Harvesting Large-Scale Weakly-Tagged Image Databases from the Web
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Harvesting Large-Scale Weakly-Tagged Image Databases from the Web Jianping Fan1 , Yi Shen1 , Ning Zhou1 , Yuli Gao2 1 Department of Computer Science, UNC-Charlotte, NC28223, USA 2 Multimedia Interaction and Understanding, HP Labs, Palo Alto, CA94304, USA Abstract new algorithm for harvesting image databases from the web by combining text, meta-data and visual information. All To leverage large-scale weakly-tagged images for computer these existing techniques have made a hidden assumption, vision tasks (such as object detection and scene recogni- e.g., image semantics have an explicit correspondence with tion), a novel cross-modal tag cleansing and junk image the associated texts or nearby texts. Unfortunately, such an filtering algorithm is developed for cleansing the weakly- assumption may not always be true. tagged images and their social tags (i.e., removing irrele- Collaborative image tagging system, such as Flickr [3], vant images and finding the most relevant tags for each im- is now a popular way to obtain large set of labeled images age) by integrating both the visual similarity contexts be- easily by relying on the collaborative effort of a large pop- tween the images and the semantic similarity contexts be- ulation of Internet users. In a collaborative image tagging tween their tags. Our algorithm can address the issues of system, people can tag the images according to their social spams, polysemes and synonyms more effectively and de- or cultural backgrounds, personal expertise and perception. termine the relevance between the images and their social We call the collaboratively-tagged images as weakly-tagged tags more precisely, thus it can allow us to create large images because their social tags may not have exact cor- amounts of training images with more reliable labels by har- respondences with the underlying image semantics. With vesting from large-scale weakly-tagged images, which can the exponential growth of the weakly-tagged images, it is further be used to achieve more effective classifier training very attractive to develop new algorithms that can lever- for many computer vision tasks. age large-scale weakly-tagged images for computer vision tasks (such as learning the classifiers for object detection 1. Introduction and scene recognition). Without controlling the word vo- cabulary, many text terms for image tagging may be syn- For many computer vision tasks, such as object detection onyms or polysemes or even spams. The appearances of and scene recognition, machine learning techniques are usu- synonyms, polysemes and spams may either return incom- ally involved to learn the classifiers from a set of labeled plete sets of the relevant images or result in large amounts training images [1]. The size of the labeled training images of ambiguous images or even junk images. Thus it is not must be large-scale due to: (1) the number of object classes a trivial task to leverage large-scale weakly-tagged images and scenes of interest could be very large; (2) the learning for computer vision tasks. complexity for some object classes and scenes could be very In this paper, we focus on collecting large-scale weakly- high because of visual ambiguity; and (3) a small number tagged images from collaborative image tagging systems of labeled training images are incomplete or insufficient to such as Flickr by addressing the following crucial issues: interpret the diverse visual properties of large amounts of (a) Synonymous Tags: Different people may use dif- unseen test images. However, hiring professionals to label ferent tags, which have the same or close meanings (syn- large amounts of training images is cost-sensitive and poses onyms), to tag their images. For example, car, auto, and au- a key limitation for the practical use of some advanced com- tomobile are a set of synonyms. The synonyms may result puter vision techniques. On the other hand, large-scale dig- in incomplete returns of the relevant images in the image ital images and their associated text terms are available on crawling process, and most tag clustering algorithms can- the Internet, thus it is very attractive to leverage large-scale not incorporate the visual similarities between the relevant online images for computer vision tasks [2]. images to deal with the issue of synonyms more effectively. Some pioneering works have been done to leverage In- (b) Polysemous Tags: Collaborative image tagging is ternet images for computer vision tasks [2, 4-8]. Fergus et an ambiguous process. Without controlling the vocabulary, al. [4] and Li et al. [6] dealt with the precision problem by different people may apply the same tag in different ways re-ranking the images which are downloaded from an image (i.e., the same tag may have different meanings under dif- search engine. Recently, Schroff et al. [7] have developed a ferent contexts), which may result in large amounts of am-
biguous images. For example, the text term “bank” can be The occurrence frequency for each content-relevant tag used to tag “bank office”, “river bank” and “cloud bank”. and each event-relevant tag is counted automatically by us- Word sense disambiguation is one potential solution for ad- ing the number of relevant images. The misspelling tags dressing this ambiguity issue, but it cannot incorporate the may have low frequencies (i.e., different people may make visual properties of the relevant images to deal with the is- different typing mistakes), thus it is easy for us to correct sue of polysemes more effectively [9-10]. such the misspelling tags and their images are added into (c) Spam Tags: Spam tags, which are used to drive traf- the relevant tags automatically. Two tags, which are used fic to certain images for fun or profit, are done by inserting for tagging the same image, are considered to co-occur once the text terms that are more related to popular query terms without considering their order. A co-occurrence matrix is rather than the text terms related to the actual image con- obtained by counting the frequencies of such pairwise tag tent. Spam tags are problematic because the junk images co-occurrences. may mislead the underlying machine learning tools for clas- The content-relevant tags and the event-relevant tags are sifier training. Junk image filtering is an attractive direction further partitioned into two categories according to their for dealing with the issue of spam tags, but it is worth noting interestingness scores: interesting tags and uninteresting that the scenario for junk image filtering in a collaborative tags. In this paper, multiple information sources have been image tagging space is significantly different. exploited for determining the interesting tags more accu- In this paper, a novel cross-modal tag cleansing and rately. For a given tag C, its interestingness score ω(C) junk image filtering algorithm is developed by integrat- depends on: (1) its occurrence frequency t(C) (e.g., higher ing both the visual properties of the weakly-tagged images occurrence frequency corresponds to higher interestingness and their social tags to deal with the issues of spams, pol- score); and (2) its co-occurrence frequency ϑ(C) with any ysemes and synonyms more effectively, so that we can cre- other tag in the vocabulary (e.g., higher co-occurrence fre- ate large amounts of training images with more reliable la- quency corresponds to higher interestingness score). The bels for computer vision tasks by harvesting from large- occurrence frequency t(C) for a given tag C is equal to the scale weakly-tagged images. The paper is organized as fol- number of images that are tagged by the given tag C. The lows. In section 2, an automatic algorithm is introduced for co-occurrence frequency ϑ(C) for the given tag C is equal image topic extraction. In section 3, a mixture-of-kernels to the number of images that are tagged jointly by the given algorithm is introduced for image similarity characteriza- tag C and any other tag in the vocabulary. tion. In section 4, a spam tag detection technique is intro- The interestingness score ω(C) for a given tag C is de- duced for junk image filtering. In section 5, a cross-modal fined as: tag cleansing algorithm is introduced for addressing the is- p p ω(C) = ξ·log(t(C)+ t2 (C) + 1)+ζ·log(ϑ(C)+ ϑ2 (C) + 1) sues of synonyms and polysemes. The algorithm evaluation (1) results are given in section 6. We conclude this paper at where ξ and ζ are the weighting factors, ξ +ζ = 1. section 7. All the interesting tags, which have large values of Ω(·) (i.e., top 5000 tags in our current experiments), are treated 2. Image Topic Extraction as image topics. In this work, only the interesting tags, which are used to interpret the most popular real-world ob- Each image in a collaborative tagging system is associated ject classes and scenes or events, are treated as the image with the image holder’s taggings of the underlying image topics. It is worth noting that one single weakly-tagged im- content and other users’ taggings or comments. It is worth age may be assigned into multiple image topics when the noting that entity extraction can be done more effectively in relevant tags are used for tagging the image jointly. Collect- a collaborative image tagging space. In this paper, we first ing large-scale training images for the most popular real- focus on extracting the social tags which are strongly related world object classes and scenes or events and learning their to the most popular real-world objects and scenes or events. classifiers more accurately are crucial for many computer The social tags, which are related to image capture time and vision tasks. place, are also very attractive, but they are beyond the scope of this paper. Thus the image tags are first partitioned into 3. Image Similarity Characterization two categories: noun phrases versus verb phrases. The noun phrases are further partitioned into two categories automat- To achieve more sufficient characterization of various visual ically: content-relevant tags (i.e., tags that are relevant to properties of the images, both global and local visual fea- image objects and scenes) and content-irrelevant tags. The tures are extracted for image content representation. In our verb phrases are further partitioned into two categories au- current experiments, the following visual features are ex- tomatically: event-relevant tags (i.e., tags that are relevant tracted: (1) 36-bin RGB color histogram to characterize the to image events) and event-irrelevant tags. global color distributions of the images; (2) 48-dimensional
texture features from Gabor filter banks to characterize the 4. Spam Tag Detection global visual properties (i.e., global structures) of the im- ages; and (3) a number of interest points and their SIFT Some popular image topics in the vocabulary may consist of (scale invariant feature transform) features to characterize large amounts of junk images because of spam tagging, and the local visual properties of the underlying salient image incorporating the junk images for classifier training may se- components. riously mislead the underlying machine learning tools. Ob- viously, the junk images, which are induced by spam tag- By using high-dimensional visual features (color his- ging, may make a significant difference on their visual prop- togram, wavelet textures, and SIFT features) for image con- erties with the relevant images. Thus the junk images can tent representation, it is able for us to characterize various be filtered out effectively by performing visual-based image visual properties of the images more sufficiently. On the clustering and relevance analysis. other hand, the statistical properties of the images in the high-dimensional feature space may be heterogeneous be- cause different feature subsets are used to characterize dif- 4.1 Image Clustering ferent visual properties of the images, thus the statistical A K-way min-max cut algorithm is developed to achieve properties of the images in the high-dimensional feature more effective image clustering, where the cumulative inter- space may be heterogeneous and sparse. Therefore, it is cluster visual similarity contexts are minimized while the hard to use only one single type of kernel to characterize cumulative intra-cluster visual similarity contexts (summa- the diverse visual similarity contexts between the images tion of pairwise image similarity contexts within a cluster) precisely. are maximized. These two criteria can be satisfied simulta- Based on these observations, the high-dimensional vi- neously with a simple K-way min-max cut function [11]. sual features are first partitioned into multiple feature sub- For a given image topic C, a graph is first constructed for sets and each feature subset is used to characterize one cer- organizing all its weakly-tagged images according to their tain type of visual properties of the images, thus the un- visual similarity contexts [11-12], where each node on the derlying visual similarity contexts between the images are graph is one weakly-tagged image for the given image topic more homogeneous and can be approximated more pre- C and an edge between two nodes is used to characterize cisely by using one particular type of kernel. For each fea- the visual similarity contexts between two weakly-tagged ture subset, a suitable base kernel is designed for image sim- images, κ(·, ·). ilarity characterization. Because different base image ker- All the weakly-tagged images for the given image topic nels may play different roles on characterizing the diverse C are partitioned into K clusters automatically by minimiz- visual similarity contexts between the images, the optimal ing the following objective function: kernel for diverse image similarity context characterization K ( ) can be approximated more accurately by using a linear com- X s(Gi , G/Gi ) bination of these base image kernels with different impor- min Ψ(C, K, β) = (3) i=1 s(Gi , Gi ) tance. For a given image topic Cj in the vocabulary, differ- where G = {Gi |i = 1, · · · , K} is used to represent K im- ent base image kernels may play different roles on charac- age clusters, G/Gi is used to represent other K − 1 image terizing the diverse visual similarity relationships between clusters in G except Gi , K is the total number of image the images. Thus the diverse visual similarity contexts be- clusters, β is the set of the optimal kernel weights. The cu- tween the images are characterized more precisely by using mulative inter-cluster visual similarity context s(Gi , G/Gi ) a mixture-of-kernels [13-14]: is defined as: X X s(Gi , G/Gi ) = κ(u, v) (4) τ τ X X u∈Gi v∈G/Gi κ(x, y) = βl κl (x, y), βl = 1 (2) l=1 l=1 The cumulative intra-cluster visual similarity context s(Gi , Gi ) is defined as: where τ is the number of feature subsets (i.e., the number X X of base image kernels), βl ≥ 0 is the importance factor s(Gi , Gi ) = κ(u, v) (5) u∈Gi v∈Gi for the lth base image kernel κl (x, y). Combining multiple base kernels can allow us to achieve more precise charac- We further define X = [X1 , · · · , Xl , · · · , Xk ] as the terization of the diverse visual similarity contexts between cluster indicators, and its component Xl is a binary indi- the weakly-tagged images.
Figure 1: Image clustering for the image topic “beach”: (a) cluster correlation network; (b) filtered junk images. cator for the appearance of the lth cluster Gl , The objective function for kernel weight determination is to maximize the inter-cluster separability and the intra- 1, u ∈ Gl cluster compactness. For one specific cluster Gl , its inter- Xl (u) = (6) cluster separability µ(Gl ) and its intra-cluster compactness 0, otherwise σ(Gl ) are defined as: W is defined as an n×n symmetrical matrix (i.e., n is the µ(Gl ) = XlT (D − W )Xl , σ(Gl ) = XlT W Xl (12) total number of web images), and its component is defined as: For one specific cluster Gl , we can refine its cumulative Wu,v = κ(u, v) (7) intra-cluster pairwise image similarity contexts s(Gl , Gl ) as W (Gl ): D is defined as an n × n diagonal matrix, and its diagonal τ components are defined as: X X X W (Gl ) = κ(u, v) = βi ωi (Gl ) (13) n X u∈Gl v∈Gl i=1 Du,u = Wu,v (8) τ v=1 X D(Gl ) − W (Gl ) = βi [i (Gl ) − ωi (Gl )] (14) For the given image topic C, an optimal partition of its i=1 weakly-tagged images (i.e., image clustering) is achieved where ωi (Gl ) and i (Gl ) are defined as: by: X X nl X K ωi (Gl ) = κi (u, v), i (Gl ) = ωi (Gl ) (15) ( ) X XlT (D − W )Xl min Ψ(C, K, β) = (9) u∈Gl v∈Gl v=1 l=1 XlT W Xl The optimal weights β ~ = [β1 , · · ·, βτ ] for kernel com- − → 1 1 − → D2 1 Xl bination are determined automatically by maximizing the Let W = D− 2 W D− 2 , and Xl = 1 , the objective kD 2 Xl k inter-cluster separability and the intra-cluster compactness: function for our K-way min-max cut algorithm can further be refined as: ( K ) max 1 X σ(Gl ) ~ (16) K β K µ(Gl ) ( ) X 1 l=1 min Ψ(C, K, β) = − →T − → − → −K (10) l=1 Xl · W · Xl Pτ subject to: i=1 βi = 1, ∀i : βi ≥ 0 The optimal kernel weights β~ = [β1 , · · ·, βτ ] are de- subject to: termined automatically by solving the following quadratic − →T − → − →T − → − → programming problem: Xl · Xl = I, Xl · W · Xl > 0, l ∈ [1, · · · , K] K ( ! ) The optimal solution for Eq. (10) is finally achieved by min 1 ~T X T ~ ~ β Ω(Gl )Ω(Gl ) β (17) solving multiple eigenvalue equations: β 2 l=1 − → − → − → Pτ W · Xl = λ l Xl , l ∈ [1, · · · , K] (11) subject to: i=1 βi = 1, ∀i : βi ≥ 0
Figure 2: Image clustering for the image topic “rock”: (a) cluster correlation network; (b) filtered junk images. Ω(Gl ) is defined as: are used to indicate the co-occurrence probabilities for the images x and y with the image topic C. ω(Gl ) In order to leverage the inter-cluster correlations for Ω(Gl ) = (18) (Gl ) − ω(Gl ) achieving more effective relevance re-ranking, a random walk process is performed for automatic relevance score re- In summary, our K-way min-max cut algorithm takes the finement [15]. For a given image topic C, our image cluster- following steps iteratively for image clustering and kernel ing algorithm can automatically determine a cluster corre- weight determination: (1) β is set equally for all these fea- lation network (i.e., K image clusters and their inter-cluster ture subsets at the first run of iterations. (2) Given the initial correlations) as shown in Fig. 1(a) and Fig. 2(a). We use values of kernel weights, our K-way min-max cut algorithm ρl (Gi ) to denote the relevance score for the ith image clus- is performed to partition the weakly-tagged images into K ter Gi at the lth iteration. The relevance scores for all these clusters according to their pairwise visual similarity con- K image clusters at the lth iteration will form a column vec- texts. (3) Given an initial partition of the weakly-tagged −−−→ images, our kernel weight determination algorithm is per- tor ρ(Gi ) ≡ [ρl (Gi )]K×1 . We further define Φ as an K × K formed to estimate more suitable kernel weights, so that transition matrix, its element φGi ,Gj is used to define the more precise characterization of the diverse visual similar- probability of the transition from the image cluster Gi to its ity contexts between the images can be achieved. (4) Go to inter-related image cluster Gj . φGi ,Gj is defined as: step 2 and continue the loop iteratively until β is convergent. As shown in Fig. 1(a) and Fig. 2(a), our image cluster- s(Gi , Gj ) φGi ,Gj = P (20) ing algorithm can achieve a good partition of large amounts Gh ∈C s(Gi , Gh ) of weakly-tagged images and determine their global distri- butions and inter-cluster correlations effectively. Unfortu- where s(Gi , Gj ) is the inter-cluster visual similarity context nately, such image clustering process cannot directly iden- between two image clusters Gi and Gj as defined in Eq. (4). tify the clusters for the junk images. The random walk process is then formulated as: X ρl (Gi ) = θ ρl−1 (Gj )φGi ,Gj + (1 − θ)ρ(C, Gi ) (21) 4.2 Relevance Re-Ranking j∈Ωj For different users, their motivations for spam tagging are significantly different and their images for spam tagging where Ωj is the first-order nearest neighbors of the image should contain different content and have different visual cluster Gj on the cluster correlation network, ρ(C, Gi ) is properties. Thus the clusters for the junk images (which the initial relevance score for the image cluster Gi and θ is come from different users with different motivations) could a weight parameter. This random walk process will promote be in small sizes. Based on this observation, it is reasonable the image clusters which have many connections on the for us to define the relevance score ρ(C, Gi ) for a given im- cluster correlation network, e.g., the image clusters which age cluster Gi with the image topic C as: have close visual properties (i.e., stronger visual similarity P contexts) with other image clusters. On the other hand, this P (x, C) random walk process will also weaken the isolated image ρ(C, Gi ) = Px∈Gi (19) clusters on the cluster correlation network, e.g., the image y∈C P (y, C) clusters which have weak visual correlations with other im- where x and y are used to represent particular weakly- age clusters. This random walk process is terminated when tagged images for the image topic C, P (x, C) and P (y, C) the relevance scores converge.
For two given image topics Ci and Cj , their visual simi- larity context γ(Ci , Cj ) is defined as: 1 X X γ(Ci , Cj ) = [κ̂(u, v) + κ̄(u, v)] (22) 2|Ci ||Cj | u∈Ci v∈Cj where |Ci | and |Cj | are the numbers of the weakly-tagged images for the image topics Ci and Cj , κ̂(u, v) is the kernel- based visual similarity context between two weakly-tagged Figure 3: Different views of our topic network. images u and v by using the kernel weights for the image topic Ci , and κ̄(u, v) is the kernel-based visual similarity By performing random walk over the cluster correlation context between two weakly-tagged images u and v by us- network, our relevance score refinement algorithm can re- ing the kernel weights for the image topic Cj . rank the relevance between the image clusters and the im- The co-occurrence correlation β(Ci , Cj ) between two age topic C more precisely. Thus the top-k image clusters, image topics Ci and Cj is defined as: which have higher relevance scores with the image topic, are selected as the most relevant image clusters for the given P (Ci , Cj ) image topic C. Through integrating the cluster correla- β(Ci , Cj ) = −P (Ci , Cj )log (23) P (Ci ) + P (Cj ) tion network and random walk for relevance re-ranking, our spam tag detection algorithm can filter out the junk images where P (Ci , Cj ) is the co-occurrence probability for two effectively as shown in Fig. 1(b) and Fig. 2(b). By filtering image topics Ci and Cj , P (Ci ) and P (Cj ) are the occur- out the junk images, we can automatically create large-scale rence probability for the image topics Ci and Cj . training images with more reliable labels to learn more ac- The cross-modal inter-topic correlation between two im- curate classifiers for object detection and scene recognition. age topics Ci and Cj is finally defined as: ϕ(Ci , Cj ) = α · γ(Ci , Cj ) + (1 − α) · β(Ci , Cj ) (24) 5. Cross-Modal Tag Cleansing where α is the weighting factor and it is determined through The appearance of synonyms may result in insufficient im- cross-validation. The topic network for our image collec- age collections, which may prevent the underlying machine tions is shown in Fig. 3, where each image topic is linked learning techniques from learning reliable classifiers for the with multiple most relevant image topics with larger values synonymous image topics. On the other hand, the appear- of ϕ(·, ·). ance of polysems may result in the image sets with huge Our K-way min-max cut algorithm is further performed visual diversity, which may also prevent the underlying ma- on the topic network for topic clustering, thus the synony- chine learning tools from learning precise classifiers for the mous topics are grouped into the same cluster and can be polysemous image topics. To leverage large-scale weakly- combined as one super-topic. The images for these synony- tagged images for computer vision tasks, it is very attrac- mous topics may share similar visual properties and seman- tive to develop cross-modal tag cleansing techniques for ad- tics, thus they are combined and assigned to the super-topic dressing the issues of synonyms and polysems more effec- automatically and a more comprehensive set of the relevant tively. images can be obtained. Multiple tags for interpreting these synonymous topics are combined as one unified phrase for 5.1 Combining Synonymous Topics tagging the super-topic. Through combining the synony- mous topics and their similar images, we can obtain more When people tag their images, they may use multiple text sufficient images to achieve more reliable learning of the terms with similar meanings to tag their images alterna- classifier for the corresponding super-topic. tively. Thus the image tags are inter-related and such inter- related tags and their relevant images should be consid- 5.2 Splitting Polysemous Topics ered jointly. Based on this observation, a topic network is constructed automatically for characterizing such inter-tag Some image topics may be polysemous, which may result (inter-topic) similarity contexts more precisely. Our topic in large amounts of ambiguous images with diverse visual network consists of two key components: (a) a large number properties. Using the ambiguous images for classifier train- of image topics; and (b) their cross-modal inter-topic corre- ing may result in the classifiers with high variance and low lations. The cross-modal inter-topic correlations consist of generalization ability. To address the issue of polysemes, two components: (1) inter-topic co-occurrence correlations; automatic image clustering is performed to split the poly- and (2) inter-topic visual similarity contexts. semous topics by partitioning their ambiguous images into
multiple clusters with more homogeneous visual properties. Thus our K-way min-max cut algorithm is used to partition the ambiguous images under the same polysemous topic into multiple groups automatically and each group may cor- respond to one certain sub-topic with more homogeneous visual properties and smaller semantic gap. To address the issue of the polysemous topics more ef- Figure 4: The comparison on the precision rates after and fectively, WordNet is first incorporated to identify the can- before performing spam tag detection. didates of the polysemous topics. For a given candidate of the polysemous topics P , all its weakly-tagged images are first partitioned into multiple clusters according to their vi- sual similarity contexts by using our K-way min-max cut algorithm. The visual diversity Ω(P ) for the given candi- date P is defined as: 2 X µ(Gi ) − µ(Gj ) Ω(P ) = (25) σ(Gi ) + σ(Gj ) Gi ,Gj ∈P Figure 5: The comparison on the recall rates after and before where µ(Gi ) and µ(Gj ) are the means of the image clusters merging the synonymous topics. Gi and Gj , σ(Gi ) and σ(Gj ) are the variances of the image clusters Gi and Gj . where ϑ is the set of images that are relevant to the given The candidates with large visual diversity between their image topic and are returned correctly, ξ is the set of images images are treated as the polysemous topics and are fur- that are irrelevant to the given image topic and are returned ther partitioned into multiple sub-topics. For a given poly- incorrectly, and ν is the set of images that are relevant to the semous topic, all its ambiguous images are partitioned into given image but are not returned. In our experiments, only multiple clusters automatically, and each cluster may corre- top 200 images are used for calculating the precision and spond to one certain sub-topic. By assigning the ambiguous recall rates. images for the polysemous topic into multiple sub-topics, The precision rate is used to characterize the accuracy of we can obtain multiple image sets with more homogeneous our system for finding the particular images of interest, thus visual properties, which may have better correspondences it can be used to assess the effectiveness of our spam tag between the tags (i.e., sub-topics) and the image semantics detection algorithm. As shown in Fig. 4, one can observe (i.e., smaller semantic gaps). Through splitting the poly- that our spam tag detection algorithm can filter out the junk semous topics and their ambiguous images, we can obtain: images effectively and result in higher precision rates for (a) multiple sub-topics with smaller semantic gaps and vi- image retrieval. On the other hand, the recall rate is used to sual diversity; and (b) more precise image collections (with characterize the efficiency of our system for finding the par- smaller visual diversity) which can be used to achieve more ticular images of interest, thus it can be used to assess the accurate learning of the classifiers for multiple sub-topics effectiveness of our cross-modal tag cleansing algorithm on with smaller semantic gaps. addressing the issue of synonymous tags. As shown in Fig. 5, one can observe that our cross-modal tag cleansing algo- 6. Algorithm Evaluation rithm can combine the synonymous topics and their similar images effectively and result in higher recall rates for image We have carried out our experimental studies by using retrieval. large-scale weakly-tagged Flickr images. We have down- To evaluate the effectiveness of our cross-modal tag loaded more than 10 million Flickr images. Our algorithm cleansing algorithm on dealing with the polysemous tags, evaluation work focuses on evaluating how well our tech- we have compared the performance differences on the pre- niques can address the issues of spams, polysemes and syn- cision rates before and after separating the polysmous tags onyms. To evaluate the performance of our algorithms on and their ambiguous images. Some results are shown in Fig. spam tag detection and cross-modal tag cleansing, we have 6, one can obtain that our cross-modal tag cleansing algo- designed an interactive system for searching and exploring rithm can tackle the issue of polysemous tags effectively. large-scale collections of Flickr images. The benchmark By splitting the polysemous topics and their ambiguous im- metric for algorithm evaluation includes precision ρ and re- ages into multiple sub-topics, our system can achieve higher call % for image retrieval. They are defined as: precision rates for image retrieval. ϑ ϑ We have also compared the precision and recall rates ρ= , %= (26) between our system (i.e., which have provided techniques ϑ+ξ ϑ+ν
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