Gradient and lamellar heterostructures for superior mechanical properties

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Gradient and lamellar heterostructures for superior mechanical properties
Gradient and lamellar heterostructures
                                            for superior mechanical properties
                                            Xiaolei Wu* and Yuntian Zhu*
                                            Heterostructured (HS) materials are a novel class of materials with mechanical properties
                                            that are superior over their conventional homogeneous counterparts. They are composed
                                            of HS zones with a dramatic difference in mechanical behaviors, which produces a
                                            synergistic effect on mechanical properties that are above the prediction by the rule-
                                            of-mixtures. Among all heterostructures, the two most studied are grain-size gradient
                                            structure and heterolamellar structure. These two heterostructures produce typical
                                            heterogeneous deformation during tensile deformation, producing long-range back stress
                                            in the soft zones and forward stress in the hard zones, which collectively produces hetero
                                            deformation-induced (HDI) stress to enhance the yield strength before yielding, and HDI
                                            hardening after yielding to retain ductility. In this article, we will focus on these two types
                                            of heterostructures. The issues, concerns, and progress are reviewed with the emphasis
                                            on the synergistic effect of mechanical properties, the fundamentals of several special
                                            plastic behaviors (e.g., strain gradient, HDI hardening and strain hardening), the plastic
                                            deformation mechanism, and the relationship between the microstructure and properties.

   Introduction                                                                                    role in producing the synergistic effect as compared to normal
   Heterostructured (HS) materials are attracting extensive                                        grain boundaries.1,5 A heterozone boundary affected region
   interest due to their superior mechanical properties, which                                     (HBAR) appears at and near the heterozone boundaries with
   are not attainable by their conventional homogeneous coun-                                      strain gradient during plastic deformation. 1,18,19 Note that
   terparts.1–10 HS materials are defined as materials that have                                   the HBAR was previously defined as interface-affected zone
   HS zones with dramatically different (> 100%) mechanical                                        (IAZ).19 The interaction and coupling between the HS zones
   properties, and the interzone interactions are able to produce                                  occur in the HBARs, leading to a synergistic effect.1,19
   significant synergistic effect on mechanical properties.1 A                                         The synergistic effect is a hallmark of HS materials.12,13,15
   typical class of heterostructures involves a multilevel archi-                                  Specifically, extra strengthening,12,13 extra strain hardening,12
   tecture of trans-scale grains,6 among which the most studied                                    and high d­ uctility11–13,18 are produced by the synergistic effect
   are gradient structure (GS)2,6,10–17 and heterogeneous lamellar                                 in GS and HLS materials.11–47 This makes the yield strength
   structure (HLS).18,19 This article focuses on these two types                                   exceed what is predicted by the rule-of-mixtures.13,15 Fur-
   of heterostructures. Other HS materials include the precipi-                                    thermore, ductility in HS materials is much higher than that
   tates, second phase, and multilevel grain and multiphase                                        measured in standalone nanostructured materials.11–13 This is
   microstructures.20–27                                                                           associated with the strain gradient and stress state change.12
      Tailoring microstructural heterogeneity is needed to                                         In other words, strain gradient in the HBAR is accommodated
   enhance the synergistic effect in HS materials.1–10 Nanoscale                                   by geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs),1,4–6,12,18,19
   grains produce high strength but low ductility, while coarse                                    which leads to the hetero deformation-induced (HDI) strength-
   grains do the opposite. However, the combination of soft                                        ening and HDI strain hardening.1,5,6,40,43 This produces the
   coarse grains with strong nanoscale grains can produce a syn-                                   synergistic effect in HS materials. As a result, the tradeoff in
   ergistic effect, especially for the ductility.1,5 Both GS and HLS                               strength and ductility can be largely alleviated.11–14,18,19,28–45
   are trans-scale from the coarse grains to nanoscale grains and/                                     In this article, we focus on the trans-scale GS and HLS,
   or nanostructures,11,12 with polarizing mechanical responses.                                   containing the nanograins (NG)/nanostructures (NS) and
   More importantly, the heterozone boundaries play a critical                                     coarse grains (CG). Both the GS and HLS induce hetero

   Xiaolei Wu, State Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
   Yuntian Zhu, City University of Hong Kong;
   *Corresponding authors

244      MRS BULLETIN • VOLUME 46 • MARCH 2021 •                                                                                     © The Author(s) 2021
Gradient and lamellar heterostructures for superior mechanical properties
Gradient and lamellar heterostructures for superior mechanical properties

deformation, which produces extraordinary strain harden-                            mechanical incompatibility.1,5 The HDI stress is collectively
ing. This review concerns the synergy in mechanical proper-                         produced by the back stress in the CG zones and forward
ties, strain gradient-based design of HS materials, and HDI                         stress in the NG/NS zones.5 It has been proposed that the back
strengthening and strain hardening.                                                 stress is produced by GNDs,48–52 typically in the form of GND
                                                                                    pileups.1,5,18,49 The back stress acts to offset applied stress to
 Producing synergy by heterostructuring                                             impede the emission and slip of dislocations from dislocation
 The synergistic effect is a characteristic feature of HS                           sources in the CG zones.1,5
           1–10                                                                         The GND pileup exerts a stress concentration at the hetero-
­materials      (Figure 1a). The goal is to raise yield strength
σy while retaining ductility (uniform elongation εu ). This is                      zone boundary, which needs to be balanced by a forward stress
 challenging because σy and εu usually show a tradeoff with                         in the hard zone. The forward stress is in the same direction
 each other. This tradeoff in ( σy , εu ) is, however, dramatically                 as the applied stress, and therefore promotes plastic deforma-
 alleviated or even avoided in HS materials, by introducing                         tion in the hard zone. In other words, it acts to soften the hard
 the heterogeneities into the microstructure such as the grain/                     zone. At the heterozone boundary, the forward stress and the
 twin gradient, lamellar, and hierarchical structure. Interest-                     back stress are the same in magnitude, but in opposite direc-
 ingly, the conventional banana-like ( σy , εu ) relationship can                   tions. However, they decay in different manner away from the
 be reversed. The heterogeneities cause strain hardening and                        heterozone boundary, which collectively produces HDI stress.
 promote heterogeneous plastic deformation, both acting as the                          Before the hard zone starts to yield, the HDI stress primar-
 dominant mechanisms for toughening.16,46,47 This is the reason                     ily comes from the back stress since the forward stress cannot
 for superior combination of the strength and fracture tough-                       make the hard zone to deform yet. In other words, the back
 ness (K1C) (Figure 1b) and v-notch impact fracture toughness                       stress acted to increase the yield strength of HS materials.
 (AK) (Figure 1c) in HS materials.                                                  After the yield point, the balance between the back stress and
                                                                                    forward stress produces HDI strain hardening with applied
                                                                                    strain to retain ductility.1,5,40,43
 Fundamentals: Hetero deformation-induced                                               The mechanism of HDI strain hardening has been reported
 stress and hetero deformation-induced strain                                       in various HS materials. The presence of a wide hysteresis loop
 hardening                                                                          and residual plastic strain as large as 0.2% during unload-reload
 Hetero deformation reigns in both GS and HLS materials                             tensile testing indicate the presence of HDI stress and HDI hard-
 during tensile deformation.1,4–6,12,18,26 Hetero deformation-                      ening in the GS, LS, and HGS ­materials17,18,34 (Figure 2). GND
 induced (HDI) stress is generated in the HBARs as a result of                      density gradient was detected in the HBARs, which increases
                                                                                                                 with increasing applied tensile strain
                                                                                                                 in HS copper-brass laminates.19 This
          σy                  heterostructured        NT: nano-twin: Cu
                                                                                                                 is consistent with the GND pileup
      a                               materials     GNT: gradient nano-twin: Cu
                                                    HNT: hierarchical nano-twin: Ag                              model,5,9,18 in which GNDs are emit-
            NS NT
                  GNT                               HLS: heterogeneous lamella structure: Ti
                            HLS                       ND: nano-domain: Ni                                        ted from a Frank–Read source in the
                                 ND                 HGS: heterogeneous grain structure; CrCoNi alloy
                   HDI hardening &
                                    HGS               BG: bi-model  grain: Cu                                    grain interior, and piled up in front
                                                      GS: gradient structure: IF steel
                                                    GNG: gradient nano-grain; Cu
                                                                                                                 of the hetero-zone boundary with a
                                            GT        GT: gradient twin; Fe-24Mn-0.6C TWIP steel                 GND density gradient.
                                                                                                             NS: nanostructure; CG: coarse grain; UFG: ultrafine grain
                            homogeneous materials                        CG
                                                                                      εu                  M/HEA: medium-/high-entropy alloy
                                                                                                                                                                               Strain gradient
          b                                                                                           c                                                                        and geometrically
                  300                                                                                                                                                          necessary dislocations
                                               GNG Ni                                                       500
                                                                                                                       CG HEA
                                                                                                                                  HGS MEA
                                                                                                                                                                               The strain gradient is the inevitable
                                                                                                                                                                               result of hetero-deformation in HS
   KIC (MPa.√m)

                                                                                                                                                                               materials.1,4–6,9,10,12,18 In the trans-
                                                                                                  AK (J)

                                         steels                                                             300
                                                                                                                                                         elongated             scale GS and LS materials, hard NG
                                                                            D&P steel                       200                                          UFG steel
                  100           Ni-based alloys                     (by deformation & partitioning)
                                                                                                                                  steels                                       zones exert a strong constraint on
                            Cu alloys         NT Cu
                                                  Ti alloys
                                                                                                                                                                               adjacent soft CG zones, which are
                   0                                                                                           0                                                               subjected to larger plastic strain. The
                        0               0.5       1.0         1.5   2.0                 2.5                        0        0.5       1.0    1.5       2.0           2.5
                                                      σy (GPa)                                                                         σy (GPa)
                                                                                                                                                                               strain gradient thus forms to maintain
                                                                                                                                                                               the strain continuity across the het-
                                                                                                                                                                               ero-zone boundaries.50–52 To accom-
   Figure 1.  Superior mechanical properties of heterostructured (HS) materials. (a) Schematic                                                                                 modate the strain gradient, GNDs
   (σy , εu) plot. The sequence of various HS materials is arbitrary. (b) (K1C, σy ) plot. (c) (AK, σy )                                                                       are generated to provide compatible
   plot.σy : yield strength. εu: ductility (uniform elongation). K1C: fracture toughness. AK: v-notch
   impact fracture toughness.                                                                                                                                                  deformation in the HBARs.50–52

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Gradient and lamellar heterostructures for superior mechanical properties
Gradient and lamellar heterostructures for superior mechanical properties

                                                                                                                                                           HLS are the strain gradient-
            a                                        b                                                       c                                             based designs to produce high
                                                                                                                                                           density GNDs for higher HDI

                                                                      :200 MPa)
                                                                 77 K 7

                                                                           6                           200
                                                                 298 K
                                                                                                                                σb,5%     σ                stress. As shown in Figure 3a,

                                                                                                             σb (MPa)
         200           σr
                                                                                                                                                           the strain gradient distribution is
        σ (MPa)

                                                                           0        298 K       77 K                                      σb,15%
                                     σu                     0 20
                                                                                                                                                           macroscopic and inter-layered,

                                                                      True Stress (
                                       εu = 18.2 %
                                                                         [53]                            50
                                                                                                                                                           which enables the strain delo-
                                                                    ε rp
                                                                                   0.2% offset            0                                                calization in the nanostructured
          18.05 18.10 18.15 18.20 18.25                                                                     0       5         10          15         20
                             ε (%)                                 True Strain , ε (        :0.2%)                        εu (%)                           layer.53–55 In the HLS material
      d 800                                           e                                              f
                                                                                  2             3  th   th
                                                                                                                                                           (Figure 3b),18 the coarse-grained
                                            5th         800 873 K HEA
                                                                                                                                                           lamellae are distributed discon-
                                                  True Stress (MPa)

                  4th            HL300                                                                         DT

                                                                                                              True Stress (MPa)
         600           σ rev                    σ rev                                E             E
        σ ture (MPa)

                                                        600                        1             1     1500
                                                                                                                                                           tinuously in the nanostructured
                                                                                                                                                           matrix. The heterogeneous grain
                                                             1073 K HEA
                              CG                        400                                            1000

         200      E
                                                        200                                             500                                                structure (HGS) is the third ver-
           0                                                                                              0
                                                                                                                                                           sion of trans-scale HS materi-
                                                                                                                                                           als.26 The three-level of grains
          0.050 0.055 0.060 0.065 0.070 0.075            0.050 0.055 0.060 0.065 0.070 0.075              0.00    0.05      0.10       0.15       0.20
                              ε ture                                          True Strain (–)                          True  Strain   (ε)
                                                                                                                                                           are formed as shown in Fig-
                                                                                                                                                           ure 3c. Nanograins (grain size
    Figure 2.  Experimental evidence for hetero deformation-induced (HDI) strain hardening. (a) Hyster-
    esis loop at uniform tensile strain (εu) of 18.2% in the gradient-structured (GS) IF steel during unload-
                                                                                                                                                           <  0.2 μm) were formed at the
    reload tensile testing. σu and σL are yield stress under unload and reload, respectively. (b) Hysteresis                                               boundaries of ultrafine-grains
    loop during unload-reload tension at 77 K in CoCrNi medium-entropy alloy.26 Note residual plastic                                                      (0.2–1 μm), which are formed at
    strain (εrp) larger than 0.2 percent. (c) HDI stress (σb) at various offset strain (0.05, 0.10, 0.15) during
    tensile deformation in IF steel. (d–f) Hysteresis loops in hetero-lamellar structured Ti, a high-entropy             18                                the boundaries of coarse grains
    alloy (HEA), and a gradient-structured Ni-based alloy.34                                                                                               (average 5 μm).
                                                                                                                                                               Recently, dual-gradient
     The larger the grain-size difference, the larger the strain                                          structure (i.e., the grain-size gradient and intragranular twin-
  gradient in the HBARs, and the higher the GND density,                                                  spacing gradient) was reported in c­ opper13 (Figure 2d). Long-
  which leads to higher HDI strain hardening. Both the GS and                                             range and short-range strain gradients were found at the
                                                                                                          hetero-zone boundaries and twin boundaries, respectively.
                                                                                                                                                 This dual-gradient structure induced an
                                                                                                                                                 extraordinary extra strengthening and
                                                                                                                                                 strain hardening for a superior combi-
                                                                                                                                                 nation of strength and ductility.13 This
                                                                                                                                                 is because they can produce abundant
                                                                                                                                                 hetero-zone boundaries and twin bound-
                                                                                                                                                 aries for strain gradient where high den-
                                                                                                                                                 sity of GNDs are formed, which pro-
                                                                                                                                                 duces additional HDI strain hardening.
                                                                                                                                                       Strain gradient and GND den-
                                                                                                                                                 sity gradient have been observed in
                                                                                                                                                 the HBARs of GS and HLS materi-
                                                                                                                                                 als. 12,19,30,53–55 Note that the HBAR
                                                                                                                                                 was earlier named the interface affected
                                                                                                                                                 zone (IAZ).19 The HBAR width was
                                                                                                                                                 found to remain constant with increas-
                                                                                                                                                 ing applied strain, but the strain gradi-
                                                                                                                                                 ent increased linearly. The HBAR width
                                                                                                                                                 is considered to be a critical parameter
                                                                                                                                                 for the design of HS materials. Moreo-
                                                                                                                                                 ver, in situ TEM observations revealed
                                                                                                                                                 that a GND gradient was formed by the
                                                                                                                                                 dynamic generation and deactivation of
                                                                                                                                                 Frank–Read sources in the HBAR.56
    Figure 3.  Strain gradient distribution in heterogeneous grain structures. (a) Gradient struc-                                                     Strain gradient and HDI stress
    ture. (b) Heterogeneous lamellar structure. (c) Heterogeneous grain structure. (d) Gradient
    nano-twinned structure. Color scale bar: qualitative comparison of strain gradient.                                                          always     occur during the plastic defor-
                                                                                                                                                 mation of HS materials. Computational

246              MRS BULLETIN • VOLUME 46 • MARCH 2021 •
Gradient and lamellar heterostructures for superior mechanical properties
Gradient and lamellar heterostructures for superior mechanical properties

modeling and simulations at continuum and atomic scales                                                                                              a single strain-band (SB).53 Specifically, strain localization
revealed the key role of GNDs in plastic deformation                                                                                                 occurs in NS surface layer, in contrast to uniform deforma-
of GS, resulting in extra strengthening or strain harden-                                                                                            tion in the CG core, even though both were subjected to the
ing.9,10,13,14,27,30,39 Crystal plasticity finite element modeling                                                                                   same applied strain. Strain gradient appears in the cross sec-
of two-dimensional and three-dimensional gradient samples                                                                                            tion between NS and CG layer and in axial and in-plane ahead
demonstrated the presence of plastic strain and tensile stress                                                                                       of propagating SB. HDI hardening is thus induced not only to
gradients during plastic deformation.30,39 The plastic strain is                                                                                     prevent SB from propagating into the depth, but also to slow
larger in the soft center and smaller in the hard surface layer,                                                                                     down and stabilize the propagating SB. Both renders strain
while the tensile stress gradient has an opposite distribution.                                                                                      delocalization in the SB. Further, the microhardness shows a
Finite element modeling and simulations based on the strain-                                                                                         drop at first and rise later in SB, indicating strain softening and
gradient plasticity theory showed both the GNDs and HDI                                                                                              recovery strain hardening capability in the SB. In addition, the
stress induced by GND pileup during uniaxial tension of                                                                                              degree of microstructural heterogeneities probably plays a role
gradient nanograined metals. The predictions on the uniform                                                                                          in strain localization of the NS layer.
elongation and extra-strain hardening from the modeling agree                                                                                            On the other hand, highly dispersed strain bands were
well with the experimental results.9,10                                                                                                              observed in GS Ni.54 This is another way to delocalize the
                                                                                                                                                     strain in the NS layer. Strain banding seems to be a unique
Deformation mechanism in gradient structure                                                                                                          deformation mechanism in HS materials. Strain bands are
The heterostructures cause unique deformation mechanisms                                                                                             usually found to be highly dispersed to delocalize the global
in HS materials, which in turn produce the observed supe-                                                                                            strain.54 This is in sharp contrast to homogeneous nanostruc-
rior mechanical properties. There are still many issues and                                                                                          tures, where a single intense strain localization leads to the
details in the deformation mechanisms that are not well under-                                                                                       failure of the whole sample.
stood.1,2,6,9,10 The difficulty lies mainly in the hetero deforma-
tion and correlation with the polarizing plastic responses,6,53
                                                                               Relationship between microstructure
such as the rapid strain localization in NG/NS zones and sta-
                                                                               and tensile property
bilization in the CG zones. So far, several key issues have
                                                                               The relationship between mechanical properties and hetero-
been investigated, including the strain gradient near hetero-
                                                                               structures shed light on what the synergistic effect is and how
zone boundaries and concurrent GNDs, HDI stress, and HDI
                                                                               to correlate them. L               ­ u2 first predicted a moderate ( σy , εu ) rela-
strengthening and HDI strain hardening. However, the picture
                                                                               tionship in GS (see Figure 4a), which shows an inverse banana
is not yet complete. For example, it is not clear that during a
                                                                               relationship, as evidenced in the GS IF steel (Figure 4b), gra-
tensile deformation whether the NS layer uniformly deforms
                                                                               dient nano-twinned C                  ­ u13 (Figure 4c), laminate copper/brass19
together with the CG layer.53 It has been believed that tensile
                                                                               (Figure 4d), heterogeneous HLS Ti (Figure 4e),18 and dual-
strain is uniform and equal for all layers in the GS materials.
                                                                               phase high strength s­ teel20 (Figure 4f). The prominent feature
This assumption is derived from the engineering stress–strain
curves showing a long stage of
strain hardening prior to neck-
                                         a                                     b 400                                                   c 600
ing. This strain hardening is a
macroscopic response of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Yield Strength (MPa)
                                                                                                                                                         Yield Stress (MPa)

                                                                                                                                                           GNT Cu
global GS sample.                                                                                                                        400

    In situ layer-by-layer testing                                                 200                                                                        NT Cu
can be used to evaluate plastic                                             Homogeneous
                                                                                   100 soild balls : present data
deformation in each layer of
                                                                          plastic deformation
                                                                                           hollow symbols : reference data                      CG Cu
                   19,34,53–56                                                           0           10            20            30
the GS sample.                 For
                                                                                                                    Grain refinement         0             10             20
                                                               Strength                          Uniform Elongation (%)                               Uniform Elongation (%)
example, the NS layer has               d   600
                                                                               e  1000
                                                                                         UFG    Laminate               Cu10Zn            220
                                                                                                                                       Pure Cu

high strength, a two-stage                                                                         Ref. 10       LS60     Ref. 24          Ref. 37
                                                                                                                                                     Yield Strength (MPa)

                                                                                                   Ref. 11          LS80
                                                Yield Strength /MPa

                                            500                                                                           Ref. 35          Ref. 38
                                                                                                                                                                                                            SYS , MPa.g–1 .cm3

                                                                                                   Present                Ref. 36          Ref. 39

work hardening with a large                                                         800                                   Present          Ref. 40
                                                                                                                     LS100                                          PRESENT
                                            400                                                        Ti6A14V           LS200
                                                                                                                                           Ref. 41
                                                                    Laminate        700                7.5

work hardening exponent, and                300

                                                                                                                       Interface spacing 160
                                                                                                                               Ref. 32
back stresses by GNDs.34 The                                                                                                                       TRIPLEX
                                            200                                     500                                        Ref. 33   140
                                                                                                                               Ref. 34

intergranular back stress con-              100    Homogeneous                      400                                        Ref. 35
                                                                                                                                         120 HSSS : Kim et al.
                                                                                                                                               TRIPLEX : Frommeyer et al.
                                                                                    300                      CG
tributed to high strain harden-               0
                                                0   5    10 15 20 25 30 35 40           0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14
                                                                                                                                               0      10    20     30      40 50
                                                        Uniform Elongation (%)                      Uniform Elongation
ing. More recently, the in situ                                                                                                                     Uniform Elongation (%)

full-field strain measurements         Figure 4.  Relationship of heterostructure and tensile properties. (a) Predicted (σy , εu) in GNG.2 (b–f)
revealed that the NS layer             (σy , εu) in the gradient structured interstitial-free steel (b), gradient nano-twinned (GNT) C                      ­ u13 (c), lami-
                                       nate copper/brass19 (d), heterogenous lamellar structured T                  ­ i18 (e), and dual-phase steel (blue spheres)20
deforms heterogeneously by             (f).
nucleation and propagation of

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Gradient and lamellar heterostructures for superior mechanical properties
Gradient and lamellar heterostructures for superior mechanical properties

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Gradient and lamellar heterostructures for superior mechanical properties
Gradient and lamellar heterostructures for superior mechanical properties

 52. H.J. Gao, Y.G. Huang, Scr. Mater. 48, 113 (2003)                                                               Yuntian Zhu has recently joined the City Uni-
 53. F.P. Yuan, D.S. Yan, J.D. Sun, L.L. Zhou, Y.T. Zhu, X.L. Wu, Mater. Res. Lett. 7, 12                           versity of Hong Kong as a chair professor.
(2019)                                                                                                              Previously, he was a distinguished professor
 54. Y.F. Wang, M.S. Wang, X.T. Fang, F.J. Guo, H.Q. Liu, R.O. Scattergood, C.X. Huang,                             at North Carolina State University, where he
Y.T. Zhu, Int. J. Plast. 123, 196 (2019)                                                                            worked from 2007 to 2020. He worked as a
 55. Y.F. Wang, C.X. Huang, Y.S. Li, F.J. Guo, Q. He, M.S. Wang, X.L. Wu, R.O. Scat-                                postdoctoral researcher, staff member, and
tergood, Y.T. Zhu, Int. J. Plast. 124, 186 (2020)                                                                   team leader at the Los Alamos National Labo-
 56. H. Zhou, C.X. Huang, X.C. Sha, L.R. Xiao, X.L. Ma, H.W. Höppel, M. Göken, X.L.                                 ratory until 2007. Zhu obtained his PhD
Wu, K. Ameyama, X.D. Han, Y.T. Zhu, Mater. Res. Lett. 7, 376 (2019)                   □                            degree from The University of Texas at Austin
                                                                                                                    in 1994. His research has focused on the
                                                                                                                    deformation mechanisms at dislocation level
                                                                                                                    and mechanical behaviors of heterostructured
                                      Xiaolei Wu has been a professor at the State                                  materials, and nano-/ultrafine-grained materi-
                                      Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics, Institute                              als. He is an experimentalist with a primary
                                      of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,                                    interest in fundamental aspects of materials
                                      China, since 2003. He received his BS degree in                               research and also in designing materials with
                                      materials science from the Taiyuan University of                              superior strength and ductility. Zhu can be
                                      Technology, China, in 1986, and his PhD degree                                reached by email at
                                      in materials science from Northwestern Poly-
                                      technical University, Xi’an, China, in 1995. His
                                      current research focuses on the heterostructure
                                      and deformation physics in advanced metallic
                                      materials. Wu can be reached by email at

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Gradient and lamellar heterostructures for superior mechanical properties Gradient and lamellar heterostructures for superior mechanical properties
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