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This brochure brochure contains containssomesomebasic basicinformation informationtotohelp helpyouyougetgetstarted startedonon your Irish your salmon Irish salmon angling angling adventure. adventure.There Thereisisaashort shortdescription descriptionofofthe thebest besttimes times to to go,go, fishing methods fishing methods andand a brief brief introduction introduction totosome someofofthe thefisheries fisheriesthat thatconsistently consistentlyproduce produce salmon. salmon. TheThemapmapon on the flip flip side side of of this thisbrochure brochurehighlights highlightsthese thesefisheries fisheriesand andthethekeykeytowns townsin in which whichyouyoucould could base yourself. yourself. There Thereisismuch muchmore moredetailed detailedinformation onon information thethe www.fishinginireland.infowebsite websiteand onon and thethe accompanying accompanyingGoogle Googlemap: map: SEASONS SEASONS Salmon Salmon fishing fishing inin Ireland IrelandopensopensononJanuary January1st1stonona ahandful handfulofofrivers riversand and after after thatthat thethe remainder remainder of of fisheries fisheriesopen openon onvarious variousdates datesininFebruary, February,March, March, April, May April, May and and June. TheThe June. majority majority of of fisheries fisheriesclose closeon onSeptember September30 30 but th th buta afewfewrivers remain rivers remain open open until October until October 1212 . . th th For up up to to date dateinformation informationon onopening openingand andclosing closingdatesdatesforforindividual individual fisheries fisheries pleaseplease visitvisit From January January to toJune Junespring springsalmon salmon(springers) (springers)are arethe themain mainquarry. quarry. These These salmon salmon tendtendto be to be INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION larger larger than than summer summerfish fishand andanglers anglershavehavethe thebest bestchance chanceofofcatching catching one one onon rivers riverssuch as as such Ireland Ireland hashas long long beenbeenknown knownasasone oneofofthethebest bestsalmon salmonangling anglingdestinations destinations in in Europe Europe the Drowes Drowes inin Counties CountiesDonegal Donegal&&Leitrim, Leitrim,thetheRiver RiverLaune Launein inCo.Co.Kerry Kerryor or thethe Delphi Delphi Fishery Fishery andand anglers anglers have have beenbeen visitingIreland visiting Irelandfor formany manyyears yearsininaaquest questforforSalmo Salmo salar. salar. in Co. Co. Mayo. Mayo. Springers Springerscan canalso alsobebecaught caughtininloughs loughssuch suchasasCarrowmore Carrowmore Lake Lake in Co. in Co.MayoMayo So,So, whatwhat makes makes Irelandsuch Ireland suchananoutstanding outstandingsalmon salmonangling anglingdestination? destination? The The Atlantic Atlantic which which can can produce produce some somefinefinefish fishfrom fromMarch Marchonwards. onwards.There Therearearealso alsosome some smaller smaller spate spate salmon salmon (“Bradán” (“Bradán” in inGaelic), Gaelic),is isa anative nativeIrish Irishfish fishand andmostmostrivers rivers get get aa run run ofof salmon salmon rivers rivers such such as as the theOwenduff OwenduffRiver Riverininnorth northMayo Mayothat thatcan cangetgeta adecent decent runrun of of spring spring salmon. salmon. from from springuntil spring untilautumn. autumn.SalmonSalmoncan canbebecaught caughtininIrish Irish waters waters from from January January right From mid mid June June onwards onwardsthe themore morenumerous numerousgrilse grilseoror‘summer ‘summersalmon’ salmon’ predominate. predominate. TheyThey through through to to thetheendend ofofSeptember Septemberand, and,with withapproximately approximately70,000 70,000kilometres kilometres of of rivers rivers typically typically weigh weigh from from 1.5kg 1.5kgtoto3kg 3kgand andare arewidely widelyfound foundthroughout throughout thethe country. country. ThisThis is is andand streams, streams, there there is is ananabundance abundanceofofspawning spawningand andnursery nurseryhabitat habitat for for juvenile juvenile fish. when when fisheries fisheries like likethe theMoyMoyininCo.Co.Mayo, Mayo,the theGalway GalwayFishery Fisheryin in Co.Co.Galway Galway and and thetheMun-Mun- TheThe climate climate is another is another factor.Sitting factor. Sittingininthe thenorth northAtlantic, Atlantic,Ireland Irelandhas hasaamoderate moderate humidhumid ster Blackwater Blackwater inin Co. Co. Cork Corkcancanprovide providespectacular spectacularsport sportin ina agreat great setting. setting. In addition In addition climate climate providingsufficient providing sufficientprecipitation precipitationfor forthe themany manyspatespate rivers rivers along along itsits Atlantic Atlantic to the the bigger bigger rivers rivers there therearearenumerous numeroussmaller smallersystems, systems,mainly mainlyin inthethewestern western half of of half thethe seasea board. board. Mild,wet Mild, wetwinters wintersmeanmeanspawning spawningstreamsstreamsremain remain ice-free, ice-free, and and frequent frequent country, country, which which can canprovide provideexcellent excellentgrilse grilsefishing. fishing.IrishIrishgrilse grilseruns are runs arestillstill some some of of thethemostmost rainrain means means lowlow water water levelsare levels areusually usuallyrare. rare.Finally, Finally,Ireland’s Ireland’smostly mostlywildwild and and rugged rugged prolific prolific in in Western WesternEurope Europeand andoffer offerthe thesalmon salmonfisherman fishermana agreat greatchance chance of of success. success. environment environment andand rivers rivers addaddtotothe theoverall overallexperience. experience. METHODS METHODS ButBut it’sit’s notnot allall about about thethe fishing.Ireland fishing. Irelandhashasaawealth wealthofofscenery sceneryand andhistory history toto explore explore For the the angler angler inin Ireland Ireland the thethree threemain mainmethods methodsemployed employedforforsalmon angling salmon areare angling fly fly if you if you take take a break a break fromfrom fishing.Whether fishing. Whetheryou youwant wanttotoexplore explorethe thebreath-taking breath-taking Wild Wild fishing, fishing, spinning spinning and andbait baitfishing. fishing. Atlantic Atlantic Way Way or or Ireland’smystic Ireland’s mysticAncient AncientEast…it’s East…it’sup uptotoyou! you!There There are are great great restau- restau- rants, rants, cafescafes andand pubs,most pubs, mostofofwhich whichserve servegood goodfoodfoodasaswell well as as drink. drink. What What better better Fly Fishing Fishing wayway to to relax relax after after a along longday’s day’ssalmon salmonfishing fishingthan thanwith withaatasty tastyevening evening meal meal andand a The classic classic way wayto tofish fishfor forsalmon salmonisiswith withthe thefly. fly.Double Doublehanded handed rods rods areare notnot always essential always essential pintpint or ortwo…two… and usually usually aasingle singlehanded handedrodrodororaaswitch switchrodrodwillwillbebesufficient to to sufficient cover coverthethe water properly. water properly. On most most Irish Irish rivers rivers one one would wouldneed neednothing nothinglarger largerthan thana a1010to to12ft 12ft rodrod ## 7/8 7/8withwith a a
floating floating or oranan intermediate intermediateline. line.There Therearearethe theodd oddexceptions exceptionssuch suchas asthe the Cork Cork Blackwater, Blackwater, GUIDING GUIDING thetheGalway Galway Weir Weir Fishery FisheryororthetheRiver RiverMoyMoywhere whereaadouble doublehanded handedrod rodcancanbe bemore more suitable. suitable. There are There are aa large largenumber numberofofguides guidesandandghillies ghilliesspecialising specialisingin in salmon salmon fishing fishing in Ireland in Ireland ManyMany anglers anglers useusedifferent different density densitypoly polyleaders leadersinincombination combinationwith withaa10 10to to 15lbs. 15lbs. mono mono or and itit isis usually usually advisable advisablefor forananangler anglervisiting visitinga afishery fisheryforforthethefirst first time time to to hirehire a a fluorocarbon fluorocarbon tippet. tippet.Traditionally, Traditionally,ononsome somerivers riverssuch suchasasthetheMoy MoyororMourne Mourneanglersanglers also also fish guide for guide for aa day day oror two. two.This Thisisisparticularly particularlythe thecase casewith withthethelarger larger rivers, rivers, as as a guide a guide thethe“bubble “bubble and andfly” using fly” usingspinning spinningtackle. tackle.Fly-fishing Fly-fishingfor forsalmon salmonon onloughs loughsisisan anIrish Irish specialty. specialty. have local will have local knowledge knowledge ofof the thewater waterand andspecific specificsalmon salmonlieslieswhich whichwillwill greatly greatly MostMost loughs loughs fishfish best bestwhen when there thereis isa a“good “goodwave.” wave.”Typical Typicalrodsrodsforforlough loughstyle stylesalmon salmon fishing fishing increase chances increase chances of of hooking hookingup.up.You Youwill willneed needtotocontact contactand andmakemakeyouryourownown arrange- arrange- would would bebe 1010 to to11ft 11ftlong long# #7/8 7/8and andsalmon salmonare arefished fishedforforininmuch muchthe the same same wayway as as one ments with ments with guides guides and andtotohelp helpwithwiththis, this,there thereis isa alistlistofofangling anglingguides guides available available at:at: fishes fishes forfor trout. TheThe trout. majority majorityofoffishing fishingwould wouldbebeusing usingfloating floatinglines linesandand thethe standard standard cast consists consists of of3 flies 3 flies(one (onepoint pointflyfly& &twotwodroppers). droppers).While Whileaatraditional traditionalriverriverpattern pattern such such as a shrimp shrimp flyflyis typically is typically fished fishedononthethepoint, point,thethedroppers droppersusuallyusuallyconsist consist of of standard standard trout trout or REGULATIONS REGULATIONS seasea trout flies trout in size flies in size8 to 1212 8 to depending dependingononthe thewave. wave.ItItwould wouldbe bemore morethan thanusual usual for for one one of order to In order to fish fish for for salmon salmonininIreland Irelandanglers anglersarearerequired requiredtotoobtain obtaina a “Salmon “Salmon RodRod these these flies to to flies bebe a Green a Green Peter. Peter. Licence”. The Licence”. The licence licencecancanbebeobtained obtainedfromfromInland InlandFisheries FisheriesIreland, Ireland, any any rodrod licence licence dis-dis- tributor or tributor or online onlineat at Thereare are a number a number of of different different Ireland Ireland is the birthplace is the birthplace ofofmany manyfamousfamoussalmon salmonfliesfliessuch suchasasthe theThunder Thunder and and Lightning Lightning or licence types licence types available available(day, (day,annual, annual,district, district,21 21day dayetc.). etc.).For For thethe visiting visiting angler, angler, thethe 2121 thethe Black Black Doctor Doctor to to name namebutbuta afew. few.However, However,when whenone onethinks thinksofofflyflypatterns, patterns, thethe shrimp shrimp licence isis probably day licence probablythe themost mostconvenient thetime timeofofwriting writing (2019), (2019), there there is is fly fly must must bebe seen seenasasthethequintessential quintessentialIrish Irishstyle stylesalmon salmonfly. fly. Though Though everyone everyone has has their annual bag an annual bag limit limitof of1010salmon salmonororsea seatrout trout(over (over40cm) 40cm)and andallallfishfish which which areare kept kept favourites, favourites, oneonewouldwould never never gogotoo toofarfarwrong wrongwithwithpatterns patternssuch suchasasthetheAlly’s Ally’s Shrimp, Shrimp, Bann have to to be be tagged taggedand andrecorded recordedininthe thelog logbook. book.However, However,depending depending ononthethe time time of of Special Special Shrimp, Shrimp, Wilkinson WilkinsonShrimp, Shrimp,Curry’s Curry’sRed RedShrimp, Shrimp,Shadow ShadowShrimp Shrimpor or Foxford Foxford Shrimp. Shrimp. and individual year and individualfishery, fishery,additional additionalrestrictions restrictionssuch suchasasbagbag limits, limits, “Catch “Catch & Release” & Release” IrishIrish flies tend flies tendto tostart startononthethesmall smallside. side.Size Size88flies fliesareareoften oftenused usedininhigher higher cooler cooler water, water, may apply. etc. may apply. TheThe Wild Wild Salmon SalmonandandSeaSeaTrout TroutTagging TaggingScheme Schemeregulates regulates salmon salmon thenthen as as thethe water waterwarms, warms,thetheflies fliesarearescaled scaleddown downtoto12s 12sand and even even 14s14s inin somesome cases. cases. Micro-tubes Micro-tubes havehave also alsobecome becomequite quitepopular popularininrecent recentyears. years.Other Other salmon salmon flies of of flies notenoteareareCascade, Cascade,Willie WillieGunn, Gunn,HairyHairyMary, Mary,Silver SilverStoat, Stoat,Green Green Highlander Highlander or orCollie CollieDog. Dog. Spinning Spinning Spinning Spinningforforsalmon salmon cancanbebea averyveryeffective effectivemethod methodwhenwhenconditions conditions suit suit and and in heavy in heavywater waterit may it mayalso alsobebethetheonly onlyrealistic realisticoption optiontototake takeaafish. fish.Usually Usually aa 1010 to 11ft to 11ftrodrod with a 10 with a 10 to to 60g 60gcasting castingweight weightwillwillbe beable abletotocope copewith withmost most conditions. Probably conditions. Probably thethe most mostfavoured favouredlurelureininIreland Irelandisisthe theFlying FlyingC,C,with with red red andandblack blackbeing beingtwotwoofof thethemost mostpopular popularcolours. colours.Other Otherpopular popularspinning spinningbaits baits include Toby, include Toby,Copper Copper && Silver Spoon Silver Spoonororsmall smallplugs. plugs.AsAsthe thewater waterwarms warmsup,up,lure lure sizesize should bebe should reduced reduced andandthethe speed speedofofretrieve retrieveincreased. increased.Spinning Spinningupstream upstream cancanbebehighly highlyeffective effective when when thethegrilse grilseare arerunning. running.On Onlakes, lakes,trolling trollingaaDevon Devon or Toby or Tobycancan bebe very effective very effectiveparticularly particularlyininthetheearly earlypart partofofthe theseason seasonasas itit enables enablesyouyouto to cover covera lot ofofground a lot groundduring duringa aday’s day’sfishing. fishing. Bait Bait TheThe mainmainbait fishing bait techniques fishing techniquesareareshrimp shrimpororprawn prawnandandworming. worming.Prawns Prawns andandshrimps shrimpsareareusually usuallypresented presentedonona afloat floatrig rigand andtrotted trotteddown downthe the cur- cur- rent. Worms rent. Worms cancan also bebe also presented presentedininthisthisway wayororpresented presentedstatic, static,close closetotoaa known known salmon salmonlie.lie. TheThe normal normalwaywaytotofish fisha aworm wormisistotouse useaabunch bunchof of three three on on a single hook; a single hook; however howevera asingle singleworm wormcan canalso alsoproduce produceresults. results.Rods Rodsforfor baitbait fishing areare fishing generally generally11ft 11ftlong longand andhave haveaacasting castingweight weightofofupuptoto80g. 80g.
andand seaseatrout trout fishing fishing in inIreland Irelandand andis isadministered administeredby byInland InlandFisheries Fisheries Ireland. Ireland. Please Please FURTHER FURTHER INFORMATION INFORMATION note note that that thethe regulations regulations andandbye-laws bye-lawsare aresubject subjecttotochange. change.Contact Contactyour your local local Inland Inland Angling Angling Information Information Fisheries Fisheries Ireland Irelandoffice officeforforinformation informationononindividual individualrivers. rivers. This guide guide provides provides aabasic basicintroduction introductiontotosalmon salmonfishing fishingin inIreland Ireland and and gives gives a summary a summary ForFor thethe vastvast majority majority ofofsalmon salmonfisheries, fisheries,anglers anglerswill willrequire requireaapermit permitinin addition addition toto the of some some of of the the key keyfisheries. fisheries.However, However,there therearearea anumber numberofofresources resources where whereyouyou cancan findfind State State Licence. Licence.Each Eachfishery fisherycan canhave haveitsitsown ownrules rulesononmethods methodsallowed, allowed, bagbag limits limits etc., more detailed detailed andand up-to-date up-to-dateangling anglinginformation. information.Firstly, Firstly,there thereis isa adedicated dedicated angling angling however however wewe encourage encourageallallanglers anglerstotopractice practiceC&R C&R(see (seebelow). below). Fisheries Fisheries regulations regulations website website which which has has more moredetailed detailedinformation informationononindividual individualfisheries fisheries and andservice service providers providers arearesubject subjectto tochange changeand andsosoanglers anglersshould shouldcheck check for for the the latest latest information information on: at: If you you are are planning planningon onfishing fishingininNorthern NorthernIreland IrelandororononthetheFoyleFoyle and andCarlingford Carlingford CATCH CATCH & RELEASE & RELEASE catchments catchments on on either eitherside sideofofthe theborder borderyou youshould shouldconsult: consult: WeWe allall havehave a responsibility a responsibilitytotoprotect protectand andconserve conserveourourfisheries fisheries so so that that they they can can be enjoyed enjoyedbyby future futuregenerations. generations.Most Mostfisheries fisheriesface facemultiple multiplethreats threats including including pollution, pollution, and water water abstraction abstraction andand illegal illegalfishing, fishing,allallofofwhich whichhave haveaanegative negativeimpact impact on on fish fish stocks. stocks. IFI also also produces produces aa weekly weeklyAngling AnglingUpdate Updatewhichwhichprovides providesup-to-date up-to-date reports reports on on what what ForFor that that reason, reason,wewewould wouldask askthat thatallallanglers anglersconsider considerpracticing practicing Catch Catch & & Release Release anglers anglers are are catching catchingand andwhere. where.YouYoucan cansign signupuptotobebeemailed emailed thethe weekly weekly Angling Angling Update Update forfor thethe majority majorityof of fishfishthey theycatch. catch.Record Recordany anytrophy trophyfish fishwith withaaquick quick photo photo and and then by emailing emailing carefully carefullyreturn returnto to thethewater. water.Remember: Remember:#CPRsavesfish #CPRsavesfish General General Tourism Tourism Ireland Ireland also also has has aa general generaltourism tourismwebsite www.ireland.comthat thatwillwill help youyou help plan your plan your trip to to Ireland. Ireland. ItItprovides providesaawealth wealthofofinformation informationonontravel traveland accommodation and accommodation as as well as as well information information on on things thingstotodo doand andsee seewhile whilevisiting visitingthe theisland. island. Safety Safety Angling Angling isis aa water water based basedactivity activitywith withchanging changingconditions conditionsandanddangers dangers that areare that sometimes sometimes hidden. hidden. Drowning Drowning isis an anever everpresent presentriskriskand andyou youshould shouldexercise exerciseutmost utmost care forfor care your ownown your safety safety and and that that ofof angling anglingpartners/buddies. partners/buddies. Please Please remember rememberthe thefollowing followingwhen whengoing goingfishing: fishing: • Wear Wear aa lifelife jacket. jacket. • Follow Follow advice adviceon onwarning warningsigns, signs,permits permitsand andnotices notices • Don’t Don’t take take anyanyrisks riskswhen whenwading wadingororfishing fishingfrom fromboat, boat,shore shoreororbank bank • Check Check thethe weather weatherforecast forecastand andtide tidetables tablesbefore beforeyouyougogo • Take Take time time to to observe observeweather, weather,water waterand andtidetideconditions conditionswhile fishing while fishing • Fish Fish with with aa partner/buddy partner/buddyororlet letsomeone someoneknow knowwhere whereyou’re you’regoing going • Take Take aa fully fully charged chargedmobile mobilephone phoneininaawaterproof waterproofcase/bag. case/bag. • Wear Wear appropriate appropriateclothing clothingand andfootwear footwear For aa more more detailed detailedguide guidetotosafety safetywhen whenangling anglingplease pleasevisit: visit: ##CCPPRRSSaavveessffisishh
MAIN IRISH SALMON FISHERIES This brochure features some of the top Irish salmon fisheries that not only consistently produce salmon but also provide an adequate infrastructure for the visiting angler. In addition to the mentioned fisheries, there are many other fisheries which also can provide great salmon fishing at times. Featuring all Irish salmon fisheries in detail would go beyond the scope of this brochure so this is just a sample of some of the main ones. Leave No Trace The River Moy is Ireland’s most prolific salmon river. It rises in Co. Sligo and provides some of the best salmon fishing available in Ireland. On its way to the sea it flows through the town of Foxford, Co. Mayo which is an excellent base for the visiting angler. There are over 15 individual fisheries on the Moy catering for any taste or budget. In Ballina, Ireland’s Salmon Capital, the Moy reaches the tidal waters and it is here where the world-renowned Ridge Pool attracts hundreds of anglers each year! The river gets a decent spring run but the prime time on the Moy, without doubt, are the summer months when the grilse are running in vast numbers. Please adhere to the seven principles of Leave No Trace Ireland: The Munster Blackwater rises in Co. Kerry and flows for over 160 kilometers through Counties Kerry, Cork and Waterford to the tide at Cappoquin. It gets its name due to the peaty colouration of the water and it is said not to run truly clear until July. It is a large and broad river with plenty of pools, streams and glides and the fishing is spread among many private and club fisheries. It rates as one of the best salmon rivers in Ireland, getting good runs of fish from early season right through to season close in September. Also situated in Co. Cork, the River Bandon, & River Ilen get good runs of salmon and are well worth fishing. The Corrib River or Galway Fishery starts at Nimmo’s Pier, near the Claddagh, in Galway Bay and runs all the way up to the entrance of Lough Corrib. The best fishing is on ‘The Weir’ fishery immediately Plan ahead and prepare; Travel and camp on durable surfaces; Dispose of waste downstream of the Galway Weir. There can be good spring salmon fishing, but the best months are May, June & early July when the grilse run is usually in full swing. This fishery can produce extraordinary fishing during the grilse run when water levels are right and so the fishing is in high demand. You need to book early in the year to ensure you get a slot. The River Drowes is famous for its early season salmon, being one of the few rivers opening on 1st January and it regularly produces Ireland’s first salmon of the year. The river flows for about 8 kilometres draining properly; Leave what you find; Minimise campfire impacts (be careful with fire); the 270 square kilometre catchment into the Atlantic and generally keeps good water levels right through the season, being fed by Lough Melvin. There is a good run of spring salmon from the 1st January through to April/May with some summer and autumn fish. The main grilse run starts around the end of May peaking around June/July. Only a short distance away from the Drowes, the River Duff can also provide good salmon fishing during a flood. Respect wildlife; Be considerate of other visitors. Located in Co. Kerry, the River Laune is a short (23 km) river fed by the Killarney Lakes. It has over 60 named pools and can produce some spring fish in early season, mainly in the upper sections of the river. By May these fish are well distributed throughout the river and this month is known for producing bigger fish. Grilse begin to run in May too and while the run peaks in June fishing remains good right up to season end. Carrowmore Lake, situated in the far northwest of Co. Mayo is the premier spring salmon fishing lough in the country. The best spring fishing begins with the first mild and settled weather in late February and Vehicles should be parked in designated areas and in such a manner that they do not peaks in April and May. The lake, which is also noted for its grilse and sea trout fishing is over 6.5 kilometres long and nearly 5 kilometres wide at its widest point. Carrowmore is drained by the Munhin River, which joins the Owenmore River before entering Tullaghan Bay. The Owenmore and its sister river the Owenduff can also be prolific spate fisheries. Lough Beltra and the nearby Burrishoole Fishery are also well-known salmon loughs located in Co. Mayo. cause obstruction. The Ballisodare River is just 8 kilometres long and flows from Collooney into Ballisodare Bay. With its tributaries it drains a catchment of 650 Anglers should fish responsibly and sustainably – where possible use square kilometres, which includes Lough Arrow. Short as it is, it’s probably the most prolific salmon fishery in Co. Sligo. Most of the fishing action takes place in the tidal section below the single barbless hooks and practice no-weight, “in the water” catch and “Butt” of the Ballisodare Falls and the river it- self above the falls is also extremely productive For a more detailed Google map scan the QR code or use the following web link: throughout the season. release. The River Suir and its tributaries drain most of County Tipperary. The Suir is 185 kilometres long Lackagh R. and passes by the Galtees, the Knockmealdown 2014 and the Comeragh Mountains before joining her sister rivers the Barrow and Nore, and entering the sea. The best of the salmon fishing on the Salmon Fishery . Suir extends downstream from Ardfinnan to- aR arr eeb wards Carrick-on-Suir. The Suir gets some early Gw Biosecurity fish though salmon fishing does not really start until the grilse run in June/July. In August and September the Suir has runs of large grilse and nR . an autumn run of some much larger fish which are Gle Aquatic Invasive Species and fish pathogens are readily transferred from one water- believed to be multi spawners. The River Feale is a big fast flowing spate river subject to flooding during periods of persistent R. course to another on angling tackle, boats and protective clothing. These can be very Dro rainfall. The river rises in the mountain district of we s north Co. Cork and flows westerly for 75 kilo- R. D uff metres through the county towns of Abbeyfeale damaging to resident fish stocks, the aquatic habitat and the general environment. We and Listowel and enters the sea south of Moy Estua Ballybunion. There are fish in the river from the start of the season and the best of the spring fish- would ask that all anglers inspect and clean their gear prior to travelling to Ireland ry ing is up to mid-April depending on water levels. Ballisodare R. Grilse start to run from mid-June and there is often an improvement in mid-July, with very good fishing to fish. for larger fish from mid-August to the end of the season in September, in suitable water conditions. The River Boyne rises in Co. Kildare and mean- Full information on prevention of invasive species is available on our website at: ders its way in a north easterly direction for over 100 kilometres through counties Offaly, Meath and Louth before entering the Irish Sea below the historic town of Drogheda. The main salmon and sea trout fisheries are located on the lower reaches of the river between Navan and Drogheda and most of the fishing is controlled by angling associa- tions with some being maintained by private fishery Or via Invasive Species Ireland at owners. In summer the best of the salmon fishing is located between Slane and Oldbridge. Good numbers of salmon are taken annually between the months of July and September on the fisheries downstream of Slane village. The privately owned Delphi Fishery is one of many Corr excellent salmon fisheries in the West of Ireland. The ib/ Ga lwa fishery consists of the Bundorragha River, and two Disclaimer yR . larger lakes draining the Delphi Valley, Finlough and Doolough. Spring salmon run into the fishery from the start of the season in February right up to June, Every effort has been taken to ensure accuracy in the compilation of this publication with most taken on the river or Finlough. Grilse enter the river from late May, with the run peaking in July. Other notable salmon fisheries in the west of Ireland and associated maps and web pages. Inland Fisheries Ireland cannot accept respon- include the Ballynahinch & Lough Inagh System, Costello & Fermoyle and the River Erriff to name but a few. sibility for errors or omissions therein. Some sporting activities may by their nature The Owenea River runs for some 21 kilometres draining Lough Ea in the west of the Croaghs, into the sea at Ardara. The Owenea is primarily a spate river be hazardous and involve risk. It is recommended in such cases to take out personal taking around 1 to 2 days to run off after a good flood and is regarded as one of the best salmon riv- ers in Co. Donegal. The river has a run of spring salm- accident insurance. While many operators would have public liability insurance it is on, grilse and sea trout but the best fishing is during the summer months when the grilse are running. Other popular salmon fisheries in Co. Donegal include the always advisable to check with the establishment or operator concerned as to the Eske, Gweebarra, Eany and Glen Rivers. Lough Currane, is located east of the picturesque vil- lage of Waterville on the scenic Ring of Kerry. Lough level of cover carried. Currane covers an area of approximately 10km2 and it drains directly into the sea at Ballinskelligs Bay. Mostly known for its sea trout fishing, the lake can also Owenmore provide good salmon fishing from as early as April/ May. The nearby River Inny and the Caragh System Acknowledgements located approximately 35 kilometres further north can also provide good salmon fishing at times. Caragh © Published by Inland Fisheries Ireland 2019, P/N: IFI/2019/1-0451 - 005 Photos courtesy of: Christin Breuker, Markus Müller & James Barry. SALMON ANGLING IRELAND/NORTHERN IRELAND Loughs Agency DERRY The island of Ireland consists of two separate countries: ANTRIM The document includes Ordnance Survey Ireland data reproduced under OSi Copyright DAERA DONEGAL the Republic of Ireland (also known as Eire or South- IFI TYRONE ern Ireland) and Northern Ireland, which is part of the Border FERM UK. As a result of this, there are three separate agen- AN DOWN Permit No. MP 007508. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Ordnance Survey Ireland AGH ARMAGH MO cies that control fishing on the island of Ireland: Inland LE NA SLIGO ITR GH Fisheries Ireland (IFI) which controls the majority of the IM A CAVAN N fishing in the Republic of Ireland, the Department of Ag- IN IRELAND MAYO LOUTH and Government of Ireland copyright. © Ordnance Survey Ireland. RD ROSC riculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) which FO d NG ation on fishing in Irelan OM LO MEATH controls most of the fishing in Northern Ireland, and the For up to date inform MEAT H MO WEST log onto: www.fishin N Loughs Agency, which controls the fishing on the Foyle GALWAY DUBLIN E or send an email to: OFFALY and Carlingford systems that span the border between DA R This brochure can be made available in alternate formats upon request. KIL Northern Ireland and Ireland. These areas are marked contact@fisheriesirelan LAOIS WICKLOW CLARE on the adjacent map. TIP CARLOW This brochure only provides information on fishing in IFI er: PE RA book and Twitt KIL RY controlled waters in Ireland. Anglers wishing to fish in Follow us on Face KE LIMERICK WEXFORD NN ireland Loughs Agency or DAERA controlled waters should check .com/fishingin Y www.facebook the relevant website for information before fishing: WATERFO RD CORK te DAERA: @AnglingUpda KERRY and-services/outdoor-recreation-and-sport/angling Loughs Agency:
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