HEALTH & WELL-BEING in 2021 - Building on - CenterCap Group

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HEALTH & WELL-BEING in 2021 - Building on - CenterCap Group
Building on
                                     HEALTH &
                                                   in 2021

                                                               ALSO IN THIS ISSUE

                                                               Retail’s future in omni-
                                                               channel and as a service
                                                               How to boost NOI with
                                                               building technology
                                                               Solving food production and
                                                               environment issues with CEA

HEALTH & WELL-BEING in 2021 - Building on - CenterCap Group

                                                                                                                                                            CONTENTS | SPRING 2021

                                       CEO                                       2                                 ASSET MANAGEMENT                   LEADERSHIP
                                       Zoe Hughes                                From the CEO
                                       Editorial Director
                                                                                                                   18                                 26
                                       Wanching Leong                                                                                                 The great REIM disruption?
                                                                                                                                                      Scott Brown,
                                       Design Director
                                       Julie Foster                              4                                                                    Fulcrum Global Investors, LLC

                                       For more information about
                                       NAREIM, contact:
                                       Zoe Hughes
                                       99 Wall Street #1340
                                       New York, NY 10005
                                                                                                                   Q&A: Retail as a service
                                                                                                                   NAREIM speaks with Manuel
                                       No statement in this magazine is to
                                                                                                                   Martin, global head of retail at
                                       be construed as or constitutes            Building health &                 Nuveen Real Estate
                                       investment, legal, accounting, or tax     well-being: The time is now
                                       advice, or a recommendation to buy
                                                                                 NAREIM speaks with Jill                                              Let’s raise a glass to 2020
                                       or sell securities. While every effort                                      DATA STRATEGY
                                       has been made to ensure the               Brosig of Harrison Street,                                           Deborah Smith,
                                       accuracy of the information in this
                                       magazine, the publisher and
                                                                                 Laura Craft of Heitman,           22                                 The CenterCap Group
                                                                                 Rachel Hodgdon of the             Boosting NOI with
                                       contributors accept no responsibility
                                       for the accuracy of the content in this   International WELL Building       building technology
                                       magazine and you should not rely          Institute and Sara Neff of        Bob Geiger, Partner Engineering
                                       upon the information provided herein.
                                       NAREIM is not liable for any loss or
                                                                                 Kilroy Realty Corporation on      and Science, Inc.                  36
                                       damage caused by a reader’s               the impact of Covid-19 on the                                        CRE’s 2021 ESG opportunity
                                       reliance on the information contained     work already underway, how        28                                 Raphael Rosen,
                                       in this magazine and readers are
                                                                                 to further improve the tenant                                        Carbon Lighthouse
                                       advised to do their own independent
                                       research and to consult their own         experience and how small
                                       independent investment, legal,            actions could have many
                                       accounting, and tax advisers before                                                                            BARCLAY FELLOW
                                                                                 beneficial long-term impacts
                                       making any investment decision.
                                       Readers should also be aware that                                                                              41
                                       external contributors may represent       12
                                       firms that have a financial interest in
                                       the companies and/or securities
                                       mentioned in their contributions          Finding reporting best
                                       herein and/or may serve as an             practices at the asset level
                                       officer, director, or employee of the
                                                                                 John Caruso, Marybeth
                                       companies, or an affiliate thereof,
                                                                                 Kronenwetter and Joseph           Bridging the GP-LP reporting
Cover image:

                                       mentioned in their contributions.
                                       Neither this publication nor any part     Nahas, Jr. speak with NAREIM      gap with technology
                                       of it may be reproduced or
                                                                                 about NCREIF PREA Reporting       Brandon Sedloff,
                                       transmitted in any form or by any
                                       means, electronic or mechanical,          Standards’ new task force to      Juniper Square
                                       including photocopying, recording, or     create best practices around
                                       by any information storage or
                                       retrieval system, without the prior
                                                                                 asset-level reporting, where      38                                 Controlled environment
                                       permission of the publisher, NAREIM.      some low-hanging fruit            Driving innovation with data       agriculture: The new asset
                                                                                 potentially lie and benefits to   Linda J. Isaacson,                 class on the block
                                       © 2021 NAREIM. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                                 investors and managers            Ferguson Partners                  Jacob Tannenbaum

HEALTH & WELL-BEING in 2021 - Building on - CenterCap Group


Let’s raise a
glass to 2020
For real estate
investors, the
uncertainty created
by the Covid-19
pandemic manifested
itself in widespread
market opportunities.
Many across the
industry are gearing
up for an exciting
2021 on the heels of
the roller coaster
that shaped 2020.

By Deborah Smith,
The CenterCap Group

Dialogues | Spring 2021


    f one had paid attention to the major
                                                 Ahead of the Covid-19 pandemic, many of our
I   media pundits in 2020 it would have
    been fairly easy to conclude that
                                             clients were already making office location choices
the sky had fallen on the real estate        based, in part, on tax-efficiency considerations.
market. We think the pundits had it
plain wrong in many respects. Based on       Tired of high tax climates, they had been evaluating
the conversations we have every day          new regional offices in favorable tax locations, or
with owners, operators, investors and
                                             had simply relocated altogether.
investment managers, we are not the
only ones. Let’s step back and take stock
of what we saw in 2020 that inspired
us and continues to do so. Through the       would happen and the early movers            high tax climates, they had been
uncertainty, enlightenment loomed            would benefit.                               evaluating new regional offices in
and the enormous opportunities to                                                         favorable tax locations, or had simply
create value are, and continue to be,                                                     relocated altogether.
in the making.                               Change as an agent                               Then there is the impact of Covid-19
    Let’s start with where we were at the    of opportunity                               on already evolving shopping habits.
turn of the new decade. Conventional         Then Covid-19 struck. Now the top 10         According to eMarketer estimates,
wisdom had the institutional real estate     investing markets may be up for              approximately 14% of all retail sales
market focused primarily on the top 10       redefinition or, at a minimum, the           were conducted online in 2020, up from
or so urban US markets for investment        conversation is evolving into one about      11% from the year prior. It’s a big
opportunities across all the major asset     the top 25 markets, perhaps more.            increase. While we can debate what the
groups — multifamily, industrial, office     Covid-19 led to shake ups in where           statistics mean to the relevance of malls,
and to a lesser extent retail — with a       people choose to live, how they choose       shopping centers and neighborhood
growing desire for investment into           to work, and where and how they              hangouts, it seems clear that shoppers
alternative real estate sectors, primarily   choose to shop. So where are people          can’t or won’t buy exclusively online.
to generate additional alpha over the        going and will it be permanent? Will         The pandemic has shown that physical
NCREIF Index and secondarily as a nod        people physically return to work,            retail centers are, and will remain, an
to evolving demographic and consumer         continue working from home, or a             important component of social
trends. We were also starting to see         combination of the two? What about           infrastructure. On a basic level, the retail
increasing numbers of institutional          urban versus suburban office markets?        sector plays a role in offering food,
investors globally galvanize around the          Ahead of the Covid-19 pandemic,          medical services and last-mile logistics
UN Principles for Responsible Investing,     many of our clients were already making      opportunities. While we hypothesize
encapsulating ESG and impact investing       office location choices based, in part, on   about the permanency of population
in their liquid and illiquid strategies.     tax-efficiency considerations. Tired of      migration, let’s also think about how
Real estate players realized it behooved                                                  those shifts impact traffic patterns,
them to invest time into figuring out                                                     shopping habits and lifestyle choices, in
how to support sustainability mandates.                                                   addition to what people buy, how they
                                                 The pandemic has
Our view going into 2020 was that the
concept of social infrastructure would
probably migrate from a purely housing
                                             shown that physical
                                                                                          buy it and where. Our view is change
                                                                                          creates opportunity.

focus and weave its way, in some shape
                                             retail centers are, and
or form, into every mainstream and           will remain, an important                    The continued rise of the
niche real estate dialogue over the next                                                  niche plays
decade. It might take time, and
                                             component of social                          2020 also highlighted the role niche
progress perhaps less obvious, but it
                                                                      ”                   real estate sectors play in the industry.



    When the world hunkered down and abruptly
shifted to a mostly remote, Internet-based
                                                                                         motivation within local, state and
                                                                                         federal governing bodies to work with,
                                                                                         and in support of, investors.
existence, sectors like data centers and cell
towers began receiving more investor attention, as                                       Defining the role of technology
did manufactured and affordable housing (of all                                          going forward
                                                                                         In the integration of technology into the
kinds) as governments struggled to keep people in                                        real estate sector, the new ways of doing
their homes despite increased levels of                                                  old things present exciting opportunities
                                                                                         for investors. We do not mean apps at
unemployment from the pandemic shutdown.
                                                                            ”            office buildings, but how big data can be
                                                                                         used to improve the risk-reward
                                                                                         equation. The visibility technology has
Cold storage has proven to be a              supply has not kept up with demand in       into our daily lives from shopping
resilient asset class and has consistently   any of these sectors.                       patterns, time spent in stores and which
performed even during times of                                                           ones, to where we go after we leave
economic distress. Consumer behavior                                                     them, is already here. If we know more
changes driven by evolving                   The increased focus on                      about buyers, sellers and consumers,
demographic trends in both suburban          sustainability mandates                     doesn’t that mean investors are taking
areas and urban metropolises have led        Then there is the increased focus on        less risk for the same reward? Then there
to increased online purchases of not         sustainability mandates. The real estate    are the cost efficiencies associated with
only traditional retail products, but also   industry is a long way from developing      substituting artificial intelligence for
fresh and frozen foods and produce.          consensus on what it means, and how         labor costs. New construction
Consumers are demanding more “farm           to, effect impact investing. To be clear,   technologies are here, too. Technology
to fork” products and for them to be         it is not ESG and shouldn’t be confused     can enable us to provide faster, cheaper
delivered fresh and just in time. Cold       with it. At its foundation, impact          and more efficient ways to build and
storage also plays a central role in the     investing is an old concept; it is about    replicate real estate assets — and it can
logistics supply chain for                   serving the dual mandate of generating      also be used to replicate (or supplement)
pharmaceutical storage, as well as life      positive social (or environmental)          what people do in underwriting, building,
sciences and medical services. These         change and generating financial returns.     managing, buying and/or selling
trends have been catalyzed by Covid-         Put differently, it requires taking ESG     properties. We are only in the first inning
19, and coupled with undersupply, are        principles and executing them into a        of capturing the value technology will
making institutional investors pay           distinct investment strategy. For real      bring to the real estate industry.
attention to this sector.                    estate, it has easily been identified with       So, 2020 wasn’t all bad. This isn’t the
    Similarly, when the world hunkered       improving the resilience of vulnerable      return of the last financial crisis. The
down and abruptly shifted to a mostly        communities and providing access for        real estate market of 2021 is marked by
remote, Internet-based existence,            improved lifestyles, improved health        uncertainty, but so far there isn’t a credit
sectors like data centers and cell towers    services and livelihood opportunities. A    crunch. That makes it unique and
began receiving more investor                straightforward example is affordable       exciting to be a part of. Let’s raise a glass
attention, as did manufactured and           housing. As the boundaries of impact        and get back to work. u
affordable housing (of all kinds) as         investing are not yet defined, investors
governments struggled to keep people         have a role in helping to define them,
in their homes despite increased levels      and more importantly, to execute on          Deborah Smith is Co-Founder and
of unemployment from the pandemic            them. The good news is that the              Principal at The CenterCap Group.
shutdown. It has become clear that           pandemic is creating political

Dialogues | Spring 2021
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