HealthStyles - Birdwatching Eye health Exercise safely Live in the moment Shopping trends - Rappahannock Record

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HealthStyles - Birdwatching Eye health Exercise safely Live in the moment Shopping trends - Rappahannock Record
HealthStyles       BAY

   A guide to healthy living in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula   2021

Birdwatching • Eye health • Exercise safely • Live in the moment • Shopping trends
HealthStyles - Birdwatching Eye health Exercise safely Live in the moment Shopping trends - Rappahannock Record
                 When and Where You Need It

                                        Learn more at

                             Your health and safety are      always our priority.
Primary and Specialty Care       Emergency and Urgent Care   Senior Living and Rehabilitation   Home Health and Hospice
HealthStyles - Birdwatching Eye health Exercise safely Live in the moment Shopping trends - Rappahannock Record

   A guide to healthy living in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula

      ealth. That word took on a whole new meaning in
                                                                     Feathered friends

   Obviously physical health was at the focus, as COVID-
19 consumed our thoughts and fears. Every sniffle,                   Birdwatching benefits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
cough or ache evoked angst. But our concerns went
beyond that of a healthy body as the pandemic caused
emotional stress, anxiety, overeating, depression and
   2020 changed every aspect of our lives, from the way
we work to the way we spend our free time.
   In this issue of Bay HealthStyles, we take a look at
                                                                     Care for those peepers
some of those changes, including how the pandemic has                Screen time and eye health. . . . . . . . . . .          13
altered the way we grocery shop and how we exercise
at school and the gym. Working from home and virtual
learning means more hours in front of a screen and more
strain on the eyes. How do we maintain eye health? An
ophthalmologist shares his advice.
   Nature walks and family time spent outdoors were
popular ways to destress in 2020. We’ve talked to the                Get your move on
experts about the health benefits of birdwatching.
   If nothing else, 2020 made us reflect on what’s impor-
                                                                     Exercise safely. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   16
tant…family, friends, good health and life experiences.
Today, not tomorrow, is the time to check off the to-dos
on your bucket list.
   Here’s to a happier, healthier 2021!

                                           Susan & Lisa              Live in the moment
 &                 Have no regrets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     20

BayHealthStyles                     is a supplement pub-
lished annually by the Rappahannock Record, P.O. Box 400,
                                                                     Grab and go
Kilmarnock, Va. 22482, (804) 435-1701 and the Southside
Sentinel, P.O. Box 549, Urbanna, Va. 23175, (804) 758-2328.          Shopping habits change. . . . . . . . . . . . .
News Robert Mason Jr. and Don Richeson, editors; Larry S.
Chowning, Tom Chillemi, Lisa Hinton-Valdrighi, Jackie Nunnery, and
AnnGardner Eubank
Advertising Hannah Abbott and Jessica Bell, managers; K.C. Troise,   Community Health Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Marilyn Bryant, and Susan Graves
Production Joseph Gaskins, Stephanie Feria, Susan Simmons, K.C.      Guest Column: Back pain danger. . . . . . . . . . . 12
Troise, Rebecca Riddell and Ray Rose
Publications Coordinator Susan Simmons                               Guest Column: Choosing pet care. . . . . . . . . . 14
Editorial Director Lisa Hinton-Valdrighi
                                                                     Guest Column: Pain management . . . . . . . . . . 23
Account Managers Geanie Longest and Lisa Donant
Publishers Fred and Bettie Lee Gaskins
                                                                     Local Health Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

                                                                                            February 25, 2021 •   Bay HealthStyles   • 3
HealthStyles - Birdwatching Eye health Exercise safely Live in the moment Shopping trends - Rappahannock Record
Community                                                                                   Health
The following is a list of ongoing health related events in our area. The area code for all listings is 804 unless otherwise noted.

Monday, March 1                 or are related to individuals   Tuesday, March 16              at 642-5402, or prevent@         overdose emergency using
Blood Drive, 11 a.m.-4          affected with Bipolar Dis-      Adverse Childhood Expe-                naloxone. Register at 642-
p.m. Riverside Walter Reed      order, Major Depression,        riences (ACE) Interface                                         5402, or
Hospital, 7519 Hospital         Schizophrenia, Schizoaffec-     Training, online 11 a.m.-      Cancer Support Group,
Drive, Gloucester. Schedule     tive Disorder, Panic Disor-     noon. Middle Peninsula         6:30 p.m., meets the third       Blood Drive, 1-7 p.m.
an appointment at Red-          der, Obsessive/Compulsive       Northern Neck Community        Thursday of every month in       Abingdon Ruritan Club,, Red Cross       Disorder, Co-occurring Brain    Services Board’s Prevention,   the Riverside Middle Penin-      8784 Guinea Road, Hayes.
Blood Donor App, 1-800-         Disorders and Addictive         Health and Wellness Divi-      sula Cancer Center, 7544         Schedule an appointment
733-2767 or Blood Sched-        Disorders, Post Traumatic       sion. Register at 642-5402,    Medical Drive in Gloucester      at, Red
uling Skill for Amazon Alexa.   Stress Disorder and Border-     or            (behind the hospital). For       Cross Blood Donor App,
                                line Personality Disorder.                                     information, call 757-534-       1-800-733-2767 or Blood
Wednesday,                      Free. Registration required.    Blood Drive, 1-7 p.m. Tap-     5555, ext. 300, or 757-          Scheduling Skill for Amazon
March 3                         Visit,   pahannock-Essex Volunteer      596-4457.                        Alexa.
Youth Mental Health First       email nami-mid-tidewater@       Fire Department, 620 Air-
Aid Training, online noon-4     gmail, or call 684-1480.        port Road, Tappahannock.       Diabetic Support Group,
p.m. Middle Peninsula                                           Schedule an appointment        3-4 p.m., Middlesex Family       Monday, March 29
Northern Neck Community                                         at, Red      YMCA, 11487 General              Blood Drive, 10 a.m.-3
Services Board’s Preven-
                                Monday, March 8                 Cross Blood Donor App,         Puller Highway, Hartfield.       p.m. Northern Neck Family
                                Blood Drive, noon-6             1-800-733-2767 or Blood        On the third Thursday of         YMCA, 39 William B.
tion, Health and Wellness
                                p.m. Kilmarnock Baptist         Scheduling Skill for Amazon    each month. This group           Graham Court, Kilmarnock.
Division. Register at 642-
                                Church, 65 Church Street,       Alexa.                         provides support, planning       Schedule an appointment
5402, or
                                Kilmarnock. Schedule an                                        and education tools, blood       at, Red
                                appointment at RedCross-                                       sugar monitoring and goal        Cross Blood Donor App,
Blood Drive, 2-7 p.m.
                      , Red Cross Blood
                                                                                               setting for everyday life with   1-800-733-2767 or Blood
                                Donor App, 1-800-733-2767 March 18
Middlesex County Ameri-
can Legion Post 82, 192                                                                        diabetes. 693-8825.              Scheduling Skill for Amazon
                                or Blood Scheduling Skill for Blood Drive, 1:30-6:30                                            Alexa.
Watson Landing Road,                                          p.m. Warsaw Baptist
                                Amazon Alexa.
Saluda. Schedule an                                           Church, 226 Main Street,
appointment at RedCross-                                                                       Friday, March 19, Red Cross Blood
                                                              Warsaw. Schedule an              Blood Drive, 1:30-6:30           Tuesday, March 30
Donor App, 1-800-733-
                                Tuesday, March 9 appointment at RedCross-                      p.m. Warsaw Baptist              Blood Drive, noon-5 p.m.
                                Question, Persuade and, Red Cross Blood       Church, 226 Main Street,         Montross Community, 2657
2767 or Blood Scheduling                                      Donor App, 1-800-733-2767
                                Refer (QPR), online 11                                         Warsaw. Schedule an              North Independence Drive,
Skill for Amazon Alexa.
                                a.m.-noon. Middle Peninsula or Blood Scheduling Skill for      appointment at RedCross-         Montross. Schedule an
                                Northern Neck Community       Amazon Alexa.          , Red Cross Blood       appointment at RedCross-
                                Services Board’s Preven-                                                              , Red Cross Blood
Thursday, March 4                                             Virtual Children First
                                                                                               Donor App, 1-800-733-2767
                                tion, Health and Wellness                                      or Blood Scheduling Skill for    Donor App, 1-800-733-2767
Youth Mental Health First                                     Program, 4-8 p.m. Middle
                                Division. Suicide prevention                                   Amazon Alexa.                    or Blood Scheduling Skill for
Aid Training, online noon-4                                   Peninsula Northern Neck
                                training. Register at 642-                                                                      Amazon Alexa.
p.m. Middle Peninsula                                         Community Services Board’s
                                5402, or
Northern Neck Community
Services Board’s Preven-
                                                              Prevention, Health and Well-     Tuesday, March 23                Blood Drive, 2-7 p.m.
                                Blood Drive, 1:15-6:15        ness Division. Co-parenting      Virtual REVIVE! Train-           Grace Covenant Presby-
tion, Health and Wellness                                     classes to support com-
                                p.m. Middlesex County                                          ing, 11 a.m.-noon. Middle        terian Church, 6470 Main
Division. Register at 642-                                    munication for families
                                Rescue Squad, 17684                                            Peninsula Northern Neck          Street, Gloucester. Schedule
5402, or                                     experiencing the challenges
                                General Puller Highway,                                        Community Services Board’s       an appointment at Red-
                                Deltaville. Schedule an       of transition through separa-    Prevention, Health and , Red Cross
NAMI Mid-Tidewater                                            tion and/or divorce. $50.
                                appointment at RedCross-                                       Wellness Division. Opioid        Blood Donor App, 1-800-
Online Family-to-Family
                      , Red Cross Blood Pre-registration and pay-           overdose and naloxone edu-       733-2767 or Blood Schedul-
Class, 6 p.m. Mid-Tide-
                                Donor App, 1-800-733-2767 ment required at least seven         cation program, providing        ing Skill for Amazon Alexa.
water National Alliance on
                                or Blood Scheduling Skill for days prior to class. Register    training on how to recognize
Mental Illness. Eight classes
                                Amazon Alexa.                                                  and respond to an opioid
for persons who care for

4 •   Bay HealthStyles      • February 25, 2021
HealthStyles - Birdwatching Eye health Exercise safely Live in the moment Shopping trends - Rappahannock Record
Community                                                                                 Health
Tuesday, April 6               the Riverside Middle Penin-            Ongoing                comb Lodge. Sponsored by       AL-ANON, 4:30 p.m. by
Blood Drive, noon-6            sula Cancer Center, 7544                                      Gloucester County Parks,       conference call, xena-gra-
p.m. St. Stephen’s Epis-       Medical Drive in Gloucester     Mondays                       Recreation and Tourism.
copal Church, 6807             (behind the hospital). For      AA, noon, Palmer Hall,        Chair yoga features a chair
Northumberland Highway,        information, call 757-534-      Kilmarnock; 6-8 p.m.          as base for movements.         Online Connection Peer
Heathsville. Schedule an       5555, ext. 300, or 757-         Fairfields United Methodist   It increases your flexibil-    Support Group, second
appointment at RedCross-       596-4457.                       Church, Burgess.              ity, strength, balance and     and fourth Tuesdays, 6:30, Red Cross Blood                                                                   lung capacity. The single      p.m. Mid-Tidewater National
Donor App, 1-800-733-2767 Diabetic Support Group,              Virtual Nurturing Par-        class fee is $9 per class      Alliance on Mental Illness.
or Blood Scheduling Skill for 3-4 p.m., Middlesex Family       enting Class, 6-8 p.m.        or sign up for a session for   For registration and sign on
Amazon Alexa.                 YMCA, 11487 General              Middle Peninsula Northern     $32. Instructors are Paula     visit,
                              Puller Highway, Hartfield.       Neck Community Services       Stefanic, Mondays; and         email nami-mid-tidewater@
                              On the third Thursday of         Board’s Prevention, Health    Sherry Stikeleather, Fri-      gmail, or call 684-1480.
Thursday, April 8 each month. This group                       and Wellness Division.        days. Deadline is four days
Question, Persuade            provides support, planning       On-going, in-home classes.    prior to class. For online     AA, 7 and 8 p.m.,
and Refer (QPR), online       and education tools, blood       $25 per person, per ses-      registration, visit https://   Palmer Hall, Kilmarnock;
1-2 p.m. Middle Peninsula     sugar monitoring and goal        sion. The handbook is $25.    Kilmarnock Baptist Church,
Northern Neck Community       setting for everyday life with   Register at 642-5402, or      693-2355.                      Kilmarnock.
Services Board’s Preven-      diabetes. 693-8825.    
tion, Health and Wellness
Division. Suicide prevention                                 Zumba for ages 10 and           Tuesdays                       Wednesdays
training. Register at 642-     Thursday, April 22            older, 6:45-7:45 p.m. on        Alateen, 4:30 p.m.,            AA, noon, women’s meet-
5402, or     Virtual REVIVE! Train-         Mondays and Wednesdays,         Kilmarnock Baptist Church,     ing, Irvington United
                              ing, 11 a.m.-noon. Middle      at Botetourt Elementary         Kilmarnock.                    Methodist Church, Irvington;
                              Peninsula Northern Neck        School, 6361 Main St.,
Tuesday, April 13 Community Services Board’s Gloucester.
Blood Drive, 1-6 p.m.         Prevention, Health and         Sponsored by the
Knights of Columbus-West      Wellness   Division. Opioid    Gloucester County Parks,
Point, Boogard Center,        overdose   and  naloxone  edu- Recreation and Tourism.
3510 King William Avenue,     cation program, providing      Ditch the workout
West Point. Schedule an       training on how to recognize and join the party.
appointment at RedCross-      and respond to an opioid       Combine music, Red Cross Blood    overdose   emergency    using  and effective
Donor App, 1-800-733-2767 naloxone. Register at 642-         movements
or Blood Scheduling Skill for 5402, or      and you get
Amazon Alexa.                                                Zumba. The
                              Virtual Children First         instructor
                              Program, 4-8 p.m. Middle       is Hannah
Thursday, April 15 Peninsula Northern Neck                   Bychowski.
Adverse Childhood Expe- Community Services Board’s The fee
riences (ACE) Interface       Prevention, Health and Well- is $45.
Training, online 1-2 p.m.     ness Division. Co-parenting    For online
Middle Peninsula Northern     classes to support com-        registration,
Neck Community Services       munication for families        visit https://
Board’s Prevention, Health    experiencing   the challenges  glouces-
and Wellness Division. Reg-   of transition through separa-
ister at 642-5402, or www. tion and/or divorce. $50.         civicrec. 693-                  Pre-registration and pay-      2355.
                              ment required at least seven
Cancer Support Group,         days prior to class. Register Chair Yoga from
6:30 p.m., meets the third    at 642-5402, or prevent@       11 a.m.-noon Mondays
Thursday of every month in              or Fridays at the Whit-

                                                                                                          February 25, 2021 •   Bay HealthStyles     • 5
HealthStyles - Birdwatching Eye health Exercise safely Live in the moment Shopping trends - Rappahannock Record
Community                                                                                   Health
8 p.m., Trinity Episcopal      Zumba for ages 10 and            AA, 8 p.m., De Sales          conference call, bartikbk@         single class fee is $9 per
Church, Lancaster.             older, 6:45-7:45 p.m. on         Hall, Kilmarnock; 8 p.m.,                         class or sign up for a ses-
                               Mondays and Wednesdays,          Kilmarnock United Methodist                                      sion for $32. Instructors are
AL-ANON, 5:30 p.m., by         at Botetourt Elementary          Church, Kilmarnock.           AA, noon, Trinity Episcopal        Paula Stefanic, Mondays;
WebEx or conference call,      School, 6361 Main St.,                                         Church, Lancaster; 8 p.m.,         and Sherry Stikeleather, Fri-     Gloucester. Sponsored by                                       St. Andrews Presbyterian           days. Deadline is four days
                               Gloucester County Parks,         Fridays                       Church, Kilmarnock.                prior to class. For online
Online Family Support          Recreation and Tourism.          In-Person Connection                                             registration, visit https://
Group, second Wednes-          Ditch the workout and            Peer Support Group,           Tai Chi, 9-10 a.m. Fridays,
days 7 p.m. Mid-Tidewater      join the party. Combine          11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. NAMI       Middlesex Woman’s Club,            693-2355.
National Alliance on Mental    music and effective move-        Mid-Tidewater Warsaw Peer Virginia Street, Urbanna.
Illness. For registration      ments and you get Zumba.         Resource Center, 5097         831-233-1786.
and sign on visit nami-mid-    The instructor is Hannah         Richmond Road, Warsaw.                                           Saturdays, email nami-     Bychowski. The fee is $45.       Visit, Hatha Yoga, 10:30-11:45            AA, 7:30 p.m., Irvington
mid-tidewater@gmail, or call   For online registration, visit   email nami-mid-tidewater@     a.m. Middlesex Woman’s             Baptist Church, Irvington;
684-1480.                   gmail, or call 684-1480.      Club, Virginia Street,             8 p.m., Heathsville
                               civicrec. 693-2355.                                            Urbanna. 831-233-1787.             United Methodist Church,
Alcoholics Anonymous                                            In-Person Connection                                             Heathsville.
Open 12-and-12 meeting,                                         Peer Support Group,           Chair Yoga from 11 a.m.-
noon every Wednesday at        Thursdays                        1-2:30 p.m. NAMI Mid-         noon Mondays or Fridays
Zoar Baptist Church, 17097     Walk on the Wild Side,           Tidewater Gloucester Peer     at the Whitcomb Lodge.             Sundays
General Puller Highway,        9-11 a.m. second Thurs-          Resource Center, 7603         Sponsoered by Gloucester           AA, 8 a.m., Kilmarnock-Lan-
Deltaville. For information,   days, Belle Isle State Park,     Hospital Drive, Gloucester.   County Parks, Recreation           caster Co. Volunteer Rescue
call 654-9858.                 1632 Belle Isle Road,            Visit, and Tourism. Chair yoga            Squad, Kilmarnock.
                               Lancaster. Nature hikes,         email nami-mid-tidewater@     features a chair as base for
Line Dancing, 7-9 p.m.         guides. Virginia Master          gmail, or call 684-1480.      movements. It increases
Wednesdays, Middlesex          Naturalists. Register at 462-                                  your flexibility, strength, bal-
Woman’s Club, Virginia         5030.                            AL-ANON, 11:45 a.m., by       ance and lung capacity. The
Street, Urbanna.

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6 •   Bay HealthStyles      • February 25, 2021
HealthStyles - Birdwatching Eye health Exercise safely Live in the moment Shopping trends - Rappahannock Record
Why seniors are at                                                                                                   Virginia hospitals have
                                                                                                                     administered hundreds
greater risk for COVID-19                                                                                            of thousands of vaccines
   It has been more than a year      older. Compared to younger             dioxide. As a person gets older,
since the world learned about the    adults, older individuals are more     the lungs are not as elastic and this      Virginia hospitals have administered 536,796 doses of the
novel coronavirus COVID-19.          likely to require hospitalization if   can affect gas exchange and other       Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines since the Common-
Since December 2019, there have      they contract the illness. People      functions. Being older coupled          wealth received the first shipment of doses in mid-December
been tens of millions of reported    between the ages of 75 and 84 are      with having cardiovascular dis-         2020. The current figure reflects doses administered by hos-
cases and nearly two million         at eight-times more likely to be       ease, asthma and diabetes also can      pitals as of Tuesday, Feb. 9. It represents a 23% increase from
deaths worldwide attributed to       hospitalized and 220 times more        raise the threat level of COVID-19.     the more than 435,000 administered doses reported by Virginia
COVID-19, according to data          likely to die from COVID-19 than           Seniors must be extra diligent      Hospital and Healthcare Association (VHHA) the previous
from the Johns Hopkins Univer-       the youngest patients.                 to engage in behaviors that reduce      week. VHHA will provide weekly vaccination updates, which
sity Center for Systems Science         There are some key reasons          their risks. Epidemiologists rec-       will be available on the Virginia Hospital COVID-19 Dash-
and Engineering.                     why older adults are at higher         ommend the following:                   board.
   Experts are still unclear how     risk. Vineet Menachery, an immu-           • Wash or sanitize hands when-         Virginia recently modified its vaccine distribution plan—the
prevalent the virus really is        nologist at the University of Texas    ever possible.                          Commonwealth is now sending vaccines to local health depart-
because a large number of cases      Medical Branch who studies coro-           • Shop and travel during off-       ments which are facilitating clinics and distributing vaccines
are not reported due to mild or      naviruses and their effects on aging   peak hours, such as early in the        to a broader group of community partners including hospitals,
asymptomatic infections. But         immune systems, older adults are       morning, to avoid crowds.               physicians and pharmacies. As a result, Virginia hospitals are
there’s no denying COVID-19          more likely to suffer from under-          • Use contactless payment           not receiving any direct first dose vaccine allocations. The
can be very risky for one large      lying conditions that can hinder       methods rather than handling            weekly supply they get is through allocations from local health
segment of the population.           the body’s ability to recover from     money.                                  districts. Because of that, available first doses at hospitals are
   The chances for severe ill-       illness. A greater propensity for          • Ask friends and family to do      administered the week in which they are received.
ness from COVID-19 increases         inflammation in the body and           your shopping and run errands.             Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and continuing during
with age, with older adults at the   changes in the way the immune              • Wear masks over the nose and      the ongoing vaccination effort, Virginia’s hospitals have worked
greatest risk, offers the Centers    system responds with age are other     mouth and stay at least six feet        in close collaboration with Gov. Ralph Northam, his administra-
for Disease Control and Preven-      mechanisms that increase seniors’      away from others.                       tion, the Virginia Department of Health, and other stakeholders
tion. The CDC further indicates      risk for COVID-19. Furthermore,            • If the COVID-19 vaccine is        on achieving a common goal—vaccinating Virginians in a safe
that eight out of 10 COVID-19        COVID-19 affects the part of the       available to you, ask your doctor       and effective manner.
deaths reported in the U.S. have     lungs that delivers oxygen to the      more about it and get vaccinated           The sharing of weekly vaccination totals is a continuation of
been in adults who are 65 and        bloodstream and removes carbon         if it’s safe to do so.                  Virginia hospitals’ commitment to transparency.

                                                                                                                                   February 25, 2021 •   Bay HealthStyles        • 7
HealthStyles - Birdwatching Eye health Exercise safely Live in the moment Shopping trends - Rappahannock Record
Northern Neck Audubon Society members gather on the
                                                                                                    Great Wicomico River for an annual Christmas Bird Count.
                                                                                                    Photo by Betsy Washington

 For the birds:
a hobby to improve your health and lift your mood
                                                             Once an activity overlooked by many, birdwatching has become a
                  by Jackie Nunnery                          popular pastime due to the pandemic. While embraced by many
                                                             during the earliest stages of quarantining since it was one of the few
                                                             activities available, there are also benefits to getting out and com-
                                                             muning with nature—specifically its most accessible and visible

                                                         this region of Virginia is access to trails that   rest, feed or breed as they migrate.
         A walk in the woods                             include places birds also love to call home.          All this variety may have you feeling clue-
         If spending time in a gym sounds like           The wooded trails, rivers and shorelines are       less where to start, but it’s simple, said Kevin
       drudgery, consider the health benefits of         great walks for humans, but they also appeal       Howe with the Northern Neck Audubon Soci-
       walking. “Exercise should feel like a gift, not   to different species of birds who summer or        ety (NNAS). “You need to just get outside and
       a chore,” said Dr. Edward Phillips, assistant     winter here. Check out any of the area Natural     start looking.”
       professor of physical medicine and rehabili-      Area Preserves—Dameron Marsh, Hughlett                Perhaps the greatest benefit to birdwatch-
       tation at Harvard Medical School in a 2020        Point, Bush Mill or Hickory Hollow—for             ing is a mental one. A growing scientific field
       Harvard Health newsletter. “Stop calling it       the best opportunities to observe birds in the     called ecotherapy has highlighted a connec-
       exercise and start referring to it as physical    varying habitats.Virginia is also a stop on the    tion between spending time in nature and a
       activity, and a whole new world of options        Atlantic Flyway, which stretches from Green-       resulting reduction in stress, anxiety and
       will open up.”                                    land to the Caribbean. Each spring and fall,       depression.
         One of the greatest benefits to living in       all manner of birds stop along the coast to           A 2015 study published in the Proceedings

8 •   Bay HealthStyles       • February 25, 2021
HealthStyles - Birdwatching Eye health Exercise safely Live in the moment Shopping trends - Rappahannock Record
“My professor, a very famous ornithologist
                                                                                      An osprey waits for
said birds were the ‘ambassadors of nature’
and they get us outside and slow us down so
                                                              Birds of                lunch. Photo by Kevin
we unplug, observe, get quiet and get back to                 a feather
nature. Birds are perfect to do that because                   While solitary time
                                                            in nature has its ben-
they all have their unique set of shapes,                   efits,    birdwatching
colors, plumage, behaviors and voices.”                     with others allows you
–Kevin Howe                                                 to socialize and learn
                                                            from experienced bird-
                                                            ers. One of the best
of the National Academy of Sciences         ways to do that locally is through the
showed that walking for 90 minutes in       NNAS.
a natural setting lowered activity in the     During the days before COVID-19,
region of the brain that is active during   the group met twice a month for bird
rumination, those repetitive, negative      walks. These walks would take place
thoughts typically produced in times        at a variety of habitats like Hughlett
of stress, anxiety or depression.           Point, Fones Cliff or Kendale Farm in
   The cause and effect relationship        Essex County.
isn’t quite clear, but it’s believed that     “There’s a great mix,” Howe said
being surrounded by pleasing sights         of the people who attend and they
and sounds gives you something to           are “generous with their knowledge.”
focus on other than your thoughts. In       Howe also said the walks help build
other words, getting out of your head       observational skills, “learning to see
breaks the negative feedback loop.          what's around you.”
   Being out in nature is one thing,          Other educational events still take
but what is it about birds specifically?    place, though they are currently vir-
Howe said he remembered back to his         tual. One upcoming zoom presentation
first class in biology when he was an       is by Virginia Master Naturalist Jeff
economics major. “My professor, a           Wright about photographing birds.
very famous ornithologist said birds          One of the most enduring events
were the ‘ambassadors of nature’ and        the group participates in is the annual
they get us outside and slow us down        Great Backyard Bird Count, held for
so we unplug, observe, get quiet and        four days each February. A partnership
get back to nature. Birds are perfect       among The Cornell Lab of Ornithol-
to do that because they all have their      ogy, the National Audubon Society
unique set of shapes, colors, plum-         and Birds Canada, this community sci-
age, behaviors and voices. That course,     ence project collects wild bird data in
which was not just about birds, had         almost real-time to provide a greater
me change my major and then pursue          understanding of the global bird popu-
graduate degrees in field biology.”         lation.

                                                                                      Cardinals are easy to identify. Photo by Jackie Nunnery

                                                                                                 February 25, 2021 •   Bay HealthStyles     • 9
HealthStyles - Birdwatching Eye health Exercise safely Live in the moment Shopping trends - Rappahannock Record
The annual Northern Neck Audubon Society New Year's Day Walk at Hickory Hollow
provides an opportunity to learn from others. Photo by Betsy Washington

         Backyard birding basics         
          Getting started with birdwatching           Fields guides are key for identifying
       is as simple as installing a feeder or      your feathered friends are and there are
       two. The type of feeder and feed deter-     apps for that. Merlin, a free app from
       mine the types of birds that will stop      The Cornell Lab takes you through
       by. If variety is what you’re after, tube   the identification process step-by-step.
       feeders do a good job of keeping seed       With its companion app, ebird, you
       dry and allow for perching birds of all     can record the birds you see. Audubon
       sizes. There are also countless seed        is another free app that helps identify
       mixes out there and each will typically     and record sightings. Both apps include
       list which birds are attracted to the       calls, so eventually you’ll know them
       mix. As you progress, you may decide        by ear.
       to focus on feeding specific types of
       birds, like hummingbirds with nectar
       feeders. Regardless, just make sure to        Watching nature unfold
       clean your feeders frequently to avoid         With time, you’ll become a keen
       spreading disease.                          observer of detail, identifying birds
          Adding access to water for drink-        on more than just color, you’ll recog-
       ing and bathing will make your feed-        nize distinctive markings. You’ll begin
       ers even more popular. Better yet, plant    to notice behavioral differences like
       bushes and shrubs for perching and          which birds like to perch and which
       hiding, and you’ve made a neat little       like to climb. You’ll understand which
       habitat that is sure to draw in the birds   birds you’re likely to see at your feeder
       and make for great observation.             and which ones require a deeper walk           American oyster catcher on Bluff Point.
          Of course, like any good hobby,          into the woods.                                Photo by Kevin Howe
       there’s the stuff needed to enjoy it.          You’ll also be able to mark the pas-
          There are books. Howe suggests The       sage of seasons, knowing which birds
       Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Eastern      are just passing through and anticipat-
       North America by David Sibley and for       ing the arrivals of those which have
       kids, Backyard Birds by Karen Notling.      spent the winter in warmer climates.
          A good pair of binoculars will allow     You’ll experience the excitement of
       you to see your new feathered friends       identifying a new bird and the satisfac-
       up close. The NNNAS offers a buying         tion of knowing you’ve created a place
       guide at https://northernneckaudubon.       that has invited nature in.

                                                                       With time and the right
                                                                      food, the ruby throated
                                                                 hummingbird will return to the
                                                                   feeder every year. Photo by
                                                                               Jackie Nunnery

10 •   Bay HealthStyles • February 25, 2021
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                              What is Yoga Therapy?
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           Suzanne M. Best, C-IAYT • E-RYT® 500
              IAYT-Certified Yoga Therapist • AFAA-Certified Personal Trainer • 804.436.7428 • 25 Office Park • Kilmarnock, VA for fees and schedules

                                                                                                        February 25, 2021 •   Bay HealthStyles • 11
Back pain presents a hidden                                                                                              Dr. Richard A. Banker, D.C.
danger for anyone ages 65
                                                                                                                                     New Patients Welcome

and older during COVID-19                                                                                                       • Emergency Appointments Accepted
                                                                                                                                     • Workers Comp., Personal,
                                                                                                                                       Auto and Sports Injuries
                                         by Dr. Arnan Sisson                                                                      • Spinal Decompression Therapy
                                                                                                                                M, TU, TH, F - 8 am to 5 pm • W - 8 am to 7 pm

W       e all know the risks
        tied to COVID-19 and,
since March, we’ve all kept
                                     people are working from
                                     home, not going out with
                                     friends as much, reducing
                                                                           on COVID-19 related back
                                                                           pain, contact Dr. Sisson at
                                                                           Sisson & Associates Physi-
                                                                                                                                             Evenings by Appointment

up our social distancing,            exercise and just reducing            cal therapy and wellness                                       215 Queen St., Tappahannock
worn our masks, and even             overall activity. This leads          in Monross, arnansisson@                                        (Across from Courthouse Exxon)
many now are finally getting         to much more sitting, which , or 493-3256.
their first dose of the Pfizer       crunches the vertebrae of the
or Moderna vaccination. But          back in a stressful position
what’s a huge problem many           and strains/stiffens the sup-          BE GOOD TO YOURSELF… DOCTOR’S ORDERS.
seniors in the Northern Neck         portive muscles of the back.
are facing and are completely           We’ve actually seen an                   THE RIGHT SHOE CAN MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE.
unprotected from since the           increase in cases of back and
                                                                                              Maximum support to protect your feet, legs and back during hours of standing
outbreak of COVID-19?                neck pain during the pan-
   It’s simple: back pain. And       demic as early as late April                               Achieve healthy balance for your whole body – stop thinking about your feet
not just any old back ache           of last year in our physical                                                and start accomplishing more with your day!
or stiffness—we’re talking           therapy practice in Montross.
about debilitating back or              Just like wearing your
sciatic pain that’s severely         masks and using hand sani-                                                 YOUR PRESCRIPTION FOR BETTER HEALTH
affecting people’s lives             tizer can protect you from                     The APMA is the premier
                                                                                    professional organization
during and even after the            getting COVID-19, folks                        representing our nation’s
pandemic is long over.               can use movement to reduce                     Doctors of Podiatric
                                                                                    Medicine, or podiatrists.
   So, you may be asking,            their odds of developing
“why are we having surges            pandemic-related back pain.                                     1309 Tappahannock Blvd. • Tappahannock, VA. 804-443-4614
in the cases of back pain in            More specifically, getting
people with/without COVID-           up every 30 minutes for a
19? Doesn’t this virus mainly        short walk in your home can
focus on respiratory func-           counter the stress from sit-
tion?” Well, the answer is
that it’s not the virus itself
                                     ting. Committing to a simple
                                     daily home exercise routine                                            or
that’s causing these back
issues. It’s the change in
                                     you can stick to can protect
                                     you during this crazy time.
                                                                                                       to read Bay HealthStyles online.
daily activity and new stress-          Dr. Arnan Sisson is a phys-
ors introduced to the back           ical therapist and author on
since lock down.                     the topic of back/sciatic pain.
   Since last March, more            For any additional questions                                                         Abilities Abound
                                                                                                                    Physical Therapy and Wellness Center

              Did you know?                                                                                                   ����������������HELPING YOU GET
   According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated                                                                         back to life.
250 million preschool children are vitamin A deficient. That’s a sig-
nificant concern, as children who are not getting enough vitamin A              
are at greater risk for severe visual impairment and blindness.
   Vitamin A deficiency also increases a child’s risk of severe illness,                                                                      THE LATEST TECHNIQUES
and even death, from common childhood infections, including diar-
                                                                                             FREE                                                AND TREATMENTS TO

rheal disease and measles.                                                      
   The WHO notes that breast milk is a natural source of vitamin
A and urges mothers of infants to breastfeed to ensure children get             
                                                                                      C O N S U LTAT                                            ENSURE A SPEEDY AND
                                                                                                                                                 HEALTHY RECOVERY.
ample amounts of vitamin A. Parents of older children can look to
various healthy foods to make sure youngsters are getting enough                       •        Lymphedema Management
vitamin A. The National Institutes of Health notes that foods such as                                                                 •      Therapy
                                                                                       •        Knee & Shoulder Conditions
sweet potatoes, carrots and fortified cereals typically contain substan-                                                              •    Woman’s Pelvic Health Therapy
                                                                                       •        Pain Management
tial amounts of vitamin A. The U.S. National Library of Medicine                                                                      •    Comprehensive Spine Care
reports that various animal products, including meat, fish, poultry,                   •        Sports Rehab
                                                                                                                                      •    Functional Compacity Evaluation (FCE)
and dairy products, also contain significant amounts of vitamin A.                     •        Vestibular Rehab
                                                                                                                                      •    Dry Needling
   Parents can speak with their children’s pediatricians to determine                  •        Group Exercise Focused on
the healthiest, most effective ways to ensure their youngsters are get-                         Seniors.                         �������������–�����������������������
ting enough vitamin A.
12 •   Bay HealthStyles • February 25, 2021
Take a break
  to help reduce ‘screen-ache’
                                                                by AnnGardner Eubank

     rom what used to be the daily norms of shuffling through                       eyewear to combat some of the nega-      less stressed.
     papers before meetings in the office or gathering school chil-                 tive side effects of heightened screen      He added that staring at screens and
                                                                                    time. Blue light blocking glasses are    reading overall causes the individual to
     dren in a circle for story time, many daily tasks and activities               spectacles specially crafted to filter   blink far less than they usually would,
have shifted to virtual alternatives in the wake of the COVID-19                    out blue light given off from digital    so the best method of staying ahead
pandemic.                                                                           screens. Prolonged exposure to blue      of the eye strain and other side effects
                                                                                    light is believed to cause damage to     caused by prolonged screen time is to
  Employees are now meeting via Zoom or Skype instead of in a                       the retina.                              continue to take breaks and get outside
conference room; kids are learning in front of a computer instead                      Many people buy the glasses with      when possible.
                                                                                    hopes of easing eye strain, decreasing      “Outside air is better for you than
of behind a desk, and many people are coping with social isola-                     the risk of macular degeneration and     inside air,” he said.
tion by staying active on social media. Ultimately, life spent in                   eliminating glare.                          COVID-19 has put a strain on
                                                                                       Dr. Weiler says that while there may  people’s finances, relationships, and
front of a screen is becoming the new norm.                                         not be negative side effects to wearing  mental health, but it doesn’t necessar-
                                                                                    blue light blocking glasses, there are   ily have to strain eyes. Being proactive
   In a survey conducted by OnePoll on    symptoms of headaches, eye strains        better alternatives to
behalf of the eyewear company Foster      and dry eyes.                             overall eye care.
Grant, it was found that the average         Dr. Harold Weiler, an ophthalmolo-        “The blue light          "There’s no magic number to how much
American spent four hours in front of a   gist with Old Dominion Eye Care in        glasses are kind of like    time is too much time in front of a screen,
screen prior to the pandemic, however,    Kilmarnock, says that while each          a fad, they don’t make
that number has jumped to an average      individual is different in how to best    dry eyes caused by          but everyone should just be sure to take
of six hours in front of a screen since   manage their screen time and over-        screen usage better or      breaks throughout the day. You just want to
the pandemic began last March.            all eye care, there is one simple step    worse,” Dr. Weiler said. be comfortable."
   The survey also found that out of      everyone can take to avoid dry eye and       Dr. Weiler added that
2,000 surveyed Americans, 53% of          eye strain.                               while the glasses may                                     –Dr. HaroldWeiler
respondents felt burned out and were         “There’s no magic number to how        not be the end-all-be-all
experiencing “screen aches” from          much time is too much time in front of    solution for eye strain
the additional time spent in front of a   a screen, but everyone should just be     and dry eyes, every person is different  and creating a schedule to limit screen
screen.                                   sure to take breaks throughout the day.   and that the benefits could vary person time can save your eyes from strain
   While technology has allowed for       You just want to be comfortable,” said    to person.                               and “screen-aches.”
people to continue routines in a modi-    Dr. Weiler.                                  As far as immediate relief to eye        Like Dr. Weiler says, everyone is
fied fashion, extended periods of time       With people spending so much time      strain and dry eyes go, Dr. Weiler       different, and the most important
spent staring at screens and scrolling    in front of screens these days, many      recommends using artificial tear drops   aspect to eye health is to take breaks
through cell phones has left many with    have taken to alternative types of        to keep the eyes healthy, lubricated and and just be comfortable.

                                                                                                                   February 25, 2021 •   Bay HealthStyles • 13
Choosing best pet care when away from home
                             by Susan Pearce Ditch                                                                                   good professional pet sitter is familiar
                                                                                                                                     with very specific instructions and pro-
                                                                                                                                     cedures, for each client and property.
                                                                                                                                        While it may take a bit of time to find

        he ongoing pandemic has kept       more. Hobby pet sitters are typi-                                                         the right professional pet sitter to care
        many of us stuck at home, but      cally individuals who love pets and                                                       for your pets and property while you
        there may still be an occasion     like to offer pet sitting in their free                                                   are away, knowing that you took the
to have to travel—for work, doc-           time, or may just be a neighbor you                                                       time to ask the tough questions and get
tors' appointments, family needs or        can swap a box of taffy from your                                                         recommendations will save you a great
any number of scenarios. This raises       beach trip for checking in on your                                                        deal of worry.
additional challenges if you own           pets. They typically have no formal                                                          Contributor Susan Ditch is the
pets. Considering our rural loca-          training, certifications, or pet first aid                                                owner of River Paws Professional Pet
tion, finding needed, quality pet care     and CPR training, not to mention any                                                      Sitting based in Lancaster. With more
options can be tough.                      formal emergency plan or protocols                                                        than 20 years of professional pet
   One option that is increasingly         in place for the inevitable “what if ”                                                    care experience, Susan also owned
popular, especially during the pan-        scenarios that often pop up when                                                          and operated a large pet resort in
demic, is the option of in-home pet        taking care of pets or animals.              every penny while they are away.             Maryland for 15-plus years. Her cur-
care, or “pet sitting,” as most people        Professional pet sitters, on the          Professional pet sitters also often          rent services include in-your home
may refer to it. Pet sitting is not a      other hand, are readily identifiable         become extended family to many               pet care in the Lancaster area, for
new idea—it’s been around for some         by their level of professionalism,           clients, further building trust and          dogs and cats and other pets — even
time. Many of us may recall going          customer service skills, formal pet          peace of mind for a reliable and             chickens and other farm critters.
away on vacation as a kid and having       care training, education, hands on           dedicated pet care resource, often for       Visits are typically 30 minutes or
the neighbor pop in to check on            experience, emergency preparedness,          many years.                                  so, and provide one-on-one time
our pets, or, stashing Fido at the vet     and pet first aid training and pet CPR                                                    for exercising pets, feeding and any
while you were away.                       skills. Additionally, most profes-                                                        medications, as well as keeping an
   Thankfully, pet care has come           sional pet sitters offer their service         Finding a professional                     eye on your home, grabbing the mail
a long way, and there are more             on a full-time basis, which is great                                                      and more. Susan also is owner of
and more pleasing options. This is         for many families who often depend
                                                                                          pet sitter                                 River Paws Vintage Market, a vintage
especially important considering that      on this reliability as they make their          Do your homework and ask lots of          flea market, currently transition-
most of us value our pets more like        travel plans, or might have short            questions. A good starting place to          ing to online sales as a result of
family members than as animals.            notice family emergency needs out            find a reliable pet sitter is by word of     the ongoing pandemic. Learn more
   For most pet owners, being able to      of town.                                     mouth, through your friends, neigh-          about River Paws at RiverPawsFarm.
allow their pets to stay at home, in          Professional pet sitters will typi-       bors and veterinarian. Make a list of        com, and on Facebook at River Paws
their familiar surroundings, is often      cally cost more than “a box of taffy,”       all of your questions and concerns           Pet Sitting-NNK, and River Paws
their first choice. This also makes it     to cover their business expenses,            and set up a time to meet with any           Vintage Market. Email her at River-
easier for pet owners already on a         insurances, continuing education,            prospective pet sitters. Perform a 
tight schedule, with little time to load   supplies, staff, business taxes,             background check since they will
up all of their pets’ gear, medications,   expenses, and travel and vehicle             be coming into your home. A good
bedding, special toys, and the list        expenses. Cost is certainly a factor         professional pet sitter will volunteer            Did you know?
goes on. The ability for pets to stay      for all of us, especially these days,        to stop by for a complimentary visit
at home is often the best choice for       but please be careful when entrusting        to get to know you and your pets.               Pet owners who arrive home to dis-
all involved, so mom and dad and the       your valuable property, your home                                                         cover that their pet has caused damage
entire family can head off on travel,      and your beloved pets, to just anyone,                                                    to their domiciles may wonder if that is
                                                                                                                                     covered by their homeowners insurance
without worry.                             merely based on cost. In the long              Questions to ask                           policies.
   For some pets though, boarding          run, it’s usually not worth the sav-
at a kennel, or pet resort, is a better    ings, especially if you have to come            Questions to ask include:                    Allstate insurance states that home-
                                                                                                                                     owners insurance typically does not
option, especially if they have special    home early from your trip because               • How long have you been doing this       cover damage inflicted by pets on per-
needs or other anxieties or issues that    your pet is missing or ill.                  and what is your experience?                 sonal property or the dwelling itself. This
intermittent in-home pet sitter visits        Professional pet sitters typically           •What is your favorite part about         also applies to domestic farm pets, as
might not be able to accommodate.          offer “above and beyond” levels of           being a pet sitter?                          would be the case if a goat or ewe broke
But for many, staying home and             care, trust, attention to details, over-        • What is the scariest pet sit experi-    fence posts or the barn door.
having someone stop by a few times         sight and love. This is frequently ben-      ence you have had and how did you               The cost for replacement or repairs for
a day to play ball, give hugs and          eficial when professional pet sitters        handle it?                                   pet-related accidents is the pet owner’s
treats, is always preferred!               notice something about your pet that            • What is your emergency plan if          responsibility. However, the liability
                                           you might have missed, which, more           my pet becomes sick or injured in the        protection provided with most standard
                                           often than not, turns out be some-           middle of the night when the local           homeowners policies may offer cover-
  “Hobby sitter,”                          thing that needs follow-up care. I           veterinarians' offices aren’t open?          age if your pet damages someone else’s
                                           can’t tell you how many times I have            • What is your plan if you can’t get to   property, such as if your puppy chews
  “pro sitter” differ                      mentioned something to a client,             my pets because of severe weather, or        up the moldings while a neighbor is pet-
   One of the questions that arises        which they didn’t see, only for them         your car breaks down? How do I know          sitting. It is important to review and dis-
frequently is, what’s the difference       to call us later with a huge thank you,      my pets will be taken care of?               cuss policy coverage with an insurance
between using the kid down the             upon discovering a relevant health              While these are just a few questions      agent to learn what level of protection
street (a.k.a., a “hobby sitter”) vs.      concern.                                     to ask, every pet’s needs are different,     you have.
a “professional pet sitter.” Well, for        Many families that use a profes-          and every client is different, so it is         In addition, quality crates and/or fenc-
most clients, it’s the comfort of peace    sional pet sitter also often convey          best to come up with your own specific       ing can help keep mischievous pets out
of mind, even if it costs a little bit     that their peace of mind is worth            questions to address your needs. Any         of trouble and reduce damage in and
                                                                                                                                     around the house.

14 •   Bay HealthStyles • February 25, 2021
MAIN STREET                                                 The importance of rest
       PHARMACY                                               Regular exercise has been
                                                           linked to a host of health ben-
                                                                                                 but also increases a person’s risk
                                                                                                 for health problems, including
                                                                                                                                          • An inability to perform at
                                                                                                                                       your established level.
                                                           efits. People who exercise regu-      injuries that can sideline athletes      • Requiring longer periods of
                                                           larly can lower their risk for        for lengthy periods of time.          rest between workout sessions.
                                                           chronic diseases like heart dis-          Committed athletes may have          • Feeling tired.
       Serving all your                                    ease and diabetes, and routine        a hard time recognizing when             • Feeling depressed.
                                                           exercise can improve mood and         they are pushing themselves too          • Experiencing mood swings
prescription and home health                               potentially delay the onset of        hard, and the line between perse-     or irritability.
          care needs                                       cognitive decline.
                                                              As vital as physical activity
                                                                                                 verance and overdoing it can be
                                                                                                 thin. Many athletes credit their
                                                                                                                                          • Difficulty sleeping.
                                                                                                                                          • Feeling sore muscles or
                                                           is to a healthy lifestyle, there is   ability to push themselves men-       heavy limbs.
   All Major insurance plans accepted.                     such a thing as too much exer-        tally and physically with helping        • Suffering overuse injuries
       Easy prescription transfers.                        cise. According to the U.S.           them achieve their fitness goals      such as runner’s knee, achilles
                                                           National Library of Medicine,         and thrive as competitors. But        tendinitis, shin splints and plan-
        Local Area Delivery                                rest is an important part of          it’s vital that athletes learn to     tar fasciitis.
                                                           training. Without ample rest,         recognize the signs that suggest         • Loss of motivation.
 Dispill compliance packaging available                    the body does not have time to        they’re exercising too much. The         • Getting more colds.
                                                           recover before the next work-         USNLM notes that the follow-             • Unintended weight loss.
                Hours                                      out. That lack of rest not only       ing are some signs of overdoing          • Feelings of anxiety.
                                                           adversely affects performance,        it with an exercise routine.             The USNLM urges anyone
      Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm                                                                                                        experiencing these symptoms
        Saturday 9am - 1pm                                                                                                             to rest completely for between
                                                                                                        (804) 529-6226                 one and two weeks. After that
        308 North Main Street                                                        email:
                                                                                                                                       period of rest, the body should be
                                                                                                                                       fully recovered. However, if any
             Kilmarnock                                                                                                                of these issues linger after two
   804.435.8818 • Fax: 804.435.8898                                                                                                    weeks, seek the advice of a health
                                                                                                                                       care provider. A health care pro-
                                                                CRALLE INSURANCE AGENCY                                                vider may recommend additional
                                                                            GENERAL INSURANCE                                          rest and/or conduct a series of
                                                                                                                                       tests to determine if an underly-
                                                                                                                                       ing issue is causing any of the
                                                               P.O. BOX 226                                     Gina Lowery            aforementioned symptoms.
Look for Windows on the Bay, our next                        CALLAO, VA 22435                                      Agent                  Rest is as vital to an effec-
supplement, to be published March 25.                                                                                                  tive exercise regimen as proper
                                                                                                                                       technique, ensuring the body has
                                                                                                                                       ample time to recover and reduc-
                                                                                                                                       ing the risk of overuse injuries.

                                                                                                                                          Did you know?
                                                                                                                                          Did you know?

                                                                                                                                          According to the Centers for
                                                                                                                                       Disease Control and Prevention
                                                                                                                                       (CDC), excessive alcohol con-
    When the Signs Point to a Urological Problem ... Rely on the Experts at                                                            sumption is responsible for one
                                                                                                                                       in 10 deaths among working-age
                                                                                                                                       adults in the U.S.
                                                                                                                                          The Dietary Guidelines for
                                                                                                                                       Americans, which are produced
                                                                                                                                       jointly every five years by the
                                                                                                                                       Department of Health and
                                                                                                                                       Human Services and the Depart-
                                                                                                                                       ment of Agriculture, advise adults
            State-of-the-Art Medical Expertise with Compassionate, Individualized Attention.
                              1-800-828-7656                                                                                           about healthy alcohol consump-
            Call 833-330-9105 or visit for appointments or more information.                                               tion. According to the guidelines,
                                                                                                                                       women should consume no more
                    Richmond • Mechanicsville • Tappahannock • Prince George • Emporia                                                 than one drink per day while men
                                                                                                                                       should limit their consumption to
                                    24/7 KIDNEY STONE HOTLINE                                                                          two drinks per day or less.
                                                                                                                                          Consuming more alcohol than
                             When you’re experiencing a kidney stone attack, you want relief as soon as possible!                      the guidelines suggest can prove
                             Call Virginia Urology’s Kidney Stone Hotline 804-560-7866.                                                fatal, as the CDC notes that binge
                             We offer rapid care and convenient onsite diagnostic & treatment for kidney stones                        drinking is responsible for almost
                             that is available Monday - Friday.                                                                        half the deaths related to exces-
                                                                                                                                       sive alcohol consumption.

                                                                                                                    February 25, 2021 •   Bay HealthStyles • 15
YMCA stationary bikes are separated for social distancing
           and after use must be sprayed down by the rider and later
           by staff with a hospital brand disinfectant. Photo by Sarah

                 YMCAs are meeting challenges
                 posed by COVID-19 pandemic
                                                                       by Larry Chowning

      s COVID-19 works its way into the 2021 year,                                    return the spray bottle to the safety       until cleaned by staff with the hospital
      people are finding more and more ways to adapt to                               station, a staff member comes behind        grade solution. “As we watch people
                                                                                      and disinfects the bottle and tray with a   leave, we go behind everyone with a
      the lifestyle the virus has unfortunately forced upon                           stronger solution.”                         spray bottle, wipe down those areas
everyone.                                                                                To encourage hand washing, the Y         and switch the signs,” said Kimberly
  Those lifestyle changes that started about a year ago                               has installed a hand-washing station        Wade, YMCA membership experience
                                                                                      centrally located in the building to        coordinator. “Our entire staff is con-
when the virus came to America has brought on so many                                 encourage everyone to “Wash Your            scious of making sure every area that
challenges. Since then, every aspect of society has been                              Hands!” with a reminder to “Wet, Get        has been touched is wiped down and
scrambling to find ways to keep everyone safe.                                        Soap, Scrub, and Rinse.”                    disinfected.”
                                                                                                                                    Joe Heyman of Deltaville, the new
  A successful, safe organization includes the local YMCAs,                             Weight room and gym                       Hartfield board director, was working
which have continued to promote physical, mental and                                    Physical distancing is required           out in the weight room on February 11.
spiritual health in the community by strictly following                              throughout the building—in the
                                                                                     weight room, gym, treadmill
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) proce-                              and bike areas. All equipment
dures, successfully keeping members safe from the virus.                             must be wiped down after
                                                                                     each time it is used. When
                                                                                     members are finished using
                                                                                     the equipment, they attach a
   It used to be the only place one         entrance hall, signs on the front table  Velcro-backed red “NEEDS
received a routine temperature check        spell out house rules to stay safe from  CLEANING” sign on the
was in the doctor’s office, but this pan-   COVID-19. It states, “By the Gover-      equipment they were using. A
demic has changed that. The first thing     nor’s Executive Order 63 members         staff member comes behind to
done before going any further than the      are required to wear a mask to protect   give those areas a more vigor-
front desk of the Middlesex Family          others from respiratory droplets. Masks ous cleaning with a stronger
YMCA in Hartfield is a temperature          may be removed during group exercise solution to assure that it is sani-
check.                                      classes or while exercising as long as   tized. They then attach a green
   The YMCA’s COVID-19 protec-              physical distancing is maintained.”      “READY FOR USE” sign. “All
tion plan is designed to keep everyone         The entrance safety station requires  staff members are trained to go
safe as possible and “all of our Y’s        all members to pick up a spray bottle    behind everyone to make sure
are adhering to the same protocol,”         for cleaning all equipment, including    areas are clean,” said Lambert.
said Buzz Lambert, center executive         treadmills, cardio equipment, bikes,        The red “NEEDS CLEAN-             During the pandemic, the YMCA is offering
for both the Middlesex and Mathews          mats and weights. “We encourage mem- ING” sign indicates the area             virtual group exercise classes through zoom
Family YMCAs.                               bers to use the spray to clean equipment has been wiped down once by          to encourage physical fitness. Photo by Larry
   At the Middlesex Family YMCA             after use,” said Lambert. “When they     the user but cannot be reused        Chowning

16 •   Bay HealthStyles • February 25, 2021
A sink has been centrally located in the building
                                                                                            to encourage hand washing. Photo by Larry
Exercise classes are being offered in the Middlesex Family YMCA gym in Hartfield
under social distancing guidelines. During exercising, masks are not required but
are encouraged. The Y gym has a partition between the two floors. Nine people are
allowed between each partition and must be eight feet apart. Photo by Larry Chowning

“Everyone works hard here to make           with members dancing to the music.
it safe for us,” said Heyman. “This           The YMCA also offers “Virtual
(COVID-19) period has been a very           Y Live Classes” through Zoom.
lonely time for many people and the Y       The Y offers classes like Zumba,
has provided a safe place for members       BODYPUMP, POUND, Silver Sneak-
to come and see one another—even            ers Classic, MX4, LES MILLS Core,
though we have to stay at a safe dis-       CORE DE FORCE and yoga. The
tance and work to keep things clean.”       classes are for YMCA members only
   As part of safety protocol, the Y has    and are accessed with a key tag bar-
spaced out equipment. Treadmills and        code.
stationary bikes have been moved into
the hall entrance to the gym, which
provides more safe space between each                                                       At the entrance of the Hartfield Y building, each
machine.                                                                                    participant picks up a spray bottle to spray
    Exercise classes are being offered                 The weight room in the YMCA in       down areas that he or she touches. A staff
weekly in the gymnasium portion of the               Hartfield requires social distancing   member also comes behind him or her to make
Middlesex Family YMCA building at                   and equipment must be disinfected       sure the areas are sprayed and cleaned for the
11487 General Puller Highway. Classes              at the end of each participant's use.    next participant. Photo by Larry Chowning
can be no larger than nine participants            At the end of use, the user attaches
                                                  a red “NEEDS CLEANING” sign on it
and a teacher. On Thursday, Feb. 11, the           denoting it needs to be disinfected.
gym had a full class of social distancing                       Photo by Larry Chowning

                                                                                            There is “Please Wipe Down After Each Use”
                                                                                            signage everywhere in the YMCA building. All
                                                                                            of the YMCAs throughout the Middle Peninsula-
                                                                                            Northern Neck region have similar signage
                                                                                            to make sure everything is wiped down and
                                                                                            cleaned. Photo by Larry Chowning

                                                                                                      February 25, 2021 •   Bay HealthStyles • 17
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