Headmaster's Kōrero - Napier Boys' High School

Page created by Lonnie Holmes
Headmaster's Kōrero - Napier Boys' High School
                                                                                                   Term 4

                                                     Proud weavers

SCHOOL APPS                            Headmaster’s Kōrero
                                       Kia ora koutou katoa,                        me hope for the future.

                                       It is with great pleasure that I take this   It goes without saying that we will
                                       opportunity to wish you all a wonderful      need to be ready for some continual
                                       Christmas, and a happy, relaxing             changes in 2022. The requirement
                                       holiday break. As we come to the end         of double vaccinations to participate
                                       of the term, and the year, we can look       will become an increasing demand
                                       back over 2021 and say, even with the        in our community. Already we have
                                       uncertainty of Covid, that we have           communicated that School Sport
                                       a lot to be grateful for. I personally       NZ has made it compulsory for
                                       feel optimistic about our future, this       students to be double vaccinated to
                                       confidence comes from knowing,               participate in events through 2022.
                                       observing, and understanding the             The Super 8 Schools group, which
                                       commitment and passion our staff and         includes Napier Boys’ High School,
                                       students have shown to overcome              have also followed suite, mandating
                                       obstacles. We have all persevered with       vaccinations for those who compete.
                                       a sustained, determined focus to work        Although students are not required
                                       toward achieving our goals. I believe        to be vaccinated to attend school,
                                       collectively, parents, caregivers and        the ability to participate in any extra-
                                       staff have provided the care and             curricular activities outside of school
Keep up to date by having our          guidance necessary to give students          will become increasingly difficult. Over
app at your fingertips                 every chance and opportunity to              the past month our entire staff and
                                       succeed. I am proud of the way these         those who are regularly associate with
                                       young men have responded, it is this         the school have all provided evidence
                                       aptitude and preparedness that gives         and assurance of their vaccination

           Please note: All future dates mentioned are subject to COVID levels/requirements in our region
Headmaster's Kōrero - Napier Boys' High School
Headmaster’s Kōrero

status. We are all working together to
keep our school and community safe.       our good work reflects who we are
The message from the government is        and that we have a responsibility to
loud and clear, ‘get vaccinated if you    ensure that others share that sense of
haven’t already’.                         well-being. At Christmas, we can, and
                                          must, recognise the gift which we are
In a few weeks we will celebrate          given by those around us. We thank
a season based on gratitude, on           all the special people who are leaving,
the importance of giving, with no         and we cherish both their memories,
thought of reward, a season in            and the joy we feel in the people who
which we are reminded of what is          are a part of our community. Thank
most important to us in our world.        you all for your understanding of what
Whakawhanaungatanga comes to              is important, and for the very real
the forefront. We remember those we       part, you have played this year in our
have loved, who are no longer here        school’s success. To those returning,
to share our joy, and we reflect upon     have a wonderful holiday; I look
the necessity to cherish those we         forward to sharing another equally
have in our lives. At Napier Boys’ High   special year with you all in 2022.
School, in 2021, we have continued to
recognise the critical importance of      AROHANUI,
living by our school motto, ‘do right,
fear nothing’. We understand that         Jarred Williams, Headmaster

                                     Final House Points
                                                 Napier - 450
                                                 Scinde - 425
                                                 Clyde - 375
                                                 Hawke - 250

Friday 10 December 2021
Parents’ League Cup for Intermediate Athletics Champion                             George   McHardy
Cornford Cup for Open Handicap Road Race                                            George   McHardy
Bryan Derwin Cup for Under 16 Cross Country                                         George   McHardy
Brian Smith Cup for Year 9 Cross Country                                            Sam      McHale
School Cup for Junior Athletics Champion                                            Angus    Lovatt
Outstanding Badminton Player                                                        Daniel   Geange
Trophy for Most Valuable Junior Basketball Player                                   Netana   Samia
Kelly Hepburn Shield for Outstanding Performance in Junior Canoe Polo               Liam     Tane-Foulds
Etheridge Cup for Cycling                                                           Tyler    Waite
Percy Storkey VC Memorial Trust Award, Leadership, Teamwork & Sportsmanship         Ruben    Du Plessis
for NBHS Cricket

Headmaster's Kōrero - Napier Boys' High School
Junior Cup for Most Improved Cricketer                    Daniel      Geange
Junior Cup Most Valuable Player Cricket                   Jacob       Cotter
Scindian Trophy for the Best Junior Football Player       Maxwell     Bedford
Most Valuable Futsal Player                               Maxwell     Bedford
Most Valuable Motocross Player                            Alex        Garland
Derek Morrison Trophy for Most Improved in Orienteering   James       Alebardi
Junior Rugby Trophy for Best and Fairest Player           Troy        Thomas
Cup for the Best Year 9 Rugby Player                      Riley       Mullany
Most Valuable Touch Rugby Player                          Jerome      Burne
Shooting Cup – Most Improved Claybird Shooter             Toby        Morrison
Most Valuable Softballer                                  Adrian      Dixon
Masters Cup of 1905 for Junior Swimming Champion          Angus       Lovatt
Most Valuable Swimmer                                     Angus       Lovatt
Earl Denford Cup for Junior Tennis Doubles Champions      Stanley     Easthope
Earl Denford Cup for Junior Tennis Doubles Champions      Harry       Young
Prime Cup for Junior Tennis Champion                      Charlie     Withers
Fraser Smith Memorial Cup for Excellence in Multi Sport   Sam         McHale
Trophy for Best All Round Junior Volleyball Player        Jack        Medina
Volleyball Cup for Outstanding Achievement                Netana      Samia
First in Year 9 Creative Writing                          Oliver      Stubbs
First in Year 10 Creative Writing                         Stanley     Easthope
The Music Machine Prize for Junior Guitar                 Max         Webber
Lord Trophy for Most Improved Year 10 in Māori (taiaha)   Zaiden      Luke
Rangatahi Prize for Contribution to Māori Culture         Poutama     Watson
Fraser Cup for Top Junior Musician                        Caleb       Pishief
Prize for Junior Percussion                               Reuben      Jessep
Prize for Junior Keyboard                                 Matthew     McGowan
Prize for Junior Brass                                    Poutama     Watson
Prize for Junior Woodwind                                 Caleb       Pishief
School Shield for Most Improved Junior Drummer            Mohammed    Aljabiri
Brass Shell Case for Junior Piping                        William     Baldwin
Junior Reading Cup                                        Boston      Shaw
Storkey Cup for Year 9 Prepared Speech                    Jack        Dodunski
School Cup for Year 10 Prepared Speech                    Alexander   Burgess
Prize for Junior Strings                                  Jed         Potbury
Prize for Junior Voice                                    Toby        McKinley-Blake
Black Knight Trophy                                       Adam        Harris
Pasifika Junior Leader                                    Taniela     Gavidi
1st in Music                                              Benjamin    Kingsford
1st in Art                                                Milan       Latyshev-Etuata

Headmaster's Kōrero - Napier Boys' High School
1st in Te Reo Māori                       Mahuta        Sherman-Beamsley
1st in Woodwork                           Liam          Leonard
1st in Drama                              Sean          Birnie
1st in French                             Benjamin      Kingsford
1st in English                            Quillan       Squires
1st in Physical Education                 Iraia         Roberts
1st in Combined Materials                 Jayden        Bryant
1st in Food Technology                    Jack          Bentin
1st in Business Studies                   William       Baldwin
1st in Social Studies                     Oliver        Stubbs
1st in Science                            Oliver        Stubbs
1st in Mathematics                        Oliver        Stubbs
1st in Engineering                        Tony          Cornwall
1st in Graphics                           Tony          Cornwall
1st in Japanese                           Tony          Cornwall
1st place in 9AE                          Fletcher      Keats
1st place in 9AM                          Oliver        Stubbs
1st place in 9LB                          Dylan         Augustine
1st place in 9LE                          Saul          Barker
1st place in 9MN                          Ryan          Johnson
1st place in 9MA                          Jack          Bentin
1st place in 9ME                          Casey         Thompson
1st place in 9MI                          Zachary       Scott
1st place in 9MP                          Willem        Sandberg
1st place in 9MR                          Liam          Leonard
1st place in 9LM                          Ollie         Lyons
                                          Sam           Greville
                                          Lachlan       Richards
                                          Talon         Grellman-May
                                          Joseph        Jury Senitu
                                          John          White
                                          Riley         Mullany
                                          Sean          Casey Galloway
                                          Baxter        Cross
                                          Daniel        Smith
                                          Thomas        Turner
                                          Deakan        Mullins-Henry
                                          Joseph        Taylor
                                          Jake          Stringer
                                          Blake         Colhoun
                                          Angus         Allan
                                          Ethan         Spencer
                                          Sean Ho       Wong
                                          Victor        Bond
                                          Willymaling   Sitione Teo
                                          Ethan         Bramley
                                          Henry         Fieldhouse
                                          Seth          Evans
                                          Charlie       Bennett
                                          Blake         Redpath
                                          Lachlan       Leitch
                                          Hrithik       Hira
                                          Brian         Sadakorn
                                          Jimmy         Seng
Storkey Award for Citizenship In Year 9   Kingsley      Morris
General Excellence in Year 9              Angus         Lovatt
General Excellence in Year 9              Sam           McHale
General Excellence in Year 9              Iraia         Roberts
General Excellence in Year 9              Riley         Mullany
Academic Excellence in Year 9             Oliver        Stubbs
Academic Excellence in Year 9             Fletcher      Keats
1st in Combined Materials Technology      Zach          Forster
1st in Woodwork                           Lachlan       Goodall

Headmaster's Kōrero - Napier Boys' High School
1st in Art                                                Adam       Florens
1st in Social Studies                                     Ruben      Du Plessis
1st in Engineering                                        Poutama    Watson
1st in Agriculture                                        Charlie    Withers
1st in Te Reo Māori                                       Manawa     Karena
1st in Mathematics                                        Fu Lin     Hong
1st in Science                                            Connor     Beamish-White
1st in Food Technology                                    Jayden     Apperley
1st in Music                                              Caleb      Pishief
1st in French                                             Jonathan   Haviga
1st in Japanese                                           Jayden     Apperley
1st in Physical Education and Health                      Netana     Samia
1st in Graphics                                           Netana     Samia
1st in Accelerate Science                                 Louie      Thompson-Gray
1st in English                                            Louie      Thompson-Gray
1st in Economics                                          Louie      Thompson-Gray
1st place in 10LI                                         Connor     Harvey
1st place in 10MN                                         Will       Clouston
1st place in 10MS                                         Harry      Young
1st place in 10AO                                         Jayden     Moody
1st place in 10HX                                         Jacob      Fisher
1st place in 10SU                                         Zac        Hawkins
1st place in 10BW                                         Emmett     Mackintosh
1st place in 10TA                                         Louie      Thompson-Gray
1st place in 10FD                                         Fynn       Broad
1st place in 10JP                                         Noah       Green
                                                          Caleb      Pishief
                                                          Eddie      Bird
                                                          Troy       Thomas
                                                          Alex       van der Zwet
                                                          Jack       Price
                                                          Caleb      Muntz
                                                          Nattadid   Panswad
                                                          Tom        Halpin
                                                          Riley      Windle
                                                          Min        Ampornprasert
                                                          Benjamin   Abel
                                                          Zealous    Te Whata
                                                          Hashem     Alallawy
                                                          Matthew    McGowan
                                                          Harry      Keighley
                                                          Adam       Harris
                                                          Matthew    Marshall
                                                          Alex       Garland
                                                          Jack       Haggerty
                                                          Tyla       Groube
                                                          Joseph     Tane
Scinde House Award for Citizenship - $1000 Scinde Trust   Thomas     Evans
Storkey Award for Citizenship In Year 10                  Hashem     Alallawy
General Excellence in Year 10                             Sacha      Pickering
Academic Excellence in Year 10                            Louie      Thompson-Gray
Academic & General Excellence in Year 10                  Netana     Samia
Academic Excellence in Year 10                            Luke       Hawkins
NBHS Junior Dux Ludorum                                   Jacob      Cotter
NBHS Junior Dux Musarum                                   Poutama    Watson
NBHS Junior Dux                                           Fu Lin     Hong

Headmaster's Kōrero - Napier Boys' High School
After a few false starts due to another
lockdown, the English Department
were pleased to welcome back Aaron
Topp to Napier Boys’ High School. In
2020, Aaron visited the school and
presented to most junior students                                            Aaron Topp
giving an outline of his inspiration
for writing. As a result, the English                                        Visits
Department introduced the novel,
Hucking Cody, to the texts taught at
Year 10.

This year, two Year 10 classes have
studied this text as part of their in-
class novel study. These two classes
were fortunate to have Aaron visit and
give a wider creative writing session
that focused on how to use sporting
achievements as inspiration for their
own writing. The students were then
able to ask Aaron about the wider
ideas from Hucking Cody. It was great
to be able to welcome Aaron into the
new English block and showcase this
new learning space.

These opportunities are invaluable for
the students, and it is pleasing to see
the enthusiasm they have when the
author of their studied text is standing
in front of them.

                                           Diligence in Year 13 Japanese
           le                              Prize
      Exa                                  Camerin Boyes was awarded a Tamiya ‘Swivelbot’ model robot by the school for
                                           diligence and application in Year 13 Japanese this year. Camerin is planning to
                                           study Mechanical Engineering, and there will be some practical learning ahead for
                                           him as he constructs this small model robot produced by Tamiya Corporation of
                                           Japan. He won the Japan Society Prize for 1st in Class when in Year 10.

Sports photos
Professional Sports Photos are now
available for purchase

If you would like to purchase your
photo, please email kmccallum@nbhs.
school.nz for your personal keycode to
give you access.

Teams: 1st XI Hockey, 1st XI Cricket,
Colts Cricket, 1st XV Rugby, U15 Rugby,
1st XI Football, Senior A Basketball,
Junior A Basketball

Once you receive your code,
follow this link to purchase: https://

                                           Camerin Boyes
Headmaster's Kōrero - Napier Boys' High School
Parents League
                                           In early November the Parent’s League
                                           hosted another Women Raising Boys
                                           Hui. This was an extremely enjoyable and
                                           informative evening.

                                           The evening was hosted by Senior
                                           Master, Kirstin Taylor. The women
                                           enjoyed meeting our new Headmaster,
              Sarah Cook: Head librarian   Jarred Williams, who stayed for a short

Memorial                                   introduction and address.
                                           Hayley Double, Dean, started the

                                           evening with a presentation about
                                           Nathan Wallace on Brain Development.
                                           This was followed by Tracy Courtney,
The NBHS Memorial Library is still
                                           Guidance Counsellor who discussed
situated in the upper level of the
                                           anxiety. We had a break for refreshments
Northern Pavilion while the space is
                                           and the final presentation was from Kate
undergoing a major renovation. The
                                           Davis, Public Health Nurse along with her
new space is taking shape and the
                                           team who covered the topics of drugs,
boys are very much looking forward to
                                           alcohol, vaping.
seeing the end result.
                                           We are planning our next Women Raising
                                           Boys Hui for early March, there will be
The library has seen the final of the
                                           further information next year.
Black Knights Chess Competition
– this highly competitive in-house
                                           The Parent’s League were delighted to
duel comes with the presentation of
                                           sponsor the following awards at the
a trophy at prizegiving. This year we
                                           recent Senior Prizegiving:
had two Year 10 students playing off
                                           Parent’s League prize for commitment
against each other for the top spot
                                           to School Music (Book award) – Jackson
and we congratulate Adam Harris on
his victory.
                                           Parent’s League prize for contribution to
                                           School Drama (Book award) – George
Being in a smaller space we have a
small selection of books but have
                                           Congratulations to all prize winners.
significantly increased the selection of
games and have also purchased even
                                           The Parent’s League made a recent
more lego bricks. This continues to
                                           donation to the NBHS Memorial Library
be very popular. The Parent’s League
                                           for the purchase of books for parents to
made a monetary donation to the
                                           loan (on their son’s accounts).
library for books, specifically books
                                           These titles are focussed on parenting
that parents might like to borrow.
                                           and cover topics such as teen anxiety,
These titles are focussed on parenting
                                           vaping, parenting in the modern world
and cover topics such as teen anxiety,
vaping, parenting in the modern world
etc. Any NBHS parent is welcome to
                                           If you would like a copy of the
borrow a book on their son’s account.
                                           presentation or any further information
                                           about the Parent’s League please email
We hope you thoroughly enjoy the
summer break and look forward to
seeing the boys back happy, refreshed
                                           Sarah Cook
and hopefully well read in early

Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete.

Headmaster's Kōrero - Napier Boys' High School
International Department
We have a small but strong International Department here at    The boys have shown an amazing resilience and we are
Napier Boys’ High School. With the borders closed since last   so proud of everything they have achieved. While the
year our final arrivals were inbound on 12 March 2020. Many    past couple of years have been hard for most, it’s been
students returned to their home countries throughout the       exceptionally difficult for these young men in a foreign
first wave of the Covid pandemic and at the end of 2020.       country, missing their families with so much uncertainty.
Ten boys remained for 2021 plus Felipe who is studying         We thank their amazing host families and everyone who has
online from his home in Dubai.                                 supported them.
We are now left with eight boys on the ground at the end of
2021 and we bid farewell to three of them at the end of the    Sarah Cook
Michael and Sam are staying in NZ and going on to The
University of Auckland to further their studies and Perth is
returning to Thailand to attend University.

Our five remaining boys are from Thailand and Hong
Kong and range from year 11 – 13. We have enjoyed many
adventures as a department, pictured here are a recent golf
outing and our final tutor time together earlier this week.
We have an International Department Facebook page so
you can keep tabs on our adventures https://www.facebook.
com/nbhsinternationalstudents/ We are looking forward
to further end of year celebrations, as well as visiting
Wellington in January.

Headmaster's Kōrero - Napier Boys' High School
In 2021, Tikanga became
a compulsory subject
that all Year 9 students
experienced in an 8-week
block course in either Term
1, 2, 3 or 4. Students were
introduced to a range of
values associated with Te Ao
Māori. The course intent is to
study the various concepts
through a Māori lens and in
turn, encourage students to      George Rickey     George Rickey                   George Rickey
make connections to their
own values and views. By
using a range of activities,
it is hoped to keep interest
high in the subject to
challenge the students to
engage in their school’s
heritage and build a sense
of pride of who they are
and their connection to the
school. Some of the content
included: Marae, Pepeha,
Pūrākau, Local Landmarks,
                                 Te Kauru Maaka    Thomas Hay                      George Rickey
Treaty of Waitangi, weaving
with harakeke and Tangata

                                 Max Ranapiri      James and Camryn                Talon Grellman-May

                                                  On Wednesday tutors came
                                                  into school to teach Tīkanga
                                                  and Art students the art of
                                                  Raranga, weaving using
                                                  harakeke. Carmel and Anne
                                                  worked with the students
                                                  for the entire day, explaining
                                                  some of the traditions and
                                                  rituals associated with
                                                  weaving and then teaching
                                                  them the skills to create
                                                  their own flower or basket.
                                                  Students were engaged
                                                  and focused. The course
                                                  was very successful and the
                                                  feedback from the students
                                                  was positive.

Headmaster's Kōrero - Napier Boys' High School
Art Folios

                      Ali Kotze

Alex Cardno

                      Bailey Tipu
Angus Kjestrup

       Ben Berryman   Drew Ferguson
Dylan Jonson    Dylan Stringer

Oscar Harnett

                Oscar Plater

Theo Apineru    Tylar Flynn
Art Folios, Design

                     Chris Bonthron

Ben Berryman
                     Jack Bower

Jesse Pether         Luca Santoro

Luke Richards   Dougal Kerr

Nate Anderson   Mitchell Taylor

Noah Smith      Rupert Linnell

From our Wellness Team
                    “Tāu i hīkoi ai, tāu i kōwhiri ai.”
                          -Ko Winnie te Pooh
      “To get where I’m going, I walk away from where I’ve been.”
                           -Winnie the Pooh

I’m a Winne the Pooh fan. I have Winnie the Pooh stuff in my office and
at home. The following is just one joke that seems to fit.

Question - What do Winnie the Pooh and Alfred the Great have in
common? Answer - Same middle name!!

To be able to achieve “this”, I sometimes have to walk away from          Communication
“that”. This is especially true for me with personal change. This week
when I significantly stuffed up, the support of others was important in
being able to get where I needed to go. It involved being determined      We try hard to keep you informed
not to return to where I’d been.                                          by using several forums of
                                                                          communication. If you are not
I’m sure there are times at your place when you become aware that         hearing from us, please make
you, or those around you, need to do walk away and that this is best      contact so we can ensure we have
done finding the support from others too. Perhaps the next time you       your correct details
decide to make a definite change you could include a plan for getting
where you’re going and walking away from where you’ve been. This          •  Website - www.nbhs.school.nz/
might be about changing the way you think about someone, changing         •  Text message / SMS - in the case of an
a perception of something, being more able to see another’s point of         emergency,
view or it might be something quite small like noticing something new,    •  Kamar Parent Portal – Real time access
or being grateful for something.                                             to your son’s school records. Link through
                                                                             the website, KAMAR Portal using your
Learning from Winnie by going where you chose and leaving behind             username and password.
the junk where it is, may allow for a new beginning!                      •  School Apps NZ – we send regular App
                                                                             alerts received directly to your device
Hoping for a fantastic Christmas, New Year and Holiday season for you        please download the App to stay up to
and your whānau.                                                             date with us
                                                                          •  Email – letters, request for parental
Nā, Rob Silver                                                               consent and some school notices are sent
Guidance Counsellor                                                          by email.
                                                                          •  Week Ahead - This updates parents /
                                                                             caregivers on events across the school,
                                                                             academic, cultural & sports. The Week
                                                                             Ahead is sent by email every Friday
                                                                             afternoon. Also, a link is sent via the
                                                                             School App.
                                                                          •  Newsletter – Newsletters are sent once a
                                                                             term by email and available on the school
                                  Link to School App                      •  Social Media – we have several social
                                                                             media forums:

Monday 15th November 2021

Old Boys’ Challenge Cup for Senior Athletic Champion                          Kairon           Pimm
School Trophy (1895) for Improvement in Athletics                             Finn             Barker
School Cup for Senior Cross Country                                           Finn             Barker
Cornford Cup for Open Handicap Road Race                                      George           McHardy
Huck Berry Trophy for Interhouse Athletics Competition                        Tom (Napier)     McFetridge

Ellis Trophy for Singles Badminton Champion                                Charlie    Geange
Wooden Cup for Most Improved Basketball Player                             Daytona    Hohepa
Goodson – Greenhalgh Prize for Most Coachable Basketball Player            Eneri      McGrath
McLean Cup for Captain ‘A’ Basketball                                      Toby       Kendon
Trophy for Most Valuable Senior Basketball Player                          Toby       Kendon
Wim Barendsen Cup for outstanding performance in Canoe Polo                Charlie    Sanderson-Dollery
Tohu Manaaki for Outstanding Contribution to Canoe polo                    Finn       Heward
McLernon Clock for Captain 1st XI Cricket                                  Samuel     Pawson
Gifford Memorial Cup for Bowling                                           Hamish     James
Monro Cup for Fielding (1904)                                              Charlie    Pawson
McLernon Clock for Captain 1st XI Cricket                                  James      Rawnsley
Geddis Cup for Batting                                                     James      Rawnsley
School Trophy for Captain 1st XI Football                                  Thomas     Hall
Wooden Cup for Most Improved Football Player in 1st XI                     Liam       Alexander
McGlashan Trophy for the Most Dedicated Football Player in 1st XI          Aiden      Doran
Cup for Outstanding Golfer                                                 Luke       Winter
Brown Cup for Most Improved Hockey Player                                  Dylan      Rose
NBHS 1st XI Hockey Cup for Most Valuable Player                            Jonty      Elmes
School Cup for Outstanding Contribution to Hockey                          James      Rawnsley
Monty Arnott Cup for Captain 1st XI Hockey                                 Jonnie     Moffett
Espana Alcala de Henares Trophy for Outstanding Orienteering               Jason      Wain
Napier Boys’ High School Elite Performance in Rowing (donated by George    Logan      Ballantine-Wooley
Sproat, Max Williams and Russell Dodd)                                     Levi       Robinson
Harrison Family Cup for contribution to Rowing                             James      Porima
E R G Morley Memorial Cup for Captain of the 2nd XV                        Jacob      Robinson
Ged Smith Memorial Cup for the Best Team Man in 2nd XV                     Sid        Drinkrow
M Mohi Cup for Most Enterprising Back in the 1st XV                        Adam       Curran
Brian Mahony Cup for Captain 1st XV Rugby                                  Gilgal     Leotele Malasia
NBHS 1st XV Trophy for Most Valuable Player                                Max        Ratcliffe
Sky Blue Award - Tremain Cup for the player Most dedicated to the jersey   Max        Ratcliffe
Chadwick Romans Kerr Cup for Best Forward in 1st XV                        Nicholas   Ennor
The Seb & Nick Trophy for Most Improved Sailer                             Andre      McGregor
Franklin Bate Cup for Trap Shooting                                        Angus      Niblett
Roger Aranui Cup for Contribution to Softball                              Xavier     Clarke-Lloyd
Alex White Memorial Cup for Intermediate Swimming Champion                 Ryan       Hurley
Baird Cup for Senior Swimming Champion                                     Alex       Margerison
Alex White Memorial Cup for Intermediate Swimming Champion                 Art        Woodley-Hanan
Wills / Beaumont Long Distance Swimming Trophy                             Art        Woodley-Hanan
Thompson Cup for Senior Tennis Doubles Champions                           Guy        von Dadelszen
                                                                           Jonty      von Dadelszen
Mendelssohn Cup for Senior Tennis Champion                                 Luke       Winter
Volleyball Cup for Outstanding Achievement
Trophy for Best All Round Senior Volleyball Player                         Gilgal     Leotele Malasia
Athletics                                                                  Ryan       Shotter
Cricket                                                                    Baylee     Foote
Futsal                                                                     Aidan      Kirby-Vaughan
Golf                                                                       Luke       Winter
Rowing                                                                     Logan      Ballantine-Wooley
Sailing                                                                    Noah       Hengst

Softball                                                                   Xavier     Clarke-Lloyd
Surf Lifesaving                                                            Thomas     Kay
Tennis                                                                     Luke       Winter
Volleyball                                                                 Afa        Moleli
Waka Ama                                                                   Tre        Bulled
Badminton                                                                  Max        Wong
Basketball                                                                 Toby       Kendon
Canoe Pole                                                                 Liam       Alexander
Cross Country                                                              Finn       Barker
Football                                                                   Oscar      Mason
Hockey                                                                     Jonty      Elmes
Orienteering                                                               Jason      Wain
Rugby                                                                      Nicholas   Ennor
Shooting                                                                   Alex       Cardno
Sir James Henare Cup for Multi-cultural Leadership in the school           Heath      Awatere-Madden
Brocklehurst Prize for Head Librarian                                      Guy        Van Raders
Ken Spriggs Memorial trophy for ANZAC bugling                              Cameron    Boyle
Prize for Composition                                                      Alex       Manning
Band Cup for Leadership – School Music                                     Mark       Cornes
Peter Williams Cup for Top Senior Musician                                 Jackson    Stone
Parents League Prize for Commitment to School Music                        Jackson    Stone
Prize for Senior Brass                                                     Cameron    Boyle
Prize for senior Woodwind                                                  Cameron    Boyle
School Shield for Pipe Band Drumming                                       Fergus     Plater
Fordyce Cup for the Best Senior Piper                                      Liam       Reid
Prize for Senior Keyboard                                                  Connor     Moody
Prize for Senior Percussion                                                Harper     Champion
Music Machine Trophy for Senior Guitar                                     Harper     Champion
P M Williams Cup for Voice                                                 Jackson    Stone
Prize for Senior Strings                                                   Alex       Manning
Rotarians Prize for Public Speaking – The Brooks Cup                       Sven       Hoerler
McKay Cup for Debating                                                     Oliver     Parvin
Prize for Contribution to Debating                                         Benjamin   Shirley
Brian O’Connor Cup for Most Promising Returning Debater                    Jack       Turnbull
Photolife Award for Commitment and Achievement in the Arts                 Oscar      Plater
1st in Senior Creative Writing                                             Joseph     Robertshaw
School Production Trophy for Contribution to School Musical                Jackson    Stone
Parents League Prize for Contribution to School Drama                      George     Hart
Ira Gannaway-Gardner Memorial Award for contribution to Backstage          Jonty      Munns
Harris Cup for Service to Drama                                            Camden     Champion
Senior Leadership Trophy                                                   Gilgal     Leotele Malasia
1st in Combined Materials sponsored by Trade Zone                          Kyan       Ward
1st in Japanese                                                            Lawson     Te Kahu
1st in Woodwork sponsored by Thomsons Power Tools                          Joshua     Augustine
1st in Engineering - Grant Leslie Memorial Prize sponsored by Trade Zone   Max        Wilson
1st in Practical Engineering                                               Harry      Wilson
1st in Food and Nutrition                                                  Lucas      Gregory

1st in History - Year 10 student                                               Luke        Hawkins
1st in Digital Technologies – The Darryn Peck Memorial Prize                   Cole        Brownlie
1st in Music                                                                   Andre       McGregor
1st in French                                                                  Kahu        Yardley
1st in Agricultural Science                                                    Cameron     Brans
1st in Hospitality                                                             Carlo       de Beer
1st in Applied Science                                                         Finn        Barker
1st in Graphics - Design & Visual Communication                                Willem      De Vos
1st in Art                                                                     Willem      De Vos
1st in Te Reo Māori                                                            Kai         Brock-Smith
1st in Geography                                                               Andre       McGregor
1st in Science                                                                 Finn        Simmonds
1st in Physical Education                                                      Art         Woodley-Hanan
1st in Accounting                                                              Harris      Matheson
1st in Economics                                                               Jono        Pinckney
1st in Mathematics                                                             Jono        Pinckney
1st in English                                                                 Jono        Pinckney
                                                                               Quinn       Redpath
                                                                               Charlie     Thomas
                                                                               Daniel      Olsen
                                                                               Henry       Steel
                                                                               Christian   Lilburn
                                                                               Jahbez      Riley
                                                                               Dawson      Howarth
                                                                               Matthew     Harvey
                                                                               Riley       Kleinert
                                                                               James       Cox
1st in Practical Engineering and winner of the Colvin Cup sponsored by Trade   Charlie     Free
1st in Forestry                                                                Kyin        Hawkins
1st in Engineering and winner of the Craig Ebbett Memorial Cup sponsored by    Samuel      Clouston
Trade Zone
1st in Hospitality                                                             Joseph      Gordon
1st in Combined Materials sponsored by Trade Zone                              Matt        Bennett
1st in Agricultural Science                                                    Oliver      Whiteside
1st in Te Reo Māori                                                            Heath       Awatere-Madden
1st in Earth and Space Science                                                 Angus       Smith
1st in Physical Education                                                      Shae        Watts
1st in Painting                                                                Jake        Irvine
1st in Woodwork sponsored by Thompsons Power Tools                             Tim         Slabbekoorn
1st in Design                                                                  Niall       Henman Joyce
1st in Sculpture                                                               Mark        Lagudas
1st in Accounting                                                              Leo         Ridler
1st in Biology                                                                 Gurinder    Kooner
1st in Economics                                                               Gurinder    Kooner
1st in Science                                                                 Oscar       Wyllie
1st in Physics - Yr 11 Student                                                 Jono        Pinckney
1st in Geography                                                               Levi        Robinson
1st in Graphics - Design & Visual Communication                                Connor      Parker
1st in History                                                                 Maninder    Singh
1st in Music                                                                   Connor      Moody
1st in Japanese                                                                Ethan       Warren
1st in Digital Technologies                                                    Thomas      Bennett
1st in Classical Studies                                                       Jack        Turnbull
1st in English                                                                 Jack        Turnbull
1st in French                                                                  Jack        Turnbull
1st in Biology                                                                 Chris       Leung
1st in Chemistry                                                               Chris       Leung
1st in Mathematics - Ansell Cup                                                Chris       Leung
                                                                               Spenca      Bailey
                                                                               Sid         Drinkrow
                                                                               Gilbert     Roy-Gapper
                                                                               Razim       Hassan
                                                                               George      Manson

Nicholas      Parkyn
                                                                                     Harry         Redman
                                                                                     Flynn         Frame
                                                                                     Clay          Cleall-Harding
                                                                                     Kayce         Williams
Scinde House Award for a Year 11 student - $1000 Scinde Trust                        Cameron       Brans
Scinde House Centenary Scholar - Year 12 Student - $1000 Scinde Trust                Max           Free
Storkey Award for Citizenship in Year 11                                             Whetu         Thompson
Kukri Award for General Excellence in Year 11                                        Matthew       Harvey
Kukri Award for General Excellence in Year 11                                        Dennis        Faamausili
Kukri Award and Philip Blundell Cup for general Excellence in Year 11                Riley         Kleinert
Kukri Award for Academic Excellence in Year 11                                       Harris        Matheson
Kukri Award for Academic Excellence in Year 11                                       Henry         Steel
Winner of the Macfarlane Cup for Scholarship and Academic Excellence and             Jono          Pinckney
Kukri Award for Academic Excellence in Year 11
Storkey Award for Citizenship in Year 12                                             Finn          Diphoorn
Kukri Award for General Excellence in Year 12                                        Gus           Brown
Kukri Award for Academic Excellence in Year 12                                       Max           Ratcliffe
Graham L. Avery Memorial Cup for General Excellence and Kukri Award for              Luke          Winter
General Excellence in Year 12
Kukri Award for Academic Excellence in Year 12                                       Jack          Turnbull
Winner of the Spriggs Cup for Scholarship and Academic Excellence and Kukri          Eduart        Tremain
Award for Academic Excellence in Year 12
1st in Woodwork - Sponsored by Thomson Power Tool Centre                             Samuel        Parkes
1st in Japanese                                                                      Joseph        Robertshaw
Beattie & Forbes Booksellers Prize for 1st in English                                Joseph        Robertshaw
1st in Physical Education                                                            Thomas        Kay
1st in Painting – Joseph Alexander Memorial Cup for Painting                         Drew          Ferguson
1st in Engineering - David Prebensen Cup for Excellence in Technology                Guy           von Dadelszen
sponsored by Trade Zone Industrial Napier
1st in Digital Technology                                                            Alex          Manning
1st in Agricultural Science                                                          Tom           McFetridge
1st in Sculpture                                                                     Oscar         Harnett
1st in Geography                                                                     Bradley       Redpath
1st in Earth and Space Science                                                       Jayden        Pearce
1st in Design                                                                        Luke          Richards
1st in Hospitality                                                                   Jesse         Pether
Rankin Mear Cup for Top Student in History & Geography                               Michael       Woo Banson
1st in Chemistry - The O’Connor Trophy for Senior Chemistry                          Jonnie        Moffett
1st in Physics – Sir Ian Axford Trophy for Excellence in Physics (Year 12 Student)   Eduart        Tremain
1st in Economics                                                                     Andre         Aflallo
1st in Accounting                                                                    Stanley       Baty
1st in Music                                                                         Jackson       Stone
1st in Classical Studies                                                             George        Hart
Storkey VC Prize for Excellence in Mathematics and Science                           Jonnie        Moffett
1st in Te Reo Māori                                                                  Benjamin      Shirley
1st in History                                                                       Benjamin      Shirley
1st in Graphics - Design & Visual Communication                                      James         McKinley-Blake
1st in Biology - Tom Carpenter Memorial Award for Senior Biology                     James         McKinley-Blake
1st in Calculus – John Fry Cup for Calculus                                          Kurt          Bickerstaff
1st in Statistics – Roger Gourley Memorial Cup for Statistics                        Kurt          Bickerstaff
                                                                                     MacKenzie     Squires
                                                                                     Oscar         Plater
                                                                                     James         Sadler
                                                                                     Yosef         Badawi
                                                                                     Brody         Parker
                                                                                     Saiyan        Pomare
                                                                                     Finnlay       Richardson
                                                                                     Oliver        Parvin
                                                                                     Luke          Richards
                                                                                     Christopher   Bonthron

                                                                          Samuel         Allan
                                                                          Camerin        Boyes
                                                                          Xavier         Clarke-Lloyd
                                                                          Gene           Court
                                                                          George         Hart
                                                                          Alex           Margerison
                                                                          Jonty          Munns
                                                                          James          Porima
                                                                          Trinity        Richardson
                                                                          Guy            von Dadelszen
Head of the Ball                                                          Finnlay        Richardson
Head of Culture                                                           Jackson        Stone
Head of Sport                                                             Baylee         Foote
Head of Academics                                                         Benjamin       Shirley
Head of Clyde House                                                       Toby           Kendon
Head of Scinde House                                                      Bradley        Redpath
Head of Napier House                                                      Tom            McFetridge
Deputy Head Boy 2021 & Head of Hawke House                                Noah           Smith
Head Boy 2021 & recipient of a legacy tie                                 James          Rawnsley
Clifford Cup for Interhouse Competition                                   Tom (Napier)   McFetridge
University of Auckland Top Achiever Scholarship                           Camerin        Boyes
Ko Te Tangata’ School Leaver Scholarship                                  James          Porima
Auckland University Scholarship                                           Mark           Cornes
Tangiwai Victoria University Scholarship                                  Stanley        Baty
Tangiwai Victoria University Scholarship                                  Alex           Manning
Tangiwai Victoria University Scholarship                                  Joseph         Robertshaw
Totoweka Victoria University Scholarship                                  Theodore       Apineru-Penitito
Hiranga Canterbury University Scholarship                                 Benjamin       Shirley
Hiranga Canterbury University Scholarship                                 Kurt           Bickerstaff
Hiranga Canterbury University Scholarship                                 Mark           Cornes
Lincoln University Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship for Excellence           Guy            von Dadelszen
Lincoln University Ahuwhenua Scholarship                                  Angus          Kjestrup
University of Otago 150th Entrance Scholarship                            Liam           Reid
University of Otago Leaders of TomorrowScholarship                        Toby           Kendon
University of Otago New Frontier Scholarship                              Arthur         Donaldson
University of Otago New Frontier Scholarship                              Trinity        Richardson
University of Otago New Frontier Scholarship                              Tom            McFetridge
University of Otago Māori Entrance Scholarship                            Samuel         Smith
University of Otago Māori Entrance Scholarship                            Jacob          Robinson
University of Otago Māori Entrance Scholarship                            Seth           Peakman
Prime Minister’s Vocational Excellence Award                              Mark           Vaimoli
Storkey Award for Citizenship in Year 13                                  Carwyn         Pattison
Aoraki Cup for Overcoming Difficulties                                    Aidan          Farris
Laurie Meads Memorial Award for Diligence, Application and Perseverance   Noah           Smith
The Outstanding Sporting or Cultural Achievement                          Oscar          Mason
DA Wilson Memorial Prize for Head Prefect                                 James          Rawnsley
Clyde Jeffery Cup for General Excellence                                  Toby           Kendon
NBHS Dux Ludorum – Baker Reaney Cup for Excellence in Sport               James          Rawnsley
NBHS Dux Musarum Cup for Cultural Excellence                              Jackson        Stone
Ashcroft Cup for All Round Excellence                                     Guy            von Dadelszen
Victoria University Scholarship                                           Joseph         Robertshaw
Douglas Young Memorial Prize - Deputy Headmaster Bruce Smith Proxime      Joseph         Robertshaw
Accessit Cup

Otago University Dux Scholarship                                          Jonnie         Moffett
Recipient of a legacy Tie                                                 Jonnie         Moffett
DUX Gleeson Family Award                                                  Jonnie         Moffett

Summer shirts are to be worn during        uniform purchased new so long as
terms 1 and 4                              uniform has not been worn or named.
                                           It is expected that items requiring a
By now all students should be wearing      size swap be exchanged very soon
the short sleeve Kukri tops only. Year     after purchasing.
12 and 13 students have a senior top
which they may purchase. Please            Second hand uniform
dispose of any sky blue shirts you         The second hand shop is open at the
have. Even on the hot days it has been     same time as the new uniform shop.
noted that some students are wearing       The school sells on behalf and has no
long sleeve tops. Please put these         control on what stock is available. It is
away until Term 2 begins                   the responsibility of those wishing to
                                           purchase second hand items to come
January holiday opening hours              into the shop and buy - no refunds
The uniform shops are open 10 am-          are given on items purchased from
3.30 pm Tuesday 25th January to (and       second hand shop.
including) Monday 31st January during
week days only.                            If you have NBHS uniform you wish to
                                           on-sell, items can be left at the office.
Well done to parents who ensure their      Staff price all the goods. As cheques
son wears correct uniform – thank you      are no longer accepted by banks you
for respecting our school rules.           will need to supply a bank account for      Above and below: Our uniform team
                                           proceeds of sale.                           organising all the new uniform for 2022
Years 12 and 13 students may still wear
white shirt, tie and grey trousers.        We ask that second hand uniform be
                                           in a clean and reasonable condition.
Uniform shop is relocating                 Only items sold in the new shop are
A new school uniform shop will             sold in the second hand shop.
open in the “P” block (closer to main
Chambers Street entrance). Please
look for signage to direct you. Parents
must covid scan in and wear a mask.
                                           Please name all uniform/gear.

Hired no.1 Uniform
                                           If it is named it can be
We do ask that if your son is involved
in a cultural or sporting activity that
requires blazers to be worn, grey
trousers are purchased. They cost $58.                                                 Note to caregivers –
Please consider this for 2022. There
are some trousers in second hand                                                       some bus routes have
stock at this time.                                                                    a new provider
Lost property                                                                          School bus arrangements for 2022
Please name all uniform.
                                                                                       Next year will see some changes to
If items are handed in to the office and                                               our school transport as the Ministry
they have a readable name, they are                                                    of Education transitions to a new
returned to the student.                                                               contract with bus operators. We
                                                                                       are working closely with our school
Uniform shops are open only at the                                                     bus operators and the Ministry of
following times during Term times:                                                     Education to ensure that the transition
                                                                                       to the new school bus operator goes
Tuesday 3 - 4.30 pm (after school)                                                     well.
Thursday 1.10 - 2.10 pm
(during student lunch hour)                                                            Please refer to our website for up to
                                                                                       date information on bus arrangements
We are happy to exchange sizes of                                                      for 2022, we expect up date this
                                                                                       information in January

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