stables and boarding facilities in the Whittier    mammography machines, my cancerous spot was
     community—L Bar S Ranch.                                  found very early, and a successful lumpectomy was
                                                               performed right away. It’s been seven years, and I’m
     For 36 years, Lurene happily ran the ranch with
                                                               still cancer-free. I couldn’t be more grateful for the
     her daughter and co-owner, Lori—operating out of
                                                               entire team and great people at PIH Health.”
     the property’s red barn, a historic landmark originally
     built in 1890. When Lori got married, she and her         Today, Lurene lives in Bear Valley Springs, a mountain
     husband built a home on the property, adding to           community near Tehachapi, Calif. Her love of horses
     Lurene’s love of the ranch.                               continues—she has six horses living on her 2-acre lot.
                                                               She’s thrilled that her donation will benefit PIH Health
     So when Lurene, 81, decided to retire two years
                                                               and the Whittier community which she will always
     ago, relocate and sell the ranch, it was a sad day
                                                               hold dear.
     indeed. But there was a silver lining. The proceeds
     from the sale enabled her to make significant             “PIH Health has always been one of my favorite
     donations to some of her favorite causes, including       places,” she said. “The people there were always
     PIH Health Foundation.                                    so nice—it’s something that I’ll never forget.”

     “PIH Health Whittier Hospital had been my regular
     hospital for all the decades I lived in Whittier and              For more information on the numerous
     it provided excellent care through several significant            ways you can support PIH Health Foundation,
     life events,” she said. “It provided care years ago
                                                                i      visit or call
     when my young husband had non-Hodgkin                             562.967.2745.

16    SPRING/SUMMER 2022
2021 Frank Scott Pro/Am
                                                                               THANK YOU TO
Golf Tournament Raises
                                                                               OUR PIH HEALTH
over $330,000 for a Da Vinci                                                   SUSTAINERS
Surgical System
On December 6, 2021, community members and loyal                            Sustainers of PIH Health help us achieve
supporters turned out at Friendly Hills Country Club                        our commitment to our community with
in Whittier for PIH Health Foundation’s annual 2021                         their unparalleled generosity and tireless
Frank Scott Pro/AM Golf Tournament. Thank you to                            dedication. These donors make possible the
our sponsors:                                                               high quality and compassionate care that
                                                                            we provide, and our patients expect and
Title Sponsor                         Golf Ball Logo Underwriting           deserve. We are incredibly grateful for each
R.C. Baker Foundation                 MediWaste Disposal                    of these individuals and organizations who
Greens Underwriting                   Opportunity Drawing Underwriting      sustain our work now and for years to come.
The Atwood Family                     Sodexo, U.S.A.
                                                                            If you or your business are interested in
Lunch Underwriting                    Friends of PIH Health                 becoming a Sustainer and supporting
CSI Electrical Contractors, Inc.      Bewley, Lassleben & Miller, LLP       the important work at PIH Health, please
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Mathis         CMRE Financial Services, Inc.         call 562.967.2745 today.
Cocktail Reception Underwriting       Dr. Davis Lee and Dr. Janet Yang
Los Angeles Imaging and               Shelly and Steve Necke                           PLATINUM                         CRYSTAL
 Interventional Consultants (LRMG)    Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sauco                        SUSTAINERS                       SUSTAINERS
                                      SWA Architects                                   $25,000                          $5,000
Awards Underwriting
                                      Vincor Construction, Inc.
MediWaste Disposal                                                          Allscripts                      Barlow Respiratory Hospital
                                      Chipping Contest Underwriting
Breakfast Underwriting                                                      The Atwood Family               Brookfield Residential
                                      Bonne, Bridges, Mueller,              Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hamar         Peggy Chulack
Whittier Internal Medicine
                                       O’Keefe & Nichols
 & Nephrology Medical Group                                                 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Mathis   Mr. Noel Coppinger
                                      Fasone Construction                   The White Family                Digital Health Strategies
Auction Underwriting
                                      Anup and Payal Patel                    White Emerson Mortuary        Mrs. Joyce Fitzgerald
First Pacific Advisors                                                      Whittier Breast Imaging
                                      Mulligan Underwriting                                                 Gallagher Bassett Healthcare
Richard Luciano in Honor                                                                                    Dr. Davis Lee and Dr. Janet Yang
  of Kathy Luciano                    Athens Services
                                                                                                            Debra and Roy Legan
                                      Credit Union of Southern California
Volunteer Underwriting                                                                 GOLD                 Dr. Rosalio J. Lopez
The Legends Group                     Snack Underwriting                               SUSTAINERS           Los Angeles Imaging
                                      Ms. Peggy Chulack                                                       & Interventional Consultants (LRMG)
Wine Underwriting                                                                      $15,000
                                      Dennis Tello Properties, LLC                                          Mr. and Mrs. Chico Manning
Richard Luciano in Honor                                                                                    Brent and Christy Melton
                                      Larry and Jane Dicus                  Bewley, Lassleben
 of Kathy Luciano                                                             and Miller LLP                Anup and Payal Patel
Mr. Vid Shivaraman                    Fasone Construction
                                                                            Dignity Memorial                Progressive Management Systems
U.S. Bank Private Wealth Management   Anup and Payal Patel                                                  Mrs. Judy B. Pugach
                                                                            Rose Memorial Park
                                      Bharti Patel                            and Mortuaries                Vid Shivaraman
Golf Carts Underwriting
                                      PIH Health Physicians Medical Group                                   The Smolskis Family
                                      SoCal Post Acute Care                                                 Mr. Michael Starratt
ePlus Technology, Inc.                                                                                        Bank of America Global
                                      Vincor Construction, Inc.
                                                                                                              Institutional Consulting
                                                                                                            Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Treinen
                                                                                                            Whittier Internal Medicine
                                                                                                              & Nephrology Medical Group
           If you’d like to make a donation to support                                                      Willis Towers Watson
                                                                                                            Mr. and Mrs. James R. West
 i         PIH Health, please visit
                                                                                                            Zotec Partners
           or call 562.967.2745.                                                                            Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Zwers

                                                                                             562.789.5982      PIHHEALTH.ORG                 17
          Workout Enthusiast Faces Serious Denial About Needing
          Orthopedic Surgery

     Until two years ago, Randy Hew was one of the most         Randy’s surgery happened in March 2021,
     active guys you could meet. He worked out at least         and today he’s pain-free and happy to be back
     five times a week, was a competitive runner for more       to his daily exercises.
     than 30 years, an avid mountain hiker, and played
                                                                “From my first consultations with both orthopedists
     almost every sport there is.
                                                                to the actual surgery and recovery, I was truly
     So when he started having sharp pain in his thigh          impressed with the entire staff at PIH Health,” said
     when exercising, which progressed to lower                 Randy. “Their level of planning, organization and
     back pain that forced him to stop running, he was          professionalism always made me feel that I was in
     truly dumbfounded.                                         great hands—my treatment was the absolute best
                                                                I could ask for.”
     X-rays on Randy’s hip showed moderate
     osteoarthritis and bone spurs, and the lower back
     revealed nothing remarkable. He did six months
     of physical therapy and daily stretching exercises
     with no improvement, and tried chiropractic and
     acupuncture with no relief. By October 2020 the pain
     was so intense he had to stop all activities. Sandra
     Madrid MD, PIH Health primary care physician
     referred Randy to see an orthopedic specialist.

     In November, Andrew Hsiao MD, PIH Health
     orthopedic specialist, ordered an updated set
     of X-rays, now revealing severe osteoarthritis                                  After surgery, Randy is back
     in his hip joint. Randy tried a cortisone injection,                            to his daily exercises.
     which generally provides relief for up to six months,
     but lasted only 14 days for him. In December,
     Dr. Hsiao concluded that Randy needed a total hip
     replacement and referred him to Andrew Luu MD,
     PIH Health orthopedic surgeon, who specializes in
     anterior joint replacement surgery.

     “Randy was a great candidate for anterior hip
     replacement surgery,” said Dr. Luu. “It has several
     advantages over traditional hip replacement,
     including less pain, faster recovery, a shorter hospital
                                                                                  PIH Health patient Randy Hew
     stay, but most importantly, allows someone as active                         with Andrew Luu MD, PIH Health
     as him to return to doing the things he enjoys with a                        orthopedic surgeon.
     lower risk of post-surgical hip dislocation.”

             To schedule an appointment with an orthopedic specialist, call 562.789.5461. To learn more
      i      about orthopedic surgery and our rapid recovery program, please visit

18    SPRING/SUMMER 2022
PIH Health patient Manuel Quispe.

Two years ago, Manuel Quispe’s diabetes was out          insulin regimen,” said Dr. Tran. “Our team assesses
of control—but he didn’t know it. At the time, the       patients’ medications to ensure accuracy and
62-year-old Whittier resident was wheelchair-bound       appropriateness, and prevent harmful interactions.
due to a foot ulcer and not in the best health.          More importantly, our team supports, develops, and
                                                         guides patients through complex and comprehensive
One day, severe kidney pain sent Manuel to the
                                                         treatment plans to achieve enhanced health outcomes.”
emergency department at PIH Health Whittier
Hospital. He was treated for his pain and it was         Within the first couple months of working with
recommended that he follow up with a PIH Health          PIH Health, Manuel’s health improved significantly.
primary care physician.                                  His blood sugar was better controlled and the foot
                                                         ulcer healed. He avoided an amputation, gained
Manuel chose Nelson Dalla Tor MD, a family
                                                         independence and is now enjoying improved quality
medicine doctor at the PIH Health Washington
                                                         of life. He no longer needs a wheelchair and can
Medical Office Building. Manuel and Dr. Dalla Tor
                                                         drive again.
learned that they had a lot in common. Dr. Dalla Tor’s
parents were missionaries in Bolivia where Manuel        “I love how all of the PIH Health doctors worked
was a pastor and both Dr. Dalla Tor and Manuel’s         together to provide the best healthcare possible—
daughters went to UCLA.                                  I’m so thankful,” said Manuel. “I take less medications
                                                         and I feel healthier than ever. I’m in the best state
Dr. Dalla Tor referred Manuel to an endocrinologist
                                                         of my life.”
to manage his diabetes and to Trina Tran PharmD,
PIH Health clinical pharmacist in the Medication
Management department. “After reviewing                          For more information about
Mr. Quispe’s medications and speaking with him,           i      medication management,
I realized that he was struggling with a complex                 visit

                                                                             562.789.5982   PIHHEALTH.ORG          19
       Woman with Zero Symptoms Discovers the Value
       of Breast Imaging

     If anyone doubts the power of a routine mammogram to save lives, they should talk
     with Sara Casillas, a 51-year-old Whittier resident and breast cancer survivor.

                                                                PIH Health patient Sara Casillas.

When Sara had her annual mammogram in early
2019 at the PIH Health Breast Health Center Whittier,
she had no indication that anything was wrong.
Without detectable lumps or family history of cancer,
                                                              AS K TH E E X PE RT
she wasn’t worried.

When PIH Health radiologist Kimberly Bickell MD
informed Sara that her mammogram detected
something and wanted to do a biopsy, Sara was
surprised. When she received a breast cancer
diagnosis—ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), stage 0—
Sara was truly shocked.

“I didn’t even know there was a stage zero,” she            Jessica Weiss DO
said. “Thankfully, I had many treatment options.              1245 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 703
After reviewing all of them, I chose to have a double-        Los Angeles, CA 90017
mastectomy. This may seem aggressive to some based            213.977.0419
on the type of cancer I had, but it made the most
sense to me.”

Sara’s mastectomy was performed by Kennith
                                                            Q. How are heart attacks different
Thompson MD, PIH Health surgeon, who worked                 for women than men?
with John Britto MD, PIH Health plastic surgeon,            A. Many people don’t realize that heart
for Sara’s reconstruction.                                  attacks often affect women differently than
“One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast           men. First, heart attacks tend to be deadlier
cancer in their lifetime, and if you’re that one woman,     in women. This may happen because women
getting a yearly mammogram beginning at age 40              are generally older than men when they
is the key to early detection and the best possible         suffer from heart attacks. Women also tend
outcome,” said James Kuo MD, PIH Health radiologist         to think their symptoms are not those of a
and co-medical director of the PIH Health Breast            heart attack so they don’t seek immediate
Center. “Sara is a great example of how breast imaging      care. For many women, a heart attack may
is powerful enough to detect cancer at its very             feel like a strange discomfort in the back (or
early stages.”                                              other subtle signs that are easy to ignore)
                                                            instead of crushing chest pain. Lastly, women
Nearly three years later, Sara is deeply grateful for the
expert care she received from the PIH Health team           typically don’t respond as well as men to the
and gives a thoughtful reminder to women everywhere.        treatments usually prescribed during or after
                                                            a heart attack. It takes expert medical care to
“Whatever you do, don’t put off your mammogram.             address these issues specific to women.
A year—or even a month delay—can mean all the
difference. Early detection is your best chance of          For more information on our heart services
survival. If I had put off my mammogram, I may be           visit
telling a very different story today.”

        For more information on mammograms
        or breast health at PIH Health, visit
 i or call

                                                                        562.789.5982    PIHHEALTH.ORG         21
          PIH Health’s Commitment to Cardiovascular Health

     Given the heart’s never-ending workload, it’s a wonder it performs so well, for so long,
     for so many people. But it can also fail—brought down by lack of exercise, a poor
     diet, smoking, genetics, and more. These sobering statistics from the American Heart
     Association are enough to give anyone concern:
     •   Heart disease remains the number one cause of death in the U.S. (based on 2018 data); claiming more lives
         each year than all forms of cancer and chronic lower respiratory disease combined.
     •   Approximately every 39 seconds, an American will have a heart attack.

                                                                 To encourage heart-healthy habits at a young age,
                                                                 PIH Health is investing in prevention through a
                                                                 collaboration with the American Heart Association.

22       SPRING/SUMMER 2022
PIH Health is working hard to improve these national
statistics—starting here in our own community.
Recently, we’ve made significant investments in heart
health by acquiring the nationally recognized Los
Angeles Cardiology Associates medical group, and
through our comprehensive Heart and Vascular Center,
which includes screening and diagnosis, specialty
care for heart attacks, irregular heart rhythms, heart
surgery, interventional cardiology and more.

  “Although many people develop some
  form of cardiovascular disease as they
  get older, it’s not inevitable,” said Gerald
  Beckham MD, cardiologist at PIH Health                   NEW LOS ANGELES
  Whittier Hospital. “A healthy lifestyle,                 COMMUNITY PARTNERS
  especially when started young, goes a
  long way toward preventing heart disease.              This past year, PIH Health expanded its
  But if heart damage does occur, our                    committee of community stakeholders to
  expert PIH Health team is always here to               include partners serving PIH Health Good
  offer specialized, compassionate care.”                Samaritan Hospital’s service area in Los
                                                         Angeles, including the Koreatown Youth and
To encourage heart-healthy habits at a young age,        Community Center, the Office of Los Angeles
PIH Health is also investing in prevention through       County Supervisor Hilda Solis, and the Los
a collaboration with the American Heart Association,     Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse.
which will provide three local elementary schools        We have supported several local events with
with physical and nutrition education, plus playground   our new partners, including vaccination events
equipment that promotes exercise and active play.        and a regional food distribution. Also, a new
                                                         shared space for healthcare workers and the
  “The early years play a vital role in the              community was built at CultivaLA’s Westlake
  development of healthy behaviors that                  Community Garden (adjacent to PIH Health
  can carry into adolescence and                         Good Samaritan Hospital).
  adulthood,” said Sang-Mi Oh, senior                    “This space is exactly what we needed to
  vice president/executive director,                     continue healing after the pandemic—a place
  American Heart Association Los Angeles.                that builds connections in our community,
  “Collaborations with organizations like                while promoting health and wellness, nutrition,
  PIH Health are important to making a                   exercise and education. We look forward to
  lasting impact and building a foundation               what we can do together.” said Jose Miguel
  of health and wellbeing where our kids                 Ruiz, executive director, CultivaLA.
  spend most of their day.”                              To learn more about PIH Health’s
                                                         commitment to the community, visit
        To learn more about PIH Health’s heart health
 i      services, visit

                                                                     562.789.5982   PIHHEALTH.ORG          23
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