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Managing Leisure 6, 63–73 (2001) Center Parcs UK: leisure development which achieves biodiversity gains David E. Johnson1 and Barry J.Collins2 1 Southampton Institute, East Park Terrace, Southampton, Hants SO14 0YN, UK 2 Center Parks Ltd, Kirklington Road, Eakring, Newark, Notts NG22 0DZ, UK Downloaded by [University of California Santa Cruz] at 09:30 10 November 2014 There is a growing consensus that land management for nature conservation in the UK must move from being a negative, essentially protectionist, activity to being a positive, creative, managerial one. Maintaining and enhancing biodiversity is the driving force for both statutory and voluntary nature conservation organisations. Leisure development is often associated with a change of land use to a ‘less natural’ environment, which threatens nature conservation interests. However, this does not have to be the case. Environmental assessments for some leisure developments which involve large areas of land, including areas marginal to the main focus of recreational activity, have suggested, at the planning stage, that such developments can result in environmental improvements. This paper examines the three Center Parcs UK Holiday Villages established in coniferous woodland plantations and illustrates the biodiversity gains, which can be achieved. Careful site selection, environmentally sensitive design and construction, and management regimes that foster target species and habitats are important. Ecological monitoring is vital both to quantify and substantiate biodiversity gains and to raise awareness and con rm expectations. INTRODUCTION (i) Habitat rehabilitation is dened as reversing degradation and damage, by Traditionally land management for nature restoring the surviving skeleton of a conservation in the UK has been both pro- habitat with its assemblages of spe- tectionist and reactive. Strategies to deal cies to its former more natural con- with perceived threats comprised site acqui- dition. sition, designation and management agree- (ii) Habitat re-creation is dened as re- ments (Selman, 1992). However, the level of storing a site to a condition that it was landscape and habitat degradation and frag- known, or deduced to have been mentation in the UK, experienced since previously. World War II, has prompted the development (iii) Habitat creation represents the crea- of habitat restoration. Many resource man- tion of new assemblages of species agers wish to restore habitat because they and habitats for a site, either building are concerned that remaining natural and on the habitats and physical struc- semi-natural habitats are being degraded tures already present, or creating both by their isolation and their vulnerability something articial, unrelated to the to external environmental factors. Rowell existing conditions. (1991), for example, estimated that 200 Sites (iv) Habitat and species translocation is of Special Scientic Interest (SSSIs) are dam- the process of moving whole habitats aged or destroyed every year. or selected parts of a community from Jarman (1995) identied and dened four one site to another either to reinvigor- types of habitat restoration: ate a declining population or to ‘save’ Managing Leisure ISSN 1360-6719 print/ISSN 1466-450X online © 2001 Taylor & Francis Ltd DOI: 10.1080/13606710110039552
64 Johnson and Collins them where a site is going to be ecological restoration whereby ndings irrevocably destroyed. could be linked to key issues. The wider debate included discussions on character In practice these terms are often confused diversity, species richness, community di- and interchanged. The Society for Ecological versity and genetic diversity within species Restoration (SER) is an international organ- in addition to scarcity, scale and criticality ization dedicated to raising standards and (i.e. what represents a viable ecosystem) disseminating information about ecological issues. restoration. The denition of ecological res- Ratication of the BDC represented a clear toration currently used by SER is: UK government imperative, and a formal Downloaded by [University of California Santa Cruz] at 09:30 10 November 2014 the process of intentionally altering a site commitment for the rst time, to plan ob- to establish a dened indigenous historic jectively for the furtherance of nature con- ecosystem. The goal is to restore the servation. The UK Biodiversity Steering structure, function, diversity and dynam- Group, set up by the Government and con- ics of a particular ecosystem. sisting of representatives from a wide range of groups and interests, was tasked with THE IMPORTANCE OF BIODIVERSITY developing a range of specic costed conservation targets for key species and The need to maintain and enhance bio- habitats; suggesting improvements for bio- diversity is a powerful argument in favour of diversity data accessibility; raising public ecological restoration. The Biodiversity Con- awareness and involvement in biodiversity vention (BDC), one of the key outcomes of conservation; and initiating a review process. the 1992 Earth Summit, promoted guidelines Biodiversity habitat priorities were identied on protecting the diversity of the world’s on the basis of one or more of the following species and habitats. Biodiversity is dened criteria: in the BDC as: (i) habitats at risk either due to the speed the variability among living organisms of their decline or because they are from all sources including inter alia, terres- trial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems rare; and the ecological complexes of which (ii) habitats which may be functionally they are part; this includes diversity within critical; species, between species and of ecosys- (iii) habitats for which the UK has inter- tems. (Biodiversity Convention, Article 2, national protection obligations; and UNCED, 1992). (iv) habitats of importance to the 116 selected species. Signatories are required to develop ‘stra- tegies, plans or programmes for the con- The UK Biodiversity Steering Group Report servation of biodiversity’ (Article 6a) and (HM Government, 1995), whilst being largely ‘rehabilitate and restore degraded ecosys- descriptive, rened, prioritized and provided tems and promote the recovery of threat- more detail on the broad targets set out in ened species’ (Article 8f). Biodiversity: The UK Action Plan. It listed 1250 In response to the BDC the non- species of conservation concern and gave a governmental conservation organizations in commitment to action plans, including the the UK issued ‘Biodiversity Challenge’ case for local biodiversity action plans (Wynne et al., 1995) which recommended the (BAPs) to reect and implement national setting of species and habitat priorities, priorities taking into account local variation. nature conservation targets and action plans. Action plans for priority species and habitats In other words a target-led approach to were completed in 1999. The local plans,
Center Parcs UK 65 many of which have now also been produced, The principles on which Local Environ- include wildlife audits, vision documents and ment Agency Plans (LEAPs) aim to secure an challenge reports as well as action plans. overall enhancement of the quality of the There are currently wide ranges of ap- environment through the land use planning proaches to biodiversity action planning but system are pertinent. Carroll and Howes a ‘partnership’ is favoured (Pritchard, (1999) have described these as: 2000). (a) new development which contributes to the quality of the environment; (b) prevention of further erosion of THE CONTRIBUTION OF LEISURE natural and man-made heritage; Downloaded by [University of California Santa Cruz] at 09:30 10 November 2014 DEVELOPMENTS TO BIODIVERSITY (c) restoration of damaged environments; TARGETS and Examples of recreational activities in rural (d) the sustainable management of natural areas, which have been associated with resources. conservation benets, include traditional eld sports. However, these benets, which CENTER PARCS UK include the retention and management of The success of Center Parcs activity-based small woods as cover for shooting and the short-break holidays throughout Europe (the management of watercourses for shing in- Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France and terests, have mostly been brought about by UK) has been measured by high levels of default, rather than through active planning customer satisfaction and in terms of the for biodiversity interests. signicant and consistent proportion of re- More formal leisure development is often peat business (Lavery, 1990). More recently associated with a change of land use to a this has been reiterated by Gratton (1997) in ‘less natural’ environment, which threatens an overview of the Center Parcs product in nature conservation interests. Mistakes have Britain during the 10–year period 1987–1997. been made in the past, and the decision in Center Parcs UK comprises three Holiday 1999, by John Prescott, not to allow an Villages, each established in rural locations 18–hole golf course development on Penn in the English countryside. The company has Wood, an ancient woodland site within the demonstrated that with the correct design, Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty construction and operational philosophy, it (AONB), suggests that some developers con- is possible to create a facility that causes tinue to misjudge the Government’s commit- minimal disturbance and actually enhances ment to safeguard biodiversity. However, this the site in terms of wildlife conservation does not have to be the case. Environmental (Sheppard, 1992). assessments for some leisure developments The principal element of the Center Parcs which involve large areas of land, including concept is to allow their guests to escape areas marginal to the main focus of recrea- from the pressures of modern day living by tional activity, can put forward convincing enjoying close contact with nature with all its arguments at the planning stage, which sup- restful and restorative qualities. In order to port the view that such developments can realize this concept there are no boundaries result in environmental improvements. John- between ‘Nature Areas and People Areas’. To son (1998), for example, showed that new achieve this, and stemming from the original golf courses located on former agricultural design principles, management for wildlife land of low nature conservation value, can extends right up to guest villas with each villa provide the impetus for habitat restoration. patio being a vantage point for a wealth of
66 Johnson and Collins wildlife (Collins, 1999). This ethos of ‘wrap- recognized the need for continuous assess- ping nature round leisure facilities’ deter- ment beyond the initial site development. A mines the requirement for an extensive holistic management system for biodiversity landscape setting of forest, glades and water has therefore been developed which in- areas; and provides the incentive to manage corporates detailed and long-term forest and create ‘natural’ habitats for customer management plans including monitoring spe- enjoyment. cic biodiversity targets. This is actioned by Center Parcs employs stringent criteria annual implementation plans, targeted and during site selection in order to avoid areas prioritized via continuous annual ecological known to be of signicant wildlife value. monitoring results. Downloaded by [University of California Santa Cruz] at 09:30 10 November 2014 Proposals to develop a holiday village are The Ecological Monitoring Programme is listed under Schedule 2 of the European designed to: Community (EC) Directive on Environmental c quantify desired and undesired change Assessment (97/11/EC). Center Parcs elected within natural habitats; to undertake voluntary environmental c maintain the right proportions of natural assessments for the UK holiday village devel- habitats; opments. The Environmental Statement for c identify and preserve species of local or the most recent UK development (Aucombe national scarcity; Wood on the Longleat Estate, May 1991) c quantify the status of biodiversity action presented evidence of consideration of alter- species against specied targets (both native sites and conrmed that the chosen local and national); site was of limited ecological value. A more c keep a detailed record of the species and detailed ecological assessment and bird sur- habitats found in the village; and vey (Bioscan, 1991) identied evidence of c specify management actions which will remnant deciduous woodland ora, the pres- maintain both species and habitat di- ence of the nationally uncommon woodland versity and record progress against grasshopper (Omocestus rupes), several planned targets. locally uncommon bird species and typical Whilst such a comprehensive programme woodland mammals. Importantly, the de- involves considerable time and effort to tailed ecological study also identied actions ensure its effectiveness, Center Parcs be- to improve and enhance the biodiversity of lieves such attention to detail in environ- the site, as well as identifying and preserving mental assessment and monitoring results any remnant habitat or species typical of the confers a double benet. Firstly, the com- local natural area prole. Initial landscaping pany is applauded by the industry as a encompassed the preservation and enhance- leading example of sustainable tourism; ment of these features. However, the prin- secondly, investment in the natural environ- cipal contributing factor to the ecological ment has led to an increased appreciation of gains recorded on Center Parcs Villages has the villages by guests, with a resultant in- been the creation of new wildlife habitats crease in the quality of the Center Parcs across the area. Complementing any existing product and its commercial success in the remnants of valuable habitat new habitats market (Gratton, 1997). include woodland clearings and fringing ex- tensive networks of streams, lakes and BIODIVERSITY GAINS ponds. In order to maintain species and habitat The implementation of this management preservation and enhancement, Center Parcs philosophy has resulted in considerable
Center Parcs UK 67 quantiable gains for biodiversity. This Density estimation analyses for different spe- can be demonstrated by the following cies, as birds per square km, were derived for examples: specic habitat categories by this research. Two of these density estimations have been Sherwood Forest breeding birds used as a comparison against Center Parcs The value of the Sherwood Forest Village for breeding bird results (see Tables 1 and 2). British breeding birds can be demonstrated Firstly, mean breeding bird densities for by comparing the results of the Center Parcs Center Parcs Sherwood can be compared breeding bird studies with specic British against the mean number of birds within Trust for Ornithology (BTO) research coniferous woodland from the BTO Data. Downloaded by [University of California Santa Cruz] at 09:30 10 November 2014 (Gregory and Baillie, 1998). This habitat category is the most applicable This research, entitled ‘Large-scale habitat as each Center Parcs Village in the UK was use of some declining British Birds’, was a commercial coniferous woodland prior completed using data from the 1995 breeding to development. Secondly, Center Parcs bird survey (BBS), which is an extensive Sherwood bird numbers are compared annual sample survey of birds across the UK. against the habitat category returning the Table 1 BTO results for coniferous woodland versus Center Parcs Sherwood Forest Breeding birds per square km at Center Parcs Sherwood Forest BTO 1995 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Dunnock 3.80 46.90 40.70 41.90 49.30 41.90 Blackbird 10.60 155.50 140.70 162.90 191.30 160.40 0 0 0 0 0 Songthrush 6.10 67.90 34.56 29.60 43.20 50.60 Starling 0.80 0.00 0.00 1.23 1.23 0.00 Linnet 3.10 29.60 20.90 19.70 14.80 13.50 Bullnch 2.50 9.80 6.10 7.40 7.40 7.40 Reed Bunting 0.00 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 Skylark 1.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Table 2 BTO results for optimal species habitat versus Center Parcs Sherwood Forest Breeding birds per square km at Center Parcs Sherwood Forest BTO 1995 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Dunnock 29.20 46.90 40.70 41.90 49.30 41.90 Blackbird 114.80 155.50 140.70 162.90 191.30 160.40 0 0 0 0 0 Songthrush 15.70 67.90 34.56 29.60 43.20 50.60 Starling 255.60 0.00 0.00 1.23 1.23 0.00 Linnet 21.00 29.60 20.90 19.70 14.80 13.50 Bullnch 7.30 9.80 6.10 7.40 7.40 7.40 Reed Bunting 9.80 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 Skylark 26.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
68 Johnson and Collins highest number of each specic bird per al., 1996). The average result for coniferous square km, the optimal habitat, from Gregory woodland in 1995 recorded by the BTO was and Baillie’s research. 3.8 breeding birds per square km. The in- The BBS involves three visits to a chosen troduction of both scrub and grassland monitoring location each year, each plot habitats to the Center Parcs village has surveyed is a 1 3 1 km grid square. The rst resulted in an average of 44.1 birds per visit allows the surveyor to select a survey square km. This result is also 14.9 birds route through the area and further to record above the average score for the best habitat details of habitat characteristics. Further category (rural) in the UK dened by Gregory visits are carried out between April to mid- and Baillie (1998) as 29.2 Birds per square Downloaded by [University of California Santa Cruz] at 09:30 10 November 2014 May for the rst and mid-May to June for the km. second, both commencing between 6.00 am and 7.00 am. Blackbird (Turdus merula). This species The Center Parcs monitoring strategy em- has declined by 35% in the UK (Siriwardena et ployed in 1995 varied from the above as al., 1998) in the past 25 years. The develop- breeding birds were surveyed over one week- ment of a diversity of natural habitats within end in mid-May by two surveyors. The site the Center Parcs village has had a dramatic represents 1.62 km squares and the division effect on the blackbird density. The 1995 BTO of the area into two plots plus the survey result returned an average of 10.6 birds per routes were established prior to the survey. square km for coniferous woodland with the The Center Parcs monitoring system was Center Parcs Village returning an average of intensied from 1996 onwards with specic 162.1 birds. This exceeds the best average information on BAP species of bird or rare result in the UK from the BTO study, sub- birds being gathered to supplement the xed urban habitats, of 114.8 birds. 2 day breeding bird study. Thus the 1995 Center Parcs data and the Songthrush (Turdus philomelos). This bird BTO data within this paper are of similar is of signicant conservation concern being intensity. Although small differences exist listed in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (HM between the methodology of the two sur- Government, 1995) as a short list (priority) veys, they are broadly comparable. The species and a species on the red data list tables above present the results of the within Birds of Conservation Concern comparison between the published BTO data (Gibbons et al., 1996). Songthrush has suf- for 1995 and the Center Parcs results for fered a decline of 55% between 1976 and 1995 1995. In order to allow consideration of the (Siriwardena et al., 1998). Within coniferous long-term sustainability of the potential ben- woodland this bird averaged 6.1 per square ets from leisure developments, the results km and within its best recorded habitat, of Center Parcs breeding bird studies from rural, an average of 15.7 birds. 1996 to 1999 are also contained within the Center Parcs Sherwood Forest averaged tables. 45.1 birds per square km, this represents An analysis for each declining British bird over seven times higher Songthrush density species is presented below: than the average coniferous habitat studied by the BTO. Further still the result for the Dunnock (Prunella modularis). This spe- Center Parcs Village was 187% above that of cies has declined by 35% in the UK the best habitat average for Songthrush (Siriwardena et al., 1998) over the past 25 reported in the BTO research. Songthrush years and is included on the amber list of represents a signicant conservation suc- Birds of Conservation Concern (Gibbons et cess at Center Parcs, Sherwood and the
Center Parcs UK 69 village is now a focus for a specic national Bullnch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula). This bird is BTO survey scheme, Ringing Adults for Sur- of signicant conservation concern being vival (RAS), which was launched in 1999. listed in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (HM Government, 1995) as a short list (priority) Starling (Sturnus vulgaris). Prior to 1997 no species and on the red data list within Birds Starlings nested in the village. In 1997 one of Conservation Concern (Gibbons et al., pair bred. These birds repeated this in 1998 1996). Bullnch suffered a decline in the but were again absent in 1999. The average British Population of 53% between 1976 and result for coniferous woodland was 0.8 birds 1995 (Siriwardena et al., 1998). per square km and over the 5 years, 1995 to Bullnch has achieved a sustainable pop- Downloaded by [University of California Santa Cruz] at 09:30 10 November 2014 1999, Center Parcs averaged 0.45 birds. The ulation on the Center Parcs village with an best habitat for this species was typically average of 7.62 birds per square km. This urban where 255.6 birds on average was compares against the average for a conifer- recorded (Gregory and Baillie, 1998). ous woodland of 2.5 birds and the average for its best UK habitat, scrub, of 7.3 birds per square km. In 1995 the village held 9.8 Linnet (Carduelis cannabina). This bird is breeding birds per square km, 35% above the of signicant conservation concern being best average result for this bird in the UK. listed in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (HM Government, 1995) as a short list (priority) Reed Bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus). species and on the red data list within Birds This bird is of signicant conservation con- of Conservation Concern (Gibbons et al., cern being listed in the UK Biodiversity 1996). Linnet suffered a decline of 38% Action Plan (HM Government, 1995) as a between 1976 and 1995 (Siriwardena et al., short list (priority) species and on the red 1998). The average return for coniferous data list within Birds of Conservation Con- woodland from the BTO study was 3.1 birds cern (Gibbons et al., 1996). Reed bunting per square km. Center Parcs Sherwood For- declined by 46% between the BTO survey est averaged 19.7, over six times higher. The years 1976 and 1995 (Siriwardena et al., village result of 19.7 also compared well 1998). It is a bird associated with wetlands against the best habitat average of 21. and in particular reed bed habitats where it However, in 1995 when this research was forages for food. As a result it was not completed by the BTO the Center Parcs recorded in any coniferous woodland study village recorded 29.6 birds per square km, areas completed by the BTO in 1995. higher than the best habitat average from the With the addition of the wetland habitats BTO study. Since 1995 this bird has con- within the Center Parcs landscape, habitat tinued to decline on the village and a specic for a small breeding population has been management plan for nesting habitat has created, with the village recording 1.23 birds been developed and implemented. The effec- per square km. However, whilst this popula- tiveness of this management will not come to tion has proved sustainable over the past 5 fruition until 2001 when managed scrub years, further works have been implemented achieves the optimum height and density in 1999 within the village to create further identied by Center Parcs research. The reed bed habitat similar to that currently management objective is to halt the decline utilized by the resident birds. The manage- of this species on the village despite the ment objective is to provide for the edging national trend. However, ultimate success birds, which will then leave the village will be dependant upon suitable foraging on annually. The small number of birds, 1.23 neighbouring farmland being available. per square km, on the village compares
70 Johnson and Collins within an average of 9.8 for its favoured water mean species total per compartment. The habitats. results can obviously be dramatically af- fected by the planting of species and a Skylark (Alauda arvensis). This bird is of proportion of those recorded in the eco- signicant conservation concern being listed logical compartments were planted. How- in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (HM ever, planted species average just 9% of total Government, 1995) as a short list (priority) ora and the vast majority of planting was species and on the red data list within Birds carried out prior to the 1994 survey. Further- of Conservation Concern (Gibbons et al., more, this planting was typically woody 1996). Skylark declined by 49% between the species, predominately those species al- Downloaded by [University of California Santa Cruz] at 09:30 10 November 2014 BTO common bird census years 1976 and ready present within the mature woodland. 1995 (Siriwardena et al., 1998). The number of and area of ecological com- This species is typical of open grassland partments varies between each village and and the average for coniferous woodland of therefore total ora for each village in 1998 is 1.2 birds per square km compares with the also included. best average for semi-natural grasslands of As can be seen by these results the 26.9 birds per square km. This bird has never deliberate creation and management of hab- bred on the Center Parcs Village of Sherwood but has bred on the golf course area and itats has resulted in natural colonisation adjacent grasslands of Center Parcs Elveden leading to a net gain for biodiversity. At Forest Village in Suffolk where sufcient Elveden Forest, a village that has developed habitat exists and where 6.17 birds per as a valuable Breckland nature reserve, spe- square km were recorded in 1999. cies gain over the 4 years equated to a 152% The above analysis compares just one increase in oristic diversity per ecological taxonomic group on one Center Parcs village. compartment. Sherwood Forest, a coniferous However, the bird population represents a plantation on a former ancient forest and a tertiary consumer in the ecological food typical lowland heathland area, has seen an chain, a species group highly dependant increase in species diversity of 116% per upon the diversity and density of ora (both ecological compartment. Finally Longleat for habitat and food) and invertebrate Forest, a commercial plantation on a site of fauna. ancient woodland and lowland heath, has recorded an increase in species diversity of Floristic diversity 45% per ecological compartment. Table 3 details the increase in oristic di- versity recorded in all three Center Parcs UK Invertebrate species villages. The table sets out the number of In order to further demonstrate the potential species recorded in ecological compart- for biodiversity gain from these leisure ments in 1994 compared to the 1998 survey developments the total invertebrate species results. Numbers of species per ecological records for each Center Parcs Village can be compartment are recorded and expressed as seen in Table 4 below. According to Peterken Table 3 Mean species diversity of ecological compartments – ora Elveden Sherwood Longleat 1994 37.5 46.8 50.6 1998 94.8 101 73.6 Total Flora, 1998 416 387 335
Center Parcs UK 71 Table 4 Invertebrate records from Center Parcs villages Elveden Sherwood Longleat Forest Forest Forest Total Invertebrate Fauna 1,763 1,709 1,217 Locally Scarce Speciesa 51 26 22 Nationally Scarce Speciesb 82 35 27 Red Data Book Speciesc 21 3 4 a Recorded as locally scarce in the country – various sources. b Notable, notable B and notable A species as detailed by Ball (1986). Downloaded by [University of California Santa Cruz] at 09:30 10 November 2014 c Nationally rare (RDB 3), nationally vulnerable (RDB 2), nationally endangered (RDB 1), as per Shirt (1987). (1993) ‘almost every wood will contain a few relatively poor biodiversity base, even small rare invertebrates but the best sites are management adjustments can create sig- usually found to have as many as 3–5% scarce nicant nature conservation benets (Fuller and rare species in several groups’ (p. 232). and Peterken, 1995). On this basis Elveden Forest already qualies as a ‘best site’ but not Sherwood or Environmentally sensitive design and Longleat. construction The Center Parcs approach is to plan and build to accommodate nature. Villas are CONCLUSIONS designed to blend into the landscape and less Center Parcs UK has won a number of than 10% of the villages are covered with industry sponsored environmental awards roads and buildings. Within each 400 acre (Gratton, 1997). The company has been cited site this ensures refuge locations for wildlife as an example of sustainable tourism good and provides scope for creative management practice (IDA, 1999) and the introduction practices. of an environmental management system Management regimes which foster target approach and successful ISO 14001 accred- species and habitats itation attest to proactive corporate environ- mental stewardship (Collins, in press). The target-led approach advocated by bio- However, the environmental ‘added value’ diversity action planning has been adopted which Center Parcs Villages have contrib- by Center Parcs UK. The Holiday Village sites uted can be seen best in terms of biodiversity have recorded 587 species of wild plants and gains. The following elements are key fac- more than 2000 animal species including tors: over 500 species of moths and butteries. Many endangered species have specic hab- Careful site selection itat requirements. Introducing appropriate The choice of sites with an initial low bio- management regimes can incorporate these diversity value is important. Many com- requirements. An example of Center Parcs mercial coniferous forests are effectively commitment in this area is the specic monocultures of spruce or pine. Economic management for wildowers at their Elveden forestry techniques produce large stands of Village where in partnership with Plantlife, even-aged trees, which are then harvested as the wild-plant conservation charity, the soon as growth rates decline. From this Suffolk Wildlife Trust and English Nature, a
72 Johnson and Collins conservation project for 20 wildowers has Collins, B.J. (1999) Implementing environmental been established. Amongst these are two management systems in forest tourism: the priority plants from English Nature’s species case of Center Parcs, in Font, X. and Tribe, J. recovery project. (eds) Forest tourism and recreation: case stud- ies in environmental management, Walling- Ongoing ecological monitoring ford: CAB International, pp. Fuller, R.J. and Peterken, G.F. (1995) Woodland and A key objective of monitoring ecological scrub, in Sutherland W. J. and Hill D. A. (eds) change is to provide data as a scientic basis Managing Habitats for Conservation, Cam- for conservation (Spellerberg, 1991). Quanti- bridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 327– fying biodiversity gains also raises aware- 361. Downloaded by [University of California Santa Cruz] at 09:30 10 November 2014 ness and expectations. This is important for Gibbons, D., Avery, M., Baillie, S., Gregory, R., both employees and clients. Monitoring also Kirby, J., Porter, R., Tucker, G. and Williams, G. allows for site-specic management plans (1996) Bird Species of Conservation Concern targeted at the effective deployment of avail- in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and Isle of Man: Revising the Red-Data List, RSPB able resources and thus sustains biodiversity Conservation Review, 10, 7–18. gains and for Center Parcs helps to guarantee Gratton, C. (1997) Center Parcs: Ten Years in the commercial success. British Tourism Industry, Shefeld Hallam Uni- versity, Leisure Industries Research Centre. Gregory, R.D. and Baillie, S.R. (1998) Large-scale ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS habitat use of some declining British birds, Journal of Applied Ecology, 35, 785–799. The authors would like to thank the Birk- HM Government (1995) Biodiversity: The UK Steer- lands Ringing Group, for providing the de- ing Group Report, Vol. 1: Meeting the Rio tailed breeding bird data so essential to this Challenge, Vol. 2: Action Plans, London: paper. Dr C.W.D. Gibson of Bioscan (UK) HMSO. Limited and T. Cleeves, Conservation Ofcer Jarman, R. (1995) Habitat Restoration—ecanting the status quo. ECOS, the Journal of the British for the RSPB, are also acknowledged for their Association of Nature Conservationists, 16(2), much appreciated expert comments and 29–38. advice on an earlier draft of this paper. Johnson, D.E. (1998) On Course—Golf’s Contribu- tion to Biodiversity in the UK? The Environ- ment Paper Series, 1(2), 21–28, Glasgow BIBLIOGRAPHY Caledonian University. Lavery, P. (1990) Center Parcs, Insights, Vol C7, Ball, S. (1986) Invertebrate Site Register, Peter- English Tourist Board. borough, Nature Conservancy Council. Peterken G. F. (1993) Woodland Conservation and Bioscan (1991) Ecological Assessment of Aucombe Management, 2nd edition, London: Chapman Wood, Wiltshire, Technical report No. OX/ & Hall. 0249/B, Bioscan (UK) Ltd., Environmental Pritchard, R. (2000) Environmental Law and Consultants, unpublished. Biodiversity: The Government’s Agenda, in Bratton, J.H. (ed.) (1991) British Red Data Book 3, Bradley, P. (ed.) Environmental Law and Bio- Peterborough: JNCC. diversity: Keeping pace with the changes, Pro- Carroll, B.A. and Howes, H.R. (1999) Integrated ceedings of the 10th Conference of the Environmental Planning for Sustainable Institute of Ecology and Environmental Man- Development: The Environment Agency’s agement, November 1999, pp. 15–20, 24–25. Role, Journal of the Chartered Institution of Rowell, T. (1991) SSSIs: A Health Check, London: Water and Environmental Management, 13, Wildlife Link. 31–36. Selman, P. (1992) Environmental Planning: The
Center Parcs UK 73 Conservation and Development of Biophysical Birds: Quantitative Comparison of Smoothed Resources, London: Paul Chapman Publish- Common Bird Census Indices, Journal of ing. Applied Ecology, 35, 24–43. Sheppard, D.A. (1992) Wildlife Conservation in Spellerberg, I. (1991) Monitoring Ecological the Sherwood Forest Holiday Village, Peter- Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University borough, Science Directorate, English Press. Nature. Wynne, G., Avery, M., Campbell, L., Gubbay, S., Shirt, D.B. (ed.) (1987) British Red Data Book 2, Hawkswell, S., Juniper, T., King, M., Newbery, Peterborough: JNCC. P., Smart, J., Steel, C., Stones, T., Stubbs, A., Siriwardena, G.M., Baillie, S.R., Buckland, S.T., Taylor, J., Tydeman, C. and Wynde, R. (1995) Fewster, R.M., Marchunt, J.A. and Wilson, J.D. Biodiversity Challenge, Second edition, Sandy: Downloaded by [University of California Santa Cruz] at 09:30 10 November 2014 (1998) Trends in the Abundance of Farmland RSPB.
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