Happy New Year 2018 - neighborhood news January 2018 - Village of Maple Bluff

Page created by Calvin Marshall
Happy New Year 2018 - neighborhood news January 2018 - Village of Maple Bluff
neighborhood news              January 2018

Happy New Year 2018
State Capitol Christmas Tree
Happy New Year 2018 - neighborhood news January 2018 - Village of Maple Bluff
Welcome Ð
     Calendar of Events
                                                                                                                     Village Board
     January                                                                                                         President Timothy O’Brien......................................246-0321
           1                     New Year’s Day
           9                     Building Board Meeting                                                              Trustee Peter Duff.....................................................249-0565
           9                     Village Caucus/Village Board Meeting                                                Trustee Cynthia Johnson..........................................230-5080
           27                    Winterfest
                                                                                                                     Trustee Kristine Jaeger..............................................217-1919
     February                                                                                                        Trustee Eric McLeod.................................................244-1371
           13                    Village/Building Board Meeting                                                      Trustee Jim Schuler....................................................249-1696
           14                    Valentine’s Day
                                                                                                                     Trustee Carl Vieth......................................................249-4647
                       11        Daylight Saving                                                                     Village Departments
                       13        Village/Building Board Meeting
                       17        St Patrick’s Day                                                                    Administrator/Police Chief Tim Krueger...........244-3048
                                                                                                                     Clerk/Treasurer Sarah Danz.................................244-3048
     Trash/Recycling                                                  Deputy Clerk/Clerk of Court Rene Dopkins...........244-3069
         2018-Maple Bluff Refuse/Recycle (Trash pick-up is shaded, Recycle dates are circled)
     Trash pick up is in gray, recycling dates are circled            Rec. Dir./Deputy Treasurer Curt Erickson............230-7655
            January                             February                              March                                    April
S    M      T    W      T   F    S    S    M    T     W     T    F    S    S    M     T    W     T    F    S    S    Police
                                                                                                                     M T W ..........................................................................244-1430
                                                                                                                            T F S
      1     2     3    4    5    6                          1    2    3                          1    2    3    1    2     3     4     5   6    7
7     8     9    10    11   12   13   4    5    6      7    8    9    10   4    5     6     7    8    9    10   8    Public
                                                                                                                     9 10 11 Works.............................................................244-3048
                                                                                                                             12 13 14
14    15    16   17    18   19   20   11   12   13    14    15   16   17   11   12   13    14    15   16   17   15   16    17   18   19    20   21
21   22     23   24    25   26   27   18   19   20    21    22   23   24   18   19   20    21    22   23   24   22   Fire
                                                                                                                     2324 &
                                                                                                                          25 Rescue...........................................................244-3390
                                                                                                                             26 27 28
28   29     30   31                   25   26   27    28                   25   26   27    28    29   30   31   29 30

                 May                                 June                                 July                             August
S    M      T    W      T   F    S    S    M    T     W     T    F    S    S    M     T    W     T    F    S    S    M     T    W      T   F    S

    Your Neighborhood Café & Bakery
            1     2     3   4    5                               1    2    1    2     3    4     5    6    7                    1      2   3    4
6     7     8     9    10   11   12   3    4    5     6     7    8    9    8    9    10    11    12   13   14   5    6     7    8      9   10   11
13   14     15   16    17   18   19   10   11   12    13    14   15   16   15   16   17    18    19   20   21   12   13    14   15   16    17   18
            29   Come Comfort the Soul
                            25   26   17
                                                                                           25    26   27   28   19
                                                                                                                                21 23 24 25
                                                                                                                                29 30 31

           September                            October                              November                             December
S    M      T    W      T   F    S    S    M    T     W     T    F    S    S    M     T    W     T    F    S    S    M     T    W      T   F    S
                                 1         1    2      3    4    5    6                          1    2    3                                    1
2     3     4      5    6   7    8    7    8    9     10    11   12   13   4    5     6    7     8    9    10   2    3     4     5     6   7    8
9    10     11    12   13   14   15   14   15   16    17    18   19   20   11   12   13    14    15   16   17   9    10    11   12   13    14   15
16    17    18   19    20   21   22   21   22   23    24    25   26   27   18   19   20    21    22   23   24   16   17    18   19   20 21      21
23   24     25   26    27   28   29   28   29   30    31                   25   26   27    28    29   30        23   24   25    26   27 28 29
30                                                                                                              30   31

                                      • Serving breakfast (now all day)
                                        and Lunch
                                      • Baking fresh breads and pastries
                                      • Dine in or carry out
                                      Mon-Fri 6am to 6pm
                                      Sat-Sun 7am to 2pm
            608.663.5500 • www.mannacafe.com
                   611 North Sherman Ave. in Lakewood Plaza

villageofmaplebluff.com                                                                                         2
Happy New Year 2018 - neighborhood news January 2018 - Village of Maple Bluff
ÑVillage Administrator

Happy New Year! By Tim Krueger
I hope the end of 2017 went out with a fizzle and no
drama to corrupt your life!
Before I get too deep into this article, I want to make
mention of a scam that was attempted right before
Christmas, targeting a couple who live in Maple Bluff.
During this scam, the couple was targeted by a phone call
where the caller identified themselves to be the ‘Grand-
child’ of the Target. The scammer even knew the correct
name of their grandchild! FYI, Scammers use multiple
data sources to learn details about their targets life to
help validate their story. It’s easy to do with open social
media sources such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or
similar programs. In this case, the victim was astute not
to fall for the initial scam. But then, the scammers called
back and reported themselves to be with the Maple Bluff
Police Department. They basically told the victim that            be ready if they try to scam you. One suggestion for
they were aware of the most recent phone call scam                these scams where a family member needs money is to
attempt and that now the Maple Bluff Police were on               establish a code word or phrase when you need to vali-
the case. They said the police were outside their home to         date a call or message from immediate family members.
help protect them. The caller told the would be victim            Everyone in the family needs to know and remember
not to go outside or they could end up being murdered.            that word or phrase and that can sometimes be a hin-
The victim was also told not to tell anyone else what was         drance, but minimally it will slow the transaction down.
taking place.                                                     Time is always on your side. If someone wants immedi-
                                                                  ate action from you, they may be trying to scam you. Just
Then, in another call to the victim in close proximity,           stay alert to the possibility of being scammed and don’t
the Caller reported himself to be “Maple Bluff Police             let it happen to you! When in doubt, hang up.
Chief Timothy Krueger”. ‘Chief Timothy Krueger’ then
reassured the victims that the police were actively on this       Don’t forget that on January 9th, the Village Caucus will
case and watching their home to help protect them. Then           be held starting at 7pm in the Village Gym. The Village
the caller (Police Chief Timothy Krueger) asked if they           Caucus is the method that the Village uses to get candi-
would help support the police and all of their efforts to         dates onto the ballot for the Spring Election. Each year,
protect them and their property. ‘Chief Krueger’ then             three (3) Village Trustees are up for re-election. In the
suggested that the victims go to Walmart and get Gift             odd number years, the Village President position is also
Cards for the Officers and to go to the bank and with-            up for election. At the Caucus, candidates are placed into
draw money to help support the police that protect them.          nomination. All it takes is for someone to nominate you
                                                                  and to receive a 2nd. If there are more than an average
Fortunately the victim(s) were not to be scammed as               of 2 candidates for each position, there would be a run-
their better judgement took over when they got to                 off at the caucus to get the total number of candidates
Walmart and the Bank. This case really illustrates how            down to 6. If you are worried about a long, drawn out
persuasive, conniving, convincing, deceitful and ruthless         process, the Caucus is not it. The Village Caucus is usu-
scammers will be to get you to turn over your money.              ally completed within 15-20 minutes!! Come and watch
This is not the first such example of this type of scam           Democracy in action.
being used successfully in the Village. Post this article
where aged parents can see it. Help teach your friends            Finally, as we set sail into this new year, the Village will
and family to not be taken by these scams. It is important        continue to provide all of the top notch services that
to pay attention in these situations as scammers try to           we have in the past. There are a few projects we hope to
confuse you and maybe even disorient you with fear such           get started including the construction of the Veterans
as random threats to cause harm. Also, pay attention to           Memorial and a renovation of the Beach House at Beach
details. Some of you may already know that I don’t ever           Park. We will be performing ongoing maintenance to
refer or introduce myself by my full name. Ever. I sign           other Village infrastructure, but no significant projects
my full name on legal documents, but don’t call myself            this year. Other than that, we will have to see what comes
Timothy. Small things make a difference. Be aware and             our way in 2018, you never know what doors may open!

                                                              3                                                  January 2018
Happy New Year 2018 - neighborhood news January 2018 - Village of Maple Bluff
d      d


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              Winterfest 2018 - January 26 & 27
                                                               d         d            d

                       Calling all friends and neighbors!
                    Please join us for this annual tradition;
               we are excited to bring you the following events!
  Monday, Jan. 22 -- The Medallion’s hunt -- The first             ***Please note, you can sign up on the village rec
  clue @ 4 pm will be posted via village email, and posted         website, but you will pay in person as the village cannot
  on the Village Boards! Hidden somewhere in the                   officially sanction gambling. For shame, as this would be
  neighborhood is a treasured medallion (a bedazzled blue          a great source of revenue and we could finally pave the
  skillet). Follow the daily clues to the treasured                streets in gold.
  hiding place! The prize for the medallion finder is $100,
  to be presented at the MBCC dinner!!!                            To volunteer for Friday activities, please see sign up
                                                                   genius or contact Ellie Hausmann (ellie.hanson1@gmail.
  Friday, January 26 -- EUCHRE NIGHT -- Maple                      com , Kelsey Hausmann (kelseyjhausmann@gmail.com),
  Bluff Beach House brought to you by Molly Lohr,                  or Molly Lohr (molly.lohr@gmail.com)
  Kelsey Hausmann, and Ellie Hausmann!!!!
                                                                   Saturday, Jan. 27 12 to 3:30 pm Winterfest at the
  BEER -- check.                                                   Beach House -- Chili cook off beginning at 12 pm!
  PIZZA -- check.                                                  Show off your mad chili skills and enter your chili in
  NEIGHBORS, friends, strangers about to become your               this hotly anticipated cooking contest. Prizes will be
  friends-- check.                                                 given for the top finisher; try to dethrone last year’s
                                                                   champ, Zach Johnson! Chili, fixings, hot dogs, chips,
  Will the Sugar dynasty finally be toppled by a new               and cookies, premium beer and water will be provided
  euchre winner in 2018? This year, we can’t wait to               for all Villagers to enjoy for lunch. Cost is $5 per person
  find out if one or more Sugars will land a spot on the           for entry to Winterfest (includes lunch and one raffle
  euchre podium for another consecutive year! Book your            ticket) and $5 for unlimited beers. Activities for all ages
  babysitters and run, don’t walk (or drive) to the Beach          including Ididerdad Race, Hammerschlagen, Ice Golf
  House for a night of cards, delicious beer, and food!            “hole in one” contest, and Broom Ball! Stop by or
  Registration begins at 6:30--We will feature premium             spend the day with us! We also need volunteers.
  beers (Fantasy Factory, PBR for nostalgia’s sake), wine
  (no Boone’s Farm), champagne (now you’re talking) and            ***Chili cookers, please label your crockpots on the bot-
  delicious deep dish pizza from Pizzeria Uno donated by           tom and plan to pick them up after the cookoff
  Tom Beach. Registration will end at 7:30pm, followed
  by rules refresher and tournament play beginning at 8            To volunteer for Saturday activities, please see sign up
  pm. Don’t play euchre? We’ll teach you! Don’t like               genius or contact Ellen Reyerson at elle4379@gmail.com
  euchre? That’s okay, we’ll still take your money. You will       or Katie Long at longkaties@gmail.com. We need volun-
  be randomly paired with new partners each round and              teers to do small tasks such as help set up tables, deliver
  meet new friends and neighbors. Villagers too sally to           items, or help with kids activities.
  play are encouraged to volunteer in one of the following
  categories: beer maiden, shotski filler, excel spreadsheet       Saturday, Jan. 27, 5:30 pm -- Maple Bluff Winterfest
  operator, or security. Winners in top 3 places receive           Dinner at MBCC -- Top off the fabulous Winterfest
  enormous cash prizes of up to $200. Following the                with a fabulous Italian dinner buffet thanks to Chef
  tournament which will end at approximately 9:30 pm,              Steve, awards ceremony, raffle drawing for amazing
  we will commence a mega-dance party and break out                prizes and a DJ dance party for kids! Dinner will begin at
  the shotski. Cost is $20/player and includes buy in,             5:30 pm, Awards at 7 pm, Dance party to begin at 7:30.
  pizza, snacks, a raffle ticket and one premium beer or           Open to members and non-members! Call the club to
  glass of wine. For an additional $10, you can add                register ahead of time if possible.
  unlimited beer/wine ALL WEEKEND LONG. Make
  the right choice. Sign up ahead of time online or the
  night of tournament, we are limited to 48 euchre-
  players. You are welcome to come as a spectator-only
  for the bargain price of $20 all-in for pizza and drinks.

villageofmaplebluff.com                                        4
Happy New Year 2018 - neighborhood news January 2018 - Village of Maple Bluff
Troop 5 News

Blue Mounds State Park
By Connor Paulowski

On December 2, Troop 5 and Troop 16 went on a trip
to Blue Mounds State Park. When we got there we got
everything out of the cars and made a plan for where
we were going to hike. We had decided beforehand that
we were going to walk 5 miles and that we would use a
compass and a map. Then when we decided what path
to take, we left.

We were hiking in the woods on a path where there               in the dutch oven for lunch. A dutch oven is a cast iron
were a lot of Shaggy Bark Hickory trees. Shaggy Bark            pan with a cover and it is used to cook things. We put
Hickory trees grow hickory nuts. Hickory nuts are               in onions, garlic, canned tomatoes, beef, and canned
shelled nuts that you can break open and eat the inside.        beans. We made one spicy batch and another one batch
We found a lot of those and we were cracking them               that was not as spicy. It cooked for about 30 minutes
open and eating them.                                           and then it was ready. When it was ready, we ate it with
                                                                Fritos and hot sauce. After we finished our chili, we
We kept hiking for a while and then we got to the am-           cleaned up and left.
phitheater. The amphitheater had a stage for skits and
benches for viewing. We took a break there for a while
and then we hiked a little farther until we got to the
East Tower.

The East Tower was a wooden tower and it was one
of the highest points you can go in Wisconsin be-
cause Blue Mounds is the highest place in Wiscon-
sin. The tower was one of the highest points at Blue
Mounds. You could just barely see Madison from the
top of the tower. Then we got down and hiked back to
our campsite.

When we got back to our campsite we made a fire. We
had decided that we were going to make cowboy chili

                         Veterans memorial
                                                           In case you may not have been aware, the Veterans Memorial
                                                           Committee has drastically reduced the size of the Memorial at
                                                           Johnson Park. After several years of planning and seeking funds
                                                           they decided to move forward with a scaled back version of the
                                                           original design. The new Memorial design calls for less of a foot
                                                           print, less granite and is more in line with funds received. It
                                                           will only include Veterans names in a reduced font and omit
                                                           rank, service branch, and periods of service. Service branch
                                                           medallions, flower planters, and benches have also been elimi-
                                                           nated. The pathway leading to the memorial will still include the
                                                           memorial pavers.
As of December 21, 2017 the Veterans Committee has raised $100,000 towards this project. All of the time and effort
is close to becoming a reality in 2018. If you have been meaning to make a contribution to recognize the many Veterans
who have called this special place home, the Committee is still seeking donations. All donations towards the Memorial are
tax-deductible. For more information about the Memorial please contact a member of the Veterans Memorial Committee
or contact the Village Center.
                                                            5                                                 January 2018
Happy New Year 2018 - neighborhood news January 2018 - Village of Maple Bluff
Support DreamBikes
What is ‘DreamBikes’?
The Village recently contacted DreamBikes in Sherman
Plaza to see if they were interested in recycling (pun
intended) abandoned bicycles that our Police depart-
ment periodically collects. But as we learned how they’re
much more than just a bike shop, we’re looking forward
to ways they can help us make Maple Bluff even more
bicycle friendly.

                                                            Ride – Let DreamBikes help get your bikes and gear
                                                            road (or trail) ready. They offer a full range of tune-
                                                            up/repair services, replacement parts, and accessories
                                                            to make every ride safe and enjoyable.
Founded through Trek Bicycles, DreamBikes is part
non-profit bike shop, part community revitalizer that       Volunteer– The things that we can accomplish as a
hires and trains local underserved teens to repair,         community far outweigh anything that we could
refurbish and resell lightly used bicycles, parts, and      accomplish as individuals. DreamBikes is always
apparel, as well as operate a full-service bike shop for    looking for volunteer mentors to help guide our youth
maintenance and repairs. Since 2008, DreamBikes has         in realizing their goals and future opportunities.
refurbished and returned almost 20,000 used bikes to        Remember—“The bicycle is a simple solution to some
the community, provided jobs for over 250 teens, and        of the world’s most complex problems.”
helped a diverse audience see the world from the saddle
of a bicycle.
DreamBikes also has a mission to engage local
communities through outreach events, local fundraisers,

                                                            Smoke Your
and community rides—so expect to see them at upcom-
ing Village activities. In the meantime, here are various

                                                            Next Event
ways you can support DreamBikes:
Donate – Make an immediate difference with your
donation of lightly used bicycles, parts, and apparel,
or become a DreamBikes Partner with your financial          Beef Butter BBQ Caters
donation in-store or online at https://dream-bikes.org/     50-500 people

Happy New Year 2018 - neighborhood news January 2018 - Village of Maple Bluff
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                                                7                                                   January 2018
Happy New Year 2018 - neighborhood news January 2018 - Village of Maple Bluff
Public Works Ð

 Winding Down. By Tom Schroeder
 The holiday season is winding down and the year as we
 know it 2017 is too. I would suspect that a good many
 of us reflect upon the past more this time of year than
 any other. The accomplishments both in the work place
 and in our private lives come to mind. Maybe a few
 things that has yet to be done demand a thought or two
 also. Of course there are current events as well that
 affect our lives that are happening all around us. There is
 also the historical past…can you remember believing in
 Santa Claus? Remember the family traditions that where
 such a big part of your early years during Thanksgiving,
 Christmas, and New Years? I hope the season has been
 good for you and yours.

 This past month has provided little to be concerned
                                                                   after trash and recycle collection takes place. Ideally
 about winter weather. It has certainly changed from
                                                                   you can place the containers at opposite sides of your
 mild to frigid for the last week of the year. The
                                                                   driveway apron. If that does not work, placement on
 unseasonal start of winter did allow us to extend yard
                                                                   the terrace is fine. Allow space away from trees/poles/
 waste collections an extra couple of weeks without sight
                                                                   post boxes etc. When snow pack builds up you can
 of the usual snow that arrives long before now. No
                                                                   create a small area to place the containers so that they
 promises that we will get the yard waste equipment back
                                                                   are not on the street.
 out before spring; winter is here to stay.

                                                                   At some point this winter you are likely to be driving
 Please be good neighbors when removing snow from
                                                                   when it is snowing…or worse when there is freezing
 driveways and sidewalks and place the same on terrace
                                                                   rain or sleet falling…and then there it is a BIG plow
 areas or front yards. The snow should not be placed
                                                                   truck who may be plowing or treating the roadways
 onto the streets or neighboring properties. Timely
                                                                   with salt and sand to help make it possible for travel
 removal of snow and/or treatment for ice on sidewalks
                                                                   for all of us but most importantly emergency vehicles.
 is appreciated by all.
                                                                   Please give these vehicles extra space…do not crowd
                                                                   them for they may not see you if you get into a blind
                                                                   spot. Here in the village our trucks operate at a fairly
                                                                   slow speed; and we try to allow motorists to get past us
                                                                   or navigate an intersection first. Pass a plow truck only
                                                                   if it is safe to do so. Outside of the village the plow
                                                                   trucks are bigger and operate at higher speeds…give
                                                                   them extra space to operate in. I tell the village crew
                                                                   that nothing good happens when plowing at too high
                                                                   of speed. When winter weather hits, you need to decide
                                                                   how important is your trip? If the trip is necessary pro-
                                                                   ceed with caution.

 When placing trash cans and recycle carts at the streets
 edge this time of year, do so with weather conditions in          Call us with your questions and concerns.
 mind, there may be a need for plowing before/during/
                                                                   Here’s to everyone having a great 2018!

villageofmaplebluff.com                                        8
Happy New Year 2018 - neighborhood news January 2018 - Village of Maple Bluff
MEMBERSHIP AT MAPLE BLUFF COUNTRY CLUB                                       Winter Offer
                                                                         FITNESS CENTER & GOLF SIMULATOR
                                                                  A NEW Fitness Center with a variety of exercise
 Offer available until January 31st, 2018
                                                                   equipment and group classes (SPTF and Golf
 • Upon Board approval, a new Golf Member
                                                               members) as well as state-of-the-art golf simulator
   can begin membership immediately
                                                                             (Golf members only) are available!
 • New Members pay the one-time initiation
   fee when joining
 • Option to pay May-December 2018 dues up                                                  FAMILY DESTINATION
   front upon joining at 2017 rates; otherwise                        NEW 8 lane swimming pool with diving well.
   dues will begin in May at 2018 rates                        Clay & hard tennis courts and paddle tennis courts.
 • New Golf Members receive (3) golf guest                       Swim and tennis lessons included for children of
   passes when joining and an additional (4) if                                           SPTF and Golf members.
   dues are paid upfront
 • Complimentary membership to the MBCC
   Wine Club through 2018                                                                     DINING & BANQUETS
                                                               NEW outdoor patio and bar with TVs and fire pits. In
SOCIAL AND SOCIAL, POOL, TENNIS & FITNESS                       addition to our delicious casual and fine dining, we
  • Dues will begin the month after joining               offer exciting social events and beautiful banquet rooms
  • Complimentary membership to the MBCC                                   to host your personal or business events.
    Wine Club through 2018
                                                                                                     GOLF COURSE
      For more information and rates, or to
                                                           A spectacular 18-hole golf course, designed to highlight
     schedule a tour, please contact Director
                                                      he natural splendor of The Bluff, while providing challenging
     of Sales & Marketing, Jennifer Porter, at
                                                         and enjoyable play for golfers at every level. Lessons, fun
     jenniferp@mbcc1899.com or 249-2144.
                                                                    events and programs are available for all ages.

      WILLY EAST - 1221 Williamson St., Madison   WILLY NORTH - 2817 N Sherman Ave., Madison     WILLY WEST - 6825 University Ave., Middleton

        With samples, classes, tips and sales, we can help
        you find your wellness at Willy Street Co-op.                                                      www.willystreet.coop
Happy New Year 2018 - neighborhood news January 2018 - Village of Maple Bluff
Parks & Recreation Ð

 Basketball Schedule (time & location) at a glance:

      DATE                  3RD/4TH GIRLS            3rd/4TH BOYS             5th Boys             7TH BOYS
      JANUARY 6             9:00am Middleton         1:00pm Cross Plains      9:30am &             9:00am Middleton
                            Kromrey                  Park Elementary          10:30am Madison      Kromrey
                                                                              Country Day
      JANUARY 13            11:00am Cross            Bye                      Bye              10:00am Cottage
                            Plains Glacier Creek                                               Grove Glacial
      JANUARY 20            12:00pm Cross            11:00am Middleton        9:00am Middleton 10:00am Stough-
                            Plains Park Elemen-      Kromrey                  Kromrey          ton High School
      JANUARY 27            12:00pm Cross            11:00am Middleton        12:00pm Monona       11:00am Stough-
                            Plains Glacier Creek     Kromrey                                       ton High School

 Trips                                                               Fitness Programs

 Cascade Mtn Ski/Snowboard Trip                                      Candlelight Yoga
 Monday, January 15                                                  Wednesdays: Jan 10 - Feb 28
 8:30am - 5:00pm                                                     6:45pm-7:30pm
 Fee: $60.00                                                         Warren Dailey Cabin
 The Cascade Mountain ski/snowboard trip is scheduled                Escape from your day and enjoy the tranquility of Can-
 for Monday, January 15th. The bus will leave the Maple              dlelight Yoga with a blend of stretching, gentle flow and
 Bluff Village Center at 8:30am and will return at approx-           restorative poses with a focus on relaxing and melting
 imately 5:45pm. Cost of the trip includes bus transpor-             the stress away. All levels welcome. Wear something
 tation, lift ticket and lunch. All participants are eligible        comfortable and enjoy the benefits of letting go.
 for free lessons and free equipment rentals. Registration
 is due no later than Monday, January 8th.
 Archery                                                             DodgeBall
                                                                     Sundays: Feb 4 - March 11
  Archery                                                            2:00pm-2:45pm
  Sundays: Feb 4 - March 11                                          Gym
  3:00pm - 3:55pm
  Fee: $38.00                                                        Are your kids feeling cooped up as the winter months
                                                                     drag on? Sign them up to dodge, dip, dive and duck in
  This winter session will work                                      this playground favorite game on Sunday afternoons.
  on safety, shooting techniques,
  accuracy and shooting with a compound and a cross-
  bow. Each week the group will play fun games and have              Conceal & Carry
                                                                     Conceal & Carry
                                                                     Saturday, February 3
                                                                     Training Room
                                                                     Fee: $60.00
                                                                     Earn a conceal and carry permit by attending this
                                                                     professional course taught by Maple Bluff Police
                                                                     Department. Attendees are asked to bring writing
                                                                     materials to take notes.
villageofmaplebluff.com                                         10
Summer Camp Programs - Registration Deadline is Thursday, April 12th for A & A and CYGW

Arts & Athletics                                                   Camp-Ya-Gotta-Wanna
Mon-Fri                                                            Mon, Wed, Fri
6/18 – 8/17                                                        6/18 - 8/17
Ages: 7 - 12 (entering 2nd through completion of 6th               Ages: 3-7
Grades)                                                            1:00pm-4:00pm
2:15pm - 4:15pm                                                    Fee: $350.00
Fee: $173.00
                                                                   This 9 week summer program meets at Firemen’s Park
This 9-week summer program provides youth (entering                M, W & F from 1:00pm-4:00pm. Enrollment for this
2nd through 6th grade) a fun, safe environment that                program is open to all Maple Bluff resident children
provides fun activities at the Maple Bluff Beach Park.             between the ages of 3 and 7 (entering 2nd grade in fall
This program is an open program (participants may                  of 2018). This afternoon playgroup program will offer
leave the beach at any time throughout the program                 structured and free play opportunities, as well as, arts
with written permission from parents) with attendance              and craft projects. Groupings will be divided based on
taken daily. Throughout the summer participants will               age of the children and the parent volunteers will try
participate in arts, crafts, games, sports and other excit-        their best to group your child with their friends.
ing activities. On occasion small groups may leave the
Beach for other activities, but notification will be made
to parents with confirmation that this will occur. Please
note in the event of inclement weather, A and A may be
cancelled for the safety of participants and staff.


 Beach Lifeguards
 Applications are now being accepted for Summer
 Beach Lifeguards. The Lifeguard staff is responsi-
 ble for controlling the actions of the swimmers and
 program participants, performing appropriate rescues
 when required and providing CPR/First Aid when
 necessary. The work will also involve providing a fun,
 safe and educational atmosphere for summer program
 participants. Applications can be picked up at the
 Village Center and are due back no later than April 12th
 at 3:30pm.

 Camp Ya-Gotta-Wanna Counselors
 CYGW is currently seeking enthusiastic, responsible
 counselors to provide a safe, fun experience for partic-
 ipants at CYGW. Counselors will need to be at least 14
 years of age and have had prior babysitter experience
 or completed the Red Cross Babysitter training course.
 Counselors will be assigned specific groups of partic-
 ipants between the ages of 3 years of age and 7 (or
 entering 2nd grade). Counselors will report to the CYGW
 Director and will perform various daily tasks such as
 cleaning, providing snack to participants and the super-
 vision and instruction of youth.
 All applications must be returned to the Village Center
 by April 12th at 3:30pm. Applications can be picked up
 at the Village Center or downloaded from the Village’s

                                                              11                                                  January 2018
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