Healthy Living JANUARY 2022 -
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2 • Healthy Living The Montana Standard Consider CARDIO for heart and lungs Build endurance, balance, strength and flexibility with cardiovascular exercise. C ardiovascular routines aren’t Mix it up Make it fun just helpful for our hearts and Switch out the types of movements Every-day routines can become bor- lungs. They are also beneficial and which day you do them. Incorporate ing over time, so don’t forget to have to our minds, give us more a blend of strength training, aerobic some fun. Listen to your favorite songs; energy, help us manage our weight and activities and movement like walking consider taking part in one of the more reduce the symptoms of depression and or running. Efficient regimens with dance-focused programs that improve anxiety. lots of variety can have a direct impact cardio health. Treat yourself to gadgets, The key is starting small, with an on our health, our moods, our energy workout clothes or useful equipment exercise regimen that makes sense for levels and, down the road, our morbidity like a stationary exercise machine your level, allotted time and age. You timeline. when you reach a new milestone. Invite can always build in additional activ- friends, family, children or co-workers ity for later, once you’ve become more Make it social along; they’ll lighten the mood. experienced with the cardio routine. Walking is perhaps the easiest way to make cardiovascular improvements; it’s Your daily routine Benefits also one of the best exercise routines to Whether you join a gym, or simply Cardio is best understood through do socially. Those who walk with others exercise at home, give yourself a dedi- four essential categories: endurance, have far more accountability, tending to cated period of exercise. And if you find balance, strength and flexibility. Beyond stick with exercise since others depend you’re still too busy to carve out time? feeling better, there are specific health on their participation. We experience Consider expanding routine activities advantages associated with these direct social benefits too, since fellow- that can bolster wellness: Park further exercises, including improved blood ship helps with emotional well being, away at the grocery store. Go faster — or pressure and diabetes numbers, better combats depression and loneliness, and stay out longer — when you’re walking lipid profiles, and healthier outcomes supports general mental health. the dog. Forget the cart and carry your for those suffering from osteoporosis or bags, if you can. neurocognitive issues.
The Montana Standard Healthy Living • 3 IMPORTANCE OF EXERCISE E xercising is usually thought of as Begin with a regimen that takes into stress reduction to cardiovascular a way to remain fit, but there’s aaccount other responsibilities. Eventu- health. The American Heart Association broad range of benefits beyond ally, you could settle on a full hour each recommends some 150 minutes of mod- that, including better health, a day, or perhaps more, depending on erately intense aerobic activity per week, reduction in stress and mood enhance- your personal parameters. Adding time a goal that’s easily achieved with the ments. in small intervals smooths the transi- right kind of regimen at your local gym. Our busy lives can make it difficult tion, and keeps new gym members from Regular workouts provide opportuni- to get to the gym, but it remains one of wearing down early on. ties for reflection and problem-solving, the most important things you can do in Make sure you exercise three to five while exercise also releases endorphins terms of self care. times a week for maximum positive — a group of neurotransmitters that impacts. make us feel good. Getting started No matter the approach, give your- In both cases, significant stress If you’ve settled into a more sedentary self some down time for recovery. reduction can follow. Visits to the gym lifestyle, it’s critical not to overdo it Also, remember that these daily goals can also increase self confidence, help when beginning a new exercise pro- — whether it’s a half hour, an hour or you wind down and relax, improve gram. There’s a period of adjustment, more — don’t have to happen all at once. your mood and address a mild sense both in terms of determining the right Breaking exercise routines into smaller of depression, according to the Mayo schedule and in finding the right dura- chunks can help you stay on the right Clinic. tion and limits for your routine. Overdo track when other duties call. Think of it almost like motion-based it, particularly early on, and you might meditation. A trip to the gym takes your risk becoming overwhelmed and end Your path to well-being mind off the distractions and irritations up right back on the couch where you Physical activity unlocks the secrets of the day, while giving you a chance to started. to better living in so many ways, from set and achieve regular goals. Exercise provides many health benefits besides keeping fit.
4 • Healthy Living The Montana Standard Are you taking too many supplements? It’s a strategy that may backfire and wind up defeating your intent to boost health. HEIDI GODMAN A risky strategy Harvard Health Letter Taking supplements comes ARE YOU DIZZY OR DO YOU HAVE E xercising, eating with health risks automatically. The ingredients are a DIFFICULTY WITH BALANCE? right, managing gamble. Despite labels, you stress, and sleep- can’t be sure what’s inside a ing well: they’re supplement; the FDA doesn’t the mainstays of a require manufacturers to prove healthy lifestyle. Taking lots what’s in their products before of dietary supplements should selling them, let alone prove not be added to the list; there’s whether the supplements are little scientific evidence to sup- safe or effective. And some port it. Yet many Americans supplements contain hidden make excessive supplement medications. As we reported intake a key component of their in January 2021, a study of 10 health regimens. products promising improved In national health surveys brain function found they con- These problems can be related to aging, concussions, conducted in 2017-2018, 25% tained potentially inner ear infections, or more commonly, positional of people age 60 or older dangerous prescription drugs vertigo (BPPV). Make the decision to FEEL BETTER and reported using four or more unapproved for use in the see our vestibular specialist, today! supplements. That’s on the United States. lower end of the spectrum for Supplements can inter- some people. “I see patients fere with your medications. taking seven to 20 supplements Some supplements increase 406.494.7050 a day. They are reluctant to or decrease the effect of pre- Sarah Siewing, DPT give them up because they scription drugs. For example: believe supplements are as “Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin effective as prescription medi- E, ginseng and ginkgo biloba cation,” says Joanne Doyle can increase the effect of bleed- Petrongolo, a pharmacist at ing if you take blood thinners,” Harvard-affiliated Massachu- Doyle Petrongolo says. “St. setts General Hospital. John’s wort can increase blood
The Montana Standard Healthy Living • 5 Taking a large number of supplements multiplies health risks and comes with additional problems. levels of antidepressants like intake. A healthy diet is usually to heart problems; too much the National Institutes of Health fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline enough to meet the Recom- vitamin E may cause bleeding in ( (Zoloft) and citalopram (Celexa), mended Dietary Allowance the brain; too much vitamin B6 and cause side effects.” (RDA) of most vitamins and may lead to nerve damage. What about taking minerals. For example, eating a multivitamin? Bigger isn’t better a medium baked sweet potato What you should do “Just taking a multivitamin Taking a large number of provides 1,110 micrograms Talk to your pharmacist or may help fill gaps in your diet, supplements multiplies health (mcg) of vitamin A, exceeding doctor before starting a supple- although it won’t be as effective risks and comes with additional the RDA for adults 51 or older ment to make sure it won’t inter- as getting nutrients from food,” problems. (700 mcg for women, 900 mcg fere with your health or with Doyle Petrongolo says. “But if It may be difficult to manage for men). your current medications. taking one vitamin pill leads to a lot of pills. This can cause you But many multivitamins If you take a vitamin or min- taking many more — maybe to miss doses of prescription contain 1,000 mcg of vitamin A. eral, look at the label. “Find the because you’ve joined a vitamin medications. “And if you take a multivitamin total milligrams of each nutri- club or been influenced by A large regimen may be hard and other supplements that also ent and add them to any other direct-to-consumer advertising on your body. “If you take a lot contain vitamin A, or fortified supplements you’re taking, plus — it could lead to risks.” of supplements, the fillers in the cereals, juices, protein bars, or the total nutrients you normally It’s not that all supplements tablets and capsules may prevent shakes, you could triple or qua- get from your diet, and then are without benefits. For some the active ingredients from being druple your intake. High vitamin compare it to the RDA,” Doyle people, specific supplements absorbed, so the products may A intake is associated with Petrongolo advises. may offer some chance of ben- not really be working for you. osteoporosis and hip fractures, You’ll find nutrient RDAs efit, and little risk. But don’t go Some people may experience and could lead to liver prob- by checking out the Harvard overboard. For more informa- stomach problems or other side lems,” Doyle Petrongolo notes. Special Health Report Making tion on who might benefit from effects from the fillers,” Doyle High doses of other supple- Sense of Vitamins and Miner- specific supplements, consult Petrongolo says. ments can also be dangerous. als ( our Special Health Report, men- You may overdo it on nutrient Taking extra calcium may lead vm) or Dietary Fact Sheets at tioned above. Butte Native Wellness Center provides primary and mental health care along with substance use treatment that combines both traditional and contemporary practices. • Butte’s Newest Urban Indian Health Clinic • Behavioral Health Care including Substance Use Recovery • COVID-19 Testing and COVID-19 Vaccinations Now taking New Patients
6 • Healthy Living The Montana Standard Are home pain relief gadgets safe for use? Some make big promises, but may pose big health risks. Here’s what to watch for. HEIDI GODMAN What’s the risk? medicine, but it’s not well established for Harvard Health Letter Like any industry, the pain relief pain relief. “The evidence is weak,” Dr. industry has some bad actors who prey on Binder says. Desperate times call for desperate mea- vulnerable populations — and that means Radiofrequency (RF). For pain relief, sures. That’s how many people feel when trouble. Some possible outcomes: doctors sometimes use the heat waves of RF they have chronic pain; they’ll try anything The product doesn’t work. No matter in procedures to dull specific nerves in the to get rid of it. For some, the desperate how many great testimonials a product spine. “But RF is not a do-it-yourself home measure is buying a gadget promising receives, it might not work — because treatment,” Dr. Binder warns. to ease aches and pains with the push of it’s not right for you or your condition, or a button. If that’s your strategy, beware: simply because it’s junk. Before buying the move may come with more risks than You lose a lot of money. Some pain Talk to your doctor before buying a pain relief. relief gadgets cost hundreds or even thou- relief gadget. “Print the ad and bring it to sands of dollars. an appointment,” Dr. Binder advises. “The What’s out there? Using the product is dangerous. doctor can assess whether it makes sense, You can find a wide range of pain relief People with particular conditions should if there’s a prescription version of the gadgets to use at home. There are devices avoid some types of devices. For example: device that would be safer, or if there’s an claiming to interrupt pain signals to the “You wouldn’t want to put anything with alternative treatment that would be better.” brain with “bio-antennas” embedded in electrical stimulation near a pacemaker. Another idea: try certain technologies at skin patches; squeeze pain away with And your doctor needs to weigh in before a physical therapy clinic before buying a compression cuffs; or eliminate pain with you use devices that squeeze your legs if home version. One example is transcutane- ultrasound technology, electrical stimula- you have impaired circulation, swelling ous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), tion, heat, lasers, vibration, pressure, light, of the legs, or a history of blood clots,” which uses tiny electrical shocks on the radiofrequency, infrared rays or pulsed Dr. Binder says. “If a product uses heat, skin to interrupt pain signals. It doesn’t electromagnetic fields. you could burn yourself if you have nerve work for everyone. These devices often have credible- damage and can’t feel your skin getting Also: make sure a high-tech device is looking, convincing ads that tout clinical hotter.” FDA-approved (which means it’s safe and evidence and testimonials from doctors. Using the product keeps you from effective), not just listed or registered with While there could be something to those seeking medical care. “If you buy a pain the FDA, which is required of all home claims, don’t believe them without doing relief device and skip seeing a doctor health devices. You can look up devices at some digging. about your condition, it might delay an the FDA database ( “The problem is there are doctors who important diagnosis and needed treatment,” edu/device). will accept money to conduct a small study, Dr. Binder points out. and then say a treatment helps, but that’s What fills the bill? not evidence. The kind of validation Avoid these A home TENS machine is the only high- that’s important is a large study in Be suspicious if you see advanced tech pain relief device Dr. Binder feels a well-respected, peer-reviewed medical technologies in a home pain relief comfortable recommending. “Ask your medical journal,” says Dr. device. For example, Dr. Binder recom- doctor or physical therapist which voltage David Binder, a physiatrist mends staying away from gadgets that use is safe for your particu- and director of innovation the following technologies. lar condition,” at Harvard-affiliated Light therapy. Light therapy has he says. Spaulding many important uses in Rehabilitation Hospital.
The Montana Standard Healthy Living • 7 Benefits of giving blood S uperheroes walk among us, but you won’t find them in capes or masks. Instead, they donate life-saving blood to help oth- ers. According to the American Red Cross, a single blood contribution can save as many as three lives. Donations are allowed five times a year, meaning you could potentially end up impacting hundreds and hundreds of people over the course of your lifetime. Here’s more information on how to become a super hero, too. Inside the numbers You might not know, but blood donations are seasonal. The numbers plummet during the busy travel season each summer; inclement weather plays a role, too. But even on sunny spring days, fewer than 10 percent of those who are A single blood contribution can save as many as three lives. Take eligible actually donate blood, according to the American Red Cross. The non-profit needed. If you don’t know conducts more than 200,000 annual blood drives in an your type, helpful technicians at your hometown blood bank Yourself effort to combat this critical shortfall. Some 80 percent of their donations come from can provide a test. Building trust furTher mobile sites set up in local Hospitals, blood banks and communities. The Red Cross organizations like the Red provides blood to some 2,700 Cross take precautions when hospitals across America. collecting, processing, test- ing and distributing blood. Why you should This ensures your good health Depending on your blood through the procedure, but type, you might be providing also the safety and effective- a critical resource for patients ness of the donation once who don’t have ready access it arrives. Blood is compre- to a badly needed transfu- hensively analyzed in labs to sion. (For instance, only seven establish a definitive type, percent of Americans are since they can’t be mixed, but O-negative, the so-called also to check for infectious Results and patient experience may vary. universal blood type that can diseases. Provided information The safety and efficacy of CoolSculpting and CoolTone in combination have not been evaluated by the FDA be used by anyone.) In times is kept strictly confidential; Bianca was treated with CoolSclupting on her Flanks and CoolTone on her abdoment. Before and after photos are not of Bianca of crisis, these donations are none of it can be released particularly important. without your permission, Woods’ Rose Wellness Center Medical institutions can unless directed by a judge. So be overwhelmed by patient whether you’re giving blood at (406) 565-5985 emergencies or surgery- in the offices of an area health- 124 S. Main Street, Butte, MT 59701 related infusions, requiring a care provider or at a Red Cross large amount of donor blood. mobile drive, you can be con- But blood is actually always fident in the process. CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE YOUR FREE CONSULTATION!
8 • Healthy Living The Montana Standard SMART CHANGE | HOLIDAY RESOLUTIONS 5 small food swaps can make you INSTANTLY HEALTHIER EATINGWELL.COM Y ou really can stick with that “get healthy” New Year’s resolution you make without gimmicks, or a big outlay of money or time. Making a few simple changes in may be all it takes. Swap Out: Butter Swap In: Olive or Canola Oil Not all fat is bad. Opt for unsaturated (e.g., olive or canola oil) over saturated fats, such as butter. Here’s a nutrition breakdown: 1 tablespoon of olive oil has 14 grams fat, 2 of which are saturated; 1 tablespoon of canola oil has 14 grams fat, 1 gram saturated; 1 tablespoon butter has 11 grams fat, 7 of which are saturated. But because all fats are loaded with calories to ensuring that your choice is a true whole (119, 124 and 100 calories respectively), grain is to check the ingredients list: the still use them in moderation. term “whole” or “whole-grain” should pre- cede the grain’s name, such as “whole-grain Swap Out: Refined Grains rye.” Swap In: Whole Grains Swap Out: Salt Refined carbohydrates, such as white Swap In: Fresh or Dried Herbs bread and sugary sweets, may be just as and Spices bad for your heart and arteries as cream and butter — that’s one reason to limit them. Whether you have high blood pressure But there are also reasons to pick whole or not, it’s wise to watch your sodium grains over refined grains. People who eat intake. The USDA’s dietary guidelines plenty of whole grains tend to be leaner for Americans recommend consuming and have a lower risk of heart disease than less than 2,300 mg (about 1 teaspoon those who don’t. What’s more, whole grains salt) daily. While not always a perfect — like brown rice and bulgur — have their replacement for salt, distracting your bran intact and thus have more fiber, B vita- palate with chopped fresh or dried herbs mins, magnesium, zinc and other nutrients. and spices can help ease the transition to Appealingly brown-colored bread or lower-salt cooking by waking up other crackers labeled “multi-grain” or “cracked flavors. Get creative with seasoning wheat” are sometimes made mostly from blends, found in any spice aisle; just refined white flour. The only reliable guide make sure they’re labeled “salt-free.”
The Montana Standard Healthy Living • 9 Not ready to go salt-free? Get started with this easy tip: don’t add salt if you can’t taste it. A little salt goes a longer way if it’s sprinkled on a food just before serving; skip it while you’re cooking. Swap Out: Full-Fat Dairy Swap In: Low-Fat Dairy Dairy products like milk, sour cream and yogurt are a good source of calcium, a bone-strengthening mineral most of us don’t get enough of. Choosing low-fat dairy products and nixing the full-fat ver- sions is an easy way to cut saturated fat in your diet (saturated fat may boost your risk of heart disease). Plus, recent research suggests that replacing full-fat dairy with low-fat dairy may also help lower blood pressure. Swap Out: Steak Stick to the first part of any restaurant menu — the appetizers, small plates and salads — when dining out. Swap In: Salmon Use self-control while dining out I t’s far easier to eat healthy foods nutritional. It’s always easier when you and practice portion control in have someone on your team. your own kitchen, but less so in an office setting when everyone is While you’re eating heading out to the hot new lunch spot. Make conversation. You can’t eat You are bound to be starting a new when you’re talking. Take smaller bites diet just as someone brings in a dozen while you are eating, and thoroughly Fotolia via Tribune News Service donuts to brighten up a Monday or a chew your food. It takes time for a Trading one 3-ounce serving of steak for the same-size huge cake to celebrate a co-worker’s message of fullness to travel from your serving of salmon will save you about 8 grams of birthday. The good news is there are stomach to your brain, and this gives saturated fat. steps you can take to get a better handle the body a chance to catch up. If the on what you should — and shouldn’t — portions are unavoidably large, offer eat when you’re away from home. to share your order with a nearby col- Yes, red meat is a great source of league. If no one will take you up on protein and iron (a mineral essential for Before you eat the offer, commit to taking some of it getting oxygen from the lungs to cells We’re all tempted by sugary or fatty home to eat another time. throughout the body), but it’s also a big foods with little nutritional value, source of saturated fat in many people’s but it’s far worse if you arrive with After you eat diets. You don’t have to give up your an empty stomach. Drink a cup of If it’s possible, tell everyone that you steak all the time, but trading one 3-ounce water or eat something healthy like are walking back to the office, rather serving of steak for the same-size serving a small apple before dining out. Por- than riding. Post-meal exercise helps of salmon will save you about 8 grams tion control is easier when you’re not work off some of your just-ingested of saturated fat. That serving of salmon starving. Stick to the first part of any lunch, while also increasing general also delivers heart-healthy omega-3 fats. restaurant menu — the appetizers, wellness. When you get back, skip (Omega-3s have also been linked with small plates and salads. The deeper the elevator for the stairs. This kind better eye health and hearing as you age you go, the larger the portions. (Worse: of cardio can help burn even more and may even help boost your mood.) You’ll eventually land on the desserts!) calories, instead of converting them Pay attention to the calorie counts to fat. Avoid desserts or snacking, two EatingWell is a magazine and website included on most menus nowadays. every-day hazards in any workplace. devoted to healthy eating as a way of life. Consider making a pact with someone Revert to drinking water. It helps Online at else to split a meal at the restaurant, or with food digestion and can suppress to order something smaller and more your appetite.
10 • Healthy Living The Montana Standard Expand your healthy cooking oil choices Peanut, walnut, sesame, and other oils keep meals interesting HEIDI GODMAN Harvard Health Letter B y now you know and monounsaturated fat varies that a healthy diet among oils. For example, olive, should focus mostly avocado and safflower oils are on plants — vegeta- high in monounsaturated fats; bles, fruits, legumes, corn and soybean oils are high nuts and seeds. The same in polyunsaturated fats. applies to cooking fats: stick to Some oils — such as oils extracted from plants, such soybean, canola, walnut, and Myth: I don’t have any symptoms of breast cancer as olive or canola. You don’t flaxseed — are rich in a plant- or a family history, so I don’t need to worry about have to limit yourself to those based omega-3 fatty acid called having an annual mammogram. two; there’s a whole garden of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), Fact: The American College of Radiology options that can add variety and which may promote brain and recommends annual screening mammograms for flavor your meals. heart health. all women over 40, regardless of symptoms or family history. “Early detection is critical,” says Dr. Sarah What’s in plant oils? Which oil is healthiest? Zeb. “If you wait to have a mammogram until you Plant oils are made of fatty The FDA allows oil makers have symptoms of breast cancer, such as a lump acids. A small portion is satu- to advertise the claim that daily or discharge, at that point the cancer may be more advanced.” According to the American Cancer rated fat — the kind that can consumption of oils containing Society, early-stage breast cancer has a five-year raise LDL (bad) cholesterol. 70% oleic acid, when substituted survival rate of 99 percent. Later-stage cancer has a The rest is a combination of for oils high in saturated fat survival rates of 27 percent. More than 75 percent of polyunsaturated fats (famous (like butter or coconut oil), may women who have breast cancer have no for lowering LDL) and mono- reduce the risk of heart dis- family history. unsaturated fats (such as oleic ease. Similar health claims are acid), which may have some allowed for soybean oil, because 3D MaMMography ability to increase HDL (good) of its ALA content. of cholesterol. Both types of But you don’t need to Southwest Montana, Inc. healthy unsaturated fat help fight consider a particular nutrient inflammation. makeup when choosing a plant 800 W. Platinum, Unit D • Butte • Ph. (406) 299-3302 The ratio of polyunsaturated oil. “It’s not going to make a
The Montana Standard Healthy Living • 11 difference in terms of health, bitter, lose nutrients and release pistachio or walnut) and sesame They are called simply “olive oil” especially if you eat a healthy diet smoke. Most oils have a “smoke oil. “Sesame oil is fragile. When I or “light olive oil” — the latter that includes nuts and fish; you’re point” between 400 and 500 grew up in Hong Kong and we’d named only for its light color. already getting a mix of polyun- degrees. “You won’t reach that make noodle soup, we’d add Refined olive oils are sturdiest for saturated and monounsaturated point unless you are heating oil sesame oil on top just before we cooking. fats,” says Teresa Fung, adjunct very high to deep-fry food. You ate it — not during cooking. That professor in the Department of lose the oil’s health benefit when way the oil retained its flavor,” When should you Nutrition at the Harvard T.H. the high temperature breaks down Fung says. use each one? Chan School of Public Health. fatty acids. Also, deep-fried foods The type of plant oil you use Keep in mind, though: Plant absorb oil and add more calories Understanding olive oils depends on the dish and your oils are healthy fats, but like all to your meal,” Fung says. Olive oil is high in antioxidants preference. Some cuisines rely on fats, they’re high in calories. One Sturdy oils good for saute- and monounsaturated fats. The certain oil flavors. For example, gram of fat has more than twice ing, stir-frying or roasting foods oil comes in several grades. You use the number of calories as one include avocado, canola, corn, can tell them apart only by their almond, peanut, or sesame gram of carbohydrates or protein. grapeseed, regular or light olive names. oil in Asian food; For each tablespoon of olive or oil (not virgin or extra-virgin), Unrefined olive oils, olive or sesame oil in Middle canola oil you’re getting about peanut, rice bran, safflower, soy- extracted from the paste of Eastern food; 120 calories per tablespoon, so bean and sunflower oils. pressed olives, are the most fla- olive oil in Mediterranean calories can add up quickly. Oils that have a low smoke vorful. The highest grade is called food. point can lose flavor and structure “extra-virgin olive oil” or EVOO. If you want a neutral oil that Cooking stability quickly at high heat, so they’re “Virgin” olive oil is a lower grade won’t overpower food, use avo- One thing that differentiates better for drizzling on food or with some impurities. cado, canola, grapeseed, safflower various plant oils is their stability using in a salad dressing. These Refined olive oils, treated or sunflower oil. For a stronger when used in cooking. include flaxseed oil, extra-virgin with heat and chemicals to flavor, try flaxseed or nut oil. A High heat causes molecules in or virgin olive oil, certain nut oils remove impurities, have less good way to experiment: try vari- oils to break apart, burn, become (almond, hazelnut, macadamia, flavor than unrefined olive oil. ous oils in a salad or on bread. Olive oil is high in antioxidants and monounsaturated fats. The oil comes in several grades. You can tell them apart only by their names. Navigating Life’s Obstacles... Choose LMA Mental Health & Addictions Counseling All ages accepted – Children,Teens & Adults Individual, Couples & Family Therapy Psychological, Substance Abuse & Parenting Evaluations, Family Law Issues, Guardian ad litem Services & Court Appearances. Life Management Associates, LLC Butte, Deer Lodge & All of Southwestern Montana Teletherapy and Face to Face Services Available NEW: Sliding Fee Discount Program based on Family Size and Income. Call to schedule an appointment – no referral required Our therapists’ areas of specialty include, but are not limited to: Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy Oppositional Defiance 600 Dewey Blvd., Ste. B Depression & Mood Disorders Behavioral Issues Butte, MT 59701 Anxiety & Stress Management Autism Spectrum Disorder Family Issues Sexual & Physical Abuse Survivors Relationships & Divorce Trauma 302 Missouri Avenue Parenting & Co-Parenting EMDR Deer Lodge, MT 59722 Attachment & Adoption Grief & Loss Childhood Disorders Fax: 406-782-1318 Most Insurances and EAPs Accepted • Medicaid and Medicare Provider 406-782-4778
12 • Healthy Living The Montana Standard DIET and your TEETH Diet plays a key role in avoiding periodontal disease, a serious issue with the gums that can lead to the loss of your teeth. W hen you think of food and Saliva’s role help stave off the effects of periodon- oral health, brushing and Saliva helps wash leftover food from tal disease, which infects the pockets flossing always come to our teeth and mouth, and dilutes acids around the roots of our teeth. The gums mind. But what’s in the found in food and drinks that can then pull away from the tooth, causing food itself can play a significant role, impact our dental health. More saliva them to loosen and fall out. But what too. is released while eating a full meal than you eat can have a notable impact, as Obviously, food and drinks with high with a quick snack. Also, make sure you well. sugar content increase our chances of drink plenty of water through the course suffering from gum disease and tooth of the day. This helps balance our any What to eat decay. But there are other dietary tips bouts with dry mouth when the supply Diet plays a key role in avoiding peri- that can help us all to better oral health. of saliva runs low. odontal disease, a serious issue with Check out this list of food impacts the gums that can lead to the loss of before making the next grocery list. How you’re impacted your teeth. Foods with vitamin A, like Having poor dental hygiene can lead leafy vegetables, eggs and broccoli, help Plan a healthy diet to gingivitis; hardened tartar creates bolster oral wellness. Eating things with Consider eating more fruits, veg- gum inflammation. Periodontal disease lots of vitamin C, including many fruits etables, whole grains and lean protein is particularly dangerous for those who and vegetables, can also have a positive like chicken or fish. Try to avoid snack- are or want to become pregnant, since impact. Studies show that the antioxi- ing, and not just because of the empty they are far more likely to deliver babies dant melatonin — found in cereals, but calories. Well-balanced meals help with either very early or at a low birth weight. also available as a supplement — is also saliva production, deemed the mouth’s Both issues can have long-term health beneficial for those hoping to improve first line of defense by the American issues for the child. Regular brushing, their periodontal health. Dental Association. flossing and professional cleanings can Diet plays a key role in avoiding periodontal disease, a serious issue with the gums that can lead to the loss of your teeth.
The Montana Standard Healthy Living • 13 All about dental sealants Dental sealants can be an important tool in your oral health toolbox. B rushing and flossing holes are cavities. Sealants several years before they need And remember, as great are the first line of keep bits of food out, cutting to be reapplied and are often as sealants are, they are not defense against cavi- off the bacteria’s food supply covered by your dental insur- a substitute for brushing and keeping the acids from ties, but even the best ance plans. and flossing. tools will miss spots from eating through your teeth. time to time. Sealants are quick and That’s where sealants come in. Keep reading to learn painless. Your dentist will clean and dry your teeth and HARRINGTON SURGICAL SUPPLY more about this important place an acidic gel to rough tool in your oral health tool- up the surface of your tooth box. so that the sealant will stick better. Then, the dentist will For all your home medical needs! What are sealants? rinse the gel and dry your Harrington Surgical Supply is your locally owned, one-stop Sealants are thin, protec- tooth before applying the shop for all your home medical equipment needs and tive coatings made from sealant and using a blue light home medical supplies. plastic or other dental mate- to harden the compound. rials that adhere to the chew- Sealants can be applied Visit our • Lift Chairs ing surfaces of your teeth. over areas of early decay These are typically used on to prevent further damage. • ramps Butte or Missoula your back teeth, or molars, Some sealants are clear so • COmpressiOn Garments retail locations where the chewing surfaces that your dentist and other • WaLKers and rOLLatOrs today! are particularly rough and dental professionals can keep hard to reach. Sealants, the an eye on tooth decay that’s American Dental Association already present. BUTTE says, can reduce the risk of Phone: 406.723.6541 tooth decay by nearly 80%. Who can get sealants? Fax: 406.723.3724 And the Centers for Disease Toll-free: 800.345.9517 Sealants are available for 53 E. Broadway St. Control and Prevention says both children and adults, but Butte, MT 59701 that school-aged children they work better in children. without sealants have almost The first molars emerge MISSOULA three times the cavities than around 6 years old. Phone: 406.721.8468 children with sealants. Sealing molars as soon as Fax: 406.728.1467 they break through the gums Toll-free: 800.358.8468 How do they work? can keep them cavity free 1208 W. Kent Ave. Missoula, MT 59801 Cavity-causing bacteria from the start, saving you can produce acids that chew and your family time and Email: holes in your teeth, and those money. Sealants will last for
14 • Healthy Living The Montana Standard Top causes of blood clots in the legs and HOW TO AVOID THEM HEIDI GODMAN Harvard Health Letter B lood clots that form in the deep veins of the legs (deep-vein thrombosis, or DVT) can cause leg symptoms. Worse, the clots can break loose and travel through the blood to the heart and then to the lungs, causing a pulmo- nary embolism (PE). More people die from PE each year in the United States than from breast cancer. What causes DVT and PE, what are the symptoms, and how can you prevent them? Causes and triggers After your arteries bring oxygen-rich blood to your legs, your veins send the blood back up to your heart and lungs (for more oxygen). “If blood in the deep leg veins doesn’t Don’t let a plane ride or an extended couch move fast enough, or if you have a condi- tion that makes you prone to blood clots, a blood clot can develop,” explains Dr. Sherry potato session put you at risk. Here’s what to Scovell, a vascular surgeon who specializes in venous disease at Harvard-affiliated Mas- do to keep your blood flowing. sachusetts General Hospital. Common blood clot triggers include: usually begins in one leg. “When you get a through the veins,” Dr. Scovell says. being bedridden for long periods blockage, the blood can’t leave your leg eas- Move your legs while you’re lying because of surgery or illness; ily. That leg can become swollen rather sud- down. Bend your knees, or point and flex sitting for long periods — even three to denly, and painful,” Dr. Scovell says. If your your feet. four hours — in a car, plane or train; legs don’t normally get swollen, but one leg Wear compression stockings. They’ll getting too little activity and sitting too becomes swollen over a few days, that may help prevent swelling and keep blood from much; be a sign of danger. pooling in the legs. having blood pool in your legs because If part of that deep-vein clot breaks off and Pay attention to your position. Avoid valves in a superficial vein don’t work prop- travels to the lungs, a PE occurs. “The clot crossing your legs and periodically change erly (a varicose vein); gets stuck in blood vessels in the lung, you your position while seated. taking a medication that promotes blood stop getting enough blood flow there, and Get an aisle seat when traveling. On a clotting. that part of the lung dies. You have shortness plane, train or bus, sit in an aisle seat so you Your risk for blood clots also increases of breath and chest pain when you take in a can easily get up and move around every few with older age, a family history of DVT, deep breath,” Dr. Scovell says. hours. a previous DVT, cancer, certain genes, COVID-19, heart failure, obesity, pregnancy, Avoiding blood clots What if you have symptoms? sickle cell disease, smoking, spinal cord There are apps available to help you deter- If you have new symptoms indicating injury, stroke, untreated varicose veins and mine your risk for getting a DVT. Dr. Scovell the possibility of a DVT or a PE, and if you use of birth control pills or hormone replace- recommends an app called “Caprini DVT can’t speak immediately to your doctor or ment therapy. Risk,” available on iOS devices, such as an nurse, go to the emergency room. “It’s an iPhone. emergency, not something to check out on Symptoms and risks How can you avoid getting a clot when Monday if it’s Friday,” Dr. Scovell says. Be on the lookout for symptoms of two you’re stuck in situations that increase your Treatment typically involves taking a types of blood clots that can form in the legs. risk, such as a long car ride? Keep the fol- blood thinner for several months or longer. A blood clot in the superficial veins. This lowing tips in mind: “We also have to figure out why you got is called a superficial venous thrombosis Stay hydrated. Avoid excessive alcohol the blood clot. If we can’t find a reason, you (SVT). “It causes redness, tenderness or intake, and drink lots of water. may need to take a blood thinner for a lon- pain over varicose veins,” Dr. Scovell says. Stretch your legs. Get up every hour or ger time,” Dr. Scovell says. “And we don’t “Sometimes, an SVT can grow and become a two and stretch your calves or move your want you to ever get a blood clot again, so deep-vein thrombosis.” ankles back and forth repeatedly. “The calf you’ll need to be proactive about avoiding A blood clot in the deep leg veins. A DVT muscles act like pumps and propel blood future risks.”
The Montana Standard Healthy Living • 15 Water is essential for body function A s many as 75% of where those exercising can lose issues with mental function Americans may be a critical amount of water dur- including fainting or dizziness. functioning in a state ing their every-day routines. Bring properly hydrated is also of chronic dehydra- The basic rule for hydration critical to limiting soreness, tion, according to medical is 8x8, meaning eight glasses improving endurance, reduc- experts — and the negative filled with eight ounces of ing muscle injuries and even impacts can be particularly water per day, but regular gym aids with weight loss. damaging for those who are patrons will need more. Listen exercising. to your body while you’re Mix it up We’ve become inundated working out. Water carries With so many new alterna- with buzzy beverage alterna- critical oxygen and nutrients tives, water might sound (and tives that make drinking water throughout our system, while more importantly taste) pretty seem a tad old fashioned. But helping to flush waste from boring. But there have always Most Americans are in a state of chronic dehydration is a serious situa- our bodies. If you’re not get- been plenty of flavor options dehydration, medical experts say. tion, and water remains one of ting enough, the results can be that can completely transform the essential requirements for catastrophic. that familiar glass of H20. Water isn’t always enough our bodies to function prop- Avoid store-bought flavor- As important and undeni- erly — in particular at the gym. Bring water with you ings, which can be loaded with ably healthy as water con- Here are some tips for staying Everyone should carry unhealthy ingredients. Opt sumption is, sometimes it’s hydrated. a water bottle with them, instead for natural enhancers, just not enough: If you exercise wherever they go. This makes including slices of watermelon for more than an hour, you Why it’s important achieving — or even exceed- or cucumbers. Sprigs of mint may need a drink that proves The human body is ing — the traditional 8x8 also provide a healthy jolt. If electrolyte replacement to mostly water, but it needs recommendation far easier. you’re a cola fan who’s trying restore potassium and sodium to be replenished constantly It’s particularly important at to drink healthier, consider being lost through increased because of natural every-day the gym, where dehydration trying sparkling water. It has levels of perspiration. Be care- processes like urination and can lead to muscle fatigue, the fizzy kick of a soda, but ful to look for light versions of breathing. Perspiration is the spikes in body temperature without the artificial flavors these drinks, to avoid excess principal concern at the gym, that cause overheating, and and unneeded sugars. caloric intake. “My favorite thing is that I can do pretty much anything I want to. It’s the freedom and not worrying about cleaning gutters or bathroom floors. I don’t have to cook or do dishes anymore. I love this kind of life.” Resident at The Springs Living Independent Living Assisted Living I Memory Care 300 Mt. Highland Drive I Butte 406-494-0083
16 • Healthy Living The Montana Standard Good Health starts with Primary Care
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