Healthy connections for women in medicine - Juliet Rumball-Smith SUMMER 2018

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Healthy connections for women in medicine - Juliet Rumball-Smith SUMMER 2018

                                                                   Juliet Rumball-Smith

                                                                   for women
                                                                   in medicine

Greater good Business / Hutt Hospital sustainability initiatives

Money Investments / Is the next crash coming?

Good living Travel / Swimming with whales in Tonga
Healthy connections for women in medicine - Juliet Rumball-Smith SUMMER 2018
In this issue                                        on mas /
                                                                                                                                                                                      summer 2018

The information contained in OnMAS is of a general nature

and should not be used or relied upon as a substitute
for detailed advice or as a basis for formulating business
                                                                                                                                  On the cover                                                                          money
decisions. The opinions of contributors are their own and
not necessarily those of the publisher or editor.                                                                                                                                                                  16 Investments / Is the next crash
©2018. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may                                       345 companies globally                                                                                              24 Insurance / Airbnb host insurance
be reproduced in whole or part without the prior permission    From MAS                        are excluded from our RI                                                                                                obligations
of the publisher.                                                                              equities mandate.                                                                        Wāhine Connect
                                                                                                                                                                                              started with
                                                              And just like that, 2018 is      In October, MAS announced                                                                      a Facebook                greater good
PUBLISHER                        MAILING ADDRESS              winding down and we’re           a Member benefit for victims                                                                  post and has
MAS                              OnMAS                        almost looking ahead to the      of cyber-bullying. Read                                                                  blossomed into a           04 Cover story / Healthy connections
Level 3, PWC Centre              PO Box 13042                 new year. But before we do,      more on page 12. This is                                                                 growing network            08 Holiday living / Happy, safe,
10 Waterloo Quay                 Johnsonville                 here at MAS we’re looking        one way we’re showing our                                                                  of 200 mentors               stress-free holidays
Wellington 6011                  Wellington 6440              back on one of our busiest       commitment to the wellbeing                                                                  helping other          12 Cyber / Protecting against
                                                              years in a long time.            of our Members. Another                                                                      women in the               online bullies
PHONE                            HEAD OFFICE                                                   is our support of Wāhine                                                                    health sectors          14 Business / Hutt Hospital: setting
0800 800 627                     +64 4 478 8863               At our AGM in August,            Connect – an initiative that                                                             Cover model is founder         sights on sustainability
                                                              we began a significant           provides mentors to women                                                                  Juliet Rumball-Smith
WEBSITE                          EMAIL                        change to MAS when our           working in the health industry.                            Members voted to establish       Learn more on page 4.
                                                              a charitable trust with the
EDITOR                           DESIGN                       purpose of health research,      We’ve also spoken
Sophie Speer                         promotion and education in       to innovative young
                                                              New Zealand. We’ve applied       entrepreneurs who are
                                                              to Charities Services for        modernising the traditional
THE HUB                                                       registration as a charity,       acupuncture technique of
For more stories, videos and to share your views,             and if successful, we will be    a bed of nails. We swim with
visit the MAS Hub at The hub is the            exempt from income tax,          humpback whales in Tonga
go-to site for features from OnMAS issues, as well            which will free up significant   and celebrate the classic Kiwi
as helpful information and useful tips on all the things      sums for distribution to         summer institution of the
that matter to us –
                  ­­­­ and to you. You can easily share       initiatives that further         barbecue – with a southern
stories from the hub with friends and family, see videos      health research, promotion       American twist.
that delve deeper and have your say on issues affecting       and education. We’ll keep
you and your community.                                       you posted as we progress        As always, we're keen for your
                                                              this important and exciting      feedback and story ideas
                                                              project in 2019.                 for future issues of OnMAS.
SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION                                                                         Please get in touch at                                                        professional life
Every effort has been made to guarantee the pages             In 2018, we also made great
of OnMAS are sustainably sourced and produced                 strides as a responsible                                                                                 02 News briefs
using paper that meets the environmental standards            investor. MAS now has            Finally, we wish all our                                                10 Profile / Diversity in the workplace –        good living
shown below. It is then packaged in an eco-friendly           more than $1.6bn invested        Members safe, relaxing and                                                   how one female engineer is making
degradable wrap for protection in transit.                    in Responsible Investing         happy holidays. We’re looking                                                change                                 21 Business / Nailing it: Kiwis build
                                                              (RI). We no longer invest in     forward to some R&R and                                                 13   MAS Elective Scholarships /                business on bed of nails
                                                              the exploration, extraction,     getting back into it for 2019.                                               A brighter future                      25 Travel / Swimming with whales
                                                              refining or processing of                                                                                18   Health / Weighing in: the emotional        in Tonga
                                                              fossil fuels or utilities that   Mike Davy                                                                    dimension of childhood obesity         30 Motoring / Rising cost of car repairs
                                                              primarily burn fossil fuels.     MAS, General Manager                                                    28   Student news / End-of-year updates     32 Food & drink / Cheers to summer
                                                              We also avoid tobacco and        Marketing and Products                                                       from association presidents            36 Entertainment / Book reviews
                                                              armaments, and a total of                                                                                29   MAS in the wild / MAS Movie Night          and your summer festival guide
ISBN 2230-5823

                                                                                                                                 on mas the magazine for mas members                                                                                          1
Healthy connections for women in medicine - Juliet Rumball-Smith SUMMER 2018
P   professional life /
        news briefs

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Exercise for                                       Microwave
News briefs                                                                                                                                                                                       your brain
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Just two hours of exercise a week is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Verrucas and warts on the feet have
                                                                                                                                                                                                  enough to improve mental health,                   traditionally been difficult and stubborn
                                                                                                                                                                                                  according to research from the United              to resolve, but there is now hope thanks
 In brief                                     “We’re surrounded by native bush                                                                                                                    States. The study in The Lancet Psychiatry         to the development of microwave
                                              and have lovely trees, and my goal                                                                                                                  used data from more than 1.2 million               technology. Swift Microwave Therapy
                                              was to create a garden that holds                                                                                                                   Americans and found that, in the period            can treat these ailments in seconds using
                                              together 12 months of the year.”                                                                                                                    from 2001 to 2015, those who exercised             non-ionising radiation, which has the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  for about 45 minutes three to five times           ability to agitate water molecules within
                                              With kilometres of buxus hedging                                                                                                                    a week had better mental health than               skin without causing damage to the DNA
                                              and topiary, Gillies says it looks best                                                                                                             those completing marathon sessions                 or surrounding tissue. MAS Members
                                              in winter where you see the structure.                                                                                                              more regularly. Exercise was considered            Jonathan and Wendy Hagon from Shore
                                              He’s most proud of the water garden,                                                                                                                to be everything from housework and                Footed Podiatry in Auckland are the first
                                              which was initially a disaster, with the                                                                                                            walking to running, gym sessions and               to introduce this new technology into

Pete Gillies’
                                              boxing erected for the concrete pour                                                                                                                team sports, and those who exercised               New Zealand and say, given the positive
                                              not able to withstand the pressure and                                                                                                              experienced about 1.5 fewer self-                  results seen overseas, they expect

                                              leaving holes in the pond’s walls.                                                                                                                  reported bad mental health days than               demand to grow.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  their more sedentary peers. Team sports,
                                              “A friend put me onto an Irish builder                                                                                                              cycling and aerobic and gym activities
Two decades of hard work has resulted         who said, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll fix it’, and                                                                                                           were shown to make the biggest impact
in Peter Gillies’ garden in Upper Hutt        completing that was quite a feat. It                                                                                                                on participants’ mental health.
being listed as a Garden of National          looks fantastic with the topiary and
Significance, putting it with the             magnolias,” he says.
Wellington Botanic Garden and                                                                                                                                                                     Exercise 45
                                                                                                                                                                                                  minutes, three
Government House – the only other             Receiving the honour from Horticulture
gardens at the same prestigious level         New Zealand and the New Zealand

                                                                                                                                                                                                  to five times a
in Wellington.                                Garden Trust was recognition for the
                                              standard of gardening and is something
                                                                                          01 & 04 / The garden's crowning

                                                                                                                                                                                                  week for better
Gillies, a general practitioner who retired   Gillies is proud of, he says.
                                                                                          glory: the water feature
in November, has been working in the                                                      02 / Pete Gillies tends to his topiary

                                                                                                                                                                                                  mental health.
garden as a hobby and says it’s evolved       The Gillies Garden is open to the public    03 / Lush greenery fills the
over the past 20 years.                       by appointment at            prestigious garden


        Fast Five
                                              01                                                             02                                 03                                                          04                                 05
        Sustainable                           Eliminate single-use plastics.              Reduce your carbon footprint.                         Cut back food waste. Challenge yourself       Choose a cause. Find a charity that’s            Make your house run better. Install

        new year
                                              Request drinks without straws, carry        Do you really need to jump in the car instead         to use all the fruit and veggies you filled   helping the planet and the people on it,         LED light bulbs, add insulation and seal
                                              reusable bags to fill with loose produce    of a 10-minute walk down to the dairy for             up the fridge with at the farmers' market     and donate your money or your time.              up cracks and gaps in floorboards or

                                              at the supermarket and carry a water        some milk? Every little bit helps: walk, bike,        last weekend. Soups, roast salads and         Choose something that speaks to you,             windows. Not only will this mean your
                                              bottle and keep cup.                        skateboard or scoot as much as you can to             stews are good ways to make sad veggies       whether it’s trying to eliminate child poverty   house needs less energy to run, but it will
                                                                                          reduce unnecessary emissions.                         delicious and appetising, and fruit can be    or cleaning up our coastlines, and find out      also save you money on your power bills.
                                                                                                                                                thrown in a smoothie or used in baking.       how you can help locally or donate funds.

2                                                                                                                              summer 2018      on mas the magazine for mas members                                                                                                              3
Healthy connections for women in medicine - Juliet Rumball-Smith SUMMER 2018
G   greater good /
    cover story

Women in medicine

Healthy                                                                                                                                          I love connecting

                                                                                                                                                 people. I’ve always
                                                                                                                                                 been a person who
                                                                                                                                                 says, ‘You’re moving
                     Wāhine Connect started with                                                                                                 to Wellington? I know
                     a Facebook post and has
                     blossomed into a growing                                                                                                    someone there and
                     network of 200 mentors
                     helping other women in the                                                                                                  I think you’ll get on
                     health sector.
                                                                                                                                                 really well’.
                                                                 In May 2017, she posted on the NZ
                                                                 Women in Medicine Facebook group
                     The not-for-profit was established          suggesting a formal mentoring network
                     in 2017 with the aim to help build          for women in health and was floored by                                          Juliet Rumball-Smith
                     networks and connections for women          the response.
                     in healthcare, providing mentoring
                     to help with the challenges and issues      “I received more than 70 messages in 48
                     they face professionally and personally;    hours. Some were from women seeking           MAS has come on board with funding            “This year has been about making
                     and assisting with advice around            professional support. They were wanting       for the last five months, which has           Wāhine Connect scalable and sustainable,
                     career progression.                         to develop their careers, work through        allowed Wāhine Connect to register as         and this evolution wouldn’t have been
                                                                 some difficult decisions. Others wanted       a charity and set up its organisational       possible without the support of MAS, and
                     Run initially as a six-month pilot          more personal support. Some described         structure. Rumball-Smith hopes the            I was also really lucky to have Pegasus
                     programme, Wāhine Connect was the           feeling isolated, overwhelmed by a new        partnership with MAS continues to             Health and Northland District Health
                     brainchild of public health physician       role or position, struggling to balance all   grow well into the future.                    Board get behind my idea and facilitate
                     Juliet Rumball-Smith, who describes         the demands on their time.”                                                                 the pilot,” she says.
                     its beginnings as a “light bulb moment”.                                                  “At the moment, I’m running it in my
                                                                 Rumball-Smith says she was particularly       spare time, so long term, we need to fund     The pilot matched 56 mentees as well as
                     “I love connecting people. I’ve always      amazed by the “scores of women” who           staff to keep things going. I’ve had a lot    holding a series of webinars and events.
                     been a person who says, ‘You’re moving      reached out offering to help others.          of help from the broader community,           Despite the end of the six-month pilot in
                     to Wellington? I know someone there                                                       particularly members of the NZ Women          March 2018, many of the mentor/mentee
                     and I think you’ll get on really well’.     “They had been through it or were in          in Medicine Facebook group, which             relationships are continuing to this day.
                     I wanted to use this approach to create     the midst of it themselves – the struggle     helped with piloting our registration
                     a network of women in health who can        for work-life balance, the experience of      forms, editing documents, supporting
                     provide flexible support for professional   bias, the training and exams – and were       the matching process and volunteering
                     and personal challenges.”                   offering to help in a multitude of ways.”     as mentors.                                                                          >>

4                                                  summer 2018   on mas the magazine for mas members                                                                                                 5
Healthy connections for women in medicine - Juliet Rumball-Smith SUMMER 2018

It was useful to hear her
                                                                                                                                      “Initially, she liked having someone           otherwise be nervous to speak their
                                                                                                                                      who understands what it’s like to go           mind candidly in a way they may not

experiences with maternity
                                                                                                                                      into a new system, and we had lots of          if it was a mixed group.”
                                                                                                                                      chats about how weird that is and the

leave. She’s been priceless
                                                                                                                                      desperate urge to fix it. But now we’re        However, Hamilton has set up a
                                                                                                                                      discussing more serious topics, random         mentoring programme for all genders

in helping me balance being
                                                                                                                                      spitball ideas.                                in her ED, and Clarke says she can see      Wāhine Connect is set to relaunch in
                                                                                                                                                                                     a similar programme working well,           early 2019, connecting more mentors

a consultant and a mum.
                                                                                                                                      “It doesn’t feel like a chore. I’m a busy      particularly with male junior doctors.      with mentees and running more
                                                                                                                                      person with lots on my plate, but it doesn’t                                               webinars and events. In the long term,
                                                                                                                                      feel like an additional duty,” she says.       “I recently read a book on shame in         the programme wants to expand into
Suzi Hamilton                                                                                                                                                                        women, and at the end, it does touch        other professions and become a multi-
                                                                                                                                      Both Hamilton and Clarke say                   on shame for men and the expectation        profession programme.
                                                                                                                                      medicine can still be seen as a boys’          that you can be anything you like as
                                                                                                                                      club, so having a programme set                long as you’re not weak. Reaching out       Rumball-Smith says ultimately stronger
                                                                                                                                      up just for women is beneficial.               can seem like a weakness, but I think it    networks and connections among those
                                                                                                                                                                                     could benefit some of my younger male       working in health will improve the sector
                                                                                                                                      “It’s getting a lot better, but there’s        colleagues to have people they can reach    as a whole.
                                                                                                                                      still a sexist approach in medicine,”          out to for help when they have issues and
                                                                                                                                      Hamilton says.                                 things they’re unsure of,” Clarke says.     “We know that team-based multi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 disciplinary care is better for patients
                                                                                                                                      Clarke agrees: “Having specifically a                                                      and for clinicians. I’m using that theory
                                                                                                                                      women’s mentor group adds a sort of                                                        with Wāhine Connect – that connecting
                                                                                                                                      safety to it and allows women who would                                                    people of different disciplines has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 benefits for us personally and for how
                                             Hamilton got the role she applied for,       learning how to be assertive and                                                                                                       our sector works together as a whole.
                                             and she says her relationship with her       come across in the right way.”
                                             mentor has continued with the pair                                                                                                                                                  “Ultimately, I’m hoping that it will help
                                             catching up regularly via email.             The relationships don’t just benefit                                                                                                   not only women working in health but
                                                                                          mentees. Northland-based mentor                                                                                                        also be of benefit for our patients and
                                             “When something crops up, we get in          Sarah Clarke says regularly speaking                                                                                                   the wider health system.”
                                             touch to discuss things. I recently went     with her mentee has allowed her to
                                             on maternity leave, and she has children     rethink some opinions and reflect
                                             so she’s a great person to speak to about    on her career and experiences to date.
Healthy connections for women in medicine - Juliet Rumball-Smith SUMMER 2018
G    greater good /
      holiday living


                                                 05                                                                                                                                                  14

                   04                                 02                                                                                                                                                                                13

                           03                                                                                                         09                                                11                                          15

                                                                             01                                            06

Happy, safe,                                07                                                                                                                                                                                 16                          17

                                                 BEFORE YOU GO                       return home from holiday to                to go on in different rooms at     set alarms and sensors if you    11 Keep a picnic kit in your boot        leaving the property.
                                                 01 Create a standard packing        save that dreaded trip to the              different times of the day.        have them.                       – a blanket, some plates/cups/           15 Turn the power off.
                                                 and action list that you can pull   supermarket.                               05 Turn off the water to prevent                                    cutlery. Makes it easy to have           16 If boating, ensure your
                                                 out before every holiday. Include   03 Find a house/dog sitter to              the risk of burst pipes flooding   ON THE ROAD                      spontaneous picnics and handy            auxiliary motor is removed
                                                 things like emptying the waste      take care of your house or pets            the house, which can cause         08 Ensure items in roof pods     if you have young kids.                  from the boat or, if not,
It’s the time of year when many Kiwi             disposal, the rubbish bin and       while you’re away so you know              massive damage to your             or on roof and bike racks are    12 Keep your valuables out               deadlocked to the transom.
families pack the car and head away              the jug, turning off heated towel   your pets will be well cared for           property.                          secured from theft.              of sight.                                17 Remove water skis and
for their summer holidays. While this is         rails and underfloor heating,       in your own home.                          06 Keep valuables locked           09 Pre-check your tyre                                                    wakeboards from your boat
meant to be a relaxing time, it’s best to        organising for the recycling        04 Ask a trusted friend or                 away and not visible through       pressures and check all lights   HOLIDAY HOUSE                            overnight.
plan ahead to avoid the risk of burglary,        to go out and cancelling any        neighbour to check on your                 windows.                           are working.                     13 If you have had tradespeople
injury or damage to your property or             subscriptions.                      property and clear the mailbox             07 Be sure to do one last          10 If towing, ensure your car    in since your last stay, consider
family. MAS staff have provided some             02 Plan an online grocery           and put away recycling or                  check that all windows and         is rated for the weight you      changing the lockbox number.
tips for a stress-free holiday.                  delivery for the day you            rubbish bins. Set timers for lights        doors are securely locked and      are towing.                      14 Turn mains water off when

8                                                                                                         summer 2018           on mas the magazine for mas members                                                                                                       9
Healthy connections for women in medicine - Juliet Rumball-Smith SUMMER 2018
P   professional life /

                                                                                Opposite and below / Lauren Croft, design engineer

                                                                                While Croft always felt supported by her             percent more women in engineering and           issues so they can make the best decisions
                                                                                organisation and the engineering industry,           architecture roles by 2021.                     for themselves and their business,” she says.
                                                                                she struggled to find female mentors and
                                                                                role models, simply because there weren’t            The Diversity Agenda boasts 76 engineering      On top of her work with the Diversity
                                                                                many women in senior leadership positions.           and architecture organisations, including       Agenda, Croft is very active in her
                                                                                                                                     Croft’s employer Holmes, that have signed       community, chairing Engineering New
                                                                                “It’s harder to find female role models to look      up to the cause. It has recently announced      Zealand’s Young Engineers Wellington
                                                                                up to in this industry. Coming in as a woman,        a partnership with Diversity Works New          group since 2016, which has always
                                                                                you see your male peers who have unlimited           Zealand, which will accelerate the agenda       strongly advocated for a 50/50 gender
                                                                                mentors to look up to, and while I also have         by offering unconscious bias training           balance. Croft is also featured in the
                                                                                male mentors, it’s hard to find those female         workshops and providing additional              emerging talent for the Infrastructure
                                                                                role models to look up to.                           resources for organisations.                    New Zealand Committee and works closely
                                                                                                                                                                                     with the Keystone Trust, a charitable trust
                                                                                                                                                                                     supporting students into property-related
                                                                                                                                                                                     tertiary studies.
                             Women make up less than a                          The only way that’s going to change
                             quarter of engineering students                                                                                                                         As for changes she wants to see in her
                             in New Zealand, and just 14                        is by getting more women up the                                                                      industry in the future, Croft is hopeful that
                             percent of engineers in the                                                                                                                             diversity becomes the norm.
                             workforce are women – but                          ladder. It’s hard to define your career
                             all that’s changing thanks to                                                                                                                           “My dream would be that it’s not unusual to
                             a diversity initiative.                            path and your career progression                                                                     have a full design team of females, and that
                                                                                                                                                                                     would be nothing to comment on. That’s
Diversity in the workplace   Lauren Croft is used to being one of the           when you can’t see examples of that.                                                                 something that really excites me – for these
                             only females in the room. From the moment                                                                                                               conversations to not need to happen any

How one female
                             she enrolled to study engineering at the                                                                                                                more and that this becomes normality in
                             University of Canterbury in 2011, she knew                                                                                                              this industry,” she says.
                             she would likely spend the rest of her career      “The only way that’s going to change is by           Croft’s role within the Diversity Agenda

engineer is
                             in the minority.                                   getting more women up the ladder. It’s hard          sees her sitting on the Wellington steering
                                                                                to define your career path and your career           committee alongside other young female
                             Croft, now a design engineer at Holmes             progression when you can’t see examples of           engineers and facilitating workshops as

making change
                             Consulting in Wellington, found university         that. Our industry, especially at those higher       well as actively participating in her own
                             a supportive environment and says issues           levels, is male dominated,” she says.                organisation’s diversity group.
                             like pay disparities, inflexible hours and
                             being passed over for promotion tended to          Change is afoot in the engineering industry,         “One of the great things that will come out
                             develop for women later on in their careers,       and Croft is seeing more and more women              of the Diversity Agenda is the accountability
                             rather than straight out of study.                 stepping into senior leadership roles that           – every organisation who signs up has to
                                                                                were traditionally held by men.                      actively show that they are working towards
                             “Every engineer would like to think that they                                                           this goal.
                             come into the workforce at the same level          Croft is part of an exciting movement in her
                             when they come out of university, which is         industry, the Diversity Agenda: a partnership        “A main goal with the Diversity Agenda is to
                             true in my experience – but it’s the future        between Engineering New Zealand, the New             educate both organisations and individuals.
                             development, when women are trying to              Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA) and the       Every workshop we’ve hosted has sold out.
                             further their careers, where it becomes an         Association for Consulting and Engineering           Clearly there’s a real demand for them and            Visit to see more
                             issue,” the 26-year-old MAS Member says.           Professionals (ACENZ), which aims to get 20          people are wanting to get educated on these             from women in engineering.

10                                                                summer 2018   on mas the magazine for mas members                                                                                                                  11
Healthy connections for women in medicine - Juliet Rumball-Smith SUMMER 2018
G       greater good /
                                                                                                                                                                                               P      professional life /
                                                                                                                                                                                                      mas elective scholarships

                                                                                                                                                   MAS cyber-security expert

                                                                                                                                                                                     A brighter future
                                                                                                                                                          Sydney Kanda
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MAS ELECTIVE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Open to all current medical
                                                                                                                                                                                     The first two recipients of the MAS Elective                             students, the scholarships
                                                                                                                                                                                     Scholarship for medical students will be                                 will be granted quarterly
                                                                                                                                                                                     heading to London and Cambridge in early                                 to line up with elective
                                                                                                                                                                                     2019 to further their specialist studies.                                periods.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Applicants need to write
                                                                                                                                                                                     The scholarship, which            Building on her work at the            a 1000-word essay
                                                                                                                                                                                     contributes to the cost of an     Southeast Asia Burns Centre            answering a question
                                                                                                                                                 WHAT TO DO IF YOU’RE                elective placement, launched      at Singapore General Hospital          stipulated by MAS.
                                                                                                                                                 CYBER-BULLIED                       ahead of the first quarter        as well as the National Burns        • Winning scholarship

Protecting against
                                                                                                                                                                                     medical elective period, and      Centre at Middlemore Hospital          recipients will share their
                                                                                                                                                 01 Talk to the person who is        University of Auckland students   in New Zealand, See wishes             experience by writing
                                                                                                                                                 bullying you. Make them aware       Isabel See and Logan Williams     to further her research                a monthly blog for

online bullies
                                                                                                                                                 that you know what they’re          were the inaugural winners.       and clinical experience       and writing
                                                                                                                                                 doing to you and demand they                                          in more reconstructive                 a summary (or submitting
                                                                                                                                                 stop interfering with your life.    See will be undertaking her       surgery subspecialities at             a video) of the elective
                                                                                                                                                 Tell them that the law protects     elective at the Plastics and      Addenbrooke’s Hospital, one            experience and how the
                                                                                                                                                 you and, if things continue, law    Reconstructive Surgery            of the world’s leading clinical        scholarship helped.
                                                                                                                                                 enforcement may be involved.        Department at Cambridge           and academic teaching                • The next available elective
In October, MAS launched a benefit for the victims of                                                                                                                                University Hospital NHS           institutions.                          period opens on December
cyber-bullying for its Members, and a Netsafe report revealed                                                                                    02 If you think you want to         Foundation Trust from                                                    11 and closes on March 7
that cyber-bullying costs New Zealand $444 million a year.                                                                                       report the cyber-bullying, you’ll   January to February 2019.         During her time at Cambridge,          for the elective period
Allanah Casey from Umbrella talks about the issues surrounding                                                                                   need to have evidence of this,                                        See will also be collaborating         May to August 2019.
cyber-bullying and why it was important to establish this benefit                                                                                so keep records of anything         Through her combined clinical     with a highly esteemed plastic       • Visit for more
as part of MAS Lifestyle and Residential contents policies.                                                                                      that’s said or done to you. You     and research attachment at        and reconstructive surgeon             information.
                                                                                                                                                 can record phone conversations      Cambridge, See says she wants     to investigate the reliability of
What is cyber-bullying?                         alone, almost a third of Kiwis had received     MAS BENEFIT FOR THE                              to use as evidence if you need      to challenge the commonly         using the double-pedicled
Cyber-bullying is repeated and ongoing          unwanted digital communication, with            VICTIMS OF CYBER-BULLYING                        to take the step of getting law     associated stigmatised notion     lower abdominal free flap
attacks online that can come in many forms,     nearly 9 percent* reporting that these                                                           enforcement involved.               that reconstructive surgery,      technique for postmastectomy
such as calling people offensive names          experiences negatively affected their           Under MAS's Lifestyle or Residential contents                                        particularly plastic surgery,     unilateral autologous breast
online, posting embarrassing content            ability to perform daily activities.            policy, a Member will be able to claim up to     03 Keep any messages that           is a tool for personal beauty     reconstruction. She is also
(including photos and videos), discrediting                                                     $5,000 per year for cyber-bullying expenses,     are sent to you, whether they       enhancement.                      preparing for an opportunity
or posting false information, ostracism and     What are the consequences?                      including counselling, rest and recuperation,    are by text, email, WhatsApp                                          to present her research at the
exclusion, stalking or harassing via phone or   The most common consequence for cyber-          lost salary, relocation, private tutoring        or other messaging services         “More often than not, the         14th Annual Academic Surgical
the web, impersonating someone or sexually      bullying victims was stress, which often has    and school enrolment if relocating to an         or in forums.                       job of the plastic surgeon        Congress in the United States.
harassing, threatening or intimidating them.    flow-on consequences, such as difficulty        alternative school is necessary.                                                     is deemed as ‘non-life-                                               within the developing motor
                                                concentrating at school or work. Bullying can                                                    04 Talk to someone. You             saving’. This way of thinking     Meanwhile, Williams is              network in the neonatal brain
Who is affected?                                also damage people’s self-esteem and lead       As a mutual, MAS has a long history of caring    might want to talk to a friend      completely neglects the           passionate about neonatology        and motor outcome in later
Most commonly, cyber-bullying is talked         to feelings of hopelessness. At the extreme     for the health and wellbeing of Members and      or consider counselling if you      close affiliation between         and neuroimaging and is             childhood,” he says.
about as a problem for pre-teens and            end, cyber-bullying can lead to clinical        their families. It’s just one way we actively    think your mental health is         reconstructive surgery and        wanting to complete an eight-
adolescents. According to a 2016 report         anxiety and depression, self-harm behaviour,    seek to make a positive difference towards       being affected. If the cyber-       one’s psychological wellbeing     week research project looking       The goal is to develop
by the Cyberbullying Research Centre,           eating disorders, suicidal thoughts and even    the wellbeing of your family and protect         bullying is happening in your       and mental health,” she says.     at cerebral palsy at the Centre     improved methods to
27 percent of young people aged 10 to 18        suicide attempts. Especially for those who      what you care about most.                        workplace, speak to HR – be                                           for the Developing Brain at         understand the underlying
report being victims of cyber-bullying at       experienced more severe online bullying,                                                         sure to have evidence of                                              King’s College London.              pathophysiology at an early
some stage in their lives.                      common consequences include problems            Visit to learn more about          the bullying – and get your                                                                               stage to help improve the
                                                with friends, family or romantic partners,      what cyber-bullying is and what you can          managers involved. No one                                             “My project [at King’s College      ability to diagnose cerebral
The problem is also more common among           damage to their reputation, problems at         do if you or a family member is affected.        should have to put up with                                            London] will be exploring           palsy earlier before the
adults than you may think. In New Zealand,      school and work, financial loss and even                                                         messages or behaviour that                                            the relationship between            motor deficit has clinically
research from Netsafe found that, in 2017       trouble finding a job.                          * Source: Netsafe report                         makes them feel inadequate.                                           functional connectivity             manifested.

12                                                                                                                                 summer 2018                                                                                                                                            13
Healthy connections for women in medicine - Juliet Rumball-Smith SUMMER 2018
G      greater good /

                                                                                                                                               The cups will live in the café and will be   decisions that need to be made, but we         of disposable equipment, and each thing
                                                                                                                                               available to all staff. They’ll be able to   know those big changes take years so           comes in its own package so there are
                                                                                                                                               leave them at various spots around the       it’s really down to the individual for         other areas we can reduce waste,” he says.
                                                                                                                                               hospital where they’ll be collected by       reduction of waste,” Lance says.
                                                                                                                                               cleaning staff who’ll return them to the                                                    The goal is to have sustainability
                                                                                                                                               kitchen where they’ll be cleaned.            The sustainability steering committee’s        integrated into every area of the hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                            first change was eliminating all               so that each department, purchasing
                                                                                                                                               Lance says the response from staff has       disposable plastic and styrofoam cups          decision and contract signed has
                                                                                                                                               been overwhelmingly positive: “The main      and to give all new doctors an aluminium       sustainability at its heart.
                                                                                                                                               comment we’re hearing is ‘what else?’”       water bottle.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Within a year or two, they plan to reduce
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the DHB’s greenhouse gas emissions, with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           goals like solar panels and replacing light
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           bulbs with LEDs. There’s an e-bike that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           staff use for home visits, and the hospital’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           car fleet is now one-third hybrid – a step
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           in the right direction, Monaghan says.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           But they are conscious of educating staff
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           without nagging or becoming a burden.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           “We’ve got education campaigns, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           we’re doing little things like changing our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           recycling bins so that the paper bin won’t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           accept bottle-shaped objects. Overall,

Setting sights
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           we want sustainability in every facet of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the hospital and our staff to feel positive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           about it.”
                                                                                                                                         02                                                                                           03

on sustainability
                                                                                                    Every day I saw                            …we’re doing little things like changing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Monaghan says there’s a lot of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           commitment from hospitals across the

                                                                                                   this rubbish bin                            our recycling bins so that the paper bin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           country. They’re part of the Sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Health Sector National Network New

                                                                                                  full of disposable                           won’t accept bottle-shaped objects
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Zealand, which includes almost every
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           hospital and DHB in the country and gets
Small changes are having a big
                                                                                                  coffee cups, so I
                                             Headed by emergency specialist Dominic                                                                                                                                                        together to discuss issues and successes.
                                                                                                                                               Dominic Monaghan
impact on the throwaway culture              Monaghan, the group of about a dozen                                                                                                                                                          It’s helped by the Health Minister’s
at Hutt Hospital.
                                                                                                   started thinking
                                             nurses, doctors, administrators and other                                                                                                                                                     commitment to get all hospitals to reduce
                                             hospital staff are committed to finding                                                           The use of plastic plates and cutlery in     “We installed a drinking fountain, which       their greenhouse gas emissions.

                                                                                                     about how we
Hospitals are notorious for their reliance   ways of cutting down unnecessary waste                                                            the cafeteria is the next issue to tackle.   has been a high point of this project.
on single-use, disposable products.          and educating staff, patients and visitors                                                                                                     We’ve got the funding for a second water       However, with tight budget constraints,

                                                                                                 could reduce that.
The origins of the throwaway culture         of ways to reduce, reuse and recycle.                                                             “The cafeteria waste issue is something      fountain too, which will encourage             committed volunteers are often left
probably lie in hospitals’ need for                                                                                                            that everyone is exposed to every day,       people to refill their own bottles rather      pushing the project.
convenient sterile medical products,         “So far, we’ve been trying to get our                                                             and the plan is to phase out plastic and     than buying new ones,” Monaghan says.
                                                                                                                                 Sean Lance
but the disposable dependence has            baselines, and our aim is to turn the                                                             actually start washing stuff again,”                                                        “We need support from the outside so
spread well beyond the medical wards.        hospital into a responsible citizen of the                                                        he says.                                     All patients throughout the hospital           we’re grateful for any assistance, like what
                                             community and teach good habits that              out – he estimates at least 150 a day –                                                      are now given water glasses rather than        we received from MAS, that helps us meet
At the start of the year, a group of         staff and patients will then take with            and wanted to do something about it.            Monaghan and Lance are in agreement          disposable plastic cups, and Lance says        our goals and provide more visibility for
concerned staff members decided it           them,” he says.                                                                                   that small steps that people can do          there are other areas where waste could        the project,” Monaghan says.
was time for change. They formed a                                                             “There’s a big coffee culture in the hospital   themselves will have an impact through       be reduced.
sustainability steering committee and        The most recent addition is 50 reusable           where all the teams go down to the café         scale and over time.                                                                        01 / Champions of sustainability
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Dominic Monaghan (left) and Sean Lance
started implementing a series of small       coffee cups donated by MAS for the                and get a barista coffee. Every day, I saw                                                   “It’s not only about the environmental
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           02 / MAS has donated 50 reusable
progressive steps towards their goal         hospital’s cafeteria. Medical registrar           this rubbish bin full of disposable coffee      “It’s about taking responsibility and        cost. It feeds other things like choosing      coffee cups to Hutt Hospital
of minimising waste and having a             Sean Lance said he noticed how many               cups, so I started thinking about how we        seeing how small things can change the       wisely when ordering tests for patients        03 / Monaghan and Lance are working to
greener footprint.                           disposable coffee cups were being thrown          could reduce that.”                             big picture. Sure, there are big policy      that will actually add value. There’s a lot    progress the hospital’s throwaway culture

14                                                                                                                             summer 2018     on mas the magazine for mas members                                                                                                     15
Healthy connections for women in medicine - Juliet Rumball-Smith SUMMER 2018
M      money /

                                                                “The last financial crisis was        The next big one?                    “Investors don’t need to fear          As you go through life and your       Benefit from the downturns         “From time to time, you get

Is the
                                                                extraordinary. It was the worst       Speaking to OnMAS in                 that any day they could wake up        situation changes, you need           A weakened share market            these opportunities to do very
                                                                economic situation since the          mid-October during a time            to a horrendous repeat of 2008         to ask yourself this question         doesn’t need to be a bad thing     well because the definition of
                                                                Great Depression. I don’t think       of volatility on Wall Street that    under way. The 2008 crash took         again, and if the answer has          if your risk horizon is further    a crash or crisis is sellers are

next crash
                                                                the next downturn will be as          caused markets to wobble             two years to build up, so these        changed, it’s time to change          ahead. Those who panic and         panicking or have to sell, such
                                                                bad as 2008. I can’t say it won’t     around the globe, Doyle was          aren’t random events.”                 your portfolio. Doyle says this       sell shares are missing out        as a fund manager who has had
                                                                be, but I don’t think it’s right to   calm. He said events like the                                               is particularly important as you      on what could be large gains       people withdraw from their fund.”

                                                                assume it will.                       October wobble are normal            Economic slowdowns leading             head into retirement.                 over a longer timeframe as the
                                                                                                      and to be expected because           to recessions are the most                                                   market recovers, while those       Doyle says there’s always a
                                                                “When I started in the share          we are in the final third of the     common cause of tough periods          “If you’re needing to draw down       who buy shares at a lower price    buyer, even in the worst part
                                                                market in the mid 1990s, most         long economic recovery that          on the market. These cause             from your portfolio to pay your       can benefit from these rises.      of a financial crisis, and those
                                                                New Zealanders I talked to said       followed the GFC.                    people to lose their jobs so they      power bill or to buy groceries,                                          people with a long time horizon
                                                                they’d never invest in shares                                              have less money to spend. This         that automatically says to me         “When we’re advising our           and a good tolerance for risk
                                                                again because of the 1987 crash       “At the moment, I’d put what         means companies are unable             you’ll be wanting a lot less shares   investors, we make tilts when      will be the ones to benefit.
We’re living in          Whether or not they’re accurate        that was their recent memory.         we’ve seen in 2018 into the          to raise prices leading to a fall in   and more bonds and cash.              we think markets are expensive.
increasingly nervous     remains to be seen, but their          It’s taken a generation to get rid    ‘rising risk’ category. The best     profits, and the knock-on effect                                             For example, we’ve made a
times. Barely a week     statements can cause jitters and       of that mindset, and now people       statistic I have to summarise        of that is falling share prices.       “It doesn’t mean you should           small tilt away from New Zealand
goes by without an       uncertainty among investors,           have the opposite view because        that is that, when you look at                                              own no shares, but you need           shares at the moment, but if the
economic pundit          with many questioning whether          the New Zealand share market          2017, there were three days          Risky business                         to complete a lifestyle analysis –    markets got really cheap, we’d
predicting the next      they should adjust their               has done so well.”                    where equity markets fell more       So given all this, what should         what lifestyle are you expecting      say investors should own more.
big financial crash or   investment portfolios. Bernard                                               than 1 percent in a day, so that     we invest in? Doyle says it all        to have and what are your other
economic downturn        Doyle of JBWere says that, if your     Doyle says the global share           was a nice year really. This year,   comes down to two things:              sources of income or support.”
on the horizon.          portfolio is making you nervous,       market cycle since the middle         so far there have been 21, so        how you feel about risk and
                         you’ve probably got the wrong          of last century has seen a dozen      that doesn’t necessarily mean        how soon you need the money.
                         investment strategy.                   or so bear markets or periods         things are going down but it’s
                                                                when a market declines in value       definitely a bumpier ride.”          “The biggest indicator of risk
                         “You shouldn’t be losing sleep         by more than 20 percent, but                                               appetite is to ask yourself if you
                         over your investment portfolio.        most of these events didn’t           Doyle says there’ll be clues         need to touch the money in the
                         In fact, quite the opposite. It        have the severe impact of the         and warning signs before the         next seven to 10 years. If that
                         should be giving you peace             GFC, and in each case, markets        next major economic downturn,        money is invested in the share
                         of mind, not sleepless nights.”        rebounded to higher levels than       just as there were in 2008.          market, I’d be confident that,
                                                                before each downturn.                                                      over that period, you’d get a
                         Since the Global Financial Crisis                                                                                 reasonable return, but I couldn’t
                         a decade ago, investors have                                                                                      say that with confidence over
Bernard Doyle / JBWere   had relatively smooth sailing                                                                                     a one to three year horizon.”
                         on global stock markets that
                         have seen high returns with
                         only a few brief interludes of                                 A weakened share
                         stormy weather. But because
                         the GFC is still fresh in investors’                         market doesn’t need
                         memories, there’s a tendency
                         in some quarters to assume                                    to be a bad thing if
                         another economic downturn will
                         become a similarly catastrophic                               your risk horizon is
                         global meltdown. Doyle does
                         not believe that’s likely.                                        further ahead.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            17
P   professional life /

                                                                                                                     “The balance of concern for their health, along with the       a way to fill a void of an emotional need that isn’t
                                                                                                                     risk of offending, can be challenging. The other side of       being fulfilled by their parents at home.”

       Weighing in
                                                                                                                     the equation – and perhaps the side that needs a closer
                                                                                                                     look – is the emotional element of why children become         Lee says it can be very difficult to teach children to deal

                                            The emotional
                                                                                                                     overweight in the first place.”                                with their emotions correctly – especially when it comes
                                                                                                                                                                                    to food. Guiding kids around the idea that food is a fuel

                                                                                                                     Plummer says that many children, like adults, use food         rather than a comfort begins with how the child perceives
                                                                                                                     as a crutch in times of stress or anxiety. Bad eating          food and the reasons why we eat.

                                            of childhood
                                                                                                                     habits might be a response to problems at home or
                                                                                                                     an unpleasant social environment at school, and                “Starting a vegetable garden at home or getting them

                                                                                                                     they can soon become entrenched, reinforced by                 involved in cooking is the best way for them to learn
                                                                                                                     the negative body image that comes from being                  what the real use of food is. Once they understand the
                                                                                                                     overweight. A child’s relationship with food and body          true purpose and power of healthy foods, the less likely
                                                                                                                     image can start to solidify around five years of age,          they are to reach for a sweet when they’re feeling bored
                                                                                                                     along with many habits we bring into adulthood.                or lonely,” says Plummer.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Doctors’ orders
                                                                                                                                                                                    Plummer says it’s a very difficult conversation to have
                                                                                                                                                                                    when a heavier kid comes into her office, and keeping
                                                                                                                                                                                    the balance of medical advice and emotional support
                                                                                                                                                                                    can be almost impossible.

                                                                                                                                                                                    “You don’t want to offend when they’re at such a
                                                                                                                                                                                    sensitive age and there is already so much pressure
                                                                                                                                                                                    on them, but at the same time, you really want to help
                                                                                                                                                                                    prevent their weight creeping up into adulthood and
                                                                                                                                                                                    their health deteriorating.”

                                                                                                                     Starting a vegetable                                           Plummer says, especially with teenage girls, there is a
                                                                                                                                                                                    deep fear that comments about weight can snowball
                                                                                                                     garden or getting them                                         in the opposite direction, such as eating disorders like
                                                                                                                                                                                    anorexia. She believes that the more we talk about
                                                                                                                     involved in cooking is                                         weight management and making healthy choices,
                                                                                                                                                                                    the easier it will become to fix the problem.
                           Overweight and obese children are facing                                                  the best way for them
                           more than just impacts to their physical                                                                                                                 “Under 18s can be incredibly susceptible to comments
                           health. Their mental health is also suffering.                                            to learn what the real                                         regarding their weight. To even mention they might need
                                                                                                                                                                                    to make healthier choices can be taken the wrong way.
                           In 2017, the Ministry of Health measured 12 percent of kids in                            use of food is.                     Caitlin Plummer            The only thing we can do is keep talking about it until it
                           New Zealand as obese, up from 8 percent a decade earlier.                                                                                                becomes less taboo and a more comfortable subject.”
                           With a further 21 percent of Kiwi kids classified as overweight,
                           it’s a health crisis with potentially far-reaching impacts if one-                        Children who are larger than others are often                  A journey to health
                           third of our children continue to be overweight into adulthood.                           significantly emotionally affected by their weight,            Not every overweight child goes on to be an overweight
                                                                                                                     especially as they progress into their teen years.             adult. Weighing in at 169 kilograms, Auckland social
                           A lot of focus on finding a solution for the crisis has been on                                                                                          media influencer and makeup artist Simone Anderson
                           healthy eating education. The gospel of healthy living is drilled                         Class in session                                               was just 23 when she realised things weren’t getting
                           into us from a young age. Kids are encouraged by their parents,                           Wellington teacher Dianne Lee has been working in              any better and resolved to make changes.
                           teachers and sports heroes to be as active as possible and make                           primary schools for over four decades and says she
                           healthy food choices. But a growing number of people who work                             has seen an increase in mental health and behaviour            “I was missing out on life. There were so many things
                           with children are questioning whether we are underplaying the                             problems in the past 10 years, often watching it               I couldn’t do and things I was afraid of. There wasn’t
                           emotional dimension of obesity.                                                           translate into unhealthy eating habits.                        one big ‘wow’ moment. It was years of feeling like
                                                                                                                                                                                    I wasn’t living my best life and knowing that I had
                           A general practitioner of 25 years, Dr Caitlin Plummer says,                              “It’s quite obvious when you can see children using food       to make a change there and then.”
                           as a parent, teacher, friend or family member, it can be hard                             as an emotional comfort. Sometimes it’s a way of dealing
                           to navigate the situation when a child is overweight.                                     with bullying or social isolation, and other times it can be                                                                 >>

18                                                                               summer 2018    on mas the magazine for mas members                                                                                                            19
P                                                                                                                                      L       good living /


I didn’t know anyone
else struggling with
their weight, and I felt
alone in my journey.
Simone Anderson

Today, Anderson makes a living from her weight loss        out for early signs of emotional eating and working with                   on a white sand beach in southern Thailand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  01 / Shakti's Jon Heslop (left) and George Lill
story. In June, she published a book, Journey to Health,   doctors to develop techniques to guide patients in the                     opened their eyes and began to change          Lill’s first experience was similar to       02 / Shakti mats have proven popular in
and makes a comfortable living as a social media           right direction will be key factors to a lasting solution.                 their lives.                                   many others’ initial reaction. He found      New Zealand

20                                                                                                                      summer 2018   on mas the magazine for mas members                                                                                                           21
M       money /
                                                                                                                                                      L       good living /

                                                                                                                                                    Searching for
                                                days of the incident. Significantly, theft       “If you operate the Airbnb without notifying
                                                of cash, jewellery, art, collectibles and any    your insurer, you run the risk of forgoing any

                                                damage caused to shared common areas             cover at all,” Wratt says.
                                                of the building are not covered by Airbnb’s
                                                host guarantee.                                  Even if your insurance covers a traditional        Swimming with whales in Tonga
                                                                                                 rental arrangement, this may not be suitable

host insurance
                                                “Hosts can get caught out with these terms       for Airbnb as there is a continuous flow of
                                                and conditions, but if you make yourself aware   new ‘tenants’ coming through the property.

                                                of what the host guarantee includes and          It’s important to be clear about your situation    Writer Chris Brown
                                                excludes, you might not even need to make        by letting your insurer know if you are renting
                                                a claim on your personal insurance,” he says.    out a room or the entire house. If the home        When I tell my friends I’m just back
                                                                                                 is solely for Airbnb purposes, it will require     from a week in Tonga, there’s only
What happens when you list                      It’s vital for new Airbnb hosts to talk to       a commercial insurance policy.                     polite interest. But when I tell them
your house on Airbnb and it’s                   their insurer to understand the extent                                                              I went swimming with whales, ears
somehow damaged by your                         of their cover.                                  “We have had some scenarios where claims           prick up, faces lean in closer and I
visiting guests?                                                                                 have been made but we weren’t notified             get reverent looks. The floor is mine.
                                                                                                 about the Airbnb status prior. Claims can be
Airbnb is growing in popularity as an                                                            declined on that basis, so don’t assume that       It’s pretty clear to me that we’ve developed a ‘thing’
alternative source of income for Kiwis.                                                          it will be in place automatically.                 about whales, verging on cultural obsession. Revered
                                                                                                                                                    Aussie novelist Tim Winton recently wrote a story about
In 2017 alone, New Zealand Airbnb hosts                                                          “Intentional or malicious damage is a              swimming with Aussie whales for The Guardian entitled
accommodated 1.4 million guests in their                                                         common exclusion for most policies,                “I’m face to face with Ningaloo’s living miracles and it
homes across the country. And while most                                                         including MAS’s standard policy, but in            feels holy”.
of these stays went off without a hitch, some                                                    an Airbnb scenario, we can provide an
inevitably turned into an insurance claim,                                                       extension to cover potential damage with           Earlier this year, a southern right whale and her calf
and not all were resolved smoothly.                                                              a limit imposed,” he says.                         spent a week in Wellington Harbour and left the city’s                                                                       VISITING TONGA
                                                                                                                                                    harbourside roads gridlocked with traffic jams of
Unfortunately, some Kiwi Airbnb                                                                                                                     breathless whale chasers. I admit that I contributed
hosts discovered they didn’t have the                                                                                                               to those jams, listening to radio reports and pursuing
insurance cover they thought as they                                                                                                                the great creature and its progeny around the harbour.                                                                       Humpback whales are
made the transition from family home               SLEEP EASY WITH THESE FIVE TIPS FOR AIRBNB HOSTS                                                 But I never laid eyes on it. In fact, I had never laid eyes                                                                  in Tonga between July
to accommodation provider.                                                                                                                          on any whale in my life.                                                                                                       and October every
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Image courtesy Grant Thomas                              year to birth their
Opening your home to strangers is always                                                                                                            That was when I resolved to change that and signed                                                                              calves and mate.
going to come with risk. You are entrusting        01 Talk to your insurer          03 Ensure you inspect        05 If it is a casual renting       up for whale watching in Tonga’s Ha’apai island group.
people you don’t know with your belongings         to establish what cover          the property prior and       situation, make sure
and property and expecting the same                you have and what                immediately after            to check whether any               Flying into Ha’apai, you get the feeling you’re off the             lagoon with what our host claims is the best
respect and care you receive from any              additional cover you             each guest. If you are       loss of income caused              beaten track. The only road down the island crosses the             snorkelling in all of Tonga. That’s a big claim,           Air New Zealand flies
other houseguests, which unfortunately             need to arrange before           unable to do this due        by damage is covered               airstrip you’ve just landed on. Dogs need to be cleared             but when I put on my fins and mask, there                    from Auckland to
isn’t always the case.                             you welcome your first           to distance, make sure       by your insurer. If your           off the strip before each landing.                                  are moments when I’m gasping through my                    Tonga’s main island
                                                   paying guest.                    you have someone else        property becomes                                                                                       snorkel at the clouds of tiny coloured fish and          Tongatapu. From there,
Airbnb provides a host guarantee to                                                 available to do this.        uninhabitable for a                We’re collected by our host, an affable Englishman                  soft pastel corals. But we’re not here to snorkel         it’s a 45-minute flight
people renting out their homes, providing                                                                        period of time and you             who owns the Matafonua Lodge at the other end of the                with tropical fish. We’re here for the spiritual          to the Ha’apai group.
some insurance cover, but Marcel Wratt,                                                                          have bookings in place             island. As we drive up the island, it’s clearer still that this     experience of swimming with whales.
Intermediate Underwriter at MAS, says it           02 Read up on the                                             that you will no longer be         island is well off the usual tourist beat. It’s all taro patches,
shouldn’t be used in place of insurance.           Airbnb host guarantee            04 If the property           able to take, potentially          small houses, schools and churches. Someone tells                   The next morning, we’re on a boat with eight
                                                   and host protection,             is solely for Airbnb         leaving you out of                 us that, in the village nearest our resort, there are 300           others. I’m sitting on the roof of the boat’s            Don’t make any travel
The host guarantee covers damage caused            and take into account            commercial use, you          pocket, some insurers              people and 40 churches.                                             cabin, scanning the horizon under the tutelage            plans for Sunday in
by guests to the property. However, cover          the requirements and             need to arrange a            provide an extension to                                                                                of our guide, who is teaching me how to spot               Tonga. The day of
is subject to a myriad of conditions, one of       timeframes for lodging           tailored commercial          cover this lost income.            The resort is a delightfully simple collection of basic             the tell-tale signs of a whale blowing its spout          rest is enshrined in
which being that claims must be lodged             claims.                          insurance policy.                                               fales with a shared ablution block and a restaurant                 as it surfaces.                                           the constitution of
before the next guest arrives or within 14                                                                                                          where guests gather for meals. It’s sited beside a coral                                                                >>   this devout Christian

24                                                                                                                                    summer 2018   on mas the magazine for mas members


                                                                We live in hope, and as we pile aboard the boat for day                                                          Lifuka                                                                          serrated with outward facing teeth. They ascend from
P       professional life /
         student news
                                                                                                                                                   P      professional life /
                                                                                                                                                          mas in the wild

School’s out                                                            encountered quite a bit over
                                                                        the course of my degree so

for summer
                                                                        far, but with my involvement
                                                                        in the charity clinic and our
                                                                        Community Day projects, it
                                                                        really hit home this year. We get
                                                                        bombarded by bad news all the
The student association            included NZDSA keep cups             time, but there are many, many        on the New Zealand Medical
presidents reflect on              for the first time. The newly        people quietly getting on with        Association board, provided a
the highs and lows of              formed Environmental Group           doing the good stuff.                 strong voice on two Ministry
2018 and what’s in store           have many more encouraging                                                 of Health task forces, signed
for 2019.                          ideas for next year.                 What big changes have you             the largest partnership deal in
                                                                        seen over the past year in            our history and represented
                                   What are you most looking            your industry? There have             our membership on the
                                   forward to for 2019?                 been some great welfare               international stage in regard
                                   Personally, I am looking             changes such as no longer             to the future of Australasian
                                   forward to my new role as a          being able to dock dogs’ tails.       medical education.

                                   first-year dental house officer      The changes range across the
                                   at Auckland DHB. However,            board from household pets             What was the biggest thing
                                   the 2019 NZDSA Executive             to production animals to how          you learned this past year?

                                   Committee and student body           commercial seafood is killed.         NZMSA is now bigger than ever
                                   will be looking forward to the       These came into effect at the         before with 600 new medical
                                   highly anticipated move into the     beginning of October.                 students being welcomed
Charlotte Kenny
                                   new clinical services building.                                            each year to our whānau, and
President / New Zealand            This will see students transition    What are you most looking             we are rapidly approaching
Dental Students’ Association       into digitally integrated clinics,   forward to for 2019? For me           a 3,000 strong membership.
                                   with a promising increased           and my classmates, it’s our final     Running an association of that
What's been your highlight         number of chairs to match the        year of our degree – assuming         size with a 30-strong executive
of 2018? This year, I have         ever-growing class numbers.          exams are passed. That means          scattered across the country        MAS Members
been proud of my executive                                              we spend the majority of the          has proven the value of effective   gathered en masse
committee and our ability to                                            year actually putting the last four   communication. No matter            at movie theatres
follow through on what was                                              years of theory into practice. It’s   how big or small the matter, it's   across the country for
promised during our election                                            incredibly exciting, but it will be   important to make sure everyone     the annual MAS Movie
campaigns. My personal focus                                            a challenge. There is a certain       involved is on the same page.       Night in November.
has been on student advocacy,                                           amount of trepidation as you          As medical students, this is        They were there for
and through communication                                               find out if you really can do it.     something we can take into our      a night of magic and
with the faculty and students,                                                                                professional lives as well.         mystery, watching
I feel we have been able to                                                                                                                       Fantastic Beasts: The
alleviate potential issues as or                                                                              What are you most looking           Crimes of Grindelwald,
before they arise.                                                      Jibi                                  forward to for 2019? I've been      the second instalment
                                                                        Kunnethedam                           on the NZMSA executive for the      in J.K. Rowling’s
What's something that's            Alisdair Eddie                       President / New Zealand               last four years, and 2019 will be   series, which follows
surprised you? It has been         President / Massey                   Medical Students’ Association         the first year I won’t be since     the adventures of
encouraging to see the             University Veterinary                                                      I became a medical student. I       a magizoologist.
student body get involved          Students’ Association                What's something that                 look forward to seeing a fresh
in sustainability discussions                                           surprised you this year?              executive take the reins and
as to how we can promote           What was the biggest thing           How influential our voice has         continue serving New Zealand
and increase sustainability        you learned this past year?          become this year. This year,          medical students. On a personal
within the Dental Faculty.         There are actually so many           we convinced the government           note, I can’t wait to be a TI
This is a topic the NZDSA is       good people out there willing        to change and extend their            in Rotorua and go overseas
passionate about, and this year,   to lend a helping hand. It’s         EFTS student loan policy,             gallivanting on my medical          For more pictures, see
our members merchandise            probably something I’ve              established a student seat            elective.                 

28                                                                                                                                 summer 2018    on mas the magazine for mas members   29
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