Half year results For the six months ended 30 June 2019 - 30 JULY 2019 - Aggreko plc

Page created by Enrique Torres
Half year results For the six months ended 30 June 2019 - 30 JULY 2019 - Aggreko plc
30 JULY 2019

Half year results
For the six months ended
30 June 2019
                           Results presentation July 2019   1
Half year results For the six months ended 30 June 2019 - 30 JULY 2019 - Aggreko plc
Chris Weston
               Results presentation July 2019   2
Half year results For the six months ended 30 June 2019 - 30 JULY 2019 - Aggreko plc

On target to deliver mid-teens ROCE in 2020
 Group revenue down 4%, reflecting Winter Olympics in the prior year
 Improved profitability resulted in PBT up 9%
 Continued discipline on capex and working capital
 ROCE up 0.6pp
 Interim dividend maintained

Continue to adapt to customer needs as energy markets evolve
 Successful launch and mobilisation of the Y.Cube
 Significant pipeline for hybrid thermal-solar opportunities

                                                                        Results presentation July 2019   3
Half year results For the six months ended 30 June 2019 - 30 JULY 2019 - Aggreko plc

(% OF GROUP excl. pass-through fuel)

at 30 June (MW)

1H19          56%                      Operating margin   Completed          Adapting to
                                       improvement        systems rollout    changing markets
1H18              61%
                                       Strong             Enabling           Mobilising Y.Cube for
                                       performance in     improvements in    our hybrid project at
                                       NAM driven by      efficiency and     Granny Smith mine,
                                       sector focus       customer service   Australia

                                                                             Results presentation July 2019   4
Half year results For the six months ended 30 June 2019 - 30 JULY 2019 - Aggreko plc
Power Solutions

(% OF GROUP excl. pass-through fuel)

at 30 June (MW)

1H19              68%                  Revenue growth      Diversifying         Utilising
                                       of 4%, excl. 2018   in Eurasia           landfill gas
1H18              70%
                                       Winter Olympics     35% of new order     Signed our first
                                       Driven by LAM,      in-take related to   NGG projects
                                       Africa and Middle   manufacturing        using landfill gas
                                       East offset by      sector               to deliver cheaper,
                                       Eurasia                                  cleaner power
                                                                                Results presentation July 2019   5
Half year results For the six months ended 30 June 2019 - 30 JULY 2019 - Aggreko plc
Power Solutions

(% OF GROUP excl. pass-through fuel)

at 30 June (MW)

1H19              66%                  Operating margin      Cash collections       Amazonas (Brazil)
                                       improvement           Good progress in       First sites now live
1H18              65%
                                       Increased cost        the period,            on this 15-year
                                       discipline            especially in Africa   project, across 26
                                       delivering benefits                          locations

                                                                                    Results presentation July 2019   6
Half year results For the six months ended 30 June 2019 - 30 JULY 2019 - Aggreko plc
Continuing to adapt to customer needs

Launch of Y.Cube, our mobile and modular storage system

                              Mobile and modular                     Easy integration
                            Single units can be easily        Fits perfectly with our thermal
                         combined to deliver the power       power systems for an optimised
                          and energy capacity required                hybrid solution

     Key benefits
                               Quick set-up on site                 Fast deployment
                          All-in-one and ready-to-install      Up and running in less than 3
                             storage system reducing          months after contract signature
                          footprint and installation costs

                                                                               Results presentation July 2019   7
Half year results For the six months ended 30 June 2019 - 30 JULY 2019 - Aggreko plc
Continuing to adapt to customer needs

We are already seeing considerable interest from
various sectors for a range of applications

                                                            Typical applications                                                                                      Application case study

                                                R EP LAC E SPINNING R ESER VE                                  CONTROL PV PRODUCTION RAMPS

                                                                                                                             ACTUAL PV PRODUCTION
                     GENE RATOR E FF ICI ENCY

  Spinning reserve                                          WITH Y.CUBE               Ramp rate control
   displacement                                                                                                                           STEADY FEED-IN WITHY.CUBE

                                                           WITHOUT Y.CUBE

                     REDUCE DEMAND AND SHIFT ENERGY                                                           PROVIDE POWER TO C R ITIC AL LOADS

                                                                                                                            GRID OUTAGE

                                                                                                                                GRID SUPPLY

   Peak shaving                                                                      Uninterrupted power
                                                                                    supply (UPS) / Bridging
                                                                                            power               UPS

                                                        NOON         EVENING PEAK

                                                                                                                                                                       Granny Smith goldmine (Australia):
                                                                                                                                                                       Setting the standard for hybrid

                                                                                                                                                                                     Results presentation July 2019   8
Half year results For the six months ended 30 June 2019 - 30 JULY 2019 - Aggreko plc
1H19 results review
Heath Drewett
                      Results presentation July 2019   9
Half year results For the six months ended 30 June 2019 - 30 JULY 2019 - Aggreko plc
Group summary

                                                               fuel and    Revenue down 4%
£m                           1H19     1H18     CHANGE         currency

Revenue                       768      857       (10)%           (4)%      Good underlying profit growth
Operating profit               81       76         6%            12%
                                                                           Operating margin of 10.5%, up
Operating margin             10.5%     8.9%      1.6pp          1.5pp
                                                                            1.5pp on an underlying basis
Net interest expense           (21)     (17)     (21)%
Profit before tax              60       59         2%              9%      Effective tax rate of 35%
Taxation                       (21)     (18)     (14)%
                                                                           ROCE of 10.2%, up 0.6pp on an
Profit after tax               39       41        (3)%
                                                                            underlying basis
Diluted earnings per share   15.33    15.85       (3)%             4%
Dividend per share            9.38     9.38           -
ROCE                         10.2%    10.5%     (0.3)pp         0.6pp

                                                                                            Results presentation July 2019   10
Improving cash flow
£m                                                          1H19    1H18
EBITDA                                                       247     224
Working capital                                              (16)    (47)       Working capital movement
Cash flows relating to fulfilment assets/demob provisions    (30)    (21)       £m                                     1H19        1H18
Other                                                          9       4        Trade and other receivables               34             7
Operating cash flow                                         210     160         Trade and other payables                 (48)        (50)
Tax                                                          (30)    (33)       Inventory                                  (2)           (4)
Net interest                                                 (22)    (18)       Working capital                          (16)        (47)
Acquisitions and investments                                   -     (33)
Purchase of fixed assets                                     (99)    (95)    Mobilisation spend primarily related to the
Other fixed asset movements                                    5      -       2020 Tokyo Olympics , PIE A contract in
Lease payments (related to IFRS 16)                          (14)     -       Brazil and Burkina Faso
Free cash flow                                                50     (19)    Reduced fleet capex of £83m including
Dividends                                                    (45)    (45)     £15m related to 2020 Tokyo Olympics
Changes in equity                                              -      (7)     (2018: £87m)
Net cash flow                                                  5     (71)
                                                                             Increased free cash flow of £50m
Exchange                                                      (1)    (18)
                                                                              (2018: £(19)m)
Movement in lease liability                                 (102)     -
Movement in net debt                                         (98)    (89)    Net debt/EBITDA (incl. IFRS 16 leases) 1.5x
Net debt                                                    (784)   (741)                               Results presentation July 2019   11
Net working capital change
                                                                                                          1H19          FY18

Overall working        Increase in inventory                                           £(2)m
capital outflow         Slight increase in materials, reflecting timing of in-house
of £16m                  build programme
(2018: £47m outflow)
                       Decrease in trade and other receivables                     £34m
                        Strong cash collection in Power Solution Utility
                        Reduced level of unbilled within Rental Solutions

                       Decrease in trade and other payables                       £(48)m
                        Reflecting a reduction in fuel consumption on contracts in

                                                                                       Results presentation July 2019    12
Trade receivables

Stable performance overall, with a reduction in PSU

                                                             Good progress on cash collections within
                                                             Power Solutions Utility
                                                             Particular focus during the period in
                                                             Rental Solutions on reducing the unbilled


      FY14   FY15   FY16   FY17 1H18 FY18 1H19
       RS / PSI trade receivables   PSU trade receivables

                                                                                         Results presentation July 2019   13
Utility - Invoicing / receipts performance

Good progress on collections, especially in Africa

                                                             $m          1H19      2H18        1H18
160                                                          Invoicing    244        351         362
                                                             Receipts     295        349         345
120                                                          Net total     51          (2)        (17)

                                                             Bad debt provision within PSU
 40                                                          broadly unchanged at $84m
                                                             (Dec 2018: $83m)
      Q1 18       Q2 18      Q3 18   Q4 18   Q1 19   Q2 19
      Invoicing   Receipts

                                                                          Results presentation July 2019   14
Rental Solutions – Trade receivables

TRADE RECEIVABLES – INCLUDING UNBILLED ($m)                                First half focus on the level of
                                                                            unbilled revenue built up
300                                                                         through 2H 2018
250                                                                        Decrease in unbilled revenue
                                                                            somewhat offset by an increase
                                                                            in trade receivables



      1H18      FY18      Jan      Feb       Mar        Apr   May   Jun
         2018                                    2019
      Trade receivables   Unbilled receivables
                                                                                      Results presentation July 2019   15

 On track to deliver PBT in line with market expectations
    −   Currency headwinds of c. 2% (see appendix 4)
    −   IFRS 16 impact of c. £(2)m PBT
    −   Effective tax rate of c. 35%, subject to geographic mix
 Confident of achieving 2020 mid-teens ROCE target
    −   Full year fleet capex
Aggreko is a customer focused specialist provider of power,
temperature control and energy services on a global basis.
These services are based on modular and mobile equipment
operated on a digital platform with a market leading
integration capability.

                                                Results presentation July 2019   17

           Results presentation July 2019   18
Appendix 1 - Rental Solutions
                                                  1H19       1H18       CHANGE         currency

             Revenue (£m)                             400      386              4%         1%
             Operating profit (£m)                    47           40          17%        12%
             Operating margin                    11.8%       10.5%            1.3pp     1.1pp
             ROCE (rolling 12 months)            14.3%       15.6%        (1.3)pp      (1.2)pp
             Fleet capital expenditure (£m)           29           26

             % Revenue by sector 1H19
                    Petrochemical & refining                              20%
             Building services & construction                           18%
                                    Oil & Gas                           18%
                                     Utilities         10%
                                      Events           9%
                              Manufacturing      6%
                                      Mining     6%
                                       Other                 13%
                                                                                                  Results presentation July 2019   19
Appendix 2 - Power Solutions

Power Solutions Industrial                                 Movement             Power Solutions Utility                                  Movement
                                                                  CHANGE                                                                         CHANGE
                                                               excluding                                                                          excluding
Excluding pass-through fuel          1H19        1H18   CHANGE currency         Excluding pass-through fuel      1H19     1H18 CHANGE              currency

Revenue (£m)                              198     219      (9)%          (9)%   Revenue (£m)                      150       163          (8)%             (7)%
Operating profit (£m)                     21       23      (8)%          (4)%   Operating profit (£m)              13         14         (2)%             52%
Operating margin                     10.5% 10.5%              -         0.6pp   Operating margin                 8.9%     8.3%          0.6pp            3.5pp
ROCE (rolling 12 months)             10.6%       9.7%     0.9pp         1.6pp   ROCE (rolling 12 months)         6.0%     6.7%        (0.7)pp            0.9pp
Fleet capital expenditure (£m)            24       27                           Fleet capital expenditure (£m)     30         34

% Revenue by sector 1H19
                         Oil & Gas                                45%            This segment includes only Utility customer
                           Mining          15%                                    projects
  Building services & construction        12%
                   Manufacturing      7%
                           Events    6%
                          Utilities 5%
         Petrochemical & refining     2%
                            Other    8%
                                                                                                                        Results presentation July 2019    20
Appendix 3 – Reported to underlying revenue

                                             1H19        1H18        CHANGE                %

     Reported                                  768         857               (89)          (10)%

     Fuel                                      (20)         (89)

     Excluding fuel                            748         768               (20)           (3)%

     FX¹                                                       7

     Underlying                                748         775               (27)           (4)%

     ¹ The currency impact line included in the table above excludes the currency impact on pass through fuel in PSU which in 2019 was £4 million

                                                                                                                                                Results presentation July 2019   21
Appendix 4 - FX impact into 2019

                                                                         FX RATES                                             REVENUE (£m)
                                                                                                                           Restated at
                                                                  FY18             June FYF                   FY18           June 2019                         %
                                                               average              average                  actual        FYF average    Variance       Variance
                        US Dollar                                   1.34                  1.28                   805               839         34                4%
                        Euro                                        1.13                  1.13                   256               256            -                 -
                        Australian Dollar                           1.79                  1.82                    91                89          (2)            (2)%
                        Argentinian Peso                          37.48                 53.90                     40                28         (12)          (30)%
                        Brazilian Real                              4.87                  4.91                   233               231          (2)            (1)%
                        Canadian Dollar                             1.73                  1.69                    29                29           -                  -
                        Russian Rouble                            83.70                 82.19                     73                75           2               2%
                        Other                                                                                    233               230          (3)            (1)%
                        Total revenue                                                                         1,760               1,777        17                1%
                        Total operating profit                                                                  219                214          (5)           (2)%

Note: UAE Dirhams included within US Dollar as it is pegged to the US dollar; Argentinian Peso includes Power Solutions Utility
       contracts which are pegged to the US Dollar but paid and reported in Argentinian Pesos.                                                        Results presentation July 2019   22
Appendix 5 - IFRS 16: Lease accounting

Effective from 1 January 2019 with NO prior year restatement
Expected full-year impact:
 Income statement
     − Improvement in operating profit of c. £3m (including c. £30m additional depreciation in lieu of
       operating lease rental cost)
     − Increase in interest costs of c. £5m
     − Reduction in PBT of c. £2m

 Balance sheet
     − Increase in fixed assets of c. £100m, together with a corresponding liability of c. £100m

 Leverage
     − Increase in Net debt / EBITDA of c. 0.2x (reflecting incremental debt, but also increased EBITDA)

 Return on capital
    − Reduction in the Group’s ROCE of around c. 0.3pp

                                                                                      Results presentation July 2019   23
Appendix 6 - ROCE definition

Full year ROCE is calculated by dividing operating profit pre-exceptional items for the year by the average net operating
assets at 1 January, 30 June and 31 December. Half year ROCE calculated by taking the underlying operating profit on a
rolling 12-month basis and expressing it as a percentage of the average net operating assets at 30 June, 31 December
and the previous 30 June.

                                                                                          1H19                         FY18                       1H18                         FY17
                                                                                            £m                          £m                          £m                          £m
 Operating profit (pre-exceptional items, 2017
 only)                                                                                     2241                          219                        2211                         224
 Average net operating assets
 1 January                                                                                                             2,074                                                   2,124
 30 June                                                                                  2,123                        2,123                       2,071                       2,071
 31 December2                                                                             2,263                        2,159                       2,074                       2,074
 30 June                                                                                  2,190                                                    2,123
 3-point average                                                                          2,192                        2,119                       2,089                       2,090
 ROCE3 (operating profit pre-exceptional items
 divided by average net operating assets)                                                10.2%                        10.3%                       10.5%                       10.7%
1 The 1H19 and 1H18 operating profit is calculated on a rolling 12-month basis.
2 For the purposes of the 1H19 calculation, the net operating assets at 31 December 2018 have been adjusted by £104m to reflect the initial right of use asset taken to the balance sheet
on transition to IFRS 16.
3 Prior year ROCE comparatives have not been adjusted for IFRS 16
                                                                                                                                                                Results presentation July 2019   24

The information contained in this presentation has largely been extracted from the results announcement for
the six months ended 30 June 2019.

This presentation may contain certain “forward-looking” statements. By their nature, forward-looking statements
involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to future events and circumstances. Actual outcomes and results
may differ materially from any outcomes or results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.
Any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of Aggreko speak only as of the date they are made and
no representation or warranty is given in relation to them, including as to their completeness or accuracy or the
basis on which they were prepared.

This presentation is published solely for information purposes.

The distribution of this presentation in jurisdictions other than the UK may be restricted by law and therefore any
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expressed elsewhere.

                                                                                            Results presentation July 2019   25
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