HEADING NORTH Expanded Ogden yard enhances Geneva Rock's capabilities in Northern Utah - Geneva Rock Products

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HEADING NORTH Expanded Ogden yard enhances Geneva Rock's capabilities in Northern Utah - Geneva Rock Products
A P U B L I C A T I O N F R O M G E N E VA R O C K P R O D U C T S , I N C .

                                                                                           FALL 2021

   Expanded Ogden yard enhances Geneva
      Rock’s capabilities in Northern Utah
                                                                                             PAGE 4


HEADING NORTH Expanded Ogden yard enhances Geneva Rock's capabilities in Northern Utah - Geneva Rock Products

Geneva Rock wants to be the perfect partner in northern Utah and beyond

                                           about the changes going on in our new       confusion. Utah is a great place to be,
       his has been a busy and hectic
                                           Ogden yard. We are excited about            and we are all working to make Utah a
       Fall and we hope that you have
                                           this property and it will be a real game    better community.
       been able to get more on top of
                                           changer for us, not only in the North         We appreciate our relationship with
your jobs as the cement shortage has
                                           but for all of our company. We are          each of you and will do all we can to
lessened from its height in July.
                                           building two large storage domes that       help you be successful. Reach out to
  We are making some innovative
                                           will be primarily for fly ash storage but   us any time for comment or critique.
moves to better insure our cement
                                           could also be used for cement storage       We need to know if we are meeting
supply in the future. More will be
                                           in the future as well as a new shop and     your expectations. Have a great final          JAY RITCHIE
coming on this subject as we are able
                                           state-of-the-art ready mix plant.           push to 2021 and we look forward to
to release information.
                                              The forecast for Utah continues to       2022.
  In this edition of Rock Solid, we talk
                                           be strong even with all the national

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HEADING NORTH Expanded Ogden yard enhances Geneva Rock's capabilities in Northern Utah - Geneva Rock Products

Jay Ritchie

Nathan Schellenberg, P.E.

Carl Clyde

                            HIGHLIGHTED PROJECT >>
Shane Albrecht, P.E.
Terrence Savage

VICE PRESIDENT,                Members of the military will soon have a four-season       they have had around the world — in a ski-resort
EQUIPMENT & FACILITIES      resort at their fingertips just outside of Park City, Utah.   setting. This will be the only MIDA facility at a United
Ray Gammell
                               The Mayflower Mountain Resort, owned by Extell De-         States ski resort and will serve as a tribute to the men
                            velopment Group, will combine luxury amenities with           and women of the armed services.

                            world-class recreation that is located near Jordanelle          Geneva Rock has provided 7,000 cubic yards of
                            Reservoir in the MIDA Project Area of Wasatch County.         concrete for the Pioche Apartments, the initial phase

OFFICES                     Newly constructed ski lifts will provide easy access to
                            the Greatest Snow on Earth during winter months and
                                                                                          of the project. Geneva Rock has also partnered with
                                                                                          Jacobsen Construction and Wadsworth Brothers to
LAYTON 801-281-7900         scenic mountain bike trails the rest of the year. The         provide an estimated 45,000 cubic yards for the
                            reservoir offers boating and fishing close by. When it’s      construction of the MWR Conference Hotel that will be
OREM 801-765-7800
                            time to come in from the outdoors, the planned resort         completed over the next couple years. Once complete,
LOGAN 435-713-0700
                            will include restaurants, night clubs and spas.               the hotel will offer 60,000 square feet of conference
PAYSON 801-465-6925            The purpose of the proposed MIDA project area is           space and 387 guest rooms — 100 of the guest rooms
PARK CITY 435-649-3033      to provide the military with a “morale, welfare and           being reserved for military personnel — along with 55
TOOELE 435-833-9116         recreation” facility or hotel — similar to other facilities   private residences.
HELPER 435-472-3466
OGDEN 801-479-6550          SCHOLARSHIP >>
AND PRODUCTS                  Geneva Rock is pleased to
+                           award Khevar McLeod the Fall
                            2021 Geneva Rock Scholarship.
                            Khevar is a student at Southern
DEDICATED PEOPLE            Utah University in Cedar City,
+                           Utah, and is studying civil engi-
MODERN EQUIPMENT            neering.
                              Growing up in Jamaica, he
                            watched his dad build houses
=                           for a living, began helping him
SUPERIOR VALUE              as a young man and, through
                            these experiences, learned to
                            respect construction.
     @geneva.rock             With his civil engineering
                            degree, Khevar plans to become                                first road in his community was paved, and the
                            a licensed professional with special emphasis in              great joy that it brought him and his community.
     Geneva Rock Products
                            geotechnical and structural engineering. With this               “As an engineer, I want to be able to give that
     Geneva_Rock            skill set, he wants to impact the lives of people             same life-changing joy to others that I experi-
                            back home in Jamaica. Khevar recounts when the                enced,” he says.

HEADING NORTH Expanded Ogden yard enhances Geneva Rock's capabilities in Northern Utah - Geneva Rock Products

Expanded Ogden yard enhances Geneva
Rock’s capabilities in Northern Utah

        ince 1954, Geneva            leading to the purchase of the
                                                                           Geneva Rock’s expanded services in Ogden
        Rock has prided itself on    Ogden yard a few years later
                                                                           — including new corporate offices, work-
        providing more than just     and a new office building in          shops and testing labs — allows for more
exceptional concrete, asphalt,       2018.                                 control over work done in Northern Utah.

aggregate, and construction             That continued devotion to
services in Utah — it’s held a       Northern Utah has manifested
nearly 70-year commitment to         itself through a large-scale
growth and innovation.               upgrade and development to the
   From humble beginnings in         Geneva Rock Ogden yard —
Orem, Geneva Rock quickly            including the construction of new
became one of Utah’s largest         corporate offices, workshops,
suppliers of ready-mix concrete.     aggregate storage, and a full-
As its presence grew along           service lab for concrete and
the Wasatch Front, so did its        asphalt testing.
products and services — moving          “The Ogden yard serves more
into sand and gravel supply, hot-    than just the Ogden area with
mix asphalt plants, and a range      increasing demand for products
of construction services such as     and services in the Northern
asphalt and concrete paving,         Davis, Weber, and Box Elder
utility work, and excavation and     county areas,” Jay Ritchie,
site work.                           Geneva Rock president, says.
   This dedication to continuously   “Those areas will soon be able
growing and developing as            to offer new and improved,
a company has extended to            state-of-the-art ready-mix and
a complete overhaul of the           asphalt facilities. These will
Geneva Rock Ogden yard.              open up a greater ability to
Beginning with the successful        backup existing plants and
outcome of Ogden’s Washington        will be a game-changer for us,
Boulevard project in 1991,           the industry and our customers
Geneva Rock gradually found          alike.”
its way into Northern Utah. It          Ritchie is confident that having
                                                                           The Ogden yard means Geneva Rock
started with plans for a concrete    cement storage on-site, along         will have more control over availability
plant batch plant near Ogden’s       with fly ash storage through          and production of needed materials of
                                                                           all kinds.
20th Street around 2008,             sister company, Bridgesource,

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HEADING NORTH Expanded Ogden yard enhances Geneva Rock's capabilities in Northern Utah - Geneva Rock Products
                                                                                                                                   OGDEN YARD

  While Geneva Rock has had major Ogden
  operations since the 1990s, the expansion
  solidifies the company’s role in the area
  construction industry.

on-site, Geneva Rock will be              will go directly into these storage
able to mitigate shortages,               silos,” Ritchie says. “This will      “It gives us the ability to better
should those continue to occur.           minimize the number of piles
   “It gives us the ability to better     that are out in the open and
                                                                                control our own destiny rather than
control our own destiny rather            impacted by the elements. It’ll       be so dependent on others for our
than be so dependent on others
for our day-to-day needs,”
                                          be much more environmentally
                                          sound as everything from how
                                                                                day-to-day needs.”
Ritchie says. “We can take more           the aggregates are handled to                                          Jay Ritchie, President of Geneva Rock
of that responsibility on our own         how power is distributed around
shoulders and be able to provide          the property will be managed            “It’s going to be really great,”   that will make the Geneva
better service to our customers.”         digitally, creating efficiency and    Westbroek says. “It’s very           Rock presence felt even more
   The impact of the enhanced             exactness.”                           exciting to have all of these        throughout the Northern Utah
Ogden yard will be felt                      With a full completion date        resources together on one site       counties — particularly when it
throughout the Geneva Rock                of late Spring 2022, Geneva           and I really think it will enhance   comes to competition.
customer base as all handling of          Rock’s area manager for               overall productivity and, ideally,      “From a facilities standpoint,
aggregates will be done digitally         construction, Mike Westbroek,         bring operations costs down.”        this puts us in the same ballpark
in the improved facility and              is enthusiastic and hopeful that        For Ritchie, Westbroek, and        as many of our competitors up
aggregate piles will be stored in         this development will bring           the Geneva Rock teams in             in Northern Utah, but our supply
silos and off the ground.                 with it a myriad of benefits and      Northern Utah, the new and           improvements now move us
   “The greatest bulk of material         improvements.                         improved facilities are something    ahead, in my eyes,” Ritchie says.

HEADING NORTH Expanded Ogden yard enhances Geneva Rock's capabilities in Northern Utah - Geneva Rock Products

     UDOT’s job is to keep Utah’s travelers going
     safely. Geneva Rock is a trusted partner in
     finding cost-effective and long-lasting solu-
     tions to roadway challenges.

          UDOT-ING THE MAP
                       For decades, Geneva Rock has laid the groundwork
                   for Utah’s roadways with the Department of Transportation
                                                                      BY GREG BENNETT

      he Utah Department                         well-built and maintained     preserving infrastructure,”        preserving the life and viability
      of Transportation — or                     roadways.                     says Kris Peterson, director       of the roadway and improving
      UDOT, as it’s more                           “UDOT’s role with regard    of project development at          the quality of life of all who
 commonly known — has the                        to building and maintaining   UDOT. “UDOT is responsible         use it.”
 unique mission to Keep Utah                     roadways throughout Utah      to safeguard the spending of         To accomplish this ambitious,
 Moving. And not just moving,                    includes zero fatalities,     taxpayer dollars in an efficient   multi-faceted purpose,
 but moving on cost-effective,                   optimizing mobility, and      and responsible manner while       UDOT relies on professional

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HEADING NORTH Expanded Ogden yard enhances Geneva Rock's capabilities in Northern Utah - Geneva Rock Products
                                                                                                                      UTAH DEPARTMENT
                                                                                                                     OF TRANSPORTATION

“Due to our longstanding                                I-84 MORGAN TO HENEFER >>
business relationship,                                  PROJECT BREAKDOWN
Geneva Rock is a contractor                             • Preserves the highway infrastructure of I-84 from Morgan to Summit
who understands UDOT’s                                    County Line
                                                        • Improves the concrete pavement, roadside features and structures
goals and objectives while                              • Removes/replaces hot mix asphalt (HMA) on 19 bridges and deck
delivering the quality projects                           pothole patching
UDOT demands.”                                          • Replaces four miles of median barrier and 10 miles of highway signage

                           Kris Peterson                GENEVA ROCK’S ROLE
  UDOT director of project development                  • Prime contractor on the project
                                                        • Perform concrete pavement work
                                                        • Median barrier removal and replacement
partnerships with contractors like Geneva Rock.         • Asphalt removal and replacement on decks
   “Geneva Rock is one of the major contractors
that performs major roadway work for public and
private entities throughout the Wasatch Front,”
Kris says.
   Geneva Rock has, for decades, worked closely         SR-150 RESURFACING >>
with UDOT on numerous projects including                PROJECT BREAKDOWN
improvements to Interstate 15, Interstate 84 and        • Nine miles of lightweight chip seal and lane leveling
Interstate 80. Geneva Rock has also completed           • Six miles of two-inch hot mix asphalt overlay with a lightweight chip seal
work on urban thoroughfare improvements that            • The treatment is expected to last 12 years
keep the local traffic moving, too.                     • Project took 60 days
   “Due to our longstanding business relationship,
Geneva Rock is a contractor who understands             GENEVA ROCK’S ROLE
UDOT’s goals and objectives while delivering the        • General contractor on the project
quality projects UDOT demands,” Kris says.
   The longstanding partnership enables the two
sides to work well together and finish complicated
jobs with fewer delays and concerns. That is, in
part, due to the numerous personal relationships        4100 SOUTH RECONSTRUCTION >>
that make working through inevitable issues and         PROJECT BREAKDOWN
challenges easier.                                      • Reconstruction of existing roadway using 10 inches of granular borrow,
   “Individual personal relationships within our          seven inches of untreated base course and six inches of new hot-mix
business arrangements help each part better
                                                          asphalt on two miles of arterial roadway
understand the other entity’s goals, objectives
                                                        • Treatment is expected to last 25 years and keeps the east-west arterial
and needs,” Kris says. “These relationships help
                                                          roadway problem-free between 5600 West and Bangerter Highway
both parties work through challenging and often
difficult situations in a professional and beneficial
                                                        GENEVA ROCK’S ROLE
                                                        • General contractor
   The two parties continue to find themselves
working together — primarily on heavy civil
construction, asphalt and concrete paving projects
— because they are aligned in their desire to
complete high-quality, cost-effective work that
                                                        E-TICKETING >>
means safer roads for Utah travelers.
   Currently, there are three major road                PROJECT BREAKDOWN
construction projects that pair the two entities. In    • UDOT desires to eliminate paper tickets for all concrete and asphalt jobs
part to better manage large, complicated projects,        on its projects
Geneva Rock integrated its software with the            • Clyde Companies appreciates transparency, accuracy and speed
Survey123 system used by UDOT to enable for             • The two organizations worked closely together to find an electronic
electronic communication that limits mistakes,            solution that worked for both
streamlines information to the job site and uses        • Clyde Companies IT professionals developed a program that integrated
less paper.                                               with UDOT’s proprietary software system, Survery123, allowing tickets to
   More information on these four latest                  be readily available on the job site and beyond
partnerships can be found to the right.

HEADING NORTH Expanded Ogden yard enhances Geneva Rock's capabilities in Northern Utah - Geneva Rock Products
     BACK                                                                                                 The Point of the Mountain bordering Utah and
                                                                                                          Salt Lake counties is a growing residential and
                                                                                                          industrial hotbed known as Silicon Slopes.
                                                                                                          While Geneva Rock continues to mine the area
                                                                                                          for needed raw material, plans are in place for
                                                                                                          future reclamation and development — including
                                                                                                          a massive donation from Geneva Rock to the
                                                                                                          development of recreational trails.

Hiking trails and extra water resources for Lehi residents highlights Geneva
Rock’s future housing development plan

   n 2019, Geneva Rock and its        well. The well and water storage,      area larger than their proposed        of TMTA. TMTA has been
   development partner, GWC           when completed, will not only          development. We are excited            instrumental in the funding and
   Capital, announced approval        service the new development, but       that the city of Lehi and Geneva       building of multiple trails in Utah,
to build The Vistas at Point          will extend to residents in other      Rock were able to collaborate          including Sensei (5 miles) built in
Crossing at the site of a former      parts of the city, encompassing a      on this successful public/private      2017, Mo-mentum (2.5 miles),
Geneva Rock gravel pit. The           footprint of nearly 300 acres.         partnership.”                          LoLo Loop (2.5 miles) built in
new transit-oriented development        The sale was completed in the          Jay Ritchie, president of            2019, Tráverse Travérse (2 miles)
(TOD) in Lehi will turn the site      summer of 2021 and Geneva              Geneva Rock, sees the donation         built in 2020, and Brookside (in
into a mixed-use project with         Rock immediately donated the           as another way to accomplish his       progress). The association has
300 luxury apartments, 100            funds to the Traverse Mountain         company’s mission of building a        also recently received funding to
townhome units, a high-speed          Trails Association (TMTA), a           better community.                      build Footloose (3 miles), a hiking
bus between Utah and Salt Lake        Lehi-based organization that               “Additional trails up along        trail, this year.
Counties, and pedestrian and          promotes and supports the              the hills and foothills will give         “Our newest donation for
bicycle paths with easy access to     development of local, sustainable      residents places to exercise,          $160,000 from Geneva Rock
nearby trail systems.                 recreational trails to help Utah       walk their dogs, enjoy the             is our biggest yet and TMTA is
   As a result of this project, and   residents live a healthy and           evenings or early mornings and         ecstatic,” said Lori Le, president
through a generous donation           active lifestyle.                      generally have more enjoyment          of TMTA. “This is a huge boost in
from Geneva Rock, the city of           “We are always excited when          of the community,” he says.            continuing to build trails and will
Lehi will also see additional water   companies like Geneva Rock step        “We’re greatly honored to help         directly fund the continued build-
and trails for its residents.         up and do more than is required        provide an amenity which will          out on Traverse Mountain Trails
   Geneva Rock will provide           simply to benefit the larger           benefit all the residents who live     System.”
its own water infrastructure for      community,” says Brad Kenison,         in that area. Building a better           This build out includes
the development. Geneva Rock          assistant city engineer with           community is one of the tenets by      downhill mountain biking trails,
did this by deeding a section of      the city of Lehi. “As part of the      which we operate, and we will          hiking trails, multi-use trails,
property to the city as a public      annexation agreement with Lehi         continue rehabilitating the land       special features, and trailhead
utilities parcel that will include    City, Geneva Rock was required         we use to create useful living,        improvements.
a one-million-gallon culinary         to provide the water infrastructure    working, growing, and playing             The demand for natural trails
water tank, a 2.1-million-gallon      for their development. However,        environments.”                         has grown in recent years as
pressurized irrigation water tank     they also went above and beyond          Geneva Rock’s mission aligns         more Utahns recognize the
and a new municipal culinary          to build water infrastructure for an   perfectly with the mission             benefits of outdoor recreation.

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HEADING NORTH Expanded Ogden yard enhances Geneva Rock's capabilities in Northern Utah - Geneva Rock Products HEADING NORTH Expanded Ogden yard enhances Geneva Rock's capabilities in Northern Utah - Geneva Rock Products
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