Effect of Light and Music on Growth Performance and Survival Rate of Goldfish (Carassius auratus) - Aquatic Commons

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Effect of Light and Music on Growth Performance and Survival Rate of Goldfish (Carassius auratus) - Aquatic Commons
Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences                                      10(4)641-653                2011

                                                                        Effect of Light and Music on Growth Performance and Survival
                                                                                      Rate of Goldfish (Carassius auratus)

                                                                                    Imanpoor M. R.; Enayat Gholampour T*; Zolfaghari M.

                                                                                               Received: October 2010                 Accepted: April 2011
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                                                                       Environmental enrichment is one of the methods for improving fish growth performance. In
                                                                       the present trial, the effects of both light color and music on growth performance and
                                                                       survival of goldfish (Carassius auratus) (initial mean weight: 4.15±0.08 g) were investigated
                                                                       for 2 months. Two light color treatments (red light and white light) and three music
                                                                       treatments (M0: without music, M30:30 minutes music and M60:60 minutes music) were
                                                                       considered. At the end of the rearing stage, growth performance including weight gain (WG),
                                                                       specific growth rate (SGR), daily growth rate (DGR) and food conversion rate (FCR) and
                                                                       also survival rate (SR) were surveyed. Results indicated that the effect of music and
                                                                       interaction effect of light by music were not significant (P>0.05) on growth performance
                                                                       parameters, whereas light significantly (P
Effect of Light and Music on Growth Performance and Survival Rate of Goldfish (Carassius auratus) - Aquatic Commons
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                                                                       Hearing in fishes has been studied in                   surprising that fishes and marine mammals
                                                                       numerous ways since the early 20th                      make considerable use of sound for
                                                                       century. Fish live in an environment that is            communication, for detection of both
                                                                       a specifically good conductor of sound,                 predators and prey as well as for learning
                                                                       and the myriad extant species counting                  about their environment (Fay and Popper,
                                                                       25,000 in the class Actinopterygii (bony                2000). Several research studies have been
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                                                                       fishes) (Nelson, 1984) have evolved                     published     on     noise-induced     stress
                                                                       diverse mechanisms for acoustic stimuli                 responses, sound perception and auditory
                                                                       transmittance. Also, under intensive                    sensitivities in goldfish (Smith et al.,
                                                                       culture, fish are often subjected to stressful          2004b; Fay, 1995; Friedrich and Wysocki,
                                                                       situations that negatively affect growth                2009).
                                                                       (Rowland et al., 2006), reproduction                            There seems to be a synergistic
                                                                       (Campbell et al., 1994) and immune                      effect between food availability and light
                                                                       response (Vazzana et al., 2002).                        that improves the trophic activity of larvae
                                                                                Rearing conditions in aquaculture              (Boeuf and Le Bail, 1999; Cited in: Pedro
                                                                       tanks can produce more sound levels                     Canavate et al., 2006), also this factor
                                                                       within the frequency range of fish hearing              plays an important role in the growth and
                                                                       ability that is 20–50 dB higher than the                survival of larval fish (Batty, 1987 Cited
                                                                       limit; encountering in their natural habitats           in: Puvanendran and Brown, 2002). Light
                                                                       (Bart et al., 2001; Cited in: Smith, 2004).             regimes that permit rapid initiation of
                                                                       Water is an essential requirement for fish              successful feeding should facilitate
                                                                       farming, so any proper-prepared plan for                survival of larvae through early
                                                                       aquaculture must describe the quality and               developmental bottlenecks, e.g. the switch
                                                                       quantity of water available for this purpose            from endogenous to exogenous food
                                                                       (Summerfelt, 2000; Cited in: Moogouei et                sources. Light intensity was also reported
                                                                       al., 2010).                                             to affect swimming activity and feeding
                                                                                Many researchers in Iran (Akbary               (Almaza´n-Rueda         et    al.,    2004),
                                                                       et al., 2010; Bo Zhang, 2010; Moogouei et               cannibalism (Kestemont et al., 2003), skin
                                                                       al., 2010) have studied the effects of                  color (Rotllant et al., 2003), physiological
                                                                       environmental changes on growth, survival               hormones (Boeuf and Le Bail, 1989),
                                                                       and spatial distribution in many species.               metabolism (Appelbaum and Kamler,
                                                                                Sound is an important means of                 2000) and initiation of ecdysis (Waddy
                                                                       communication in aquatic environments                   and Aiken, 1991).
                                                                       because it can be distributed rapidly (five               Generally, the whole concept falls in the
                                                                       times faster than in air) over great                    section of ‘‘environmental enrichment’’
                                                                       distances and it is not attenuated as quickly           that has been defined as an improvement
                                                                       as other signals such as light or chemicals             in the biological functioning of captive
                                                                       (Hawkins and Myrberg, 1983; Cited in:                   animals resulting from modifications to
                                                                       Smith et al., 2004b). Thus, it is not                   their environment (Newberry, 1995). Fish
Effect of Light and Music on Growth Performance and Survival Rate of Goldfish (Carassius auratus) - Aquatic Commons
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                                                                       auditory sense is based on detection of                the experiment was carried out under two
                                                                       sound pressure and involves the combined               different light conditions (red and white
                                                                       function of otolith organs, lateral line and           lights) since it still remains unclear
                                                                       swim bladder (Fay and Popper, 2000;                    whether or not rearing in different light is
                                                                       Popper et al., 2003). Fish are able to                 stressful for goldfish.
                                                                       detect, respond to and even produce a wide             Materials and methods
                                                                       range of sounds and more importantly to                Fish acclimation and rearing conditions
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                                                                       discriminate between sounds of different               The Goldfish (Carassius auratus) were
                                                                       frequencies and magnitudes, to determine               provided by a commercial supplier in
                                                                       the direction of a sound source (sound                 Gorgan. This trial was carried out in the
                                                                       source localization) and to detect a                   rearing room of Natural Resource and
                                                                       biologically relevant sound in the presence            Agricultural of Gorgan, Iran. The goldfish
                                                                       of other signals (Popper et al., 2003 Cited            were placed in holding tanks (Volume:
                                                                       in: Popoutsoglou et al., 2007).                        100 L, temperature: 26.1±0.4°C, pH: 7.8 ±
                                                                                We chose goldfish as a model                  0.1, salinity: 0.1 g/l and dissolved oxygen:
                                                                       hearing specialist because of their known              7.6 ± 0.03 mg/l) and acclimated for 2
                                                                       hearing sensitivity and the available                  weeks prior to the experiment, showing a
                                                                       literature database about hearing in this              normal feeding pattern during this period.
                                                                       species (Fay, 1998, Cited in: Popoutsoglou             To begin this experiment, goldfish (n=540)
                                                                       et al., 2007). Goldfish are otophysan                  were captured from a holding tank and
                                                                       fishes, which possess weberian ossicles                both mean weight (4.15±0.05 g) and mean
                                                                       (modified cervical vertebrae that abut the             length (9.5±0.2 cm) were measured. Then
                                                                       ear (Smith et al., 2004b). These bones                 fish samples were placed in 18 tanks
                                                                       acoustically couple movement of the swim               (Volume: 70 lit water capacity, height
                                                                       bladder imposed by impinging sound                     70×width        30×length      40Cm)     (30
                                                                       pressure waves to the inner ear, leading to            goldfish/tank) with two treatments of light
                                                                       enhanced hearing sensitivity that includes             (red light and white light) and three
                                                                       a broadened frequency range of hearing                 treatments of music ((M0: without music,
                                                                       and lower auditory thresholds when                     M30:30 minutes music and M60:60 minutes
                                                                       compared with fishes without such                      music). The treatments were replicated
                                                                       specializations. Furthermore, goldfish are             three times in separate aquariums.
                                                                       known to perceive acoustic dimensions                  Continuous aeration was provided to
                                                                       equivalent to what humans perceive as                  maintain dissolved oxygen near saturation
                                                                       pitch and timbre (Fay, 1995, Cited in:                 level. A 200W immersion heater was
                                                                       Chase, 2001). The main objective of the                installed in each aquarium to control water
                                                                       present investigation was to evaluate                  temperature. The whole sample was
                                                                       music and light color effects on goldfish              divided into six groups (one control and
                                                                       (Carassius auratus) growth performance                 five experimental groups); each consisting
                                                                       and survival rate. In addition, in order to            of 3 aquariums. The treatment for control
                                                                       investigate the possibility of using musical           group consisted of white light and no
                                                                       auditory stimuli in aquaculture facilities,            music which is the usual condition of fish
Effect of Light and Music on Growth Performance and Survival Rate of Goldfish (Carassius auratus) - Aquatic Commons
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                                                                       in the natural environment. The                        (lnWf−lnWi) ×100/Δt; where Δt is the
                                                                       experimental group consisted of five sub-              time interval (in days) between Wi and Wf
                                                                       groups: (1) white color and 30 min music,              measurements (Watanabe et al., 1993).
                                                                       (2) white color with 60 min music, (3) red             The food conversion ratio (FCR) was
                                                                       color with no music, (4) red color with 30             assessed as food consumption/weight gain
                                                                       min music and (5) red color with 60 min                (Luz et al., 2008).
                                                                       music. The fish were reared under                              Fish mortality was checked every
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                                                                       experimental treatments for 60 days.Initial            day. No mortality occurred during the
                                                                       mean weights did not differ significantly              experimental period.
                                                                       (P>0.05) among treatments. No food was                 Light
                                                                       offered from 24 hr before the first                    To provide recommended light conditions,
                                                                       biometric.                                             wooden boxes with black covers were
                                                                               Water physiological characteristics            used. In order to provide red and white
                                                                       were monitored twice daily (before the                 light colors, red and white mercury lamps
                                                                       first meal and 30 min after the last meal)             (40 W) were used. One lamp was applied
                                                                       and water quality was maintained as                    on top of each aquarium and the height of
                                                                       followed: temperature, 26.4±0.7°C; pH,                 each lamp was adjusted in a way so that
                                                                       7.7 ± 0.1; salinity, 0.1 g/l and dissolved             the intensity of light would be 300 LX on
                                                                       oxygen 7.5 ± 0.05 mg/l.                                the surface of water. The intensity of light
                                                                               The goldfish were adequately fed,              was measured by luxmeter (Model: Lutron
                                                                       by hand, a commercial pelleted diet                    Lx-101, Tiwan).
                                                                       (Biomar, made in France) twice daily at                        The time for each group (red light
                                                                       8:00 am and 4:00 pm when there was no                  and white light) was set as 12L: 12D (from
                                                                       music (4% of body weight).                             7 am to 7 pm) which was controlled by a
                                                                         The fish were individually weighed                   timer. The equipments for light
                                                                       every two weeks (days 1, 15, 30, 45 and                transmission were tested daily.
                                                                       60) throughout the experimental period.                Music
                                                                       Fish were anesthetized at weighing to                  In this research, the design and
                                                                       decrease the stress caused by handling,                construction of equipments required for
                                                                       without any subsequent effect on food                  playing music and transmitting sound
                                                                       intake. The body weight gain (WG, g) was               under water was based on the method
                                                                       calculated as the increase in weight of                explained by Papoutsoglou et al. (2007). In
                                                                       goldfish at the end of experimental period,            our study, the music treatments consisted
                                                                       WG=Wf−Wi, where Wf and Wi are the                      of 1: no music at all (control group, M0),
                                                                       final and initial body weights, respectively           2: music was played for 30 minutes (M30),
                                                                       (Luz et al., 2008). Daily growth rate was              and 3: music was played for 60 minutes
                                                                       calculated with (Wf-Wi) ×100/ (days ×                  (M60). The music was played 4 times a
                                                                       Wi) formula (Luz et al., 2008). The                    day at 9:00, 11:00, 13:00 and 15:00. The
                                                                       specific growth rate (SGR, %/day) was                  equipments for sound transmittance were
                                                                       measured according to the formula                      controlled daily. The piece of selected
Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 10(4), 2011                   645

                                                                       music was from part of the lute violin                 were made by Gorgan Company. The
                                                                       (Mon amour of Clude mishel) performed                  equipments were set in the tank in a way
                                                                       by Iran symphonic orchestra (2005). The                that did not inhibit the swimming of the
                                                                       time period of the selected music was 6                fishes (Fig. 1). The related equipments
                                                                       min and 30 seconds and the piece was                   were controlled every day.
                                                                       repeated during the exposure time. Then                Data analysis and statistical methods
                                                                       the selected music was modified by Jet                  Using a factorial design of 3*2, three
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                                                                       audio software so that frequencies lower               music conditions (M0, M30 and M60) and
                                                                       than 100 Hz and higher than 1000 Hz were               two lights (red and white) were randomly
                                                                       deleted. Therefore the frequencies which               arranged to three replicate tanks. Prior to
                                                                       were of interest to be reproduced ranged               statistical analysis, all data were tested for
                                                                       from 100 Hz to 1000 Hz. Two VCD                        normality by the Kolmogornov-Smirnov
                                                                       players which were equipped by a timer                 test. The homogeneity of variances among
                                                                       controller system (timer, model 026,                   the different groups was tested using the
                                                                       Nourfrocslsterom Company, made by                      Levene test. Data were analyzed by a two-
                                                                       Germany) were used to play and control                 way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
                                                                       the time period of music. Each VCD                     followed by a Duncan test. All statistical
                                                                       player containing the CD of the treatment              analyses were performed using SPSS15.0
                                                                       was attached to a speaker (10 cm wide,                 statistical package. The probability level of
                                                                       100W) by means of a cable and then the                 P0.05) in initial mean weight
                                                                       hydrophone. The speakers and hydrophone                (4.15±0.05 g) among treatments (Table 1).

                                                                                          Figure 1: Schematic diagram of music transmission in goldfish
                                                                                                   tank and hydrophone output recording.
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                                                                                     Figure 2: Weight gain of goldfish in red and white light

                                                                                 Figure 3: Specific growth rate of goldfish in red and white light

                                                                                Figure 4: Daily growth rate of goldfish in red light and white light
Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 10(4), 2011                                            647

                                                                       Table 1: Growth performance parameters (mean± S.E) in goldfish reared under white light, red light, no
                                                                                    music (C), 30 min (M30) and 60 min (M60) music transmission for 60 days
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                                                                                White light                                         Red light                                         TWO-way ANOVA
                                                                                C              M30             M60                  C             M30              M60                Lighting Music LM

                                                                        IW       4.16±0.02a        4.2±0.05a       4.14±0.04a       4.08±0.09a        4.17±0.14a      4.15±0.05a        NS          NS      NS

                                                                        WG       3.76±0.10a       3.57±0.19a       3.98±0.18a       3.09±0.51b        3.23±0.04b      3.41±0.10b         *          NS      NS

                                                                       DGR       1.50±0.05a       1.41±0.08a       1.60±0.05a       1.26±0.23b        1.30±0.05b      1.37±0.04b         *          NS      NS

                                                                       SGR       1.07±0.02a       1.02±0.04a       1.12±0.02a       0.93±0.13b        0.95±0.03b      1.00±0.02b         *          NS      NS

                                                                        SR      95.55±1.92a      96.66±3.33a      95.55±7.69a       94.44±6.93a      97.77±1.92a      6.66±5.77a        NS          NS      NS

                                                                       FCR       2.25±0.05b       2.36±0.11b       2.16±0.06b       2.61±0.31a        2.55±0.04a      2.43±0.06a        NS          NS      NS

                                                                        Significant treatment effects and the interactions are shown as letters; means with the same letters are not significantly different (P>0.05,
                                                                        two-way ANOVA); *: P
648     Imanpoor et al., Effect of Light and Music on Growth Performance and Survival ….

                                                                       The results obtained of this trial indicated           performance. High levels of ambient
                                                                       that weight gain (WG), specific growth                 sound may prevent fish from hearing
                                                                       rate (SGR) and daily growth rate (DGR)                 biologically important sounds and alter
                                                                       were affected significantly by light                   fish normal behavior (Popper, 2003).
                                                                       (P0.05) on weight gain (WG),              light on fishes, there is low contrasting
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                                                                       specific growth rate (SGR) and daily                   suggestions. Among music transmission
                                                                       growth rate (DGR) (Table 1). Survival and              effects, it has been reported that cows were
                                                                       food conversion rates (FCR) were not                   more willing to approach the automatic
                                                                       affected significantly by light effect, music          milking system (Uetake et al., 1997; Cited
                                                                       and interaction effect of light by music               in: Papoutsoglou et al., 2007), broiler
                                                                       (P>0.05) (Table 1).                                    chicks were less fearful and grew better
                                                                       Regarding the findings of mean                         (Gvaryahu et al., 1989; Cited in:
                                                                       comparison of weight gain (WG) (Fig. 2),               Papoutsoglou et al., 2007), but few studies
                                                                       specific growth rate (SGR) (Fig. 3) and                have been conducted to assess the music
                                                                       daily growth rate (DGR) (Fig. 4), it was               on fish growth. Smith et al., (2004)
                                                                       observed that these parameters were                    express that extra sounds in the
                                                                       significantly (P0.05).                                         M60 in terms of growth performance, it is
                                                                               The findings in our research were              concluded that the goldfish is able to
                                                                       in agreement with the results of                       distinguish and identify rhythmic sounds.
                                                                       Papoutsoglou et al., (2007), who reported              This is in agreement with the findings of
                                                                       that growth performance was not                        Davis (1992) and Verheijen and Flight
                                                                       significantly affected by music in common              (1997).
                                                                       carp (Cyprinus carpio). In any case, the                        In the research by Chase (2001)
                                                                       results of our study were in consistence               subjects were koi, which are members of
                                                                       with the findings of Papoutsoglou et al.,              the carp family and close relatives of the
                                                                       (2008), who investigated combined effects              goldfish. Neither goldfish nor koi are
                                                                       of music and light intensity in Sparus                 known to communicate by making sounds
                                                                       aurata. Additionally, they found that                  (Fay, 1995; Cited in: Chase,2001), but
                                                                       music had a positive effect on fish growth             both are classified as otophysans, a group
Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 10(4), 2011                  649

                                                                       that has bony structures (the Weberian                  aeglefinus) is higher with blue and green
                                                                       ossicles) coupling the swim bladder to the              light (Downing, 2002). The growth rate of
                                                                       inner ears, in which there are hair cells               Silver carp larvae (Hypophthalmichthys
                                                                       with a specialized orientation pattern.                 molitrix) and young carp (Cyprinus
                                                                               In the present research, the results            carpio) increased with green light (Ruchin
                                                                       of growth function obtained from light                  et al., 2002).
                                                                       color treatments indicated that growth                           Thus, the results obtained by
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                                                                       indices (WG, SGR and DGR) of goldfish                   Ruchin (2004) demonstrate that there are
                                                                       have a better performance in white light                differences in response to different colored
                                                                       than in red light. The effect of light color            zones in various species of fish. Some
                                                                       on growth performance has been proved                   species such as carp, crucian carp and
                                                                       which is different based on type of species             silver carp grow well with blue and green
                                                                       and stage of life in fish. Fish are capable of          light (Ruchin et al., 2002), the growth rate
                                                                       color vision (Cheng and Flamarique, 2004)               of other species (guppy, whitefish)
                                                                       and the effects of light spectrum on several            increases with blue light (Radenko and
                                                                       aspects of fish physiology have been                    Terent’ev, 1998; Cited in: Ruchin, 2005)
                                                                       investigated.                                           and others (rotan) grow equally well with
                                                                               The main role in this process is                both green and blue light.
                                                                       played by the eyes and pineal organ,                             Villamizar et al., (2011) showed
                                                                       because only they can detect colors                     that larvae (European sea bass and sole
                                                                       (Ekstrom and Meissl, 1997). For instance,               larvae) were significantly affected by light
                                                                       the results of experiments by Ruchin                    characteristics. For example, the larvae
                                                                       (2004) demonstrated that different species              achieved the best performance, and
                                                                       of fish can have different response to light            showed fastest development and lowest
                                                                       quality. Thus Crucian carp developed                    degree of deformity under a light/dark
                                                                       better by green light, Rotan by blue and                cycle using blue light, conditions which
                                                                       green and Guppy by blue light. Also, in                 were closest to their natural aquatic
                                                                       their study, by red light the growth rate in            environment. On the other hand, Migaud
                                                                       all species decreased. The response in                  et al., (2009) achieved maximum survival
                                                                       different species of fish to the light                  rates of Cod (Gadus morhua) larvae in red
                                                                       environment appears to be governed by                   light than white, green and blue light
                                                                       changes in energy metabolism and                        (Migaud et al. 2009; Cited in: Villamizar
                                                                       hormone disproportion.                                  et al., 2011).
                                                                               Most species of fish have well                           Karakatsouli     et    al.,  (2007)
                                                                       developed color sight, and are therefore                observed        that      rainbow       trout
                                                                       very sensitive to colored light. In our                 (Oncorhynchus mykiss) reared under red
                                                                       study, results indicated that rearing                   light had a better food intake and growth
                                                                       goldfish in white light had favorable                   than blue light. Also, they found that red
                                                                       effects on fish growth performance. While               light can affect the growth indices and
                                                                       in other researches, the survival rate of               survival rate of fish, such as rainbow trout.
                                                                       Haddock        larvae      (Mellanogrammus              One of the reasons which were mentioned
650            Imanpoor et al., Effect of Light and Music on Growth Performance and Survival ….

                                                                       for this phenomenon is the existence of oil            present trial, red light is not a fit option to
                                                                       droplets in the eyes of such fish. These oil           environmental enrichment in goldfish.
                                                                       droplet filter spectrums have a low                    Acknowledgments
                                                                       wavelength and let high wavelengths pass               We are grateful to all staff working at the
                                                                       by. Therefore fish culture in red light                rearing and central laboratories of
                                                                       causes the food to contrast better with the            Agricultural and Natural Resources
                                                                       environment and ease the process of                    University of Gorgan for their help and
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                                                                       feeding. In addition, fishes like goldfish             providing facilities during our trial.
                                                                       lack this oil droplet in their eyes                    References
                                                                       (Bowmaker, 2008). Therefore, red light                 Akbary P., Hosseini S.A., Imanpoor M.,
                                                                       does not play any role in feeding                           Sudagar M. and Makhdomi N. M.
                                                                       facilitation of goldfish.                                   2010. Comparison between live food
                                                                                Therefore,     white     light    in               and artificial diet on survival rate,
                                                                       comparison with red light, having                           growth       and      body       chemical
                                                                       wavelengths similar to natural light,                       composition of Oncorhynchus mykiss
                                                                       caused less stress in the fish breed in                     larvae. Iranian Journal of Fisheries
                                                                       artificial environments which finally                       Sciences, 9(1), 19-32.
                                                                       results in a better development. Also, it is           Almaza´n-Rueda, P., Schrama, J. W.
                                                                       suggested that further investigations on                     and Verreth, J. A. J., 2004.
                                                                       intensity and duration of music and light,                   Behavioural responses under different
                                                                       in relation to other rearing environment                     feeding methods and light regimes of
                                                                       (tanks, water quality, etc.) and fish                        the    African       catfish     (Clarias
                                                                       (species, life stage, feeding, rearing                       gariepinus) juveniles. Aquaculture,
                                                                       density, etc.) origin factors affecting                      231, 347– 359.
                                                                       farmed fish quality and welfare, would                 Appelbaum, S. and Kamler, E., 2000.
                                                                       contribute to a very promising outcome in                    Survival, growth, metabolism and
                                                                       improving our understanding of fish                          behaviour of Clarias gariepinus early
                                                                       physiology.                                                  stages     under      different      light
                                                                                Based on the results in the present                 conditions. Aquaculture Engineering,
                                                                       study, it was found that music did not                       22, 269–287.
                                                                       affect fish growth, therefore goldfish could           Boeuf, G., and Bail, P.Y.Le., 1989. Does
                                                                       able to distinguish music from other                         light have an influence on fish
                                                                       environmental stressful sounds, and music                    growth? Aquaculture, 177, 129–152.
                                                                       did not enumerate unfavorable potential                Bowmaker, J. K., 2008. Evolution of
                                                                       and stressful aspects for goldfish. In hence,                vertebrate visual pigments. Vision
                                                                       we can say that studying music which                         Research, 48, 2022–2041.
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                                                                       According to the results obtained in the                      Xu. 2010. Effects of artificial
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‫‪IX‬‬                  ‫‪Imanpoor et al., Effect of Light and Music on Growth Performance and Survival ….‬‬

                                                                                  ‫تاثیر رنگ نور و موسیقی بر عملکرد رشد و نرخ بازماندگی ماهی قرمس‬
                                                                                                                  ‫)‪(Carassius auratus‬‬

                                                                                              ‫محمد رضا ایمانپور‪ ،‬طیبه عنایت غالمپور*‪ ،‬مهدی ذوالفقاری‬
‫‪Downloaded from jifro.ir at 17:02 +0330 on Monday February 12th 2018‬‬

                                                                            ‫غىی سبسی محیطی اس ريضُبی جذیذ در بُبًد عملکزد رضذ مبَی است‪ .‬در تحقیق حبضز‪ ،‬اثز روگ وًر ي مًسیقی بز عملکزد‬
                                                                            ‫رضذ ي وزخ ببسمبوذگی مبَی قزمش )‪( (Carassius auratus‬میبوگیه يسن ايلیٍ‪ 4/15±0/00 :‬گزم) بٍ مذت ‪ 2‬مبٌ مًرد‬
                                                                            ‫ارسیببی قزار گزفت‪ .‬دي تیمبر وًر (روگ سفیذ ي روگ قزمش) ي سٍ تیمبر مًسیقی (‪ :M0‬بذين مًسیقی‪ 30 :M30 ،‬دقیقٍ پخص‬
                                                                            ‫مًسیقی ي ‪ 60 :M60‬دقیقٍ پخص مًسیقی) در وظز گزفتٍ ضذ‪ .‬در پبیبن ديرٌ پزيرش‪ ،‬عملکزد رضذ بچٍ مبَیبن ضبمل يسن‬
                                                                            ‫اکتسببی (‪ ،)WG‬وزخ رضذ يیژٌ (‪ ،)SGR‬وزخ رضذ ريساوٍ (‪ )DGR‬ي ضزیب تبذیل غذایی (‪ )FCR‬ي َمچىیه وزخ‬
                                                                            ‫ببسمبوذگی (‪ )SR‬مًرد بزرسی قزار گزفت‪ .‬وتبیج وطبن داد کٍ تبثیز مًسیقی ي ویش اثز متقببل وًر ي مًسیقی بز عملکزد رضذ بچٍ‬
                                                                            ‫مبَیبن معىی دار وبًد (‪ )P>0/05‬در حبلیکٍ تبثیز وًر بز وزخ رضذ يیژٌ ي ضزیب تبذیل غذایی بچٍ مبَیبن معىی دار گشارش‬
                                                                            ‫گزدیذ (‪ .)P
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