Members' Handbook Revised April 2018 - - YYZ Airport Watch

Page created by Lewis Roberts
Members' Handbook Revised April 2018 - - YYZ Airport Watch
Members' Handbook
         Revised April 2018
Members' Handbook Revised April 2018 - - YYZ Airport Watch
Introduction                                   »»Identification

                                                                                                                                                           The only valid YYZAW identification
                                                                                                                 YZ Airport Watch (YYZAW)               will be your YYZAW photo ID card.
                                                                                                                  was founded in 2004 as a formal       Although dash banners, flags, hats,
                                                                                                                  means of co-operation between         jackets, etc. help to identify you as
                                                                                                         local aviation enthusiasts, the airport,       a member, they do
                                                                                                         security agencies and police.                  not serve as official
                                                                                                            The concept for YYZAW resembles             identification of
                                                                                                         the highly successful Neighbourhood            YYZAW membership.
                                                                                                         Watch programs—our members provide                Membership photo
                                                                                                         an additional set of eyes and ears while       ID cards must be
                                                                                                         planespotting.                                 presented to any police
                                                                                                           YYZAW is for serious aviation                officer or security
                                                                                                         enthusiasts. Individuals that have only a      personal upon request.
Radio Scanner Frequencies - YYZ                                                                          casual or passing interest in aviation will    Police and GTAA representatives (e.g.
All frequencies are in the AM band.
                                                                                                         not be approved for membership. This is        security personnel) have authority to
Air Traffic Control                                                                                      not to create an elitist attitude but rather   seize photo ID cards at any time. If
  120.825	������ATIS Primary                                 121.650	������Ground North                  to reinforce the dedication and passion        your photo ID card is seized, obtain the
   133.100	������ATIS Secondary                               119.100	������Ground Center                our members have for the program’s             officer’s name and/or badge number,
   118.700	������Tower North                                 121.900	������Ground South                  success.                                       vehicle number (if applicable) and
   118.350	������Tower South                                 121.300	������Clearance Delivery
   118.000	������Tower Backup                                                                               Situations may arise that will require      immediately report the incident to
                                                                                                         the Greater Toronto Airports Authority         YYZAW.
Toronto Centre                                                                                           (GTAA), Peel Regional Police (PRP)
  132.800	������Arrivals 1                                    127.575	������North Departure              or YYZ Airport Watch to amend                  »»Photography
  124.475	������Arrivals 2                                   128.800	������South Departure               membership conditions without notice             Although we reference ‘photography’
  125.400	������Arrivals 3                                                                               on either a permanent or temporary             in this handbook, this includes but is
   134.175	������ILS Monitor
                                                                                                         basis like, for example, during                not limited to capturing an image or
Apron Control                                                                                            heightened security situations like the        recording video by any electronic means.
  122.875	������Apron Co-Ordinator                           122.275	������North Apron, Terminal 3,      G20 summit in 2010.
  122.075	������South Apron, Terminal 1,                                   Cargo West, Fedex                Membership is a privilege and can be
                East Satellite Ramp                          122.825	������Apron Backup                  revoked if you are found in violation of
                                                                                                         the rules and regulations set forth in this
Airport Services
  123.275	������FSS, London Flight                            131.375	������Central De-Icing Facility,   handbook or as requested by authorities.
                  Information Centre (RCO)                                  Pads 1, 2, 3
    131.175	������Central De-Icing Facility                  129.625	������Central De-Icing Facility,
   131.950	������Central De-Icing Facility                                  Pads 4, 5, 6                 General
                  Backup                                                                                 » »Mandate
                                                                                                            The YYZAW mandate currently
                                                                                                         applies only at Toronto Pearson
                                                                                                         International Airport. Presenting
                                                                                                         yourself as a YYZ Airport Watch
                                                                                                         member does not carry any recognition
                                                                                                         at other airports at this time.
Some icons used in this handbook courtesy The Noun Project
( and used with permission under the
Creative Commons license.
Membership                                     New applicants wishing to enroll          31 of the calendar year in which the         Airport Watch Issued
                                            and obtain full membership, including        member is renewing.                          Items
 • Membership is valid April 1 to           ID card, outside of the Jan. 1 to March
   March 31.                                31 period must meet all of the above         » »Police Information                           All items branded with the YYZ
 • Fees: See Fee Schedule on website.       enrollment requirements plus pay an             Check                                     Airport Watch logo and name issued
 • Lost ID cards can be replaced at a       additional administrative fee on top of         A police background check                 to members remain the property of
   cost. See Fee Schedule on website.       the new member enrollment fee. See Fee       will be required by each group               YYZAW and are not to be defaced,
                                            Schedule on our website for details.         member every five years. YYZAW               altered, or loaned to anyone under any
» »Enrollment                                 If the applicant is denied membership,     requires you to provide a Police             circumstances. They must be returned
  To become a YYZAW                         the disclosure form(s) will be returned to   Information Check (PIC), not a Police        to YYZAW upon termination of
member you must complete                    the applicant. Copies will not be retained   Vulnerable Sector Check (PVSC). Some         membership.
the following:                              by YYZAW.                                    police jurisdictions may call these             These items are designed to help
                                                                                         checks by different names, though            authorities identify members. If any
 • Be age of majority in the Province       » »Renewal                                   Police Information Check (PIC) is most       item is lost or stolen please report it
   of Ontario at time of application.          Membership is renewable                   common.                                      immediately to YYZAW.
 • Fill out and submit application form     yearly at the Annual                            Effective April 1, 2019 any member           Items include the following:
   found on YYZAW website.                  General Meeting (AGM),                       who has not had a police background
 • Pay new membership enrollment            typically held in February, or by mail       check in the previous five years (prior      »»ID Cards
   fee. See website for fee schedule.       (further information can be found on         to 2014) will need to have a new one            Members are issued photo ID
 • Submit a photo for YYZAW ID              YYZAW website).                              done before membership renewal               cards shortly after enrollment or
   card. Photos can be emailed to              Renewal period begins Jan. 1 and          in 2019. Reminders will be sent out          renewal and are valid until April
   membership@airportwatchcanada.           runs to March 31. Renewal requirements       approximately six and three months           30 the following year.
   com. Photos should be taken in           must be fulfilled by March 31 each           prior to March 31, 2019.                        Members should carry their ID cards
   ample light on a plain background.       calendar year for membership beginning          A Police Information Check is done        at all times when on airport property
 • Fill out the Disclosure of               April 1 in that year.                        at the member’s expense and when             or perimeter areas. Lost ID cards may
   Information form(s).                        The majority of members are expected      required must be dated in the same year      be replaced, at member’s expense,
 • Submit a basic Police Information        to pay renewal fees at the AGM. The          as membership enrollment or renewal          according to the fee schedule posted on
   Check from your local police             time period between the AGM and              (e.g. on or after January 1, 2019 for 2019   our website.
   service (where you live). This is at     March 31 is considered a “grace period.”     membership from April 1, 2019 to Mar            The only valid YYZAW identification
   applicant’s own expense.                    Any renewal fees not paid by March        31, 2020.)                                   will be your YYZAW photo ID Card.
 • Provide name of two existing             31 render membership null and void and          This will bring YYZAW in line with        Other materials (such as jackets, caps,
   members who sponsor your                 the member must reapply for enrollment       the policy of the International Airport      flags, etc) will not be considered by
   application.                             in the group and meet new member             Watch Association and with groups at         authorities as valid identification.
                                            enrollment requirements (appropriate         other airports. It also matches Transport
   Membership is granted only upon          fees, disclosure form(s) and basic Police    Canada’s policy with regards to RAIC         »»Dashboard Banners
approval of the Police Information          Information Check). See “Enrollment”         renewal period.                                 Members are issued a
Check. Applicants whose Police              above for details.                                                                        folded tent card that should be
Information Check is not approved              Effective Jan. 1, 2019, members who                                                    placed in a clearly visible area of your
will be denied membership and their         are renewing and have not had a basic                                                     vehicle’s dashboard or rear window.
enrollment fee will be refunded.            Police Information Check done in the                                                         The purpose of dashboard banners
   Disclosure of Information form(s) will   previous five years must obtain a new                                                     is to allow authorities to easily identify
be held in confidence by YYZAW and          one. This new check must be obtained,                                                     our members as they patrol the airport
only submitted to the GTAA or partner       dated and received by YYZAW                                                               property and perimeter. There is a
airports pending Police Information         committee between Jan. 1 and March                                                        limited supply or banners and we
Check approval.                                                                                                                       encourage members to look after these.
» »Vehicle Flags                             with numerous tenants and employees.                                                      • Employee’s badge, ID number and/
   First issued in 2014, these               YYZAW is working on meeting with             • Unlocked or damaged gates,                   or vehicle number
are a high-visibility way to                 tenants to educate them on the YYZ             entrances, exits, fences.                  • Summary of incident
identify group members to                    Airport Watch program and its benefits,      • Large numbers of birds or wildlife
the various authorities. These should be     both for them and for us.                      on airport property.
affixed to your vehicle’s window while          Members are encouraged to treat all       • FOD – foreign objects debris
you are spotting at YYZ.                     airport personnel with respect and to          blowing around the airport property          We expect all members
                                             obey their instructions. If you have any       that could affect aircraft movement.      to act responsibly and
» »Caps & Jackets                            problems, please report the incident to      • Property damage.                          take with them any cans,
   YYZ Airport Watch                         YYZAW so we can look into the matter.                                                    bottles, or wrappers from items they
committee was able to                           Remember, you are an ambassador             Remember, if in doubt, report it.         have brought with them. If there is a
secure a one-time donation                   for the YYZ Airport Watch program.             Any YYZAW member who has called           garbage receptacle nearby, members are
of caps and jackets when it initially        One bad incident can have serious           the SOC to file a report must also submit    encouraged to use them.
formed. While we would like to see that      ramifications for the entire group.         a report of the event to YYZAW. See             If you wish, keep a plastic bag in
every member receives such apparel,                                                      below for more information.                  your trunk and pick up garbage while
finances have not allowed us to provide      » »Observe, Record,                            While we are entrusted as volunteers      out at the airport. You might even set an
it for free. We may from time-to-time           and Report                               to watch for and report suspicious           example for others.
be able to order clothing for members           As a key component of                    activity, airport employees are requested    Litter can find its way onto the active
who do not have any. Costs will likely be    the program, members are required to be     to do the same.                              taxiways or runways and cause damage
passed on to the member. YYAW will           on the lookout for suspicious activity.        Employees who may not be aware of         to aircraft. (See FOD under Observe,
advise when orders for gear can be taken         If you witness anything out of the      our group might perceive our activities      Record and Report, above.) Additionally,
and their associated costs.                  ordinary, you should immediately report     as suspicious and report members to          litter attracts birds and other wildlife
    Members are encouraged to wear           it to the airport Security Operations       authorities. Members are reminded to         that can be a hazard for aircraft.
the jackets while in the vicinity of the     Centre (SOC).                               treat all airport authorities with respect
airport, perimeter areas, or at official         GTAA contact phone numbers appear       and do as instructed.
YYZAW functions, per the advice of the       on the back of your YYZAW photo ID             From time to time YYZ Airport
National Airport Watch Co-ordinator.         card and dashboard banner. Use the          Watch members may have a negative
                                             numbers relative to the situation you are   encounter with authorities. We request
» »Car Magnets                               reporting.                                  that in such occurrences, members make
  These are no longer issued to new              If it is an emergency, call 416-776-    a report of the incident and send us a
members. They were replaced by the           3033. When calling in an emergency to       written copy so that we can investigate
vehicle flags (see above) but can still be   the SOC, please state:                      further.
used to increase the group’s visibility
and presence if you have them.                • Your name and that you are a YYZ         » »Submitting Reports
                                                Airport Watch member. You should            Reports can be sent
                                                also provide your membership             to YYZAW by email to admin@
Airport Activities                              number, located on your ID card. and must
  YYZAW has made significant inroads          • Location. Use the nearest airside        include the following:
with authorities. Much work has been            gate number if possible.
done but it is an ongoing process.            • Nature of suspicious activity or          •   Your name and membership number
   Rules and regulations must be set            incident.                                 •   Date and Time
forth, followed and enforced in order for                                                 •   Location
the program to work for everybody.             Members can also call the non-             •   Authority (i.e.; GTAA, Peel
  Toronto Pearson International              emergency number at 416-776-3055 to              Regional Police, etc)
Airport is a community unto itself,          report the following:








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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    © OpenStreetMap contributors, licensed under the Open Data
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Commons Open Database License (ODbL) by the OpenStreetMap
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Foundation (OSMF).
Events                                       Media                                        Ladders                                       authorities with respect to parking cars
                                             Interviews                                   and 10-Foot                                   on the side of roads and in parking lots
   As YYZ Airport Watch                                                                                                                 around the airport. This does not mean
program gains more                             YYZAW is occasionally                      Rule                                          we will not be asked to move or vacate
recognition, activities and events will be   approached by media for commentary              Due to the height of the fences around     an area. If you’re at the airport spotting,
organized. YYZAW welcomes members            about the program, aviation events           Toronto Pearson Airport, and following        make sure you’re visible as a YYZAW
to suggest, organize and participate in      and incidents. Members may also              the events of 9/11, ladders are largely a     member. Fly your vehicle flag!
events in which they are interested.         be recognized by media looking for           thing of the past.                               Keep in mind Toronto Pearson
   Members have gone through a               information.                                   There is a 10-foot rule surrounding         International Airport and the
process that offers an increased level of       Members may not comment to media          the perimeter of the airport.                 surrounding businesses are all private
credibility and all members agree to act     without first obtaining authorization of        No person or object shall be within        property. Also, day-to-day situations
responsibly while participating in any       YYZ Airport Watch.                           10 feet of perimeter fences. Our              may arise that mean access to certain
group-sanctioned event or activity.             It is imperative that all members refer   arrangement with authorities allows for       areas may be temporarily restricted.
   Members who are interested in             media to YYZAW directors for official        brief contact with fences for pictures,
planning an event should contact             statements, policy, etc.                     but we are not to park or linger in
YYZAW to discuss intentions. YYZAW             YYZAW may contact members to               contact with or next to them. Ladders
                                                                                                                                        FBO and
will then co-ordinate the event with the     assist media looking for interviews.         must not be used, at any time, against or     General Aviation
proper authority.                            In this case, you are welcome to give        within 10 feet of a fence.                    (North End)
   No member or YYZAW committee              insight into our hobbies and positive
director has the right to sanction           aspects of the group, as well as our                                                          Fixed Base Operators (FBO) such as
an event of their own accord.                partnership with the airport community.
                                                                                          Where to Watch                                Signature, SkyCharter and Chartright
Misrepresenting or using the YYZ                                                          Aircraft                                      are very sensitive to the privacy of
Airport Watch name and logo without                                                         There are no officially                     their clients. Their ramps, hangars and
consent will result in immediate
                                             Activity Logs                                designated viewing areas at Toronto           parking lots are considered private
termination of your membership.                 We have implemented a                     Pearson International Airport. We hope        property.
   YYZAW has worked long and hard to         logging program for members                  that this will change in the future and          For the purpose of this section we
establish a good name and image with         to report the amount of time they spend      we have casually discussed this with          are including Air Transat and Sunwing
the various airport authorities. One bad     at YYZ. We have spoken to authorities        authorities.                                  hangars.
decision could derail the entire program.    and they are most interested in this data      Our members and the authorities have           FBO clients include heads of state,
   We realize that group members have        and are pleased that we have taken the       become quite familiar with the more           military, government, medivac, VIP,
formed close friendships with one            initiative to log such information.          popular spotting locations. YYZAW,            celebrity, sports charters, and corporate
another and may participate in events        The intention is to record and report the    through discussions with airport              or privately owned aircraft. Often a visit
not organized or sanctioned by YYZAW.        minimum amount of time our members           authorities, has been told there is Airside   can be accompanied by limos or busses,
   We have no issue with this but do         spend at YYZ. Please visit YYZAW             and Groundside, and that we are to            security entourages and/or motorcades.
remind members taking part in such           website at www.airportwatchcanada.           remain Groundside at all times.                  Most clients are likely not aware of
events that the YYZ Airport Watch            com and select the link for Member’s           While this is vague, members are to         YYZ Airport Watch. Our presence may
name and logo cannot be used as an           Activity Logs, then follow the               use common sense and obey all laws,           be seen as suspicious or threatening to
umbrella for any event or activity that      instructions.                                including the Highway Traffic Act.            their security or privacy. For example
is not sanctioned by the committee.                                                         Peel Regional Police have provided us       we may be seen as paparazzi rather than
This is to ensure the group’s name and                                                    with specific areas where we can park—        aircraft enthusiasts.
reputation is protected.                                                                  and can’t—park in the region around the          YYZ Airport Watch recommends
   Non-members are not permitted at                                                       threshold of runways 06L and 06R. See         refraining from being in the area or
group-sanctioned events without prior                                                     the map on the next page for details.         photographing activities while FBO
permission of the committee. We cannot                                                      Through our efforts we have                 clients (people) are present. Wait for
permit minors due to liability.                                                           established a level of co-operation with      them to leave.
It may be possible to obtain                 Failure to follow airside security
                                                                                                       permission to photograph specific            procedures are subject to fines for you,
                                                                                                       aircraft on FBO ramps from their front       your escort and/or FBO.
                                                                                                       desk staff. Be sure to identify yourself       While inside a FBO facility always
                                                                                                       with your YYZ Airport Watch ID and           act professional and respectful. It may
                                                                                                       indicate your intentions. In recent times    appear quiet at times but clients are
                                                                                                       FBOs are more reluctant to allow this.       often resting in suites within the facility.
                                                                                                          In some cases FBO staff will direct       Do not disturb them.
                                                                                                       you to the owner/operator of the aircraft.     If you park at or near a FBO use
                                                                                                       Staff may not have authority to grant        designated parking areas. Do not park
                                                                                                       permission.                                  on shoulders or roadways. Do not block
                                                                                                         Above all, be polite, courteous, and       access gates or driveways.
                                                                                                       respectful of all FBO staff and their           FBOs are under no obligation to
                                                                                                       property.                                    accommodate our members. Please be
                                                                                                          If asked to stop photographing or to      polite with their staff and clients at all
                                                                                                       leave an FBO area by a tenant, staff or      times. If you have any concerns please
                                                                                                       security do so without challenging their     contact YYZAW admin.
                                                                                                       request. If you continue to photograph          Naturally, always thank the people
                                                                                                       or remain in the area you may face           you have been dealing with, whether
                                                                                                       prosecution under trespass laws.             your request is accommodated or not.
                                                                                                          If a FBO grants permission to
                                                                                                       photograph a specific aircraft then avoid    »»Skyservice (Infield)
                                                                                                       other aircraft in your photos.                 Skyservice is choosing to
                                                                                                          If a FBO grants airside access, you       not accommodate YYZAW
                                                                                                       should:                                      requests for access. Members must not
                                                                                                                                                    approach Skyservice facilities at YYZ.
                                                                                                        • obtain the name and title of the            We hope that in the future we can
                                                                                                          person giving you access                  come to an agreement with Skyservice
                                                                                                        • sign in at the FBO front desk             but until that time, please stay away.
                                                                                                        • acquire airside access pass (from
                                          © OpenStreetMap contributors, licensed under the Open Data    • be accompanied at all times by an
                                          Commons Open Database License (ODbL) by the OpenStreetMap
                                          Foundation (OSMF).                                              escort, with a proper pass of their
                                                                                                          own, never be left on your own
                                                                                                        • wear a reflective safety vest at all
Parking Near Threshold 06L and 06R                                                                        times
     1	������In front of crash gate                4	������Near crash gate V403 at                      • follow your escort’s instructions at
             V404D at the intersection                     the bottom of the hill, in                     all times
             of Britannia and Convair                      the gully                                    • return all passes and safety
    2	������South of the guard shack               5	������On the south side of                           materials provided to you
             at the intersection of                        Convair Dr., on the bend,
             Britannia and Convair                         beside crash gate V402.                        immediately after returning to
    3	������On the east side of Convair   YYZAW members should not park along                             groundside.
             Dr. beside crash gate        the side of the road along this stretch of
             V404A. DO NOT BLOCK          Convair Dr.
             THE GATE.
History                                             YYZAW Committee

       ounded in April 2004,
       YYZ Airport Watch                            DirectorS
       recognized the need for a                    Paul Thacker
formal means of communication and                   Robert MacNeil
co-operation between local aviation
enthusiasts and the various airport
                                                    Rob Jones
   The group was modeled and                
structured after the highly successful      
program established in 2001 at the          
Ottawa International Airport.               
   With the help and guidance of the        »2004
National Airport Watch co-ordinator,
Constable Jacques Brunelle (RCMP), a
plan was developed to create a similar
program in Toronto, though each group
has to tailor the rules and regulations
to meet the criteria of local airport and
police authorities.
  After several meetings with the
Greater Toronto Airports Authority
(GTAA), the proposal for YYZ Airport
Watch was refined, adopted and
ultimately supported by James Bertram,
Director of Public Safety (GTAA).
   The next order of business was
to establish a partnership with
Peel Regional Police (PRP), who is
responsible for patrolling the airport      »2014
and adjacent perimeter. An arrangement
was made so that PRP officers on patrol
are able to identify members of YYZ
Airport Watch. Through the hard work
of Sgt. Al Gorrill and staff at PRP, the
airport watch committee was able to
have our group and members recognized
as volunteers.

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