HAITI 2016 - HURRICANE MATTHEW - Water Survival Box

HAITI 2016 - HURRICANE MATTHEW - Water Survival Box
HAITI 2016 - HURRICANE MATTHEW - Water Survival Box
Situation Overview

Hurricane Matthew, which violently struck parts of Haiti on 4 October, resulted in
the largest humanitarian emergency since the 2010 earthquake. It caused
extensive flooding and mudslides, damage to road infrastructure and buildings,
and electricity and water shortages. As of 14 October 2016, the Directorate of
Civil Protection (CPD) of Haiti had confirmed 546 deaths, 438 injuries and 128
people missing.

The scale of damage wrought by the hurricane and the resulting humanitarian
needs became more evident as access slowly improved and communications
were gradually restored. While road access along major routes expanded, transit
remained hampered by floods, debris, and damage to infrastructure, particularly
along secondary and tertiary roads. Some communities were only accessible by
boat. A number of organizations reported increased insecurity in certain areas
where protests against the pace of aid delivery accompanied ad hoc roadblocks
by communities to seize supplies.

More than 40 per cent of the 1.4 million people who needed humanitarian
assistance were children, who are mainly in the Grand’Anse and South
Departments. Their needs included access to a sufficient supply of quality water,
education, shelter, child protection, health and nutrition. In the affected areas
where schools and hospitals have been damaged or destroyed, an estimated
1,855 houses have been flooded. Cholera continues to be a large concern and
emergency interventions are complementing the existing cholera response
where possible.

Exact figures of people who need assistance are expected to rise. The same is
anticipated for the number of the people killed and injured, of the homes
affected, schools and hospitals damaged, and the volume of crops lost.
According to preliminary surveys, almost 100 per cent of crops are destroyed in

UN Organisation for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs – OCHA – 16
October, 2016


Contact was made with Humanity First UK on about 5 October. Within 48 hours
a small team of volunteers from HF-Canada and HF-USA were en route to Haiti
to offer their assistance with medical aid. Rtn Hugo Pike then made an offer of
Water-Survival Boxes if the HF team’s on site assessment confirmed the need.
The chaotic situation in Haiti due to the significant impact of the hurricane
aggravated by other endemic problems made it difficult for the UN co-ordinating
team and Haitian Government to develop any effective action plan in which all
the very many NGOs that had arrived on the island could be deployed. After two
and half weeks the Humanity volunteers had to return to resume their normal
HAITI 2016 - HURRICANE MATTHEW - Water Survival Box
occupations. Whilst our initial preference was to work in partnership with HF –
based on very effective outcomes on some 7 previous disasters – since they
were no longer in-country it was agreed to make contact with the Rotary Haiti
Disaster Chairman, Dr Claude Surena. We had worked with Dr Surena in 2010
and on two subsequent occasions. He agreed to accept our offer of 300 standard
WSBs* (all 300 having been paid for by Rotary District 1980, Central
Switzerland – see Conclusions), 200 boxes in multi-pack format, and 720 School
in a Bag rucksacks (offered by the Piers Simon Appeal charity) and confirmed
acceptance of our usual ‘Conditions of Supply’.

Arrangements were made to fly the complete consignment to Haiti via the
Dominican Republic. The aid arrived in Port au Prince on 3 November. Due to
communications difficulties there was a delay of some 6 days before Dr Surena
began the process leading to release of the consignment from customs. The aid
was then taken to secure warehousing prior to decisions being taken on the
areas to which they would be allocated. This involved discussions with the UN
and Haitian Government (Bureau of Civil Protection). Whilst the consignment
was intended for the families worst affected by Hurricane Matthew shortly after
release from customs a major flooding disaster hit the Nord Department in the
area of Cap Haitien in which many families had lost their homes and
possessions. They were also without access to safe drinking water. It was the
sensible decision of the Haiti Rotary Disaster Committee (HRDC) to allocate 150
standard WSBs and 98 SIABs to be distributed by the Rotary Club of Cap
Haitien. This was carried out in December and details are attached at Appendix

Problems in obtaining clearance via the UN/Haitian Government regarding the
most appropriate areas in the South-West Peninsula that had been worst hit by
the Hurricane further delayed distribution of the remainder of the consignment.

However, in January, the Rotary Club of Aquin was able to distribute 50 standard
WSBs in 6 small communities and details are provided in Appendix ‘B’

This was followed by distribution of 100 standard WSBs and 300 SIABs in 5
communities in and beyond the city of Les Cayes by the Rotary Club of Cayes –
see Appendix ‘C’

A further 25 SIABs were distributed by the Rotary Club of Petionville, Port au
Prince in a school in the Sud Department – no further details were provided.

This left all 200 WSBs in multi-pack format and some 250 SIABs.

Dr Surena was encouraged to distribute the multi-pack boxes to communal local
facilities such as schools, clinics, community centres, etc to provide them with
the means of purifying water. Similarly he was encouraged to make the
remaining SIABs available to other schools that had been affected by the
HAITI 2016 - HURRICANE MATTHEW - Water Survival Box

For the many and various complicating factors described in the overview this
proved to be the most lengthy and frustrating operation in the eleven year
history of Worldwaterworks Limited. Nevertheless, thanks to the combined
efforts of Dr Claude Surena, his Rotary Haiti Disaster Committee, and the many
members of the Rotary Clubs of Cap Hatien, Aquin, and Les Cayes all the 300
standard WSBs and 473 School Bags were distributed to families that had lost
everything or lacked access to safe drinking water. The remaining 200 WSBs in
multi-pack format and 247 School Bags were to be distributed as described in
the overview in the coming weeks.

We should also acknowledge the assistance rendered by DGE Robert Leger, PDG
Jeremy Hurst, and, at a distance by RI Director Joe Mulkerrin.

*A very special note of appreciation is due to Rtn Bernhard (Beni) Etienne,
members of the Rotary Club of Lucerne Wasserturm, and all those Rotarians and
Clubs in District 1980, Central Switzerland who, as a result of an appeal to assist
the survivors of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti, raised the money that covered the
cost (including air freight) of all 300 standard WSBs.

Given the passage of time since the disaster we have decided to post this as the
Final Report although we are still hopeful that Dr Surena will provide a
supplementary report accounting for the remaining boxes and school bags.

31 March, 2017







HAITI 2016 - HURRICANE MATTHEW - Water Survival Box

Final Report on Distribution of Water-Survival Box aid by Rotary Club of
Cap Haitian


   -   Prepared by (Guyto JEAN-PIERRE,Club President and Fanfan JOSEPH, Club
       Secretary )of Rotary Club of Cap-Haitian

   -   Date of report: February 15th,2017


    – Background to the disaster
    In November 2016, Cap-Haitian, the second City of Haiti, was flooded. The
population of the following neighbourhoods and popular quarters like Blue Isles,
Champin, Cite du Peuple, Fort Saint Michel and Petite-Anse were dramatically
affected. Fourteen people were killed and lots of families lost their houses and
some, all their furniture. The affected families were in great needs and expected
help from Local and national authorities as well as from some good will
organizations, national and international. So, the water Survival boxes and some
school kits were welcome at that moment.
    The Club of Cap-Haitian had contacted the Chair Disaster for Haiti, Brother
Surena Claude for help and in no time, he gave us positive answers by accepting
to send to Rotary of Cap-Haitian in December 2016
    - One hundred and fifty water survival boxes
    - Ninety-eight school kits

   -   local needs assessment:
       The most affected regions were: Blue Isles, Champin, Cite du Peuple, Fort
       Saint-Michel, Petite Anse and Bas Zo Vincent.
   -   relating box contents to needs of displaced population
       Each box contains the following: kitchen appliances, water filters, family
       tools, detergents and so on…
          o   normal distribution would be one box to a family
              First, some club members went to the most affected areas,
              identified families really in need, took their names and gave them
              appointment for the distribution:
              -Blue Isles-------------------37 boxes
              -Cite du Peuple--------------17 boxes
HAITI 2016 - HURRICANE MATTHEW - Water Survival Box
-Zo Vincent---------- -------15 boxes
             -Fort Saint Michel------------25 boxes
             -Ruele Christophe------------10 boxes
             -Petite Anne------------------25 boxes
             -Boney Fugal-----------------5 boxes
             -Total boxes received: 150        Total distributed   150 boxes

             The first distribution was held at Blue Isles by our district Governor
             Haresh L. Ramchandani in presence of a dozen of Club members.
             The Rotarians of Cap-Haitian went on with the distribution in the
             other areas mentioned above. Furthermore, they distributed the
             school kits at National School at Vertieres called Dumarsais Estime,
             CFC, Lourdes Kindergarten, and in a school for orphan kids at Fort
             Saint Michel.
             Dumarsais Estime school------------------------- 60 school kits
             School of Orphans --------------------------------- 12 school kits
             Lourdes Kindergarten ------------------------------12 school kits
             CFC --------------------------------------------------- 14 school kits
             Note well, each kit contains the following items: 6 copy books, 1
             lunch box, pens, pencils and a box of geometric tools

Organization of the distribution
From our storage point, the Rotarians used their own trucks to go to disaster
areas. The beneficiaries were gathered in a point, a church or a school. We
opened one box in front of the audience, explained them how to use the water
filter including and have one of beneficiary repeat the process.

Feedback from all groups involved including some recipients

The Rotary Club of Cap-Haitian congratulates your organization for such a good
gift. Everything in the box is valuable and answered to the needs of the flooded
The beneficiaries were very happy and said it was the first time they received
concrete and useful aid from an organization.

Photos – see following pages
HAITI 2016 - HURRICANE MATTHEW - Water Survival Box
HAITI 2016 - HURRICANE MATTHEW - Water Survival Box
HAITI 2016 - HURRICANE MATTHEW - Water Survival Box
HAITI 2016 - HURRICANE MATTHEW - Water Survival Box

The Rotary of Cap –Haitian has received this aid from the Rotary Club of
Chelwood Bridge (Worldwaterworks Limited) in partnership with the
International Federation of Red Cross in a special moment, when the Club
wanted to do something for the people affected by a big flood. Your help
contributed to help the local Club them to brighten the image of Rotary
International in Cap-Haitian. Once again, we say thank you to our brothers and
sisters and hope that you will continue to work together to better lives of
millions people in the deprived people in Haiti.

Final Report on Distribution of Water-Survival Box aid by Rotary Club of

                                 ROTARY CLUB

Rapport de la distribution des survivals Boxes reçus
Haïti ,située dans la zone Caraïbe ,exposée aux cyclones du mois de Mai au mois
de Novembre ,Dans cet espace plus précisément en Octobre dernier, le pays a
été sévèrement saccagé par la tempête Matthew qui a emporté tous ceux qu’elle
trouve sur son parcours laissant la population à la dérive. Diverses organisations
nationale et internationale ont été mobilisées en vue de leur venir en aide. Le
Rotary club d’Aquin dans le souci de servir la population a rapidement fait le
premier pas en distribuant des kits alimentaires.
En Novembre dernier le Chairman de désastre national Dr Claude Surena alerté
par la situation nous a envoyé un email nous demandant si nous sommes
intéressés à recevoir des aquabox pour aider la population. Demande qui a été
bien accueilli par notre club .Finalement on a reçu 50 aquabox du Rotary Club of
Chelwood Bridge du District 1200 England UK.
Par le biais du Past AG Yvon du rotary club des Cayes les boites ont été
transportées de Port au Prince à la Métropole du Sud de là étant notre club a
fait la diligence pour les récupérer ensuite les stocker en lieu sûr .En Décembre
dernier les membres du club étaient réunis pour discuter sur la faisabilité de la
distribution, choisir les localités les plus vulnérables (Champagne, Fligneau,
Mahot, Colombel et nan Lina), ouvrir les boites pour voir le contenu.
Le Chairman de désastre du club en l’occurrence Anius ETIENNE et son comité
se rendait dans les localités choisies et rapporte ce qui suit :
1-Les toits de beaucoup de maisons ont été emportés
2-Disparition des plantations et des bestiaux
3- Route enfoncée
4-Plusieurs maisons détruites
5-Les gens dorment presque à la belle étoile
6-Ustensiles de cuisine disparus
Le comité a profité de cette visite pour remettre des cartes aux plus vulnérables
car on ne pouvait pas satisfaire tout le monde.
Après les avoir mis sous forme de kits afin d’atteindre plus de personnes
Le 28 Janvier on a effectué une première distribution dans la zone de
Champagne, le 10 Février dans la zone de Fligneau et le 12 dans les zones de
Mahot, colombel et nan lina. 50 Survivals Boxes repartis en 107 kits et distribués
à 107 familles Ensuite on a préparé trois boites l’une contenant des outils de la
maçonnerie, une autre de couture, d’électrique pour deux écoles professionnels
et une autre pour les enfants en formation de club interact. Concernant les filters
on a fait une formation pour un groupe de femme dans la zone de Fond des
nègres et les a distribué ensuite.
Au nom des communautés bénéficiaires le Rotary club d’Aquin remercie de tout
cœur le Rotary club de Chelwood Bridge du district 1200 pour l’aide reçu qui a
été d’une grande importance, Dr Claude Surena et le past AG Yvon pour les
contacts ,les embarquements etc.,
Les gens des localités ont accueillis avec beaucoup d’enthousiasme la
distribution à tels points certains ont manifestés leur joie en dansant et disant
vive le Rotary puisque Matthew a tout emporté les familles utilisent les
casseroles comme chaudière de cuisson. Si les filters ont été munis de saut ce
serait génial mais le plus important c’est que 50 familles avec des enfants
utilisent de l’eau potable.
Vu la situation précaire dans laquelle vivait la population une aide en matériaux
de construction (tôles, bois) etc. s’avère nécessaire.
Quelques photos sont attachées pour chaque distribution.

Haiti, located in the Caribbean zone, exposed to cyclones from May to
November. In this space more precisely in October last year, the country was
severely devastated by the storm Matthew which carried all those it finds on its
Leaving the population to drift. Various national and international organizations
have been mobilized to help them. The Rotary Club of Aquin in the interest of
serving the population quickly took the first step in distributing food kits.

Last November the National Disaster Chairman Dr. Claude Surena alerted by the
situation sent us an email asking us if we are interested in receiving aquabox to
help the population. This request was well received by our club. Finally we
received 50 survival boxes from the Rotary Club of Chelwood Bridge in District
1200 England UK.

Through Past AG Yvon of the Cayes Rotary Club the boxes were transported
from Port au Prince to the South Metropolis from there being our club did the
diligence to retrieve them and then store them in a safe place. In December last
members Of the club gathered to discuss the feasibility of the distribution,
choose the most vulnerable localities (Champagne, Fligneau, Mahot, Colombel
and nan Lina), open the boxes to see the content.

The disaster chairman of the club in this case Anius ETIENNE and his committee
visited the selected localities and reported the following:

1-The roofs of many houses have been washed away

2-Disappearance of plantations and cattle

3- Route pressed

4-Several houses destroyed

5-People almost sleep under the stars
6-Cooking utensils disapp

The committee took advantage of this visit to hand over cards to the most
vulnerable because we could not satisfy everyone.

After having put them in the form of kits in order to reach more people possible

On January 28th, a first distribution was made in the Champagne area, on 10
February in the Fligneau area and 12 in the areas of Mahot, colombel and nan
lina. 50 Survivals Boxes distributed in 107 kits and distributed to 107 families
next, three boxes were prepared, one containing tools of the masonry, another
of eared Electric for two vocational schools and another for children in interact
club training. Concerning the filters, training was organized for a group of
women in the Fond des Negres area and distributed them later.

On behalf of the beneficiary communities, the Rotary Club of Aquin would like to
thank the Rotary Club of Chelwood Bridge, District 1200, for their tremendous
help, Dr. Claude Surena and past AG Yvon for contacts, Embarkations etc., The
people of the localities welcomed with enthusiasm the distribution at such points
some have manifested their joy in dancing and saying to Long live Rotary since
Matthew took everything the families use the pots like boiler of cooking. If the
filters were equipped with jump it would be great but the most important thing is
that 50 families with children use drinking water. Given the precarious situation
in which the population was experiencing assistance with building materials
(sheet, wood) and so on. Is necessary.

Some photos are attached for each distribution.

Pour le comité :

DUMOULIN Paulonne Grandin                                SAINT VAL Mona
Président (2016-2017)                                       Secrétaire


Final Report on Distribution of Water-Survival Box aid by Rotary Club of
Les Cayes




Shipment Received in Les Cayes, Haiti from Disaster Chair Claude
Schoolbags : 300
Multi-pack Water Survival Boxes : 150

Distribution of Schoolbags
Ecole Fondamentale MEBSH Simon City : Cayes 64 schoolbags. (see pictures)
Ecole Communautaire de Derrière-Fort.- City : Cayes. 62 schoolbags (see
Ecole Alfred Marsan.- City : Cayes Schoolbags 51
Ecole Communautaire de Lilet.- City: Cayes : Schoolbags 34
Ecole Presbytérale de Ravine A L’Anse.- Rural area of Les Cayes : Schoolbags 34
Ecole Presbytérale de Solon.- City: St Louis du Sud. Schoolbags : 55

Distribution of Multi-Pack Water Survival Boxes
Rotary Club of Aquin: 50 which distributed all in a small island in front of Aquin :
Grosse Caille:
50 kits
Organisation Communautaire de Wharf Masse.- City : Cayes : 30 kits
Organisation Communautaire de Camp-Perrin.- City: Camp-Perrin: 20 kits
Eglise Bethanie de Chantal : 30 kits
10 families in Boileau Cavaillon: 10 kits
10 families in La Gaudrey rural area of Torbeck: 10 kits
See photographs:
*Ecole de Solon
*Ecole de Simon
*Ecole de Derriere-Fort
*Distribution in Chantal
*Distribution in Wharf Masse
Ecole de Solon
Ecole de Simon
Ecole de Derriere-fort
Ecole de Chantal

Ecole de Wharfe Masse
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