Habitat preferences and site fidelity of juvenile red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus)

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ICES Journal of Marine Science, 59: S43–S50. 2002
doi:10.1006/jmsc.2002.1211, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

Habitat preferences and site fidelity of juvenile red snapper
(Lutjanus campechanus)
Ian Workman, Arvind Shah, Dan Foster, and
Bret Hataway

Workman, I., Shah, A., Foster, D., and Hataway, B. 2002. Habitat preferences and
site fidelity of juvenile red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus). – ICES Journal of Marine
Science, 59: S43–S50.

Ten small reefs constructed of either oyster shell or polyethylene webbing and ten
randomly selected open-bottom sites within a distance of 3.7 km of the reefs were used
to determine juvenile red snapper [Lutjanus campechanus (Poey, 1860)] habitat prefer-
ences. The reefs were deployed at 40, 50, 70, and 90 m from a flare stack located in a gas
field off the coast of Mississippi. Juvenile red snapper were observed at one of the
open-bottom sites when it was first surveyed, but none during a second survey con-
ducted 45 days later. Age-0 and age-1 fish showed a preference for the more complex
study reefs, but presence of age-1 appeared to limit recruitment of age-0 to a reef. As
age-1 fish started to leave the reefs, increased numbers of age-0 were observed moving
onto them. However, age-0 were never observed at the 40-m reef occupied by older fish
throughout the study. Distance from the flare stack also appeared to have an effect on
recruitment to the reefs. Age-0 were first observed at the 50-m reefs. They appeared at
the 70-m reefs a week later and at the 90-m reefs almost a month later. Age-1 fish showed
a preference for the reefs located closest to the flare stack. Juvenile red snapper site
fidelity was determined using fish that either were tagged and released on site or were
removed from the capture site before release. Fish from the on-site release were
repeatedly sighted at the capture reef over about a 2-month period. Displaced fish, as
determined with tracking equipment, were able to find their way back to the capture reef
from as far away as 0.43 km in about 25 min. We conclude that juvenile red snapper are
not only faithful to structures, but also have homing capabilities.
Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of the International Council for the Exploration of
the Sea.

Keywords: habitat preferences, homing instinct, juvenile red snapper, site fidelity.

Accepted 19 November 2001.
I. Workman, D. Foster, and B. Hataway: National Marine Fisheries Service, PO Drawer
1207, Pascagoula, Mississippi 39568-1207, USA; tel: +1 228 762 4591; fax: +1 228 769
8699; e-mail: Ian.Workman@noaa.gov. A. Shah: Merck Research Laboratories, Merck
& Co., Inc., RY33-404, PO Box 2000, Rahway, New Jersey 07065-0900, USA; tel: +1
732 594 8343; fax: +1 732 594 6075; e-mail: arvind–shah@merck.com

Introduction                                                                  Amendment 9 to the Shrimp Fishery Management
                                                                           Plan, implemented in May 1998, requires the use of
The red snapper [Lutjanus campechanus (Poey 1860)]                         by-catch reduction devices (BRDs) in shrimp trawls.
stock in the US Gulf of Mexico (GOM) has been                              While BRDs have shown good reduction results for
significantly depleted over the past three decades.                        many species, reduction rates for red snapper are
Contributing to this condition are a combination of                        marginally acceptable based on requirements established
over-harvesting by commercial and recreational fishers                     under Amendment 9. There is further concern that
and the high incidental catch of juvenile fish in the GOM                  trawl-related red snapper mortality may be even greater
shrimp fishery (Schirripa and Legault, 1997). The Gulf                     than indicated by landings during BRD evaluations.
of Mexico Fisheries Management Council has made                            Studies on the separation of other species in trawl
some progress in rebuilding the stock by setting com-                      catches have indicated some mortality resulting from
mercial and recreational fishing quotas and size limits                    stress and trawl contact (DeAlteris and Reifsteck, 1993;
for adults but has only recently begun to take steps to                    Broadhurst and Kennelly, 1995; Chopin and Arimoto,
increase juvenile survival.                                                1995). Net feeding by Atlantic bottlenose dolphin

1054–3139/02/0S0043+08 $35.00/0                  Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
S44                                                 I. Workman et al.

(Tursiops truncatus) and jack crevalle (Caranx hippos) on                                           3                   90 m
by-catch escaping from BRDs has been video-taped by
researchers from the University of Georgia Marine
Extension Service and the National Marine Fisheries                                          sets 2                     70 m
Service (Pascagoula, MS Laboratory). In addition, dis-
placement from bottom structures by trawling activities
                                                                                                    1                   50 m
could leave the fish without protective habitat and more
likely to be preyed upon.                                         Floated poly
   Ensuring increased survival of juvenile red snapper            Poly
will require a better understanding of their distribution,        Shell
habitat preferences, and behaviour. Most information              Double structure
                                                                                                                50 m
available has come from trawl studies, and several of
these convey the idea that juveniles are randomly
distributed over the shrimp grounds (Mosely, 1966;
Bradley and Bryan, 1975; Gutherz and Pellegrin, 1988).
                                                                                                  m 40
More recent studies show that, from the time they leave                                                            Flare stack
the plankton, red snapper are strongly attracted to
structures (Workman and Watson, 1995a, b; Szedlmayer            Figure 1. Arrangement of reef types and reef sets relative to the
                                                                flare stack adjacent to Chevron MO-861-1.
and Conti, 1999; Bailey, 1995). Their occurrence on
shrimp grounds has been related to the presence of
small structures, including shell, gravel, discarded
materials, burrows in the bottom and squid egg                  flare stacks and all but two of the primary structures
clusters (Hildebrand, 1954; Workman and Foster, 1994;           were removed, causing the study to end.
Szedlmayer and Howe, 1997).                                        Tagging studies were conducted in the gas field and at
   We have been studying the occurrence and habits of           a small concrete-rubble reef site located 17 km south of
juvenile red snapper on shrimp fishing grounds in the           Horn Island Pass (depth about 21 m). This reef (about
northeastern GOM since 1991 (Workman and Foster,                1510 m) was one of a number of small sections of
1994). Workman and Watson (1995a), in the process of            rubble that fell adjacent to a larger concrete rubble reef
trying to develop an effective BRD, determined that              during deployment.
these fish can be attracted to and concentrated within             The comparison between different reef types included
small reefs made of webbing and providing refuge                one reef constructed with oyster shell and two con-
(Workman and Watson, 1995b).                                    structed with 40-mm mesh polyethylene webbing using
   To learn more about habitat requirements, we com-            13 mm PVC pipe frames (1.51.5 m). The shell reefs
pared the attractive force of different artificial reef types    were formed by placing a frame on the bottom and
to that of adjacent open bottom areas. We also studied          covering the area within the frame with oyster shell to a
site fidelity to reefs using fish that were tagged and either   level approximately 5 cm above the surrounding bot-
released on site or transported from the capture site           tom. Both polyethylene reef types were made of webbing
before release.                                                 panels attached to the frames. Flexible 15-cm long
                                                                polypropylene strands were attached to the webbing
                                                                panels at 15-cm intervals to give the effect of seagrass.
                                                                One type was floated with a 10-cm diameter plastic float
Materials and methods                                           attached to the centre underside of the webbing; the
                                                                other was not floated.
Study sites
                                                                   Three sets containing one reef of all three types each
Habitat preferences were studied in a gas field (Mobile         were deployed along a 360 compass heading at 50, 70,
Block 861) located 12.5 km southeast of Horn Island             and 90 m distance from the flare stack in May 1996
Pass off Pascagoula, Mississippi. Initially, the field           (Figure 1). The reefs in each set were randomly arranged
contained nine primary structures and five emergency            in a row perpendicular to the course heading with
pressure release pipes (flare stacks). The arrangement of       in-between distance of 10 m.
structures and submerged pipelines made the area within            A third webbing reef type was made of two frames
the field (about 4.3 km2) virtually untrawlable. The            stacked one on top of the other and separated by four
study site was located off a flare stack adjacent to one of      15-cm pipe sections installed at the corners. Polyethylene
the primary structures (Chevron MO-861-1) at the west           webbing was attached to both frames. The bottom
side of the field. Water depth was about 17 m, and              webbing panel was left plain, while the top panel had
bottom type was a mixture of sand and silt over a               strands attached as described above and was floated
clay-mud substrate. In September and October 1996, all          with a 10-cm diameter plastic float. The double webbing
Habitat preferences and site fidelity of juvenile red snapper                            S45

reef was deployed 40 m away on a 270 heading from the       released. One video-taped the experiment (with a Hi 8
flare stack in November 1995.                                video camera in an underwater housing) from the time
                                                             the cage neared the surface to the time the divers either
                                                             had lost the fish or had to return to the surface. The
Data collection                                              other diver recorded the time of significant events,
Surveys began in March 1996 on the double webbing            monitored course heading with an underwater compass,
reef and in May 1996 on the comparison reefs, and            and kept track of the sonic tagged fish with a Dukane
ended in September 1996. A total of 15 double webbing        underwater receiver. A surface team operating from a
reef surveys and 11 comparison reef surveys were con-        small boat continued to track the fish with a Dukane
ducted at 4-d to 26-d intervals. Visual counts of all red    receiver from the point the divers left off. Two follow-up
snapper inhabiting the reefs were made by two divers         dives were made on the rubble reef to search for sonic
and recorded on plastic slates. Counts were compared         tags with an underwater receiver and to record sightings
on site and, if necessary, repeated until agreement was      of fish with colour-identifiable T-bar tags.
reached. Counts were made by year class (distinctly
separated by size) and included fish spawned in 1995
(age-1) and 1996 (age-0).                                    Analysis
   To compare the attractive power of the reefs to that of   To investigate effects of reef type, reef set, and survey
adjacent areas, ten open bottom sites located within         date on age-0 and age-1 red snapper counts, a 3-factor
3.7 km distance were randomly selected and surveyed          factorial analysis of variance model (including all two-
using a circle line search method. The line (or radius of    way interactions) was fitted. The model tested for each
the circle) was 15 m long, and one end was anchored in       year class was:
the middle of the search area. Two divers using the limits
of lateral visibility or 1.5 m increments, whichever was     Yijk =+i +j +k +()ij +()ik +()jk +ijk,
shorter, worked their way out as they circled the centre
point to the end of the line. All snapper occurring within   where Yijk is red snapper count for reef type (i=1,2,3),
the circle were counted and bottom features were             period (j=1,2, . . ., 11), and set no (k=1,2,3),  is overall
recorded.                                                    mean effect, i is reef type effect, j =period (date) effect,
   To determine site fidelity, 21 age-1 red snapper          k =set No effect, and ()ij, ()ik, and ()jk are the
inhabiting the double webbing reef were captured in late     corresponding two-way interaction effects.
July 1996 (using a 3-m diameter, 2.54-cm mesh, mono-            Pair-wise comparisons of the mean counts were made
filament dropnet) and tagged with Floy external T-bar        using Fisher’s least significant differences technique. A
anchor tags. They were released on site and monitored        multivariate analysis was also performed, but led to the
through re-sightings on reef surveys. In addition, three     same conclusions.
horizontal-vertical displacement experiments (simulat-
ing shrimp trawl capture) were conducted in August
1998 with age-1 red snapper captured at the rubble reef      Results
site. The same dropnet was used and the snapper caught
were transferred to a 1 m high1 m wide1.5 m long           Habitat preferences
collapsible holding cage. Several fish were tagged with      Age-1 snapper (64–114 mm FL) were observed at the
T-bar tags (a different colour for each experiment), and      two polyethylene reef types from May onwards
during each of the last two experiments a Sonotronics        (Table 1). Numbers at the floated reefs peaked in late
sonic tag (2.9 cm long; 1.4 cm diameter) was attached to     July and declined markedly in September, while
one fish. The fish were held on site for about 12 h before   numbers at the float-less polyethylene reefs fluctuated
displacement.                                                without trend until September, when they disappeared
   Just before displacement, divers collapsed the forward    completely. Age-1 fish were infrequent visitors at the
end of the cage into a wedge shape and attached two          shell reefs.
towing lines. Using underwater propulsion vehicles, the         The first age-0 recruit (12.8 mm FL) was observed in
cage was towed between 0.37 and 0.43 km from the             mid-July (Table 1) at the 50-m shell reef. Age-0 appeared
capture point, the direction being different for each         at the floatless polyethylene reefs 1 wk later and at the
experiment. The first two experiments involved straight-     floated reefs almost a month later. Their numbers gradu-
line displacements, the third a dog-leg displacement         ally increased through late August and then sharply
pattern with a 45 turn at about the half-way point. At      increased at all three reef types. The timing of the
the end of the horizontal track, a float line was attached   accelerated increase in age-0 corresponds with the time
and released to the surface.                                 when age-1 started to disappear. Age-0 continued to
   A second pair of divers entered the water just before     recruit to the reefs through the last survey conducted in
the cage was hauled to the surface and the fish were         mid-September.
S46                                                   I. Workman et al.

            Table 1. Mean red snapper counts by date, reef type (FPR: floated polyethylene reef; PR: polyethylene
            reef; SR: shell reef) and age (n=3).

                                           FPR                          PR                         SR
            Date                   Age-1         Age-0         Age-1         Age-0        Age-1          Age-0

            23 May 1996              6.7           0.0            1.3           0.0         0.0             0.0
            18 Jun 1996             14.0           0.0            1.0           0.0         0.0             0.0
            03 Jul 1996             12.7           0.0            2.0           0.0         0.0             0.0
            19 Jul 1996             16.7           0.0            0.7           0.0         1.0             0.3
            26 Jul 1996             23.0           0.0            0.3           0.3         0.0             0.7
            05 Aug 1996             15.0           0.0            1.0           2.3         0.0             1.0
            14 Aug 1996             13.3           0.3            1.7           3.7         0.0             3.3
            27 Aug 1996              5.0           6.7            4.0          13.0         0.3            11.7
            04 Sep 1996             11.3           7.3            0.3          14.7         0.0            13.3
            11 Sep 1996              1.7          12.0            0.0          12.3         0.0            10.3
            19 Sep 1996              1.0          26.0            0.0          39.7         0.0            21.3
            Mean (n=33)             10.9           4.8            1.1           7.8         0.1             5.6

            Table 2. Analysis of variance for (A) age-1 and (B) age-0 red snapper as dependent variable.

            Source                               DF          SS           MS          F-value           p-value

            A. Age-1 (R-square: 0.91)
              Model                              58         4091            71           6.8             0.0001
              Reef-type                           2         2359          1179         114.3             0.0001
              Date                               10          460            46           4.5
Habitat preferences and site fidelity of juvenile red snapper                                               S47

            Table 3. Mean red snapper counts by date, reef set, and age (n=3).

            Set                                 50 m                                  70 m                                90 m
            Date                    Age-1              Age-0               Age-1             Age-0             Age-1              Age-0

            23 May 1996              6.0                 0.0                1.7                 0.0             0.3                 0.0
            18 Jun 1996              7.3                 0.0                3.7                 0.0             4.0                 0.0
            03 Jul 1996              7.0                 0.0                3.0                 0.0             4.7                 0.0
            19 Jul 1996              8.0                 0.3                6.3                 0.0             4.0                 0.0
            26 Jul 1996              8.0                 0.7                7.0                 0.3             8.3                 0.0
            05 Aug 1996              5.3                 1.0                6.7                 2.3             4.0                 0.0
            14 Aug 1996              6.0                 3.0                5.0                 4.0             4.0                 0.3
            27 Aug 1996              4.0                11.3                3.7                11.7             1.7                 8.3
            04 Sep 1996              4.3                11.3                6.3                11.7             1.0                12.3
            11 Sep 1996              0.0                12.0                0.0                11.7             1.7                11.0
            19 Sep 1996              1.0                20.7                0.0                26.7             0.0                39.7
            Mean (n=33)              5.2                 5.5                3.9                 6.2             3.1                 6.5

            Table 4. Red snapper counts (C), size range (mm), depth (D in m), and bottom features (ss: sand-silt)
            at open bottom survey sites (coordinates relative to 30N 88W).

            Date             Lat.      Long.           C        Range             D                         Features

            19   Jul 1996    07.5           27          0          —          14.3                           ss
            24   Jul 1996     08           28.5         0          —          13.7                           ss
            24   Jul 1996    07.5           28          0          —          13.7                           ss
            26   Jul 1096     06            26          0          —          16.8                           ss
            30   Jul 1996    06.5          25.5         0          —          16.5                           ss
            05   Aug 1996    07.5          25.5         0          —          16.5      ss with   some shells
            05   Aug 1996     08           26.5        14       2.8–19.0      14.6      ss with   numerous shells and burrows
            14   Aug 1996    07.5           25          0          —          18.0      ss with   some shells and burrows
            11   Sep 1996    06.5           26          0          —          17.4                           ss
            11   Sep 1996    05.5           25          0          —          18.0                           ss
            19   Sep 1996     08           26.5         0          —          14.6      ss with   some shells and burrows

            Table 5. Number of tagged red snapper sighted by date at double webbing reef and flare stack (21 fish
            tagged; two detached tags found on 26 July).

            Date                       26 Jul          30 Jul       05 Aug            14 Aug          04 Sep    11 Sep           19 Sep

            Double webbing reef             6               5           5               10              3             3            1
            Flare stack                     0               0           1                1              1             2            1

and characterized by numerous small shells and mantis                       during the last survey in mid-September (Table 5). In
shrimp burrows, was surveyed once more in mid-                              addition, one of the larger tagged fish recruited to the
September, but no red snapper and fewer shells and                          flare stack and remained there through the last survey
burrows were observed then.                                                 (Table 5). A second one was observed at the stack in
                                                                            mid-September. Surveys were sometimes limited by
                                                                            reduced visibility, which may have resulted in reduced
Site fidelity                                                               tag detection.
Two days after tagging, divers sighted six tagged fish                         A total of 45 red snapper were released in the three
and found two detached tags on the bottom near the                          displacement experiments (see Table 6 for details), of
double webbing reef, indicating that tag loss has been a                    which 19 were tagged with T-bar tags and two with
problem. Of the remaining maximum of 19 tagged fish,                        sonic tags. During hauling of the cage, the fish were
fish re-sighted at the reef remained steady up to high ten                  noticeably distressed. They became bloated as a result of
in mid-August, after which the number dropped to one                        swimbladder expansion and turned in a downward
S48                                                    I. Workman et al.

Table 6. Displacement experiments by date: number of fish
released (N), number tagged with T-bar (T) and sonic (S) tags,                    Experiment No. 1 (8 Aug. 1998)
and number of tagged fish relocated (S) or resighted (T) at the               Rubble
capture location (R).                                                         Reef                        Displacement track
                                                                                                          Return track
Date                             N       T       S       R
08 Aug 1998                     12       5       0        1             Displacement
09 Aug 1998                     18       7       1        3             Horizontal: 0.37 km
10 Aug 1998                     15       7       1        1
                                                                        Vertical: 20 m

                                                                                  Experiment No. 2 (9 Aug. 1998)
                 50                                                     Displacement
Number of fish

                 40                                                     Horizontal: 0.43 km
                                                                        Vertical: 21 m
                 20                                                      Reef


                 Mar-96 Apr-96 May-96 Jun-96 Jul-96 Aug-96
Figure 2. Red snapper counts by date at the double webbing                      Experiment No. 3 (10 Aug. 1998)
                                                                        Horizontal: 0.43 km (straight line)

swimming direction as the cage neared the surface.                      Vertical: 20 m
Upon release, they swam rapidly to the bottom. Descent              N
times ranged from 50 s to 1 min 14 s.                                    Reef
   After reaching the bottom, they remained more or
less stationary for 2–5 min before starting to swim.
Behaviour varied with each release. Fish in the first
release swam very close to the bottom and stopped three
times in an apparent effort to orient themselves before            Figure 3. Displacement and return tracks for three horizontal-
the divers lost them at 7 min 50 s into the tracking part         vertical displacement experiments (not to scale).
of the experiment. The sonic-tagged snapper in the
second experiment was separated from the other
                                                                  fish from the first experiment and two from the second
released fish during descent. After reaching the bottom
                                                                  were sighted on the rubble reef the day following their
and a 2 min 7 s stop, it spent most of its time swimming
between 1 m and 1.5 m off bottom, but occasionally
descended to the bottom where it would stop for a short
time and turn its left side toward the direction of travel.       Discussion
Just before the divers had to come up, the fish swam
over another small rubble reef without hesitation or              The comparative reef type study was of limited duration
change in heading. Fish of the third release, after               but covered the primary recruitment period for age-0 red
starting to swim, made a big circle back to the point they        snapper in the GOM (Moran, 1988). Also, the timing
started from, remained there for a short time, and then           allowed observations on the interactions and behaviour
started swimming again.                                           of age-0 and age-1 fish through the recruitment and
   The course headings on all three releases corre-               habitat transition phase and to interpret their habitat
sponded largely with the direction of the capture site            preferences statistically.
(Figure 3). It took the sonic tagged fish about 25 min to            Red snapper are categorized as reef fish and their
reach the capture site. On the two follow-up dives, divers        reef dependency begins shortly after they leave their
recaptured the fish from the second experiment and                planktonic life-stage (Szedlmayer and Howe, 1997;
picked up the signal of the snapper from the third                Szedlmayer and Conti, 1999; Bailey, 1995). Habitat
experiment at the point of capture. One T-bar tagged              requirements of the smallest settlers are apparently met
Habitat preferences and site fidelity of juvenile red snapper                                S49

by the presence of small structures, including shells and       materials that meet the needs of age-0 and age-1 red
burrows, but as they grow they prefer larger and more           snapper might help to ensure increased recruitment to
complex structures (Bailey, 1995). However, recruitment         adult habitats.
to these structures may be limited by the presence of
larger fishes. Our observations suggest that recruitment
of age-0 to the polyethylene webbing reefs is limited by        Acknowledgements
the presence of age-1 snapper, because recruitment to
                                                                We thank Kendall Falana for his help in surveying the
the reef without the float and inhabited by less age-1 fish
                                                                reefs, John Mitchell for preparing figures and Deborah
was higher than to the reef with a float, which was
                                                                Seidel for her help in organizing the manuscript. We also
clearly preferred by age-1. Also, as age-1 started to move
                                                                express our appreciation to Drs Scott Nichols, Joanne
off the reefs, age-0 fish moved in. Finally, age-0 were
                                                                Shultz, and John Watson for their reviews and construc-
never observed at the double webbing reef, which was
                                                                tive criticism of the manuscript. We are indebted to the
occupied by age-1 throughout.
                                                                Mississippi Gulf Fishing Banks for deploying the con-
   The proximity of large reef structures (natural as well
                                                                crete rubble reef for the attraction of juvenile red
as artificial reefs) to smaller structures may also influ-
ence recruitment patterns. The first recruits appeared at
the 50-m reef set, almost a month prior to their appear-
ance at the 90-m reef set. Pre-settlement, planktonic           References
juveniles may be able to sense the presence of suitable
adult habitats and settle as close to those structures as       Bailey, H. K. IV. 1995. Potential interactive effects of habitat
                                                                  complexity and sub-adults on young-of-the-year red snapper
the presence of temporary shelter allows. Older fish
                                                                  (Lutjanus campechanus) behavior. MS thesis, University of
showed a preference for reefs located closest to the flare        South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama. 73 pp.
stack. Two age-1 snapper tagged at the double webbing           Bohnsack, J. A. 1994. How Marine Fishery Reserves Can
reef moved to the flare stack not much later.                     Improve Reef Fisheries. Proceedings of the 43rd Gulf and
   Site fidelity of adult red snapper has been shown              Caribbean Fisheries Institute, 43: 217–241.
in several studies (Fable, 1980; Szedlmayer, 1997;              Bohnsack, J. A. 1996. Marine reserves, zoning, and the future
                                                                  of fishery management. Fisheries, 21: 14–16.
Szedlmeyer and Shipp, 1994), but it was not known that
                                                                Bohnsack, J. A., and Ault, J. S. 1996. Management strategies to
juveniles also exhibit site fidelity. Their ability to return     conserve marine biodiversity. Oceanography, 9: 73–82.
to the capture location after displacement suggests that        Bohnsack, J. A., McClellan, D. B., Harper, D. E., Davenport,
this site, even though it may only be a temporary shelter,        G. S., Konoval, G. J., Eklund, A., Contillo, J. P., Bolden,
provides them with some advantage. Homing, in com-                S. K., Fischel, P. C., Sandorf, G. S., Javech, J. C., White,
                                                                  M. W., Pickett, M. H., Hulsbeck, M. W., Tobias, J. L., Ault,
bination with the habit to move on to more suitable
                                                                  J. S., Meester, G. A., Smith, S. G., and Luo, J. 1999. Baseline
habitat as they grow, supports the theory that young              data for evaluating fish populations in the Florida Keys,
snapper may be able to sense the presence of suitable             1979–1998. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-
adult habitat and that this may influence their recruit-          istration Technical Memorandum, NMFS-SEFSC-427.
ment to temporary shelters. However, a strong site                61 pp.
                                                                Bradley, E., and Bryan, C. E. 1975. Life history and fishery of
fidelity and homing instinct negate the use of BRDs if
                                                                  the red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) in the northwestern
returning home would subject them to multiple captures.           Gulf of Mexico: 1970–74. Proceedings of the 27th Gulf and
   The establishment of marine protected areas has been           Caribbean Fisheries Institute, 27: 77–106.
recommended as an alternative to help reverse the               Broadhurst, M. K., and Kennelly, S. J. 1995. A trouser-
decline of red snapper and other reef fish stocks in the          trawl experiment to assess codends that exclude mulloway
                                                                  in the Hawksbury River prawn-trawl fishery. Marine and
southeastern United States (Bohnsack, 1994, 1996;
                                                                  Freshwater Research, 46: 953–958.
Bohnsack and Ault, 1996; Roberts et al., 1995). Marine          Chopin, F. S., and Arimoto, T. 1995. The condition of fish
reserves have been established recently in the Florida            escaping from fishing gears – a review. Fisheries Research,
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in other areas is being considered, but, even if they           DeAlteris, J. T., and Reifsteck, D. M. 1993. Escapement and
present a viable option for protecting red snapper and            survival of fish from the codend of a demersal trawl. ICES
                                                                  Marine Science Symposia, 196: 128–131.
their habitats, it may take years before reserves contain-
                                                                Fable, W. A. Jr 1980. Tagging studies of red snapper (Lutjanus
ing primary red snapper habitat are established. On a             campechanus) and vermilion snapper (Rhomboplites
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