1st Quarter 2021 Commentary - April 2021

Page created by Mitchell Potter
1st Quarter 2021 Commentary - April 2021
1 Quarter 2021 Commentary

April 2021

  Schacter   Wealth
  Palazzi    Management
                            TDWealth   I
1st Quarter 2021 Commentary - April 2021
Schacter Palazzi Wealth Management                                                                  April 2021 | Quarterly Market Commentary   2

TD Wealth Private Investment Advice

Andrew Palazzi
Senior Vice President,
Portfolio Manager
& Investment Advisor

Jef Schacter
Senior Vice President,
Portfolio Manager
& Investment Advisor
                                      “I Can See the Light”
James McKinnon                        How many of us have used this phrase in the last 12 months? I am sure that some have at times
Associate Investment Advisor
                                      seen that light as the headlight of a train coming at them, while others see the light as blue skies
                                      ahead. Whatever your outlook on the future might be, I think we all can, at last, probably agree
                                      that the light at the end of the dark tunnel of COVID-19 is beginning to look more like a sunny day.
                                      By now we are all a little “over familiar” with this pandemic. Starting in March 2020, governments
Schacter Palazzi
Wealth Management
                                      essentially shut down the world economy (Canada included) to try and control the spread of
180-2300 Steeles Ave. W.              the virus to minimize the long term negative economic consequences. As a tribute to the
Vaughan ON L4K 5X6                    flexibility and resiliency of modern economic structures, we all adapted and many companies
T: 1 866 831 5501                     continued almost unimpeded by the shut-down, moving business on-line. Consumers adapted by
                                      purchasing online and focusing on home renovation and home technology renewal. This meant
                                      that many segments of the economy (housing, technology enablers and home good providers)
                                      not only survived but flourished. Other traditional areas of strength in our economy (primarily in
                                      the services sector) struggled as they remained shut for extended and repeated periods of time.
                                      These segments have only recently begun to return to normal and remain impaired. How many of
                                      us have been on an airplane or in a movie theatre recently?
                                      Through the first quarter of 2021, equities produced a positive performance in virtually all
                                      geographies around the world when measured in local currencies. Last year was the year of
                                      the growth stock, and looking at 2021, while the jury is obviously still out on what we will be
                                      able to look back on from the perspective of equity performance, with vaccines becoming more
                                      commonplace and what appear to be strong consumer balances sheets in the aggregate, the
                                      economy has come roaring back to life. The growth stocks which were last year’s leaders are now
                                      starting to lag and this is causing a healthy valuation re-set in some areas of the market that had
                                      become a bit overextended (think Apple which saw a price decline of almost 8% in the quarter
                                      versus TD Bank Group which increased in price nearly 14%).
1st Quarter 2021 Commentary - April 2021
Schacter Palazzi Wealth Management                                                           April 2021 | Quarterly Market Commentary   3

Here are some of your most common             exercise equipment from companies           (not the price) has plateaued recently.
questions from our investor group to          such as Peloton. With gyms re-opening       We would have expected increased
start of 2021……                               the demand for that kind of in-home         usage to drive price increases at least
How positive are you on this year and         exercise equipment seems unlikely to        partially.
should we worry about covid variants          be as strong. Based on the travel plans
                                                                                          The hype of bitcoin really reflects the
causing volatility in our portfolio?          of many of our clients, we think the
                                                                                          hope some people have for a shift
                                              economy should be a big beneficiary
One of our primary research providers,                                                    to what money will be in the future.
                                              of the re-opening efect.
Argus Research, in note on March 25th                                                     Ultimately the key function of money
by Jim Kelleher, Director of Research         Covid variants are certainly causing        is as a medium of exchange in which
stated the following: “GDP (Gross             an increase in COVID-19 infections          there is confidence as to its value by
Domestic Product) in the United States is     but the rate of vaccination has made        both buyers and sellers of goods and
expected to rise 6.5% in 2021 according       a diference, especially in the United       services (think of the popularity of
to a report prepared by members of            States. Canada’s vaccination eforts         the U.S. dollar around the world as an
the FOMC, back in December 2020.              have been quite slow, but if we can         example).
Expectations for core inflation moved         find our “Olympic moment” on the
                                                                                          Bitcoin enthusiasts will argue that
slightly higher to a 2.2% gain in 2021.       vaccination front, Canada’s economy
                                                                                          Bitcoin “in theory” can act as medium
Recent economic data shows the                should be able to be brought back
                                                                                          of exchange and a store of value.
economy grinding back into gear, with         quickly for those companies that have
                                                                                          Famed New York City economist,
particularly encouraging signs from           planned well for the reopening.
                                                                                          Nouriel Roubini, was quoted in the
regional indicators.”                         So in summary, we expect volatility         Globe and Mail business section
Just a reminder to everyone, the              to continue but are positive on the         regarding cryptocurrencies on March
United States is Canada’s largest             prospects for equities when we look 12-     13, 2021, “pointing out that crypto is not
trading partner so strength south of          18 months forward in this economy.          really a unit of account. Neither is it a
the border usually has a positive efect       Can you explain what the hype and           good medium of exchange (because of
on our own economy. Breadth in the            fascination is around Bitcoin? Will         bitcoins limited ability to process large
market is quite solid, with out of favour     you be adding it to our portfolio’s any     volumes of transactions. Nor is it a
industries finally seeing some signs          time soon?                                  great store of value given its propensity
of light. We remain constructive on                                                       to jump up and down in price.” So what
                                              TD’s Investment Strategy Group wrote        view is correct?
the Canadian and U.S. stock markets
                                              a great piece on bitcoin recently which
with expectations for market average                                                      Our view is that if the U.S. Federal Reserve
                                              many of you may have seen or read
returns even if this year’s winners will                                                  or the Bank of Canada ever decide
                                              by now (In case you have not, we
likely look a lot diferent than last years.                                               to create their own cryptocurrency
                                              have attached a PDF copy for your
Last year with exercise facilities shut,                                                  then bitcoin could be in a bit trouble.
                                              reference). One thing that really stands
many people rushed to buy home                                                            I suspect if Bitcoin becomes too
                                              out in that article is that Bitcoin usage
Schacter Palazzi Wealth Management                                                          April 2021 | Quarterly Market Commentary   4

successful the government would want        most Canadians will rise over time as
to get involved. To answer the original     the government grapples with paying
question, in the near-term we are not       for all of the costs incurred fighting
embracing bitcoin as an investment          COVID-19 and supporting the economy
vehicle however it might be something       through the pandemic and people with
we revisit over time as cryptocurrencies    wealth and income will almost certainly
mature.                                     be asked to help pay for it.
Should we be at all concerned about         We are also fielding a lot of questions
rising taxes in the year ahead due          recently from our client families on our
to covid and what type of planning          thoughts about various tax increase
can we do to protect ourselves after        rumours from capital gains tax
everything the country has gone             increases, estate taxes, and taxes on
through?                                    secondary properties (think cottages
Let me start by saying that this is the     or recreational properties that are not
most common concern among all our           inhabited year-round). I do not think
investors right now, and many of you        anything can be ruled out as potential
see a personal tax increase a foregone      sources of income for a government           suggest if we have not had a meeting
conclusion!                                 looking for ways to clean-up a large         already to discuss       tax planning
                                            amount of deficit spending.                  strategies and some of the other topics
Taxes are at least as much a factor in                                                   mentioned above you contact us soon
the political landscape as they are in      In collaboration with a team of TD
                                            specialists, we can address the full         as possible as we are now booking out
the economic landscape and the first                                                     into May 2020 due to demand.
thing I notice is that, as of March 31st,   spectrum of wealth management
2021 the Poll Tracker from CBC News         needs, including investment and
showed the Liberal party at 35.4%, the      insurance solutions, estate and
                                                                                         Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
Conservatives at 29.7% and the NDP          retirement planning, trust services,
at 18.3% popularity (Source: https://       and charitable giving strategies. We
newsinteractives.cbc.ca/elections/          encourage everyone who has a larger          Jef, Andrew, James, Nino, Henry, Steve,
poll-tracker/canada/ as of March 31,        estate to set up a meeting with any or all   Stacey, Jane
2021). With the Liberal Party holding       these professionals if you feel a second
                                            look at your planning is warranted.          Schacter Palazzi Wealth Management
a minority government currently and
likely wanting to trigger an election to    Given the increase in concern amongst
                                            our clients about how to protect an
win a majority it may not be politically
palatable to go too far on the taxation     estate prior to COVID-19 and the pace
front. However, I suspect income tax for    at which those concerns seem to be
                                            rising in the last 12 months, we strongly
Schacter Palazzi Wealth Management                                                                                                                                April 2021 | Quarterly Market Commentary                     5

Thank you for the questions and also a big thank you to all our clients over the past 12 months
as we have battled the efects of COVID-19 in general. Please feel free to reach out at any time
if we can help alleviate any stress or concerns about life or portfolio’s in general.

Andrew Palazzi                         Jef Schacter                          Nino Wijangco                           James McKinnon
andrew.palazzi@td.com                  jef.schacter@td.com                   nino.wijangco@td.com                    james.mckinnon@td.com
Senior Vice President,                 Senior Vice President,                Associate                               Associate
Portfolio Manager &                    Portfolio Manager &                   Investment Advisor                      Investment Advisor
Investment Advisor                     Investment Advisor

Steve Eng                              Stacey Espinola                       Jane Chen                               Henry Wu
steve.eng@td.com                       stacey.espinola@td.com                jane.chen@td.com                        henry.wu@td.com
Associate                              Client Relationship                   Client Service                          Client Service
Investment Advisor                     Associate                             Associate                               Associate

Schacter Palazzi Wealth Management
TD Wealth Private Investment Advice

  Schacter        Wealth
  Palazzi         Management                                                                                                                                                         TD Wealth I

The information contained herein has been provided by Schacter Palazzi Wealth Management and is for information purposes only. The information has been drawn from sources believed to be reliable. The information does not
provide financial, legal, tax or investment advice. Particular investment, tax, or trading strategies should be evaluated relative to each individual’s objectives and risk tolerance.
Certain statements in this document may contain forward-looking statements (“FLS”) that are predictive in nature and may include words such as “expects”, “anticipates”, “intends”, “believes”, “estimates” and similar forward-
looking expressions or negative versions thereof. FLS are based on current expectations and projections about future general economic, political and relevant market factors, such as interest and foreign exchange rates, equity
and capital markets, the general business environment, assuming no changes to tax or other laws or government regulation or catastrophic events. Expectations and projections about future events are inherently subject to risks
and uncertainties, which may be unforeseeable. Such expectations and projections may be incorrect in the future. FLS are not guarantees of future performance. Actual events could difer materially from those expressed or
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Schacter Palazzi Wealth Management is part of TD Wealth Private Investment Advice, a division of TD Waterhouse Canada Inc. which is a subsidiary of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.
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