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New Civil Engineer
J A N U A R Y 201 9

                                              TECHNICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL
                                                INNOVATIONS SHAPING 2019
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New Civil Engineer

                       INNOVATION ESSENTIAL
                             IN 2019
                                                                 MARK HANSFORD

                 etting more innovation in infrastructure is a key driver       the two big stories of 2018 (the government’s Year of Engineering lest

    G            for the government and our industry alike. One year
                 on from the announcement of the Construction Sector
                 Deal and £170M of government funding to drive that in-
                                                                                we forget) – the delay to Crossrail and the collapse of Carillion – were
                                                                                disasters in their own right, they were seen by the government as signs
                                                                                and indicators.
                 itiative, the structures are finally in place for the indus-     So to 2019. There are currently some challenges to do with costs on
try to scale up its efforts. Yet very few in the industry seem to actually      Tideway and some much bigger ones on High Speed 2. With the Tide-
know what these structures are and how to access the funding.                   way project well underway, these challenges will certainly be worked

   That became very clear at two live New Civil Engineer events in              through, hopefully without too much pain for the supply chain.
December. The first was the SME webinar, aimed at highlighting how                But with HS2, all bets are currently off. The chairman (who was also
smaller businesses can use technology to supercharge their business.
   There, two fast-growing small civil engineering businesses highlight-               The two big stories of 2018 were
ed their frustrations that, while they know funds to help innovation
are available, the relentless pressure of running the business means                   disasters in their own right and
                                                                                seen by the government as signs and
they simply do not have the time to stop and work out where to access
   The second was New Civil Engineer’s Tunnelling Festival, where
Tideway chief technical officer Roger Bailey, through a series of poll          indicators
questions, rapidly learned how very few in the tunnelling industry – a
genuinely innovative sector – understood where to go for innovation.
Less than a handful of the 100-plus audience had heard of the Core              Crossrail’s chairman) has been forced out. Chief executive Mark Thurs-
Innovation Hub, launched in late November, with £72M of that £170M              ton has taken the unprecedented step of talking to New Civil Engineer not
and a remit to “catalyse” the way buildings and infrastructure are              once, but twice in the last month, stressing the need for the industry to
designed, manufactured, integrated and connected within the built               drive down costs on the main civils contracts. No-one, not Thurston, or
environment.                                                                    Dance, is saying “or else” but the “or else” is heavily implied.
   More worryingly, in his final poll question, Bailey asked, two years’           This year there will be a Comprehensive Spending Review. It is also
on from the Farmer review that concluded that the industry must                 likely there will be a General Election. The economic nightmare of a
“modernise or die”, the extent to which the industry was adapting.              no-deal Brexit looms large. Infrastructure, historically, never fares well
Just 8% of those polled felt the industry accepts the need for major            when cloth needs cutting.
change and is acting on it quickly, with most, 58%, feeling change is              So this month’s New Civil Engineer is therefore unashamedly innova-
happening slowly. More than a third (34%) felt the industry was actual-         tion-focused. Throughout, we highlight amazing innovations that are
ly in a more critical condition now than it was two years ago.                  already making a massive difference to the way we deliver infrastruc-
   It served as a stark reminder of the work that has to be done, com-          ture. We also focus on how to get hold of some that £170M government
ing straight after Infrastructure and Projects Authority head of infra-         cash aimed at driving even more. The Year of Engineering is gone. Let’s
structure delivery Stephen Dance warned that “government hasn’t                 make 2019 the year of innovation.
lost confidence in the industry – yet…”, adding that while neither of           l Mark Hansford is New Civil Engineer’s editor

                                                                                                           J A N U A R Y 2 01 9   |   NEW CIVIL ENGINEER     3
                                           MAGAZINE OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS

    03 Comment,                                        35 World View Report:
       Analysis & News                                    Future of Energy
    06 Lighthouse: Engineers must be ready
       to act on politicians’ decisions

    08 The Edit: HS2 seeks to drive
       down construction costs

    09 The Edit: Morecambe Bay power
       tunnel plan scrapped

    12 Analysis: Open source software

    14 Analysis: Derisking Northern
       Powerhouse Rail

    18 Your View: Systems integration;

    84 Innovation in Infrastructure

    20 Graduate

                                                       The global energy sector is facing a major transformation as
                                                       electrification grows, renewables use expands, oil production
                                                         is transformed and there is resurgent demand for natural
                                                        gas. Across all regions and fuels, national policy choices will
                                                                      determine the future energy mix.

                                                       36 Overview: How the energy sector     42 Repositioning demand to maximise
                                                          is responding to growth in demand      renewable use and minimise
                                                          and the changing pressures on the      pressure on fossil fuels
                                                          energy mix
    20 Winners of this year’s New Civil                                                       44 Undersea turbines harness
       Engineer Graduate of the Year and               38 Energy debate: Limiting carbon         strong currents off the north
       Apprentice of the Year awards                      emissions                              Scotland coast

4      NEW CIVIL ENGINEER   |   J A N U A R Y 20 1 9
                       il Eng
       New C
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16 Big                                       24 Business                                                          EDITORIAL TEAM
   Interview                                    Culture                                                             EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES
                                                                                                                    Email: nceedit@emap.com

                                                                                                                         Mark Hansford
                                                                                                                  (020) 3953 2821 mark.hansford

                                                                                                                       Deputy Editor
                                                                                                                     Alexandra Wynne
                                                                                                              (020) 3953 2822 alexandra.wynne

                                                                                                                         Contributing Editor
                                                                                                                          Jackie Whitelaw

                                                                                                                         Associate Editor
                                                                                                                          Emily Ashwell
                                                                                                                  (020) 3953 2094 emily.ashwell

16 Highways England executive director       24 SME Interview: CMPS was                                                   News Editor
   of major projects and capital portfolio      established when its founders                                             Rob Horgan

   management Peter Mumford on                  wanted to fill a gap between                                       (020) 3953 2087 rob.horgan

   delivering highway improvements              client and contractor roles                                           Technical Reporter
                                                                                                              Katherine Smale (020) 3953 2044

50 Tech                                      59 Innovation in                                                             Reporter

   Excellence                                   Infrastructure                                                     Connor James Ibbetson
                                                                                                              (020) 3953 2088 | connor.ibbetson

                                                                                                                           Sam Sholli
                                                                                                                   (020) 3953 2086 | sam.sholli

                                                                                                                        Chief Sub Editor
                                                                                                                          Andy Bolton
                                                                                                                  (020) 3953 2823 | andy.bolton

                                                                                                                        James McCarthy

                                                                                                                          Graphic Artist
                                                                                                                          Anthea Carter

                                                                                                                    Technical Editor Emeritus
                                                                                                                          Dave Parker
50 Automation and innovation typify          59 Special report on current innovations                                      dave.parker

   the project to upgrade a section             and initiatives to shape future                                     CUSTOMER SERVICES
   of the A14 to a motorway                     infrastructure delivery                                            customerservices@nce.co.uk

                                                                                        J A N U A R Y 2 019   |    NEW CIVIL ENGINEER              5
                                                                                ICE VIEWPOINT

                            We must be ready
                        for politicians’ decisions,
                             when they come

                     he sound and the                                            of market-led proposals for rail that           An extended
                     fury of Brexit is                                           will enable more private investment
                     dominating much of                                          to flow in. We also tested the public           period of
                     the national debate.                                        mood for pay-as-you-go systems on
                     However, between                                            Great Britain’s roads and found that     uncertainty, which
                                                                                                                          stretches back to July
    the political machinations, a number                                         almost half the population would
    of interventions have taken place.                                           approve of this type of approach if it
       Chancellor Philip Hammond’s
    Autumn Budget announcements                               BY ART WE
                                                                                 replaced VED and fuel duty.
                                                                                    As the world makes progress
                                                                                                                          2016, does nobody
    generated a lot of attention with the
    slightly ambiguous statements about
                                                             W H AT W O U L D
                                                                                 towards de-carbonisation and
                                                                                 electric vehicles, new investment
                                                                                                                          any favours
    PFI, but the significance is difficult to                 MASTER US          strategies are going to be needed
    judge. It must be remembered that                                            to compensate for the loss of old        implications of nationalising
    the government has not signed any                                            models based on emissions.               different infrastructure networks in
    new contracts for the past two years                                            However, much of this could be        Great Britain.
    and prior to that, activity has been                                         construed as playing at the edges.          In summary, its report concluded
    increasingly limited since 2010.                                             The UK remained (at the time of          that, whether services are in public
       Of more interest was the                                                  writing) largely in the dark as to       or private ownership, a long-term
    confirmation that vehicle excise                                             the implications and ramifications       approach to asset management and
    duty (VED) would be hypothecated                                             of Brexit. An extended period of         investment is needed, supported
    into a National Roads Fund for                                               uncertainty, which stretches back to     by sensible regulation, good
    England’s second Road Investment                                             July 2016, does nobody any favours.      governance and accountability to
    Strategy. In the short term, this                                            In the infrastructure space, where       ensure best value for consumers.
    could mark a significant change in                                           projects and programmes require             Public support for nationalisation
    approach to ensuring the strategic                                           long-term planning and must be           as a binary concept is high, but
    road network is properly maintained                                          based on need, such periods of           more needs to be done to close
    and could have implications for                                              uncertainty have a long-term effect      the information deficit about the
    anyone working in this sector.                                               that we could be living with for quite   tangible benefits delivered by
       Following the Chancellor’s Budget,                                        some time.                               private investment.
    the Infrastructure Projects Authority                                           It is this need for evidence-            But we come once again to the
    released its annual National                                                 based decision-making and policy         political monolith that is Brexit.
    Construction and Infrastructure                                              assessment that led the ICE to           It may have the appearance of
    Pipeline, which shows £600bn                                                 produce a discussion paper on            paralysing political decision-making,
    worth of planned investment in                                               nationalisation during November.         and to a large degree it is. However,
    infrastructure over the next decade.                                            The Labour Party has made             a sector such as ours cannot afford
    There were no huge surprises in the                                          repeated calls to nationalise a          to wait for certainty. In any way we
    pipeline with the expected balance                                           series of assets and it must be          can, we must build long-term plans
    of public and private funding.                                               assumed that these are genuine.          on the small amounts of information
       Ahead of the Budget, the                                                  Without taking a judgement on            that are emerging, or take a sober
    ICE’s State of the Nation 2018:                                              whether or not nationalisation           look at the possible futures we face.
    Infrastructure Investment report                                             should take place, the ICE examined      l Send comments on the
    argued that there should be reforms                                          the potential, practical and cost        Lighthouse to policy@ice.org.uk

6   N E W C I V I L E N G I N E E R | J A N U A R Y 2 0 19
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          The Edit
                                                                                              NEWS         T I D E WAY
                                                                                                More       CHALLENGES
                                                                                              coverage     T R I G G E R T I D E WAY
                    E S S E N T I A L N E W S & I N F O R M AT I O N                          online at    COST CUTTING
                     F R O M N E W C I V I L E N G I N E E R .C O M                           newcivil
                                                                                            engineer.com   Engineering challenges at two
                                                                                                           Tideway sites in London have led to
                                                                                                           the introduction of cost cutting
                                                                                                           measures. In its financial results,
                                                                                                           Tideway parent company Bazalgette
                                                                                                           Holding Group said the challenges on
                                                                                                           the mega sewer project, coupled with
                                                                                                           general cost pressures across the
                                                                                                           programme, had “substantially
                                                                                                           eroded available contingency”. It is
                                                                                                           implementing cost saving measures in
                                                                                                           partnership with its contractors to
                                                                                                           enable it to hit the baseline target cost
                                                                                                           of £4bn. To date the project has spent
                                                                                                           £1.48bn. The project has encountered
                                                                                                           problems with large Victorian gas
                                                                                                           mains at Blackfriars and King Edward
                                                                                                           Memorial Park Foreshore. Tideway
                                                                                                           was working closely with gas operator
                                                                                                           Cadent to investigate if the mains had
                                                                                                           to be diverted to avoid damaging

    HS2 boss admits cost pressures                                                          KEY STATS
    on civils work as client revisits                                                           £1bn
                                                                                                           PA C K A G E T O B E
    contractor risk allocation                                                              Amount by      AGREED
                                                                                            which HS2      Transport for London (TfL) has said
                                                                                                           it is working with mayor Sadiq Khan
    HIGH SPEED 2                                     the notice to proceed had been          civils bids   and the government on a financing
    High Speed 2 (HS2) chief executive               agreed in late spring 2018 after it    were coming    package to enable completion of
    Mark Thurston has admitted there are             became clear that the costs to build                  Crossrail. TfL gave no information
                                                                                            over budget
    “cost pressures” on the project, in an           the line began to come in above                       about what the package could
    exclusive interview with New Civil               budget. A three month extension was                   involve. The project has already
    Engineer. In June last year it was               designed to give contractors time to                  received £650M from the government
    revealed that the main civils packages           reduce design costs.                                  and the Mayor’s Office, and a
    were collectively coming in at around                                                                  year-long delay to the project was
    £1bn over the target cost (New Civil                                                                   announced in August. Embattled
    Engineer, July 2018). Despite the                                                                      former Crossrail chairman Sir Terry

    setback, Thurston said that new                                                                        Morgan has said that he expects that
    measures have been put in place and                                                                    another Crossrail funding package
    he remained “confident” that the                                                                       will, following significant delays and
    target cost would be agreed in June.
    Thurston confirmed that as designs
                                                             It had become                                 two previous bailouts. Morgan
                                                                                                           resigned as chair of Crossrail and
    had developed it had become clear
    that ground conditions were more
                                                             clear that the                                High Speed 2 promoter HS2 Ltd in
                                                                                                           early December He is being replaced
    complex than first thought and the
    issue of risk taken on by the
                                                     ground conditions                                     at HS2 Ltd by former Atkins chair
                                                                                                           Allan Cook. No announcement had
    contractors was to be revisited. There           were more complex                                     been made about Morgan’s
    is potential to share some risk with                                                                   replacement at Crossrail as New Civil
    HS2 Ltd. He said a move to push back             than first thought                                    Engineer went to press.

8      NEW CIVIL ENGINEER      |   J A N U A R Y 20 1 9

                                                                                                                        Investigators say errors
                                                                                                                        were made in the design
                                                                                                                        of the Florida
                                                                                                                        International University
                                                                                                                        Bridge which collapsed
                                                                                                                        in March 2018 while
                                                                                                                        under construction,
                                                                                                                        killing six people and
                                                                                                                        injuring eight. The
                                                                                                                        design review was
                                                                                                                        conducted by the
                                                                                                                        Federal Highway
                                                                                                                        Administration’s (FHWA)
                                                                                                                        Office of Bridges and
                                                                                                                        Structures in support of
                                                                                                                        an ongoing investigation.
                                                                                                                        It claims that the errors
                                                                                                                        were made at the point
                                                                                                                        where two truss
                                                                                                                        members connected to
                                                                                                                        the bridge deck.

BUSINESS                                  GEOTECHNICAL                                               STRUCTURES
FERROVIAL                                 M O R E C A M B E B AY                    KEY STATS        I TA LY V I A D U C T
CONSIDERS SALE                            POWER CONNECTION                                           REBUILD COULD
OF TROUBLED AMEY                          TUNNEL PROJECT                              £2.8bn         TA K E A S L I T T L E A S
SUBSIDIARY                                SCRAPPED                                   Value of        ONE YEAR
Spanish infrastructure giant Ferrovial    The £2.8bn North West Coast                  North         The rebuilding of the collapsed
is looking to sell Oxford-based civil     Connections project, which includes       West Coast       Polcevera viaduct in Genoa, Italy,
engineering contractor Amey.              the 22km long Morecambe Bay                                could take as little as 12 to 15 months
Ferrovial has confirmed it has            tunnel near Lancaster, has been           Connections      according to the commission set up
engaged a consultant to examine the       officially scrapped, New Civil              project        to reconstruct the bridge.
possibility of selling its services       Engineer can reveal. National Grid                         Commissioner Marco Bucci, who is
division, which includes Amey in the      confirmed that the process to                              also the mayor of Genoa, played down
UK. The Financial Times has reported      formally terminate its agreement with                      claims that it could much longer to
that the consultant is Goldman Sachs.     NuGen to build the connection had                          rebuild the bridge, saying that the
It has been a mixed couple of years for   started. There had been questions                          schemes it was looking at
Amey. It recently won a place on the      about the future of the connection                         put the rebuild schedule at just over
Highways England £8.7bn. Regional         after joint venture NuGen, which                           a year (New Civil Engineer, December
Delivery Partnership framework. But       includes Japanese developer Toshiba,                       2018). The viaduct – also known as the
the company also lost a costly legal      pulled the plug on its new Moorside                        Morandi bridge – collapsed in August,
battle with Birmingham City Council,      power station near Sellafield. The                         killing 43 people. Up to 20 designs for
over a roads maintenance contract.        complex project would have                                 a replacement bridge are being
This resulted in it making a £189.9M      connected the power station via                            considered including proposals by
pretax loss last year after making a      transmission lines across the Lake                         architects Renzo Piano and Santiago
£208M additional provision for the        District to Flookburgh and then into a                     Calatrava. Immediately after the
problem £2.7bn PFI highways               new 5m diameter, 22km subsea cable                         collapse, bridge operator Autostrade
contract. A Ferrovial spokesperson        tunnel to Morecambe Bay. Work                              said that it would rebuild the bridge in
told New Civil Engineer that the          paused in May 2017 when Toshiba                            eight months. However, Bucci said
company had made no final decision        announced that it was carrying out a                       Autostrade would not be part of the
on what to do with the company.           review of the viability of the project.                    process to rebuild the bridge.

                                                                                              J A N U A R Y 2 019   |   NEW CIVIL ENGINEER          9
The Edit

     STRUCTURES                                       TRANSPORT                                             TRANSPORT
     COUNCILS GET                                     G R AY L I N G                           KEY STATS    R EG U L ATO R C H ANG E S
     BACKING TO REMOVE                                CONSIDERS SHORTER                                     N ETWO R K R AI L
     CLADDING FROM                                    T R A N S -P E N N I N E                     9km      PER F O R MA NC E
     P R I VAT E H I G H R I S E S                    ROAD TUNNEL                                Revised    A SSESSMENT R E G I M E
                                                                                                length of
     Local councils have won permission               The business case for a shorter 9km                   The Office of Rail and Road (ORR)
     to remove Grenfell-style cladding from           trans-Pennine road tunnel will be           trans-    is overhauling the way it assesses
     privately-owned, high-rise buildings,            taken to transport secretary Chris         Pennine    Network Rail’s performance. The
     with the building owners being forced            Grayling next summer. Speaking at the       tunnel    ORR said it wanted to target “areas
     to cover the costs. Cladding on only             Civil Engineering Contractors                         that have the most serious impact
     40 of the 289 privately-owned,                   Association conference in London,                     and detriment to passengers, freight
     high-rise residential blocks identified          Highways England network planning                     customers and funders”. To do this,
     as using similar aluminium composite             director Jeremy Bloom said the new                    the regulator is implementing a
     cladding to Grenfell has so far been             plans were being drawn up before the                  three-stage approach to reviews. This
     removed. Owners of 102 more                      new case is submitted next year. Bloom                involves introducing a new data-led
     buildings have no plans to remove                said Highways England is considering a                monitoring system, investigating
     cladding. But housing secretary James            9km long tunnel instead of the current                issues at an earlier stage and
     Brokenshire has now backed local                 32km proposal. It will run under the                  enforcing actions where issues are
     councils’ efforts to intervene. The              Peak District, and have strategic                     unresolved. ORR railway planning and
     announcement comes as Brokenshire                benefits for connecting Sheffield to                  performance director Graham Richards
     presented new regulations to ban                 Manchester. The plan, worked up by                    said: “There have been significant
     cladding on buildings over 18m high.             Transport for the North with                          changes to Network Rail’s business in
     The use of combustible materials –               Highways England and the Department                   recent years. Our new approach […]
     such as the cladding used on Grenfell            for Transport, is combined with major                 places strong emphasis on Network Rail
     Tower – will also be banned in                   upgrades to the Woodhead Pass route                   working together with its customers to
     schools, care homes and hospitals.               and road links east of Sheffield.                     solve problems early.”


                                                                                                                         Gondolas which will
                                                                                                                         move up and down the
                                                                                                                         top of London’s
                                                                                                                         proposed “Tulip” tower
                                                                                                                         may interfere with radar
                                                                                                                         systems at London City
                                                                                                                         Airport, its operator has
                                                                                                                         warned. The 305m tower
                                                                                                                         should not be
                                                                                                                         constructed until its
                                                                                                                         impact on radar systems
                                                                                                                         has been assessed,
                                                                                                                         London City Airport
                                                                                                                         officials have told the
                                                                                                                         authority deciding
                                                                                                                         whether or not to grant
                                                                                                                         planning permission for
                                                                                                                         the structure.

10      NEW CIVIL ENGINEER      |   J A N U A R Y 20 1 9
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Productivity Analysis
                                                              CONNOR IBBETSON

                           Is open source
                        software the way to
                      increase productivity?
                     dopting                                         He went on to say that it is time

        A            standardised, open
                     source software
                     and automated
                                                    Amount by
                                                                  to “abandon” traditional sector
                                                                  separation in favour of a united
                     design in the                  which the        “We need to abandon our
     construction sector is the way to                            traditional, entrenched view of
     ensure it meets the government’s              government     working in sectors, only working
     Construction 2025 targets for                     wants      across sectors with common
     productivity and climate change,              construction   sets of components usable
     says multi-disciplinary firm                                 across multiple building types
     Bryden Wood.                                    to reduce    do we get the scale and level of
        The firm has issued a call                     costs      repeatability that would allow a
     to arms for the industry to                                  manufacturing approach – the
     adopt a new style of operation                               key is not working offsite but

     that focuses on open source                                  creating factory-like conditions
     technology, automated design                                 on site.
     and efficiency.                                                 “The standardisation of
        Bryden Wood board director
     and head of global systems Jamie
                                                                  construction components would
                                                                  allow us to talk more directly to
                                                                                                                 The Platform
     Johnston says that the future
     of the construction industry is
                                                                  the supply chain, engage more
                                                                  with SMEs and make better use of
                                                                                                                 model relies on
     about changing the way we think.
        “This isn’t about automated
                                                                  existing capacity,” Johnston adds .
                                                                     “It would also give investors
                                                                                                         a core assembled steel
     brick layers or robotics. This is                            more confidence to invest in           frame that can be
     about changing the ways we do                                research and development. To
     things,” he says.                                            achieve this, we would need to         scaled for use
        Johnston compares                                         open source the components
     construction to the automotive                               because so many people will
     industry, which moved into mass                              need access to them.”                  assembly.
     production just 27 years after the                              Bryden Wood is pioneering             Johnston describes the
     first car was built.                                         its own type of standardised           Platform system as something
         “In construction we don’t get                            construction, and has chosen not       between “the construction world
     the same level of repeatability,                             to copyright protect it.               we know, and the manufacturing
     in construction we waste a huge                                 Its Platform model relies on a      world we want to be.”
     amount of time and effort with                               core assembled steel frame that          Project management specialist
     individual organisations coming                              can be scaled for use in anything      Turner & Townsend, working
     up with their own systems,                                   from accommodation to hospitals        with Bryden Wood, has estimated
     which are only slightly different                            and Heathrow airport terminals.        that using a system like Platforms
     from their competitors. Sharing                              The frame, no matter the height        for construction could help the
     a common approach would                                      or span, uses just 30 types of         industry meet the government’s
     move us all forward much more                                common bracket and does not            Construction 2025 target of a 33%
     quickly.”                                                    require high level cranes to aid       reduction in cost.

12      NEW CIVIL ENGINEER    | J A N U A R Y 2 01 9
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Transport Analysis
                                                            KATHERINE SMALE

                         De-risking Northern
                          Powerhouse rail

                  ransport for the                                Infrastructure Assessment.                    We want
                  North (TfN) is                                    Wood said that when
                  planning to deliver
                  its £35bn Northern
                                                                  building or upgrading a railway,
                                                                  understanding the ground
                                                                                                                to take out
                  Powerhouse Rail                                 conditions and geology is one of       the risk on the job,
   (NPR) scheme “differently”, by                                 the key ways to mitigate risk and
   involving contractors before                                   stay within budget.                    so we have a clear
   the usual early contractor                                       This is why he wants more
   involvement stage.                                             money spent on ground                  programme
      It also wants to spend more                                 investigations at an earlier stage.
   money upfront on ground                                          “That’s where we want to
   investigations to enable it to                                 spend more money than normal
   design out risk.                                               [on ground investigations],”
      Before the detailed proposals                               he said.                               at land purchases.
   for the project are submitted to                                 “We really want to give enough         The series of upgrades and
   the government, TfN, Northern                                  information that the contractors       new lines will predominantly give
   Powerhouse Rail director                                       are very clear as to what is           east to west connectivity across
   Tim Wood has told New Civil                                    required to be able to deliver         the North.
   Engineer that a large part of the                              that job.                                New lines are to be built
   project proposals will focus on                                   “We want to take out the risk       between Liverpool, Manchester
   removing risk at the earliest                                  on the job, so we have a clear         and Leeds while major upgrades
   possible stage.                                                programme, a clear work bank           of up to 75% of existing lines will
      Official plans for the rail                                 and the contractor is able to          take place between Manchester
   project, connecting Hull, Leeds,                               understand that.                       and Sheffield, using the Hope
   Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle                                 “Their chief executives will         Valley Line, and on lines up to
   and Sheffield were due to be                                   come out with me with their            Hull, Leeds and Newcastle.
   submitted before the end of 2018.                              boots on, and walk that route            But with six touch points to
      The scheme is third on the            Read the full         with me.”                              High Speed 2 (HS2) and a shared
   list of projected infrastructure        version of this          He also said he wants to get         section of track, Wood says the
   spends over the next 20 years              article at          contractors involved even earlier      construction of HS2 phase 2 is
   in the National Infrastructure             newcivil            than normal with contractors on        vital to give the north to south
 strip ad ideas_Layout
   Commission’s     National               engineer.com
                       1 6/7/18 11:47 AM Page 2                   board when the client is looking       connections.

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Peter Mumford
The Interview                                                     BY EMILY ASHWELL

                          How digital engineering
                           will change Highways
                             England projects

                                   our years ago                                                     plan to do and how does it want the

                          F        Highways England
                                   claimed it was at
                                   the start of a new
                                                                                                     supply chain to do it?
                                                                                                        Highways England’s new Routes
                                                                                                     to Market strategy has work split
                                   era – a “generation-                                              into different tranches, such as
                   al” investment of cash for road                                                   complex infrastructure projects
                   improvements. The current funding                                                 covering big ticket items like the
                   period, which lasts until 2020, was                                               A303 Stonehenge tunnel and smart
                   designed to finally give the supply                                               motorways alliances. The cor-
                   chain longer term visibility of the                                               nerstone is the recently awarded
                   workload pipeline so it could invest                                              £8.7bn Regional Delivery Partner-
                   in skills and innovation.                                                         ship (RDP) framework.
                      Now Highways England is claim-                                                    There are five broad goals for
                   ing to be at the dawn of another                                                  RIS2, and all are designed to im-
                   new era as it gears up for the                                                    prove project delivery. One of them
                   second Roads Investment Strategy          enterprises delivering outcomes,        is delivery on time and on budget.
                   (RIS) period, which will run from         as opposed to civils firms building        Another of these goals, just men-
                   2020 to 2025.                             roads. But despite this transforma-     tioned, is the concept of Highways
                      But this time as well as talk about    tion, what it wants from the supply     England being a capable owner. But
                   cash – £23.3bn is lined up for it – the   chain remains distinctly familiar.      what does Mumford mean by that?
                   strategic roads authority is talking         “As we have grown and matured           He says he does not want to
                   about its transformation into a body      as an organisation, one of the things   place demands and expectations
                   that is better at managing projects       we work hard on is maintaining a        on the supply chain which it cannot
                   and that is a leader in technology        degree of simplicity in what we do      then adequately support. Instead
                   and innovation.                           and the old mantra of on time, on       it wants to make sure everyone is
                      Driving this is Peter Mumford, its     budget and to scope remains at the      aligned to the same areas of safety,
                   executive director of major projects      centre of what we do,” he says.         customer experience and delivery.

                   and capital portfolio management             So, what does Highways England          “We have to be mindful of the way
                   who formally took up the post a                                                   we are organised and of capability
                   year ago. He is buoyant and bullish                                               and capacity at Highways England.
                   about what must be done over the
                   next few years. Mumford’s language                We don’t want                   We don’t want inconsistency
                                                                                                     between what we ask the market to
                   reflects his background in engineer-
                   ing consultancies and is in line with
                                                                     inconsistency                   do and their interface with us,” he
                   where Highways England wants to
                   be. For example, he refers to the
                                                             between what we ask                        The body’s project management
                                                                                                     has in recent times come under fire
                   organisation becoming a “capable          the market to do and                    from roads regulator the Office for

                                                             their interface with us
                   owner” – a term from the ICE’s Proj-                                              Rail & Road, which says costs and
                   ect 13 initiative – and talks about                                               scope for major schemes at the

16   NEW CIVIL ENGINEER   |   J A N U A R Y 20 1 9
                                                                     What I’m
beginning of RIS1 were underestimat-                                                                   work with an “industry leader” and
ed, meaning a number of schemes                                                                        wants bids from those firms which
                                            KEY FACTS
have either been cancelled, paused or
pushed back into RIS2.                                               interested in                     understand the “productionisation” of
                                                                                                       infrastructure and can roll that out to
   Highways England hopes it will only
have to spend around £301M to fund
                                              £23.3bn        is having the right                       generate efficiencies.
                                                                                                          But that does not mean that all the
the difference. Mumford says that its
programme delivery transformation           England RIS2
                                                             people in the right                       engineering consultancies currently
                                                                                                       realigning themselves as technology
work is on track to be finished by
June next year, but understandably
                                              funding        roles and the right                       firms have a shoo-in for the work. He
                                                                                                       says he is open to new entrants too.
he is keen not to repeat the same                            value added skills set                       “What I’m interested in is having
mistakes.                                                                                              the right people in the right roles and
   Improved productivity is one of the                       at the table                              the right value added skills set at the
key goals for RIS2. Mumford wants                                                                      table. I’m more interested in that than
projects to incorporate innovations                                                                    the company brands bringing these
such as prefabrication, coupled with                       on motorways expect to the default          people,” he says.
continued improvement in other                             speed for vehicles through roadworks           One of the elements of work for
areas.                                                     rising from 50mph to 60mph – if it is       these alliances will be the new rapid
   “It will be a combination of big                        safe to do so.                              engineering model, which has already
impact items which will bear fruit for                        Mumford also says he wants to            been tested against the original de-
us in years to come and getting small-                     reduce the length of roadworks – both       sign process for the M1 junction 23a
er things out as a new norm,” he says.                     the physical length and more impor-         to junction 25 smart motorway, and
   This means that while Mumford                           tantly the time it takes to do them.        shown to work.
wants the supply chain to deliver                             With the RDP framework procure-             The model looks at the safety
major innovations, he also wants to                        ment finalised, the supply chain is         and engineering standard for smart
see productivity improvements in                           putting bids together for the £4.5bn        motorways (IAN 161) and tests the
Highways England’s day to day work.                        smart motorways alliances procure-          design against this – for instance, for
He cites the example of pavements                          ment programme.                             emergency areas and gantries which
next to smart motorways where new                             Within these alliances the highway       have a standard distance, specifica-
plant and machinery can cut a slab                         authority becomes an integral partner       tion and relationship to other objects
into four parts and use a vacuum tool                      of the alliance alongside three on-site     within the design. It also tested for
to lift it out of the ground and place it                  delivery partners, two design part-         any clashes, work that would have
on a lorry, instead of this work being                     ners and one production management          been done manually before.
done manually. It cuts that job down                       partner.                                       Mumford is expecting the digital
from hours to 15 minutes.                                     Mumford says that digital and            design and construction capability to
   Highways England has also been                          technological capability, the fifth of      be there by 2020 and will roll this out
working on customer experience                             his goals for delivering RIS2, is key to    across Highways England so that it
and improving this is another key                          winning work with Highways England.         becomes the “expected norm” across
aim for RIS2. So, engineers working                        For smart motorways he is looking to        its portfolio.

                                                                                                  J A N U A R Y 2 019   |   NEW CIVIL ENGINEER   17
road user charging in the UK, so the

               Your View
                                                                                                                  taxpayer would have always paid for
                                                                                                                  the scheme. Indeed, you could argue
                                                                                                                  that “Taxpayer to pay less for £1.6bn
                                                                                                                  Stonehenge tunnel after PFI axe”
                                                                                                                  would have been a more accurate
                                                                                                                  title, given that UK government has
                                                                                                                  lower borrowing costs than private
                                          LET TERS TO THE EDITOR                                                  funders.
                                          AND COMMENTS ONLINE                                                        Of course there are also debates
                                                                                                                  to had regarding construction
                                                                                                                  risk-share and keeping the debt “off-
                                                                                                                  book” for the nation.
     LEARNING FROM FAILURE                                               Eurocodes (New Civil Engineer,              Infrastructure financing is
     COLLAPSES: IS SYSTEMS                                               December 2018). In my opinion,           important, and given the current
                                                           @             Eurocodes represent a fantastic
                                                                         opportunity to really progress the
                                                                         theory of design by simplifying
                                                                                                                  dynamic public policy environment I

     With reference to your Comment                                      communication, evaluation and
     (New Civil Engineer October 2018),                                  research between and by engineers
     systems integration may be defined                                  of different cultures across the
     in engineering practice as the                                      Continent all using the same
     process of combining component                                      procedures.
     sub-systems into one operational                 Read more             I cannot see any reason why
     system and ensuring that such sub-               letters at         they will not survive Brexit;
     systems function together as one in              www.newcivil       nevertheless it is also my opinion
     that single operational system.                  engineer.com       that it would be a mistake to regard
        Systems integration is a critical                                Eurocodes as the sole guidance
     function for complex projects such                                  on design to be applied to every
     as rail projects where individual                                   design for everything. Installation
     design and construct activities, such                               and management procedures
     as for wheel/rail interface, train                                  are a fundamental part of the
     control systems, communications                                     construction industry and the
     and traction power all have to be                                   Eurocodes, which are more than
     effectively integrated to provide for                               just a product of the European
     a single operational railroad.                                      Union, arose primarily through the       Stonehenge tunnel: Funding debate
        While it will be some time                                       industrial processes of the West.
     before the ultimate causes of the                                   Shaped and supported by First            would like to see New Civil Engineer
     Florida and Genoa bridge failures                                   World needs and infrastructure they      undertaking more investigations in
     is publicly known, there is much                                    do not lend themselves to materials,     this area and prompting increased
     visual evidence that the cause of                                   labour and plant of a different type     debate on it within our profession.
     each was not that of such complex                                   and/or earlier time.                     James Robinson (M) james-d.
     integration, but was of a much                                         It should be the within the remit     robinson@arup.com Ascot Drive,
     simpler macro nature: structural                                    of the designer to confirm the codes     Derby DE24 8GW
     design error in the case of Florida                                 appropriate for a design. I think it
     and the lack of an effective                                        is an accepted fact that Eurocodes       STRUCTURES
     inspection and maintenance regimen                                  can be and are unnecessarily             PLAN TO RECYCLE
     in the other.                                                       complicated and that some work
        You do the critical importance                                   on making them easier to use is          PLASTIC BOTTLES
     of an effective systems integration                                 required, but there is also a need       IN BUILDINGS
     programme a disservice by                                           to stress that they are not the sole
     assigning these bridge failures to the                              solution for any design process.
     complexities of systems integration.                                Jacek Gabrielczyk, jacek.                I hope to raise awareness for a
     Chris Elliott (F),                                                  gabrielczyk@tws.uk.com                   project a group of graduate civil
     Roswell, Georgia, United States                                                                              engineers including myself are
                                                       The Editor,       FINANCE                                  undertaking. Our team has recently
     TECH EXCELLENCE                                   New Civil         TAXPAYERS ALWAYS END                     been awarded the Quest Travel
                                                       Engineer,                                                  Award to design and construct a
     DESIGNERS NEED NOT                                                  UP PAYING FOR PFI                        building using recycled PET bottles
     RELY ON EUROCODES,                                House,
                                                                                                                  in the Philippines and report our
                                                                         With reference to your article           findings back to the ICE.
     BREXIT OR NOT                                     69-77 Paul        “Taxpayer to pay for £1.6bn                 The concept of this method is
                                                       Street, London,   Stonehenge tunnel after PFI axe”         to fill the recycled bottles with
     Steve Denton is reported as saying                EC2A 4NQ          (New Civil Engineer, December            sand and bed them with mortar,
     that for public sector clients he                 Email: nceedit@   2018), can I suggest that the title is   using them as you would regular
     can’t see a credible alternative to               emap.com          a bit misleading? We do not have         bricks in construction of single-

18      NEW CIVIL ENGINEER      |   J A N U A R Y 20 1 9

                           INCLUSIVENESS NEEDS CARE
                                                   YOUR VIEWS AND OPINIONS

  Further to the Presidential interview (New Civil Engineer,           number to reflect the percentage of graduate jobs offered to
  December 2018), Andrew Wyllie began with encouraging                 female candidates as well. Being proud that “more than half of
  words on equality, diversity and inclusion. However, he soon         Costain’s graduate intake was female” doesn’t sound inclusive
  demonstrated why our industry continues to struggle                       or fair to me.
  with this issue when he cites the principal reason                                One key point missing from Wyllie’s agenda though
  for creating diverse teams as being required to                                    is the fact that the “art” of engineering in general
  do so by clients to win work.                                                         is currently going through a slow and painful
    This outdated approach fails to make                                                  death. Technical-minded, practical engineers
  the big leap necessary to truly make a                                                   are rare to come by and most engineers my
  difference.                                                                               age (late twenties - early thirties) are so
    I recommend the President speaks to his                                                 disenchanted with the profession that they
  membership director on the subject as they                                                go into management or completely different
  can provide him with the evidence that                                                    work fields.
  demonstrate the real benefits that diverse                                                  I am a huge sucker for technology as long
  teams can bring across our industry.                                                    as it makes people’s lives better (and the
    A disappointing first impression.                                                    current implementation of building information
  Sue Caccavone caccavones@bv.com                                                     modelling in the UK really doesn’t...but this is
                                                                                   another discussion) so getting a more diverse range
  Congratulations to Andrew Wyllie on the new role.                            of skills into the ICE is a big plus in my book. However...
    However, what I am reading regarding Wyllie’s view of              capable design engineers are also needed to make this work
  gender equality and diversity is worrying. According to              and nobody seems to have a solution for this issue.
  the Women’s Engineering society, in 2017 only 15.1% of               Mihai Solomon, posted online on article headed “ICE President
  engineering graduates were female. One would expect this             Interview | Andrew Wyllie

storey buildings in developing          latest deliberations on High Speed                                 Who knows, given the emphasis
countries. This is a relatively new     2, to New Civil Engineer as a “trade                            on capacity it may be more cost
idea, although there are stories        magazine”?                                                      effective to re-open the Great Central
online that it is very successful in    Colin Shaw (F),                                                 Railway.
providing low cost housing while        17 Grays Orchard, Kirton, Ipswich                               Michael Fidler (M)
recycling a significant volume of                                                                       71 Langley Way, Watford
plastic.                                HIGH SPEED 2
   As a team we decided to do this      SLOWER HIGH SPEED                                               HIGH SPEED 2
to provide some much needed                                                                             CHINESE LESSONS ON
research into this field and assess     2 COULD OFFER MORE
the cost effectiveness of this          VALUE                                                           COST VERSUS SPEED
method. We will then report our                                                                         As HS2 rolls on (and off and on), did
findings in a publication to present                                                                    we miss the opening of the Hong
whether this method could form          I understand part of High Speed 2                               Kong - Shenzhen high speed train
part of a more global solution          funding depends on it conforming                                service in September? This cunning
regarding plastic sustainability.       to a pan-European strategy of high                              scheme, according to Travel China
Stevan Lukic (M)                        speed transport. If the project                                 Guide, has over 60 pairs of bullet
stevan.lukic@morgansindall.com          justification can be shifted from                               train sets with a maximum speed of
                                        speed to capacity, value engineering                            298km/h, an average (nearly as good
NEW CIVIL ENGINEER                      could identify significant                                      an old intercity 125 unit) speed of
ONLY A TRADE                            improvements to the business case.                              120km/h and second class one way
                                           By fixing the intercity speed                                tickets at £7.66 to £8.44 a pop.
MAGAZINE?                               at around 200km/h, which works                                     If we applied the Chinese
                                        well for the country’s geography,                               descriptor of high speed, could
Could anything better illustrate        we could relax horizontal and                                   HS2 be engineered at a much more
the media’s low esteem of the civil     vertical alignments, reduce land                                modest price to solve what almost
engineering profession, or the          take (especially on city station                                everyone now recognises as a
public at large for that matter, than   approaches) and use existing,                                   capacity problem?
the Sunday Telegraph referring,         proven designs for train rolling                                Barry Walton, (F) 59 Primmers
in its 4 November report on the         stock.                                                          Place, Westbury, Wiltshire

                                                                                                J A N U A R Y 2 01 9   |   NEW CIVIL ENGINEER    19
Graduate and Apprentice
             of the Year Awards


20   NEW CIVIL ENGINEER   |   J A N U A R Y 20 1 9

                  recent report from                              forerunners in the use and design of              WINNER
                  Engineering UK, a                               technology which will soon become                 APPRENTICE OF THE YEAR
                  body which works
                                            KEY FACTS             commonplace, while bringing wider                 RUTH WATSON
                  to get more young                               thinking about the purpose of
                  people to the                 100+              infrastructure.                                   Employer: Mott MacDonald
                  profession identified                              ICE President Andrew Wyllie                    Bentley (MMB)
a global trend known as the hourglass          Number             recently told New Civil Engineer that             Apprenticeship details:
economy.                                      of entries          he is determined to see a shift in                Currently studying at Leeds
   It argues that while there is                                  mindset concerning the importance                 College of Building doing a
sufficient demand for low skill jobs,
                                               received           of technology to the civil engineering            BTEC Level 415 HNC/HND
there is also continued demand for                                profession. “I am not saying there                civil engineering course
highly skilled professionals. It is in           50               aren’t specific skills and standards for,
the narrower middle of the hourglass                              say, designing bridges. My argument               Making a difference to the world is
where demand is shrinking, and this          Companies            is that skill alone is not enough to              a key motivation for many young
represents demand for what were              represented          be relevant in the fourth Industrial              people entering the civil engineering
once known as blue collar jobs.                                   Revolution,” says Wyllie.                         profession. For Ruth Watson, it was
   Nowhere can the findings of the
                                            in the entries           And if you want to see what the                on her gap year to Bolivia, where she
Engineering UK report be seen more                                modern engineer looks like, New Civil             saw the big impact small changes
clearly than in civil engineering,                                Engineer’s Graduate and Apprentice                could make.
where digitisation means that,                                    awards winners, are already taking                   In Bolivia, she visited a
increasingly, what was once a simple,                             a lead in their firms in areas such as            women’s prison to give an
manual aspect of an engineer’s job                                machine learning.                                 opportunity for inmates’ children,
can now be done more efficiently by a                                With more than 100 submissions                 who live with their mothers to
computer. So, while the complicated                               from graduates and apprentices                    attend school.
thinking is left to the human brain,                              representing almost 50 firms, the                    It is this wider outlook that
it does mean there is a shift on                                  engineers were judged on academic                 has impressed the team at Mott
the horizon in terms of what civil                                and engineering skills, with an                   MacDonald.
engineers do and how they spend                                   emphasis on enthusiasm, initiative                   Her boss says: “Her impressive
their time now that some tasks,                                   and leadership potential. They not                list of extra-curricular activities
including simple design work, are                                 only had their written submissions                shows her social awareness and the
increasingly automated.                                           scrutinized but then faced a gruelling            need to contribute to society around
   The new generation of engineers                                20 minute Dragon’s Den-style pitch                her; something that is essential in the
will lead the profession through                                  with the panel of 16 judges.                      civil engineering field.”
this transition. These engineers are                                 Congratulations to the winners.                   Watson currently works as a
                                                                                                                    project leader in the dams and
                                                                                                                    reservoirs team, working on three
                                    GRADUATE FINALISTS                                                              reservoir safety improvement
                                                                                                                       One of the areas where she has
  PHOEBE BAKER                      MOHAMAD FAHED                       JONATHAN WOOD                               made a huge impact is in carbon
  Employer: Mace                    Employer: Mott MacDonald            Employer: Arcadis                           management.
  University details: civil         University details: BEng and        University of Auckland                         On seven projects she
  engineering degree at             MSc at University College           Degree in civil and                         trialled a digital tool which compared
  Cardiff University                London with a distinction           environmental engineering                   the impact different construction
  Year of graduation: 2017          Year of graduation: 2016            Year of graduation: 2016                    methods had on carbon emissions,
  Baker is currently assistant      Fahed grew up in a refugee          Joining Arcadis as a bridge                 for example in pouring
  construction and planning         camp in Lebanon with limited        engineer, Jonathan has had a                of concrete and the constituents of
  manager for Mace at the           opportunities. But in 2010 he       major impact on Lower Thames                the concrete.
  Greenwich Peninsula Upper         won a full scholarship to study     Crossing project by introducing                “Through the carbon tool I have
  Riverside apartment towers: a     A-Levels at Eaton College in        a digital innovation for                    proved that all the seven schemes
  two-phase residential project     the UK and he applied for a         optioneering a series of complex            have saved huge amounts of carbon
  with a contract value of £355M.   degree course in engineering        curved and highly skewed                    emissions due to smart detailed
  Her achievements include          at University College London.       bridges, improving accuracy in              design.
  developing a system of tracking   He now works for Mott               the design of complex elements                 “I have shown that 700t C02e
  construction progress on the      MacDonald, where he is working      such as the interface between               amounts of carbon were saved at
  site by using a system to scan    on Crossrail 2. His collaborative   earthworks and structures.                  Digley Reservoir alone. I am now
  QR codes. Her manager said:       and innovative approach earn        His employer describes him                  the carbon portal representative for
  “Phoebe continues to actively     him the respect of clients and      as proactive, insightful and                reservoirs. This involves encouraging
  seek out better ways.”            colleagues alike.                   creative.                                   people to use the tool as much
                                                                                                                    as possible and explaining how it
                                                                                                                    works,” she says.

                                                                                                           J A N U A R Y 2 019   |   NEW CIVIL ENGINEER   21
Graduate and Apprentice of the Year Awards Winners

                                                                           Technology and Research team.
Winners and Finalists
                                                                           Projects she has worked on cover                       AT THE AWARDS
                                                                           everything from structures, climate
                                                                           change, computational fluid dynamics
                                                                           and machine learning, through to               The awards were presented at a gala
                                                                           pedestrian wind comfort, building              lunch in the ICE’s Great Hall, before
                                                                           physics, micro-climate, and software           an audience of more than 150. Guests
                                                                           development.                                   heard ICE vice president Paul Sheffield,
                                                                              Gaining so much experience in               last year’s winner Charlotte Murphy and
                                                                           just two years has already helped              Alison Watson, chief executive of Class
                                                                           her start to build up a particular focus       of Your Own, a new educational standard
                                                                           on analysis, scripting, fluid dynamics,         that provides more hands on engineering
                                                                           and machine learning – all at the              learning in place of GCSEs and A Levels.
                                                                           cutting edge of engineering.
                                                                              The work is already bearing fruit.
                                                                           For example, her research into
                                                                           machine learning in natural flood
                        WINNER                                             management has led her to develop
                        G R A D U AT E O F T H E Y E A R                   land use classifiers that far exceed the
                        KAROLINE LENDE                                     quality of freely available open-source
                                                                           mapping data.
                        Employer: Arup                                        And a theme which consistently
                        University details: Masters in civil               ran through her entry, was sharing
                        engineering from Imperial College                  her learning and knowledge, including
                        Year of graduation: 2016                           bringing machine learning to building
                                                                           projects and an offshore wind farms to
                        Venturing into the unknown can be                  improve fatigue damage prediction.
                        as daunting as it can be exhilarating,                She said: “You can see the work that
                        but one attribute required is                      you’ve done around you and you can
                        fearlessness. And that’s what Karoline             see on a project how this is going to
                        Lende has in spades. Simply put, she               affect the future and the cities that
                        is unafraid to take the very latest                you’re in.”
                        technology, apply it to engineering,                  Sharing knowledge comes through
                        and learn from the results.                        workshops, and Lende has been
                           Lende is currently working as                   recruited to the Arup digital disruptors
                        an engineer in Arup’s Advanced                     team.

                                                                             APPRENTICE RUNNERS-UP

                          RICHARD OLLERHEAD                                 Research Challenge in 2017 and recently      practise.”
                          Employer: Arup                                    an i3P Spark award worth £25,000                Being an advocate of the scheme he
                          Apprenticeship details: Currently                 to develop and to disseminate this           contributes to the development of the
                          studying part time for a BSc Civil                technology.                                  apprenticeship scheme within Arup’s
                          Engineering; EngTech MICE                            Ollerhead has taken serious and           Infrastructure London Group.
                                                                            professional approach to his vocation,          He assists with open days, assessment
                          Ollerhead’s entry stood out because               currently undertaking a part time degree     days, interviews and provides feedback on
                          of his work to help develop a concrete            in civil engineering, achieving top grades   prospective apprentices.
                          crack detection application through               and quickly gaining EngTech MICE, and        He is an apprentice representative for
                          machine learning for scanning site images.        winning an ICE Quest Scholarship.            the Arup quarterly board meeting, where
                             His photogrammetry research and                   He says his apprenticeship has been       early-career staff discuss issues with
                          development project is a truly ground-            “everything I wanted and more”.              senior Arup management.
                          breaking tool – it is in line with the kind of       “I truly believe that apprenticeships        For the past year he has been active
                          technological advancement the industry is         are the best way companies can harness       in the British Tunnelling Society Young
                          shouting for.                                     driven, early-career staff who can           Members (BTSYM) group, initially on the
                             From the development of this                   embrace the use of technology and help       professional development committee and
                          prototype, his team won an Arup Global            push the boundaries of industry best         now as an associate member.

   22      NEW CIVIL ENGINEER     |   J A N U A R Y 20 1 9

                        OTHER SHORTLISTED APPRENTICES                                                                             THE JUDGES

JACK CLAPSON                      using AutoCAD and this limited     automate the processes. He
Employer: Marbas                  the firm’s ability to tender for   successfully created a process
Apprenticeship details:           jobs which required the use of     made up of a number of
Civil engineering level 3         building information modelling.    workspaces that, when run in
Apprenticeship completed          The first task he completed        sequence, automatically read
this year, civil engineering      on joining was implementing        over 8M lines of data, identify
degree apprenticeship             Revit, and producing a range of    problematic areas, propose the
underway                          custom templates, modelling        best mitigation to the problem
                                  objects and workflows to allow     and display relevant information
Working for an SME, Clapson       the firm to use it effectively.    in an easy to access way.
has been given free rein
to progress and develop           ANTON HALL                         DOMINIK MCCORMICK
technology within the business.   Employer: Stantec                  Employer: Aecom                                ICE vice president Paul Sheffield
But he does this wisely. As he    Apprenticeship details: Joined     level 3 apprenticeship
explains: “As we are an SME       the company on a level 3           completed in 2016; awarded                     Isabelle Adams
we have limited resources and     apprenticeship in October          EngTech professional                           Head of scheme design, Crossrail
time to commit to developing      2015                               membership of the ICE                          2, Transport for London
technology. It is therefore                                                                                         Michèle Dix
important that we use them        Hall has a talent for data         McCormick is already making                    Managing director, Crossrail 2, TfL
effectively for maximum           analytics. A recent project for    a big impact in the industry.                  David Bennett
gain. While development in        Southern Water involved using      One of the key aspects of his                  Managing director, Topcon
the industry is exciting, it      historic incident data to          role is advising clients about                 Positioning
would be unwise to jump on        automate a range of mitigations    how they can utilise the latest                Stephen Coker
the bandwagon with every          to reduce property flooding        technologies.                                  Divisional director, Mott
technological advancement. It     from sewers. Southern                 He is currently working                     MacDonald
is always important for us to     Water’s in-house delivery          with Highways England and its                  Darren Colderwood
start with the big picture and    team was struggling to meet        Pavement Efficiency Group                      Development director,
understand the end goal and       the programme for delivering       in advising and proposing how                  Heathrow Airport
what we want to achieve.”         the solutions using traditional    it can improve the highway                     Gordon Deuce
   For example, when he joined    techniques so Hall proposed        network through use of the                     Chief engineer, Mace
Marbas it produced all drawings   using digital technology to        latest machinery.                              Mark Reynolds
                                                                                                                    Chief executive, Mace
                                                                                                                    Steve Feeley
                                                                                                                    Director of membership
                                                                                                                    recruitment, ICE
                                                                                                                    Ken Harland
                                                                                                                    Executive adviser, Amey
                                                                                                                    Chris Mulligan
                                                                                                                    Divisional business development
                                                                                                                    director for transportation, SNC-
                                                                                                                    Lavalin Atkins
                                                                                                                    Charlotte Murphy
                                                                                                                    Graduate engineer, Arup
                                                                                                                    Alison Norrish
                                                                                                                    Director, Arup
                                                                                                                    Rachel Skinner executive director
                                                                                                                    and head of development, WSP
                                                                                                                    David Smith senior vice president,
                                                                                                                    corporate strategy, Stantec
                                                                                                                    Phil Stride
                                                                                                                    External affairs director, Tideway
                                                                                                                    Alison Watson
                                                                                                                    Chief executive, Class of your Own
                                                                                 This year’s winners                Kate Morris
                                                                                 and finalists                      Director, Aecom

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