Health and Safety Risk Assessment and Method Statement - Coronavirus Tenpin Entertainment Venue at: General Manager - Scotland

Page created by Guy Lynch

Health and Safety Risk Assessment and
Method Statement - Coronavirus

Tenpin Entertainment Venue at:


General Manager

  4th January 2022


The company will at all times prioritise the health of its employees, visitors and customers and will not,
during the Covid recovery period, enforce employees to work under conditions in which they are not
satisfied with the precautions being taken. Further it will take the necessary steps to ensure that people are
not put at undue risk by the activities of the company.

All reasonable precautions will be undertaken to protect the public from infection by following the Scottish
government guidance and sector best practice guidelines.

This risk assessment covers the risks posed by the coronavirus to Tenpin employees, customers and
visitors to its premises.
It should be read in conjunction with the relevant risk assessments that have been undertaken by the
company and which apply to the general tasks being undertaken by Tenpin employees.

This assessment does not cover the work undertaken by contractors or other third party employees unless
it directly affects Tenpin staff, customers or visitors to the premises. It is expected that any visiting
contractor companies will have put into place their own control measures to protect their employees and
reduce the risk of any infection spreading whilst at work.

Guidance and official best practice

This assessment has been conducted in accordance with the legal requirements laid down in the following
regulations and guidance:-

                  The Management of Health and Safety at Work regulations
                  Personal Protective Equipment regulations
                  Scottish Government - Working safely during Covid-19 in offices and contact centres as
                  Scottish Government – Keeping workers safe during Covid-19 in restaurants, pubs, bars
                  and takeaway services as amended.
                  Scottish Government – Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance on sport and leisure facilities.
                  Scottish Government – Tourism and hospitality sector guidance
                  Scottish Government – Coronavirus (COVID-19) protection levels: what you can do
                  UK Hospitality Scotland – COVID-19 advice and risk assessments for hospitality
                  Scottish Government Strategic framework.

Recognition is given to the dynamic nature of the guidance and best practice being issued by official
bodies. The Scottish government are set to change many of the COVID protection measures on the 27th
and 28th December when the social distancing rules, limitations on attendance, self isolation and
requirements table service are to be changed. This assessment reflects those changes.

Principles of control

The control measures put in place by the company have the sole purpose of preventing the spread of
infection of the coronavirus.
This will be achieved by:-

                           Minimising the work carried out during the Covid- 19 period.
                           Minimising contact between people where practical, observing the distancing
                           rules, organising work tasks and social interaction which promote social
                           Minimising the handling of any merchandise tools, cash or other items which
                           have recently been in contact with another person.

Precluding from the workplace any person who is showing or has shown in the
                          past 7 days, signs of infection or under the current rules is required to self-
                          Providing and insisting on the use by employees of PPE.
                          Observing good hygienic practices as advised by the Governments health
Each site will have an appointed COVID-19 officer (General Manager) who will ensure that the appropriate
management processes and mitigations are implemented and maintained in accordance with the company
requirements. Duty managers will assist in the general manager in this role as appointed Covid champions.

Methods of Assessment

This assessment has been conducted having visited Bowling centres throughout the country on many
previous occasions and making reference to the existing safety assessments, liaising with the company
operations and commercial directors and reviewing latest government advice on infection reduction

Reviews will be undertaken if:

                  There is significant change in the advice or best practice measures given by official
                  departments. Including any local lockdown measures
                  There is a major incident/accident or it becomes apparent that there are a number of
                  minor incidents or near misses related to the works being undertaken.
                  There is a request by an enforcing officer or landlord’s management.
                  Where it becomes clear through evidence that the current assessment is no longer
                  appropriate or adequate.

Further information

Company health and safety assessments.
Cleaning and sanitation procedures.
Working safely during Covid-19 checklists and procedures.
Company food log and Checkit systems

      Hazards            Who might be harmed              Control actions being         What needs to be done               Action by         Dates of completion
                              and How                            Taken

                                                                                        Use Fourth by all team
                                                         Staff members may need         members to inform
                                                                                                                         Team members.
                                                         to isolate for 10 days if      business of fitness to work.
                                                         there has been close
                                                         contact with a household       On site Tenpin
                                                         member even if they            management to exclude
                           Tenpin employees may          initially get a negative PCR   any employee or
                                                                                                                                              Continuing until further
                            affect customers and         test. This is dependent on     contractor who falls into
                                                                                                                        Individual and line           notice.
                          visitors to the premises.      government advice and          the above category.
 Spreading infection.                                                                                                     management.
                         Staff may be infected from      may which case
                         customers or others in the      the latest guidance will
                                   building.             take precedence                All team members to wear
                                                                                        face coverings/masks
                                                         Other self isolation rules     whilst at work at Tenpin.
                                                                                                                       Operations Director.
                                                         will follow the advice given
                                                                                                                         Safety adviser.
                                                         by the Scottish                Disposable gloves are to
                                                         Government.                    be made available to all
                                                                                        team members.

                                                                                        Team to be briefed on the
                                                                                        policy and shown the
                                                         All team members will be
                            If asymptomatic cases                                       advantages of taking the
 Non identification of                                   encouraged to take rapid
                            amongst staff are not                                       tests. Encourage team          Regional and General
asymptomatic cases of                                    lateral flow tests twice a                                                             Prior to reopening.
                         identified there is a risk of                                  members to undertake                managers.
       COVID.                                            week and report results to
                           spreading the infection.                                     testing and follow
                                                                                        protocols if found to be

Manager to conduct an
                                                                                     individual risk assessment
                                                                                     to ensure all necessary
                                                                                     measures are being taken
                         Individual female staff who   Each pregnant female
Protection of pregnant                                                               and that the staff member
                          are pregnant and remain      member of staff will be                                         General manager           As required.
    staff members.                                                                   is comfortable at work with
                            at work in the bowl.       treated individually.
                                                                                     the control measures in
                                                                                     place. An agreement to be
                                                                                     reached if additional covid
                                                                                     measures are required.
                                                       Pre booking will be           System to identify any
                                                       preferable and                infected visitors in order to
                                                       encouraged.                   instigate isolation rules as
                                                       Details of each customer      applicable in line with
                                                       kept on booking system.       current government
                                                       Details to be kept for 21     guidelines.
                                                       days minimum.
                                                       Tenpin will comply with       Meet and greet (Where
                                                       test and protect scheme       applicable) at entrance will
                                                       adopted by the Scottish       confirm that information
                                                       Government.                   on booking system is             Meet & greet staff.
                                                                                                                                            Ongoing when open.
                             Tenpin employees,                                       accurate and compliant.
 Customer spread of
                          customers and visitors to    Opening times of each site
                               the premises.           to be reviewed to establish   All members of any party
                                                       most appropriate times to     will be required to give
                                                       avoid Covid risks in line     contact details for test and
                                                       with government               protect systems.                Operations managers.
                                                       guidelines.                   Encouraging the use of
                                                                                                                                            Prior to opening to the
                                                                                     Protect Scotland app.
                                                       Customers will be required    Team members to manage
                                                       to wear face coverings in     the company policy on
                                                       line with current             customer face coverings
                                                       government and local          and look to challange entry
                                                       advice.                       to those not wearing face
                                                                                     coverings (provided they

are not exempt in line with
                                                                                          government advice).

   Spread of infection                                     Non-essential maintenance
                                 Tenpin staff and                                         Arrangements to be made
between staff and outside                                  will be carried out at night                                   General manager.        As necessary.
                                   contractors.                                           at site.
      contractors.                                         or quieter trading periods.
                                                           All air handling units have    Air handling units to be
                               Any person within the       been reviewed to ensure        maintained throughout
 Contamination from air     building may be adversely      they are fit for purpose       operational period as per
                                                                                                                          General manager.          Ongoing.
    handling units.         affected by poor air quality   and effective.                 installer and supplier
                                   and filtration.         Units have been deep           recommendations.
                                                           Use of radios to
Work patterns encourage          Team members.
                                                           communicate with               Promote use of radios and
non distancing behaviour.
                                                           colleagues will avoid need     discourage face to face           Duty manager.           Ongoing.
                                                           for many face to face          contact.
                                                           meetings and discussions.

                                                                                          Ensure management are
                                                                                          aware of the procedures to
                                                           Measures are in place to
                            All those who have been to                                    be followed if the company
Covid outbreak connected                                   close the venue to enable
                             the venue at the time of                                     is officially informed of a     Operations director.   Prior to opening.
       with venue.                                         a deep clean and
                                 the infected person.                                     confirmed case of
                                                           sanitation of the building.
                                                                                          coronavirus associated
                                                                                          with the site.

                                                           Fire safety and evacuation
                                                                                          Ensure First aider is on site
                                                           procedures in place to
                                                                                          during opening hours.
                                                           safeguard people at site.
                                                                                          First aid kits to be
                                All those within the
 Accident or emergency.                                                                   adequately stocked.               Duty manager.           Ongoing.
                                      building.            First aid kits and trained
                                                                                          Full PPE to be available
                                                           persons on site to deal
                                                                                          and worn by first aiders
                                                           with accident.
                                                                                          dealing with any accident.

Team members trained on
                                                           dealing with difficult
                                                           Support of team members
                            Tenpin team members
                                                           always at hand.
                            may be at risk if public                                    Reassure team that
                                                           Radio communications
Violence and aggression.   become frustrated by new                                     support is available and to         Duty manager.               Ongoing.
                                                           available. Teams will be
                           measures and restrictions.                                   avoid conflict situations.
                                                           required to advise
                                                           customers on mask
                                                           wearing upon entry and
                                                           once more thereafter.

                                                                             EXTERNAL AREAS

       Hazards             Who might be harmed              Control actions being       What needs to be done                 Action by           Dates of completion
                                and How                            Taken

                            Any person who comes                                        Waste to be disposed in
                                                           All waste to be placed in
    Infection from         into close proximity with                                    sealed bags and removed                                   Ongoing throughout the
                                                           the designated secure                                           Team members.
 contaminated waste.       waste, including disposal                                    from the building regularly.                                       shift.

                                                                              SITE ENTRANCE

       Hazards             Who might be harmed              Control actions being       What needs to be done                 Action by           Dates of completion
                                and How                            Taken

                                                           Full control over who        Ensure that host is
   Spread of infection     Tenpin customers may be         enters the building at all   available at all necessary          Support staff.        Ongoing during opening
  between customers.        at risk if social distancing   times including adverse      times during opening hours       Operations managers.             hours.
                           and hygiene measures are        weather.                     to manage queuing system           General manager
                                   not followed.                                        and offer advice and
                                                           Meet and greet station at    guidance to customers.
                                                           entrance when the venue                                     Learning and Development         Ongoing.

is open, with door host       Host to be fully competent        team.
                                                      ensuring management of        on managing new situation
                                                      customer safety.              and safety rules.

                                                      Sanitiser station at          Ensure adequate supplies      Duty manager.
                                                      entrance for customer/staff   of face masks disposable
                                                      use.                          gloves and sanitiser.

                                                      Instruction given to          Measures will be
                                                      customer on Covid rules on    undertaken to ensure
                                                      site. Including that they     customers who are not
                                                      may be asked to remove        eating or drinking wear
                                                      face coverings if requested   face coverings whilst on
                                                      by person in authority.       the premises. Allowances
                                                                                    will be made for those
                                                      Customers offered             members of the public who
                                                      sanitisation wipes and face   are deemed to be exempt
                                                      coverings for use in bowl.    in accordance with
                                                                                    government or local
                                                                                    Customers to be told 3
                                                                                    household rules and asked
                                                                                    to confirm status upon

Restricted access for   Those with disabilities and   Facilities on site enabling   Daily checks to be made to   General managers.   Daily prior to opening.
disabled customers.     their carers have the same    free access for wheelchairs   ensure all required areas
                         protection form infection    to toilets, fire exits and    are accessible including
                        as all other customers and    escape routes, sanitisation   toilets and sanitising
                            are treated equally.      stations.                     stations.


Hazards               Who might be harmed          Control actions being         What needs to be done            Action by        Dates of completion
                                   and How                        Taken

                                                          Physical screens in place at   Staff to be instructed on
                                                          till points.                   Covid safety procedures to
                                                          Sanitiser on reception for     be followed.
    Spread of infection       Team members may come       use by team member and                                         Learning and      Prior to opening to the
 between team members           into close proximity to   customers.                     Full sanitation of the          Development.               public.
and customers at reception       customers or handle      All non-essential items        reception area at the end
          area                 contaminated surfaces.     removed from reception         of each shift.                                  Ongoing whilst open to the
                                                          area.                          Bowling shoes to be visibly                              public.
                                                          Cleaning program is in         sanitised before and after
                                                          place to ensure                every use.
                                                          sanitisation.                  High contact areas to be                        Regularly throughout the
                                                                                         sanitised on a regular basis                              shift.
                                                                                         during opening hours.

                                                                                         Customers will be
                                                                                         encouraged to order using
                                                                                         our food and beverage
                                                                                         web-based app to prevent


        Hazards               Who might be harmed          Control actions being         What needs to be done            Action by        Dates of completion
                                   and How                        Taken

                                                          Where lanes are in pairs       Keyboards, touch screens
                                                          sharing the same ball          seating and balls to be
                                  Customers who are
                                                          return they will be            sanitised after every game.     Duty manager.
Lack of adherence to social    bowling may come into                                                                                     Ongoing when open to the
                                                          designated blue or yellow.     Monitoring of lanes to         Team members.
         distancing            close contact with other                                                                                           public.
                                                          Upon issuing balls to a        ensure that social
                                                          group, they will be            distancing rules are
                                                          sanitised and marked with      adhered to.                    Team members.

visible stickers to show
                                                             which balls have been         Any local restrictions
                                                             allocated to which lane.      placed on the building
                                                             Same lane bowling to be       must be adhered to and
                                                             restricted to 3 households.   takes precedence over any
                                                             Larger families to be given   mitigation and risk control
                                                             adjacent lanes.               measures in this
                                                             Physical barriers             assessment.
                                                             (permanent screens) have      Lanes to be monitored by
                                                             been erected to allow         team to ensure rules are
                                                             people to play in adjacent    being adhered to
                                                             lanes without the risk of
                                                             spreading infection.

                                                                                           Team to monitor and
                                                                                           enforce rules on face
                                                                                           masks and consumption of
                                                                                           food and beverages.
                             Increased risk if people are
                                                             Face coverings to be worn     Team to be briefed on new
                              allowed to consume food
                                                             at all times in the venue     rules.
   Spread of infection           and drink in the lane
                                                             unless exempt by guidance     The team should be                Team members          Ongoing
    airborne droplets         approach area with added
                                                             or local restrictions or      instructed on the latest
                               caveat of not having to
                                                             when eating or drinking       company procedures for
                                 wear face coverings.
                                                                                           challenging customers for
                                                                                           test and protect and mask

   Public uneasy about       Members of the public may       Physical barriers             Team members to be            Operation managers and
playing within 1m of other    be uncomfortable about         (permanent screens) have      briefed on the measures                GM’s            As required.
          groups.             playing in lanes next to       been erected to allow         being taken at the lanes so
                                other social groups.         people to play in adjacent    this can be passed onto
                                                             lanes without the risk of     the customer prior to
                             Spread of infection if social   spreading infection.          bowling.
                                  distancing is not                                                                      Senior management team
                                     maintained                                                                               Safety adviser.     Completed.


       Hazards             Who might be harmed         Control actions being        What needs to be done               Action by         Dates of completion
                                and How                       Taken

                                                                                    Ensure program is in place
                                                                                    enabling enhanced
                                                                                    cleaning of machines.
                                                                                    Mobile team member on
                                                                                    hand in games area to
                                                      High contact surfaces will    sanitise machines on a
                                                      be sanitised frequently       regular basis or at the
                           Customers playing gaming
                                                      throughout the day.           request of a customer.
Infection form surfaces.   machines which have high                                                                   Duty manager.             Ongoing.
                                                      Customers have been           Enhanced cleaning regime
                               contact surfaces.
                                                      issued with sanitiser wipes   to put in place to include
                                                      for personal use.             balls, cue’s, triangle and
                                                                                    other high contact
                                                                                    Sanitisation wipes available
                                                                                    for games users on

                                                                                    Clearly visible stickers to
                                                                                    be located on each gaming
                                                      Enhanced sanitisation will    machine, change machine
                                                      be employed and users         and ATM promoting social
                                                      made aware of personal        distancing.                    Operations managers.
                            Customer using gaming                                                                                         Prior to opening to the
Poor social distancing.                               hygiene measures by use
                                  machines.                                                                                                        public.
                                                      of notices and stickers       Staff supervision of the        General managers.
                                                      detailing the 1m separation   games area to promote
                                                      rules                         new rules and assist in
                                                      Sanitation stations will be   sanitising as necessary.
                                                      positioned in games area.
                                                                                    Promote social bubble

restrictions on multiple
                                                                                            player games machines.

                                                                                            Customers using pool
                                                                                            tables will be encouraged
                                                                                            to wear face coverings.
                                                                                            Staff supervision of the
                                                                                            games area to promote
                                                                                            new rules and assist in
                                                                                            sanitising as necessary.

                                                            Pool cues table tennis bats
                                                            and balls will be in situ
                                                                                            Mobile team member
                                                            with sanitiser wipes issued
                            People playing games are                                        available in games area to
                                                            to customers on request.
Multiple handling of pool       at risk of becoming                                         sanitise machines on a                       Ongoing whilst open to the
                                                            All will be sanitised at the                                 Duty manager.
     cues and bats.          infected from cues, bats                                       regular basis or at the                               public.
                                                            end of the day.
                                         etc.                                               request of a customer.
                                                            Sanitiser to be available for
                                                            sanitising of air hockey and
                                                            ball use games.
                                                            The VR equipment will be
                                                            manned whenever it is
                                                            available for public use.
                                                            All staff to wear face
                                                            masks whilst attending the
                                                            game and dealing with the
                            Customers using VR games                                        Take necessary local         Duty manager.
 Contamination via VR       are at risk of infection from                                   measures to prevent
                                                            Sanitiser station to be sited                                                        Ongoing.
     equipment.               headsets wrist sets and                                       children climbing on
                                                            nearby for use by public.
                                      surfaces.                                             machines.                    Team member.
                                                            Sanitiser wipes to be
                                                            available for public playing
                                                            the game.
                                                            All touch points of the
                                                            equipment to be sanitised
                                                            after each game. This

includes any helmet and
                                                          Single use face masks to
                                                          be issued to player for
                                                          wearing beneath headsets.

                                                                     FOOD AND DRINK SERVICE.

        Hazards              Who might be harmed           Control actions being        What needs to be done              Action by          Dates of completion
                                  and How                         Taken

                                                          A queuing system is in
                                                          place to encourage social
                                                                                        Queuing system to be
                                                          distancing with waiting to
                                                                                        managed. Ensuring
                             Customers may be at risk     be served notices.
Customers not adhering to     of spread of infection if                                                                Team members and
                                                                                        Customers to be                                             Ongoing.
  social distancing rules.     they do not observe        Food service will be                                             managers.
                                                                                        encouraged to order food
                                  distancing rules.       restricted to table service
                                                                                        via the App
                                                          only unless allowed by

                                                          Hand sanitiser station
                                                                                        Ensure screens are in place
                                                          positioned at each servery
                              Risk of infection of team                                 and functional.
                                                          area.                                                       Operational managers.   Prior to opening to the
   Spread of infection.       member if customers are                                   Team members to wear
                                                                                                                       General managers.               public.
                                 in close proximity.                                    face shields/coverings.
                                                          Perspex screen positioned
                                                          at each till point.

                                                          Non-essential items to be     Team members to be
                              Risk of contamination of
                                                          removed from kitchens         made aware and adhere to
                             surfaces and items handled                                                                                         Ongoing whilst in
   Spread of infection.                                   prior to operation.           enhanced cleaning and           General manager.
                             multiple times and hygiene                                                                                            operation.
                                                          Daily cleaning schedule to    sanitation policies.
                                 standards are poor.
                                                          be adhered to with

enhanced sanitation of
                                                    high use and high contact
                                                    surfaces in the kitchen and
                                                    storage areas.

                                                                                  Condiments and cutlery to
                                                                                  be removed and only
                                                                                  issued with meal on
                                                                                  Single use condiments in       Team members.
                                                                                  sachets to be issued.
                                                                                  Customers to be served
                                                                                  with drinks in a designated
                                                    Provide single use            area on bar. Take away
                                                    condiments to sites.          trays to be used.
                                                                                  All meals to be served on     General managers.
                                                    Web based ordering app to     tray to customer with
                                                    be encouraged to reduce       social distancing protocol
                        Risk of contamination of    queues when food              observed.
Spread of infection.   surfaces and items handled   ordering.                     Customers encouraged to
                             multiple times.                                      pay by cashless system
                                                    Media and advertising to      throughout the venue.
                                                    promote cashless payment.     Clearly marked area where
                                                    Cashless limit increased to   kitchen prep team leave
                                                                                                                                    Ongoing when open to the
                                                    encourage use.                prepared food thus
                                                                                  reducing team member
                                                                                  Bar and food prep areas to
                                                                                  be fully cleansed and
                                                                                  sanitised at the end of
                                                                                  each shift.
                                                                                  Ongoing sanitisation of
                                                                                  high contact or food           Team members.
                                                                                  contact surfaces to take

place throughout the shift.

                                                                                   Team members are not
                                                                                   permitted to prepare their
                                                                                   own food in the kitchen
                                                                                   (staff food from menu
                                                     Limit kitchen access to as    Work to be organised at
                                                     few people as is necessary.   site to maximise safe
                                                     Minimise access to walk in    procedures and minimise
                       Risk of spread of infection   storage areas, freezers and   social contact.                 Operations managers.      Prior to start up of
                          if social distancing is    fridges.                                                       General managers.            operation.
                           impracticable in the      Space working areas to
Spread of infection.
                        kitchen and prep areas.      maintain social distancing.
                                                     Minimise contact at
                                                     handover points.
                                                     Minimise interaction
                                                     between team members.

                                                                        TOILET AREAS

     Hazards           Who might be harmed            Control actions being        What needs to be done                Action by          Dates of completion
                            and How                          Taken

Spread of infection.     People using the toilet        Good hand washing          Organise toilet checks and
                       facilities may not observe     techniques displayed on      ensure that are carried out
                        social distancing rules or   each toilet entrance door.            effectively.               Duty manager.
                          follow good hygienic       Sanitation station at each
                                 practises.              toilet entry point.       Toilets to be fully sanitised
                                                                                    at the end/beginning of          Team members.
                                                          Appropriate waste                 each day.                                     Frequently throughout the
                                                       receptacles to be in all                                                                      day.
                                                     toilets, frequent checks on   Sanitiser dispensers to be
                                                        toilets and disposal of       checked and filled

waste in appropriate                frequently.
                                                            sealed bags.                                                           Daily.
                                                       Hand driers available in     Monitor toilets to signage
                                                      each toilet hand washing           remains intact.
                                                                area.                Site to display cleaning
                                                                                    schedule sign off regular
                                                                                   Use of signs and posters to
                                                                                     promote good hygienic

                                                                                   Organise toilet checks and
                                                                                   ensure that are carried out

                                                                                   Toilets to be fully sanitised
                                                     Good hand washing
                                                                                   at the end/beginning of
                         People using the toilet     techniques displayed on
                                                                                   each day.                       Duty manager.
Spread of infection.   facilities may not observe    each toilet entrance door.
                        social distancing rules or   Appropriate waste                                                               .
                                                                                   Sanitiser dispensers to be
                          follow good hygienic       receptacles to be in all
                                                                                   checked and filled              Team members.
                                 practises.          toilets, checked every 30
                                                     mins and disposal of waste
                                                     in appropriate sealed bags.                                                   Daily.
                                                                                   Monitor toilets to signage
                                                     Hand driers available in
                                                                                   remains intact.
                                                     each toilet hand washing
                                                                                   Where necessary to
                                                                                   promote social distancing
                                                                                   urinals and WHB will be
                                                                                   taken out of use and
                                                                                   labelled accordingly.

                                                                       BACK OF HOUSE

Hazards              Who might be harmed            Control actions being        What needs to be done              Action by         Dates of completion
                                  and How                          Taken

                                                           Team rota’s to be
                                                           completed in advance          Staff rota’s to be reviewed
                                                           allowing different start      in light of experience.
                              Risk of team members
Failure to promote social    working in close proximity                                                                Operations managers.
                                                           Rota to minimise staff        Team members to take
distancing whilst at work.      to each other and                                                                       General managers.     Ongoing monitoring.
                                                           contact and working in        staggered breaks
                               spreading infection.                                                                      Duty managers.
                                                           close proximity.              complying with social
                                                           Designated staff entrance     distancing rules.
                                                           and exit door at each site.
                                                           Personal items to be
                                                           managed on site and           Only one team member
                                                           placed in specified           permitted to prepare food
                               Staff may be at risk of
                                                           individual box sanitised      at any one time.
   Contamination from           contamination from
                                                           after use.                    Uniforms not to be worn          Duty manager.            Ongoing.
    outside sources.           personal items of other
                                                           Additional uniforms have      off site.
                                   staff members.
                                                           been purchased to allow       Staff to sanitise & clean
                                                           for cleaning after each       uniforms after each shift

                                                           Staff room use to be          Use of staff rooms will be
Non-adherence to social      Team members who may                                                                      Operations manager.
                                                           limited to allow for social   reviewed to ensure staff                              Prior to operation.
      distancing.                use staff room.                                                                        General manager.
                                                           distancing.                   are not put at undue risk
                                                                                         when on breaks.
                              Tenpin employees may be      Staff are not permitted to
                                   at risk if they are     consume food from the
Cross infection from items       required/permitted to     food prep areas unless it     Ensure that policy is
                                                                                                                          Duty manager.            Ongoing.
      and surfaces.          unnecessarily handle items    has been specifically         enforced on site.
                             or surfaces that have been    prepared for them under
                              touched by other people.     safe conditions.
                                  Team members and         Social distancing rules to    Ensure that contractors are
Cross infection from items
                             contract persons may be at    be observed when              aware of and adhere to         General manager.           Ongoing.
       and surfaces
                               risk if they are measures   emptying cash from            Tenpin Covid safety rules.

are not in place to control     machines.
                             cash collections from         PPE including disposable
                                   machines.               hand protection to be worn
                                                           when handling or counting
                                                           Minimise the number of
                                                           people who touch surfaces
                                                           on machines when
                                                           emptying cash.
                                                           Persons in cash office to
                                                           be workable minimal at
                                                           any one time.

                                                                       STAFF COMMUNICATIONS

       Hazards             Who might be harmed              Control actions being          What needs to be done            Action by           Dates of completion
                                and How                            Taken

                                                           All team members kept up
                                                           to date with company
                            Team members may have
                           identified a risk on site not
                                                           “Talk to Us” app available
                             otherwise considered by                                       Each site will appoint a
                                                           to all staff allowing them to                                                       Set up prior to opening to
                                    company.                                               nominate person to whom
                                                           voice any concerns to HR                                     Operations managers              public.
                             Health of team member                                         team members can
                                                           dept.                                                         General managers.
                              may suffer if they have                                      express concerns and voice
                                                           All team members will be
Failure to identify team    concerns which have not                                        recommendations.
                                                           provided and required to
  members concerns.           been communicated to
                                                           undertake online courses
                                                           on the new Covid safety
                             Team members may not
                                                           procedures.                                                  Operations director.           Ongoing.
                             have knowledge to carry
                                                           Guidelines have been
                            out company Covid safety
                                                           issued by Tenpin regarding
                             procedures and thereby
                                                           vulnerable people and
                                put people at risk.
                                                           Each site has a nominated                                                                    Monthly

team member through
                                                         which to communicate
                                                         suggestions and concerns.
                                                         H&S subcommittee
                                                         meeting held to review
                                                         safety measures and
                                                         answer questions from

                                                                  DELIVERIES AND COLLECTIONS

                                                         Deliveries to site to be kept
                                                         to an essential minimum.
                                                         Team member to wear
                                                         face coverings when
                                                         receiving delivery.
                                                         Social distancing to be
                                                                                         Delivery to be handled by
                                                                                         designated team member.
                                                         Handling of goods to be
                                                                                         Disposable gloves available      Duty manager.                Ongoing
                                                                                         for team if required.
                           Team members may be at        Minimal contact of
   Contact and close
                           risk if they have prolonged   documents.
 proximity with delivery
                           close contact with delivery   Any external person to
                                     personnel.          follow site Covid safety
                                                                                         Advise delivery personnel
                                                         rules when on Tenpin
                                                                                         of site rules as appropriate.
                                                                                         Designate delivery area          Team member.                Ongoing.
                                                         Customer toilets in use for
                                                                                         away from public.
                                                         delivery personnel.
                                                                                                                         General manager.
                                                         All deliveries to be dealt
                                                         with at a designated
                                                         entrance away from public

Assessment undertaken by:                                                                                                                                     19

Ted Hindmarsh. Safety Adviser.                                                                            Assessment Date:            4th January 2022.
                                                                                                          Re assessment due:          Under constant review
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